#im back on my mass effect bullshit
babycupart · 1 year
there’s something very personal to me about playing as earthborn default male shep
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garrus-appreciation · 1 month
Mass Effect moments that mean EVERYTHING to me: the way Garrus looks at Shepard in this scene. He watches her so intensely and turns so she never leaves his sight
AND the way Shepard watches Garrus as he leaves, clearly so worried about him
They are already in love ok you can't change my mind
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tinandabin · 11 months
Guys. S4 EP1 Kny. Let's insert reader there because YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! im SO EXCITED TO BE WIRITNG FOR KNY AGAINN!!!!!!!
updated a/n: y'all, it's me, tina except now kny has s4 ep8. wow I forgot about this draft lemme continue it.
Yandere Muzan x Reader ( I hope this is yandere )
You were summoned in the infinity castle, well not really summoned, just teleported to a different area since you quite literally live in the infinity castle. All because of stupid Muzan being love-sick over you. Like bro, find a new obsession or something. Stop being a creep.
"[Name], come here. Stand beside me." Muzan said without looking at you, sensing your presence as soon as you were here. He was mixing some chemicals, since when did bro know chemistry?
You obeyed nonetheless, it would be futile to resist. So you got up and stood beside him, like a dutiful pet. You couldn't help but look at all the different chemicals Muzan was mixing, like bro, tell me the atomic mass of barium!!! You had this sudden urge to poke the chemicals, so you did. "Darling, don't do that." He chided you softly, as if you were some child. Did you listen to him? No.
Soon, all of the uppermoons were summoned and Muzan went on and on like some boring professor lecture. You almost fell asleep, almost.
"Ne ne, Muzan-sama, who's the new guest?" Douma, sitting in a criss-cross position, pointed a finger at you, staring at you menacingly. You stared back, more menacingly. Soon, it turned into a staring contest between the two of you before you decided to jump down the platform where Muzan is also standing, because why not? You have free will!!
Muzan glanced at you before sighing, irritated. "Don't do it." He warned. You looked back at him, smirking. "What if I did?" You replied in a snarky tone. Muzan looked fed up with your bullshit while Douma only merrily laughed in the background, finding it amusing that someone was able to challenge the demon king. A mere human, at that.
"Don't," Muzan said, not bothering to look at you again. "What's the magic word?" You wiggled your eyebrows at him. Really, all of the uppermoons were just waiting for you to get your skull burst open because who in their sane mind tells the demon king to say the magic word? Psh, as if he will- "Please don't." I kid you not, the uppermoons let out collective gasps. "Are you a witch?" Daki muttered, looking very surprised.
You only laughed and decided to not jump off the platform. Maybe another day. It was comical seeing the oh-so-feared demon king listen to the demands of a tiny human. That, my dear, was a normal day with the feared demon king. Just some uppermoon meetings, where you got Muzan to do something polite, effectively shocking the uppermoons to their core so much that they might just go into a coma. They all have concluded that you must be some type of goddess to be able to get Muzan to say, 'please'.
"Moo-zan." You poked Muzan's cheek as he read some boring ass book about flowers. He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, humming.
"I'm bored."
"And? That is not of my concern."
"I'm bored."
"I still don't understand how is that my concern."
"I'll eat your books."
"Would you like to go to dinner, tonight?" Muzan felt threatened. He knows you won't be beyond eating his books.
Silly little threats always work, guys. Try it out! Sponsored by [Name].
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heroofshield · 5 months
Whumpcember Day 1- Fever (Mass Effect, Shenko) G, No Warnings
Kaidan shivered and drew up the hood of his sweatshirt before making his way down the step towards Shepard's bed. Suddenly not feeling well, he didn't want to bother her, not when she needed to focus on getting the Quarian's and Geth to stop fighting each other and join forces so they could defeat the Reapers.
Pulling back the covers, he slowly got into the double bed and pulled the covers back over him while shivering all the time. Burrowing himself as far down as he could, Kaidan stretched out his limbs and felt the slight ache go away.
"I know I should see Chakwas, but she's busy enough from the last away mission." Kaidan dimly told himself. "Plus medi-gel is constantly in short supply because of the war."
Falling into a fitful sleep, Kaidan was dimly aware of growing so hot that he had to throw the covers off only to reach back for them after what seemed like a few minutes. Feeling that his nose was cold, he wrinkled it-only to let out a sneeze.
