#im on a comedown so if i sound weird thats why
boobexplosion · 4 months
just rewatched repo.... luigi you stupid cunt... youre a transgender........... he's so compensating.... even got the surgery scars. just like him i am always finding a reason to take my shirt off post op
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Qi Flows for Her
Chapter Two
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC x Bucky Barnes  |  Word Count: 5561 Warnings: Swearing
Celine stood on the pinnacle of the pretty bridge, staring out at the beauty of Central Park. Evening was falling, her favourite time of day. Long shadows were beginning to coat the buildings beyond the trees and deepened the ones beneath the foliage. The sound of the water under the bridge soothed her anxiety. The two males with her helped as well.
Peter was full of energy, vitality, and fun. Just like his aura, he bubbled with excitement.
It lifted her spirits.
Bucky, too, took her mind off of the drama which was likely unfolding high above in the tower. One would never know to look at him that he was from a different era. He fit quite well into this one. He laughed and joked with Peter about current sports teams and relevant celebrities. Even with the dark aura which hung around him, he had a soothing presence.
When Peter’s phone rang and he sighed, his aura dimming, she knew he was being called home. The little spider was still in high school and had other obligations. He covered his involvement with the Avengers, and as Spider-Man, by saying he was interning with Tony after having won some sort of scholarship. From what she'd seen of his intelligence, it was a good misdirection.
“It is alright, Peter. I am certain I will be here at least a few days.” If this alliance didn’t work out, she would make sure she got to say goodbye before she left. “Will you do me a favour, little spider?”
“Name it, Celine!”
She touched his cheek. “I would rather people not know about my… preferred food source. Can we keep the vampire comments between us?”
His face fell, the thought sobering, but he nodded. “I understand.”
His emotions rippled through his aura. She could feel his disappointment, both in keeping her secret and in how the others had reacted to her. Cupping his chin, she tilted his face up. “Peter, I am fine.” It wasn’t the first time others had reacted poorly to her.
“It's just… not fair. You’re on our side.”
“Hey, pal.” Bucky laid a hand on Peter’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. Steve and I’ll look after Celine and help her fit in. This isn’t going to go there. This ain’t ending up another battle at the airport.”
“Promise?” He looked to Bucky.
Celine frowned, not really understanding the spiking emotions of the two males or the subtle nuances.
“Promise, pal.”
Peter heaved a sigh but smiled and nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you in a few days. If I’m not home in thirty Aunt May is gonna freak.” He took off at a run with a wave.
“Will he make it alright?” Celine asked.
“Parker?” Bucky chuckled. “He’s the web-slinger. He’ll make it.”
Celine leaned back against the edge of the bridge, resting her hands beside her hips. “What did I miss in that exchange?”
He sighed, leaning beside her. “When things went bad after the accords, it split the team. Steve and I were on one side. Peter was on Tony’s. After, when things settled down, and we all made peace, Peter got real attached to Steve. Pretty sure the kid didn’t want to watch the two of them go at it over you, so when he asked to come with…” Bucky shrugged.
Celine brought a hand to her mouth. “I told Charles… I’m not the right choice for this,” she whispered, shaking her head sadly.
“Hey now, it ain’t like that.” His fingers lightly touched the back of her hand.
She looked up to find his eyes full of kindness. “I can't let Wanda in. I can’t, Bucky. There are… things about me which I do not wish to have known. But I am not a danger to your team.”
“Dollface, I know all about people fuckin’ with your head. If you don’t want her running around upstairs, you ain’t gonna hear me protest.”
“Says the man most suspicious of my arrival.”
“Hey! I… that ain’t fair,” he grumbled, eyes twinkling. “I didn’t know you then.”
“You don’t know me now,” she said, pressing away from the railing and sauntering deeper into the park.
“I know no woman in her right mind would wear shoes like that to walk through the park.”
