#im done rambling... you are spared. For Now.
charliemwrites · 7 months
I humbly request Gaz being a soft dom with Researcher. 🥺
Oh hmmmmm yes let’s see……
The two of them are in the researcher’s bed because let’s be honest, it’s wayyyy better than a barrack. They’ve been on a Science binge all day - all week, really. This is the first that Gaz has been able to pull them away from their work bench in hours.
They’re mumbling about not being done yet, needing to put the finishing touches on a design - and Gaz is letting them ramble. He’s listening, of course. Or, well, listening for the stutters and pauses when his lips and tongue and teeth find a good spot on their neck. They are slowly but surely melting into him, all insistence on work fading off into happy hums.
“We can get back to it tomorrow, chickadee,” he murmurs when they’ve run out of steam. “I want to spend time with you tonight. Think you can make a little time for me?”
“Of course,” they breathe, nuzzling at his cheek to get proper kisses. “All the time you want.”
“All the time I want, eh?” He chuckles. “Sure you can spare that much?”
“So sweet for me,” he smiles against their cheek. “You’ll be good and patient, won’t you?”
He rewards them with slow, lingering touches through their shirt and pants, lets them grind absently against him while he licks into their mouth. They deserve worship and a chance to turn their brilliant brain off. The best way to do that is make them wait, make the building ecstasy the only thing they have room for.
“Ky, I wanna…. I’m so close….” They gasp.
“I know, I know,” he soothes, playing with their nipples. “Can you be good and wait just a little longer? You’re doing so well, I know you can, baby.”
They whine, high pitched, but nod and grip at him tighter, clenching down and writhing, making him see stars.
“I’m gonna count you down, alright?”
The moan. They simultaneously love and hate countdowns and he knows it.
“5…. C’mon, darlin’ arch your back”
They shudder and squeeze their eyes closed.
“4, looks at me? Cmon, I wanna see your pretty dazed eyes.”
They flutter their eyes open but they can’t focus their vision, pupils blown out.
“3… so close, love, you’re holding on so well. That’s it, let me hold you here…”
They whimper his name between their teeth, trembling and desperate, flushed everywhere.
“2…. Can you ask nicely? You sound so lovely when you say-“
“Please, Ky, please, wanna cum for you!”
“That’s my love. Well done, so lovely.”
He holds them there just a moment longer, just to see them desperately holding back for him.
“1 - cum for me, baby. That’s it, ride it out.”
Their eyes roll back in their head as they squeeze down, milking his cock, screaming as they cum in overwhelming waves. Hes not far behind, burying deep within and cumming only a few rough thrusts later.
As they catch their breaths, he leaves absent kisses all over their face and shaking hands.
“Alright, darlin’? Didn’t make you wait too long?”
“It was perfect,” they sigh. High praise indeed considering the ‘statistical impossibility of perfection. “You’re perfect. Thank you, Ky.”
“No need to thank me, love. I should thank you for being so good. Im so proud of you.”
They hum and snuggle in. He’ll have to get them up before they doze off too much… but for now he could use a break too.
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tomatoswup · 11 months
Thanks for answering! My ask is gonna contain spoilers for Trigun Maximum. And I'm writing this again cuz tumblr hates me.
Could you write about Vash and his romantic partner reuniting after Wolfwood helps him escape from the Ark? The blanket he's wrapped in is big enough for two and he needs to be held ngl especially after being held for so many months.
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warnings/tags: Manga Spoilers,,,angst,,,hurt/comfort,,reunion,, poor Vash :(,,, i think i made this sadder than it was suppose to be,,, I'M SORRY ANON I'M JUST DRAMATIC,,,Vulnerable Vash,,, it's okay reader and vash cry it out together 🥹,,, i was listening to The Cure while writing this i swear i was INFLUENCED.
A/N: ....im so sorry anON NFLKSNLKSNDKNSD,,,, hEARTWRENCHING STUFF I KNOW😭😭😭😭 I'm so sorry on this late request tho!!!! I was everywhere for the past few weeks away from home but I'm slowly getting back into the rhythm of writing again (also recovering from my mini writers block) Oh how the world knows I love writing gut wrenching stuff hehehehe... Enjoy~🫶
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There were times you wished life was...normal. Why couldn't you have fallen in love with someone else?
To spare yourself from those sobbing nights, save yourself from breaking your head over a problematic man like him. But those butterflies and baskets of pastries said otherwise to your heart, and the kind nature of his that just brought you in deeper and deeper.
Life was never so simple was it?
You never did like it that way anyways.
And perhaps after spending so much time with him, with them, that it made you stray away from that idea of something "normal" that you had imagined so long ago. When you did, he was always in it.
But no matter who it is, or who had done what, No Man's land spared no mercy for the weak, for the strong, or for those who just simply wanted to love.
And those long days felt like a nightmare you had wanted to wake up from.
7 months since the spiky haired goofball of your boyfriend had danced his way into your kitchen, calling out your name as you couldn't help but chuckle at the way he playfully pranced around, tapping the tops of your shoulders with his fingers.
"Hey you didn't have to wait for me ya' know!" He beamed, a twinkle in his eye as you set food down on the wooden table. "Vash you know I'll always wait for you."
"I knoww~ But I don't deserv-"
"Don't! Say what I think you were gonna say." You huffed out, having brought out a box from the side and putting it on the table "You deserve more than you think. Now cmon, I passed by the bakery and got some pastries and donuts. You said you liked the normal ones right? They were kinda pricy but I still-"
Vash momentarily droned out what you were saying, eyeing the way you moved, the faint blush on your soft cheeks as the heels of your shoes sounded out against the wooden floor boards under your feet.
Caring, smooth, quick.
The corners of his mouth lifted up, smiling from the curious gaze he had given you, eyes crinkling at the edges as he gave himself a playful nod in affirmation before sneaking up behind you.
The quick kiss he gave you on the cheek snapped you out of your rambling, as his clothed arms snaked around your waist in a warm embrace.
"Thank you love..."
7 months since you had come back from town, having gotten things you needed, that you stood in the hot, dry sand. With a basket in hand, you looked up at your porch from a bit away. Spotting Wolfwood, you had instinctively raised your hand to greet the priest before holding your voice back. Something was wrong.
Very wrong. And you had a gut feeling it was gonna be a while.
The disheveled and dirtied state he was in and his cross laid out beside him as the knuckles of his cut-up hands were close to knocking on your door before he slowly turned towards you, having heard your steps in the sand.
Onyx eyes full of gloom, regret, and...
Your blood went cold, feeling a knife stab right into your stomach as you just stood there. The realization dawning upon you, eyes slowly widening at the prospective of what had come about of your lover.
May the world please bring him back to you. Please let Knives spare mercy on these two sides of a battlefield that he shared against his brother. The deserts had gone quiet again, your basket laid forgotten in the sand as nights came and gone.
Let Vash come home.
An aching eternity it felt like, some days you went staring at his empty chair at the dinner table, or whenever you helped up on the floating ship, imagining the ghost of a laugh he would let out whenever he saw the residents aboard.
It was tiring, and those restless nights thinking about what his brother was doing to him, those treacherous thoughts were ones you feared.
But the day Milly and Meryl had knocked on your door with the news that Vash was back home, away from The Ark, was one that you would never forget. How could you?
With how you scrambled around the house, you hadn't noticed how fast your legs hauled you over to the ship when you had been close to dry heaving, finally standing in front of one metallic door to the many rooms it held.
He's here!
Vash is back! He's- He's-
You tried to catch your breath, a sweaty hand on your chest as the voices behind the door faintly sounded out, making the depths of your body churn in worry and nervousness.
Shit, maybe you should've given him some time to recover. Did you act a bit too quickly? But after all of these months... You should let him rest-
"Ah!" You squawked out, hastily taking a few steps back as the door swung right open, revealing a tightly bundled up Wolfwood as he stepped out, shutting the door right behind him before shooting you a calm gaze.
"Ya know, I'm surprised you didn't just run right in. Blondie even cleared the room out before you got here." Passing by you, you couldn't help but watch as he began his stride down the hall.
"WOLFWOOD!" You called out, making him stop in his tracks as he turned his head to the side.
"Thank you. I don't how to repay y-"
Letting out a big sigh to cut you off, he scratched the side of his head "You ain't repayin' me shit, just get in there already. I'll catch up later.."
What kind of man would Wolfwood be to keep two lovers apart anyways?
'A sinful man I would be...' He pondered for just a moment before leaving you behind, leaving you alone to take his word. And with sweaty palms, you indeed did, putting a hand on the cold metallic door knob, turning and pushing it open.
With cold air hitting the surface of your face, you noted the large coffee table and couches in the room, mugs and plates scattered around as you took a few more steps inside. Signs of life...
"You're okay..." You heard a voice say out, making you whip your head to the right and being met with another blanketed bundle of man sat on the couch. But how couldn't you recognize that soft gaze of blue, the messy blonde hair and pink slippers on his scarred feet? Vash tiredly smiled up at you, tilting his head to the side as he looked you up and down.
God how could he smile after so much?
His pink cheeks had sullen, the purple bags under his eyes prominent as the exhaustion was obvious, but he kept that same kind smile after everything he had gone through.
"You look goo- WOAH!" He gaped out in surprise, quickly throwing his arms wide open to catch your figure as you threw yourself at him and into a tight hug, pushing the both of you guys back onto the olden couch.
And before you knew it, the both of you had cuddled up against each other on said couch as you held Vash's head up against your chest, the pads of your fingers soothing the side of his cheek as you rested your chin on top of his head.
"Oh Vash..." You quivered, trying hold back the tears in your eyes as you felt his arms around your waist tighten, the blanket the two of you had been wrapped in rustling as he brought himself in closer.
The weight on his chest hurt, and it felt so heavy.
"I'm sorry." He choked out as you felt tads of wetness on your shirt, his sobs filling the emptiness of the air as his rough hands gripped the back of your shirt in desperation.
It didn't matter how hot the bare skin of his chest felt under the blanket, nor did it matter if the elbows and knees of his body ached and the spine of his back felt like needles.
You're the closest to comfort and peace he's had in the last 7 months, and he couldn't let you go.
