#if something is submitted once and everyone following the blog Knows That
@ the anon who asked about if a specific fish has been submitted, yes! it has! i will not name it publicly tho since i don't want people to Not submit specific fish just because one or two other people already have! assuming you are not the person who has submitted the creature you asked about, if you really want to be sure they'll get in then ! go nominate them!
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copaganda-clobberfest · 10 months
(i could not come up with any other tourney name. sorry)
You know that trope? That one trope *Everyone* hates? The trope in which a well meaning antagonist to our heroes, one looking out for the good of a certain community, suddenly does something horrible and drastic to make not only them, but the ideology they stand for the most villainous of all?
and no, I’m not talking “well meaning” as in… they had a sad life. Their parents died or something. Etc.
I’m talking:
“This person wants change in a corrupt system.”
“This organization made up of a marginalized group only wants their basic living rights.”
“This person wants equality for their people.”
Etc etc etc. Only for it to drastically become:
“This person wants change in a corrupt system… so they BLOW UP AN ORPHANAGE OF GRANDMOTHERS.”
“This organization made up of a marginalized group only wants basic living rights… so THEY’RE ACTUALLY EVIL UNSYMPATHETIC TERRORISTS.”
“This person wants equality for their people… EXCEPT HAHAAA THEY DONT” That stuff. Stuff that makes you really question what the writers were really trying to get across.
But enough of that, let’s talk tournaments. With as much as this trope makes these villains blow up houses of grandmas and likely makes you, the viewer, want to blow up something too, you can now throw them at me and I’ll let them blow up each other!
Here are the rules.
No Harry Potter. Thank you!
Submit via the ask box and submission tab on this blog please. I sadly don’t have one of those google thingies :( I’m goofy
When sending in your finest challenger, give me propaganda too! Propaganda will be included once we’re ready to get the polls out.
Fictional peeps please.
You can submit up to 3 characters/groups of characters/whatever whatever in an ask/submission.
The following is a list of antagonistic fictional characters, or antagonistic fictional organizations/groups I am automatically putting in the poll:
Magneto, X Men
The White Fang, RWBY
The Flash Smashers, Marvel
and Amon, The Legend of Korra
But please please PLEASE send me propaganda for those four if you have some! Falls to my knees like a Victorian orphan boy…..
Anyways, I hope I explained the premise of this whole ~tournament~ correctly, or at least half decently. Hope this goes well, and may the worst troper win in the COPAGANDA CLOBBERFEST!
Inspired from @look-how-they-massacred-them, @battle-couple-battle, @controversial-blorbo-bracket, @greengirlfight, @ffshipbracket, @star-wars-tournament, @the-robot-bracket, @tmblrsfavshow, @bestanimatedmovie, and @fave-fight !!!!!!!
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kataang-week · 1 year
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Special thanks to Mod Atarah (@penguinsledder) and our new Mod Celes (@chocomd​) for the lovely gif! 
What is Kataang Week?
Kataang Week is when we, as a corner of the fandom, celebrate the ship Kataang! The prompts for Kataang Week 2023 were selected through four rounds of voting over the last few weeks and all prompts were submitted by Tumblr users.
Cool, when is it?
Summer Kataang Week 2023 starts on Monday, July 24th - just over seven weeks from today - and ends on Monday, July 31st.  
How do I participate?
The most common ways to participate are by creating art or writing a fic and posting it online. Some people try and create something for every day while others only fill one or two prompts.  
As always, we want to reassure you that it’s perfectly okay not to do every prompt! We just hope to have lovely pieces to share on each day.
But I can’t draw or write!
That’s totally fine - there are more ways to participate! You can sing a song, create a graphic, write a poem - just about anything really. You can also show your support by reblogging and liking other people’s contributions.
What are the prompts?
The following will be the running order for Kataang Week 2023:
Wind & Rain - Monday July 24th
Injured - Tuesday July 25th
Confession / Whisper - Wednesday July 26th
Cultural Differences/Cultural Exchange - Thursday July 27th
Secretly Dating / Rivals to Lovers - Friday July 28th
Spirits - Saturday July 29th
Reunion/Meeting Again - Sunday July 30th
Free Day - Monday July 31st
Don’t forget that this year we have the Kataang Week 2023 Bingo Challenge, as well as alternative prompts for Free Day! See the bingo challenge post for more information. 
* As a reminder, Cultural Differences/Cultural Exchange and Reunion/Meeting Again were combined during voting as they were very similar prompts. You can interpret them as singular or separate prompts and incorporate one or both for each day.
