#im curious as to what you will pick 🫡
nanamimizz · 1 month
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ppnuggie · 7 months
      XENOMORPH KING x gn reader
    『 king ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> xeno king hcs | meeting him
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, yautjas are in this universe ,, featuring my ocs panther (yautja talked abt later on in the hcs) & king (the xenomorph ,, briefly mentioned)
  — here are the hcs :D this is kinda somewhat an introduction to meeting king and more hcs will come soon ,, introducing his brothers of sort ,, im making their refs slowly 😭😭🫡 so hopefully those will be up before i decide to actually turn these hcs into a story n stuff
| • it was an assignment from your higher ups ,, heading to a lesser known "shake and bake" colony located on a distant planet where the habitable zone was way out from the sun surprisingly
| • usually habitable zones for planets would be in the middle ,, but this one was farther out ,, though it also made it more dangerous to be on
| • the winters were hot and the summers were cold ,, temperatures would get quite extreme but for the most part humans could somewhat live on there
| • you were sent with a team of two other scientists ,, along with an android ,, to examine and study the planet more
| • it was on one of your more routinely walks and expeditions around the more countryside of the planet that you stumbled upon something that hadnt been picked up before by scanners or drones
| • abandoned and trashed ,, a lab that was quite dark and gruesome to look at stood in the middle of nowhere on the barren planet
| • you werent too sure of what happened there ,, though it was evident it wasnt anything good judging by all the dried up liquid stains ,, the broken glass and scratches all over the wall
| • some of the furniture and walls looked melted ,, like somewhat poured lava on it and left it there
| • alone on this expedition ,, you took your notes and marked the location on a map of the planet ,, making a mental note to come back soon
| • the more you looked around the more frightening and on edge you became ,, finding skeletal remains of creatures you werent too sure what they were
| • vials were stored away in a broken down freezer ,, or you assumed so based on their labels in an unknown language and strange color
| • there were vials with many strange colors ,, making you second guess if it even was blood inside them ,, vials storing blue and green and orange
| • none looked indigenous ,, as the most the planet had to offer were these strange rodents that burrowed in the ground most the time ,, almost like those naked molerats from your own home planet ,, except these ones werent as terrifying to look at
| • though the more on edge you became the more curious you got ,, wondering what happened here exactly
| • documents were spilt on the ground ,, scattered about and dirtied up ,, some ripped apart and some with strange prints on them
| • without much of a second thought you took them ,, hoping that maybe you could decode the foreign language and figure out what was happening in this place before it became abandoned
| • you gathered what you could of the place ,, taking a few of the vials and gathering photo evidence of the area
| • while doing so ,, you werent aware of the fact you were being watched ,, stalked and observed by an unknown creature in the vicinity
| • when you got back to the base and showed your findings your crewmates were interested ,, the android apart of your team quickly recognizing the language in the documents
| • it belonged to these creatures called 'yacht-ja' ,, or something of those sorts ,, but he wasnt able to provide much else about the documents other than that
| • you planned to go back to the lab the next week ,, wanting to gather as much information on the area as you could before you left the planet and headed back to the mothership
| • after all ,, you were here for only research and study ,, all your findings on the planet would be taken back aboard the mothership for examination and peer review from other scientists aboard
| • the goal was to gather as many samples as possible ,, document as much as you could ,, and return to your station to head to another planet and repeat the process
| • packing a large lunch in case you stayed longer than expected ,, or did too much running around and had little food ,, you headed off back towards the lab with storage for as much information and to store as many samples as possible
