#im sorry my reply is so short
uglypastels · 11 months
hellooooo i am @boiolayficrec lol i already commented on the reblog, but babe I'm here all for the coments on your masterpiece. I've thought of many possible future events, but I have the memory of a goldfish so I dont remember them all, but last chapter made me think that MAYBE eddie and yn met in the past and (i might be very delulu BUT) the letter that she read was for her, but I thought "uhm but how doesnt ahe remember him" and then my conclusion was: the hit her head and had amnesia or they were very young, but after today's chapter I think that the "him" Steve says it's Jason Carver who was Eddie's collegue at the royal navy or smth like that (they worked for the rich as soldiers idk the oficial terms lol) and that also "stole" Chrissy, who had some romantic envolvment with Eddie and WHO HE WROTE THE LETTER TO AAAA
Yeah maybe I'm delusional and you are probably laughing at me rn BUT IM HAPPY ILUDING MYSELF
Also bear with me coming here to bother you
You are lovely bby ❤️❤️
i would absolutely never laugh at any theory and its not delusional at all 😆 this is a fanfic after all, literally anything could happen. and i wish i could say more but i also don't want to give too much away for the final chapters but i mean....
and literally never a bother. i invited you in here, stay as long as you like
Chapter 8 of Not Wholly Evil - OUT NOW
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I've always wondered if you happened to have a discord? If not have you ever considered making one?
i do have one! however i use it very sparingly because 1) new people (especially groups) scare me & 2) brain's been fucking weird for a hot minute and i barely talk to people i'm already friends with let alone strangers
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sshcomic · 6 months
You have given me a great joy in life with your Renkaza au
May I ask, what happened to the rest of the Kamado family? Did they get their canon ending or are they with Nezuko as they try to deal with her new demonification?
oh yay im glad you're enjoying it so far! 🥰
nezuko's actually with her brother in the box, like in canon lol. i just havent drawn her--or inosuke or zenitsu--in the panels we've seen, but they're there!
as for the rest of the kamados... i actually havent decided LOL. my instinct is to save everyone, since this is a light-hearted comic strip, but also i'm not sure i'd be able to reliably write that since it involves more plot than the "stupid jokes loosely following canon" i mostly have written down aha. so i suppose it's a surprise for now, even for myself.
i guess we'll see!
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enden-k · 8 months
Hi so um where should I start lol
Your art is stunning. I've been looking at it for many months (without blinking) now and every time it's such a treat!
God, I love everything about it. Yout artstyle is so distinct, like damn. You're one of my favourite Kavetham artists ever, you draw them so well, and your hcs and comics of them are so on point, especially the banter, I just love them so muchshshshshhs
Your Alhaitham is so pretty and sexy like, I was already diagnosed with Hayi addiction, and your art turned it into Hayi obsession (my lawyers will hear about this).
Oh, and witch Haitham? I'm dead, I'm on the floor, I'm below the floor, I'm six feet under, I'm ascending into celestia, he's so beautiful omg
And your Kaveh is so cute too, like he's so baby and a little dumb, I love that for him. Also his hair is so pretty and nice to look at + the expressions you draw for him are sending me, he's literally every emotion lmao
Also, not Kavetham related, but umm- your Arlecchino ahem- 😳😳😳😳 like girl didn't have to hit so hard but I'm so glad she did (daddy sorry daddy sorry da-)
And I love how you drew her eyes!
Oh, about the eyes, I think they're one of the most distinctive traits when I think about your artstyle, like, for every character I mean. They're always so bright, and expressive and pretty, I love how you draw & color eyes, they're just *chef's kiss*
Can't forget the horni stuff either like ayo- 👀 I've never stared more disrespectfully in my life
Anyways your artworks are beautiful and majestic and gorgeous ('n funni), I'm so happy we're into the same ship so I was able to discover your wonderful artstyle!
