#ill never stop comming noah.
bioexorcizm · 4 months
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you can be my sugar / be my cherry cola! 🍒
i'll never stop comming @sadlampshde ... and neither should u‼️ go comm noah neeeeowww!!! 🫵
happy valentine's day dewmav nation...the goobers r baking 🫶 i think dewb would like eating the cookie dough more than the cookies themselves really
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@canonjunto @fadda @eternally-smitten @shipssailing @gideongrovel @swallowed--by-the--sea @courtoftheclueless @glitched-ships @wooboomoomoo @frozenhi-chews @mouse--ships @bob-in-tekken-8 @mingledstars @waloeders @little-miss-selfships @finemutual @rexscanonwife @bugsband @shadows-sweet-embrace @selfshipper
want to be added to my taglist? dm me or fill out my form!
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kojo-is-adorable · 3 months
they are so Taylor coded
out of all the Taylor swift songs i will always say "slut!" is literally just chenford and i will die on that hill.
flamingo pink- nyla's wedding
sunrise boulevard- chenford riding together
clink clink - when the world ended and they just drank
being this young is art - i always think of this scene in ep 1 where ucy and Jackson are doing karate
aquamarine - when she wore the blue dress to the wedding
moonlit swimming pool - the thing after the wedding in the dark
what if- the nearly kiss in 4x01
all i need is you - the hug in 4x01
got love struck -the first kiss
went straight to my head - Lucy's dream
got love sick - the second kiss (airplane bathroom)
all over my bed - Tim's reaction
love to think you'll never forget- Tim seeing Lucy's naked back
hand prints in wet cement - one of the times there touching
adorned with smoke on my clothes - Tim staring at her in Angela's wedding
lovelorn and nobody knows - Tim's face when talking outside the apartment
love thorns all over this rose - Lucy's face when Tim walks away
ill pay the price you wont - Tim walking away
But if i'm all dressed up - there date
they might as well be looking at us - when everyone staring at Lucy and Tim's in Nolan's house
and if they call me a slut - Lucy getting blocked by Primm
you know it might be worth it for once - Lucy with the 5 player trade post it notes
and if i'm gonna be drunk - double shot tequila
i might as well be drunk in love - the best relationship I've been in ever
send the code hes waiting there - the secret relationship
the sticks and stones they through froze mid air - Lucy with Nolan compared to Tim
everybody wants him yeah that was my crime - people hitting on Tim
the wrong place at the right time - Lucy needing to leave chris because it was the right time for Tim and her
and i break down and hes pulling me in - season 5 finale hug
in a world of boys hes a gentlemen - Tim opening doors + ladies first
(more chorus)
well pay the price i guess - Lucy literally paying the price + useless it is
Half asleep - sleeping in the same bed when Noah rings
taking your time in the tangerine - the morning when Tim finds out about the detectives exam is s5
neon lights this is luxury - the morning before Isabelle
your'e not saying you' re in love with me but your'e going to - the 'proposal'
Half awake - when she wakes up with Tim before the exam
taking your time its a big mistake - him telling her to stop revisisng
said it might blow up in you're pretty face - comming 17th
you're not saying do it anyway but your'e going to - not regretting each other despite primm
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itsonlystrange · 4 years
So I just took a deep dive on Byler Twitter and realized how many people literally devote their whole accounts just to talk sh!t about Kaypeace and her theories along with Byler shippers in general. Honestly, the duffers would not be proud of this. Is this seriously what our show has become? People are BASHING someone just because they have hope in a ship?
They’re calling Bylers deranged, delusional, lost soldiers, “in need of a rude awakening”, and more! Like who hurt you? How upset do you have to be with yourself to say this about someone just for shipping two fictional characters? They seriously can’t stand the fact that someone has hope for something and that there is actually proof tied to it. I’ve seen countless people say that she’s “digging up dust bunnies and pretending it’s gold.” Or that she’s “deranged and needs an awakening.” Which is just horrible! Why would you say that about someone?! Just letting you know that Finn, Millie, AND Noah would 100% find you HORRIBLE for saying things like this. This ISNT the fandom they wanted to raise. The show is not surrounded by byler OR Mileven and either way the show is phenomenal without either and there are so many more components. The duffers would not be proud of this behavior. You gotta admit, there are a lot of byler clues throughout all 3 seasons and calling us deranged for seeing something like that is terrible of you.
