#im always in love with handwritten letters/notes in romance
fatuismooches · 11 months
I had a brainrot about how the Harbingers kept in touch with their s/o when they're away on a mission or just have not seen each other in so long because they were very busy. I thought of FF15 wherein Noct and Luna would have this journal that gets delivered to them back and forth. And now I thought of how the s/o would write from one side of the journal and the Harbingers would reply on the other. When the pages meet at the center, both say "I love you" and that journal gets archived in an enchanted time capsule before they make a new one until it just becomes a series of archived journals. If this was about fragile!reader or poly!reader, this would be even cuter.
This would also be so much more meaningful to Scara when the journals remained untouched after the Irminsul incident and the last page he filled in is, "This is not goodbye as long as you choose to not forget about us." And his s/o replied, "I will always wait for you." And although his s/o was confused about who this mysterious lover is, she oddly believed in the journals so when he returned for her in Snezhnaya...she smiled and did not hesitate to take his hand to start a new life together.
☆Starlight Anon
CRYING SOBBING. I just looked up the "Lovers' Notebook" on the FF wiki and I'm in tears, that'd be so cute for the Harbingers and their lover.
For fragile reader I can imagine them writing to the clones on missions in other nations, they get bored really easily there but now they can look forward to you writing them sweet messages in the notebook! They always fight over the journal (unbeknownst to you) and eventually after many rock-paper-scissors (a game you taught them to use to sort out their problems peacefully) they work out an order of who gets to write to you first... they each sign their message off with the name you gifted to them <3
Hehe, for poly reader, the Harbingers would definitely subtly compete with each other over how many notebooks are filled out (hah, [name] definitely likes me more than you, we have more pages filled out) (foolish, quality over quantity. [name] and i have much more fulfilling conversations than your useless prattle.) I imagine each of them has a different design on the notebook to make it even more personalized <3 They definitely read through the old ones while they're during paperwork ;(
For Scara it would be so bittersweet ;( You would be so confused about why you have this stack of journals, one page has your writing, which is oddly lovey-dovey, but you can't remember having a lover... plus, even stranger, the next page is left completely blank. No matter how much you think about it, you can't come to a conclusion other than skipping a page is just weird! You try to forget about it, but some nagging feeling inside you beckons you to read all of the journals you have for some clues, and that's when you realize the lone sentence on the opposite page of your writing - you have absolutely no idea who it is, but your body moves before you can think and you're writing out a response, one that fully welcomes this mysterious presence.
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
Spencer Reid & Aaron Hotchner || ‘I love you’ ‘then perish’
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Gender: uh, they/them but there are mentions of the reader having their own kids; obviously there are single fathers so the reader 100% can be male or female or simply NB if that's what you prefer.
Warnings: child abductions/killings, normal CM crime talk, talk of trauma/abuse/drugs/drug abuse/the stuff Spencer has gone through, dismissal of trauma.
Aaron Hotchner
10 children had been abducted, in less than 48 hours. We all know the statistics, which is why you didn't exactly understand why the hell you were still allowing children to go to school and out to the park. You brought it up to Hotch.
“Why is it exactly that we’re still allowing children to go out?” you questioned with crossed arms, the team looked at you skeptically but stayed silent.
“Because it’ll draw out our abductor that we can apprehend,” Hotch said, staring at the victim board. Every single photo was of a child or a family with children, this abductor didn't leave any trace evidence except for a handwritten note from the child saying how much they hated their home life, it had gone through forensic for prints and to make sure the writing was in fact done by a child; it was, each and every one of those letters was written by the kids.
“Why don't we lay low, say the FBI aren't doing their best, it'll drag the unsub out, or keep the kids home! He’ll get bored an-”
“And skip town for more children and probably leave the others behind to die (L/n)” Hotch cut in with a stern look, “I understand you have children of your own but-”
“Hotch this has nothing to do with that!” you exclaimed, the team is now filtering out of the door, “it has to do with the fact we’re trying to do our jobs the best and this isn't the best! The mayor and council are on our asses about everything and we’re still allowing more children to be taken!” you threw your arms around in an effort for Hotch to see what you’re saying, but he refused.
“(L/n) this conversation is now over,” the unit chief said harshly, “we are doing our best and our best is-”
“Agent Hotchner?” a voice called, an officer had walked into the room without realising, “more children have been kidnapped,” the officer handed you the evidence bag, or bags you should say, “four notes, four kids, but there’s um,” the officer took a breath and cleared his throat, “a body has just been discovered and the chief thinks its Ashley Leif,” and with that the officer left. You sighed as you looked down at the letters, feeling the weights in your hands, the tears, the markings, the- hold on. It's signed. You cocked an eyebrow as you placed the bag on the table.