Sorry for the random essay, just didn't know how to put it short, but yeah, love your stuff! Keep doing the thing man
anon i dont even know what to say omg 😭😭😭 this makes me happy stim fr thanku sm, im gonna hold on to this message forever KAJSCBKJAS <3
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caroldantops · 1 year
Imagine daddy carol catches you sitting on the toilet with you diaper on the floor she is so mad to the point she picks you up and spanks you right there and then grabs mittens so you can't take off the diaper and puts two one you so you have to crawl and she won't change you till both diapers are full
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nefling · 9 months
me frothing at the mouth bc i want to write more with my replies to rps but my vocabulary sucks and I'm super lazy
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pvremichigan · 2 months
To all my mutuals, I wish you all a very god I’m bad at this replying thing I’m so sorry it’s been months for some of you.
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thislittlekumquat · 3 months
Let myself lay in bed for like 2 hours aimlessly before getting up and honestly I'm so tired of being alive rn that I don't even care how late my day is getting started
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stamplerfag · 6 months
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@mav-again NO PLEASE G-%$;%?. PLEASE GO ON
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volfoss · 8 months
Okay, the cool monster designs got me: What is Volfoss abt if you don't mind spoiling the game? Does it have a bestiary that tells you about the monsters? Also! How's your day been?
YESSSSS 😈 volfoss is a tactical rpg released only in japan for the ps1, a quick tldr of the story is there are trooper/mercenary (kind of work similarly to the latter, you get letters that give you missions, which can range from kill these burglars -> get rid of these monsters, missing kids and so on. there are also a lot more whimsical quests and also some silly evil ones (havent done the evil route but there are multiple assassination quests)) groups all over the world, and you are in part of one of them. spoilers for like early game stuff (just the start of the first act, and also a vague plot point that is hinted at starting in act 2) under the cut :3
The game starts in Asdenia (one of the big three countries/capitals) with your group, the Silver Fang, being pretty much wiped out by your leader dying. There are pretty much only three of you left, Shalvas (who is the protagonist), Mistos (who is kind of there to help Shalvas early game and also just kind of be the silly guy that Shalvas' straight man (comedy wise) nature bounces off of) and Marica (who goes off on her own after your mentor/leader dies). With the leaders death, the Silver Fang basically lose any popularity/anyone who wants to hire them that they might have had prior, and so the game starts with you going to help out a village in Asdenia that is being attacked by monsters. After that, you get another quest to rescue a girl, and then my best friend Uchida appears <3 hes a info broker basically and is like hey. let me help you get more jobs and over time you do get more because Uchida is the fucking BEST!!
The rest of the game from here on out (this is just the first 3 quests before you're basically set free to do whatever) focuses on taking quests and well. Completing them obviously. There are 5 endings, and the game doesn't let you make dialogue choices (which I like because of how it kind of feels more behind the scenes. You're working WITH Shalvas as a character and influencing him by taking the quests that you want to take instead of directly making choices in dialogue or on missions of what you want him to do. This might be a drawback for some but I really feel like it lets Shalvas be himself and takes a bit of the control out of the players hands), instead the quests influence how it goes. There are 5 types of quests (evil, good, and one for each of the three big countries), and by the end of the first act, it narrows you into one of two paths, which then branch out into the five endings.