| • your camera was ready ,, taking as many pictures as you could whilst also grabbing more vials from the lab itself ,, storing them away in your vehicular device to take back
| • you didnt pay too much attention to the time ,, more focused and fascinated with the lab around you ,, documenting all the rooms and trying to map out exactly how big it was
| • though something about the place did feel uneasy ,, almost like you werent meant to be here at all in the first place
| • not focusing too much on the feeling you continued ,, going through all the documents and photographing the bright green stains on the wall from who knows what
| • there were a few times you thought you saw something in the corner of your eye ,, almost like a figure yet when you looked there was nothing there ,, like a ghost was playing tricks on you
| • the longer you stayed ,, the more uneasy and skeptical you became of the place ,, not feeling the once comforting and interest as last week
| • when you had finished you gathered your equipment to head back to the base ,, noticing how cold and dark it had gotten and hoping you'd be back in time before the base was put on a lockdown for the night ,, usually for safety precautions as not much was known about the nightlife on the planet
| • unbeknownst to you the scene you would come back to ,, a foreign ship not of any human making was perched ontop of some of the houses whilst the rest of the place was up in flames
| • those yautja creatures you'd been told about earlier had visited ,, wreaking havoc wherever they went as they quickly went through all the humans living there ,, killing them quickly
| • with the base nowhere in sight you didnt bother sticking around ,, heading away from the place and into the countryside once again
| • though it wouldnt help ,, being followed by one of the creatures as they latched onto your vehicle and slashed at the metal and tires ,, quickly putting an end to your escape a few miles away
| • dark skin clashed well with his bright purple stripes ,, large scar over his eye and covering his body in general ,, with a bright colored chest
| • he didnt stare for too long before trying to get at you ,, chittering something in his language as he slashed away at your windows
| • adrenaline filled you ,, now positioned in a fight or flight situation and your gut told you to flee at that moment ,, crawling over the passenger seat and exiting out the door as you made a run for it into a nearby forest
| • it wasnt too difficult for the yautja to keep up ,, right on your tail as he ran after you
| • though his chase would be cut short ,, a large creature coming from out of the bushes and tackling him
| • too worried you'll be next ,, you didnt bother to stop and look back ,, continuing to run even though your legs burned and your lungs were on fire from how much cold air you were breathing
| • somehow you ended up at that same lab ,, almost like it was tied to you now that youve discovered it
| • it felt like a scene from coraline ,, where she walks away from the house and towards where the old well would be except it all turns white
| • though there wasnt no white barren land here ,, just the same abandoned lab
| • you weren't complaining though ,, as you'd rather be somewhere sheltered than out in the open ,, making your way through the maze of rooms and hallways before settling in a far away one
| • you collapsed to the floor ,, panting heavily as you shivered ,, sweat gathered at your forehead from the running and sudden near death experience
| • your eyes felt heavy ,, drowsy and exhausted yet you stayed awake ,, keeping guard and not trusting yourself to sleep in this place ,, not when there was too much happening
| • without your knowing ,, you had fallen asleep and left defenseless in the room ,, the creature that had taken out the yautja had followed you there
| • it gazed at your sleeping form ,, noticing your unconscious shivering and making a decision in its mind
| • curling its tail around your body ,, warmth slowly started to surround your body ,, somewhat ceasing your shivering
| • it could only wait for you awaken ,, resting its head on the cold ,, harsh ground as it kept you company through the night
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ikkosu · 1 month
i am feeling the mermay spirit, my brain is swimming in fishy thoughts. Nautica as a mer would be so cute, she would bring you gifts like seashells and sea glass, maybe even food she catches/collects herself. would be funny how that plays out with her offering u raw fish and stuff and you have to try to politely decline lol.