Grinning over her shoulder, she kicked up a foot. “These old things? You’d be surprised what I can do in a pair of stilettos.” There was an intense spike in his libido which she chose to ignore. This was her team now. She wasn’t going to feed on her team no matter how hungry they made her.
Both super soldiers had stirred something inside her with their initial meeting. The first brush of fingers had jolted through her, built a fire, and brought forth her innate sexuality. They made her hungry with so little effort. Sexual desire was not something she’d felt in many years.
It made her flirty. Too flirty. Dialling it back, Celine tucked her hands in her pockets.
His hand closed around her elbow. “Celine, I meant what I said to Peter. You do belong here. Steve and I will make sure the others see that too.”
She blinked at the determination she found in the set of his jaw. “Thank you, Bucky. I have… difficulty adjusting to new environments.”
“You okay, doll? You seem…” He shook his head.
She pulled her arm gently from his hold and walked on. “I have been a freak of nature since I was twelve. It should not surprise me when people fear and abhor me, but it still does. Peter’s easy acceptance, yours, and Steve’s… it’s unsettling. The only others who have been so accepting are Charles, Rogue, and Logan.”
“You ain’t no better or worse than the next person, Celine. Just cause you’re different doesn’t make you a freak.”
She laughed, the sound full of disbelief. “You do not yet understand, but you will. When you see… when you see what I am… and can say those words, mean those words, then perhaps I will believe you.”
“Celine,” he said, voice full of shock and aura full of sadness.
Turning her head, she smiled, but it did not reach her eyes. “It is alright, Bucky. I am used to being alone. If the team chooses to let me stay without demanding to look through my head, I will fight alongside you. But I do not expect you to be comfortable with me. I am not like you.” She motioned with her chin toward the tower. “Steve approaches.” Not yet willing to find out how badly she’d been rejected, Celine walked the other way to sit on a bench far enough from the two soldiers to give them privacy to speak.
Bucky had not felt this powerless since his time with Hydra.
Celine, this gorgeous, strong woman, one who sustained her own life off the emotions of others, was so clearly fragile and so deeply scarred he wanted nothing more than to drag her into a hug so tight, she would feel safe and protected for the rest of her life.
What had happened in the tower, that shit couldn’t happen again.
“Steve,” he said when the blond stopped at his side. “You rip Tony a new one?”
“Yeah. He’s really got to stop pulling this stuff,” Steve sighed, rubbing a hand over his mouth.
“He come down off his high horse, or he still demanding Wanda vet Celine?”
“Less of a comedown, more of a knocked off. Wanda won’t do it. I guess can’t do it is more the issue. Celine has shields the likes of which Wanda ain���t ever seen before. She’d barely approached Celine’s mind, and Celine noticed.”
“She belongs here, Steve. I promised Parker we’d look after her.”
Steve’s brow arched. “Weren’t you the one saying you didn’t like this idea?”
“Yeah, well, opinions can change. Celine… she needs us.” He didn’t know how he knew, he just did. “She’s… fragile, pal. For all her power, she’s broken inside. She expects us to work with her but not work with her, ya know? Just ghost along on the outskirts of the team.”
Steve glanced her way, noticing how her eyes were closed, her face tilted to the last rays of the sun. She was, truly, incredibly beautiful. Even here in the park, she was drawing eyes. “What she tell you?”
“Just that the only ones who trusted her were Charles, Rogue, and Logan. The fact that you, me, and Peter didn’t bat an eye threw her. She’s apparently used to being alone.”
“What?” Steve couldn’t believe it.
Bucky shrugged. “No matter what happens on this next mission, whatever she reveals herself as, we can’t let it phase us. I got a weird feeling, a gut feeling. She needs us.” His gut feelings back in the day used to be the ones that kept them out of the worst spots of trouble.
“I’m with you, pal.”
“You’d better be, punk.”
They smirked at each other before heading for Celine.
“So, it appears I am not banished from the team after all,” she called out once they were closer.