"Don't apologize. I..I don't think you really know how happy I am to have you back." You cried, finally broking down, leaving kisses on the top of his head as he continued to wail against your chest "I would've been so lost..."
'You felt like home.' And you always did. Vash shut his eyes as the two of you stayed entangled together for the next few hours.
Having cried, talked about what had happened in the last 7 months, and the future before drifting off to sleep on the very couch.
Under the blanket of love, did two lovers finally reunite before the tribulations that had occurred and were to come.
"I love you."
"I would've been so lost, because you felt like home."
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Static dances out from the speaker of the monitor... which is probably power by magic now that you think about it-
"I am sorry children... Picky does not seem willing to listen... It hurts me to think she still considers Dogday to have abandoned you all- especially because it was her own words that confirmed my knowledge of where he is. She seems so... scared to believe what I have said. So quit to curl her ears and ignore it. So quick to turn her emotions into rage... I feel like forcing her to confront that truth may break her."
"I hope you have a plan children. One that does not involve making a deal that could permanently disable you or make this situation even worse. As Hoppy explained the rules behind our contracts? I hope so- if only for you not to fall victims to one of my fellows suggesting a deal that will do more harm then good."
"I have been hard at work devising a way to create a deal that could help you all without harming you or making the situation worse... and I believe I have finally found it. I am to assume that much of the food you all have is food either to rotten to eat or stuff your bodies cannot consume? Picky has told us of your carnivore diets... which does not make sense do to what was used to make you. Studying of that strange issue must be dealt with later."
"Using the rules established- it should be possible for you to use the rule of equivalent exchange to turn that rotten and uneatable food into something you can eat. Again, it perplexes me that none of you can eat other things- Ah sorry, Lost in my thoughts again. I will warn you now that you may end up with an amount of food a small bit less then what you use for the deal- but that should be made up for in spades by the meat sent back being cooked- allowing your bodies to absorb much more of the nutrients then simple raw meat."
"As of the recording of this message... Crafty has only been revealed to me. For the sake of future proofing I have also prepared a deal for her as well. I am not sure of the nature of her episodes of madness... all I do know is that she may freak out at no having anything to paint with- and even that is faulty knowledge. So, with this extra deal, it should be simple to change any spare art supplies you have around into another color. In the case you don't have any... I will attempt to devise a safe deal for that for out next contact."
"All you must do is gather the proper items listed for the magics to consume and warp and accept the deal as per our rules. I hope this can help you all moving forward. I got suggest rationing what you can and eating slowly, as flooding the body with nutrients during starvation can cause a multitude of issues. Perhaps getting you all glass jars to preserve the food is in order. I'll attempt to keep the spell work up so you may continue to do this at any time... but magic can be finicky."
"Maybe making this deal to Picky in return for stopping her pursuit would work, but I am still unsure any magic can be done away from the monitor. What are your thoughts on this Children?"
"I will also look into this issue of you not being able to eat food stuff other then meat- that should not be so yet it is... what has Playtime done this time- How would one warp the human stomach that way? Possibly an inhibiter to the brain? or possibly an certain change in the enzymes your bodies produce?- Ah sorry- Rambling once again. Talk to you all soon. Please- Be safe."
(Heh- Magic time : ), Hopefully everything here makes sense and seems fair to you mod. No need to have our beloved stars starve no? Of course if not that is always alright! I simply wish to fulfill my promise of doing all I can to aid these young souls! Hope you have a great day!)
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I’m not surprised about Picky. She’s…always been a little ignorant.
She’d still hunt me down even if she got that deal. Me and her...have history.
And Crafty not having paint isn’t exactly the problem. She doesn’t have hands to paint with anymore.
You can thank CatNap for that.
[Mod note: I hope you have a good day as well! I love getting your asks :)]
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kiyocuck · 6 months
kiyotaka tumblr user ramble
was thinkinf about this yesterday and i think ive cracked the idea of taka having tumblr, im an absolute genius and you will hear me out Okay
basically hes like a gimmick tumblr account that got famous for posting specific stuff and being Odd about it
the things he posts are like 5000 word posts just talking about his day in excruciating detail, talking about his studies and whatnot. it feels *weird* reading it bcuz hes describing oddly specific things like what he uses to clean his boots or whatever but its still Somewhat normal-ish.
he gets asks and replies to them with some unrelated tangent, some people ask him if hes autistic and hes like That is a very interesting question, I have actually done research in my spare time, because alot of my acquaintances are on the "Spectrum", and one of them, who thinks hes some 'Overlord of Ice', threw his pet hamsters at me and they scratched me on the face, and I had to go to the nurse in case he did not vaccinate them, I did not want to get rabies potentially, and-
basically letting his thoughts out without needing to sound like hes lecturing someone, he treats his blog like a diary and barely even realizes just how much attention he gets bcuz he logs in to post and then logs out
Occasionally, however, he will post something like "I cannot do this anymore I hate my life" and right after that he will post again "Apologies for the previous post, I was unmedicated, I am okay now. Anyway," and start talking about his studies again or whatever. and the funniest part is that he will not delete any sudden episode posts like that. he knows he can delete posts, but he doesnt think its worth hiding anything, which is why if he makes One grammar mistake in the 4 pages essay long posts, he will just reblog it correcting the ONE error like "*you're. I misspelled, sorry." and you are left to go look for that mistake he made in the first place
he will occasionally turn his posts into vents or nonsensical rambles like "I was reading a book about self-care recently, it was very informing. One of the chapters said 'It's important to have people in your life to support you'. Why does no one love me? Who should I rely on for support? What is wrong with me?" and people will reblog it like OP are you alright you can talk to us:( and he'll be like I'm perfectly okay dont ask me questions please (<-about to have another episode)
this turned out a bit depressive but take it in a funny way okay i just like to think about him alot even though i hate him and want him to die again by My hands
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setcolder · 6 days
Soo this is my 3rd(?) Time finishing saiki k i think. I used to be sooo sad how saiki got his power back. Cause like, oh no, my good friend saiki forever trapped in life he despises... What a bitter end, i thought
But now im having second thoughts... Having power is the good ending for him. The thing is its not about getting rid of his power but to accept it,oin the "this is what i am" way. Its an open ending at some kind, but to me saiki will reveal his power after the meteor gotten dealt with. Its implied how his friendg would accept him regardless. Still having power when he confesses fit better. Because he doesn't have to bury it as the past but have it as something thats not be ashamed of (not that he was though, spare me cause im not eloquent to describe what im thinking)
AND. And, all that responsibility he had to bear is greater when he do it alone. The psychickers sharing his secrets do elevate some burdens he had. But despite all that, theres still things he do himself (time leap things—i dont think he never share that with anyone except kusuke) (and yes kusuke alonh with the parents does fill some blanks to the secrets he conceal in front of the whole circle—but the family sometimes made his life complicated too no?) (Leave out mother though. Because all she ever be a nuisance is when she sneak out his power. But its not totally a concern, because, having people close to saiki to know his power will even decrease his burden)
I wonder how the scene would play out, i mean, when he finally reveal it. Did he do it right after dealing with the meteor? Elevating lower in front of them while meteor dust fleeing in the sky? Or he gathered them like the original plan? Im so curious how the author would play it out, despite having fanfiction to fill in the blank. Its a wishful thinking to have solid crumbs of events happening after the circle knew about his power. All the canon had showed us is the possibilities that ended on the reveal
Rambling this much because im so empathetic with my good friend saiki. Hes gone through so much, its crazy. Technically, hes been living life thousand times his actual age. The perception of time warp it of course, but still, how he matured everybody else is the result of his mentality going through longer unimaginable
His lore is just crazy you know. Him being the most popular character in the show, nobody overshadow the mc himself, because hes a very dimensional character despite the gag label theyre going for. The mangaka is a fenomenal writer for this. Saiki k will never be overrated.
Saiki is caring, kind, attentive, knows boundary to some extent (lmao). Come on, i wouldnt complain about his "bad" qualities because for everything that hes going through, he grew well. And at heart, hes a teenager. Hes allowed to feel simple happiness only at the sight of his favorite snack. To feel excited at his idol (satou). He may done all that unconsciously, lets just say its a bonus from the price he paid (constantly diminishing his existence from attention even the concept of camaraderie)
Watching saiki k is never a bore; every comedic always humors with no fail. It always feels like watching for the first time. It's cliche, but youre totally my favorite character mr. Psychic
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leveller-75 · 1 year
Not Allowed | M.H
A/N: Hi! Im back (finally). This ones been in my drafts for a while so i thought why not post it now, i want to say that i do not own the song Not Allowed by TV Girl. I also want to say that this is purely fiction and made up so please bare in mind that somethings may not be similar to real life events. Thank you for being so patient ! x
WARNINGS: angst, toxic relationship
SUMMARY: You open up to your therapist about your's and matty's toxic relationship.
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Here I am once again. Therapy. Not the place I want to be, but I know it will help me in the long run. I cautiously open the door trying to let all my anxiety flow out of my body. I create small conversation with the woman behind the counter as she lets my therapist Ben know I have arrived. I take a seat in the waiting room, as I look around the familiar setting I get lost in my thoughts, before I know it I'm getting called in for my session.  
“So, how's it been with you and Matty recently, anything changed?” my therapists asks 
“God how should I begin this...” I let out a huge sigh as I place my head in my hands trying to gather all the key information 
“I remember last session you were saying how it started when you were with him” he states, as I lift my head up suddenly remembering everything I spilled last session. 
“Yes! Yes, oh my god how could I forget” I let out a nervous laugh as I go on to explain “I mean when you go out you always see couples dancing together, drinking together just having a good time doing what couples do, but he never took me out to dance and to have a good time... I guess hes playing with my head in a way” I quickly stop myself “Sorry I'm rambling...” 
“No worries at all, that’s what I'm here for” he quickly writes everything I said down into his notebook. God how can people write that fast. He then looks at me “Did he ever make you cry?” 
I was sat on the sofa at home watching tv waiting for Matty to come home after a long day of working in the studio. I heard the front door creek open as I peek over my shoulder to see Matty taking his coat and shoes off and just shoving them on the floor. “Thats not like him to do that” I mutter to myself. I grab the tv remote pausing the tv, walking over to him I could see visible anger on his face. Something must have happened at the studio. I place my hand softly on his back as I slowly rub it up and down 
“You okay? You seem a bit down...” I quietly say not wanting him to lash out on me 
“Mhm” he responds bluntly, shoving my hand off him as he walks to the living room slumping down on the sofa with his head in his hands. I slowly follow him sitting on the sofa opposite. 
