#im enjoying it!! im loving all the characters and the plot twist ending season one was completely unexpected!!
laprimera · 2 months
ABOUT THE MUN - ooo I got tagged ooOooo
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?
fixation as soon as the second trailer with her reveal came? Like the little snippets that was known about the game already weaved a pretty intricate (and disproven lol) plot and personality.
Even after everything got debunked I still kept my original lore + now I live and love the idea her ideal, picturesque self is actually a front for how clutzy and forgetful she really is as a super busy champion who's passionate about her region.
is there anything you don’t like to write?
so I make sure to plot with long term plot partners so we all get that character growth and exciting story with something good they can all take away in the end. No, the character doesnt have to die to prove a macab point. No the loving couple doesnt have to break up for some story twist. And thats what AU's are for if we're looking to explore something else so it's easy to separate from 👍
is there anything you really enjoy writing?
plot novellas 👀 I see a partner reply instantly to a plot thread and I jive for days on end until the next reply for real-- each one is a really juicy cliffhanger and a lot of them still haunt the back of my mind.
how do you come up with headcanons? 
most come with interactions or thoughts stemming from the game or story itself. Eventually they branch out and more ideas happen and a lot comes from looking at dash and bringing up some really interesting points!
do you write in silence or do you play music? 
Ambiance and music helps esp when silence is actually really distracting (thoughts wandering and what not-adhd be like that). The mood even influences the reply.
do you plan your replies or wing them?
planned for plot driven replies but ic bouts and simple replies are winged!
do you enjoy shipping? 
YES YES YES YES, though recently I have to be a little more careful about saying Im completely open to shipping on whim. At some points the plot involves the other person too much and it gets hard to move a story along esp with the nature of the rpc and the lifespan of interest in the muse/rpc (which is natural ofc!).
You're okay to show and express interest in shipping so we can take a direction with our muses interaction wise but I say it's not for certain until they develop some more long term. Who knows, maybe it was just a crush or a fling sort of thought :' 0
what’s your alias/name? 
Leche leche leche leche leche milk
favorite color?
red and greens
favorite song? 
Sugar, You by the Oh Honey has taken a lot of real-estate in my head lately--
last movie you watched?
I,,,havent watched a movie in a really long time Ill be honest OTL,, I dont have the attention span to sit down for more then twenty minutes if that.
last show you watched?
Aggretsuko final season! That,,,was awhile ago. See above oop--
last song you listened to?
Dont know the last song that played on my car radio 🤔
favorite food? 
spaghetti and meatballs and cereal < 3
favorite season?
spring 🌼
do you have a tumblr best friend?
ooh I dont want to make anyone feel left behind. My moots have a special place regardless of hobby or not <3
tagging: uh...
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sundaemuddysucks · 5 months
anyways quick review of season 2 if anyone cares (spoilers)
overall i liked this season a lot less than the first one. the first half of season 1 was pretty weak but it more than made up for it later. i loved relationships like priya and millie, bowie and emma, bowie and julia, raj and bowie, etc. compare to season 2 where there was exactly one new relationship i really enjoyed: mk and julia. no shockers there. i was not a fan of ripper and axel at all (im a hater til i die sry) and priya and caleb's plot was executed ridiculously terribly and stretched out way too long. there was no need for priya, the winner of the last season, to appear in every episode in this season. i was sad to see some relationships (namely priya and millie and bowie and emma) get sidelined here.
while the first season got more exciting over time (my favorite episode was episode 12) this one felt kinda stagnant to me. there wasn't really any episode that jumped out as a favorite for being particularly funny or exciting.
a lot of eliminations were handled poorly and were given to characters that could have done a lot if they were given more screentime. i was really disappointed to see most of the female cast members either eliminated early without leaving an impact on the game or given no significant relationships other than a romantic interest.
i did not appreciate how much this season held the viewer's hand (an issue with season 1 as well). characters constantly revealed their exact thinking or motivations (both in the confessional and in front of other contestants, alarmingly) which took away a lot of the thrill. a lot of the plot twists were terribly predictable such as julia stealing the immunity idol from damien. chef's speeches at the elimination ceremonies were especially handholdy and really just wasted time.
this season's saving grace was mkulia. julia and mk were so much fun to see on screen. their betrayal in episode 9 wasn't done very well, though, and it really disappointed me. mk's elimination felt incredibly lazy, both with how she lost the challenge and how julia beat her. however i did really appreciate the hug at the end, it was adorable and i shed a tear. their moments together in the finale were great as well.
overall this season lacked a lot of the charm that the first season had, and a lot of the first season's flaws remained or were exacerbated here. i don't think I'll be rewatching it anytime soon besides to collect clips of my pride and joy mkulia.
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restlessmaknae · 5 months
2023 drama recap
Note: these are dramas (webdramas & one cdrama & one Western show as well) that I’ve watched this year, but not all of them were released in 2023.
Shadow&bone s2: not gonna lie, this one felt messy and a bit all over the place, but I guess when you read the books and the TV show is a mix of different book series, it's expected
My review: 6/10
Use for my talent: the supporting couples carry this show on the back, I have nothing more positive to say because the main leads' love triangle is super annoying and the kiss scenes are so forced and unrealistic, it's not even funny anymore :') I haven't yet watched it until the end, but so far:
My review: 6.5/10
When i fly towards you (cdrama): this was a charming drama that got me until the second half of it when it lost its charm, and I realised that it's way too unrealistic, there were a lot of cringey scenes, the end felt dragged and repetitive, and I didn't really see any character development even though we saw the main leads growing up (but props to the second leads, I really loved their dynamics!)
My review: 6.5/10
User not found (webdrama): it was more enjoyable than annoying, but overall, it did have some unnecessary drama and the main female lead's acting wasn't up to my liking
My review: 7/10
Tracer: I'm pretty sure it would have been more enjoyable if we had managed to find good subtitles for it because the acting was really good, but I didn't get the plotline fully because of the Google Translate-like subs, so yeah, that's why it's only 7.5 (but Im Siwan's acting is 10/10 as always)
My review: 7.5/10
The witch store reopens (webdrama): it was perfectly fine considering that it was a webdrama (so expect some overexaggerated acting and such), it was cute, funny, and the leads (Yonghee and Yerin) did well
My review: 8/10
The heavenly idol: I've watched it for Kim Minkyu, but it was unexpectedly serious at times (touched upon bullying, double standards for idols, the nasty parts of the showbiz industry), so it did surprise me positively - however, the special effects were a bit odd at times, and you can't take the storyline seriously, but if you let go of reality, it's pretty enjoyable
My review: 8/10
Revenge of others: it was pretty dramatic at times and I didn't necessary like the big plot twist at the end, but I really loved the investigating part of it and the whole storyline wasn't that predictable
My review: 8.5/10
Seasons of blossom: this definitely delivered some emotional punches (read: I cried), and the acting was really good on the leads' part, some other acting was kind of forced, but overall, it was a meaningful drama
My review: 9/10
Crash course in romance: me and my mother both really enjoyed this show, we were waiting for the episodes to come out week after week. It was really funny, had some serious topics to touch upon, and the acting was overall really good. I deduct 0.5 point because sometimes I didn't feel the balance between the crime part (yes, there's one like that) and the main storyline, it wasn't that annoying, but I have to mention it
My review: 9.5/10
King the land: it was similar to Business Proposal to me in terms of how much I enjoyed it and why I deduct 0.5 point - it was funny, it was cute, the acting was really good, but there were a lot of clichés that you can't help but shrug off because it was really enjoyable
My review: 9.5/10
Castaway diva: I have 3 episodes left, so this is not my final verdict, but it's been really good so far, I really love the way they touch upon such sensitive topics, and the acting ranges here on the three main leads' parts are just wow! (I only deduct 0.5 point because of Yoon Ranjoo and her whole showbiz team, it's like they can't decide which side they want to be on)
My review: 9.5/10
Twinkling watermelon: my favourite drama this year, genuinely a 10/10, it was funny, heart-warming, heart-breaking, and very meaningful, would highly recommend
My review: 10/10
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
unpopular stranger things opinions/hot takes 👀
omg thanks for sending this and giving me a reason to share my opinions 👀 this got really long because i have a lot to say apparently
first of all, i genuinely love and enjoy this show and that seems to be an unpopular opinion recently? like i was shocked when i logged on after watching volume 2 and everyone on my dash hated it because i loved it. and i love all the other seasons, too. yeah obviously there’s some parts i don’t like and things i would change but overall i still think it’s really good. but yeah mandatory “i do actually really like the show” before i start complaining about some things
s1 > s4 > s3 > s2
i don’t understand the obsession with character death. not as in i don’t understand why people don’t want characters to die but i don’t understand the constant need to talk about how characters are “definitely” going to die. no main character has been killed off throughout the whole show and yet pre-s4 no one would shut up about characters dying. also after the reaction to eddies death i think the duffers are gonna be too scared to kill anyone off lol
on the other hand, killing el off/not giving her a happy ending would be the single greatest mistake the show could make
el’s side plot in s2 is one of the highlights of the show for me. the lost sister will probably forever be my favorite episode of the show. ive never understood the hate it gets. im really hoping that kali comes back in s5 and helps fight vecna
el is the only Main character. there are obviously many other characters that are leads but she is ultimately the main character. the entire show revolves around her and her plot(s).