Shepard stepped out of the elevator and walked towards her quarters with a worried expression on her face. Taking a break between meetings with the Admiralty Board and Geth representatives, she'd gone looking for Kaidan only to have EDI tell her that he was up in her room.
"It's not like him to be up here until he's off-duty. And even then it's to finally get paperwork done." she thought while keying in the code and stepping into the darkened space.
Her frown deepening at seeing only the glow of the fish tank, she raised the lights slightly and was greeted with a cough. "Kaidan?" she called out gently, slowly walking down the steps and moving towards the bed.
Seeing the Kaidan sized lump underneath the sheets, her worry only grew when it didn't move. "Hey, you okay?"
Kaidan opened his bleary eyes and tried to focus them, but found it hard to. "mm fine." he mumbled, closing his eyes again and starting to drift off.
Shepard pushed back the hood enough to put the back of her hand against his forehead and was surprised at how hot he felt. "You're burning up Kaidan."
"Just a cold. Just need sleep."
Shepard let out a huff of disbelief at the short statement before saying, "EDI can you tell Doctor Chakwas to come up to my quarters? And to bring some medi-gel?"
Kaidan made a noise of protest, "Don't need it. Im fine."
Shepard put her hands on her hips and used her best 'Commanding Officer Voice,' "No you're not fine. You're not going to pull any of that Marine 'it's just a scratch' bullshit. Not when you're in my quarters under a pile of blankets and still shivering."
After Shepard starting scolding him, it was a blur; Shepard and Chakwas talking, his swearshirt being taken off, a needle in his arm, feeling relief as the medi-gel started to work, before finally being able to fall into an actual sleep.
Cracking open an eye, Kaidan saw Shepard on the couch-focused on the datapad in her hand and a mug of coffee on the table in front of her. Slowly sitting up and running a hand through his hair, he felt like he'd just run an entire biotics testing course after forgetting to eat breakfast.
"You're a dumbass you know that." Shepard said, not looking up from what she was reading. "Chakwas said you should have reported to her if you weren't feeling well."
"The med bay was nearly full and they were busy with all the post-mission injuries."
Shepard marked her place and looked up to see that Kaidan's hair was even more ruffled than normal, only adding to his charm. Softening slightly she continued, "You should have still told me. I could have told Chakwas and she would have been up here sooner with the medi-gel."
"But it's in short supply-"
"Kaidan." Shepard interrupted firmly but still gently. "When you're wearing three layers and under the blankets but still shivering like we're back on Noveria, getting some medi-gel to help is valid." Letting out a sigh she got up and walked towards the bed, sitting on the edge and facing Kaidan. "You've been making sure that I take care of myself during all of this, don't think that I haven't noticed, but it needs to be a two way street. You need to take care of yourself too, and that includes letting me know when you're not feeling great."
Kaidan closed his eyes as Shepard learned towards him and gently caressed his face with her hand, feeling comforted at the gesture. They'd been slowly working on their relationship since he rejoined the Normandy, trying to build it back up from the disaster that Mars had been, and knew that she was trying. "I'll work on it."
"That's all I ask."
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
so im pretty excited abt ur abo kp fic which is new to me bc i normally dont care abt abo? this isnt shade or bullshit btw i hope i just wanted to ask how u conceptualize gender and sex in abo? tags on the notfic r 100% right btw more trans abo. im always put off by most abo for the idea that cis male omegas basically?? have a cloacae for an anus but also a dick? it feels too alien for a non paranormal genre. do u think anatomy ought to be addressed more or left to suspension of disbelief?
right straight off the bat we're putting this one behind a readmore, because i don't want to wig anyone out. a/b/o be weird.
essentially, the way i conceptualise a/b/o and how gender and sex work is:
male/female - usually identifiable at birth, with obviously some grey area in there for intersex people.
alpha/beta/omega - surfaces during puberty, at which point the body changes in whichever way the subgender inclines.
i usually write it that it's not really possible to tell how someone's subgender will present until it does, because i think the inherent tension between "this is how i was treated growing up" vs. "this is how people treat me now" gives the most room for social commentary, and character growth, which is one of my favourite parts of a/b/o. so everyone's body has the base potential to go any subgender way.
