#im an architecture major not an art major
dancingdorito · 4 months
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finally got around to finishing this!
Elzar Mann and Avar Kriss from the High Republic series in the painting Meeting on the Turret Stair by Frederick William Burton!
I am not an artist but please don't post this anywhere else without crediting me :)
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rackcty · 1 year
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revisited this awesome fic (the open road & other anesthetics by tactfulgnostalgia) and could not resist their dripless outfits
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nem0-nee · 1 year
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Haha... 🫠
The devil you know is better than the devil you don't... But gawdamn it's been three years since I was gone 😭
[further personal context to whoever wants to read it asnsjshsj]
So my recent rise in fortune is attributed to me going to the Philippines for college. Though, it kinda shakes me a bit? Like here, my struggle was that I never really fit in American society considering I've lived in the PH for a good chunk of my life. But now, what if that happens again, but rather I'm too American for Filipino society. Sounds whack I know, but I swear that paranoia is valid-
But hey, every day is a new learning experience!? I'm sure I'll be fine, I'll just be wildly culture shocked yet again 😭
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boyybites · 3 months
Wanna do a species sheet or two of the races/species that live in my ocverse, I literally have the world map drawn out all I'm doing now is putting down names and using the map to figure out the lore and shit.
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1o1percentmilk · 10 months
i don't even want to take half my classes that im registered for autumn quarter
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fawnprincessblog · 2 months
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𝒜𝓃𝓰𝓮𝓁'𝓈 𝒹𝓮𝓋𝓮𝓁𝓸𝓅𝓂𝓮𝓃𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎.
(part 1: 'the praise and some coffee') type: slow burn, fluff (tom kaulitz 2015 × fem reader)
includes : teacher × student, childish annoying immature school girl who's name is Angel (you), teacher tom, wannabe teacher's pet, age gap. tom is 25, angel is 17. plot : angel, a young, childish and innocent honour student was shunned by her schoolmates due to her being a teacher's pet, but none of that mattered whenever she ran into her favorite teacher, Tom, that she so deeply admired, who she swears on her life she will serve until the day she dies. despite being favourited by many other teachers, tom does not favour her due to her clingy behaviour. she may be smart but her hormones play a huge part in her schooling life as well.
bambi's note! : hello sweeties :3 i don't really wanna explain much but i think you guys will be sick of hearing the same lame excuse to why i disappear quite frequently. writer block makes me want to suicide sometimes, i've been trying my hardest to write, this took me months to finally put tgt. crazy that it's short too. i have drafts from last year in my docs. im also an art student, so it makes it hard to tackle both things rn. anyway, have fun reading part one of 'Angel's development diary ' :3
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“Everyone now turn to page 74,” Tom instructs, his voice sharp and echoing across the classroom. The whole room was silent, only he could be heard. Nobody would disrespect a man like him, for he was rather strict, and serious, his only intention being to get his point across and educate his students. That’s what the majority saw in him. 
Well, except for one person. That was Angel. The honour student of her class.
Angel saw what other people did not care about. Despite being the very sophisticated and refined teacher everyone knew, to her he was so much more. Tom was a young, 25 year-old Maths teacher. She admired that strong body structure of his, and the way his face features all fit together. The way his hair was always worn in a messy bun, a few strands poking out the front, had just added to his good looks. He wasn’t over-dressed, like those wannabe scientists-looking teachers in her physics classes; he was rather usually seen in t-shirts. On special occasions, she got to see him in a suit. 
He wasn’t the kind to play around. He expected all his students to pass his class with flying colours, not one left behind. In fact, all teachers wished the same. In such a popular and very high-class school, of course every single student had to be well-behaved and supremely knowledgeable.
The school Angel went to was one with a high standard of academic and extracurricular achievements. It has a strong emphasis on academics and often has a highly selective acceptance rate, which makes it difficult to get in. She was quite lucky. The campus has beautiful architecture, state-of-the-art facilities, and ample resources for students' academic and personal development. The faculty members are very well-educated and experienced in their respective fields, and the school often has a high student-teacher ratio. The students are often from wealthy families with a strong academic focus, and the school often boasts a high graduation rate. 
Coming from such a school that was great and had put Angel’s reputation in great hands meant no mistakes were to be made at all. She had to maintain her good grades. And one thing is for sure: she couldn’t possibly keep having dirty thoughts about her teacher. 
“Hey, you,” Tom called out, snapping his fingers twice. “Angel?” 
She snapped out of her trance almost immediately, a little startled by his tone. “Oh—yes?” she responds, heat evidently rising in her cheeks the moment he had called out her name. Oh, when he said her name, it only served to heighten her arousal. His voice was so strong and firm, it made her squirm in her seat like a damn worm. All those dirty thoughts wouldn’t go away. 
“Are you gonna pay attention? Or is daydreaming the only thing you like to do?” Tom asked, folding his muscular arms across his chest, staring right into her soul. He had this scary glare that usually put most students in fear, but to her, it was attractive. His dominant demeanour when teaching a lesson made her imagine all these horrendous things, like how he was in bed. 
“N-No—! Um, I was listening,” Angel responds, clearing her throat. She shifted a little in her seat, tugging at the hem of her red plaid skirt. She was wet. So uncomfortably wet and aroused, she would’ve probably left a stain on the chair if she had gotten up.