nancy has some of the best development in the entire show. ive seen so many people say she has no development outside of the love triangle and i find that so surprising because she’s changed soo much. her entire journey to wanting to be a reporter directly stems from her not being listened to and her desire to do something about barbs death. everything about her current character stems from that specific moment and we’ve seen throughout the seasons how that’s progressed and shaped her into and i think because of that development, she’s pretty much the only character with a defined ending (career as a journalist)
mike has done like one thing wrong in the entire show and im so unbelievably tired of people acting like he’s the villain. he’s a 14 year old who doesn’t know how to perfectly express himself sometimes. people need to leave him alone
steve & robin and el & max have the two best friendships on the entire show and anyone who says otherwise is wrong
hopper should’ve stayed dead. his death was perfectly written in s3 and reviving him brought nothing to the plot. it wasn’t even explained how he survived, he was just there. it wasn’t well thought out or well written, and overall it just wasnt necessary. they ruined what was ultimately a beautiful send off (the speech to end s3) for a cheap plot twist that had no payoff.
(also i don’t like hopper because he gave brenner el’s location in s1, fully intending that he would kidnap her again. it’s unforgivable regardless of what his reasoning was and i hate that it was never brought up ever again)
going off of that, the entire russia plot is the worst written part of the whole show. it could be scrapped entirely from s4 and the season would lose nothing
stranger things is blatantly obvious about what ships are gonna end up together at the end of the show
jancy is just a truly terrible ship all around. jonathan hiding in a bush to take pictures of nancy through a window while she was taking her clothes off is soo unbelievably creepy and unforgivable, and it’s terrible that it was just dropped with no consequences whatsoever for him. he doesn’t even actually apologize! he says he shouldnt have taken the picture, but when she asks him why he took it in the next episode he says it was just a nice picture and then starts lecturing her about how she’s gonna end up miserable like her mom?? they should’ve never got together after all that. and then there’s all the bullshit in s3 when he undermined the misogyny she was facing at work and didn’t believe her at all which just further proves that they shouldn’t be together! and then she forgot he existed for most of s4 anyway
i want nancy to end the show single so bad
robin/vickie sucks lol. stranger things is probably the only show that has me rooting against the lesbian character ending up in a relationship. vickie is sooo boring and has absolutely no personality! even suzie’s random family members got personalities in s4! im tired of being told to accept the bare minimum just because a show is adding a random throwaway gay character. vickie serves no purpose in the plot and id rather not waste the extremely limited time left in the show developing robins relationship with a complete nobody when her friendships with pre-existing characters should be the focus. also every single one of their scenes featured steve in some capacity which was very annoying
steve and nancy actually have such an interesting dynamic as characters but specifically as exes. personally, i do not think they should get back together, but i think what makes them interesting is why they shouldn’t be together. obviously their first breakup is because of their different reactions to barbs death. their relationship was never going to make it past that. barb died because nancy brought her to steves house, she died AT steves house, and died while nancy was alone with steve. there was never any coming from back that, not while nancy hadn’t processed her grief and especially not when steve was trying to convince her to forget about it and go to a party. but they’ve both grown as people since then, and they’re still not going to work. steve wants a big family, nancy is career-oriented to the point that she will do anything to succeed as a journalist. nancy doesn’t want the suburban, nuclear family life. they are fundamentally mismatched when it comes to what they want in life and i think exploring THAT aspect of their dynamic is so much more interesting than just shoving them back together
overall the show is so much more enjoyable when you don’t care about ships <3 please disregard everything i just said about the ships <3 but seriously the main focus of the show is not even remotely centered on the romantic relationships and watching the show without really caring about that aspect of things is way better
this isn’t a hot take about the show but more the fandom: a lot of the dynamics do not exist at all in the show the way some people think they do. most obvious example is el and will, who both are wayyyy closer to at least 3 other characters than they are to each other. this isn’t just limited to stranger things, it happens in most shows, especially ones with a found family element (ex. agents of shield) but people tend to forget what the dynamics actually are and then project their opinions onto the characters
semi-related and not really a hot take but if i had to choose underrated/non-existent dynamics to explore in s5, i would choose: lucas and el (connection to max), nancy and el (both on the show since s1 but have barely spoken, both the only people to know vecna’s full backstory firsthand), and nancy and mike (siblings who both probably think they’re only children at this point because they never interact with each other)
also related to fandom but it’s so clear that so many people either have not watched the show or just don’t anything remember what happens in the show when they post shit. and that’s way there’s sooo much mischaracterization everywhere
this show has way too many characters and it’s resulted in a lot of them having nothing to do for entire seasons. look at the california group from this season. they spent the entirety of episodes 5-8 driving around in a van with nothing to do. even joyce, who was one of the main main characters in earlier seasons, felt like she was just kinda there this season. part of it is the way they divide the plots, especially geographically this season, but the other part is just not having anywhere near enough time or plot spaces for all the characters. it’s unfortunately probably only gonna get worse in s5 because they have to somehow wrap up every characters individual plot in addition to the greater shows plot
and my hottest take is that will is severely overhyped sorry. he’s just not that interesting of a character and i really don’t understand that obsession with him? i mean he’s a fine character and he hasn’t really done anything wrong but there are so many other characters that are actually involved in the plot that i find way more interesting, relevant, and better written. like he was barely in s1, s2 was more about things happening to him than him actually doing anything, and s3 and s4 he didn’t do anything. hopefully s5 will give him something interesting to do but for now i just don’t see it
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fishshapedbun · 1 year
about Romantic Killer (BIG SPOILERS)
ok i just finished watching Romantic Killer and it's so good wtf????????? the plot developed so much better than i was expecting at first?????? Anzu is such a good character and such a good friend????? so i need to ramble about it bare with me for a moment
the show is hilarious and i love how exaggerated the funny expressions are, but it also has some rly serious part damn im legit impressed (Anzu and Kazuki's first hug kinda got me tearing up ngl)
each of the characters is slowly developed so well. like damn. Kazuki's story is specially detailed and it caught me by surprise when they showed the flashbacks of the first episodes after we found out why he became so distant and conscious of people and everything made so much sense. and he felt so realistic in the way he reacted, his struggle to open up and every single time he started feeling anxious and panicking in public was so well done (and i wanted to take him away from the crowd and pat his head every time ugh T_T). i was just slightly dissapointed that right on the last episode he admited that he started crushing on Anzu bc after the entire season of them just being an amazing duo of friends i was so hopeful we would finally get a 'love interest' turned only best friend (bc lets admit its not like she doesnt already have enough ppl interested in her without Kazuki being one of them too). bc i was enjoying headcanoning him as aroace as i was watching :') oh well. maybe if it ends up not having a s2 i can pretend he realized he wasnt in love and he just loves her platonically a lot! if they dont give me the aroace boy i will rip it from their cold dead hands! :D
and i loved the plot twist on how Junta was actually her true childhood friend all along and she took so long to realize... his feelings were totally real awwwww and he is really a sweetheart, i like the childhood friend trope! buuuut i gotta admit im just living for the huge crush Makoto clearly has on Junta. boyo isn't hiding it very well. that scene when Makoto holds Saki's hand and takes her away from the triggering situation? that was gay x lesbian solidarity right there !