She loves to listen to you talk, even if there's a language barrier, she'll chirp back to you. And if you sing? She'll have stars in her eyes. Loves all physical affection, playing with your hair, intertwining her hands with yours to compare them, resting her head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat. She might show off by doing jumps and flips like a dolphin. Playfully splashes you at least once hehe. If you got in the water with her she would support and guide you in swimming, dancing and twirling around you. OOo what if she gave u the kiss of life..
maybe she first saw you picking up litter on the beach and thought you were collecting it because you liked it and started bringing you trash she finds in the water, or sets it on the shore if she hasn't shown herself yet and it keeps u coming back to the beach like wtf why does so much stuff wash up here all of a sudden?? WAIT OMG she would totally have a little mermaid style collection of human things!! she would be so excited to show you all of it aauuu 🥺 you could gift her little trinkets and gadgets omg..
thats all i managed to squeeze out of my brain have a good day/night :) -gourmet anon
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gourmet anon you are feeding me so well with these cute scenarios 😭😭😭 that is so adorable. Curious fishy nautimer Ong. The part where she collects trash and puts it on the shore for reader to get it made me EXPLODE. Efficient earth saving moment🫡. Mother nature above all. AGHHDHE IM SOFT SO SOFT I'd imagine Nautica would haul brainstorm along to see her new discovery, that's unless if BS isn't considering kidnapping you for a new experiment💀Q BUT OMG I mostly consider gn reader but 👀 mermaid Yuri,,,, mermaid Yuri,,,,,
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seth-shitposts · 11 months
I heard you needed prompts? I have a billion! Pick your favorite;
Kallus learning to cook
Ezra stealing things from Imperial officers while undercover(usually through pickpockting)
Hera talking with other piolts about which ships she's flown
Kanan being actually blind and bumping into stuff(thats it thats the whole fic)
Zeb knows how to sing and the crew wants info but he's being broody about it so Ezra and Sabine make up theiries and it spirals out of control
Chopper being a war criminal for 5 pages
Sabine has insomnia and will sneak around base and paint murals when she can't sleep. This has the added benefit of revealing some weak spots in the base's security.
I have more but i dont want to overwhelm you. If you’re curious, just ask!
We started on one last night and hope to have it finished by this evening >:)
Im for sure going to be doing 6 out of 7 of these and I very much look forward to it. (I will tag you for each one I drop)
And that challenge of 5 paves straight of Chopper being a war criminal? ACCEPTED-
Anyway here's a preview of the one we started. >:)
"Rex, I can trust you to be undoubtedly honest with me. How advanced is your taste palate?" 
Kallus is not the type to usually drop in with a random or vague statement. And Rex, at this point in his life with some of the friends he's had, should not be surprised with random or vague questions. And yet. Here they are. 
Rex blinks for a moment at the fidgeting man who has fallen into step beside him. Rex continues his pace after a slight pause. "I'd say it's pretty good… Why are you asking?" He notices that Kallus has his hair tied back and there's an occasional smudge or splatter of some type of ingredient across his skin or staining his clothing. He catches the scent of different herbs, some mixing together well, while others… clash. Harshly. "What have you been up to?"
Thank you again!!!
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nyxieneo · 2 years
asking ur friends for money prank (?)
ft. j. jaehyun, l. mark, mentions of z. chenle
youtube / socialmedia au
lowercase intended, not proofread !
mc is a girl and is referred to as y/n, no warnings (afaik) but please do feel free to comment.
all of them are idols, including mc !
- - - 🐻‍❄️
"hello there! as you may have seen on the title of this video, today, i will be pranking my close friends and telling them that i am in need of cash/money" she briefly introduces as she sat on the warmth of her living room couch.
"how will we do this? will we succeed? will they actually give me money?" she rambles, making curious faces to the camera situated on the coffee table in front of her.
"let's get right into it, shall we?"
yuno🫡 | ringing...
"we are currently dialing nct's jaehyun, hopefully he's not busy or in the middle of something important" and as if on cue, the ringing is interrupted by the deep and honey-like voice of yours truly.
"jae, hi, so, i know this may sound absurd . . . " she starts off, it can immediately be picked up— by the tone of her voice— that she's nervous, though both sides likely have their own interpretation.
"everything you say is absurd" he jokes, in hopes of lightening up the mood of the supposedly nervous girl, "take it easy, im listening."
"yes, right . . . as i was saying, would you mind if i— asked for some cash?" y/n immediately figures that the boy on the other side of the line is taken aback by the question, but, of course, he manages to keep his cool.
