#if you want toooo
tachiha3 · 6 months
Twin Universe AU ✨
So I've had this AU in my mind for about three years now and I never did anything about it. What if Rose had twins? Steven and Nora.
About Nora
She doesn't have the gem. But she does have the gem energy. Maybe even more than Steven but she can't use her powers since the energy is used up in keeping her alive (no gem).
Appearnce : Since Steven got Rose's curls, I thought it would be fun to give her Greg's dense, straight hair. She was very weak when she was born (again, no gem) so she's a bit skinnier than Steven. (Don't worry, she's healthy now.) For her outfit, she could have the "Mr. Universe" shirts. In the OG series, she was taller than Steven (since her appearance is proportional to her biological age). But in future, Steven easily surpasses her in height.
I'll post more about her personality and relationships with characters later but know one thing : she's the BEST wingman any brother could ask for (or she tries atleast).
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weirdw00d · 3 months
🍝💪it's called Carbo-Loading💪🍝
Just posted another "mindlessly eating to Dimension 20" video, this time it's ✨ the pasta edition✨
Also shout-out silly thrift store crop tops, midwest emo, and my growing gut 🤌
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felikatze · 3 months
Do you wish you could easily look up information on ISAT, yet the wiki is lacking in it?
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In that case, our dear pal the style guide is here to help! Check out the last section on Sandbox pages! A very own page, just for you to mess around with! Additionally, you can cut your teeth on making an user page for yourself! Put anything on there (that complies with TOS, of course) and have fun!!! Check out other people's user pages too, if you want!!
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on my hands and knees. please. pretty please. we're a small wiki we have low standards. i will take literally anything over nothing at all. you can make the most barebones unformatted page ever and i personally will pretty it up for you. i merely ask that you cite. like at all. and if you dont cite you can put this cute little {{source}} banner up top so other people will know the info isn't cited.
you should get into wiki editing it's a very fun hobby. you might even pick up basic coding along the way and learn what it's like to cry over css.
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chiquilines · 5 months
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Yes i know i JUST said I'd be less active but ive been wanting to draw this for actual months. Live love momojirou <3
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wayfayrr · 28 days
Mossss!!! I just got off of work and I haven’t been able to stop thinking of Sky being a human <333333 ! He’s just so babygirl, a scrunkly lil baby <33
Making me think of reader sticking close to Sky- honestly projecting rn, he just looks so warm and safe to be around, I’d be taking so many naps with him <3
But also making me think that Sky would probably do better in the modern world, considering it’s all humans and precious bean would never have to worry about monsters again. And Sky with cats!! Getting to hold cats!!! AND THE PUPPIES <33333
But also I’d love to hear any other headcanons you have about human Sky <3
~🍀 anon
I hope your shift went well clover!!!
Sky is simply the sckrunkliest link - he's so babygirl and lovable in everyway <333 no there's no bias in who I write for the most wym?
Sticking close to him would just be so lovely in hyrule, he's the one in the chain that understands the most about you - he's got the kindest/calmest demeanour of them all and he's tied for best cuddler with twi what else is there to really want? if you chose him out of all of the others he'd try his hardest to prove to you it was the right choice.
sky is 100% the fastest link to adapt to the modern world you're so right about that. he struggles with tech about as much as all the rest (cept wild and tears ofc) but the other things? he's not got the same issues with food because milk isn't alcoholic to him (milk powder can be found in bloody anything so the rest of the chain are struggling for a bit), he isn't as intertwined with magic so he doesn't have any withdrawal symptoms seeing as earth doesn't have any. the animals are just another cherry on the top for it!
as for other headcanons?
✦ I think I've touched on it, but sky growing up in skyloft is the reason for his poor stamina. Hylians tend to handle high altitude and lower oxygen environments a lot better than humans and hence his stamina is way lower than it should be. (he also gets very confused when he sees you struggling with the altitude until it's pointed out humans aren't built for it)
✦ The chain are very shocked when they see him bleeding for the first time! another hc I have about hylians is that they have orange blood (this is based on botw/totks shading) so when they see his red they think there's something wrong with him
✦ He can't use most potions and magic has a lot less of an affect on him, less because he grew up with it outside humans it has next to no affect, so he has to take specialised potions and has them prioritised seeing as worst case scenario anyone else can have rulie heal them. Wild is in charge of altering and making sky's supply! Luv handed over her recipes for a good lot of rupees when they made it back to skyloft again <3 wild's the most consistent at making them so sky just has to put his life in his hands.
✦ His resting body temp is also a little higher than the chains, they had to be reassured several times that he wasn't simply running a fever
✦ the both of you are immune to a fair few hylian diseases and the ones you do get have different symptoms, however the two of you can both get each other sick - so no cuddling while one or the other is by order of time :(( Rulie also gets very sad he can't heal the two of you
✦ The rest of the chain are almost jealous of how fast you and sky bonded, and it's over things that none of them share with you. The most is twi having experience with Ordonians who are human. But being able to talk to you about human issues and get close to you through things like that? yeah they're envious to say the least
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twilightarcade · 1 month
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brown haired women in a lab coat with pants the same color as their hair. And such. @room-of-lies
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siyuri · 6 months
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‘You belong to the hells, pet,’ Palmarosa by amazing @not-poignant
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rainymoodlet · 7 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ Settling In… ]
Part 6.b of 6 🌹
@foxsimthings @anarchosimdicalist
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umii33 · 1 year
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these two pictures speak so many volumes. i love them i love them i love them I LOVE TYEM SOOOOO MUUUCHH💞💞
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samuelzmm · 1 month
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Animals up close with a wide angle lens hehhee
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skunkes · 3 months
I got those expensive ass cookies from that local vendor event yesterday and im going to be honest wit you...they were Good but not worth the price good, they were soft in the middle which i love but they really tasted like Dough and Ingredients... like i could Taste and Feel a Hint of Flour throughout eating them. Ykwim. BUT ALSO. im craving more of them so bad now.
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sadisthetic · 2 years
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i like nosebleeds part... 5? zane. but for the lack of sanguis... undecided between anti freeze or oil.....
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urbanflorals · 5 months
top 8 favourite moots?
oooh ok ok in no particular order:
um there are like two more i wanna add bc i love them so im going to do that sorry bout your 8 question tho
again those are in no particular order and ik i did 10 but i love them allll
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volivolition · 26 days
[doing very tedious animation work] [points at echem] you're so lucky i love you.
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millenniumringg · 17 days
First 3 chapters of Cornered 2 are pretty much complete :] it’s coming guys… it’s coming
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green-lights-33 · 8 months
photoshop is kicking my ass 😞 ive tried to double tap the screen to undo about 50 times in the last minute.
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