“Nah, you ain’t getting rid of us that easy.” She opened her eyes once they stood before her, and Bucky had his breath catch. “C’mon. You said you like food. It’s nearly dinner time, and Wanda was cooking tonight.”
She took his outstretched hand. The same jolt from the contact raced up his arm as before when he tugged her to her feet.
“What is the catch, Steve?” she asked once she was upright.
“How do you keep…?” He shook his head, a wry smile spreading across his lips. “Shoot. Am I that easy to read?”
“Like a book, Cap,” she chuckled. “You must be rubbish at poker.”
“Rubbish?” Bucky snickered.
Celine shrugged. “Charles is rather English. Some of his lingo stuck. It means Steve must suck something fierce at cards.”
“Hey, now! I’m not that bad!” the blond super soldier protested.
“Yeah, you are,” Bucky laughed.
“Big jerk.”
“Scrawny punk!”
Celine snickered. “How is this,” she flicked her hand like a game show hostess down Steve’s chest, “scrawny?”
“He was smaller than a flea before he let the Army jack him full of steroids,” Bucky said. “Thought I told you not to do anything stupid?”
“And I told you, you took all the stupid with you. There was no stupid left. Therefore what I did was patriotic.”
She burst out laughing as they crossed the street. “Are you two always like this?”
“Yes,” they said together.
Celine continued to laugh as she turned away from the main doors to the tower.
“That’s the wrong way,” Bucky called out.
She threw a grin over her shoulder. “As I have two such strong men at my disposal, why not get assistance with my luggage?”
Her walk had a distinct tone of sass to it Bucky preferred to the sadness she’d walked in earlier. He glanced at Steve and muttered, “I feel played. Do you feel played?”
“Don’t hate the player!” Celine called as she entered the parking garage.
Squealing tires had Bucky and Steve looking to the left, but Celine was already striding toward her car and never saw him coming until the lights from the speeding vehicle blinded her. She threw up her arms, and her power burst to life around her, but not soon enough to stop the speeding truck from slamming into her side and throwing her through the air.
“Celine!” Bucky and Steve yelled, racing toward her.
“Shit! I’m so sorry!” The driver was out of his vehicle, cellphone in hand.
Ignoring him for the moment, Steve and Bucky knelt to either side of the crumpled form of Celine. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she groaned.
“Doll? You okay? Just lie still. We’ll get some help.” Bucky pressed his hand gingerly down on her shoulder.
“I’m fine,” she said, batting at his hand.
“You just got hit by a truck! You ain’t fine.” Steve glared at the man who was continuing to babble about not seeing her and the coffee he’d spilled in his lap had distracted him.
“Bucky. Steve, I’m fine,” she reiterated, sitting up against Bucky’s pressing hand. “Just help me up.”
They both gaped at her before each took a hand and lifted her gingerly to her feet.
“Broke my favourite pair of shoes,” she muttered.
“That’s it?” Bucky gasped. “A shoe? You got hit by a truck, and it broke your shoe?”
She blinked at him. “Um… yes?”
“Jesus!” He threw up his hands, turned toward the driver and pointed. “Get the fuck out of here, and slow the fuck down!” The man was one he recognized from the tower, though Bucky wasn’t sure which department he was in. “You’re damn lucky she’s enhanced our you likely would have killed her!”
“Yes, sir!” the man scrambled to obey. “I’m really sorry, ma’am!” he shouted as he got in his truck and practically crawled out of the building.
Celine’s knees wobbled, and Steve grabbed her around the waist. “You sure you’re okay? We should let Bruce check you out.”
She patted his shoulders and pulled away. “Totally fine, promise. I’ve been hit with worse, and far harder.” She walked away, stopping only to take her shoes off and place them in a garbage can.
She got three inches shorter, and Bucky could have groaned. There was nothing better in his opinion than a woman with curves who would fit nicely beneath his chin. Celine checked all those boxes. From the look on Steve’s face, he wasn’t the only one who thought so.