Some of my favorite things about it is actually how it handles a lot of topics that most rpgs dont handle well in a really nuanced fashion. There is a big war by the time you hit the last act of the game, which has been ramping up through the game, and it is handled in a very very listening to both sides fashion. The ending I'm on right now has discussions of someone trying to convince another person to help them out in the war, and the other person replies with discussing the value of lives and why the (redacted for spoilers sowwy) people deserve to live more than the other. They also really did good w the female characters in this, Rially is really well written (shes a silly but helpful ally you have), Marica is one of the best women I've seen in any rpg EVER (she has a lot of nuance and there could be a yuri situatuon between her and another woman if you squint a tiny bit), there are women in high positions in government and that's just treated as normal. Disability is also something treated SHOCKINGLY well. One of the villains is missing part of his arm (and has no prosthetic) and it is NEVER brought up or shown as something that he needs to overcome or yk the standard ableist bs. Like he's one of the strongest characters in the game and given a TON of depth. Everyone really is, like this game will make you feel sympathy for characters that other rpgs would have just painted as black and white evil. The protagonists are all AMAZING and the characters are super easy to understand where they are coming from, if not just outright love them. Even the villains get a more morally grey approach than a lot of rpgs would. The writing in general is really good (which is like. not helpful due to there being no english patch and I have machine translated every single line in this game. when i finish the guide it will have summaries and stuff so. if you are interested just wait a bit :) ), the route that I've taken has been super entertaining and dramatic. A lasting theme in the game is the value of life (even if they are an enemy of yours. which is handled very well and do NOT start me on it because it makes me blow upppp) and I think it's a very interesting theme to have due to how as a trooper, you DO have to kill monsters. It treats it better than a lot of rpgs who really only treat the named characters dying as a tragedy but if you kill a bunch of bandits, its completely ok.
To get into gameplay, due to being a game from 2001, it is a bit clunky. But honestly it's pretty easy to pick up (coming from someone who has never played a trpg before) and it's super fun. The gameplay loop doesn't really get boring (esp for a like. 30-50 hour long game. from what i understand from times online) and there's a ton of unique functions (such as a Morgue where you can resurrect enemies that you killed last battle to fight for you for one battle, a Gem system that gives your characters attacks/defense different powers (a red gem gives a fire attack etc and there are many combos) and the faction relationship system (which is partially how endings are decided. You do enough missions for one of the big 3 areas, and they start to like you more and more)).
To get to your bestiary question, yes and no. There is an in game gallery, but unless you can read Japanese (or machine translate), there's not a ton of info there. Here's Rially's page for an example:
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As for stats on the characters, there is that info with the physical game (which I do plan on scanning my copies of the map, unit guide, and manual and put them on the internet archive eventually) and just through a LOT of trial and error. The Volfoss Wiki (all in Japanese as well bc theres like. one site discussing this on the English side of things afaik) has a lot of info on stuff as well. I'm definitely trying to gather more info as I play to put into the guide so there IS info like that out there in the world. You can see all the monsters there and here's a link to most of them online (there's only a few of them missing and I know that due to having a lot of it memorized by this point lol). also sneakily dropping a link to the rom here at the end if you do want to play it :3 i can also give a more detailed description of gameplay and stuff if you are interested. also please look at uchida. its important. and also sheala who has a really cool design, i dont think its super often you find a woman just wearing normal armor in games lol. she is also insanely hard to fight (just beat her and came to tumblr to take a break and then. essay unfortunately)
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and i'm doing ok! a bit tired but staying distracted with getting this scary long guide (76 whole pages.) closer to completion. or at least like 30% being done lol.
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torra-and-the-toons · 8 months
You have made me want to draw one piece warners. SO BAD.
Haha omg YES you should totally do it!! It makes me SO happy to see people enjoying my weirdly niche au's with the Warners, it's just SO much fun to yeet them into various worlds and scenarios, and one piece is just kooky enough that I think they'd fit right in haha. If you do draw them I'd love to see!!
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And to answer two asks in one, I adore this visual so much omg! If I were at my computer still I'd totally draw it...
I too envision Wakko as a very serious worker, honestly. He might not quite understand instructions sometimes but he tries his very bestest! Yakko and Dot, I picture having SUCH a fun time with snarky customers, or just being little shits in general to people who deserve it (and Torra lmao)
Again, another really niche au that I'm really happy someone likes, because it's all I think about while I'm working like, "what would the Warners do today? 🤔"
They're so much fun to play around with in any scenario, they were drawn for this!
Thank you so much for stopping by!!