and Saki OH MY GOD SAKI. the episode focused on showing how the two of them became friends and how important Anzu is to her and the way she has always defended her and what Saki went through oh god... her story was so realistic and seeing her reaction seeing that stupid ass ex was such a realistic depiction of a kind of trauma like that. she's such a good character im so happy they developed her so well and didnt make her just an irrelevant school friend character!!! (also she's a lesbian i am not taking criticism- /hj)
i need to mention how Anzu is absolutely bisexual btw. her reaction to meeting Kazuki's sister? she literally straight up said "i'll fall for her" c'mon
and Riri!!! omg!!!! little genderfluid chaos gremlin!!!!!!!! i was so so happy that not only Anzu girbossed her way to getting them out of their punishment but she got them to permanently live on the human world AND officially made them one of the love interests??? ULTIMATE GIRLBOSS MOVE Anzu i love you so much dear. so ngl i lowkey would like seeing Anzu end up with Riri/Rio the most ksjefhskdjf badass girl x genderfluid gremlin??? so much potential cmon they literally were punished for breaking magic rules bc they care too much about Anzu that's so fucking cute skjfhsdf
and Hijiri!!!!! from a little annoying rich bastard to a little just slightly annoying tsundere rich baby!!! i really like that he's interested in her and all but ultimately he's just there working and helping her out a lot like he becomes genuinely a great friend??
so yeah. as one can tell from the immense number of written words here i have liked this anime quite a lot. binged it in a day, all at once, no regrets. i'll be happy if there's a 2nd season if it is as good as this 1st one, bc this was amazing! so glad i decided to give it a chance <3 there's even more things i could talk about here but i dont wanna write a novel chapter of a post so i'll stop here LMAO
but really, if you're into comedy, romance and some nice character development, you won't regret giving Romantic Killer a chance :)
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theanimeview · 5 months
Anime To Look Forward To – Winter 2024
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It is the start of the Winter 2024 season, and, as mentioned, this month, we’re doing things missed before we take off on posting until about April. That means that TAV is missing basically all of the Winter season.
Before “leaving,” I wanted to make a few quick recommendations for those watching things this season.
In upcoming/ongoing works to consider watching this season, I (Peggy Wood, Editor of The Anime View) recommend:
Ore dake Level Up na Ken / Solo Leveling
We published a post about this one already, so I won’t explain why to watch this again here. Instead, please see our post on it: https://theanimeview.com/2023/12/23/winter-2024-must-see-dungeon-break-solo-leveling/
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season / Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2
I watched Season 1 of this series back in 2021 and really liked it. As far as this isekai goes, it is a pretty consistently laid-back series. It is definitely the kind you can sit and enjoy without having to think about logistics constantly. It is a funny series, and the harem he builds is comedic rather than a gushing-girls story. A positive addition to the Winter 2024 lineup.
Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon
I picked this series up after watching a video from Lines In Motion of YouTube (a channel we recommended in 2023). The video they shared made a significant impression on me, shedding light on aspects of the series that I hadn’t previously considered. As I read the manga, while it may not top my list of favorites, it’s unquestionably a series I’ve added to my watch list and one I feel comfortable recommending here. If you’re into a blend of dungeon drama interspersed with comedy and culinary adventures, this is definitely worth considering for your watch list as well!
Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata / The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
I began reading this manga a few years back but had to drop it due to focusing on classes and other projects. The recent announcement of its upcoming anime adaptation this season got me excited. I regret not completing the training arc at the story’s outset, which was incredibly enjoyable. The protagonist is an “average” individual driven to pursue a path of greatness for the sake of helping others. I’m drawn to this series primarily for its characters rather than its plot, although the unique premise intrigued me when I first encountered it. The main character, along with two genuine friends rather than deceitful counterparts, is summoned as heroes. Each undergoes their own training, gaining immediate prestige. However, in my opinion (and seemingly in the opinions of the other two friends), our protagonist stands out as the most remarkable among the trio. Very much looking forward to seeing it this season!
Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura-Boss desu ga Maou dewa Arimasen / Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I’m Not the Demon Lord
We published a post about the manga for this already, so I won’t explain why to watch it here. Instead, please see our post on the manga, and consider that the anime will likely be just as great!: https://theanimeview.com/2023/01/28/edit-recommended-manga-review-villainess-level-99-i-may-be-the-hidden-boss-but-im-not-the-demon-lord/
Gekai Elise / Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp
This is a series I wanted to recommend a while ago. It is a completed webcomic currently available on Lezhin. This series is about second chances and what it takes to earn back what you’ve lost. Our main character is granted the opportunity to relive her life, armed with the knowledge of a past existence on Earth. It’s a tale of regression, characterized by various twists and turns, yet without particularly intense or nail-biting climaxes that come to mind. The narrative primarily unfolds as a love story that ends happily, and the journey to that happy ending is well worth reading for yourself if interested. Additionally, it draws inspiration from real-life medical history, incorporating elements that, while I can’t vouch for their accuracy, resonate with clear nods to historical events—an interesting and fun aspect for those in the know.
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru / 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
This is another series I’ve been meaning to recommend for some time. It’s another regression story, but with a twist—here, the main character takes full advantage of the diverse opportunities that accompany each new lease on life. The initial chapters prompt one to think about the role of happenstance in our lives. It’s fascinating how certain events transpire solely due to being in the right place at the right time or due to a particular statement (or even the wrong one), shaping the trajectory we’re on. I found this exploration intriguing, especially with the main character’s positive outlook. They emphasize that missing one chance doesn’t preclude the possibility of finding or creating other opportunities that have just as much benefit. It really is a fun premise, and so I imagine that the anime will be just as fun to watch! Hence, my recommendation!
Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita. / The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash
If you enjoyed By the Grace of the gods, chances are you’ll find this series equally appealing. The main character faces a challenging and arduous journey, yet with the help of slimes, dedication, and a strong moral compass, it’s evident that she’ll overcome these obstacles. Based on what I’ve read, it is primarily a wholesome story. I highly recommend it to all of you!
Sousou no Frieren / Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
We published a post about this one already, so I won’t explain why to watch this again here. Instead, please see our post on it: https://theanimeview.com/2023/09/30/write-fall-2023-season-must-see-title/
Meitantei Conan / Case Closed / Detective Conan
This is a long-running series that I love. Since I was making this post anyway, I thought I’d mention it too! If you like murder mysteries and puzzle-solving, this is a great anime to pick up.
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iristhedeadflower · 2 years
violetta season two: final thoughts
hiiiiiii. so. season two is over huh. damn. what the hell!!!! this feels like the end of an era. i started s2 in march and finished just the other day which...i think doesn't reflect well enough just how much i think this is technically the best season of the show. the plotlines are powerful, the characters go through real growth and are interesting, and it's actually unpredictable! there are plot twists, people! so. lets go through it like we did the first time: storylines, characters, ships, songs. you ready? i sure am(n't)
alright, so, let's get this out of the way: this season's villains are easily among the most multifaceted characters of the series. there is no "big baddie", in my opinion everything feels very real. the conflicts are human and the choices the characters make (not all the characters but we'll get there) feel grounded and sensical to their development. so much so that when you take these season's new villains (diego, esmeralda) and compare them to the regular s1 ones (ludmila, jade) you definitely feel that...you're watching a show that is growing up with its audience, you know? like you KNOW how much i love my girls but there's a tone shift there that is hard not to notice. despite all the new cast introductions and just how much we are working with, the season never feels particularly stuffy, and for one reason or another i found myself enjoying most of the plotlines. my glaring, impossible to ignore issue was with the jeremias storyline. it completely ruined that middle of the season and i didn't feel the desire to continue watching as much because of it. fortunately i stuck through it once and i can do it again, still...mid-season 2 is not exactly my favourite. despite this, first and last 15-20 episodes? i love them sm. the first ones bc the campiness of s1 gradually shifts into something else (and im not here saying s2 isn't campy but, you get me) and it has some absolutely stellar episodes in my opinion (the sleepover? fran's birthday???? though i think that's further than first 20 but we'll let it slide). and the last ones just bc i love the conclusions this season has for the characters: gregorio and diego, violetta and struggling to find her love for music again, ludmila and the weight of her actions starting to weigh down on her...it's (you guessed it!) a lot for my little heart!!!