She popped the trunk on her nearby car, pulled out two large suitcases and a third smaller one. From inside that one, she tugged a new pair of shoes.
“Do not tell us that one is just shoes.”
She glanced at Steve and smiled a secret smile but didn’t reply as she brushed off her feet and slipped into the new, shorter set of heels. Her pants had torn at the thigh, giving Bucky a flash of delicate flesh, and the back of her jacket was dirty, but she looked relatively unscathed for someone who’d taken a licking by a pick-up truck. “What’s not in your file, Celine?”
Her grip on the strap of the smaller suitcase she’d placed on her shoulder tightened. “Because I channel chi as I do, I am stronger, faster, and can hear better than your average human. I also… live longer.”
“How can you be certain?” Steve asked.
“I have not aged in twenty years.”
“What?” Bucky asked, stunned.
She simply shrugged. “I do not know how it works, or if I will age, or when. But I am very hard to injure.”
The two soldiers exchanged wry smiles. “Shit, doll. You’re more like us than we realized.”
“Except for the whole not needing to eat thing. I’m starving,” Steve chuckled, grabbing up one suitcase.
Bucky took the other. “Me too.”
“I could eat.” She blushed when they both looked at her. “Um, real food. I won’t need to feed for a few days.”
“We should have a mission by then. That work for you?” Steve asked.
Bucky watched something, a flicker of emotion he couldn’t place, spark in her eyes before she hid them behind her lashes.
“Yes, that will be fine.” Celine nodded, shut the trunk of her car, and followed them to the lobby entrance.
She stood within the confines of her suite of rooms and blinked in shock. “Here? This is… here?”
“What? Not up to X-men standards?” Bucky teased.
“We’ll have to tell Tony there’s something better somewhere else.” Steve chuckled.
Horrified, Celine shook her head and walked deeper into the sitting room. “No! That isn't what I meant at all! When I still lived at the Manor, we each have a room, but this is…” She ran out of words and just waved a limp hand.
The main space consisted of a seating area with couches, chairs, and an entertainment center. The wall across from her was all windows with a glass topped desk taking in the view of New York. There was a small kitchenette off to one side, a half fridge, sink, and cabinets. Through the open door, she caught a glimpse of a wide white bed, thick and plush and piled with pillows. A woman would feel like a Queen sleeping among the cloudlike softness promised in all that plush.
Gliding toward the windows, she let her case of shoes fall from her shoulder with a small thump. The walls were decorated in soothing colours. Paintings by various impressionist artists, ones she’d always adored hung around the room. She wondered briefly if Charles had made mention of her preference as it was something he would do.
She touched the soft cotton sheer which hung against the window. “It’s more than I expected.” Celine turned and smiled at the two soldiers standing together across the room. They exchanged a glance, one which she couldn’t decipher before two sets of stunning blue eyes returned to assess her.
“You want to change before dinner, Celine? You’re a bit… mussed.” Steve rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, a light blush of colour rising in his cheeks.
It hit her as being one of the most adorable things she’d ever seen. The big, strong soldier turning shy on her. She nodded, and they moved together before she could say any more to take her cases into the bedroom where she watched them toss them on the bed like they weighed nothing. The action caused the flare of desire to hit her a third time. Their strength was highly attractive.
When her hair fell forward over her shoulder, she glanced at it, noticed the way it was beginning to go from straight to wavy, and took a firm grip on her libido.
Working with these two could prove to be difficult.
She focused on her breathing, calming her rising sensuality and dialled back on her appeal until the wave fell out of her hair. When she looked up, she found them watching her. “What?”
“Something wrong?” Bucky asked.
She took the shades which still rode her head out of her hair and tilted her chin up as she set them on the dresser. “Not that I am aware of. If you gentlemen will excuse me.” She motioned toward the door.