“Do you wanna talk about it, it's okay if you don’t" I say with a slight smile on my face trying to comfort him in a way.   
“Talk about what. I told u I was fine, nothing's happened. I have nothing to talk about at all.” he responds quite aggressively. “Sorry I didn-” I start to reply until he rudely interrupts me “LISTEN TO ME. Go do what you do best, go out for a walk, go to a café, GOD just leave this house I can’t stand your pity any longer. I told you I'm fine leave it at that. I don’t want to speak to you right now, please just leave”. My eyes start to fill with tears as I quickly wipe the ones that escape from my cheek, standing up from the sofa with shaky hands I make my way to the storage cupboard to get my shoes as I grab the spare key and quickly evacuate. I hear faint bangs and things getting smashed as I leave the house, walking further and further away. The more I walk the more tears start to fall down my face. Although this wasn’t the first time he’s done this, it never gets easier watching him get so angry with me so fast for no reason. 
/Real Life/ 
“Uh, not often but sometimes yeah...” I lie not wanting to explain how many times Mattys made me cry for no reason, I start playing with my hands waiting for my therapist to say something 
“I can tell your lying by the way you're playing around with your hands but i guess this whole situation is different cause you love him, and it will be hard to get out of a relationship like this” he states “I know u may not like this but it's your turn now. Make your own decisions, you can choose how u want your life to be like in the future. Don’t let a man ruin it for you, now tell me when you first started to notice Mattys change of heart towards your relationship.” 
“When our relationship first started it was like heaven, I really thought id be with him forever he was so loving and determined to keep our relationship blooming and strong but after a few months he just slowly started giving up and I felt him slipping away” 
“Hey darling, how's your day been” he asks me giving me a peck on the forehead. 
“It's been stressful, but it's all done now so I can finally relax” I say with a small sigh as he comes behind me and starts to massage my back giving small kisses here and there. 
“I’m gonna book us a table in the best restaurant I can find, and I'll pay for everything. My treat” I laugh at his way of explaining the restaurant, but I agree to the offer. 
*Time Skip* 
Matty had informed me that he might be a few minutes late, so I decided to make my own way to the restaurant.  
I had been waiting for almost an hour now, the feeling I knew all too well started to grow more and more as I begin nervously picking at my nails frantically looking around the room to see if I could spot his face in the crowd of people. Everyone looked so happy, laughing and joking around with one another. Then there was me. The girl who got stood up by her own boyfriend. 
I called his phone several times. No answer. Tears started welling up my eyes slowly beginning to blur my vision. Quickly wiping the tears away, I left the restaurant feeling every emotion possible, making my way back home. 
As soon as I arrive home I see a silhouette of a male laying on the sofa that immediately shot up after hearing the door shut. His face drop’s as he realised he’s messed up once again. 
“God, darling I'm so sorry. I've been really stressed at the studio recently and I-” he rambles trying to pity me 
“It’s fine matty, just leave it. Your wasting your tongue with your lame excuses and lies.” I reply bluntly as I make a quick exit to the bedroom. 
Shotting myself down onto the bed like a ragdoll, I shove my face into the pillow and let out all the tears that have been held in my eyes like prisoners in jail cells.  
“God im so stupid” I let all my emotions out as I slowly drift off into deep sleep. 
/Real Life/ 
“Obviously I started to suspect he doesn’t intend on doing anything he says at all but I was too scared to speak up about it” I finish explaining what happened on the “date” night, slowly lifting my head up to try and read my therapists face for a reaction. A soft alarm goes off as I let out an unexpected sigh.  
“Our sessions over for now, it was lovely having you here again. Thank you for trusting me, im really seeing an improvement from our first session up to now, so keep it up. Please remember you can always send me a message anytime and I can try to help virtually but if you would like to book another appointment let the receptionist know. Go relax, run yourself a hot bath. I hope to see you again soon” My therapist sends me a quick smile. Whispering a quiet thank you, I leave the room and make my way to the car checking my phone to see a message from Matty
Hi darling, I couldn’t bring myself to do this in person and I know its cowardly of me to do this over text but I think its best if we took a break. You need some time to heal and so do I. I've came to the conclusion that I've been a really fuckin' shitty boyfriend these past few months and you deserve better. I hope we’re still friends and I hope you don’t mind me saying this one last time but, I love you and wish you the best x 
 Read 3:06pm. 
Thank you for reading! Please like and reblog, it means the world. My requests are currently open and I have more fics coming out very soon so keep an eye out for them &lt;3
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specialmoogakii · 2 years
Hii Idk if you still take requests but I was thinking what if the reader (gender non confirming) messed with the files and accidently deleted everything but stanley's office?
I always take requests! So don't worry about it. Since there isn't a relationship specified in this ask,i'll make it platonic.
Its all started by just wanting to have fun. The narrator has been out for 2 minutes and you were already bored. Being stuck in this parable is nothing special.
Going around in the files without narrator consent was a little bit risky but you're finding unknown files that you're interested in.
Like never seen before objects,areas and even weird furniture that are a little bit eccentric for this parable.
Your boredom immediately melted like milk,there were a lot of files to explore without making the narrator suspicious. After all,you didn't have any malicious intentions.
Well,seem like the destiny wasn't on the same page and you accidentally deleted THE WHOLE GAME. The only thing that remain is thankfully the stanley's office,the only place where you currently were.
Oh,the narrator is going to be so mad at you. "Im finally back,reader. I hope you miss this lovely voice of mine" oh,lucky is with you today huh.
"Now we can continue with our stor- wha?! Reader! What happen to the whole game?? Why is everything missing-?" The narrator,obviously,being confused since the game was perfectly fine two second ago.
You tried to lie and just shrugged. Not wanting to admit the truth and afraid of what the narrator can do.
"Hm,all the files are unexpectedly gone! How did this happen? As far i can tell nobody can get into my game without my supervision on.." You were sweating harder and harder at every single words of his.
Oh no.
"What have you done."
"Its was a mistake i swear! I was bored!"
"Its not a excellent idea to mess with MY files,reader! Look what have you done! Its only been 2 minute since i went away!" The narrator was getting angry overtime. Trying to control it since he considerate you a friend of his,not a little puppet to play with.
"I know! You have all the right to be mad at me! But i swear it was a mistake! I just wanted to have fun!"
"Sigh... oh reader. Causing trouble as always. You're lucky enough that i know how to fix this. But i won't be this gentle if its happen again." Narrator quickly tries to keep peace with himself,already went to fix this problem and spare you the multiple rambling of his. Thank god,you're his friend.
"..can you please add that pretty eccentric couch? Its look more comfortable then this chair-"
"Oh. I can do that but i won't add it without getting the favor in return~" he is being cocky right now. You just asked for a couch and he wanted something big for sure. Talking about returning the "favor".
"Sigh. Fine. I won't disobey you in the next story"
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that-lame-ghoul9000 · 2 years
Maybe a shower smut with eddie ? 😗
April Showers 🌧
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Its the beginning of track season at Hawkins High. And while your boyfriend is super supportive(from under the bleachers) of your athletic choices, you can't deny practice has taken up way to much of your time. And Eddie intends to make up for lost time.
Word count: 3.3k 😳🥲
TW: SMUT 18+ MINORS GO TOUCH SOME GRASS, DONT INTERACT, established relationship, Shower sex, semi public sex (girls locker room), its a quicky that feels like forever because im a slut for getting carried away rambling. Im sorry. swearing, Unprotected sex it's not stated but reader is on birth control. Just pretend. (don't be silly, wrap your willy. A pregnancy test is one Etch-a-sketch that can't be undid homeskillet) -Oral- (m receiving) Spit. He spits in readers mouth. Pet names(baby or babe i can't remember, princess & sweetheart) probably forgot something. If I did please tell me.
This is so unedited. And written. Late at night.
A/n: 1.) Thank you so much for requesting this. I was so exited exited write it.  With that said:
This is my first published work containing smut. Use lube and go easy on me I'll get better I swear. Give me feedback. Give me all the feedback.
2.)I never ran track. I don't know track season. So I'm sorry if this isn't accurate. I Googled HS track season and it said (training began oct-nov, with actual season being feb-may) and I just REALLY liked the title I picked. So sue me 🤣 and let me live in my fantasy world where after i had a choice I stopped participating in sports. Okay love you byeeee 😘
I do not give permission to have this posted anywhere else. (You'll only find it here and on my AO3 which is the same username) Please don't take my work. Ive worked hard on it and I'd like to continue doing it.
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You were a good student. Reliable. Trustworthy. Responsible. Just a few adjectives thrown around by the faculty at Hawkins High. Which is why your guidance counselor and track coach had absolutely no problem giving you a spare key to the school gym and locker room only asking you clean up after yourself and lock up when you're done. Something you've been doing since last school year. You had a tendency to practice in the early hours of the morning. It was cool out. Quiet, with no one there to bother you. No overly horny teenage boys with way to much time on their hands and nothing better to do than yell scandalous risqué remarks at their classmates of the opposite sex simply because their little under developed, sex riddled, cavemen brains couldn't comput farther than: "Girls" "Shorts=ass" and running in a tee shirt was the closest half of them would ever get to seeing boobs bounce. Give them a few years. They may grow out of it.
For that late reason alone you preferred morning runs on the track. Reserving the after school evenings for team practice. Where you'd still try hard. But not hard enough to elicit said comments.
It's almost the end of April and most, if not all, of your time has been spent on this track. You began as soon as the leaves started falling in mid October at the indoor gym at the request of your coach. But it was a drive. Which is what prompted you to ask to use the gym in the mornings last year once it got semi warm enough to begin using the outdoor track.
If you weren't on the track you had your nose shoved in some AP class workbook. Grades were very important to you. Just as important as sports. As they went hand in hand. This unfortunately meant skipping out on plans with your friends. Often.
Which also meant having to "rain check" dates with your boyfriend. Claiming
"Unless you're going to throw 'Study' in front of that 'date' word, we're going to have to give it a rain check."