(just bc i want to mention it, the racism plotlines were really not it though. the Chinese restaurant was in no way, shape or form influential to the plot so completely unnecessary stereotypes. and well, we all know why the esmeralda/german wedding was edited so. awful awful awful, but still, we should acknowledge it exists as much as it sucks. yikes.)
last time i didnt properly introduce this, but i think with such a big ensemble we should divide the characters into three categories: hall of fame (my besties, my best friends, the yassiests), hall of shame (disappear off the face of the earth immediately or face my wrath rn), and in memoriam (one time thing, but we love you anyway). characters i don't mention are just the ones i have nothing to say about.
onto the hall of fame!
vilu stays a likeable and real main character once more. like im sorry i do not get the s1-2 vilu hate she is literally the main character???? like do you want the plot to just stay stale forever??? of course she's gonna make questionable choices! what are we even talking about. but my baby goes through SO MUCH this season, from angie to german to diego one right after the other like it was getting capital b Bad for my capital b Bestie there and im so so glad she found herself again in the end. her growth is so admirable, so much so that then s3 happens and everyone's like ???? but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
i have previously mentioned how i thought fran didn't get to shine properly in s1 due to a certain annoying whiny pissbaby nobody misses, but HELLO????? s2 opens the door for a much funnier, smarter and, let's face it, better character. i LOVE fran, she's one of my favourite characters! she gets her boytoy this season and it's what she deserves!!! and i love the fact that she canonically gets recognition from people around her for her voice because. HELLO. HER VOICE. ma'am i am completely head over heels for you. my Italian sister i ALWAYS said that
cami stays in this section. no need to explain why. i am so mad she gets so screwed over in the love department, but she is so so funny and the traffic light book was so 😭😭😭 when i stop and think about it realistically, i am probably personality-wise the most like cami, so i love to see that unhinged chaos...makes me feel represented yknow. well. i mean.
if we're talking chaos. let's open up this discussion. is ludmila ok? do we as a society need to create a trust fund to get this girl to therapy? probably. does she remain the most entertaining, off-the-rails, pathetic little bitch of the series? like why are you even asking me that. i said it in my s1 post, ill say it here: you can't like violetta as a show and not like ludmila. unfortunately she gets shot directly into your DNA and you cannot possibly escape from her. no matter how much you try. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU TRY. i need this girl's confidence. i need her mentality in life cause this girl is always so sure she is the smartest in the room and it cannot be further from the truth and im sorry it is SO SO funny help. s3 is a rollercoaster for her so i am glad she's getting some rest rn. she'll need it.
speaking of characters you can't not like, naty remains my skrunkly ever. my babygirl. my little baby. i love her in ways the human mind will never understand. i want her to destroy me. she's in her emancipation era and i am cheering from the sidelines. she is MY hero. she is MY queen. she gave me the finest jealousy plotline she could. she gave me that damn drums scene and...lord have mercy on my soul. the best. THE best
leon, you, my man, are a powerful bitch. you are THAT bitch and you know it. iconic, spectacular, not ever been done before. he is the bi representation we always deserved. he is currently raising all of your standards and doing it flawlessly. nothing else to say. stay totally mental for us
and diego complements that perfectly. he is the insufferable bitch to leon’s irritability and he is unstoppable and he is a menace to society and i hate him and he is a lot but like. he is OUR trash raccoon yknow. like he is the worst but we collectively decided to leave food out the door so he doesn’t have to keep ravaging our bins. you get what i mean.
marco is here everyone clap!!!! pathetic meow meow!! this boy is wonderful he is corny as all hell but he is so sweet. and i love him dearly. i love this for us as a society we needed a marco i think.
angie…now i’m going to say something controversial yet brave cause you KNOW i love angie so so much…but i think she should’ve stayed in france THERE I SAID IT. i’ll come back to this when i get to it in s3 but i really don’t like how after a while her plot is only exclusively jeremias/german related. with the decision to leave her life behind (and with that the toxic mindset that was keeping her trapped) the fact that she comes back in s3 and goes down THAT route again...is just very sad to me. i think she should've maybe come back for a few episodes in s3, slay the house down and put german in his place as she always does, and then keep living her best life in France.
gregorio gets the most memorable arc in the shape of a mid-life crisis that culminates in somehow becoming the best dad in the series. and we love to see it! my absolute beloved and once again, rodrigo pereira gives his most and i can only watch in awe. i don't trust people who don't like gregorio it has to be said.
parodi i am so sorry. i am so so sorry. you have no idea how sorry i am. i guess it happens to the best of us.
antonio is as always the only sane man in a world of crazy people. iirc at a certain point someone tells him (maybe dufre but im not sure) that he should open a whole new studio with new teachers and he's like. ABSOLUTELY NOT THIS IS MY CIRCUS!!! antonio my absolute beloved i am treasuring all the time I've got left with you because i love you so so much
and to no one's surprise, my favourite stays and will stay my queen, my legend, my moment, miss lena vidal. everyone clap for lena. she gets her 3-4 fun little episodes, brings the house down with her vocals, reads EVERYONE to filth and just leaves again. the MVP. THE MVP!!!!!
and now, the hall of shame. but like it's always the same three men so.
german has no excuse to do the shit he does this season. and you'd think after the jeremias fiasco he like, chills down and learns from his mistakes?? absolutely not, he makes scenes in front of HER DAUGHTER'S CLASSMATES bc she won a contest and is travelling to another country. he wants to hire a BODYGUARD???? WTF???? unforgivable piece of garbage who needs to get as far from his daughter as humanly possible. your little piano moment won't work with me old man! you are a menace to society!!! get help!!!!!
i think we all agree with the fact that we should lock matias in a jail cell and lose the key. gaslighter gatekeeper manipulator mansplainer. AND HE GETS A HOT GIRLFRIEND????? UNDESERVEDDDDDD.
it's not marotti's worst season but i am a marotti hater so he should be included here. what are you gonna do, sue me? make me sign an NDA?
unfortunately pablo has to be moved to this section for this season. he is insufferable and rude and uncaring towards the people who need him the most and does absolutely nothing to fix or recognise his mistakes??? he gets a little better in the end but he is so nonsensical and suchhh a hypocrite. wdym angie can't leave because of family emergencies but jeremias can come and go as he pleases???? ASS!
dufre irritates me so im putting him here too
in memoriam of my sweet princesses:
lara, you were just a cool little mechanic. got swept up in probably the messiest couple drama of buenos aires and we respect you so much for leaving we really do, you deserve the world. esmeralda, MY GOD WHAT A SMART AND LAYERED CHARACTER. i am unapologetically in love with you. you were not campy enough to survive the season i fear. still waiting for your epic revenge plan against the lafontaines, i would love to see it. i so so wish we had an update on you- i wish you and your messy iPad kid the best. and jackie...you did not deserve s2 pablo i am so sorry. in the end, you probably only wanted the best for your uncle. were you still unnecessarily mean at times? yeah but i mean, you looked hot during it so. ok but for real i don't like how they just get rid of her character because they clearly had no idea what to do with her anymore, and she gets to be the "crazy girlfriend" when she had every right to be doubtful of pablo's relationship with angie!!!! jackie i see you i understand you and i love you. we'll meet again some sunny day but PLEASE stop doing that weird jump dance move it haunts my nightmares i swear. ana, every day i remember you're not a fever dream i have to stop and think about it. you, YOU are the undisputed chaos god.
let's as always start with canon (as in happened during the season), and then non-canon (it was real TO ME).
leonetta remain as always THE canon ship for me. as much as i can not enjoy or care for side ships and endgames, leonetta always always set the standard and my god......the lengths these two will go to for each other is impressive yall. impressive. they're everything. and once again, im enjoying them before s3 comes and destroys them again.
also dieletta is there! it's a ship i enjoy exactly with what it is: it has its sweet moments but...diego was the antagonist of the season. that was the whole point. they have an interesting run and they ARE cute but the way they break it off it's pretty much impossible for me to imagine them ever working together in a romantic environment again. am i explaining myself correctly? probably not. whatever, you get it.
on the note of enjoying a ship for what it is, leonara had a good run too. i felt even more with my rewatch that lara knows that leon's heart is never truly in it, though, and that makes me feel so sad for her. she truly deserves better - not in the sense that leon wasn't a good boyfriend for her, simply because she doesn't deserve to be plunged in the middle of the messiest exes to lovers plotline ever.
marcesca i enjoy even only because fran gets someone GOOD who loves her and her only. but they're cute too so i actually enjoy them a lot. HE LEARNED ITALIAN FOR HER. HE FLEW TO MADRID FOR HER. omg their HUGSSSSS. you two will always have a special place in my heart.
