ainowinifred · 6 years
jealousy event; napoleon sweet
WARNING, LONG SUMMARY AHEAD: (sorry to mobile users~)
The scene opens like this:
dining room—
napoleon: why does it feel like i’m always eating breakfast alone mc: isn’t that because napoleon can’t wake up napoleon: ……well, it’s not too bad. i get to have you to myself every morning like this, right mc: ……actually, i wish that napoleon could wake himself up on time,,, (@゚ペ@) napoleon: lolol *comes close to mc*
Keep reading
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ainowinifred · 6 years
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ainowinifred · 6 years
IkeVamp: Gacha Cards
Note: Apart from getting rare CGs and voice clips, they help players in Battle Skills.
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[ Would you let me suck you(r blood) one more time? ] (Theodorus)
VA: Hisanori Satou
Rarity: ★5 - 7 voice clips | ☆4 - 5 voice clips | ☆3 - 5 non-voice lines  Plus charm/attraction value:1245
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🔊 …っごちそう様…。なんだその蕩(とろ)けた顔。もう1回、吸われとくか?
…Thank you for the delicious meal…. What a captivating face you show me. Would you let me suck you(r blood) one more time?
🔊 黙って傍に来い。 …良く出来ました、お前は頑張ってるよ。たまには犬も褒めてやらないとな?
Just shut up and come by my side. …Good work, you’ve done your best. Even I need to compliment my dog once in a while, right?
🔊 …お前、俺が理性的な人間だと勘違いしてないか?…その逆だ。お前が、欲しくて気が狂いそうだって言ってんだよ
Me? A rational person? Are you misunderstanding me? …It’s the opposite. Let me tell you this. I’m desiring you; wanting you that it feels like crazy.
🔊 …動くな、大人しくしてればすぐにヨクなる。…ほらな、気持ちいいだろ…?
…Don’t move, it would get better soon if you’re being obedient. …Look, it feels so good right…?
🔊 あー…ほら腕の中に来い。お前で暖をとりたいだけだ, ジタバタするな…。今日もお疲れ、…おやすみ
Ah…come here into my arms. Don’t struggle, I just want to warm you up. I’m tired too, …good night.
🔊 良いか、今日も人様に迷惑をかけることなく生きろ。だが、俺だけは例外にしておいてやる。困ったら、呼べ。いいな…?
Listen, live your life today without troubling others. But, I’ll make myself an exception. When you’re in trouble, call out for me. Is that good…?
🔊 お前は相変わらず能天気な顔してるな。頭の中が平和で羨ましい限りだ。…だが、この顔が気に人ってる俺も大概だ
You still have that ever optimistic look on your face, huh?  To the extent I’m feeling envious of the peaceful state of your mind. But, I might as well be the one who’s most likely to care about that face of yours.
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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HS event:
The drawing portion is basically the most hysterical part of the event just look at these boys XD
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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More of this cutie~
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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Diabolik Lovers - Lost Eden -
Mukami Yuma(CV: Suzuki Tatsuhisa) CGs
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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Interview at the Power Ranger movie JPN premiere~!
(the way he bounces in place is too cute XD)
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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How do I even begin to explain Suzuki Tatsuhisa?
Tatsu x Mean Girls parody ;D
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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ainowinifred · 7 years
utapri 5th stage [720p version]
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Hello!! It is I again~ A lot of you had trouble with the previous file so I’ve encoded the 1080p and reduced it to a 720p file and uploaded to Google Drive!
Since it is Google Drive, it is streamable so please watch with your homodachis~ But don’t distribute the link around* or it might get taken down and we wouldn’t want that, would we?
* I mean the Google Drive, not this post. Feel free to share this Tumblr post.
Quality: 720p
Size: 7 GB (concert), 1.25 GB (backstage 1), 1.22 GB (backstage 2)
Password: all undercase, 6 letters, the character Miyano Mamoru plays in Utapri (google it if you don’t know)
Link: http://pasted.co/0f722c22
Concert set list: http://utanoprincesama.wikia.com/wiki/Maji_LOVE_LIVE_5th_STAGE
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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Egu - Something about me is different today. How, you asked? Because I’m walking with one hand in my pocket. Why so? Because I couldn’t find my belt as I left my room, so I thought “meh, just forget it”, but once I get outside, my pants just start to slide down. If I let go, my pants’ll…definitely…just fall flat on the ground. Spring, it is.
