#please please send asks about the auuuu
tachiha3 · 6 months
Twin Universe AU ✨
So I've had this AU in my mind for about three years now and I never did anything about it. What if Rose had twins? Steven and Nora.
About Nora
She doesn't have the gem. But she does have the gem energy. Maybe even more than Steven but she can't use her powers since the energy is used up in keeping her alive (no gem).
Appearnce : Since Steven got Rose's curls, I thought it would be fun to give her Greg's dense, straight hair. She was very weak when she was born (again, no gem) so she's a bit skinnier than Steven. (Don't worry, she's healthy now.) For her outfit, she could have the "Mr. Universe" shirts. In the OG series, she was taller than Steven (since her appearance is proportional to her biological age). But in future, Steven easily surpasses her in height.
I'll post more about her personality and relationships with characters later but know one thing : she's the BEST wingman any brother could ask for (or she tries atleast).
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fuyuesu · 1 year
hi hi melty!! you can answer this ask privately if youd like! i just wanted to give you a warning! i think you already know but theres an anon going around our mutual circles sending anon hate! if you get any, please dont be worried about it and delete it! you didnt do anything wrong and you deserve nice anons!!
auuuu thats cringe !!! thank you for the warning i will vaporize them with my mind
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