Saying that she needs mental help for picking up on hints that 2 people may be in love? Seriously? What is wrong with those people! Why do people have an issue with someone having hope. It’s not like we as Bylers are doing this for Mileven. I haven’t seen a Mileven Hate account in ages. And we personally do not claim those who do that. But I don’t understand why people seriously have an issue with the fact that two people could potentially end up together. How am I deranged for shipping two fake characters? Finn has said countless times to STOP with the ship wars and that he isn’t proud of it. This fandom is so toxic at times and is so horrible. You cannot deny that there are some pretty solids hints of Byler being canon. Kaypeace is not treating herself as If she is some saint. She has never said that all of her theories will be correct. But hell, some of them have been in the past! And with all of this proof, how are we deranged for seeing what’s clearly there? And how are we delusional for having faith in something? People really just wanna ruin our parade and ruin our happiness just because we see potential in 2 characters dating and being end game. This show is NOT a romance and exists without any love in it! So can we all stop acting like the show runs on Mileven or Byler or Jopper or Lumax or Jancy or whatever! We both can acknowledge that both ships have a lot of proof and that is that. Whatever happens, we cannot change. If people seriously get this worked up over the fact that Mike may not be in love with El, that seems like a personal issue. I’m not saying there aren’t toxic Bylers but the Mileven community from what I’ve seen has been HORRIBLE. They gaslight us and completely invalidate how we feel just because it’s “Delusinal” and “isnt canon”. Like?? What???
Also, please stop using the words “delusional” or “deranged” or “mental help” over FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Implying that someone needs to go to a mental hospital just because they enjoy watching a tv show and analyzing it is HORRIBLE. And also horrible to ppl who actually experience delusions as well. It is not a mental illness to ship Mileven or Byler and none of what either are seeing are “delusions” or “hallucinations”. Google what Delusions means first before being an a$$ about it. The hate in this fandom is SO TOXIC. And if the duffers saw this behavior they would be mortified. The duffers would not invalidate either ship in any interview so can we all just stop. It’s THEIR show and at the end of the day they’ll do whatever they want to it. If that means that your ship isn’t canon, then so be it. But saying that “Milevens are always gonna win” and that “Mileven is end game” and then claiming Bylers are delusinal for shipping 2 fictional characters,,,,,, then doesn’t that make Milevens delusinal for shipping 2 fictional characters too?? None of us are delusinal or deranged or anything. We are all human. Let us all have faith.
And also, nothing, and I mean NOTHING is set in stone. Mileven isn’t endgame yet and Byler isn’t end game yet either. For f@!$ sake, Mike could even end up with Max! El could end up with Lucas! We literally never know! So, stop treating like we know the end of the show. We have proof and we analyze it. Why would the duffers be giving us this much proof if it wasn’t to analyze. If Milevens are allowed to theorize then so are Bylers. Hell, maybe Will AND el die by the end and Mike ends up lonely with 3 cats.
This is STRANGER THINGS. The show is all about subverting tropes. So just take all of your expectations and throw them out the window. Because 99% of the time, we are completely blown out of our minds. If there was any show that was gonna leave us in total shock when the season finale airs, it’s stranger things. The duffers know how to write. And they know exactly what they are doing. If Mileven does end up together, so be it. But if Byler is end game, don’t cry about It. Don’t make up some false reality, because ironically that would make YOU the delusional one, haha. But in all seriousness, nothing is set in stone. Anyone remember how off our theories were for season 3? Or how off our theories were for season 4 compared to now? People were convinced S4 was taking place during thanksgiving break, that Steve was joining the Force, that Robin was getting a girlfriend (I hope!), etc. Everything in this show happens for a reason, the duffers said so themselves. And this show is an ENSEMBLE SHOW. No character is the main character. This isn’t a rom com and the show could very well end up with everyone dead besides Keith! We literally don’t know. So can we stop calling ppl delusional or insane for shipping 2 fake people. We’re allowed to theorize. And just bc it isn’t your opinion doesn’t mean it isn’t valid.