Zakki - The courage to let go…! ✨
Egu - Never! Letting go EVER!!!
Zakki - No! You will! No matter what’ll become of you, you will definitely let go for the sake of everyone. That’s the kind of man Eguchi Takuya is! I KNOW!!
Zakki - To do “for everyone” is to do “for yourself”. That’s the kind of man you are.
Egu - Da-…DAMMIIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!! (Pants drop to the ground.)
Zakki - GOOOOOO!!!
Sugita (responding to Egu’s first tweet) - So you shoved your hands into the pockets to look like you’re playing pocket pool. Amazing!
Egu - Pocket pulled down. Pocket pool’d.
Takuchan (responding to Sugita’s tweet) - Aww, that’s what I saw too.
Egu - Pocket pool’d.
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PS. Advise people not to look up pocket pool if you don’t know its meaning already though. Sorry for the lame pun translation on my part as always. =_=“
PPS. Not new, but Egu is starting a new collab project with MASAKA Inc. to produce his own brand of T-shirt (EDIT: and cap and other stuffs too, sorry), called EGUMI PROJECT. You can check that here if you’re interested.
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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Do as Boss say and eat your veggies, silly carnivorous giraffe! His salad didn’t go down AT ALL…=_=“
OK, am done with Oreiya now…=w=“
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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nobunaga_s: It’ll be soon, Dummy-Nico students! From 8:30 pm onwards! Whatever you want us to say or things you want us to do, help us with them by requesting in the comments(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
egutakuya: “Won’t you try installing it in your heart, Nobunaga GO? Of course the one that will appear is me only. A module for every night, it’s heating up, huh…?” I want you to whisper this.
nobunaga_s: Stu~pid!
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nobunaga_s: But thanks!
egutakuya: I’m looking forward to it ♡
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egutakuya: Would this sound like an earpick or something
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egutakuya: Akabane-san’s lewd feel, I don’t hate it
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egutakuya: Akabane-san’s leading and Nobunaga’s not really coming, huh
NOTE: He spelled “ike” in kana, um. Considering the nature of what he’s watching, I am tentatively putting this under the same note as a certain line in Kakki’s Susumasero… (Hint: Look at the TL notes.)
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egutakuya: I had my fill of Nobunaga GO!!!!!!!!
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egutakuya: The transmittal of thanks to the dummy head is embarrassing
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nobunaga_s: Thanks!!! RT egutakuya: I listened until the very end (lol) “You’ve worked hard! Good night………💋”
egutakuya: Sorry for sorta doing it in reverse!
nobunaga_s: Nah, your help got us all excited! lol I’m always thankful!
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kenji_akabane: Eguchi-kun thanks  m(_ _)m
egutakuya: Akabane-san’s descent into threading was the best!!!! (lol) Excuse me for a bunch of stuff m(__)m
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nobunaga_s: Our thanks to dummy-chan who also worked hard with us! To the special guest? Eguchi’s Takuya too, thanks! lol
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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That moment the timer is really distracting Kajikyun’s comment about food ヽ( ・∀・)ノ
from Kiznaiver Guys BBQ Special & you can watch this part on my twitter post
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ainowinifred · 7 years
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Calendario Seiyuu’s [2017] Parte 2
Parte 1
Espero les guste :3
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ainowinifred · 8 years
utapri 5th stage download
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Hey y’all, here’s 5th stage. Again, @ NaomiLetourneau was the one who bought and uploaded this so be sure to thank her on Twitter if you can. If you don’t have Twitter, just reply to this post with a thanks or something ^^ We have one more backstage video and we’ll upload it later~
Quality: 1080p
Size: 15.8 GB (full concert), 3.2 MB (backstage 1)
Password: all undercase, 6 letters, the character Miyano Mamoru plays in Utapri (google it if you don’t know)
Link: http://pasted.co/f8c50708
Concert set list: http://utanoprincesama.wikia.com/wiki/Maji_LOVE_LIVE_5th_STAGE
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ainowinifred · 8 years
A part of Tobidase ep 1! Enjoy! 
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