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greenninjagal-blog · 1 year
I would just like to say that your writing is amazing. You never fail to take me to another world. I dont think i can express how much I love all your storys and can't wait to hear more! I hope you having an amazing day/night/whatever 💛💛
!!!! Thank you so much!! I know I say it a lot but it means so much when I hear that you guys love my writing as much as I enjoy writing it for you!!
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bbnibini · 1 year
Yo! I found you by the Solomon visual novel you wrote. I'm really interested in reading your series. Is there the best way to start? Really love your writing and how much thought you put in characterizing especially with Solomon.
Hello! 👋 Thank you for playing! 🥰 I hope you enjoyed it! To answer your question... Honestly? Just go for whatever work you like. Each entry in the series can offer you something different. Though if you really want some recommendations on where to start, here are some suggestions you may want to consider! (info under the cut)
If you want to go in totally blind, I would highly suggest starting with P.S. I Still Love You. It connects everything quite well and gives a more "shocking" impression. I think it's also the most accessible despite its length. The common route has a more lighthearted start and would ease you into the narrative until we get to the hard mode routes where it gets darker and more serious.
If you are playing Obey Me Nightbringer and you like lore, try starting with Ode to a Lily. There are some terms and concepts that might not make sense at first (especially the end notes) but I've included helpful links within the fic texts to give more context and insight to some references. It's pretty heavy on Celestial Realm politics and lore if you're into that kind of thing. It's also complete! Though the other side of the story, Lilith's perspective is yet to be explored until I write Lucifer's ending in PSISLY. You'll see why.
You can also start with Just You: Chapter 1 then go straight to P.S. I Still Love You. Ignore chapter 2 for now. It will lead you there at the right time. c: If you read it this way, you can get the same experience as starting out with P.S. I Still Love You. Most of my older readers started like this as well!
The only entries I highly discourage to read blindly are the chat logs and Memoria side stories. They wouldn't make any sense unless you read PSISLY or Ode to a Lily. And at OE B moving forward for Barbatos, it will be really spoiler heavy which may affect your enjoyment/immersion.
Oh! If you want to read PSISLY, I have included the route suggestions in carrd (it's in the fic description)! Generally,
Common Route > Mammon > Satan > Barbatos > Lucifer (this isn't released yet) > Final Route (some portions of it are already released)
In between routes, try exploring the fic in a different way (without using the hyperlinks!) You might have a fateful encounter. ^^
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okay so im skolio and gynosexual but i dont particularly like the names of those so watch me come up with my own term and flag for it >:)
ooh fun!!!!
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shepardyke · 1 year
what the hell why is your shep so hot??? is that a custom hair mod or something i can find on nexus?
HEHHE THANK YOU ellie is my babygirl ... mod was done by @jasonntodd :) :) :)
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viruslearnt · 1 year
→ @fluxofthemouth said: "how was i supposed to know that ?" (surely Piter isn't grumpy bc a 14 yr old knew something he didn't...)
" Is it not your JOB as a mentat to know things? ", he challenged with the faux innocence only a nobleborn, who had been taught to pretend, to spread a sense of naivety around his person and who had knowledge far past his years, could manage. " But maybe this isn't the time to discuss how I learnt about it and rather the moment to DO something about it? Just a suggestion. " As much fun as it was to get the better of a mentat, especially one in the service of the Harkonnens, he had reason to genuinely worry for his family.
Of course everyone was expecting something to happen. With so many important people, so many POWERFUL people, in one room it was bound to attract opportunistic attacks by those who sought to destroy either houses and seize their powers. " You do have a plan for a situation like this, right? " Despite the control his mother had drilled into him, the hint of genuine concern over their situation managed to slip past him and betray the seriousness of the situation. He could only hope that would help MOTIVATE the other, prove that he had not just approached him to play games but to prevent disaster before his parents could ever even realise the danger they might be in and reluctantly, he had to admit he would not like the idea of the Harkonnens coming to harm either, as much as he despised them at times, death seemed like too harsh a punishment for them.
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