They exchanged another one of those looks before they left, shutting her in the room alone. Clearly, they knew each other very well as that silent form of communication was powerful. Their auras fluctuated in concert with one another, showing deep friendship and loyalty. Steve and Bucky were brothers in the truest sense of the word. Related by blood or not, they were bound together at the deepest level. She’d only ever seen such connection in twins.
Celine walked gingerly across the room, proud of herself for holding it together as well as she had been. She wasn’t fine after getting hit by the truck. She had expended an enormous amount of energy to keep herself safe, but she hadn’t been fast enough. She had lied when she’d said she didn’t need to feed for a few days. She needed to feed now and eating with the team would do nothing but prolong her agony. Tonight, she needed to get out. Hunt. Appease the pain in her middle before anyone noticed.
Opening her case, she pulled out a loose, emerald green dress, stripped off her clothes, and walked naked into the bathroom where she lifted her hair and turned to see her back. Bruises ran the length of her spine and more covered her hip where the truck had connected. “Fuck,” she hissed softly, aware of the powerful ears of the super soldiers beyond the door. This was not good.
Celine pulled the sundress over her head. It floated down around her. Its handkerchief hem swirling in points about her calves. Spaghetti straps held it up, the silk clinging to her curves and highlighting her breasts and returned to the bedroom for a short-sleeved sweater. It didn’t seem to matter what she wore, everything screamed sex due to her nature, but the light cardigan adequately covered the bruises on her upper back. Still, she left her hair down, adding another layer of protection to make it through the next few hours.
Before opening the door, she knelt to the floor and pressed her hand to the carpet, allowing her consciousness to flow down. She sought out anyone nearby she could extract a little chi from to get through dinner, but there was no one close enough except for those upon this floor. The building fairly hummed with life, but there were too many floors between her and them.
Gritting her teeth, Celine pushed to her feet, pasted on a smile, and walked out of the bedroom. She would do dinner, show no weakness, then see about getting out of here for a few hours.
Dinner had been far harder than she'd expected. Especially as she never did get to eat.
Wanda had pulled her aside the moment the three of them appeared, apologizing profusely for her part in what had happened. The contrition and guilt in the Scarlet Witch’s aura proved her words true.
Celine had accepted graciously, assuring Wanda there were no hard feelings. She was merely doing what had been asked of her.
Bruce had approached afterward, having heard from Steve and Bucky about her run-in with the truck. He'd bombarded her with questions, getting rather intense as his excitement in her uniqueness grew.
She was saved by, of all people, Stark, who took her by the elbow and overrode every protest Bruce made.
Tony had tugged her across the room, seating her at the bar where he'd flirted, being both contrite and condescending, his emotions and aura showing what he really felt for her. He was wary. He didn't trust she wasn't there to cause problems. He wasn't sure this alliance would work or was a good idea. And, though he looked at her and lusted, she was inhuman, the term the Avengers had been using for a mutant.
How right he was.
She was inhuman. So far removed from humanity they had now become her food source.
When he grew even more intense than Bruce had been, his snide, backhanded compliments beginning to sting, Celine lightly placed her hand on his, leaned forward and turned on her appeal. “I find you to be a highly condescending, swine of a man. As an empath, it is impossible to lie to me. Your false compliments and fake apology leave a foul taste in my mouth. You do not like, nor trust me. Fine. I am here at the request of Charles. His wishes mean far more to me than yours. You do not wish to take my word for it, but I mean this team no harm. I am here to work with you, but if you continue to work against me, I will not hesitate to knock you on your ass… Iron Man.”
He’d blinked a few times when the fog of lust she’d built around him evaporated, and the words she’d spoken registered. Then, surprisingly, he’d laughed. What negative emotions had warred in his aura changed, and the suspicion disappeared.
“About time you stood up for yourself.” He’d patted her hand and walked away, leaving her seat at the bar in shock.
It had been a test. How in the hell had he managed to make his aura appear so…? Her eyes drifted to the Scarlet Witch.