"hm? it's quite unbelievable if you say you've ran out, why?"
"well, i lost . . . my wallet . . . ?" she says, the hesitance evident in her voice.
"you're kidding me. tell me the actual reason" he rubs her first reasoning off, scoffing.
"i actually did! i lost it sometime today, i just dont know where it is now, i've been trying to find it—" she explains in a rather hurried manner, which was a bad move (he knew y/n too well to even bother to believe the bad reasoning)
"don't you have like, a tracker on it?" he asks, his suspicions rising by the minute
"i dont even know anymore, maybe it got detached from it- i don't know" y/n stuttered, bad, making 'i dont think i can do this anymore' faces to the camera
"calm down, little gremlin." he decides to give her the benefit of the doubt, "how much do you need and where do you need it? i'm pretty sure i'm free, i can get you— wherever you are— and just pay for your stuff."
"that would be nice, are you sure you can though? i'll text you the address." she smirks, advance celebrating her first win.
"yeah, just checked. send it now, i'm on my way to the parking lot" y/n's eyes visibly widened a fraction but still kept her cool, sending the address to her place to indirectly say that this was all a prank.
"check my message, yuno" she slowly starts laughing maniacally, making the man confused, till he saw the message that was sent
"wh— you actual menace, are you that bored? got me so worried for a second, thought you actually were in trouble you stupid gremlin" the man sighed audibly, "i can't believe i went through all that effort to check if i was available and if i was allowed to go . . . do you want me to go there, still?"
"i dont mind, but, don't tell mark and the others though, i'm filming a little prank video right now." she gives permission, before shifting the conversation to the main topic
"don't worry, won't be talking to them as i'm driving. you know me, am a safe and responsible driver." he assures, laughing a bit as he knew how she would react to the claims
"yeah, for sure" she sarcastically says, but, of course, what he said was true (though, she would hate to admit that because it might get to his head, wouldn't want to inflate the ego)
"okay, drive safely, i'll go bother other people now."
lee m. 🍉 | ringing...
the girl was sat patiently as her phone rung, one hand drumming beats with her fingers on her thighs as the other held the phone up to her mouth.
"yo, what's up?" mark's voice could be heard, replacing the repeating rings.
"dude, so, i might've stumbled upon a little problem . . ." she cringes her face to accentuate the feelings of 'something went wrong' (even if the boy couldn't see her through the call)
"wait what? did you get the wrong thing sent to you, again?" he asks in disbelief, knowing how rarely the girl gets into trouble.
"no, but— it's . . . " she pauses, then lets out a small sigh, "i kinda, might've lost . . . my wallet" she slowly states, her voice getting less coherent (but still quite understandable) as she continued.
there was silence on the other end of the line, which made y/n guess that he was still processing her words, to which he was, all that could be heard was a huff before saying, "dude, what?! whe— how?!"
the girl was doing all her best to not laugh at the reaction, the man himself, had given (not that she expected any less.)
"y- yeah, i was just in the mall and went home, found out i had already lost my wallet. what makes things worse, i went out alone."
"your manager wasn't with you?! dear, god, what do i eve— you could've asked johnny to accompany you, he was free . . . even me and jae were free! you could've asked us, we would've been down to go out with you." to say that mark was slowly deteriorating was an understatement, he's full on going glitch-mode, if you will.
y/n couldn't keep it going, at this point, the boy was already going through a plethora of (funnily) unpleasant emotions, to the point where she was now laughing out loud.
"what's so funny, y/n? you've just lost your wallet! did you lose anything else?" he questions, as if she had just laughed while a funeral was going on.
"this is all a joke, i wanted to prank you" she says, in between laughters.
it was imaginable how his face was the moment that was said, "that wasn't even the climax of it" she added as if that wasn't already enough shock to mark.