“I hope so,” Tom grunted, turning back to the chalkboard to continue writing those endless amounts of Math sums. It was overwhelming to look at; all of the numbers bunched together, the dusty residue of the chalk making it even worse. It was a lot to take in, however that was just how it was. 
His teaching continued, his voice loud and clear. Angel diligently started writing down her notes, trying to keep up with his pace. Being such a good student, she had become fond of his teachings, and she was expected to have one of the highest marks among the rest, even if everyone else was already good. 
An honour student. That’s what she was. Supposedly, she was the teacher’s pet. 
She did well, joined every possible club and involved herself in every school event, making sure she was obtaining high merit points that boosted her reputation in her school. Angel was simply a good little girl that most teachers did like, but the other students, and for some reason, Tom, did not like her. They found her exasperating. 
The bell rings. Class is over, and Tom is preparing a stack of worksheets to hand out to the class on the way out. “Alright class, tomorrow I wanna see all your worksheets full of numbers. All correct and no mistakes. I believe I’ve taught you all enough on this topic, so I expect perfect answers,” he announces. “You can pack up and leave now.” 
“Sir!” Angel calls out, rising from her seat abruptly, making everyone else pause from their packing up. Majority rolled their eyes. “You forgot to take attendance. Usually you take attendance every morning before class but since you forgot the checklist you said you would—”
“Right, right, okay,” Tom interrupts, an exasperated sigh followed right after. Clearly, he was pissed. Angel was quite aware that he disliked her try-hard behaviour, in fact, she was aware everyone did. Of course as an honour student she was made to please the teachers with good grades and behaviour, but the other students knew clearly she acted the most clingy around Tom. She saw past his strict demeanour and she acted like a child around him. Always trying to point out the simplest things, always reminding him about his meetings, always trying to get him his coffee, always trying to help him out at any damn chance she got— Angel was desperate and needy for his love. She was willing to make him love her. She wanted to be his favourite student. 
He notwithstanding, saw her as a confounded girl who was beating a dead horse. A try-hard, annoying, clingy little bitch that stuck to him like a damn tick. It irritated him when she acted like his little servant. 
But Angel liked it. She didn’t care. 
“Since you wanna help so much, get the checklist for me,” Tom tells her rather bluntly, clicking a pen in his hand as he speaks. Angel’s ears perk up at his request. “What? Really?” she asks, eyes full of joy. That annoying excited voice—it made his ears bleed.
“Go get it, it's in my office,” Tom says. “And hurry. Your classmates wanna leave class.” 
“Consider it done, sir!” she enthused, immediately dashing towards the door and running straight to his office. Like a little slave, she did everything for him.
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Recess time. One of the times where Angel would bother her favourite teacher the most. Even if she was trying to be helpful, she usually came off as a nuisance. He was an earnest and disciplined man, always keeping up with his set schedule. During break he’d grab coffee in the teacher’s lounge, discuss some things with his colleagues, or he’d take the coffee straight to his office so he can finish up paperwork. However he wasn’t the only one who kept to his schedule…
“Hi sir,” she greeted excitedly, grinning like an idiot. She blocked him, not allowing him to continue walking through the school hallway, which was empty since everyone else was at the cafeteria. “Where will you be taking yourself to today? Do you need help with anything?
He lets out a breath, trying his hardest to not let her irritate him right now. Angel being around him was something he couldn’t possibly avoid. It was an everyday thing now. “No,” he said simply. He then looked around. “Do I look like I need help?” His tone was dripping with sarcasm. Angel could tell, but she couldn’t be bothered. 
“You may not be holding anything that I could help you carry, but there’s other things I can help with,” Angel says. “Like, your coffee. Do you want me to get your coffee?” She was just so damn innocent  acting like a maid trying to please him with every chance she got. She really acted like life was all unicorns and rainbows, like she had not a single issue in the world.
“For the last time, I can get it myself. You’ve been asking this everyday now,” Tom sighs. “Shouldn’t you be eating? It’s recess. Go eat.”
“I already have,” Angel replies with that annoying giggle right after, making him clench his jaw. She was insufferable. That giggle was ingrained into his mind. He could recognise it from a mile away. 
“Okay, good. Now if you don’t mind, you can just mov—”
“One sachet of the coffee mix, two teaspoons of sugar and some milk to top it off,” she interrupted, making him raise an eyebrow. “You use the blue mug. Always the blue mug,” she added.
“You know my coffee?” he asked, a little disturbed by her knowledge on how he liked his coffee. His eyes narrowed to slits, peering at her.
“Yep,” she replies, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. To him, she was a complete stalker at this point. “You have about 12 minutes to go to the teacher’s lounge and get your coffee, and return back to your office to finish marking off the recent test you gave us before you have to rush to the meeting you have with Mr.Harrison about the new changes we’re making to the school’s mural art.” 
“What?” he said, almost wanting to laugh in disbelief. That was way too many words for him to comprehend. “You know my schedule?” 
“Well I memorised it,” she shrugged. “Tuesday’s and Fridays you stay in your office during break. All the other days you’re eating at the teacher’s lounge.