Now you'd think most guys would love a good 'Study' date. Not your boyfriend. It's as if the word itself was dipped in holy water and burned him simply thinking about it. Which is funny considering who he is. That's right. Little Ms. Straight A's Sporty McSportsPants boyfriend was none other than the infamous Devil worshiping, master of the occult, every parents worst nightmare for their sweet baby, friendly neighborhood bad boy.
Eddie. Mother fucking. Munson.
And although his chocolate button, puppy dog eyes were so close to making you say "fuck it" and toss your books in the air. You had to be the level headed responsible one of you both. Easier said than done. You'd not hadn't had much time together in months. Aside from the half hour at lunch, Mrs. O'Donnell's class (which she conveniently had you both on separate ends of the classroom) the few minutes after practice you got before having to rush home for dinner, and a night filled with homework. Your time together was really few and far between. And while it made you both sad, Eddie would still find cute ways to keep you from getting discouraged. From cute notes of encouragement in your locker on days you'd have track meets. (Especially the ones you were nervous about) Throwing rocks at your window after your parents had gone to bed to get some time in with you till you fell asleep. Even if it was only 10 minutes. And sometimes if you looked real close you'd see him under the bleachers cheering you on. You really couldn't understand why everyone thought the awful things they did about him.
On this particular morning it was cool out. Slightly windy. And very overcast. The gray sky looking like it would give way to rain at a moments notice. You almost opted to not practice this morning. But you had a big meet coming up this Saturday and there was no way you were losing. You pulled your Hawkins High Tigers hoodie off exposing your skin to the cool air. Letting out a shiver you jogged to the track. Looking at your watch
5:30am (this should be illegal)
Setting your alarm for 6:30, giving yourself exactly one hour before you needed to head to the locker room and hit the shower. Kids would start arriving by 7:30. This would give you the perfect amount of time to Shower, dry your hair and drop your clothes in your locker before grabbing a muffin and heading to class.
You begin running your laps and time just runs away with you. Though you're not racing a physical person you feel a sense of competition. You're racing time. And time is racing you.
You made it 30 minutes in before you heard it. The soft low rumble of the incoming thunder announcing the imminent approaching storm. The wind began to pick up as well. Not that you'd complained it helped keep you cool for the most part.
Deciding not to chance it you run off to the bleachers and grab your bookbag along with your duffle that had your change of clothes, shampoo, towel and all important keys that granted you access to the areas of the school you needed. And with that you jogged to the school building.
As you reach the girls locker room you head into the shower room and turn the water on allowing it enough time to heat up. You exit back to the locker room and begin to remove your shoes and socks. But just as you're getting to your shorts you hear the door open. Causing you to pause.
"Hello? This room is currently being used."
"If there's someone in here you have exactly 3 seconds to make yourself known or I'll borrow Bethany's softball bat. And ive been told I've got a pretty good swing." You yell out.
"I'd love to see you swing a bat. Bet it be hot as hell."
You jump, turning on a heel to face the intruder. He's smirking at you from under that beautiful mess of hair.
"Edward Alan Munson, I can and I will if ever do that again. What are you doing here?" you ask confused. Knowing this man isn't known for getting up early.
"Firstly, just because Wayne let it slip the one night he came home early and saw us making out on the couch, doesn't mean my middle name is available for public use. Even if it's from someone as cute as you. And it is super cute when you use it in your 'I'm so serious tone." he boops your nose.
"Secondly, I knew you'd be here even if a tornado threatened to rip the school down to its foundation because you have your meet against Greenwood on Saturday and, for reasons I'll never understand in the world of sports, you'd rather die than let them win this year."
You rolled your eyes with a smile at his comment. It was a true statement.
"And thirdly, I'll take any time I can get with you." He smirks dropping his jacket and vest all in one go. "You just say the word. It's always better to shower with a friend. Conserve water you know. Great for the planet. Wouldn't want you to slip in there." His brain thinking of more excuses. But he's cut off as soon as he sees you slowly walk backward toward the showers pulling your shirt off and winking at him before dropping your shorts, grabbing your shampoo & body wash and walking through the door. And he's so quick to shed the rest of what's in the way almost falling and breaking his neck trying to get his jeans off. With a final tug his shirt falls to the ground and he's running after you like a kid in a candy store to the showers.
You were already under the water, in an attempt to try and at least was your body before all hell broke loose, when you feel his hands slowly snake around your hips a he pulls you closer to him. Until you feel his skin against yours. And his very prominent hard on pressed against your back. A shiver of excitement pulses through you in every direction as he slowly sweeps his hands across your body. Agonizingly slow. You lean your head back against his chest and he let's out a chuckle.
"Someone seems a little stressed." He says into your ear in a breathy voice that has your legs turning to jello. His hands feather light skimming across your breasts. So light you might have missed it if weren't for him adding the slightest of weight to his hand as he circled your nipper.
You felt yourself begin to relax under his touch. A breathy moan as you say his name,
The verbal action making his cock twitch against your back.
"Yes Princess." He teased.
"Touch me, please."
"I am touching you." He laughed.
What he'd give to take his time with you. He'd have you so relaxed to the point you'd forget your own name. Only remembering his because he'd have you screaming it repeatedly. But he knew you were both on borrowed time so he cut to the chase.
"Okay sweetheart but only because you asked so nicely." He kissed the side of you temple as his hands moved lower and lower. Till he was still semi teasing you by gently rubbing your legs.
"Edd-" you didn't even get his name out before he said
"Let's see just how excited you are for me" and dipping his middle and ring finger to swipe through your slick folds.
Eliciting a moan that could only be described by Eddie as what the heavens must sound like.
"Jesus baby, even you can't play this one off as shower water. You're absolutely soaked." He said softly biting your ear. You're a mess, as he slides his fingers up slowly till he finds your clit and begins running soft figure eights into the little nub. Not enough to do to much but enough to get you more worked up.  If it wasn't for Eddie holding you up right now you'd fall to the floor.
Which gives you an idea. Since you're kinda on a time crunch. You pull his hand away, even though it pained you to do it. Turn around, and grab his face before he can protest bridging the gap you've caused between you two for the most intense kiss to ever exist at 6:48 in the morning. A clashing of teeth and tongue but only for a brief moment.  Because before the boy in front of you could register the series of events unfolding in front of him you drop to your knees looking up at him through wet lashes (which he's now moved to the top of his list of 'hottest images of my girlfriend burned into my brain to date')
Giving a slight devilish smile before running your hands delicately over his things in almost the same slow, agonizing pace he was teasing you with not moments ago.
Throwing his head back you hear him mutter a "fuuuuuck me" to which you replied "oh trust me i plan to" as you grasp his length in your left hand and begin stroking a few times. Making sure to run your thumb over his aching tip that's beading with pre-cum to gather it and as he looks down you stick in your mouth to suck off. A sort of pre-warning. One that he can barely handle. And with a pop you remove your thumb replacing back on his aching cock, pumping once. Twice. Thrice before giving the prominent vein under his cock a lick from base to tip finally taking as much of him in as you possibly could. Thank God for the wall behind him because he throws his head back and becomes one with the wall thrusting his hand into your hair and gathering it to keep it out of your face.
"F-Fuckin hell. You are so damn good at that. God's baby who knew such a good girl could have such a bad mouth."
The moan you release sending sweet vibrations to parts of him he didn't know existed. Its all going to his head. And rather quickly. You begin pumping what you can't fit as you continue bobbing your head up and down at a pace Eddie has deemed 'fucking perfect'.
"God baby if you keep up like this I won't last much longer." He looks down.
You look up at him with doe eyes through lashes coated in tiny water droplets. He's died and gone to heaven. He feels his release nearing and he's quick to remove himself before he does. Lifting you up to your feet.
"As much as I'd love to cum down your throat. Let's I don't know rain check it," He jests, 'because right now I want to fuck you up against," He paused looking at the 3 available walls in this shower wall eliminating the one with the knobs and shower head, "that wall. But first open, since i know you were so looking forward to having my cum run down your throat. Here's a substitute." He quickly takes his middle and ring finger, swiping them up your soaking cunt, returning them to his mouth to quickly suck and savor how you taste on his tongue. He taps your jaw and your quick to open for him. As he spits a mixture of your slick and his spit into your mouth.
"Swollow." He doesn't have to ask twice. And because he can't help himself his mouth is quick to seek out yours in a passionate kiss filled with teeth, tongue and the fact this will be way faster than either of you want it to be. Suddenly he's tapping your thighs signaling you to jump and you do. Your back is met with the cool stall wall as Eddie is quick to line himself up with your center. There's no slowness anymore. You've all but run out of time, students would start arriving soon. And from previous moments with Eddie you both came to the realization, you weren't quiet. And you couldn't be even if you wanted to.
As he slides in you let out a pornagraphic moan and let your head fall back against the wall. Legs wrapping around his waist, one arm half hazardly drapped around his neck the other holding his shoulder. He stretches you out perfectly. And you fit him just as well.
"F-fuckin hell you're so goddamn tight. Just sucking my cock in. God I can feel you tightening around me."
You rock your hips a little to signal he's okay to move. And boy does he move. He slowly begins to piston in and out of you. Breathing heavy as the shower water falls down like the impending rain. It's probably raining right now. He begins kissing down your jaw to your neck getting to your collar bone where he begins sucking and biting, just a small mark. He likes looking at them later.
You're a moaning, swearing mess. Praying no one hears anything and decides to come looking to make sure a student isn't hurt. Which would be very awkward and extremely frustrating as you can feel that coil in you winding up, so close to snapping. And as if on cue Eddie snaps his hips up in such a way he hits that magic button and just like that his name tumbles out of your mouth. The only name you'll remember for the rest of the day.
He continues his pistoning into that spot with everything he has in him. He's chasing his high and yours. His free hand snakes down to rub on your bundle of nerves in such a perfect way that he has you coming undone in seconds. Following behind you moments later. He slows his thrusting down as you ride out your highs. You rest your forehead on his as you both try to slow your eradicate breathing.
After a moment he pulls out of you slowly, trying his best not to make you uncomfortable. Still holding onto you because you currently have the legs and dexterity of a newborn deer. He kisses your nose as he reaches over and puts some shampoo in his hand returning to massage it into your hair.