Wanda looked very guilty.
Rising from the bar stool, Celine stalked through the exterior doors. She was livid! They couldn’t probe her mind, so they devised another test to see if she was what she claimed to be.
How quaint! How contrite! How.... ingenious.
She couldn't stay mad when it truly had been a brilliant bit of manipulation and sighed when she walked to the railing to look out over the dark city. All the life which flowed below called to her. She could practically taste it.
“Natasha,” Celine murmured, not bothering to look at the woman who sidled up beside her.
The redhead studied her for a long moment. “What are you?”
Celine cocked her head. “What do you mean?”
“An Energy Vampire you said, but what you just did to Tony had nothing to do with chi.”
Observant. Spy.
Celine blinked slowly, continuing to hold the muted green gaze of the woman. “He was being rude. I simply set him straight.”
Her brow arched, disbelief coating her features. “Can you mesmerize people like in the vampire legends?”
Celine closed both hands over the guardrail. “Not in the way you are thinking.” She could alter memories of herself for those she'd fed on, and she could whip them into such a frenzied need, such a pool of lust they would walk off the edge of the building if she commanded it, but she could not take over their mind with a look. Once she let them go, their mind was theirs again.
Natasha stepped closer, the suspicion on her turning her aura into a beacon of red, blue, and yellow pulsing light.
Hunger had Celine’s hands clenching.
“I’m telling you right now, you do anything to endanger this team, I’ll gut you like a fish.”
“You are welcome to try, Widow, but you do not yet know who you are up against,” Celine warned.
“Why don’t you tell me then?” The muted green had turned harsh, challenging.
Celine hated being challenged. She knew exactly who she was, but if the Widow was so curious... “My name is Celine Ena. It was given to me by Charles when I was fifteen. It means fiery moon for darkness is my bedmate and the fire of chi my lifeblood.” Her skin began to glow, shimmer with her power as her hair began to curl. “Energy vampire was the moniker give me by the children I grew up with when their fear of me became great.” Natasha’s eyes widened, and Celine knew hers had begun to glimmer and spark with gold as the amber lightened in her irises. “But my chosen name, my X-men name, is known only to a select few.” Leaning down, she whispered near Natasha’s ear.
The redhead stumbled back away from her, and Celine straightened slowly.
“You hurt anyone on this team…” Natasha trailed off.
“Why would I hurt my own team? I have already told you, I do not feed on teammates. Steve, Bucky, and Peter have been most welcoming and kind.”
“And the rest of us?”
“You have shown me only fear and distrust. I will do my job, be here, work as part of this team, but I cannot change the minds of those who see me only as a monster. Who look at me with hate and disgust as you currently do. I am what I am. I had no choice in the matter. Yet, you would see me caged and collared because of something which was not my doing.” Celine sighed. “It matters not. I am here, and until Charles calls me home, I will stay.” She walked away, heading around the side of the building.
“Where are you going?” Natasha called.
“I require a walk. I do not require food.” And she was done dealing with people who saw her as a threat, or an experiment, or a challenge.
“You can’t leave.”
She jerked to a stop and peered through narrowed eyes over her shoulder. “Excuse me?”
“Didn’t Steve tell you? It was the deal made. You won’t let Wanda vet you, you have to stay where we can keep an eye on you. You’re on house arrest, Celine, until we’re satisfied we can trust you.”
She slowly closed her fists. Here, now, was the catch Steve had, indeed, failed to mention. What the hell was she going to do? “I see.” Celine headed back through the doors to the interior of the building and straight for the elevator.
“Celine?” Steve called out, jogging over with a smile on his face. “Where are you going?”
“As I’m being treated like a teenager, I thought I would go sulk in my room like one,” she snapped.
He had the decency to flinch. “Yeah, sorry about that. I meant to tell you, but… stuff happened.”