What the hell, he thought, looking at her with the most perplexed look he’s ever plastered onto his perfect face. “What are you doing, stalking me? My schedule is printed on paper and left in the drawer of my desk—”
“It’s also printed in my mind,” she joked, pointing a finger to her temple. 
He looks at her, bewildered. Completely uneasy. He didn’t like this. He knew she always had this weird thing for him, but he didn’t think she was this peculiar, knowing his schedule and all. Tom was taken aback by her behaviour, but he remained unruffled for now. It wasn’t too surprising, since she had been doing this for a while; asking him if she could get his coffee, but he had always declined. In the past, she had been randomly reminding him about his meetings, or anything he planned to do on that day, which he also found annoying, but today she really surprised him, wording out his entire plan for today.  
He cleared his throat. “Well, I know my own schedule, I don’t need you to tell me,” he says.
“I know. You’re very smart. But, I figured you’d like help,” she says, grinning. 
He had to get rid of her. This damn pest of a student. “I don’t. Not right now. So, If you don’t mind, Angel, please move aside so I can go.” He tries to walk past her, but she stubbornly blocks him again. 
“C’mon, I’m sure you need someone to get your coffee,” Angel insisted, looking at him with those set of pathetic eyes, ones that he insanely hated to look at. She was small, pretty, and sweet, but she was tiring. He didn’t like her. “Angel…” he sighed, wanting to snap at her, but he held back; he may be strict, but there was no reason to be shouting at a student who just wanted to help so badly, right? “...Fine. Get my coffee, bring it to my office. Now.” he finally relented, looking down at her rather annoyed that he had forced himself to give in. Oh, she really had her ways. 
“Yes, sir!” Angel exclaims, smiling widely, and she dashed off, disappearing immediately. Tom folded his arms, watching the pesky little girl run off to get his coffee like a slave. She obeyed him so much, wanting to do anything just for his attention. He chuckled a little, he couldn’t help himself.
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“One coffee,” she says, placing the blue ceramic mug onto his desk slowly, as if she were a waitress. Tom had been busy on his computer, going over some emails while waiting. She had returned rather quickly. Tom flashed her a faint smile, and he took the cup, taking a small sip. She had got it right. It tasted exactly like how he wanted. 
Wait for the praise, wait for the praise, Angel thought in her mind, eagerly looking at him for a positive reaction with big, innocent eyes. 
“It’s exactly how I like it, Angel,” Tom finally says, looking up at her. He noticed her small hands fidgeting with the hem of her school skirt. “Good job,” he finally praised, his voice low and soothing. 
Angel’s cheeks immediately flushed pink. Everytime he gave her praise, her arousal hit her like a brick. She couldn’t contain herself. She could already feel herself soaking her panties. “N-No problem, sir…” Angel says, her lips slowly curling into a nervous grin. She squeezed her thighs together a little, trying to contain herself. 
“You may go now,” he says. 
“Y-Yes,” she nods, bowing a little as a sign of respect. She then left.
Tom did not know the effect he had on this girl. If only he could ease that ache.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
Finding a Job. What works for you? Intuitive Reading .
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Money rules the world. But what is money when you can't even enjoy what your doing while getting it? Having a hard time sticking to one job? Not sure whats the best outcome for you to make money ? So here I picked out a few angel numbers, and which ever one you intuitively pick is where your hearts desires, soul purpose and skills in money making come in to play.
I hope you all enjoy !
Pick a number !
111 333 444 555 777 999 1111 2222
Now let the games begin!
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If you picked ...
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Doctors, Lawyers, Teacher, Scientists.. This is where your energy works best. Teaching roles are something that give you're heart a big glow. It just works.
If you also picked this group...
Originality. Playing Cards. Jokesters. Tricksters.
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You're great at being 'The Fool'. Making up sceems and getting out without a scratch. You could be good at scratch offs, playing poker, winning one of those casino games etc.
When it comes to originality, you make things your way. New ideas, new punchlines. It all works in the end.
If you picked...
Farms, Animals, Gardening, Community, Volunteering, Working from home,
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This group has a healing aura to them. They need spaces where its quiet, cool, and earthy. Making sure their in groups , surrounded by good people is what works best for them.
Sometimes this isn't work to them. Volunteering is something that helps you feel good and is apart of you're life purpose. Charitable acts suit you greatly.
Working with animals, tending to gardens, dog sitting, etc. Works best for you.
If you also picked this group...
Knitting & Design
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I see you guys sitting up on a rocking chair watching the view from your porch. Its a fun hobby and it can make a good coin in the long run. If you have talents in the arts, this would be a great new hobby if you havent tried it.
If you picked..
Architecture, Design, Technology, Cameras, Mechanics
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If you picked this number, you could be pretty good at creating designs for homes, video games, websites, cars, etc..
You're brain is really connected to the art of detail. You are also good at the art of programming. creating new designs through photoshop or any other special effects program.
Coding is also another thing you guys could be good at.
Making design for clothes is a major one for you! Go on a website that helps with creating hoodies and t shirts, shoes, etc.. And you're in there.
If you also picked this group... Movies, Cameras, Hollywood.. Broadway..