"what do you mean that wasn't all?" he asked, evidently and utterly confused, but he (now) knows it's all for the youtube channel.
"the main part of it was supposed to be, me asking you to lend me cash because, as i had said, i 'lost my wallet', just to see how you'd react to that." she briefly explains, still cracking up to how he was like a mom scolding her daughter for doing something so improper.
"of course, i'd lend you money, any time. though, i wouldn't be your first option, if that time were to come. you could've asked your parents— or, y'know, other people who seem more responsible than i am." he brings up, which was true, if anything, he knows she would've called jaehyun, first hand.
"yeah, you're right. anyway, don't tell anybody else, i've done jae though, no need to worry about him."
"i figured, anyway, you should do chenle later, he's going to be already on his way to your place before you even know it." mark jokes, knowing how fond the guy was with y/n.
"alright, i'll talk to you later. bye, sugarpie." she teased, knowing how much the endearment made him want to vomit.
"oh, just shut up. i'm hanging up" and he did.
chnele🗣 | ringing...
"i doubt he's going to pick up, he's said earlier that we was going to go out and play, most likely eat, too. "
just as she was saying, he did, in fact, not answer the call, it was very likely that he has in the middle of a game (or the phone was on do not disturb.)
"next person!"
- - - 🐻‍❄️
💌 i hope this wasnt too much (considering how this is a first post) anyway, i hope you, whoever might come across this, have read well ! wish the ending wasn't too abrupt 😭
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uhnomahlee · 2 years
what happens when their partner/interest tells them to close their eyes pt. 1 // aot & fire force headcanon
pairings: aot x black plus-size gnc reader (ocs) & fire force x black plus-size gnc reader (ocs)
a/n: rushed dis out to feed yawl🤞🏿🐆benimaru, mikasa, levi, sasha coming sewn,,,enjoy🫡
“okay!” they did as they were told, hands patting their lap as they waited for whatever it was itoro was preparing
they sniffed the air, trying to get a hint of the surprise—food perhaps? itaro had been on a baking high for the last week and a half, welcoming hange from work with the sweet scent of their delicacies
“what is it?” hange questioned with an innocent lilt, impatience slipping through. “i like the food you’ve been making! i like the weight i’ve been putting on!“ they chirped, searching for the presence of their lover
“if i could have just told you what it was, would there have been a reason to tell you to close your eyes and wait?” itoro’s sudden change in tone made hange bite their tongue, posture straightening
skin warming, hange squirmed around on the couch, fingers twiddling. “i…sorry.”
“it’s okay, i know you’re only curious.” itaro moved closer, gaze darting from the items in their hands to their partner
hange whipped their heads towards the direction they heard itaro approaching, heart banging against their chest as they awaited the next command
“go ahead and open your eyes, baby,” itoro spoke in a softer voice
hange raced to look at itoro, their stare dropping to the leather straps they were gripping
“i’ve just been thinking about how the version for your uniforms looked on you…” itaro felt their skin warm, fingers stroking the material. “so i made some new ones for us to use…if you want.”
“i do!” hange covered their mouth and chuckled. “sorry. I would like to.” they nudged their glasses, nearly about to jump from their seat. “so, do you want my clothes off now or…”
itaro held back a laugh. “you look like you’re about to attack me.”
“it’s just that our work has kept us away from each other for a while so i’m all revved up,” they responded. “so…we doing this right here or the bedroom?”
an idea popped into itoro’s head, making their lower abdomen churn
“take your pick.” a smile crept onto their lips
dazed by unbound horniness, hange leapt up and took off towards the bedroom, a trail of clothes left in their wake
“you’re not gonna bamboozle me and leave me sitting here alone again, are you?” hibana side-eyed ime, then looked down, measuring the distance that was between them since sitting down on the freshly cut grass
hibana just wanted a hint of affection from the newcomer and will strive until succession—no matter the embarrassment.
at least hibana could heal a bit with a dash of hangout time they were permitted before either were pulled away for a situation
she needs to stand up fr,,,but like for ime…????? we: 🛐🛐🛐. don’t ask
feigning a yawn, hibana stretched their arms upwards then out, letting them drop closer to ime, granting them a chance to scoot theirself closer
“what are you doing?” ime’s eyes were resting behind their dark glasses, body hunched over their bent knees and unmoving
hibana pursed their lips, freezing their movement. “we’re just sitting so far from each-”
“any closer and you’d be breathing on my shoulder. are you gonna close your eyes or keep that mouth running?”