"God he's perfect." You think to yourself with a small giggle.
"And whats, pray tell does the lady find funny." He smirks.
"You give me an mind altering orgasm. And now you're washing my hair. It's just cute is all."
"I'm making up for lost time. I believe you have at the very least 30 more coming your way in the near future. Not all at once. But I'm sure I can pull a few out of you with each of our upcoming 'Study' dates. I do need to pass Mrs. O'Donnell's class if i want to walk that stage with you. And I fully intend to." He winks. His statement making you're eyes widen and a blush fall across your cheeks.
"As long as we actually study first Edward Ala-" He cuts you off with quick kiss tilting your head back enough allow the water to wash the shampoo away without it getting into your eyes.
"I recall mentioning the ban of using my full name. But I'll excuse it this time as your brain is still probably a bit to fried." He smiles giving your forehead a quick kiss. And then you hear it. Your watch alerting you that it's 7:30. Fuck you'd have no time to dry your hair. Both mentally cursing the beeping noise, Eddie turns off the water.
"I'll go out first. And quickly get dressed. I'll set your clothes in here on the bench." You give him a kiss as he nods at your plan.
You grab your towel and quickly wrap yourself. Walking fast into the locker room. Pulling your clothes out. Sliding on all the articles. As quickly as you could without paying attention.
Trying to use the towel to dry your hair as best you could before running a brush through quickly and tossing it into a ponytail.
You run to gather all of Eddie's clothes and then set them on the bench.
"The towels a bit wet but it's here too. I'll see you in a minute." You smile as you hear the stall unlock.
Grabbing your bag you make sure the coast is clean before waiting outside the girls locker room door. A few moments later Eddie emerges.
"Hey sweetheart, come here often." He winks at you. Making you giggle.
"Occasionally. Do you?"
"I sure as hell might start coming more often." He grabs your backpack from your shoulder slinging it over his are before throwing his free arm around your shoulder.
"What do you say we go find our rowdie band of weirdos. They can't be left alone for too long. Especially not with Henderson.
"Okay let's go find your freshman children." You say, lacing your fingers in the hand draped around your shoulder. "I'd hate to think what weird heated conversation topic Dustin has Mike and Gareth. Kid gets a level over passionate about many things." Causing both of you you break out laughing.
"It's his tone. I swear it's his tone." Eddie breathes out. As you approach the cafeteria you look outside.
Just like you thought it's absolutely pouring out.
"Eddie." You whisper into his ear at a sudden realization before finding everyone at the table.
"Hmm" He looks at you puzzled.
"Eddie. We're both wet. They'll know why I am. But you never this awake this early. This," you look him up and down before finishing, "wet. They're going to know."
As he looks out the window.
He looks back at you with a smirk.
"I'd blame it on the rain. But I doubt they'd believe me."
April Showers is an understatement.
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jils-things · 5 months
happy new year! ; my farewell letter to 2023.
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last year, ive written a similar farewell letter to 2022 and i want to make this a little tradition - so here's my second one <3
okay, so - wow. first of all, just wow.
this might be incredibly bold to say, but i think this has been my best year to be alive (i promise you i do not want to sound corny about it, but i really think 2023 was amazing for me.) of course, many things happened. im at my last year of senior high before i go to college, which is very scary but i hope i can be brave for it. school has been actually very generous to me recently, despite a few minor setbacks that looked very major when i was going through it, but overall it was very generous to me. but irl rambling is boring, so let's talk about my selfshipping blog!
last year, i had a verrrry firm grip on a previous f/o that im 100% sure old followers know - though im a little sad I can't find that spark to focus on him again - the shift in media has helped me find new f/os that i can say has been incredibly memorable to me. as we all know, im in a very INSANE pokemon brainrot since november or october(?) of 2022 and it has still remained heavily active in my head right now - which i honestly didn't even know i had the full capacity of doing! I don't know what magic this game did to me but i promise you im so happy i revisited this game again.
i would talk about how grateful i am to everyone has been supportive and sweet about my romantic f/os but i think the best highlight of my blog is my newfound love for my familial f/os - before that, i never had a single one on my list because i was simply quite disconnected to the family love concept, but after indulging myself in pokemon - i would come to discover pokemon adve.ntures, or poke.spe for short hehe. i have so many fond memories of finding myself wanting to read more and MORE - i would have every chapter downloaded beforehand just so that i can read it in my spare time, not even school that demanded my attention would stop me from sneaking my phone to quickly read through the manga LMAOO - but consuming the media itself wasn't enough, i needed people to understand the ROLLERCOASTER of emotions i had while reading and well, i think its very clear who those people were, the ones who came to save my miserable ass from (insert shocking scene in poke.spe) AHSJHSHSJSJS you know who you are and i appreciate you forever and they - i kid you not, helped me create something wonderful!
but of course, the video games were just as amazing. would you believe me if i told you i played gens 1 to 7 in one year? that's how much i adore the game and i still have yet to catch up to other games like the spin offs :] im not sure how to end this statement but. im so happy appleshipping and memoryshipping exists 🥹 i usually don't like thinking that they'll be with me forever because i believe nothing lasts for eternity but i just wanna say that they were just ... im just so contented 🥹 again, all of this actually would not have been so impactful to me if it weren't for my awesome mutuals hearing me out about it and supplying me with even more ideas - these mutuals would also end up becoming such loving friends of mine that helped me get out of my comfort zone and im still happy they're around (hi guys!) 💚
oh! and, what a surprise, i never thought id have an oc f/o! i initially thought that this was so impossible to do but?!??;?! it just happened i guess!!!! i keep surprising myself this year 😭
ok now here's the obligatory art summary for the year 💥
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literally the best thing i ever done with my art is try using csp and it actually really helped me change the way i draw, and i even managed to cross out a few items in my last year's resolution thanks to it! i still bounce between using ibispaint and csp but i certainly improved!
the last thing im forever grateful about are the people who has been consistently supportive of my art - especially the commissions, i can't stress it enough how much it has helped me outside and it allowed me to go beyond my comfort zone when it comes to my drawing skills :']] thank you all so much
and finally, big thank you to everyone who sent me nice letters to my tree 🥹💚 its a gentle reminder that im actually ... pretty cool ig 🥹 and if you didn't send one, that's also ok!! you're still cool for reading this mwamwa
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again im so bad at ending posts like these but cheers to a new year and let's hope it'll be better for everyone. 💚🫡 goodbye 2023!
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oyesmendes · 2 years
love is just a word - part 9
a/n: buckle up mi amor, this is the last one for the road! this story has brought me so much joy, and so much escape from the real world. i started it out as a side project, something to get my creativity juices flowing... and look where we are now with NINE parts + shorts... and the love that you guys have for this series has really been mindblowing. now im going to stop rambling, and i hope you guys enjoy the last part!!
this chapter is paired with a favourite song of mine so feel free to listen to it here
read all other parts here!!
Mallorca, Spain
"One more week, mi guapo." You're getting out of the car, thanking the driver as he pulls out your luggage. 
"That's another race, another seven days." Pierre whines. 
It had been more than four weeks since New York, and you had been working things out with Pierre at your pace. Things had fallen into normalcy over time, like a long distance couple working out their troubles. You worked on the last few projects on hand, spending most of your time at shoots in the city, or editing photographs at Joe’s bakery. Pierre texted you and Facetimed whenever he had the chance, and you sent pictures or called to update him about the various mundane things in your life. For the first time in your life you properly communicated, and it felt like a breath of fresh air.  
You fought hard, and Pierre proved to be fighting just as much, if not more for the both of you. 
"Hey,” You press your phone between your shoulder and ear, dragging the luggage up a couple of stairs, “I miss you too, guapo, but you know I have to do this." 
He sighs, following his PR manager to some media stunt the Red Bull team had organised, "I just wish I could be there with you." 
"I know, but I'll see you as soon as you're done with the race." He has no clue about the surprise you have install for him. 
Pierre stays silent as you roll your luggage up the all too familiar pathway of the Sainz summer home. The familiar shadow of piñon jumping and barking in excitement by the window. Reyes is standing by the door with him now, waving you in. 
The phone is still pressed to your ear as you listen to his soft breathing. 
"Pierre?" He hums in response. 
"I love you."
"I love you too, chérie." 
Reyes embraces you in her arms the moment you get to the door. 
"Are you cooking empanadas?" You ask once you pull away, the aroma overwhelming your senses. 
"Of course, mija. I've got your favourite gazpacho too. Now c'mon, let's get you settled in before the boys get back." 
It felt like deja vu, every summer holiday of your childhood spent on this property. So many memories of you and Carlos littered this home, and it felt like a time capsule. You set your bags down in the spare bedroom, stopping to peak into Carlos’ room. Pictures of you had long been replaced or removed, but the room remained the same. Light blue walls and a queen sized bed. That poster of Monaco you’d gotten him for his 18th birthday. 
“Nothing’s changed, right?” Reyes is standing next to you, a wooden spatula in her hand. 
“Do you want to head outside? The weather is beautiful today, and I think piñon over here wants some company.” You see the furry friend wagging his tail excitedly, and can’t help but to agree to take him outside.
You're standing barefoot on the grass, leaning against the wall which overlooks the sea. Piñon is speeding after a tennis ball you threw, running rounds around the area. 
After about an hour, the boys are starting to pull up in their car, all of them filing out and heading straight for the kitchen. You can hear the commotion from outside, but you decide to stay, not wanting to have too many eyes on you.  
"You have a guest in the backyard." Reyes tells Carlos while preparing the tapas on the counter. 
"Who?" He asks, furrowing his brows. Reyes only shrugs, turning back to the dishes. The rest of the boys avoid eye contact, even Carlos Sr has his mouth attached to the edge of a glass, trying not to say anything to his son. They were all in on this plan, and would be damned if they ruined whatever was going to happen. 
Carlos makes his way outside, and Piñon is running toward him immediately. At first, he's distracted by the four legged creature, until it starts barking towards a certain direction, and he looks up to see you. 
You're standing with your arms folded loosely, a small smile on your face. You had a summer dress on, one of the many you he loved to see you wearing. The sunlight shone on you and you were practically glowing underneath it; something about you had changed. 