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Step by step. Move closer, but go slow.. This group are a class act. 'Prince Energy' : Intuitively Im picking up on star quality. And with 444 being the number that you guys picked, its asking you to work harder. This is a long journey, not a quick paced job. You'll look back and say thank you to yourself for allowing the small wins to propel you to the big ones. Oscar worthy energy is here for this group!
If you picked...
Associations, Team Player, Big Corporations, Groups and Connections
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Working hard underground is a big one for this group. Connecting to smaller associations will bring you to bigger groups. Finding ways to bring new ideas to the table will benefit you in the long run. With this group.
The vision I got for this group was Buzzfeed and Google corporations. You guys work to create and expand your ideas, topics, and so much more. Its relaxing. Not too much but not so little.
If you picked...
Mystery, Oracles, Spiritual Community, Books, Spells, Travel Abroad
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Spiritual healers! You're gifted in the arts of knowing. This group is capable of creating spells for the collective and it turning out with some benefits. You could read tarot, astrology, or anything connected to mysticism.
Doing spells for money takes practice, but it can work out for you in the future if you know what you're doing.
Traveling Abroad is one of the best ways for you to make money if you picked this group! It doesn't have to do anything with the occult. You could be a makeup artist, a dancer, doesn't matter. Traveling helps you expand your clientele, and puts more money in your pocket. Its a wonderful job.
If you picked...
Travel Abroad, Culture, Studying Abroad, Intellectuals, Thought-provoking conversations, Museums, Podcasts
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Your looks is actually something that will propel you to new heights in this lifetime. Your personality, thoughts, creativity, and ideas will attract many followers and it could open up new doors along the way. Be open to being yourself in large crowds. You never know who might be listening! ;)
Whatever it is your selling, try going over seas and take that risk. Join a circus. Do something you have never done before. The unconventional works in your favor.
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Okay so this group is pretty special.
I get strong Emperor/Empress energy for you guys. This means, that you are capable of manifesting and willing in your desires with gratitude and connection to source. You don't have to beg, cry, or plead for the things you want to happen, they simply just do.
Enjoy this, because it is sweet. it is magic. it is free!
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Okay so this group has an interesting vibe. You guys advocate with groups. Protesting. Learning more about the city you operate in and being apart of it.
In this reality, you have to speak it and it will begin to will itself in your reality. You must be prepared for the work and effort you will have to put into this. it doesnt come free, cheap, or easy. Commitment will play a big role in how you move into what you want.
However, this group has the ability to serve the community in some way, and it will come back and reward them with recognition.
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cauchys-special-boy · 6 months
for most of my life i just kinda assumed everyone liked modern art and architecture. some people would claim they liked obviously ugly and boring old style things covered in gold and shit, but they were either way too in the weeds or signalling their superior sophistication (notably what those people claim about my tastes, though i didn't know it at the time)
i had this whole theory worked out where back in the day they were really resource poor, so the rich people would display their wealth by building what were essentially giant piles of money. a giant pile of money has different requirements than a genuinely beautiful building, so of course you get different results. then we invented toilets, showers, and gold spraypaint. oh no, now you can get a big golden eyesore for cheap! so finally taste could prevail, and we could build cool looking buildings with interesting shapes and more than one color
these days im consciously aware that the majority of people prefer classic style buildings (and art) but intuitively it just doesn't make sense. i can't empathize at all, it simply doesn't click. i assume i wasn't born with these preferences, my parents have them too but my brother doesn't. but whatever process put this preference in my head is over now- i am totally incapable of seeing brutalist or modern architecture as ugly or classic architecture as beautiful
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
okay fr what do you think scara is like in bed? what’s he into, what’re his kinks, the whole shebang?
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modern scaramouche hc's
✭ tags ; sub!chara, dom!reader (they bottom but parts are unspecificed so gn!reader as well), this is also my modern!scaramouche take so just be aware, bratting, rough sex, slapping, hitting, a lil degradation, reader is v careful abt scaramouches boundaries tho, romantic implications reader is stronger than scara + he is short king, etc
✭ wc ; 2.1k (im soooo ashamed. anon im so sorry)
✭ a/n ; this got so out of hand so quickly. this is my personal scaramouche this has nothing to do with anyone but me and my delusions sorry in advance.
like really. cant describe how subjective this is but i also refuse to change my mind or see him any other way. thank u so much for inquiring
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my modern scaramouche is usually aged like. 20-something in college. he goes to a nice university (a very competitive school mind you.) he was really concerned about excelling for like most of his hs career. kind of a loner except tartaglia who adopted him into his friend group.
he panics about his degree for the longest time cause he doesn't know what to do - but settles on civil architecture and minors in fine art.
he has his ears pierced and some other piercings too that he was peer pressured into, but overall likes how they look. he's not usually very dressed up and all of his closet is so oversized because comfort > fashion BUT he never looks like a slob either.
has like 3 other friends on campus (kazuha + mona + childe who somehow followed him there)
complicated relationship with his mom + stepmom (he doesn't hate her but they do not communicate so tons of misunderstandings between them. like sooo many)
and. usually not actively looking to date anyone ever. he had like one crush one time in highschool but chickened out so miserably and SEETHED about it the whole time.
after that he swore to never, ever, ever go back to that dark place and sort of just focused on his career and school. his major is pretty difficult so it takes a lot of his time
plus he's a little pretentious, stuck up little shit so only a few people can handle him in the first place.
anyways. u meet through tartaglia who thinks you two will get along really well (and he's trying to set you both up bc he thinks you two could work well together)
its honestly like oil and water. you're personality just rubs him the wrong way. sure childe is annoying, but he's stupid
you're...not stupid. you're kind of clever and you treat him with like. a sense of disrespect he hates. scaramouche is used to people who let him have the upperhand
but you're always pretty quick to shoot him down. you never let him him get away with anything and you guys have this like... insane back and forth for months
its the slowest of burns. he swears he hates you.