fuck it, i'll say it: late brodmila s2 rights!!! those last few episodes with their over-the-top antics, from the "let's pretend we don't know each other" act to the trials (?????) to them just finally accepting how they're so different but similar at the same time??? AND THAT HUG AT THE END???? im not ready to talk about it actually its a lot. i found myself liking cami/seba in this rewatch, too, but the way they conclude that storyline absolutely sucks and though i do not enjoy s3 brodmila in my head i pretend everything is alright at the moment. once again, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
naxi are once again really cute! good for them happy for them! i won't go too much into it just cause i don't wanna start anything, but i don't really like their back and forth at the end of the season and how maxi goes from trusting to not trusting her one ep to the other. still. good for them happy for them.
fedemila are also really cute! i think i realised my problem with them is just that i don't like nor care for fede as a character very much 😭 he does a lot and is SO nice and supportive and we thank him for his service but idk. i tried really hard this time around but i still am completely neutral about him. sorry to this man. thank you for giving us the binary star metaphors though, that was absolutely epic of you. ludmila was READY right there in the fish tank i still find that so funny
and hey. let me mourn caxi for a second. i am the self proclaimed number one caxi enjoyer and i like to live in my little bubble of whatifs. they were something don't you think so. roaring twenties tossing pennies in the pool. and if my wishes came true.........it would've been caxi endgame OR AT LEAST A BETTER STORYLINE. DO IT PROPERLY OR DONT DO IT AT ALL!!!!!
german and matias ships deserve absolutely no rights and thus i won't speak about them. on the same note, pablo/jackie too. im sorry, she deserved better.
onto the non-canon and hey, i know what you're here for.
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nothing else to say. NEXT!
s2 is referred as THE franletta season and damn it you are all so right for that. the babygirls. the besties. they love each other so, so much. the Italy storyline was A LOT. fran couldn't bear thinking of her life without vilu AND VILU DID EVERYTHING TO KEEP FRAN WITH HER AND FRAN CAME TO HER FIRST WHEN SHE KNEW SHE WAS STAYING!!!!! they're wonderful. they're magical. they're perfect and they're holding hands rn
oh, have to mention: fran/ana? i am intrigued. i would like to see it. the vision has opened itself to me and i am visioning it. we shall see.
cadmila gave me a lot this season and i have to thank them anyway cause they're always on my mind for one reason or another but shh. let's all pretend they hate each other and didn't make out on stage during 2x80 si es por amor (which we very conveniently didn't get to see. hmm.)
shoutout to the biest couple ever dieleon. OHO, BISEXUALITY WON INDEED. it's about the touches, the nods, the tension, the stares, and no one told you to get that close to each other yknow. but that's your thing you do you kings.
jadangie have little to no interaction this season but hey, if us jadangie truthers had to go off of canon interactions only we would be nowhere right now. however, shoutout to the greats of this season! jadesmeralda (who i love love love and think of constantly) and angie/jackie (hard to keep in mind that they're not canonically exes). and also, because i thoroughly enjoy jade stealing the toxic men in her life's women, jarodi. it was good for me as a jade enjoyer this season.
i must've said it a million times by now but it begs repeating: season 2 is, UNDOUBTEDLY, the best season music-wise. i LOVE these songs to bits. not even close. but let me illustrate this in a tier list because my feelings are many and my braincells are few. (please not that even the ones i put at the bottom i still love lol yes the season is that good)
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in conclusion: season two is one hell of a season. i knew i was gonna have my fun with it and aside from a couple of issues i definitely did. and i hope you had your fun too following along! just to put things in perspective, i have around 580 posts tagged for s1 and nearly 1k for s2 💀 and oh my friends, my friends...imagine how s3 will be for me. im looking forward to it in the way that im going to be completely insane over it, and i mean it. COMPLETELY.
but for now, this is iris violetta s2: electric boogaloo, signing off 🫡
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sheryl-lee · 1 year
hi, what are your thoughts on the season finale? im.. processing
hi, i have MANY thoughts and i'll try my best to articulate them (under the cut, because i know there are still a lot of people who haven't seen the episode yet)
spoilers below!
so overall i actually really, really loved it. idk if that's a hot take because i have seen a fair amount of people who have disliked the finale and the season as a whole, and while i respect those opinions i personally disagree on both counts. i have some problems with the season, but i still enjoy it more than season 1 and this finale was, in my opinion, incredible and really makes me like the season overall much more as a result.
of course people are upset that nat died, but imo they're using their love for nat as a character to support their claims that nat's death was sloppy writing or unnecessary. don't get me wrong, i love nat in both timelines and was devastated by her death in the present day, but i can also understand that it was what makes most sense for the story and it's a narratively satisying choice for both the character and the plot. people in fandom are really against killing off characters, even if their death makes sense and is emotionally effective, and while i do get the attachment to a character, it really annoys me that people can't overlook that attachment when a character's death is rich and complex and adds to a story. both things can be true; you can love a character and think that their demise within the story is a necessary conclusion to their arc. i was worried that nat would die and, as i said in the last ask, i was wary about its execution. but imo the writer's nailed it and seeing it play out on screen changed my perspective. i'll miss juliette lewis so much though, she was truly wonderful as adult natalie :(
nat being antler queen was also a really well executed twist; so much of what we've thought to be true in the series has been changed fundamentally by it (the entire pilot episode is filled with hints that nat is antler queen if you go back and rewatch it! my mind is blown). i disagree with people claiming that the writers are retconning or making things up as they go, there are so many hints throughout the series that worked towards the nat reveals in both the past and present, both of which are narratively rich and compelling developments that make me even more excited for the next season.
beyond that, the cabin burning down was something i had predicted weeks ago, so it was cool to see that i was right! ben's days are numbered for sure though, he's gonna die in like episode 1 of season 3 🫡 van's character arc in both timelines was also really interesting; lauren and liv are AMAZING and i cannot wait to see more of both of them (same for simone and courtney as lottie, they're both phenomenal). seeing how the shauna/nat rivalry (really a one sided rivalry on shauna's part jkdvdkfvkfd) plays out in the 96 timeline next season is also gonna be really fun to watch.
we're still in the dark regarding who javi's friend was (i kinda thought that would get revealed in the finale, but ig it's being saved for next season), and jason ritter allegedly filmed scenes as cabin guy that ended up not being in the finale after all, so i'm really curious if that will also be saved for next season (but i'm still on the bonus episode clown train 🤡). the dark tai stuff was similarly discarded in this episode and i'm really intrigued by where that goes.
tldr; great episode, really rich and ultimately satisfying, i find myself liking it the more i've sat with it, and it changes so much of what we've seen so far while also setting up what's sure to be a really intense and dark third season.
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janedoe-ing · 4 months
rating all the tv shows that ive watched so far (that i could remember):
• the good doctor - medical drama - 8/10
omg idk why people hate this show sm but the hate is so forced like ??? freddy is such an amazing actor and all the other characters in this show makes sense and complete each other i swear to god. one of the best medical dramas i've watched personally. the plot flows well imo but the last season was dragging a bit for me when the writers started to make shawn and glassman arguing for SO LONG but honestly i get it too because both of their traumas and pain are SUPER VALID and that's the thing with this show because everything JUST MAKES SENSE so you barely have situations to pick sides.
• the walking dead - zombies - 5/10
boring personally to me maybe i just lost the energy to continue it... i stopped at s3 and have A LOT MORE TO LEFT... but ive saw some spoilers from tiktok and stuff which idm honestly bcs i love spoilers.. anyways the first two seasons rocks but in s3 it kinda gets a bit... boring? idk but yeah.. maybe i would change my mind after watching it till the end but idk
• modern family - sitcom - 10/10
one of my comfort shows. not the type of person who rewatches back movies or shows but if its mofy maybe i could consider it. and if i started rewatching it maybe because i was bored and i forgot the plot and scenes in it. but yeah their chemistry with the whole cast was just amazing, the jokes are on point, no annoying laugh tracks, and it's relatable as fuck. also lemme say this: IM SO FUCKING ANNOYED WITH TIKTOK EDITORS WHO IS NEW TO MOFY BECAUSE THEY MAKE THE EDITS SO SAD AND SERIOUS WHEN ITS ACTUALLY A HAPPY SHOW. i mean obviously it has some scenes but i just want to have a show where i don't need to overthink and overanalyse so much and just enjoy it while im watching it and mofy is THAT person. but these mfs is ruining it although the edits ate. idc.
• brooklyn nine nine - sitcom - 10/10
also same reason with above, and andy samberg is so hot and my type. also the relationships in this show is so cute it makes me wanna kill myself in a good way. oh and no annoying laugh tracks???? YOURE IN. OH AND GINA LINETTI???????????? thats all i can say. i rest my case.