You manage a small wave before gesturing to the outdoor seating area; away from the prying eyes of their family. He follows you, and so does piñon, the both of you sit on opposite sides of the table. A part of him is happy you’re here, but another part of him is afraid of why you were here. Because the last time he checked, you almost smacked the living shit out of him in Madrid. 
“Lo siento, Carlitos.” You start, your eyes locking with his for the first time in a long awhile. There's a pause, Carlos searching for the right words in his brain. 
“I’m sorry, too. For everything, Y/N.” He tries to grab your hand but you pull away quickly, muttering a soft apology. 
“This ends here, Carlos. Whatever that has gone down in our lives, let it be gone; I want to start over, with Pierre. I see- No, let me finish.“ You tell him when he opens his mouth to speak. 
“I see a future with Pierre. And I know its hard for you to hear this, but it is what it is. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me after us; after the disaster of the last three years, he taught me what love is - and what love isn’t.” You reach out for his hand this time, holding it softly in yours, 
“So this is me asking you, to give us your blessing, to be happy for us." You rub a small circle around the scar on his thumb from the time he was learning to make your favourite pasta and cut himself with a pair of scissors. A permanent reminder that there had been you and him.  
“If you need time, I understand. I just had to let you know.” 
Carlos doesn’t say a word after, leaving the both of you to stew in the silence. You shift in your seat, pulling your hand away from his again. You wanted to get up and leave, the tension being too strong. But you stayed on; you watched him. His eyes are focused on a particular tree in the garden behind you.  
"Te quiero mucho mi amor, I always will. You know that?" He says seriously. 
You look down at your hands, toying with the rings on your fingers, "I know." 
"I broke up with Isa because of you, because of us." You take in a sharp breath, the air suddenly growing a lot warmer. Carlos looks at your hands, then your face. 
"Chilli I-"
He cuts you off, "I found a picture of us in one of the boxes when I moved to Maranello. Remember your Dakar helmet?" 
You nod. Carlos smiles softly to himself, picturing that dark green helmet sitting on one of his shelves. He recently even put out the picture from that moment next to it, and every time he passes it he's reminded of all the things he's lost. Its a bittersweet feeling for him - to know how good the both of you once were, to know that he was the one that fucked it all up.   
All the happiness you could've shared. All those summer nights slow dancing in the kitchen, all those times at a race weekend, all those times with you; and only you. 
He wants to be unfair; to not give you his blessing, after all, did you really care about what he thought of this? Did it matter if he gave you his blessing? But then he looks at you, and he sees the glow on your face, the happiness practically illuminating your eyes. The magical light Pierre gave you, one that Carlos knew he could never achieve even in this lifetime.  
“Does he make you happy?” 
It was a genuine question, and you gave the most genuine answer. A smile forming on your face when you think about Pierre. 
“I'm the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Carlos nods, leaning back against the chair. 
“Then you have my blessing.” There’s a subtle shakiness in his voice, the feeling of pain in his chest; but Carlos knows he has to let you go. After all, he had to take the blame for letting you go three years ago. He stands and you follow suit, walking around the table to hug him. 
“Mucho gracias chilli, you have no idea how much that means to me.” There are tears threatening to spill at the edge of his eyes, and when you see them, your thumb grazes his cheek. The tears start to flow with the contact of your skin on his, and you're wiping them away.
You press a kiss on his cheek, "I'm sorry time wasn't in our favour in this lifetime."
He does the same, leaving a kiss on your forehead, "we'll try again in our next life."
Silverstone, Great Britain
Carlos is brisk walking down the paddock for the press conference, barely stopping for anyone. He was nervous to say the least. Him and Pierre in the same room for the first time since Monaco. Whoever thought about this pairing for the press conference definitely read the gossip columns. 
It was nothing damaging - only a picture of you, holding onto your helmet and speeding off on a motorbike from Carlos's hotel. That morning from Monaco. But of course, the pot was there, and people seem to love spending their time stirring it. 
Carlos gets there ten minutes before the conference was scheduled to begin. He’s hovering outside the room until he spots Pierre walking in as well. They nod at each other, nothing more shared. Then they were being called in. It felt like there were more cameras flashing than usual, and the reporters seemed to be buzzing for something they had no clue about. Something was not right. 
The usual questions about the track and race rivalry were asked, and standard answers were given. It seemed to be going down well, considering the suspicions Carlos had. Until a reporter with blonde hair, and a dark purple shirt opened his god damn mouth.
“Alright we’ll take the next question.” 
“So Pierre, Carlos - how do you two feel about being played by the same girl?” The reporter had a smug look on his face, and you could hear the audible gasp from both the Ferrari and Alpha Tauri PR managers. 
“Excuse me?” Pierre sat up straighter in his chair, ready to take a swing at the man. 
“Y/N Y/LN. Did you see the pictures?” Sure they knew about the pictures. Pierre was ready to brawl with that reporter, but they were both being told to get up and leave. 
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about here,” Carlos scowls at him, “but Y/N and I are best friends, and we always will be. There’s nothing more between me and her than just pure friendship." His PR manager is about to drag him by the collar, but Carlos knows he has to get this in.
"Just so you know, Pierre is an amazing boyfriend, and I couldn’t be happier to be supporting their relationship.” 
He is ripping off the mic from his head, and pats Pierre’s shoulders as they make their way off the stage. 
“If you’re so interested in reporting our love lives,” Pierre turns back to the audience, “then go work for some gossip magazine. Don't waste everyone's time asking stupid questions." 
They're headed for the media pen, which no doubt will be another battle to fight. Carlos stops Pierre just before they emerge, "I meant what I said mate. Take care of her for me, okay?"
Pierre nods, and both the men hug each other. 
It was race day. You’re speeding along the empty paddock next to Pyry, who’s handing you a set of headphones. You’re trying to look as presentable as possible, but the task was proving to be more on the impossible end, especially after a twelve hour flight.
“Does he know?” 
“Of course not, I’m the best secret keeper you know.” You roll your eyes at the Finn, who’s now leading you into the garage. There were less than five laps left to the race, and Pierre was in P11, trying his best to keep his spot. When the mechanics and engineers spot you rushing in, the smiles on their face grew. Somehow the word got around, and everyone knew about your surprise except for Pierre himself. You throw a small wave to them, and head straight to Franz Tost. 
“Ah there’s my new head of media,” he announces. 
"I hope you're ready for the mess to clean up after this weekend." Of course he would refer to the press conference. And you were well prepared to tackle on the gossip columns and other news outlets spouting all sorts of speculations. 
"I'll make sure everything's sparking clean." You wink at Franz, who's giving you another side hug before you go to Pierre's race engineer. A couple of team members came to pat you on the back, congratulating you on the new title. It was no surprise that you'd be a new addition, considering the very blatant conversations and rumours that were flying around. You had been offered the role weeks ago by the Alpha Tauri team, but the love triangle you had been caught in had delayed the agreement, only allowing you to sign the contract days before Silverstone. 
So now you're here, in the middle of the 2021 season. Head of Media for Scuderia Alpha Tauri. It had a nice ring to it, you weren't going to lie. 
The race ended, and Pierre had gone off to media duties, having you stew in the excitement of this surprise for awhile longer. You're standing in the middle of the paddock, speaking to someone but barely paying any attention as you tried to spot Pierre walking over. You were playing with your fingers, occasionally biting your lips as you ran through multiple scenarios in your head. 
Then you see him, all other worries forgotten. And he sees you too. You can tell that he doesn't believe his eyes at first, turning his attention to Pyry before he does another take. Pyry smacks him on the back to confirm that his eyes weren't playing tricks, and he starts running towards you, his race suit hanging dangerously low on his hips. Your arms are wide open, and it’s almost dramatic as hell, but you couldn’t be bothered at this point in time. 
Pierre collides straight into you and you're being lifted in the air, excited squeals escaping your lips. 
"Mon chérie." He buries his head in your neck. When he pulls away, he takes your head in his hand, feeling your cheeks. 
"Is this real?"
"Yes, mi amor." You chuckle at his child-like gaze. 
“I have one more surprise for you.” You spot Franz walking over, and he pats Pierre on his back. 
“I see you’re cozying up with our new head of media." 
Pierre looks to you, surprised and confused all at the same time. His mind is racing, he couldn’t believe his ears. 
“But what about New York? What about your job?” He asks, worried that you were giving everything up again like you did the last time. And you knew exactly what he was thinking, even when he didn’t show it. 
“New York was my escape, but this is my passion. To be here, at the pinnacle of motorsport, with the love of my life, creating new memories for everyone.” You felt a sense of pride saying that, finally being true to yourself in what you wanted in life. Pierre has on a smile, then his lips crashes into yours and you stumble back, laughing. Nothing more needed to be said between the two of you as you hugged in the middle of the crowds. You’ve fought, and you’ve both won.   
And this is what love is, what love will be, for the rest of your lives.
taglist: @primadonnasdream @dr3lover @chicadelapartamento512-blog @thebagginsofbaggend @starlightoctavia @d0ntjudgemy50shades @cowspew @justthatgirlxox @ggaslyp1 @fromthedeskofjoii @lorenakaspersen @words-4u @o0itsjustme0o @ambrosialily @totowolfff @gulsolsikke @enjoymyloves @rmaddenns @care2703 @katcontrreras @tattered-tales
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bigolgay · 5 months
Happy new years
Nervous rambling below
I think I’m a slut
Actually I know I am
First I kiss Harley at midnight (a surprisingly good kisser… for a man. Not a fan of the stubble tho, that’s not fun). Gotta kiss the homies💪💪💪
Actually now I think about it he’s probably downstairs, omg okay maybe I’m safe. He can take me home in the morning. I thought I was stranded.
Anyway. Im just laying on the bed in the spare room (I didn’t frick pretty girl in it worry not. That’s fucked up.) while pretty girl is sleeping.
Also my already hurty back is hurty much worse now (don’t read to far into that). I am now sober as well so I haven’t got alcohol as a pain reliever. I could sneak downstairs and see if there’s any alcohol left but also I don’t wanna still be drunk in the morning.
ALSO I DONT WANNA BE A DICK AND SMASH AND DASH. NUT AND BOLT. HIT IT AND QUIT IT. One hit wonder? Wait stop I’m trying not to giggle and wake her up.