relatedly, one of my least favourite tropes in a/b/o is the trope where a character unexpectedly discovers they're an omega and they hate it and take drugs to make themselves a beta, and they wish they were a beta/alpha and as a reader i just have to sit there like, and the logical ending to this story ISN'T that they're trans????
in fact, this trope irritated me so much that i fully outlined and started writing an original fic where the main character gets the whoops! all omega! reveal and instead of hating it and hiding it, feels fulfilled and more comfortable in himself, because it enables him to put into words and be accepted for aspects of his gender identity that have existed his entire life.
ahem. omega biology. back on track.
male omegas are one of those fandom tropes that i just... choose not to look at too closely. science brain well and truly turned off. because of how the kinnporsche mpreg fic is structured (porsche not knowing he's pregnant, and not knowing he could become pregnant) -- we're probably looking at assbabies for that one, though i usually prefer to go the male omegas are intersex (and female alphas are, as well) route, just because it makes most sense to me. but -- this is fanfic. things only make sparing amounts of sense 20% of the time.
truthfully, i think the question of anatomy depends on the fic. i do think there is a level of suspension of disbelief that is needed to read a/b/o, but to me that's true of all sci-fi. a lot of genre studies essays on sci-fi talk about this idea of a novum, a point of divergence that makes the sci-fi story different from our world. it can be a thing, an idea, a hypothetical. for example, in mass effect, the novum is the mass drivers. in star trek it's the warp core. in the martian, it's leaving a man behind on mars. and with sci-fi, you're not meant to question the novum. it's the foundational part of the universe. sci-fi is the question, "what if [x] was different?"
so with a/b/o, the novum is, well, it's the a/b/o dynamics. "what if human reproductive biology was on crack?" the bits i'm interested in are the answers that spiral out from that question -- i'm not really focused all that much on the question itself.
but, like i said, it depends on the fic. if the fic's question is, "so, if we do have these a/b/o dynamics, how does the biology actually work?" then obviously it's a bit more relevant. but i've only seen one or two a/b/o fic that approach the matter like that.
hope that makes sense!
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captainadwen · 1 year
my investment in genshin this time around has been much much shorter lived than expected
this is just a sleep-deprived 5 am rant bc i cannot sleep
i mean, part of it might be spoilers but also the lack of building up to plot that I missed (since my friend played some of the story while using my account as an alt). the issue is that i dont care enough about inazuma’s plot to look it up and see what happened. like ive met ei. i did her second quest. i know enough about raiden shogun to guess. i dont give a single fuck about kujo sara so watching her short-lived fallout from ideology is frankly unappealing. kokomi i liked only bc of a fancomic and the in-game version is much more disappointing. i still forget gorou exists. doing kazuha’s quest is frankly wasting the time i spend alive. i think there’s other characters in inazuma but i keep forgetting who they are so it’s like, whatever
why are itto and shinobu the only two characters from inazuma i actually like???
it is just impossible for me to be invested in inazuma story, and the same issue is happening in sumeru. sumeru the problem is a mix of spoilers but also that i am SO DONE with the traveler having three personality traits
1. i single-handedly saved countries. pay my allies no mind. isn’t it great i owned the jade chamber and that the anemo god is still awol and whatever the fuck went down in inazuma?
2. busybody
3. omg, sUCH a HERo
i really hate it!!!
every time i think im getting invested the focus shifts from characters and their interactions (i thought!!! little sick rich lady and body guard pyro lady and dancer hydro lady had a nice thing going on!!!) back to the traveler and their bullshit quest to go see the dendro archon (for what???? honestly if the writers REALLY cared about the story the motivation would stop being flimsy-ass lets travel teyvat uhuhuh and more ‘that dainsleif fellow is my closest link to finding my awol sibling and if i cannot find my sibling or the god that yeeted us here then by GOLLY i will track dainsleif and other khaen’riah survivors/relics across teyvat until i find one of them again)
(which like!!! could work really well for inazuma and sumeru bc 1. vision stopping might be sus enough for traveler to suspect abyss involvement. but also they got hit really bad by the cataclysm and 2. i havent done the quest yet but there’s a huge-ass ruin guard??? just lying around??? also the irminsul tree links whatnot)
i really hate that there’s no motivation to travel around and i hate the boastful traveler and i hate paimon’s screechy voice (i went back to see clips of mond and her voice is SO MUCH LESS SCREECHY) and i really, really fucking despise the grinding
why does every new character need a specific artifact. why do we have to grind so much. if i want to use any of my cast of characters i have to grind the fuck out of them first or they die in three seconds or do nothing. heaven forbid your character scale off anything but attack or hp with how rare things like energy recharge are. like
i thought it was just that i disliked fighting games. im kinda bad at them. and i dont like genshin fighting. i keep wanting to play a ton of rpgs (assasin’s creed, mass effect), but i get tired thinking about fighting. but then i realized, im like 40+ runs in on hades and still going strong. and that game is pure combat.