This needs to stop! Millie and Noah and the rest of the cast would not be proud of this behavior. Respect everyone’s ships. And for the love of god, stop making accs just to sh!t on Byler or any theorizer. Be a better person
(Please reblog)
@lolbyler @willthecleric @hawkinsschoolcounselor @kaypeace21
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The He-Man Movie You Never Saw Would Have Been Like a Buddy Comedy
While Masters of the Universe: Revelation reignites Mattel’s toy-spawning fantasy franchise, the Kevin Smith-conceived Netflix animated series arrives in the recent wake of an ill-fated film project. Indeed, Sony/Columbia settled on up-and-coming directors Aaron Nee and Adam Nee to conjure new live-action exploits of He-Man in the land of Eternia, which progressed to pre-production and cast Noah Centineo in the starring role before the pandemic put an end to the endeavor. Interestingly, David S. Goyer, who wrote an early draft of the Masters of the Universe screenplay, reveals what would have been a rather unique dynamic at its center.
Contrasting with the potentially-controversial protagonist direction hinted in early reviews for Revelation, the driving concept for the long-planned Masters of the Universe live-action movie was to focus on the friendship between He-Man and his loyal giant green, orange-striped tiger steed, Battle Cat, as Goyer reveals to THR. Of course, most of the franchise’s various iterations present the narrative notion that Eternia’s sleepy slacker royal prince, Adam, secretly transforms into “the most powerful man in the universe” when he imbues himself with mystical energy from the Sword of Power, after which he directs said energy toward his cowardly talking pet tiger, Cringer, transforming him into the hero’s ferocious loyal steed, Battle Cat. However, Goyer reveals that—during his tenure with the script—the film would have broken precedence by putting a comically dysfunctional twist on the traditional hero/steed relationship.
“I legitimately liked the script that we did,” says Goyer. “We were going to do it as a feature at Sony. What I liked the most about it was that it was mostly about a friendship between He-Man and Battle Cat. The idea was there had always been He-Men and different recipients of the Sword of Power and that Battle Cat had always served at their side. And this was a new He-Man that Battle Cat and many people didn’t think was worthy of the sword.”
Contextually, while mainstream representations like 1983-1985 animated series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and the 1987 Dolph Lundgren-starring Masters of the Universe movie mostly stuck to superficial backstories, the franchise’s deeper mythos—once canonically-inconsistent across the decades in its multimedia forms—has started to uniformly embrace the idea that Adam himself is merely the latest recipient of the mystical Sword of Power, which several generations earlier, was wielded by his ancestor and ancient castle namesake, King Grayskull, after which the sword—and the sublime power it yields—was passed down to various other “He-Men.” Indeed, even Revelation’s trailer showcases King Grayskull, implying continued adherence to the hand-me-down dynamic, and the possibility for time-travel-facilitated team-ups with previous versions of Eternia’s hero. Likewise, the concept was integral to Goyer’s screenplay, since Adam’s newfound role as He-Man would have come attached with an intimidating, seemingly-unattainable legacy, of which this wryer, more-critical version of Battle Cat seems acutely aware. Thus, Adam’s arc as an upstart hero would have hinged on earning the ornery Battle Cat’s stamp of approval, yielding buddy comedy style interactions.
Read more
Masters of the Universe: Revelation – Kevin Smith Brings Ultimate He-Man Story to Netflix
By Mike Cecchini
Gunpowder Milkshake Review: Style Trumps Story in Netflix’s Neon Noir
By Kayti Burt
“So, it was a story of the character earning the sword, but, more importantly, earning the friendship of Battle Cat, who just thought this guy [Prince Adam] was a lightweight,” explains Goyer. “I really liked it. I thought it was a fun story. There was a lot of humor in it and it creeps up on you because Battle Cat sort of grudgingly accepts him, and it’s Battle Cat’s acceptance of He-Man that gave this version of the story heart.” Goyer’s comments seem to shed light on the reasoning behind the eventual casting of Noah Centineo (pictured just below), who—hardly the WWE-level jacked giant one would envision for the role—seemed set to convey Adam’s getting-by-on-good-looks slacker personality, having come from the realm of teen comedies, notably from his role as Peter in 2018 Netflix rom-com To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and its two sequels. Thus, it not only would have been interesting to see how a fully-transformed He-Man himself would have manifested in this live-action attempt, but how Battle Cat could have served as his shade-throwing foil.