“well if you’re going to just be rude and walk away, no.” hibana crossed their arms
“i won’t,” voice monotone, ime responded
hibana immediately shut their eyes, perking up at all the possible scenarios that could ensue
they’re too shy to do it with my eyes open? i didn’t know they were so timid. i was doubting myself. i am able to have that effect on them! i need to be more confident! hmph!
finding herself leaning into ime, hibana’s heart thumped as she fully immersed herself into the fantasy
“alright, open your eyes.” ime finally looked away from hibana, hiding their downturned smile while they scooted away
hibana’s lips formed a small pout. “what? are you sure?” they opened one eye, peeking at ime. “uh-you moved further away! you were going to leave me, i knew it.”
ime turned their face away from the warmth of the setting sun, adjusting their glasses with a quick nudge from their knuckle. “i wanted to know how much peaceful it would be if you were asleep instead of awake.”
*getting time to lewk at this lil cutie without them “ruining” the moment
“it’s true. i have a gorgeous resting face-”
“because you talk entirely too much when you’re conscious.”
hibana’s brows furrowed. “…were you imagining me asleep or dead?”
“don’t worry about it.”
tucking their hair behind their ear, hibana reimagined the scenario. “you were…thinking about me?”
“no. why?” ymir quirked a brow, knowing they could’ve easily succumbed to the enthusiastic request
xasan rolled their eyes. “so i can smack you, obviously. just close ‘em!”
“…definitely not.”
employing their puppy eyes, xasan’s gaze feigned sorrow.
ymir fought the urge to look at their partner directly, holding their refreshment while looking in another direction
sighing ymir murmured, “i hate when you do that.”
xasan watched ymir close their eyes, sticking their tongue out in triumph while initiating a small dance in their seat
“keep doing that and watch.”
xasan pursed their lips and stopped moving, narrowing their eyes.
“or what?” they mouthed, one hundred percent sure ymir was not able to see
“you know my eyes are closed but assuming you talk back like you always love to do, i can stop playing your little game very quick.”
xasan’s grip tightened on the small package in their cardigan pocket, harboring their reaction to the tone of ymir’s threat
regathering their senses, they slipped the object out of their pocket, reaching across the table to set it in front of their partner
hearing the rustling from xasan’s movement, ymir’s impatience nearly triumphed in the battle to keep their vision blocked
“okay, you can open them now,” xasan chirped, fingers intertwining as their nerves began to set in
proceeding with their nonchalant act, ymir opened one eye, gaze darting to the gift on the table before landing on xasan
panic arose when ymir thought an anniversary or birthday had passed—but that couldn’t be true, they were usually the one to remind xasan of events they had forgotten
ymir didn’t do well with being given gifts out of nowhere—they mostly thrived on reciprocation in most aspects of their life
frozen, ymir responded, “i…didn’t get you anything.”
“that’s okay.” xasan was bright with anticipation, “look what’s inside,” they urged
“what’s inside?”
“ymir, just open it and you’ll see.”