“What is it (L/n)?” Hotch called, you didn't answer and instead took the evidence bags with you to the front of the building where the rest of your team stood waiting. Hotch could see you handing the letters to Reid, obviously to read through faster and determine if it was in fact written by a child, as your mouth moved at a million miles an hour, a lot of the team nodding along with you and talking. It felt cold without you in the room with Hotch. Maybe he should take your advice.
Five kids dead, 8 still missing. Four days. You walked out of one of the offices as the wails of a child-less couple followed before you closed the door, the officers seemed to give you sympathetic looks as you stormed into the conference room yourself and the team were in.
“We have nothing,” you exclaimed as you slammed the door, causing J.J. and Emily to jump at your sudden outburst, “we have notes, we have a signed piece of paper that isn't a child name in the database for this town-” you flopped into one of the seats with your head in your hand as Emily came up and rubbed your shoulders.
“We’ll find him (Y/n)” the woman said softly, you didn't say anything as she left and the room went quiet again.
“How is he even getting these kids huh?” you asked, “they just suddenly up and leave in the middle of the...night…” it took you a second before you glanced at the crime scene photos of the child's bedroom; undisturbed. The team caught on as you quickly moved to the board and examined every photo, taking them all down and laying them out on the table in front of you as the team curled behind you.
“What is it (L/n)?” Rossi asked.
“It’s all undisturbed,” you muttered softly, you could feel the breath of your teammates against the back of your neck, “what...what if these kids aren't being taken?” you questioned, “what if they go out at the time, say a family dinner with a friend, they go home and that friend asks to stay the night, they take the kid and then-”
“The crime scene is undisturbed because the kids trust who it is; ‘come help me outside for a moment’ and they go” J.J. finished for you, you grinned as you phoned Garcia.
“Ready and waiting!” Garcia's voice came through the speakers, her fingers poised.
“Are there any friends from every family? People that overlap that are maybe mentioned in social media of most if not all the families?” you asked.
“Family friend, me likey” Garcia said happily as she started typing, “uhh, we have one; Emelia June, friends of all the families and- oh no” Garcia softened her voice.
“What? Garcia what is it?” you asked quickly.
“She's a director for a class the kids all went to for arts and crafts” Garcia said quickly, “her class roll is sent to your phones and tablets now!”
“Address Garcia?” you asked quickly as the team started putting on their vests, you included.
“Work and Address on your phones now, go get her my babies!”
“Rossi, Spencer, Emily go to the work address, the rest of us will go to her home and go from there, Emelia is dangerous and is most likely holding those kids in a separate location,” you said as Emily and Hotch started rounding up some officers and the rest of you ran to the cars.
Emelia was caught but had to be interrogated in order to find the kids, luckily they were all unharmed and had food and water, she was sentenced 25 to life.
“(Y/n), can i see you in my office please?” Hotch called as you started packing up your files to finish at home. You gave a slight side eye to your friends before wrapping your bag around yourself and walking to the office in question.
“Did i do something wrong?” you asked monotone as Hotch waited behind his desk.
“You took ahold of the investigation when apprehending Emelia,” Hotch said, “that isnt your job-”
“Neither was yours to let those fucking kids die” you said quickly as your arms crossed over your chest. Hotch sighed.
“I understand this is hard for the both of us with our relationship both work and romance but you need to trust me (Y/n)” Hotch sighed, this only made you angrier, “i know you find it hard to trust others and to be trusted but for this to work you have to understand i know what i'm doing and what i'm doing, including my job, is right” by now you where fuming, “i know this case was hard especially with you having kids of your own-”
“Fuck you,” you cut Hotch off, him looking at you surprised, “i have kids, you have a kid too Hotch. You had a wife and when you came to me seeking some sort of love and affection i was happy to give it to you when you needed it, i loved those dates, i loved everything but really? I'm getting too personal with that case because I care about young lives?” you asked with a scoff, “im sorry but if thats a problem for you then we have a pretty big fucking problem here” you motioned between yourself and Hotch on ‘here’.
“No, dont ‘(Y/n)’ me,” you said with a laugh, “you do this all the time! You dont allow me to do my own job-”
“Let me explain-” Hotch started once again, but you stopped him by walking out of the office.