Alex Israel
Unfortunately, fate would not favor this particular Masters of the Universe live-action reboot project, which saw several attempts—notably the Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones-influenced version under director Jeff Wadlow. Those years saw several hints about the movie in the form of early versions of its logo and various social media-teased concept art designs, which revealed a motif that—perhaps in response to Marvel’s 2014 success with Guardians of the Galaxy—leaned into the space-esque sci-fi technology side of the franchise’s traditional amalgam with savagery and sorcery. Moreover, back in 2015, one of the project’s more enthusiastic early proponents, producer DeVon Franklin, tweeted a concept image of what the Battle Cat in question might have looked like—albeit as a CGI creation—in this particular live-action milieu. Yet, despite years of hype and even a projected, never-realized March 2021 release date, the project came to an ignominiously anti-climactic coda, notably affirmed this past April after Centineo reportedly exited the role from the COVID-stopped production.
@danmillerNY @TheOneHansen @Guardians I totally agree!!! pic.twitter.com/6g6W18D9J7
— DeVon Franklin (@DeVonFranklin) March 3, 2015
Regardless, Goyer, having made a monumental mark on the industry with The Dark Knight Trilogy amongst other heavy hitters, isn’t thinking about He-Man and Battle Cat these days, since his hands are currently tied with two lofty tasks as the credited creator of Netflix’s developing television adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman and, more imminently, the Apple TV+ television adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s sprawling novel franchise, Foundation. However, Masters of the Universe, while still generally associated with ‘80s pop culture, has managed to exist in the periphery across the ensuing decades. Oddly enough, we’re living in a time in which the franchise permeates (not even counting Netflix’s recent animated series centered on He-Man’s estranged twin sister, She-Ra,) with two major animated series (one of which is a developing CGI series,) and several current toy lines, two of which are sold at retail stores worldwide. Thusly, Revelation could prove to be the iteration that truly brings it back to the forefront, perhaps leading to another live-action attempt—maybe by Goyer again.
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In the meantime, Masters of the Universe: Revelation will release the first part of its inaugural season on Netflix on Friday, July 23.
The post The He-Man Movie You Never Saw Would Have Been Like a Buddy Comedy appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3eJJiSA
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A Sunday Afternoon in July
Summary: A Sunday afternoon in July. It seems a lovely occasion for a wedding.
Rating: T -  Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Canonical character death. Reader discretion is advised.
Words: 1567
Notes: Since my last MTFL did so well, thought I should do another one. Enjoy.
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A Sunday afternoon in July. It seems a lovely occasion for a wedding.
Of all the things Mason was planning to do this Summer, watching Emma marry someone else, was, not surprisingly, not on the list.
It was just another Summer afternoon. Labour Day was still too far away for the two middle schoolers to think about it. They had spent the day running around the beach and Emma finally tired, plopping down on the sand and asking Mason to watch the sunset with her.
“Do you think we’ll ever get married?” He said, suddenly, and then paused for a second. “Not to each other of course…”
He meant it; he did not want to marry Emma. Or maybe he did, he did not know. He was confused, and kind of stupid. His heart and head seemed to be at odds with each other, refusing to communicate, but battling for dominance all the same.
Later, he would conclude that he was falling deeper and deeper in love with his oblivious best friend.
Her chestnut hair blew softly in the breeze, eyes straight ahead, tongue falling out of her mouth in concentration.
After an uncomfortable laughter, she responded: “Yeah, not the two of us, like, together, but I think so.” She took her eyes off of the reddening sea to look back at him. “Why do you ask?”
“Dunno.” He said. “Just curious, I guess.”