“what kind of gift is it though,” they continued to probe, anxious
chest tightening, ymir put down their cup down, slender fingers skimming the wrapping paper. sitting up in the chair, they took the small package and ripped into it
ymir’s brows furrowed, jaw set as they cleared their throat. taking the small painted glass into their palms they let out a shuddery breath
xasan’s eyes widened, the unexpected reaction rendering them silent.
it was a small project only meant to mark the beginning of their art journey. at most they expected a small nod and compliment knowing a child could have done just the same, better even
but the tears?
now both of them crying
“it’s so pretty,” ymir sniffled, drying away their tears with the back of their hand. “look at our little hands holding each other. we’re just laying in a…in a field flowers.” they shook their head
“i’m glad you like it.” xasan caught their gaze and held it as a silence ensued in the presence of bountiful adoration
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oletus-manors-log · 1 year
good luck on renovating your new blogs and playing as rescuer doctor!! ✨✨ and good luck on trying to write. o7 maybe u can get some ideas from writing prompts like this ( https://www.tumblr.com/make-me-imagine/684813017765003264/sensory-prompts-2?source=share ) but instead of ur followers choosing one for you, you pick one that you like yourself? but yeah, i really love how you write for idv characters and excited to see more of your works. i'm rooting for you !!! (ง•̀o•́)ง
i don't have anything interesting happen in my life. i have been mostly studying and working for college, if not i would be playing honkai star rail and refreshing the idv x reader tag every 2 hours hoping to find something new related to my favorite characters ATUXHSJXHXH
- seer anon 🦉
Ty! They're very fun to do but also p much a pain HAOSHSIS I HAVE TO RENOVATE THIS ONE TOO 😩 absolute pain in the ass but I have a theme I can go so that's fun BAHAHAHAHA
And ooh, I can def use those prompts yes yes— I need to see which one I want to haunt first to yeet the stilts boi (Ithaqua) because my man and his voice has me "wait— oh I smell young adult being a bastard" (which doesn't help with the hcs I have of him if someone ends up going "lmao Navi what if you write hcs of him", do not tempt me. One is literally "y'all realize he'll have you carried on his arms or back right")
ALSO PLEASE SOBS IM SO GLAD YOU LOVE MY WORK— I sometimes feel like they lack in some areas (looking at my Naiad one. I forgot she was mute, but oh well), but I certainly will push out more! 🫡 I'm not gonna stop once I got my groove back, that's for certain KEKW
Ah yes, HSR, the one of the few HYV games I want to play but my phone would murder me LMAO— also felt for the IDV x reader tag. I swear, it's why I binge the fics in the tags because some are actually rlly interesting. I've binged a shitton of Itha's because the interaction from rp blogs of him and those that write abt him is... Very good material.
(another few I'd say I have binged religiously are Eli, Naib, Norton, sometimes Luca and a random set of hunters— aka "Navi chooses one hunter to hyperfixate on". Yes, my current ones are Antonio and Itha. Why? They're both bastards.)
Speaking of which, what are your faves? 👁️ Just a curious question I had since I like talking to others abt these things
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judjira · 1 year
Okay if you want more of my thoughts ill give you my line-by-line thoughts hehe
Jeongyeon and Dahyun smoking on a rooftop together… badass i love them but im curious to see how Tzuyu would handle that information hahah
i love love love that jeongyeon is the angel of the stars, i love how kind and gentle she is and how that shows in every move her character makes. Her showing dahyun the stars… oh my god the romance
“when her wings were as pure as the brightest day, before she had touched upon the earth, and before she had been bound to it” … what a beautiful, artful way to put that.
“knowing that such an ancient, divine, and powerful being has fallen at her knees and professed their most ardent of affection towards her.” again, holy shit i wish i could do half the things you can with words
momo, oh my poor baby. I love how delicate and gentle she is, despite being a she-wolf, how soft of a calming presence she is in either form. I love the detail of her keeping lupine tendencies, the ear twitching and careful attention. I love how gently dahyun asks what life was like but never pries. Oh god i just want to give Momo the biggest hug.