(he doesn't though. he thinks its really fucking attractive that you talk back to him and don't let him intimidate you ever. but he loathes that feeling. he also loathes how nice your laugh is and how easy it is to talk to you)
scaramouche spends. AGES. ages in denial. closes his eyes to it. its like 6 months deep into it - he starts having wet dreams and he wakes up HORRIFIED with himself.
WORSE? scaramouche knows about your sex life. not through you but through observation and gossip. he's not fucking you in the dreams. you're fucking him.
humiliated, he simply tries to ignore it. but it's making him so much moody than usual and because you two spend so much time together - you notice almost right away. of course you do.
"whats got your panties in a twist lately? not that you're usually sunshine and rainbows but you're acting like a little kid"
scaramouche says something mean. like, really mean in response. he's just so frustrated. its a personal jab, farther than he'd usually go.
he's expecting to sabotage himself you know? he does that sometimes. pushes people away when they get too close. it's a miracle he has any friends. he's expecting you to get annoyed and leave.
but there's this like. chill to your voice. and you're looking straight at him.
"you don't talk to me like that, understand? i don't care how shitty your mood is."
one hit k.o. he can't even breathe. what's wrong with him and what is happening to him, and holy shit why do you sound like that.
"sorry," he apologizes (him. he's apologizing first) "just. frustrating,"
and you immediately slink back to your usual self. and he's relieved and a little excited and just overall restless because he can't stop thinking about what just happened.
"it's fine. i like being on your ass or whatever but it's bothering me that you're so moody. maybe you really do need to get laid,"
the joke is one you often to make. it's meant to lighten the mood. but scaramouche is feeling pent-up and horny and that's kind of exactly what he needs
"s-shut up. it's not like you're going to do it,"
internally he's hoping you take the bait. he is equal parts horrified and excited watching you take in the information. you give him a lazy smile as you sit up and look at him.
"huh. do you...want me to do it?"
oh dear god. oh fuck.
"so what if i did?"
and then you laugh, which he can't decipher. he's gearing himself to be made fun of. he watches you with big wide yes as you come sit on the desk near him. feels your fingers trail his jaw and tilt his head up and holy shit he might really die.
he can barely look up at you.
"is that why you've been acting weird for last couple of weeks?" your voice is so smug and scaramouche is so turned on it's stupid. he hates it. hates himself. hates everything
"shut up,"
and then, you grab his chin. really make him look at you and it's startling but he doesn't pull away. you look gleeful.
"that why you've been running with your tail between your legs when you see me?" you hum, your eyes almost predatory "cause you want me to fuck you?"
its times like this scaramouche he could be honest. because that's exactly what he wants, but he hates having to say it.
"as if you could satisfy me," he says, instead. your eyes widen, and it takes you a minute to register it all in your head.
"you're such a fucking brat," you say, light. affectionate, really. it makes his heart pump "you think i can't?"
"i'd like to see you try," he says, absolutely and utterly in disbelief internally. you grin.
"can i kiss you?"
"why're you asking?"
"cause im an asshole, not a villain,"
you and scaramouche makeout in a study room before he decides to to get ahold of himself and invites you into his dorm. he's never been so thankful in his life that his roomate is gone.
when you get scaramouche into bed - it really dawns on him how out of his element he is. he's not a virgin - a few awkward and usually bad hook-ups in his repertoire.
but you're not like them. he's bitey and on edge but you handle him. ask for permission for little things, clarifications for what he's okay with. you're thoughtful, despite how much he's lashing out.
and it's turning scaramouche so much he doesn't know how to handle it other than doing it again. he wants to provoke you so much. he wants to put him in his place over and over.
it's mid makeout he pulls away, frustration all-welled up inside him that he asks. he's hard and needy and needs something to get him off.
"i knew you were all talk," he sneers, putting as much of himself in it as he can "this is nothing,"
you look at him very seriously "you're really asking for it, huh," you say with a sigh "do you know what you're getting into?"
"nothing serious obviously,"
"usually when i deal with brats like you, i treat 'em real rough. im being nice to you cause you're so pent up, but it's like you don't want that," you grab his face again, getting close and personal this time and scaramouche feels like he'll collapse "want me to treat you mean and put you in your place? hit you and make you cry?"
oh it ruins his life. that's exactly what he wants. what he needs from you so much it aches. so much he chokes.
"wh-what the hell are-"
but you make him face forward, look you in your eyes.
"your first lesson is answer me when i talk to you. is that what you want? you can nod if you can't say it,"
so he nods and you laugh.
"yeah? should smack the brat outta you shouldn't i?
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you're asking for permission. despite his everything, there's something affectionate about it. he feels his stomach twist with desire.