He parked next to a field he did not quite recognize, but it should be the right place. There were quite a few cars in the lot, and a big white house sprawled in front of him, tastefully adorned with her late mother’s favourite flowers. He remembered Emma wanted to marry somewhere she could see the sky. A bed-and-breakfast in the country seemed quite befitting.
I could’ve done better.
Mason checked his watch. Four-thirty in the afternoon. If the invitation was anything to go by, the ceremony was about to begin. He starts to think that maybe he should have stayed home. Yes, I definitely should have stayed home.
As much as he hated to admit, the back garden was decorated very nicely, rows of chairs, white magnolias hanging overhead, a small platform that elevated the minster, and her soon to be husband.
Noah Harris. He did not care for the other man, not ever since they first met in high school. Everything he touched soured, and Mason was somewhat embarrassed to admit that he hoped against hope that their relationship would sour quickly, too.
Alas, it did not. Noah cleaned his act nicely after he began dating Emma, just before leaving for college together, almost ten years ago, and they have been going steady ever since. It is ever unlikely for him to slip up now, so Mason’s rational side would argue for him to give up on the possibility. He was not a rational man.
He hid in one of the corners of the guest area, under the shadow of an acacia tree, acting as casual as he could manage, leaning against the rail of a rose pergola.
He was fine, and was going to be fine. Right? He thought so, until the harpist started playing the Wedding March, and the girl of his dreams walked out the door he entered through only moments before.
He had to keep his mouth from falling open. Emma looked utterly beautiful. Her white dress flowing behind her, the back fairly open, and lacy sleeves long. The veil was covering her iron-curled hair.
Mason took a surreptitious sip from his flask, a flask he hid on his suit jacket pocket to help him go through this psychological torture. The whiskey was, so far, failing to heal a broken heart, but he could still try to numb the pain.
The Homecoming Dance was well on its way. The night was almost over and the last dance with the band belonged to the Homecoming Court and their dates.
Mason, of course, was elected Homecoming King. It was only to be expected of the championship quarterback. Emma, despite her position as co-captain of the cheer squad, was never peak popularity at school, and her shut-off during her mother’s illness did not contribute towards her social standing, and therefore was not even in the running for any position.
He was glad, however, that he managed to convince the committee that it would be a better look for the dance if the King and Queen danced with their dates instead of each other. There was no-one else he would have rather danced with other than Emma, and the fact that the Queen turned out to be Lauren made it not even a competition.
“Why you’re so scared?” He asked, slack-jawed. “You’re a cheerleader.”
“Cheerleading is different from ballroom dancing.” She mumbled. “I’m afraid I’ll trip and embarrass the both of us.”
“You’re fine, I swear. I’m here, I won’t let you fall, I’ve got you.” He said calmingly to a disgruntled and nervous Emma.
He was right, the whole night he never left her side, holding her close to his chest when dancing smelling her strawberry shampoo. Struggling to avoiding the urge to kiss his friend of as far back as his memory could go.
The feelings were rushing up, every memory, every late night in her kitchen, baking chocolate chip cookies, or at his bedroom, watching some rom-com for the umpteenth time. Seeing her cheering from the side-lines while he played football. Every embrace, her touch, even a brush of her fingers on his arm. His head in her lap while she brushed the hair of his forehead. Her soft voice while she played the piano. Even after they left school, their homes still on the same street, stopping by “just because”, sending random messages to cheer him up and always succeeding.
A tear slipped from his eye. Get it together. He hated to admit that only hours ago he was planning on telling her how he felt, on her wedding day. Where would they go, how long they would hide out from the rest of the world. Who was he becoming? Was he that selfish? He could not do it now, now that he saw her face, a smile plastered on it as tears of her own ran down.
He preferred living with the doubt.
“Emma Price, do you take this man to be your husband?” The minister’s voice broke Mason out of his reverie.
“I do!” Her voice was as sweet as it had always been, but his heart shattered, and he could feel himself sweating under the black suit. She was really gone.
“I declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
The painful evening continued slowly, as dinner was served and time seemed to just stand still, the sun dragging its feet before it could set.
Just when he thought it would not get worse, the music soared and the newlyweds started dancing about. There were small fairy lights illuminating the garden now that the sky had fallen blue, bouncing off the couple’s faces.