• never have i ever - coming of age show?¿ - 7/10
the plot is so ridiculous tbh but the show gets better every season and i like how they did a lot improvement in devi's attitude and plot and not just bcs she wants to lose her virginity to the hot boy in school. and the fact that in every season the writers managed to make me changed sides every season is insane. also the writers is so cruel for treating paxton so badly istg imo but im happy he got another girl instead of devi because he deserves WAYYYYYYYYY BETTER than her. i meant it from the bottom of my heart. despite the shitty and cringey season 1, the season above that is okay ig.
• one of us is lying - crime - 8/10
i watched the show before the book and omg???? the plot twists are TWISTINGGGG, plot wise is AMAZING like as somebody who is a plot twist enthusiast i totally ate up this show... the casts were so amazing too ????? not to mention the cinematography is so good imo and the only comment i have is that they don't show some of the parts of the story in the show like how it is/changed it abit... i mean its normal to do that but i personally don't like when they went a bit astray from the book... idk but STILL one of the best shows for crime ive ever watched
• ru pauls drag race - drag queen tv show competition - 8/10
never thought i would be hooked to a drag queen competition show but omg the show is so good...????? and not to mention the lingo and amount of cultural pop history that changed the world mentioned and used in this show????? the face???? THE BODY TEA???? THE BEEF????? oh my god that is literally EVERYTHING!!!! and the best thing is every season you would always be surprised with each of the contestants like ????? omg i love it
• house MD - medical drama - 6/10
honestly a meh for me but im still in season one so i might change my mind after this but so far... boring... i mean its basically the same like other medical dramas: you have this weird case to solve, you start throwing out these theories and words and diagnosis of the patient, it turns into something else bla bla bla but idk there's just something lacking here but idk what it is...... will update this list when i saw the other seasons till the end
• new amsterdam
• chicago med
• iron chef
• cake boss
• tanked!
• sex education
• bridgerton
• the good place
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captainhongjoong · 6 months
thoughts on sweet home season 2 (spoilers!!)
this is gonna sound whiney but that's just because i love this show a lot and my expectations were really high
the pacing this season was so bad imo like the first two or three episodes were so intense, everything was important and there was no time to get over the last thing that happened, but when it got to the episodes that were mostly about the camp/bunker/whatever it got so boring. i didn't care about any of those people because they were either completely flat or they just didn't really have room in the story to make sense or be interesting. except junil my boy who was done SO wrong
hyunsu just fucked off for most of the season? the main character of the series? the best guy? i don't know if this was because of a schedule conflict w song kang or whatever and i don't care
i actually completely forgot about ms. im (?) until i was just looking at the cast to check something. ??? what ever happened to her after she just appeared naked and slimy. there are so many things like that that they just threw in and then never spoke of again
the very end of the season seemed like it was trying to throw two big plot twists at us but it was stuff we already knew? like it was pretty obvious? but they were still like :o the slime monster that takes people's bodies was sangwon the whole time!!! and the lava ceiling monster was eunhyuk!!!!! like yeah. lol. idk it just seemed anticlimactic i mean it was cool to actually see eunhyuk but it wasn't a surprise like it seemed like it was meant to be
speaking of eunhyuk though i am excited because tbh i didn't like him in s1 and i didn't like eunyu either but eunyu was a lot more interesting in s2, so hopefully he'll be better in s3
i also really like mushroom girl but i'm pretty sure that's not how mushrooms work. i mean i could be wrong i don't have any experience + tbf i've never seen a kdrama that knew what drugs did
not to be a sungcheol stan but i miss sungcheol so bad. i don't wanna complain about sangwook as sangwon, because i do think he's cool and his actor has done a really good job, i just wish sungcheol could have stayed longer. bc i love him but also bc there's something cunty about sangwon that sangwook just doesn't have as much
also where is the baby monster??
also i kinda feel dumb like maybe i'm missing something about yikyung? i don't understand why she's sticking to the all monsters have to die thing so hard that it's literally fundamental to her as a person. i feel like she should've been the first to understand that not all monsters are bad. like everybody else is on board with this by now. but her as a monster is so cool i can't be that mad about it
also where is that lady's dog?
anyway i guess s3 will be like... monster squad (hyunsu, eunhyuk, yikyung, yikyung's daughter + eunyu for some reason) vs. sangwon and the military i guess. i still don't really care about the military stuff but yikyung vs. sangwon? yes
eta i forgot to complain about netflix. i am fully a hypocrite bc i really love this bundle of shows that are kind of connected - squid game, alice in borderland, sweet home, all of us are dead, maybe hellbound too - but something i like about kdramas is that the story is almost always intended to be told in one season, and that often requires good storytelling. netflix doesn't care about this, it feels like they're just throwing stuff at the wall and whatever sticks makes it to s2 or s3 or whatever until they get bored and cancel it. it's bad writing and it's disrespectful to the people who actually enjoy the story. it's kind of like, idk, releasing video games that aren't finished but sure are expensive. i don't think it's too much to ask for them to have a plan before they start a series
it's way past my bedtime so i can't be held to any of the opinions expressed here. except i miss sungcheol i always miss sungcheol
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samswinchesters · 1 year
✨ let's play 10 Qs for GK! 🎆
1- fave character besides harvey/twoface? 2- fave harvey/twoface scene? 3- fave dynamic between 2 characters? 4- best character development? 5- most memorable line? 6- fave plot twist? 7- what did you think of twoface? 8- something you loved about the creation/design? 9- anything you would change about the season 1 plot or characters? 10- what did you think of the season 2 setup?
💌 thanks for sharing the love! #GothamKnights 🦇💋
SLAYYYYY i love quesitons about htingsss this is how i look rn answeirng these btw 👇🏽
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in addition to harvey/two face (because he really was showstopper sawwy to the knights), but i reallyyyyy adore duela. not only was she hilarious, her character arc/development throughout the show was great. always enjoyed whenever she was on screen i was like omfgggg my bestie !!
where do i even begin......the one that sticks out in my little brain of mine is when harvey overdoses on his anxiety meds and meets face to face with harv/fugue!harvey. that was absolutely incredible and i replay that scene in my head like a rotisserie chicken bc those writers put their whole pussy into it
at first i was going to say duela and carrie because their dynamic was soooo much fun but after 1x13, harvey and duela pulled my heartstrings like damnnnnnn i did ackshully tear up at that monologue naurrr don't let my mutuals know that. honorable mention are the row siblings because WAHHHHHHH 🥺😭 they mean so much to me
i mentioned duela's development in my first answer and i am not very eloquent with words if we're being honest but the way that she gained a sense of purpose and wanting to actually help gotham through all the trials and tribulations that were thrown at her...really wish we got to see more of that
it's a toss up between "big dent energy" and "guess who rode of the bat wang" .....honestly anything that comes out of duela's mouth is funny as hell who let her be that way
hmmmmmmmmmmm my fave was def harvey being duela's dad. did i call it from a mile away? yes, but it was absolutely satisfying to be right. i actually cheered out loud and punched the air MWAHHH
gosh, when we finally got to see his whole entire face, that shit was absolutely terrifying in a good way. interesting way of how rebecca was the one to toss that acid on his face. sadly, as much as it was all scrumdillyumptious, two face had like a total of three minutes of screentime and we will more than likely never see him again....does anyone have james gunn's number i need to ask him for a favor,
im not following any of the cast and crew of gk pero i have seen some of their tweets and the level of dedication these people put into the show....anyways, everything was so well thought out,,,i nominate the bat cave that shit was really cool. loved the water concept since it wasn't done before in the dc universe
LOL ermmmm, *scratches neck* is this thing on.....NOT to be mean or anything but i wish there was more action. as much as i luv the pauses for breath, i also luvvv ffight sequences. also a part of me thinks the show dragged a little. i know it was only 13 episodes but 18 would've been better. and though i loved the funny bits, sometimes i wish the show took itself seriously. they tried to target to gen z but mannn, at times i had to kinda duck my head bc it was embarrassing and i'm not even gen z. idkk i cant be too harsh on the show bc they did what they could and i enjoyed it overall!!
where is the s2 blueprint ik they're sitting somewhere in the producers' houses....but yeah, i actually liked how gotham knights ended! it works well ffor a mini series. the ambiguity of it all is ripe with possibilities for the fans to gnaw on. turner being trained to become the next batman, the gotham knights putting their boots back on to save the city thinking turner is gone for good, harvey allowing harv to take over with the potential of becoming a major problem....tag me in any stories you write, you guys 👍🏽❤
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daddyissuesducks · 2 years
Im not going to tag this on anything but I really do just need to breakdown for myself why I'm not enjoying this show at the point I'm at in it.