My original plans for tonight was to get drunk and watch my mum and stepdad get stoned and then when they go to bed play some gta online because lols.
But then FUCKING HARLEY IS LIKE “hey guess what? (Name of person here) is throwing a house party for new years and I miss you so much because you’re the most magical human being ever and I love you endlessly, so please please please come with me and grace me with your presence🙏” I might’ve paraphrased slightly, but that was basically what he said.
And I’m a good girl and turn to my mum and go “pls let me go house party I’ll be good gorl and not cause any trouble or come stumbling into the house at ridiculous time.” And she said “👍”.
Although I’m an adult and she totally won’t care right? Who I spend my time with is none of her business. Ahhhhh guys I’m actually secretly a lil baby and sososo shy and I’m just a silly little guy.
Omg it’s only been 15 minutes??? I’m running out of things to do now. Like what else am I to say???? I mean it’s 6am… I could totally just go downstairs and make food or something.
I wonder where Harley is. I think he’s in the garage? Although it’s cold as balls in there, but they were all playing never have I ever in there last I checked… which… was like… 5 and a half hours ago?
My new years celebrations are usually so tame wtf.
Okay… I took a minute (several minutes) to think. I’m freaking out for no reason. We fricked. That’s fine and cool. We both consenting adults. I’m an adult. Mum isn’t the boss of me. I’ve had sex before. Oh god has she had sex before?? I mean probably. I’ve never done a proper one nightstand before guys. Non committal sex? Oh baby that’s the closest I’ve ever had to romantic affection in my life. But I’ve always sort of known them beforehand. But this is fine. New experience!!! Okay I’m calmer now. Should I sleep? I guess I should probably try and sleep.
Okay, ramblings concluded. I’m not nervous anymore. See? Sometimes I just need to write my thoughts down so I can look at them and rationalise them. Goodnight I guess…
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onlyswan · 6 months
what is the lover boi thinking about???👀👀
i would sell my kidney to pet his hair
of course that boi loves to torture his senses joon said it years ago 💀💀
poor bam's sleep and oc's sassiness lol
“these days, there’s something i’ve been thinking of a lot… i’ve been researching here and there, too…” ma boi u sound like 18 year old me trying to convince my parents about my dream since 7 years old to get piercings
“yes. because then doesn’t that mean you no longer care about me?” they are so in love im shitting tears
your outspoken interest makes jungkook’s face light up like a christmas tree. ma parents thought i couldnt smile more bigger until the day of piercing, they still laugh about it
“why me?!” i can imagine his tone and face and im cackling oh god WHAT IF GET BORABIKE??? THEN HE IS RIDING ARMYS HJGTNDRV HCLISCLIU SHUT UP I HATE (love) MY MIND
bend over ... right now BOI SAY WHAT
“nope!” you reply without a second to spare. “for fashion, i never get cold.” A HOE NEVER GETS COLD SLAYYY BITCH BE HOT AND NEVER GET COLD BE A MATERIAL GIRL AND THE COLD NEVER BOTHERS YOU ANYMORE
hold on this sounds like a possible jingle/ad if a slay clothing line
“how about let’s wear one each?” thats soo cute and FUCKING SMART
the contrast of his black t-shirt with the rainbow makes you crack a smile, reminiscent of the countless memes you’ve seen on the internet YES LIKE HIS BIG BAD STOMPER BOOTS AND CUTE SOCKS OR TOUGH BAG WITH CUTE SPEAKERS, BOX, POUCH LIKE AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
“why is everyone breaking up all of a sudden?” cuz rose met them IM SORRY I HAD TO LOL
i love the way the man just loses his train of thought, for me i still have the train of thought but the trains get suddenly empty leaving me miming words out or just saying rest of the words lol
brb taking a bath with my lovely date, toaster
your positions are switched before he can comprehend it— you’re now on all fours on top of him. his head is trapped in between your arms and your gold necklace is dangling over his face and you’re straddling his lap and now it’s getting harder to breathe and not picture obscene images that involve you worshipping his body. OHHXHDVZSTV MY CA FUCKING LORD IM NO BETTER THAN HIM mommy, i doubt he can concentrate right now
he lifts off the helmet, ruffling his hair to tame it. and as he brushes his stubborn bangs away from his eyes STOP U THIRSTY HOE DONT THINK ABOUT IT *thinks about it and remembers all similar gifs of kook AAAH
oh no she got me worried *sends hugs
oh she was soo worried about him *tears up
THE PUPPY IN THE BASKET AAH oh no they could have done it with bam NO BAM IS TOO BIG AAAH wait he could have but baby bam on bike BUT THEN BIG BAM WILL BE SAD CUZ HE CANT GO ON BIKES ANYMORE 😭😭😭 tiny baby bam with tiny googles and jacket AAAH TOO CUTE IM A PUDDLE
this was soo lovely and amazing i think this is my new fav aaah take care bye im going to bed now
OHHXHDVZSTV MY CA FUCKING LORD IM NO BETTER THAN HIM mommy, i doubt he can concentrate right now
the ramblings and reactions to every scene lmao this seriously made my entire day i can’t stop giggling. i fucking love you
ma boi u sound like 18 year old me trying to convince my parents about my dream since 7 years old to get piercings
LMFAOHDKSHDJD LEAVE HIM ALONE HES NERVOUS. but also me when i told my mom i’m movinf out
i’m so glad we are on the same page <3
“yes. because then doesn’t that mean you no longer care about me?” they are so in love im shitting tears
same 🥲🥲🥲
THE PUPPY IN THE BASKET AAH oh no they could have done it with bam NO BAM IS TOO BIG AAAH wait he could have but baby bam on bike BUT THEN BIG BAM WILL BE SAD CUZ HE CANT GO ON BIKES ANYMORE 😭😭😭 tiny baby bam with tiny googles and jacket AAAH TOO CUTE IM A PUDDLE
STOPPPP UR SO CUTE IM IJBOLINF 😭😭😭 justice for tiny bam and big bam </3
this was soo lovely and amazing i think this is my new fav aaah take care bye im going to bed now
love how you made me laugh then cry at the end 🥹 ahhhh yay i’m so happy it’s your new fav !! love you smmmm !! 💜
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mymistakewriting · 1 year
now i’m just sending this separately to talk about adhd buck now bc 🌈DOPAMINE🌈
okay but like it’s canon that buck wears dish gloves to do the dishes like fucking love that but i just know that it’s his least favorite household chore and needs a body double to even start
and he never has his phone charged like it’s always dying but he will never let it die, like ever. he’s scared he’ll miss something important or emergent and he can’t risk that. bobby and eddie both have a spare charger just for buck whenever he forgets his and they’re out or at work after the amount of times he’s had a bit of a freak out about not remembering it lol and hes def the same about gas too like will not get it until the last minute
lol i have more i jsut feel like im a rambling lol adhd buck has my heart
I am like half sure that Buck is the entire reason that they have a dishwasher at the firehouse. Like you can't convince me that Bobby didn't watch him cringe every time he was assigned dish duty as a chore for a whole week before he decided that it was time to actually get a new dishwasher since their last one broke and he just hadn't had time to fix it or replace it yet. He's also the reason they ever have dish gloves or new pot holders that aren't falling apart at the seams - it took Buck looking at a mostly-disintegrated pot holder and just reaching in the hot oven exactly once to fix that.
And yes!! Agreed!! Awful at charging his own phone. That said, he's so good at rationing power when it comes to other people's devices that people occasionally just watch as Bobby or Eddie hands over a portable charger to Buck for the third time that day and wonder if he's okay or if there's something going on to cause his phone to die so fast. There's not, he spends most of his spare time scrolling Instagram or TikTok, I almost guarantee it.
THAT SAID, all of this is also why he's such a menace when he's handed a clipboard. If he has a list of all of the things that needs to be done, all broken down and organized? He's great at getting things done smoothly and quickly. It just annoys everyone else because he figures everyone else is going to be as enthusiastic as he is about things being spelled out so clearly. They are not. He doesn't get it.
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year
My head is full of thoughts about Victoria's actual storyline ima plan out, i need to get them out so im making that everyone elses problem will i ever write it? prob not. i have commitment issues when it comes to long term projects so the rambling and occasional drabble with have to do
if you care to read this: hi, ty for even a passing interest in my bitch barbie - im rambling about her hand in Yoriunbo's death in a story that very heavily diverts from canon below the cut because i have the habit of starting at the end
kinda have two ideas for it: the first, is that Victoria's influence is indirect - she isn't the one that takes his life: Evelyn Parker is.
With Victoria's goading trailing through her thoughts maybe - but Victoria can't prove or take credit for that no matter how smug she is at the timing. But what she does know and what both women will keep quiet due to the means of mutual destruction, is that it was a chip of her making that blacked out any means of communication; Trauma Team or anyone who could help isn't alerted. Couldn't be - Smasher could be standing right outside the door, and Yoriunbo wouldn't have been able to so much as call for him (Smasher was, in fact, outside the door and merely gave Evelyn a knowing look and a passing 'you done?' that she answers with a nod and the flippant request to 'give him some time' a casual enough conversation, one that wouldn't draw suspicion that Smasher himself may have been involved should his recordings of the night be accessed)
Yoriunbo is found a mere hour or two after Evelyn leaves his suite, dead in the bath - very much in the style of The Death of Marat. Evelyn is suspected but she can't be found: the joys of conspiring with a skilled netrunner, it's as if she vanished into thin air (like those who've acted against Arasaka in the past, Evelyn is perhaps vibing with a certain Nomad clan, waiting for the dust to settle before moving on entirely)
and really, Arasaka can't afford to allow that story to go public: their CEO killed by a joytoy mere months after the previous died in suspect conditions. There's further mess and chaos within the corporation until Hanako manages to wrangle the factions together in something of resembling peace, and if the heiress seems to be quietly raging then no one knows why besides the pretense of grief.