Ava was swaying softly to the side, seemingly glad to be by herself. Mackenzie was dancing with her boyfriend, and Mr. Price was at the bridal party’s table, discreetly wiping off his tears.
Mason, however, took no note of any of them. He stared firmly at Emma and desperately wished he were the man holding her, kissing her, but he was not, not in the slightest. He was just alone, standing depressingly in the corner.
When he finally had enough, he headed out to the front to drive away. He was halfway through the lawn when he heard footsteps behind him.
“Mason, wait up!” Her voice rang in his ears
High heels and gravel did not mix to well. When she started to wobble, he steadied Emma before she fell.
“Emma!” He said in a high pitch, concerned with her lack of equilibrium. As his voice returned to its normal volume, he continued, “Congratulations on the wedding. You look lovely.”
Before he could protest, she pulled him into a warm hug and for a moment he forgot that he had just watched her get married.
“Thank you so much for coming.” She whispered warmly against his ear. “Going home early, are you?”
He smiled, humoured.
“Thank you for inviting me. It was a beautiful party, and yeah, I have work in the morning.” He said, reassuringly
“Oh, yes! The big shot lawyer must have a big case.” A small silence befell them at that moment. “Well, I’ll see you then? After I come back from my honeymoon?”
“Yes, of course.” He nods. “Enjoy your night. You deserve it.”
Emma nodded and turned away, returning to the party that waited for her.
Turning the key on the ignition and driving home, Mason knew he could not stay any longer. Not when he wished so badly to be her husband.
Soon enough, he was right back into his lonely flat. Tears began to fall down his face again, one after the other. He ripped off his suit jacket and tried to wash his face with cold water, but it did not change the fact he missed his chances, and so, so many of them. Twenty-three years’ worth of chances.
However, she was happy, and that is all he could ever hope for. He just wished she was happy with him.
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violet--minds-blog · 7 years
Awesome Queer Media to Check Out!
Piper Gibson | March 20, 2017
Sorry for the absence (school is kicking my ass but what else is new) but I’m back with another list! This time, I’m cataloging some of my favorite pieces of media with LGBTQ+ characters and plotlines. Of course, nothing is perfect, and all these shows/books/movies/etc. have their problems, but I still think they’re pretty damn cool.
1. Check, Please!
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What is it: A webcomic
Who makes it: Ngozi Ukazu 
Why you should read it: Queer boys who play hockey! Lots of pie! Discussions of mental illness and drug abuse! An ensemble cast! Comedy and drama in one! Slow-burn, healthy, communicative, gay relationship!! Confirmed happy gay ending!!! Most of my friends know that I love this comic with my whole heart, and it’s really easy to see why. There’s a character in it for everyone, and they’re all easy to relate to and care about. Personally, I relate so hard to Jack having anxiety and trying to navigate his life and career in the intersection of being mentally ill and queer. No spoilers, but this comic includes the best queer relationship I’ve ever seen portrayed. Don’t get discouraged by the hockey-- I knew nothing about the sport going in and it really doesn’t stop you from enjoying the comic at all! Currently in Bitty’s third year and gearing up for more spring updates, Check, Please is a master of storytelling and will make you laugh and cry. Read it here!
2. The Get Down
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What is it: A Netflix Original series
Who makes it: dir. Baz Luhrmann
Why you should watch it: Almost the entire cast are people of color, it’s set in the 1970s and focuses on both the dying out of disco and the arising hip-hop scene, and the performances are incredible. You see this world through young Zeke’s eyes, a complex and talented kid looking to be a part of something bigger than himself and for a community to fall back on. No matter what’s going on, the story never lets you forget these characters are in the middle of the South Bronx in the seventies, fighting for a way out of poverty, strict religious family, or gangs, all while holding on to their passions. The music and the performances of these young actors are what sold me immediately. The queer relationship in it (I won’t spoil it) is lovely and gentle and blooms very naturally. The story, the characters, and the music are the focus, and if you’re like me, you’ll be hooked immediately. The second season just came out this month and it’s incredible but holy shit so intense. Catch it on Netflix!