So my GF and I have been watching the vampire diaries because it's a show that means a lot to them and I genuinely did really enjoy it. Mostly because I found it genuinely well written and engaging. I liked the characters, I cared about their relationships, but I'm half way through season 4 and honestly these last few episodes have been such a massive downgrade in quality. The plot is so convoluted that I myself, a new viewer, am having to explain why the fuck anything that is happening on screen makes sense to my girlfriend who's a long time fan. And that's not on her. I absolutely understand why it's confusing as fuck because if you miss like 2 line of dialogue or don't remember a random legend told as back ground filler 6 episodes ago it makes literally no sense. I'm surviving on a meta writers instinct of hearing that legend and going "oh that guy's giving villian energy, that's gonna be the plot" and putting the pieces together through a writer's lense of what makes the most sense to write dramatically which isn't how you should be expecting an audience to view your show. It makes me historically very good at predicting twists which you shouldn't want your audience to be. The other plot of the love triangle was really really interesting for the first couple of episodes but since the sire twist has become almost unwatchable. I liked the love triangle this season because it was literally Elana at a transitional stage in her life choosing what kind of person she wanted to be. Each love interest represented a different kind of life she could live and she had to chose that. But now it is the literal opposite. But I can deal with bad plots as long as the characters are interesting and
Elana: has literally had all her agency removed by magic despite her drive and agency being what made her an interesting protagonist in the first place. She bucked the trend of a love triangle hinge in that she was active in her decisions. I felt like I had a really clear idea of her inner thoughts and motivations. But now she has literally had all her agency but her love for a man removed by the plot
Stephan: was interesting at the start of the season. I like when he shows his flaws and his stubborn resistance against letting Elana break his moral system to the point of nearly killing her was interesting. It showed a flaw. He was appealing because he respected her choices as a human but as a vampire, he can't because he is terrified she will end up like him. It's the issue with empathy and empathy one of his major traits as a vampire is going to be heightened and so is it's downsides. He is putting himself in her shoes but not realising that his own bias' effect how he believes she's going to behave. But then it turns out he's right and she should have just been able to do what he said but couldn't because plot, fundamentally less interesting. He is now serving the only purpose of sulking that she dared to sleep with the person she was obviously going to sleep with when they broke up. I get that her sleeping with his brother is bad but like, my guy you knew. You literally said you couldn't be with her because she had feeling for him. And I'm getting less vibes of "I'm mad my ex slept with my brother because it's my brother and feels shitty" and more "I'm mad Elana is having sex with anyone but me even though we broke up" which is very much not how he behaves. Idk, I fell of team Stephan with the bridge incident, the fact they ever dated after that point is honestly insane imo. I get he was a ripper at that point but given how that's a metaphor for addiction, I don't buy it. It is possible absolutely to love an addict and they deserve that love but you have to put boundaries down. If your alcoholic boyfriend threatens to kill you while drunk, makes you fully believe they're going to do it, before saying sorry lol I was never really going to, you fucking leave. Yes the alcohol made them do it but you get out and maybe try and make sure they're getting a different kind of help if you can when you do. I don't mind the plot having her date him again, people are complicated and so are emotions in relationships like that, but it should realise that when he did that he stopped being the good choice.
Daemon: honestly he's still fine but he's not allowed to do anything but pine over the siring and love triangle. He's not carrying enough plot for him to save it
Tyler: honestly bores me a little. I liked him when his plot was just him and Caroline but he leans way way too much on toxic masculity for me to be invested. I do not care about wolf pack power dynamics I'm sorry, I just don't. I don't feel the stakes. I just feel like half my time is spent watching people fight over their egos. Werewolves are an interesting concept but I get so turned off them by pack dynamic plots. It doesn't help that his actor is pretty terrible too
Tyler's wolf girl friend: performance is very flat imho
Ric: I love him but dead
Jenna: love her but dead
Carol: love her but dead
Bonnie's grandma: love her but dead
Anna: love her but dead
Lexi: love her but dead
Rose: love her but dead
Meredith: written out
Everyone on the council but the cop: dead
The sheriff: oink oink
Elijah: my blorbo but absent
Katherine: facinating but absent
Bonnie: relegated to literally just a macguffin. I hate this for her. In the Jenny Nicholson video she mentions this being a big problema ndnfor the first 3 seasons I didn't believe her but she was completely right and I hate it. Bonnie is a deeply interesting character with interesting relationships with the main cast but she's not even close with any of them anymore.
Caroline: I loved her so much but shes just mostly doing the dull love triangle plot and isn't getting to be anything beyond a bitchy best friend sterotype, which was what she started as an initial refution of
Matt: I do not care about him basically at all. Any affection I had for him was killed by him fucking kidnapping Elana and getting her killed.
Jeremy: I don't care as much about him as I do Elana but also a victim of a plot based removal of agency. This is a theme and I hate it
Shane: i just don't find him an engaging villian I'm sorry. I don't understand him enough to.
April: she's ok, I just don't feel like I know her enough beyond dead dad and sweet
Klaus: I do like him. But I like Klaus when he's not supposed to be intimidating me because he can't do it. If Klaus is acting like a charmer or a snot nosed kid ruler having a tantrum he works amazingly. If he is being treated like the big scary unpredictable villian I don't like him anywhere near as much.
Kol: annoying and boring. The worst original by like 10 miles
Rebekah: literally the only reason I'm still watching. She is my baby, she is my darling sweet cheese. She deserves all the love and attention in the world and she can kill, torture, and maim as much as she needs to get it. I'm glad she's undaggered so she can save this show.
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pitchblackveins · 2 years
okay one more thing and then im done. but like, you can enjoy spike as a character without trying to force a fake motivation on him that isnt written into the show. i love him as a character, he's a fav of mine, but that doesnt mean i think he was a good person when he was a demon or believe whedon when he condescendingly tells people he "devised a plot twist." the man is FAMOUS for retconning. he tried to retcon the new star wars trilogy so badly he destroyed the whole fucking thing! look what he did to the characters in age of ultron! buffy the vampire slayer is my favorite show of all time but you can admit that the people in charge made some big mistakes. and writing the end of season six the way they did, if they wanted it to be literally AT ALL believable that spike got his soul on purpose, was a big mistake.
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barnesbabee · 2 years
A rating of Marvel shows so far
WandaVision Extremely creative and innovative, it was refreshing to see something different from Marvel and I loved the fact that it had an ending that, for once, wasn't "all is well when it ends well". I liked the idea and it was very well executed, I think it portrayed the range of feelings from loss, anger and grief very well. It also gave Wanda's character more depth, which I definitely appreciate because Marvel tends to make the women characters/women the same badass hero that has quirky/funny one-liners here and there.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier I know this is controversial but I really did enjoy this show. I liked that there was no love story being forced down our throats and it was mostly Bucky and Sam dealing with the loss of Steve and all that came along with it. Marvel has a history of throwing in a love interest in every little thing just because they see fit and I liked that this time it was just dealing with feelings off loss and handling rehabilitation. I loved that Sam ended up as Captain America and honestly episode 4 did it for me. Watching the Dora Milaje make John Walker eat shit while Bucky and Sam watched was amazing and I was very shocked to see that they went through with John Walker decapitating someone with the shield. I was fully waiting for Bucky to stop the shield with his metal arm but the image of the bloody shield showed a lot of contrast. Minus points for sharon I hate her from the bottom of my heart and how is it possible that she built a whole empire in a couple years when she was also erased by the snap. Overall I liked that this show was a continuation and not something new, it felt homely after 'losing' most of the avengers.
Moon Knight First of all, the costumes, CGI and special effects were beautiful. Truly mesmerizing and the aesthetic they set for it was gorgeous. It was a bit confusing in the beginning before they explained the whole Mark/Steve thing and I was 'catching hats' as we say here in Portugal for most of the show but it's an interesting dynamic and the characters were pretty solid. I don't have much to say, it was a solid show with a nice variety of characters and plot twists and the villain was pretty solid, but the reason why it's not higher on the list it's because overall the plot was eh. Everything around it was great but I feel like it only starts to get interesting around episode 5 which is second to last episode and other than that the visuals carry the show.