“When Momo pulls away, it is with the utmost care and reverence, one that Dahyun is honored to receive and return in kind.” is such a wonderful, warm little line.
i absolutely love the way Sana talks, it is so unbelievably endearing, and its even more endearing that Dahyun answers her with “Hiya, Satang”
and sana braving the humans to live with the women she loves.. my heart
Sana carrying Dahyun home and singing her to sleep was so cute. She loves her sm
I have to do a bit of work but ill be back later with more thoughts 😜😂
aaaaa thank u for ur thoughts !! i counter ur thoughts with my thoughts >: )
i think it's becoming a lil obvious that jeongyeon is one of my biases in this lil au HAHA i really enjoyed conceptualizing her story and coming up with her character, there's a lot more to her tho !! i just haven't explored it yet hue hue
i'm a little disappointed by how little i was able to characterize momo, i think i could have done a lot more ! but i think it still reads very well and momo is jus a lil sweetheart,,,i made her story vague on purpose, but if u enjoy roman mythology, you'll have probably picked up on her backstory !!
writing sana's speech patterns is so fun !!! (2nd most fun compared to jihyo) seriously im a sucker for that posh oldish english or whatever, and im a sucker for sana !!! her story's very sad but also very hopeful, im excited to explore more into it hehe
i shall counter ur thoughts once again when u send another ask 🫡
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hueningshaped · 2 years
me and u are just in a loop of telling each other that they're the cutest person ever and the other person squealing blushing going ❤️❤️❤️❤️NO YOU!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ my heart goin pitter patter actually,,,,, but omg i'm pretty sure it was 0x1=lovesong even though for some reason when i looked them up i listened to loser lover first??😭 can't even judge myself for it it's literally my favorite title track of theirs and one of my favorite songs i've EVER listened to🫶🏻🫶🏻 i don't know who i need to thank for giving me emo txt but they can have my left kidney no questions asked🫡 i'm a bamtori😼 at first yj was my bias for like two weeks but then beomgyu just skunk-haired his way into having a permanent place in my heart💫💫 and pls just one thing???😭😭 i adore him so much it's so hard to pick just one💔 but something that comes to mind immediately is just how he's so open about craving affection from the ones he loves, literally said himself that he's been thirsty for attention since he was little how can i not love him😐😐 and you can just see how it affects him when he feels like no one's listening to him :(( but the others are so great at reassuring him and hold up atp i'm just spiraling because my brain goes on autopilot whenever the topic is him😭 now you!!!! what is one thing that you love about hyuka+yj<33 -🧃
hi again ☹️ sorry i took 6 years to get back to u 🥺 AHHHHHH MOST DEFINITELY this back and forth makes my heart swellllll and NO YOU!!!!!!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 it is very much you that is the cutest 🥺🤕 sorry i dont make the rules hehe but anyway HONESTLY everything changed when 0x1 = love song came out, something shifted in the world truly.. even referencing it on a musicality pov, it’s just soooo FREAKING good but maybe we’re biased but idc txt reinvented music with that one 😔💗🫡 HEHEHE it’s always dang yj !?!,!,!!, but beomgyuuuu i have the softest spot in my heart for him (if thats a saying that makes sense if it doesnt exist) but seriously 😭😭 thats sooo 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he’s so pure and loving and funny and goddd i completely understand i could ramble and cry for hours about him we love you bg 🫶 and ahhh as for yeonjun ,,, i admire how he always looks after everyone around him and how generous and how loving he js like ik he’s “a huge flirt” but really he’s the biggest sweetheart ever theres a lot he carries on his shoulders but he never lets it bother him or at least he always makes sure to not god i made myself cry and for hueningkai he’s the sweetest person ever and so cheerful and bright and i dont think we’ve ever seen him cry idk he always does his best to be positive and he’s sooooo caringggggg and i find his interests and habits so disgustingly endearing truly yj + hk are so comforting to me yea haha i cried so much thinking abt them i gave myself a headache whoopsies !!!!! Also do u watch to do or talk x today ? :0 im curious as to what ur favorite episode is :^)))) hope ur doing good really 🥺🫶💗🌀🌀
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