the second idea - less thought out but entirely self-indulgent Victoria is the one holding the knife when Yoriunbo dies, but its not by her own strength that she slides it between his ribs. She's shaking, both from exhaustion and the wonder of 'can i really do this?' there's a whole lotta consequences that'll come from her killing him, but she can't exactly just let him live now either, can she? not after learning what he intended, how he wanted to crumble the tower she thrives on to ruin - and she has the proof, the witnesses, the recordings. she has Michiko's word that she'll be protected from those consequences, but the word of an Arasaka is a rotted thing, even if promised so sweetly
she's shaking and that makes her hands unsteady, even if her grip would be white-knuckled with how tightly she's holding the hilt. Smasher's hands wrap around hers, his chest pressing into her back as he guides the point of the blade into Yoriunbo's heart. and if the scene were caught in a frame, it might even be poetic: Yoriunbo, dying with something of a smile as he looks up not a portrait of his father, but the brother who took his own life before him - the same brother who created Smasher looking down from his gilded frame to witness that monstrous creation being the hand that spills his family's blood while curled protectively around a woman they'd deign insignificant
Victoria is frozen as she looks down at the body, realising that an Arasaka is as mortal as the rest of them. There's a more active coup in this event; less of a need to hide their involvement. And still, Hanako is fuming that her request that Yoriunbo be spared is ignored. Because she made the mistake of requesting it of Victoria, not ordering it of Smasher - and Michiko, ever the black sheep of their family, keeps her word and enforces that Hanako do the same
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partyswirl · 8 months
ok ok ok ok ok humors. humors and pseudoscience and the spread of misinformation and harmful ideas
yada yada. autism time. call that autime. unorganized rambling time. hurrah rejoice yippee and other such phrases. warning. it’s long. do you love the color of the unorganized rambles where i repeat myself soso much. sososo much.
humors: who give a shit? first off me. i do. uh but humors and miasmas and yknow old medical theories like that are actually a great way to understand pseudoscience and how misinfo spreads among laypeople. hear me out on this one. maybe it’s just me but theyre a great aid and act as my brain glue for how all these topics mesh. so im forcing you to hear about it now.
“purging.” “cleansing.” the one-and-done. the idea that whatever’s ailing you is just some foreign object to remove. once it is removed, all will be healthy and right and good. in humoral theory, if you had too much of one humor, you had to purge some of it, so that it could “regain balance”. i’ll get to balance later.
now the phrases “purging” and “cleansing” might already bring up some red flags in your mind. but im only gonna mildly bring that up for now, unless my brain finds some way to loop back to it. this idea of “purging” was and IS used today by nazis, fascists, and the like. we just need to “remove the bad people”, “this ethnic group is why society is bad! it must be removed! if we remove them all, society will be good again.” now thats a gross oversimplification and doesn’t express how much i hate those people but i’m bad at words so it’ll do. “this group [is/are] bad, [it/they] must be removed, and if we remove them all, society will be good again!” is also the logic behind policing and stuff like that. for police, replace “this group” with “criminals”. it turns it into black and white thinking. no nuance or reason why. if you dig deep into it, think “why would they commit the crime?” things start to fall apart. most criminals dont go around killing puppies in their spare time. theyre people, not villainous charicatures. most crimes are committed out of poverty and because of the lack of a support system. knowing that most criminals are just poor people trying to live their lives, the argument that “criminals are bad and should be removed and that will fix everything” sounds cartoonishly evil. because it is! even if stealing food so that you don’t starve to death was suddenly the worst thing in the world, even that wouldn’t change the fact that the crime was committed because of poverty, so just punishing people for being poor and not going off to die in a corner or something doesn’t solve the root issue!
i lost track. i was supposed to be talking about pseudoscience. heelp. but anyway you’ll see a lot of “purging” advertised in pseudoscientific products. the explanation that “[blank] is bad and if we remove it that will fix everything”, such as with those weird diarrhea juice cleanse things (ew). keyword CLEANSE. the implied cleanliness is the hook, the idea that it will remove the bad “toxins” and you will be healthy again! it’s a miracle! but what are the “toxins”? what does “toxin” even mean? how does this “cleanse” remove the “toxins”? how does removing the “toxins” just magically “fix” your health? what’s stopping the “toxins” from just coming back? any answers you find will be half-baked. they’ll give you non-answers. any of those questions will be shut down with buzzwords like “microplastics”, or whatever their weird health phrase js. (try our new homeopathic medicine! it will cure you of your miasms!) [miasms are not to be confused with miasmas. but it’s funny that the names are so similar. did the guy just like. rip off the name? that’s so funny. anyway] any complaints about negative symptoms of the actual product will be shut down as “the purging period” (PURGING where have i heard that before??) it’s removing all the “bad things” (our shampoo isn’t making you go bald! it’s removing all the gross dirty unfixable hairs from your head! after 3 years of use, your hair will be beautiful!). “we’re purging the toxins!” and same questions as before. “toxins” is a notable buzzword to look for when looking st stuff. it’s quite fishy. (other buzzwords are of course “cleanse” and “purge.”)
point is, it’s not doing anything. the root of the issue needs to be solved. you csn’t just “purge” the idea of purging from your mind, even if you know it’s unhealthy. you gotta pick it apart and shut it down in individual instances. you gotta interrupt your patterns of thought and see if it fits. you gotta unpack it, dig deeper, not rely on this weird. logical fallacy? is this a logical fallacy? idk. if you read this whole thing you get to tell me. (might have a pop quiz on this better be taking notess /j)
yknow remind me to do balance tommorow. i’ll send myself an ask. my brains all tired and sleepers.
OO BUT BEFORE THAT SHORT EXAMPLE OF SOMETHING THAT GETS WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER CAUSE THATS GOOD SOMETIMES. ITS NOT A PURGE. IT’S ACTUALLY GOOD AND I LOVE IT SOSO MUCH. vaccines. theyre awesome. theyre awesome and cool and i love them. getting my flu shot this thursday. ecstatic. okok. just brief mention. vaccines are a good example of something that holds up. if youre wondering “hey do vaccines (or medicines for that mayyer) fit the whole purge way of thinking? you get sick after you get one, and then supposedly it makes you healthier..” they hold up in court i am a lawyer. im awesome. vaccines don’t “get rid of” the infection. you get them before to make you immune but like you probably know that youve been alive for some time. look at you. alive and here and reading this right now. thinking anf having ideas. way to go champ i’m glad youre here with us right now. sorry i got sidetracked i love being a living thing in the world with all of you. but yea vaccines hold up cause there’s actual reasoning idk the actual science lingo that can explain it but yknow the cell doodads that recognize the threat, they inject the dead/weakened virus or bacteria or whatever and the cells sense that threat and start to have Symptoms cause theyre freaking out trying to figure out how to defeat it. and then they store the info on how to effectively defeat it in the memory cells so they can either defeat it before you get symptoms or make it less dangerous cause you can resist and fight back easier. isnt that awesome. and medicine usually is helping you deal with symptoms, usuallly inflammation theres like a billion anti-inflammatories out there. it’s crazy. and idk a lot about specific ones that actually deal with stuff. like antivirals or antibacterials. but i know that there’s ones that literally like basically carpet bomb your microbiota. like it kills your cells too. gotta be careful with those ones. they leave you weaker to other infections after taking them cause yknow. a lot of your mini guys are super duper dead now. sorry im like. this whole last section was unnecessary i just like rambling. im so autism. saw trap where you have to read all of this or uh. consequence here. good bye i had fun
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vaugarde · 1 year
hello! same anon that was asking moonscape about pmmm stuff. i've been looking through your pmmm-related posts a bit after i saw your reply and i love the way you talk about the characters and really seem to understand them! do you maybe have some more headcanons or general thoughts you'd want to share? i can never get enough of hearing fan's cool thoughts about the show
AHHH thank you!! im really flattered omg i'll put some general thoughts and rambles under the cut so my mutual who hasnt seen it yet wont see
-i know you said you saw my reply already but just gonna repeat it so its on my blog: homura was a foster child who lost her parents when she was young, and because of her heart condition she was passed around to several different (usually christian) families that usually didn't care much for her, only about the check. this led to her initial meek and self deprecating personality. the reason she latched onto madoka is because she's the first person to ever show her true kindness. when she changes her hair style, she cuts off from her current foster family entirely and lives on her own (and may have stolen the foster checks and other cash to do so)
-on top of that she struggles with her feelings with madoka and feeling like she's cruel and selfish for loving her because of her christian upbringing and going to catholic school. families likely didn't take well to her being gay
-hitomi is a closeted lesbian
-kyosuke gives me egg vibes so.
-im basic i like madohomu best but like polyam holy quintet is so real also
-people who say madohomu is one sided are so wrong. how do u explain any of madoka's actions towards homura when walpurgisnacht happens
-some of my favorite moments in the show relate to homura stuff bc GOD all of her scenes are just. enhanced by the plot twist
-wait ive mentioned this but people who think homura doesn't care about the other girls are so??? literally yes she does care about them, she loves madoka the most of course but she cares about sayaka's life when she goes to retrieve her soul gem and her telling sayaka she'll kill her to spare madoka the pain is clearly just her doing the worst thing she can to force sayaka to act. she's kinda distant from everything she's done at this point and is willing to act cruel to get what she wants.
-i kinda love that canonically mami is the strongest magical girl. mami is underrated tbh, i know she's a main character but her spinoff manga was SO good and she's such a tragic character in her own right. she's a deeply lonely person and even if i didn't care for magia record season 1, i really like the approach they went with her character there, where in this universe she's the one who convinced madoka and sayaka to contract, and when she learns the truth, she becomes ridden with guilt and joins the magias to save them because she feels responsible for their fates now. it's such a good place to take her character (and im kinda sad they eventually go "oh no it was brainwashing nvm")
-i absolutely adore this show's brand of horror. the entire thing is just Off in a lot of ways but it's in ways you struggle to place, and the whole thing is thanks to shaft's editing. there's a youtube vid i watched where like the tilting shots up to where the girls look down on the "camera" or random close ups on objects with quiet sounds adds to the feeling that something is wrong even when the show hasn't taken it's dark turn yet. i think focusing a lot of the actual horror elements on the terror of everyone's situation and gradually revealing how much worse everything is is so perfect, it's all paced perfectly to be as hard hitting as possible. and the actual violent moments are done well, none of them are really THAT bad but they're blunt and shocking enough to hit where it hurts. idk if im describing it right but augh its so good
-on that topic the theory that pmmm is framed as a stage show is also so good. i gotta find the post i reblogged about that bc man it adds to the show
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