"just fucking do it already,"
"tell me if you need to stop,"
"i said—"
it's unceremonious, really. when scaramouche feels the palm of your hands on his cheek, landing heavy and hard as you push him back against the bed. you hit him.
he liked it. makes his cock throb in his fucking jeans, feeling the sting.
"your second lesson is don't fucking mouth at me," you practically spit. there's some roughness in your actions that make scaramouche keen as you crawl on top of him "can't even deal with your moods without lashing out."
scaramouche feels his stomach churn as your hands make rough work of him. you pin his wrists over his head, tell him to keep it there.
and of course he refuses, disobeys - gets to feel how strong you actually are when you spit the words back in his face again to hold fucking still.
scaramouche keeps doing it. keeps pushing until you have to put him back where he belongs forcibly. he doesn't know that he's doing it
but he wants something he can't name, a desire that aches so deep in his chest. he wants you to take responsibility for him - like a promise of some kind.
he likes the way your mouth feels on his skin. your teeth feel so good sinking into pale flesh. the scratch of your nails and sting of your palms as you spank and hit and push his body.
you manhandle him so fucking easily, putting him in every position you can think of. on his knees, or his back - naked and waiting.
you tease scaramouche till he's honest, your voice coarse until he starts giving in.
you're so good with your hands. your fingers, your mouth. you know just the right things to get him all squirmy - praising him when he's getting desperate towards the end.
his sense of shame nowhere to be found as he gets close to the edge. as you tip him over it, he can feel all the tension bleed out of him. goes from bitching, to whiny - needy and not above begging.
he doesn't even understand it. can't wrap his head around it all the way - lets you guide him through the feeling as he starts feeling pliant.
you let him fuck you with mercy. don't make him work for it, just sit on his cock and tell him that he looks so much better when he's all messed up for you and he just. melts completely. like feels like he's gonna fall through the floor.
he cries when he cums. sobs a little as he finally gets relief then melts into your bed like a pile of wet sand as you finish yourself off and overstimulate him a little in the process.
after all is said and done - he falls asleep basically immediately after the high.
when he wakes up the next day - you haven't left. he's like kind of nuzzled up in your arms (which. is wild bc he has always hated physical touch but? apparently not with you)
when you stir awake, you're immediately whistling. you even press a kiss to his forehead and brush his hair out of his face.
"you awake? feel okay?" you hum, so stupidly tender and scaramouche has to fight every urge to push you away.
"im...fine. you're still here," he says unhelpfully. you chuckle.
"yeah. figured you would start spiraling if i left in the middle of the night"
he is horrified at the accuracy.
"it's weird when you're being all...nice to me,"
"its a lot easier since i realize you just wanted to be put in your place," you say with a knowing him. scaramouche elbows you "it's cute, it's cute. don't kill me,"
"you're annoying,"
"yeah, i know. i wiped you down a bit but we should shower and i gotta make sure you're not too hurt anywhere,"
"i'm not a flower,"
"i was bein' pretty rough and its my job to take care of you,"
"why would that be your job?"
"cause im a responsible sexual partner and we're seeing each other, i figure?"
he flushes at the implication. he doesn't want to think about it as he cuddles himself into your side. ugh. whatever.
"who said that?"
"do you want me to see other people?"
"i'll kill you,"
"that's what i thought,"
scaramouche hates it but does not have the confidence to protest you.
scaramouche realizes with the weight of the world on his shoulders that he is the most submissive brat in the fucking world
he decides not to think about it for a while
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we-are-inevitable · 9 days
frat au!! what’s everyone’s major/minors? (sorry if you’ve already answered this! if that’s the case then use this as a free bingo space to ramble)
ohhh shit !! all of these are majors and minors at my uni so im not just making them up lmao <3 i put so much time into thinking of these and they might change but here’s what i’m thinking for the main gang!
jack kelly (frat version):
major: marketing communications
jack kelly (bisexual version):
major: graphic design
minor(s): arts administration
david jacobs:
major: non-profit management
minor(s): sociology & educational psychology
katherine pulitzer:
major: multimedia journalism
minor(s): creative writing
sarah jacobs:
major: apparel design and merchandising
charlie “crutch” morris:
major: human development and family science- child and family services
minor: american sign language and sociology
antonio “racer” higgins:
major: biochemistry and molecular biology
minor(s): dance
albert dasilva:
major: architecture engineering
minor(s): history and theory of architecture
siobhan “spot” conlon:
major: recreational therapy
minor(s): public health
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tildexart · 3 months
tmagp ep 8 live reactions!!
(disclaimer: typing this on my phone, please excuse any grammatical/spelling errors)
Oh architecture and brutalism!!! Omfg im so excited as someone switching their major to art/architectural history. This is right up my alley!! Plus i love a good academic paper
Oh wait- could the architecture have to do with Robert Smirke??
Liminal spaces…?
Architectural hunger!!
Holy shit I really like this essay. I feel like I’m learning. I’m here for the essay, not the horror.
Bro this is an essay not a therapy session, not sure if your professor will accept that /j
Um. Is this a panopticon??
I googled it. Y’all this building looks like a panopticon. The structure itself looks cool as well!