i just hate games where the combat feels meaningless
at least in hades i know each run brings me slowly closer to escaping the underworld. in genshin after grinding for a full hour (a bit longer than a long slow run in hades) i’ll be lucky if i got anything of use. maybe if you just fight bosses for ascension materials. otherwise get fucked
it just exhausts me and not even puzzles or exploration can make me not feel tired at the idea of playing (And god, i hate the aranara quest run around collecting seeds things.... it could be worse but it could also just be lile. a puzzle instead of dash dash dash con)
anyway i think imma take another break, probably shorter since genshin is what i play when i am bored simply bc its there and easy and i can quit after 5 mins with zero progress lost. a realization brough to you by the realization i was only logging in to get primos for nahida, who i have not met and whom spoilers did not endear me to (also she’s a kid character and except for klee i universally am extremely indifferent to them), whom i was told is “ultra good” for fighting and spiral. and who i’d still have to build up. on the off chance i win 50/50
yeah, no
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sparatus · 8 months
11, 16, 26 and 40 for the fic writer asks pls?
yessss thank you!!
writer asks
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
hfsdlfh i dont read fic very often but let's go digging. gonna challenge myself to find some NOT written by my friends cause otherwise it's too hard to pick favorites :lmao:
No Love, No Comfort by NoCoincidence [Stellaris] is a "i dont go here but this fucks severely" stellaris fanfic that @lightspeedpowerpunk recced me a while back and i inhaled the whole thing in one go, it's about an emergent AI that learns to be aggressive and eradicate organic life as an act of self-defense because its creators tried to kill it first and oh my god it's just so fucking good trust me
To Ourselves and Our Posterity [Mass Effect, orphaned fic] is an old favorite, shakarian childhood friends au where hannah dies and leaves custody of young jane to cnclr sparatus, it was never finished and im obviously no longer onboard with the hannah/sparatus among other aspects but it was one of the first fics i ever read that cast sparky in a genuinely kinder more sympathetic light and honestly i would love to give rewriting it a shot it has a spot in my heart forever
The Wedding Crashers by DasMervin, MrsHyde [Twilight Saga, Supernatural] is a spitefic originally posted on livejournal moved over to ao3 to dodge lj's posting limits, leah clearwater has broken free of jacob's shitty awful pack that's shitty to her and fucked off to go hunt sparklepires, unfortunately renesmee's wedding to jacob turns up and she's forced to attend so she brings the winchester brothers. shenanigans ensue. it's tongue-in-cheek and one of my favorite fun goofy rereads just trust me bro
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
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well right now i'm thinking about a short "same scene, different pov" thing for the climax of itlog feat. garrus and tasora, mostly for the comedy of running into garrus's parents (because of course castis got an invite to the anniversary gala, and asadia isn't a frail delicate thing that will shatter if she thinks about leaving the house castis vakarian of course they should go don't try to use her condition as an excuse to be a recluse), because naturally garrus HAD to latch onto the ONE person in the whole embassy who would think his dad's nerdy poindexter routine is attractive
tasora, comfortable enough around garrus to go a little feral: hey blue guess what garrus, literally just got back from not dying horribly on omega: if you say my dad is kind of a dilf i'm walking into traffic
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
blood in the water? blood in the water. it's got half-mad cyborg salarians, it's got batarian worldbuilding, it's got transformers expies, it's got balak, it's got hegemony conspiracy bullshit, what more do you want from me
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
i mean ok i know the cool dramatic action scenes and climax bits are always what people want to see art of but honestly i think my strength is more the somber poignant moments that are quiet but still carry all the weight - The Man in the Mask would be a really good one that i'd love to see art of, with all the symbolism of desolas hiding in the shadows and valis only just able to see a small piece of the whole, or on a similar note ch2 of The Weight of Memory has some really good imagery with the arterius clan watching the sunset from the porch while they talk about the horrors of war, esp this bit:
“We’re ninety, Val.” Desolas didn’t get up, just faced forward and settled his elbows on his knees and chin on his clasped hands. Trebia had fallen low enough to kiss the tops of the trees far across the yard, and as its rays traced over the crags and cracks in his brother’s face, Saren could almost see the ghosts of the man he’d met above Shanxi tracing their hands over his plates once more. Shadows turned to bruises, old scars glittered blue, a weary half-lidded eye swelled shut, teeth disappeared from bloody gums. “We haven’t been young in a long time.”