Loki I know a lot of you are kicking screaming and crying bc loki is the last one here, but I'm sure that after watching hawkeye he would be above Loki. You know when you watch a whole show, it's amazing, and then the last season fucks it all up? Yeah, that was Loki. The whole Sylvie thing was annoying, her character was annoying, Im sick of marvel forcing love stories down out throats, and the fact that they made a point to say loki was bisexual and then made him fall in love with literally the only loki variant that we saw that didn't look like a guy was very telling. Stop the love stories, it's tiring, I don't wanna see it, it's needless.
(You might notice hawkeye and Ms Marvel aren't here, I didn't finish hawkeye cause I don't give a shit about hawkeye but I will eventually finish it, and I didn't watch Ms Marvel cause Im just not interested in the show)
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happiiest · 4 years
#hm. i regret looking up some random good place picture to reblog and write my thesis in like i usually do after i find a show i like#or. encounter. lol#but a good place is fun!!! i completely avoided it because i just assumed that every self righteous person on tumblr#was gonna analyze it and hyper evaluate it and i just. knew where that was going fandom community wise#but now amanda told me a little bit about it and now that ive stopped interacting with fandoms and started watching a show.....my own way#im enjoying it!! im loving all the characters and the plot twist ending season one was completely unexpected!!#i totally knew something was off that the place was (perfect) but the fact that it was michaels first design covered it!#anyway im having alot of fun watching it how relaxing. i havent watched a live action series for a while its mostly been animated#it feels haughty to say animated and not anime. but i have been watching su and adventure time so like its not just japanese animation#anyway im stressed i talked to my mom today about my not wanting to be around vic like. ever again and she cried about it#i feel bad because i want her to be happy. but shes clinging to the (oh i would have left vic long ago if the love of jesus wasnt inmy heart#like. come on mom youre miserable.#but i dont have the guts to say something like that when shes crying#and i feel selfish for saying that but like. its not my responsibility to make sure my mom makes decisions good#i want to tell her that shes miserable and she should leave him. but i just. cant respond to someone who just keeps repeating#but i love him! but gods plan!#come on. youre willing to put up with him and be miserable with him even though he abused us kids constantly.#it pains me to think be it really does say something about your nature#she asked me if i still believe in god. and i told her that i do. but i dont go to church. or even call myself a christian#because im disgusted of what the people who do call themselves christians do. got these. nazis who are just evil people#calling themselves christians!! people who worship the god of unconditional love! that eats me up i cant imagine#no i still believe in god or whatever. and i still believe im supposed to share kindness and love whenever i can. and to grow#and to become the best me i can be. rn thats just making it thru the day but im working on it#anyway today was stessfull had to talk to my crying mom. i had to worry and research about affording my medicine which i dont even need#dont even need to live but if i have continuous seizures ill get brain damage like second hand life threatening disease bitch#and the depression medicine is pretty affordable without insurance. but still i can apply the same money saving method and save more mons#and then oh what was the other stressor. oh yeah i didnt clean my room. i was supposed to do laundry and i didnt. i could rn but. its late#oh well ill hit the first day of work rough and do my laundry asap after work#and my work schedule. was supposed to check that but i didnt. cuz my boss decided its a good idea to post it on my days off#and not email it to me or something. i get it hes busy but like. fam.
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dustjacketmusings · 2 years
Bridgerton season 2 thoughts
I'm gonna pretend for a second that the book doesn't exist. I've read it, it was great, but I went into this season with the expectation that they were going to abandon book canon and do whatever they wanted. Which is fine if they gave a new exciting story to replace it.
They dont, though, not really. It's pretty obvious that the show is moving away from a romance + side plots structure into a drama + romance B plot structure. That's ultimately ok. I found lady featherington to be an interesting source of drama and, despite thinking the queen was in this show too much, enjoyed her scenes too. But they seem to be uninterested in building romance. In both season 1 and 2 it feels like the main couple get to a point of establishing potential and then the writers say that's good enough on the relationship development and pile on the angst. They don't go from attraction to love. It's just assumed that once attraction is established they are in love and the point is never revisited.
It was bad enough that I forgot at multiple points in episode 7 and 8 that Kate and Anthony were still around and not together. It very much felt like a tacked on oh right we have to tie up that lose end so the writing goes "and then they live happily ever after!" Rather than a meaningful resolution.
And a part of that is just the formula. They develop new characters and plots in episode 1-4, have a midpoint shocking twist at the end of episode 4, include 2-3 episodes of angst and drama that it seems impossible to come back from, and then say they lived happily ever after all problems are solved in episode 8 and call it a day.
It's specifically the heavy angst and drama period (5, 6, 7) that turns me off from the show because they write themselves into unsolvable corners to be shocking and completely neglect their romantic pairing for a fourth of the show. After Kate and Anthony build their attraction in ep 1-4 they don't interact enough. The show settles on longing glances and forbidden sniffs (wtf) instead of showing why even in angst these two people would be good together.
They are also so incredibly passive in their romance. Why does literally every other person in the room care more about their love life than them? Every time the actors show up together they sizzle off screen but the only time they actually seem interested in having a relationship is the HEA scene.
And everyone else caring about their romance feels weirdly forced. It gets really creepy. The queen is too invested in anthonys marraige. Kate is way too invested in general and im not sure why danbury cares. The bridgertons are too invested in anthony choosing the perfect bride instead of a good one. Why does this show insist on presenting a perfectly acceptable romance option and then demonizing it by saying the hero(ine) should ruin every other facet of their life to chase the perfection of true love? Edwina is fine. Anthony and edwina would be fine. It wouldnt be perfect, but again, the Bridgertons (+ lady D) need to stop pretending like Anthony is considering murder by marrying someone totally normal. This weird focus on true love above all else (including family, standing, money) looks really bad against the plot of everyone else, because the featheringtons and marina underscore that true love is not a requirement, you just have to make the most of it. Colin & Marina's conversation about true love vs contentment seems so odd. Especially because Marina sounds incredibly sane and then we go back to the Bridgerton family and their obsession with true love. It's a weirdly self aware moment of the show that changes nothing. The bridgertons are lucky to be able to marry for love but the show treats it as though anything less is a betrayal. Edwina is lucky to be able to look for love and it's barely touched upon. Examining these extra plot lines with people who don't have that luxury makes the basic tenet of the show (that true love conquers all) fall very flat.
And episode 6 was a mistake. It just was. They spent incredibly too long sleeping on edwina's character to have a whole episode where suddenly they viscerally break her heart and she has a girl boss moment where everything rests on her shoulders. No. Build up edwina in ep 1-5 instead of giving her a whole episode to sort out every problem she's ever had. It felt like edwina was a different character for episodes 6 and 7, and then completely forgets anything that happens or that she was ever in love with Anthony and encourages Kate to go after him in episode 8??? Change of heart, sure. But keep the character more consistent and less extreme please. I have a hard time believing she would be able to stay mad like that or just magically totally forgive everything. Both character changes felt off.
They actually managed to make most of the characters pretty unlikeable. It's kind of ironic that I find lady featherington to be the most relatable character because her motivations are at least consistent. I'm not sure any of the bridgertons actually like each other (except benedict) and penelope is a whole nother thing. I was caught off guard by Daphne confronting Anthony the morning of his wedding (not the time), violet talking to Anthony about finding another girl after the mess at the wedding (not the time), or Anthony basically just treating his siblings like crap. (Eloise does this a fair amount too and it makes her challenging to like.)
And... Mary??? Where was fucking Mary? Half of Danbury's scenes should have gone to Kate's mother, but they just forgot she existed. I pretty strongly disliked how they turned Kate into a single mother of Edwina when she has a fucking mother. Who is there. In the scene. Saying nothing.
Otherwise I found the show to be enjoyable but the plots don't hold up to scrutiny. At all. It does dramatic things to be dramatic and then fairy godmother fixes them. Anthony and edwina confirm their engagement without her mother ever being aware of edwina's dowry. Edwina almost marries a man without ever discussing what their life will look like together and his expectations. Eloise is completely oblivious to how dangerous her activities are, and neither Anthony or violet confront her about them after they find out. The queen is a convenient plot mechanism to fix (or cause) problems but it felt very lazy at the end. She's been burned twice by the bridgertons, three times if you count Eloise. Why is she helping them? And I just didn't buy that one longing glance during a dance is enough for her to back kate and Anthony. How does anyone know they're in love? Again, it felt like the show ran out of time and was done with them.
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