#post irminsul scara angst/fluff gives me life 😭🙏
fatuismooches · 11 months
I had a brainrot about how the Harbingers kept in touch with their s/o when they're away on a mission or just have not seen each other in so long because they were very busy. I thought of FF15 wherein Noct and Luna would have this journal that gets delivered to them back and forth. And now I thought of how the s/o would write from one side of the journal and the Harbingers would reply on the other. When the pages meet at the center, both say "I love you" and that journal gets archived in an enchanted time capsule before they make a new one until it just becomes a series of archived journals. If this was about fragile!reader or poly!reader, this would be even cuter.
This would also be so much more meaningful to Scara when the journals remained untouched after the Irminsul incident and the last page he filled in is, "This is not goodbye as long as you choose to not forget about us." And his s/o replied, "I will always wait for you." And although his s/o was confused about who this mysterious lover is, she oddly believed in the journals so when he returned for her in Snezhnaya...she smiled and did not hesitate to take his hand to start a new life together.
☆Starlight Anon
CRYING SOBBING. I just looked up the "Lovers' Notebook" on the FF wiki and I'm in tears, that'd be so cute for the Harbingers and their lover.
For fragile reader I can imagine them writing to the clones on missions in other nations, they get bored really easily there but now they can look forward to you writing them sweet messages in the notebook! They always fight over the journal (unbeknownst to you) and eventually after many rock-paper-scissors (a game you taught them to use to sort out their problems peacefully) they work out an order of who gets to write to you first... they each sign their message off with the name you gifted to them <3
Hehe, for poly reader, the Harbingers would definitely subtly compete with each other over how many notebooks are filled out (hah, [name] definitely likes me more than you, we have more pages filled out) (foolish, quality over quantity. [name] and i have much more fulfilling conversations than your useless prattle.) I imagine each of them has a different design on the notebook to make it even more personalized <3 They definitely read through the old ones while they're during paperwork ;(
For Scara it would be so bittersweet ;( You would be so confused about why you have this stack of journals, one page has your writing, which is oddly lovey-dovey, but you can't remember having a lover... plus, even stranger, the next page is left completely blank. No matter how much you think about it, you can't come to a conclusion other than skipping a page is just weird! You try to forget about it, but some nagging feeling inside you beckons you to read all of the journals you have for some clues, and that's when you realize the lone sentence on the opposite page of your writing - you have absolutely no idea who it is, but your body moves before you can think and you're writing out a response, one that fully welcomes this mysterious presence.
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