“My resignation letters went in three weeks ago for Crimes Against Children, i go next week, i'll say goodbye to the team tomorrow” you said walking down the stairs and past your teammates who heard everything.
“You're leaving?” Derek asked, you could hear him but you didn't acknowledge him and kept walking, Hotch walked slightly faster and grabbed your arm, pulling you back to him.
“I love you (Y/n)” his voice was low and wavering, it was full of emotions but you couldn't care less.
“Then perish” you said finally, and with that.
It was all over.
You yanked your arm from Hotch, turned, and walked off without looking back.
Spencer Reid
Spencer was sick of it, he really was. He loved you, of course he did, but there was always something about you that just didn't sit right with him; you weren't too clingy, you weren't too protective, you were perfect. But you didn't believe he had all the trauma he constantly said he had. You jump scared him and of course his fist almost comes in contact with your nose, you scream his name and he comes in with his gun held just to see a photo of a dog, you always dismiss his trauma at the worst of times.
Anniversary of his abduction and drugging? ‘Lol no that doesn't happen to people like you, even back then’.
Anniversary of Maeve's death? ‘So you love a dead girl more than you do me? Oh thats rich Spence, thanks’ and youd walk out of the apartment and wait for SPENCER, to send a fucking apology.
Whenever he talks about his mum or her mental state? ‘Spencer you won't inherit whatever it is that she has, skitzy whatever’ you say with a laugh.
The team could see how much Spencer hated it, he was always on edge of everything. What he hated the most was when you decided to surprise him at work, everyone could then see how uncomfortable he was with you next to him, not how a couple was supposed to work.
So, he messaged you, asked for a chat over coffee. And here you are at the first coffee shop you both met, you giggling at a little baby blowing spit bubbles.
“(Y/n), can we focus on why i brought us here?” Spencer asked softly, he was trying, and hoping to some god that you would try as well.
“Yeah in a sec Spence,” you cooed at the little baby again.
“(Y/n) please,” Spencer was now desperate.
“Okay okay, Jesus Christ I can't do anything without you breathing down my neck can i?” you asked annoyed as you sat in your chair properly rather than directing your full body to the baby.
“Me? Breathing down your neck?” Spencer asked suddenly.
“Duh, you always do, i can't go anywhere or do anything without you there to ask every question in the book-”
“No (Y/n) that person is you,” Spencer cut you off angrily.
“Don't cut me off, Spencie” you reminded the boy, that was the last straw. Spencer slammed his hand on the table in rage causing a few people around to jump and stare, not good.
“No, you listen to me (Y/n)” Spencer started, “don't you dare call me that. Don't ever call me Spencie, you know why?”
“Because some girl from prison called you that” you mocked as you took a sip of your drink.
“Exactly, wanna know why i don't like people calling me that?” you shrugged, “it's called PTSD (Y/n), or PTSS. It’s real. That abduction I went through? That fucking happened, i was taken for two days and was drugged and tortured,” you sighed.
“Spence you know how i feel about that-”
“Yeah? And have you ever thought about what i feel? Huh? Ever think why I get so jumpy around you? Because i'm a federal fucking agent, i see worse shit than you could ever dream. And forgive me, but I try my best to keep you away from that stuff because I don't want to scare you with it but at this point I don't care anymore. Maeve? She's real, she was real. She was the most amazing girl in the world and you know what? I never saw her a single fucking time until the day she died. A murder suicide. I wept for weeks and weeks, wanna know who was there for me?” Spencer held up his hand and started counting off on his fingers, “my teammates, my supervisor, my mother, the people in my favourite coffee shop and bookstore. THEY WERE CONCERNED FOR ME WHEN I STOPPED COMING IN FOR TWO WEEKS” Spencers voice raised slightly, not enough to shout but enough to get through to you, “i have PTSD, i have trauma; and it's not right for you to dismiss it like its nothing. And that includes my mother” and with that Spencer was done. He grabbed his wallet from his pocket, shoved a $5 bill on the table and started walking off, you took a moment to catch up before walking after him.
“Spence, what- what?” your brain couldn't keep up as Spencer walked out of the shop with you in tow.
“We’re over. Go home” Spencer said without looking at you.
“But, I love you!” you exclaimed, disheartened, hoping that last bit would help you, but Spencer kept walking.
“Then perish” was all you heard as he continued walking away, confidence radiating over him as he left you to your thoughts.
And honestly? Thinking back on everything.
He was fucking right.
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