3. Carry On
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What is it: A young-adult novel
Who makes it: Rainbow Rowell
Why you should read it: Did you read Harry Potter and think: “Wow, Harry is super bi. Wow, he’s pretty obsessed with Draco. Wow they could be friends if Harry was sorted into Slytherin WOW THEY COULD EVEN BE MORE THAN THAT!” ...Okay, well this is the book for you. Set in a magic school more different from Hogwarts than you’d think, Simon and Baz are roommates that hate each other. But things are complicated when you’re the chosen one and you think your roommate might be a vampire and there’s an evil something out for you. It’s like Harry Potter except different and more queer people and people of color. Plus a happy ending that’s so, so much better than that “17 years later” shit. If you like gay magical boys and ass-kicking best friends and plot twists, you’ll definitely enjoy this.
4. Fourth Man Out
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What is it: A 2016 movie
Who makes it: dir. Andrew Nackman
Why you should watch it: If you’ve been searching your whole fucking life for a queer rom-com like me, this’ll make you immensely happy. The story centers around Adam, who comes out to his mostly clueless friends in his twenties. They’re all a little uncomfortable and shitty at first, but they all grow and learn and by the end of the film have created the kind of caring and casual atmosphere any queer person hopes for when initially coming out to friends. The movie explores those awkward first steps after coming out, including online dating and homophobic neighbors, in a comedic yet respectful way. It’ll make you laugh and it’ll make you care a lot about Adam-- his puppy-dog face just makes you root for him from the beginning. Watch this if you hate that more comedies don’t center around queer themes, and then please recommend me more!!
5. About a Girl
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What is it: A young-adult novel
Who makes it: Sarah McCarry
Why you should read it: Okay, maybe you should read the first two books in this series first, All Our Pretty Songs and Dirty Wings, but I read this one first and I think it can stand alone pretty well. There is an abundance of queer people of color in this, a beautiful, mythological storyline, a girl/girl romance, and a main character you’ll fall in love with. This book is so gorgeous to read and so rewarding, and I couldn’t put it down. In fact, I’m due for a reread... good thing I just impulsively bought all three of these so now I OWN THEM. Please, please give at least About a Girl a read, though-- the lyrical, soft nature of it was so incredibly healing and I can’t tell you how much I loved it.
5. Moonlight
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What is it: A 2016 film
Who makes it: dir. Barry Jenkins
Why you should watch it: First of all, if you haven’t been following the mess that happened at the Oscars with La La Land being announced incorrectly and this film winning Best Picture, where have you been? I saw this rather recently, I’ll admit, but it blew my socks off. This film is so completely centered on the experience of black queer men, and allows them to be so honest and tender, so complex and multi-faceted, in a way we haven’t much seen in mainstream media so far. We know why this is-- mainstream media is overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly straight, and wants to put down and silence differing experiences as much as possible, making Hollywood a boring and homogeneous space. But Moonlight has broken through and shown that when these stories are told, and they are listened to, something incredible can happen. 
6. Ask the Passengers
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What is it: A young-adult novel
Who makes it: A.S. King
Why you should read it: Holy shit, y’all, I loved this book so fucking much. I reread it a little while ago and it still punches me in the gut just as hard. The book centers around Astrid, a teenager navigating her sexuality, her family, and suffocating small-town life. She’s a philosopher at heart, so nothing comes easy, especially not love-- it’s not as clear-cut as her other queer friends may think. This is a really honest portrayal of figuring out sexuality and Astrid is such a lovable narrator that you just want to bundle her up and let no one else hurt her. The book hit close to home as a queer girl who spent a lot of time figuring out my identity and what it meant to me personally. If you have a similar story, prepare to get emotional.
7. One Day at a Time
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What is it: A Netflix original series based off Norman Lear's 1975 series of the same name
Who makes it: Too many directors & executive producers to name! But if you’re a Norman Lear fan, he stayed on to be an executive producer for the remake.