Hey dude I still don’t think this essay will get accepted
Maybe not entirely the distortion. Distortion and stranger vibes.
Ohhhh I love this so much!!
Really glad that we aren’t dealing with Smirke’s 14 here. Cause man, this cannot be limited to a single fear. And I LIKE THAT!!
Okay plot time.
Lmao Gwen doesn’t even know her job-
I laughed so hard I’m praying I didn’t wake my roommates oh shit
oh its arg shit
this is gonna be bad
Oh Gerry…. I missed you
Guysssssss im so happy rn
Oh Gertrude knows somethings up
Celia’s idea..? SHE knows somethings up
Haha magnus…
“That podcast you were on…” wait what.
Excuse me.
My roommates can definitely hear me holy shit what are these noises
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dancingdorito · 11 months
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guess i'm back to art again! still on my polin brainrot shenanigans.
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 5 months
im gonna be real rn... Percy Jackson and the Olympians has infected my bloodstream once again and now I have to headcanon all of my favourite blorbos so: ROs as demigods? I can't help but feel like Kinsley is a daughter of Apollo or that Theo is a child of Demeter??? off of vibes alone lol
ROs as Greek Gods ( here )! As a pjo kid I am thriving with these asks!
+ these vibes are based off the kids in riordan's depictions of camp half blood demigods!
Dylan, child of Aphrodite──for some reason I've always associated art with Aphrodite, maybe because it's the painting if her that always first comes to mind when thinking about depictions of the Gods... But that association is perfect for Dylan! Also, Dyl's whole storyline starts because of a ‘crush’ on them! It's all in the name of beauty and love!
Shay, son of Hephaestus──heavily thought about just making him a sin of Hermes, in accordance to my placement of Shay as a God however! When I think about Shay's arc, hobbies and characteristics I think he's rather a fitting son of Hephaestus! 1) He's a bit of a tinkerer and he really enjoys taking apart and reassembling his PCs (which isn't exactly blacksmithing but it's along the lines of it, right?) and 2) his warmth is so vivid in a way that just matches to be the son of the God of Fire!
Kinsley, daughter of Apollo──Kinsley's theme of the Sun might've led you to your conclusions, as they did with mine! While she doesn't radiate warmth like you'd expect, she is still a firecracker──a blue flame of warning! Kin is so classic!Apollo coded it's unreal, the... obsession with those they love, the cruelty to those they deem as unworthy or have done them wrong???? Apollo is the God of Truth and Sound and you'd best believe that while Kinsley does tell a lie, she will find out all the truths and hear all the secrets!
J, child of Zeus──J gives me forbidden child vibes like always! They've kinda got the temperament of a child of Zeus, and a rebellious streak to rival Thalia's! I think the explosive and electric nature of lightning is fitting for them, and the way J is treated as untouchable at school feels very ‘be wary of the [thunder] storm’! Also a commanding nature is very fitting for J!
Theo, child of Athena──I seriously considered Demeter, and I totally get why you thought that way for Theo!! So here's my thinking as to why they're a child of Athena instead... Theo gives me major Annabeth Chase vibes! I'm talking about their intelligence, their interest in architecture and their diligence when it comes to plans of action! While Theo might be a little timid and anxious in the face of conflict, after they go through their arc and come into their own, they're definitely going to be a force to reckon with!
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fiddlstyx · 29 days
Have some basic ideas and concepts for my fraggle rock human au, cause I’ve thought a lot about it (i like it :) ) but have yet to write anything down
FIRST OF ALL it’s a college au, cause ive always imagined them to be about that kind of age. They’re all either freshman or sophomores— they’re in the same grade, just either one would work. They’re room assignments are also the same as in the show, with boober having scored a single
As for majors/minors/activies/character roles:
Gobo: majors in anthropology, and minors in music. Wouldn’t be apart of any official band programs, but would be that one guy who carries his guitar everywhere
Red: majors in creative writing and/or media studies. She’s on the hockey team, the swimming team, and does track (at least). Maybe she does percussion for one of the school bands
Mokey: double majors in creative writing and art. Very involved in all the theater companies on campus, and will eventually write a play for one of them to perform. Will hold impromptu jazz jam sessions
Wembley: undecided. His current strategy is to take classes in as many different majors as possible (it’s not really working out). Is in the pit for the marching band
Boober: majors in hospitality and culinary (maybe one of those is a minor?) He helps out with theater sometimes and would definitely get an on campus job in one of the dining halls
Cotterpin: majors in architecture and engineering, minors in art, and would later get a masters in buisness management. Shes also in the marching band pit. She is overworking herself
Wrench: majors in engineering. Im honestly not sure what else hed do :(
Marjory: that one old history professor that everyone loves. Philo and gunge are her teaching assistants
Architect: runs the architecture and engineering programs
Uncle matt: an alum of the school who got somewhat famous and now regularly donates to it. There’s a lot of wings and benches named after him
Other stuff:
Mokey is the only one from the main five that cotterpins not friends with, even though shes the only one cotterpin has classes with. They just never talk
Gobo regularly forces his friends on hikes around campus
Marooned happens when red is trying to distract boober from his surprise party and shoves him in a storage closet. They both get locked in there over night. Boober effectively freaks her out by telling her how easy itd be for them to starve to death in there (they’re fine tho)
That’s most of what i got :) suggestions for doc or the gorgs would be appreciated, ive got very few ideas
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lqfiles · 14 days
speaking of nomin and beloved sweetie boy renjun.. i’ve made the 00z profiles for my smau today (4am) and just had to make renjun the only normal one and the glue of the group y/n adores him (and giselle) the most pookie pie i miss u soooo come home pls
and then there’s freak ass yanghyuck and homoerotic nomin who i’ve written to basically be ulzzangs… minus the contest aspect, both having an insane amount of twt followers… just to be normal ass people (relatively speaking because i stayed up until crack ass dawn to make them and when i went to edit them for any mistakes i saw i made jaemins username is catwhisperer??? and jenos bio is jaemin whisperer??