.... basically any of my shit with the arterius bros, huh. especially desolas. be kind to my big brother he's been through a lot he can have some beautiful but melancholy imagery
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xoshepard · 8 months
the way i just played enough of bg3 to get the memes and now im back on my mass effect bullshit 😔 my brain truly is a dumb idiot
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oakstar519 · 1 year
im back on my bullshit (mass effect modding)
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that-wildwolf · 4 years
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Tali's loyalty mission in a nutshell
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shepsrpcastle · 3 years
I think
“If I don’t make it,Go make a home somewhere”
“…i have a home…”
Is the hardest goodbye line in mass effect actually.
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itsacuriousthing · 4 years
a bunch of mass effect playlists for these trying times
8tracks sadly died a death earlier this year but i imported a bunch of my old playlists from c.2014/15 onto spotify and revamped them a little and wanted to share! i’m also in the process of putting together some new ones so here is the link to the spotify playlist folder of all my mass effect ones, including WIPs :D
also a disclaimer but i’m Fully Aware these mixes cater to my specific taste in music and might not be for everyone but,, i love sharing music so here ya go! and pls if u have any mass effect mixes reblog this and share ‘em bc i wanna see!! ✨✨✨🥰
general playlists
mass effect: destroy mass effect: synthesis mass effect: control
this is commander shepard, signing off
ship playlists
just kiss already (miranda x jack)
in the quiet chaos beside me (shepard x kaidan)
garrus vakarian x kizzy shepard (as the name entails)
character playlists
at war with the world [paragon] 
we’ll go down in history [renegade]
CAliBrATioNs (a silly garrus playlist)
leave a light on (thane)
biotic b*tch (jack)
{pls add more below of your own!!!}
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sam-scribbler · 4 years
Shepard was not as surprised as she should have been to see Nihlus when she stepped out of the shop. “Following me, or just doing some shopping?”
Nihlus looked amused. “Can’t it be both?” His gaze flickered down to the pocket of her fatigues, where the precious tin of facepaint had been carefully stowed. “I see you’ve done some shopping of your own. I had no idea you and Vakarian were so serious.”
Shepard crossed her arms. “What do you want, Nihlus?”
Nihlus shrugged. “Information. Answers. The things a Spectre usually wants.”
“Am I under investigation, now?” Shepard asked, not really expecting an answer.
“No,” said Nihlus, giving her one anyway. “More of a… personal curiosity. Also, I thought you’d like to know that the Council has suspended judgement until I can report on another assignment of yours.”
Shepard didn’t react. “Judgement of what?”
Nihlus raised - well, he would have raised an eyebrow if he’d been human. As it was, he raised one of his eye ridges. “Your status as a Spectre trainee, of course. Do keep up, Shepard.”
“Mm.” Shepard refused to be concerned about her Spectre status. She’d taken down the Collectors without it, after all. If she really needed to, she could survive going rogue.
Although it would be nice not to have to. She should probably play nice at least a little. “Good to hear.”
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sir-bertrandbell · 4 years
god me1 really does keep the sad music after virmire the entire time you’re on board Normandy
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flaine1996 · 4 years
Okay so, I've decided since im back on my bullshit to finally officially start posting shit about my Ezner Shepard. Details below.
OKAY so i know i talk about her alot but i dont actually do anything and hide like a wuss on the tags so im gonna spend most of my time starting now to post bit by bit about my Shepard starting with her timeline all the way to ME3 it will bbe a bit of a big project especially starting from birth so lol WATCH ME SCREAM but also if you wanna blacklist me most of it will be under Ezner Shepard and i will still post greedfall in another tag.
Also heres a pic of my baby for no reason but to show her off lol.
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