Why you should watch it: The show centers around a Cuban-American family living in California and tackles topics like immigration, religion, sexuality, PTSD, divorce/separation, and more. Elena’s coming out storyline is beautifully and respectfully done and I really appreciate how realistic it is. This show will make you laugh and make you cry, but mostly, you’ll just fall completely in love with the Alvarez family and their story. And they’ve just been confirmed for a second season!! (GET ELENA A GIRLFRIEND!!)
8. The Real O’Neals
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What is it: An ABC comedy series
Who makes it: Executive producer Dan Savage
Why you should watch it: Okay, I’ll admit, I have more problems with this show than the others-- namely its consistent biphobia and very few characters of color-- but besides the problems, it’s still hilarious and honest. In the very first episode, Kenny comes out to his conservative, Irish Catholic family in an... explosive way, and what follows is them all trying to figure out how to navigate his identity while still being religious. It’s important to see representation of queer people who keep their faith after coming out; it reminds us that religion and queerness aren’t mutually exclusive. Plus, I love Kenny’s relationship with his siblings, and the fact that his younger sister Shannon is the smartest and most put-together of them all. The show just finished its second season, and as of yet there has been no announcement of a renewal for a third season.
9. The Raven Cycle
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What is it: A young-adult novel series
Who makes it: Maggie Stiefvater
Why you should read it: Holy wow, this book series is fantastic. I had no idea what it was about when I read it (because I read it for the gays...), but the story is complex and fascinating. Blue is our narrator most of the time, the daughter of a psychic who has no psychic abilities herself and who lives in a house with a bunch of other awesome psychic ladies. Her life has always been surrounded by magic, but it gets even more magical when she meets Gansey, Ronan, Adam, and Noah, four boys who go to the near Aglionby Academy and are dubbed “Raven Boys” because of the raven on their uniforms. I’m pretty sure shit starts to get Really Actually Gay in the last book, but the entire series is fantastic and well worth a read. If you like ghost boys, dead kings, magical dreamers, and weird curses, this series is for you. It’s recently been announced that there will be a TV show based on the books, and there will also be another book series just about Ronan, so I’m super pumped for those cool things... Unless they ruin the TV show, in which case I will be incredibly disappointed. (In the meantime, though, you can read the first chapter of the first book, The Raven Boys, here!)
10. Yuri On Ice
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What is it: An Japanese sports anime series
Who makes it: Creator Mitsurō Kubo, dir. Sayo Yamamoto
Why you should watch it: LISTEN, I’ve never finished an anime before this, because I’m not really that into anime. But this series is about figure skating, has twelve episodes, and is hella gay, so it’s not hard to binge it. (For the love of God, please watch the subbed version if you can, the dub voices give me nightmares.) The story is beautifully done, Viktor and Yuuri’s relationship is stable, loving, and realistic, and the portrayal of Yuuri’s anxiety is so important and made me cry in spots. Plus, it’s really funny and the competition scenes are thrilling as all hell. You can watch the series in literally a day, so what are you waiting for?? Binge it and then listen to the soundtrack on Spotify on repeat while crying, like I did.
11. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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What is it: A Fox-produced police sitcom
Who makes it: A million directors and producers, it’s a comedy sitcom
Why you should watch it: A diverse ensemble cast, comedy that isn’t at the expense of any marginalized group, complex characters, a stable gay relationship, Andy Samberg??? I love this show so much, y’all. To be fair, the main relationship is between a man and a woman, but the captain of the 99th precinct is an openly gay black man who’s in an amazing, loving relationship with his husband. And the relationship between Jake, the main character, and Amy (Spoiler! But you’ll see it coming from a million miles away, promise.) is one of the most delicious slow-burn plotlines I’ve ever seen. And as far as I know, the writers have no intention to break them up for “conflict” (cough cough New Girl cough). In an episode from the current season, a character called something transphobic, which was the first time I’ve ever heard that word on television, and I had to pause and look at my girlfriend in wonder, like “Did he just really say that? Oh my God??” Anyway. Please watch this show. It’s currently in its fourth season, just recently back from its haitus, so go binge it now!
There’s so many more to add to this list (Legend of Korra! Rock and Riot!! Etc etc etc!), but since you now have 11 new (or not-so-new) pieces of queer media to consume, I’ll leave you with that. Till next time!
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