there’s not much to them otherwise but it is giving me some ideas of spin offs for a jeno smau 🙏🙏🙏
BUT i thought ab what their majors would be just because i love silly ‘insignificant’ details like this and i want to share bc im spiraling since im coming so close to begin posting and i wanna tell people my thought process so bad SOO hyuck is going into music education TO BE A MUSIC TEACHER, jeno is doing architecture, jaemin in premed, renjun in multimedia arts BUT he does pottery, and painting and photography the most, yangyang in communication and business bc im imagining him to be an “influencer”, and giselle and y/n are both in humanities type majors like psychology and sociology
RJ AND GISELLE AS Y/NS FRIENDS OMOO we’re gagging right now (positive), we miss you uri renjunnie 😭😭😭😭😓😓😓 yanghyuck duo is loved too, nomin is ight i’ll tolerate it.. THEIR MATCHING PROFILES OS KINDA CUTE THO LIKE THESE ARE FORLIFERS FR
you already planning a potential jeno smau OKAYYY CONSISTENCY AND INSPIRATION WE LOVE IT, also fuckkk the image of haechan as a music teacher… give it to me… and there is something so cute about people including jaemin’s dream of becoming a doctor and renjun’s interest in art, tbh i don’t know how some of these majors work but i’m sure they’re fitting for them, WE WILL BE WAITING FOR THIS SMAU.
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alienssstufff · 9 months
hiii !! i thought id ask you but if it's too much feel free to ignore...
i really want to get into the... life series i think it's called? or hermitcraft? (tumblr confused me a lot on the names) your art makes it seem very interesting and i've heard so many cool things and seen so many cool fanarts, but im not sure where to start since it seems to be a long series!
it usually helps me a lot when i get some sort of description of the characters in the series to know which ones i should look into to know where to start... so i was wondering if you could ramble a bit about any characters you want from the series!!! i have a big curiosity on grian, they seem very cool !
-Life Series has 4 (soon to be 5) seasons: 3rd Life [3L], Last Life [LL], Double Life [DL], Limited Life [LimL]. TLDR goal is to outlive everyone else and be the last person standing.
-Hermitcraft has 9 seasons. You do NOT need to watch every season in chronological order, they all exist as their separate thing.
Hermitcraft doesn't have ' set lore ' either hermits go on there for different reasons do different stuff and stories sprout off of that just *happen* momentarily.
I think watching the Life Series first BEFORE Hermitcraft is a good starting point bc there's less people to keep track of and improv plot happens, making it easier to pick out the faves you like and wish to continue watching on HC. Majority of the ppl in Life Series are on Hermitcraft while others are in Empires. Similar vibe of smp more lore and rules with governing different empires if you like that stuff :] there was also a crossover arc between Empires s2 and Hermitcraft S9 last year which was awesome.
As for Hermitcraft itself bwaaaa, pick any season (personal favourite is Season 7) - ppl rly like Seasons 7 8 and 9 but that's probably cuz they're newer. Current POVs in season 9 I watch: Bdubs, Etho, Scar, Grian, Tango, Beef - occasionally Impulse, Pearl, Zedaph
I did a similar ask on recommended Life Series POVs for each season HERE. Just know that the LAST LIFE ETHO/BDUBS POV compulsory event you MUST watch that at least once.
random Life Series thoughts:
Grian isn't as serious and calculative as he's popularly depicted as in fanon, he has lots of fun always he silly :]! And I think the reason just comes from his competitive approach to each season and his relationships. He treats it as it is: a game and trying to place him in an rp/lore setting makes him come off as such. In reality he's easily tunnel visioned by The Bit (things like gimmick kills, one-off plans) and trying to win and that's completely fine.
That being said I do not believe desertduo (Grian/Scar) are opposites of eachother, they have much in common and just because they are doesn't make their chemistry any less valuable. If you want to talk about opposites SCAB (Scar/Etho) is the way to go. Very apparent in 3L and especially LL: Magic vs Science, Fire vs Ice, wildcards. Scar the lover who tries to be a survivor, Etho the survivor who tries to be a lover. Their tension bleeds into Hermitcraft (see S7) as well and I wish people realised how awesome scab just is guys scab is so awesome u_u
From the architecture down to their fates, Bdubs' builds are the embodiment of his love for the people he aligns himself to each season, there's a reason why he'd rather risk his entire being to protecting places so sacred and I think about that loads. whwhwh I'd talk about it/analyse each build individually because he is my favouriteee but I am shy u///u....
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