She shook her head. “I will not say it is fine. It isn’t. You treat me like an enemy. The fox who has snuck into the hen house. I mean none of you harm, yet you persist in testing me, probing at me, treating me as a thing to be mistrusted. I am a person, no matter how much my mutation has taken from me!” When he tried to take her arm, she jerked away, raked her gaze over the group in general, and walked out, getting on the elevator to return to her room.
Only once the doors closed did she lean against the wall and allow the single, heart-wrenching sob to slip from her lips. “Why, Charles? Why did you have to send... me?”
She was so tired of being hated and feared and loathed.
So very tired.
Bucky stormed over to Steve. “What the fuck just happened?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure as hell going to find out.” Steve glared at Natasha as he stomped across the room. “What did you say to her?”
She didn’t even twitch in the face of his rage. “Standard greeting.”
“In other words, you threatened her. God damn it, Natasha!” Steve barked. “We’re trying to improve relations, not start a war!”
Her face closed down. “I’m not the one you need to be concerned with!”
“Celine is part of this team!”
“She shouldn’t be!” Natasha snarled.
Stunned, Steve took an involuntary step back. “Since when did you become so cynical?”
“Since I found out who she really is!” She pushed past Steve to look at the rest of them. “We should be sending her packing with a thanks, no thanks, back to Xavier.”
“Natalia! What the fuck’s wrong with you? Celine is nice. At least give her a chance,” Bucky stated.
She sneered at him. “You don’t get it.”
“Don’t get what?” asked Steve.
“She’s not just a Qi Manipulator or an Energy Vampire. She’s so much more, and you two are letting her live in the lion’s den!”
“Natalia, ob"yasnis'!” Bucky snapped.
“Explain myself? Sure, Barnes. I’ll explain myself. She’s the one they call Styx!”
The only one to react was Clint who sat straight up. “She’s Styx?”
“What is a Sticks?” asked Thor.
A frustrated growl left Nat’s chest. “None of you read the files on the X-men, did you?”
“I read it, but I don’t remember a Sticks,” Bucky grumbled.
“Nor I,” said Wanda.
“Styx, like the river goddess of ancient Greek mythology. The mutant whose moniker is denoted by that name is said to be called this name because all life flows through her. She is, essentially, the gateway to the afterlife.” Vision recited.
“That’s it?” Steve asked.
“Styx has remained a mystery for most of her existence as an X-men. She prefers to work alone, under cover of darkness. It is said only that she can sweep a building within minutes, leaving behind severely weakened or dead agents in her wake. It is said she can look at a man and see his life, his soul, then she chooses. Life… or death.”
They all turned to look at Scott.
“What?” he shrugged a shoulder. “If she’s so powerful, isn’t it better to have her on our side instead of against it?”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Sam sighed, shaking his head, “but the bug is right. She seems nice enough, maybe a little cool, but we haven’t exactly been welcoming either.”
“She’s lonely.” Wanda looked away when all eyes swung to her. “I could pick up her emotions a little when she was speaking with Tony.”
“Wanda’s right. Celine expected us to turn on her. It’s what everyone does. She said as much when she was with Peter and me in the park. This shit right here,” Bucky motioned to the room, “is fucked up. We’re supposed to a team, but all some of you have done is make her feel like shit. Well done.” Turning on his heel, Bucky walked away.
“Someone’s smitten,” Natasha snorted.
“Nat,” Steve said, waiting for her to look at him. “You’re acting like a bitch.” Her eyes widened as the others gasped. “You got issues? You got insecurities? You got a problem with her being here? Then solve it, because Celine is going to be here for the foreseeable future. Xavier wants this to work, I want this to work, and Stark you were pushing for it too. Stop testing her!” He glared at Tony.
“I’d just feel better if Wanda could…” Tony sighed, flicking a wrist in dismissal. “I’ll fix it.”
“Good.” Steve looked around the room at all the contrite faces. “She’s here. She’s staying. Get it together.” Without another word, he followed Bucky out of the room.  
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