#im grinding on genshin
sleepyfluf · 2 years
Halloo how is everyone on here?
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saint-end · 1 year
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i wont stand for alhaitham slander hes a good boyfriend kavehs just dramatic and likes to be bullied (just like me frfr)
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zephyrine-gale · 1 year
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this old timer's never catching a break
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maplleaf · 8 months
Clear Skies
(Neuvilette x gn!reader)
A series of unfortunate events that ended happily
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The entire day, clouds above Fontaine are as dark as the abyss. Every second, it threatens to rain, but no waterdrops would fall. The water level is always on everyone's mind, if it keeps raining then the water would soon engulf the world.
Even after all those risks; Neuvilette couldn't help himself.
Just this morning, his first trial for the day imprisoned an innocent person, caused by the defendant's lack of evidence. The Oratrice didn't spare any mercy, seeing the defendant as a guilty party. Of course, the audience clapped as they spouted insults at the defendant.
Neuvilette held in the sadness he felt, since he had to deal with another trial after.
The sheer guilt he felt crept up his spine the whole day. Eating him alive when he tried to get some work done. It's something he couldn't do much other than investigate, but he felt an undescribable uncomfortableness in his heart. All of that, with an added weight of his past trials; past sins; past atrocities.
When his worm was finally over, he was comforted at the reminder of a picnic date you two have been planning for weeks. His busy schedule made it close to impossible to have any in-the-moment dates, usually disturbed by a sudden trial that Furina held or the abundance of paperwork.
You could see the stars in his eyes as you two talked on the waterbus, an excited tone and a happier smile making it a wonderful moment. Neuvilette was happy! Seeing you and going on a date, what could be better?
.... only for hilichurls to wreck your picnic date location.
In the end, he held onto the basket filled with treats you both prepared beforehand. In the aftermath of the fight, it caused some of your food to be thrown into the ground, some of the equipment broken, and the spot now ruined.
You can already see the disappointment on his face as you both walk down the hill. The sky darkened with each steps, and any attempts in making him cheer up didn't work.
The mood soured as you felt raindrops hitting your skin. In a frantic moment, you looked for an umbrella that the two of you packed. The water kept dampening your clothes until you finally found it. Though when you do, realization hits
...you brought the wrong umbrella, this one can only fit one person. Neuvilette looks at you and the umbrella, already connecting your concerned face and the object in your hand.
Neuvilette felt guilty for causing the rain, and for the added stress for you. Even so, the guilt worsened the rain.
...that is until he felt you giving him the open umbrella. Confused, he took it anyway. Then a pair of strong hands under his thigh, lifting him up to the air and carrying him down the hill as if it's the easiest thing. His long legs were still wet from the rain, but his body and head were protected.
He felt so loved, protected, all the warmth feeling you can imagine hitting him at once. The grasp on the basket he's holding tightened as he could feel his face getting warm. A part of him wanted to struggle since he thought that he would be too heavy and you would accidentally hurt yourself carrying him. Though, when Neuvilette sees you looking fine, he can't bring himself to say it.
"Sorry, I'll put you down when we get to a safe spot." No, don't put him down. He felt like an otter being ecstatic after it was freed from a cage, given a shell to play with.
Slowly, light began to shine through the dark clouds. You looked up the sky, and somehow, the rain had stopped. Fontaine's weather really is strange these days...
Seeing as there's no more need of an umbrella, you stopped walking as you wanted to let Neuvilette back on the ground. But you didn't; as you saw his pretty face, all red and flustered.
Safe to say, there were a lot of gossip regarding whether or not they just saw Monsieur Neuvilette being held in his lover's arms like a princess.
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evilkaeya · 2 months
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I think it fits them
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churomo · 2 years
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venti giving out visions
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kazumist · 11 months
Hiii! For the event, can I request clumsy attempts at flirting with Scara? Congrats on 1k! <33
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prompt: clumsy attempts at flirting
note: ngl this was fun but also a bit of a struggle to write but i think it's okay ;; very ooc scara in a sense but i wanted to try out writing for him in this way :^)
1k milestone event: open!
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there are many things that scaramouche isn’t great at.
and one of those many things is flirting.
despite being your lover, scaramouche could never bring himself to make the first move. not that it was a bad thing; after all, there’s a first for everything in life. so him not being the one who takes the initiative of asking the other one out on a date was normal.
but he wanted a change for once.
so he started bit by bit. from small questions like “what do you plan on eating today?” or “are you going anywhere?” and him accompanying you for these things, it was all scaramouche’s small ways of flirting with you (even if it isn’t that obvious).
until he started to do some random pick-up lines.
there was a time when you were both sitting comfortably in silence, and he suddenly said, “you know, i think destiny wants us to be together.” your attention was long gone from the book you were reading and now focused on him (if this was his goal all along, then he succeeded very well). “kuni, since when did you believe in destiny?”
“since now.”
“oh right, did it hurt?”
“... did what hurt?”
“when you fell from heaven, because i swear you’re god sen—”
“kuni, your way of flirting is truly awful. did you know that?”
“... i’m well aware, but is it working?”
“maybe. you’re lucky i love you.”
you soon made a mental note to yourself that you should never allow scaramouche to flirt with you in such ways ever again.
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rayjayoo · 1 year
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oort cloud
>• “maybe it’s a star that nobody knows” :: oort cloud by younha •<
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ritz-writes · 25 days
no lyney for me 😔
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masscared-star · 4 months
falling in love with the same purple bitch AGAIN.
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kiitkattie · 4 months
after the genshin announcement that they're only giving 3 free wishes after 3 years of people playing, makes me not want to play anymore. the game is too grindy, i love the storyline and characters but i actually hate playing it now
and i love playing exploration games! i love open world! but genshin makes it not fun cause there is so little reward for so much effort
honestly fuck the director of genshin, heard bad things about him so if that dude ever reads this FUCK YOU
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aroacee-of-spades · 7 days
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evilkaeya · 1 month
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ok ….. i’ve queued up a lot of fanarts and asks and fics so i . will probably be clogging the dash a little…. i still have so much to add though :’3
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evevoli · 2 years
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“lost their 50/50″ gang what’s poppin
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jils-things · 6 months
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