** Confession and Whisper, as well as Secretly Dating and Rivals to Lovers, were tied with votes, so instead of flipping a coin/deciding randomly, both tied prompts are included as options. You can incorporate one or both prompts for each day.
*** And as always, there is a Free Day at the end of the week. You can use this day to post anything you’d like! It can be a prompt that didn’t receive enough votes or something you’ve been wanting to work on, anything goes!
How should I tag my work?
The easiest way for us to find your work so we can reblog it to this blog is by using the tag “kataang week”. Using “kataang” and “kataangtag” also help. You must tag one of the three in your first five tags otherwise it doesn’t appear in the search.
Sometimes even properly tagged posts may not appear when we search the tags, so if you do not see your content reblogged, please let us know.
Once we’ve reblogged it to this blog we add our own tags (a prompt tag and a user tag) for easy organization. This means we can find all the work for one prompt or all the work from one user in one easy click (this also means that if you have changed your username since participating last year you need to let us know so we can update your tag!).
Can I post my stuff other places online too?
Of course you can!
Why seven weeks? Is that enough time?
Traditionally, we like to provide our content creators seven weeks (for the seven prompts) to create quality content. Kataang Week is also traditionally held in the last week of July.  
If you are unable to complete a prompt in time, please do not fret. You can alert this blog by mentioning it in your post (ex. @kataang-week​) or messaging one of the mods and your content will still be shared even if it is a week (or a month - or sometimes more!) late.
We also like to post WIP for Kataang Week and encourage everyone else to do so as well - we reblog it here for motivation!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to send an ask. Don’t forget to reblog this as well to help spread the word!
Good luck, Kataangers, and happy content creating! :) - The Mods
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mashficolympics · 1 year
Introducing the M*A*S*H Fic Olympics!
Hello everyone, and welcome to the M*A*S*H Fic Olympics, a week-long fandom-wide writing festival that aims to highlight and appreciate the amazing work of writers involved in the M*A*S*H fandom!
This festival is open to all ships (and gen work, of course), and will run Monday, July 3, through Sunday, July 9.
Your organizers are Jay (Jaybirbb on AO3 and @faggothawkeyepierce on Tumblr) and Parker (AMRV_5 on AO3 and @amrv-5 on Tumblr). Feel free to contact [email protected] with questions!
request list || prompt list
Each day of the week-long festival will have a specific theme. Authors will have from now until the night before each theme to craft a fic to fit and post it to the AO3 collection M*A*S*H Fic Olympics (find it here!).
All of the posted works for a given day will fall under its theme. The fics can be submitted publicly or anonymously, and as individual works or chapters of a single piece. 
Works submitted to the M*A*S*H Fic Olympics collection on Archive of Our Own will be posted across seven days (the moderators will approve each fic on its theme day!). The links to the AO3 works will then be posted to this blog, moderated by yours truly.
Each day’s theme will be provided at the bottom of this post. A list of prompts for potential inspiration will also be provided.
As another fun way to engage with the M*A*S*H writing community, we will also be accepting fic requests to be filled out during the event! Find out more here!
We encourage readers to review and share the works once they’re posted so they can be experienced by as many people as possible! 
The event will begin on Monday, July 3rd and end on Sunday, July 9th. Participants should submit their fics by 5 p.m. CDT (10 p.m. GMT) the night before each relevant theme (meaning first submissions are due July 2nd, and last ones July 8th!). That said, we’ll also accept late submissions—the more fic, the better!
"Do I have to follow the theme?"
-Yes! This will make it a lot easier for us to organize on which day we’ll post the fics. Plus, it’s the point of the fic olympics!
"Do I have to follow a prompt?"
-No! The prompts are there for you to use as inspiration, but you can change them up or totally ignore them. As long as you follow the theme, everything’s good!
"Can I submit more than one fic?"
-Absolutely! Write and submit as many works as you want.
"How should I format my fics?"
-You can post the daily fills as chapters in a single work, or as individual works; it’s up to you! 
"How do I submit to a collection?"
-When you create a new work, you’ll find a menu in the “Associations” box that allows you to post your fic to a collection. Enter “M*A*S*H Fic Olympics” in the entry box, and it should allow you to select the collection and post to it! 
"How do I request a fic? How do I fill a request?"
-Everything you need to know should be in this post!
"I have more questions! Help!!"
-Do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any other questions.
-This challenge is open to all ships, as well as gen work.
-Canon-compliant, post-canon, pre-canon and AU are all fair game! 
-Each day of the week-long challenge has an associated theme. To participate, write something incorporating that theme and post it to the M*A*S*H Fic Olympics collection on AO3. 
-No maximum or minimum word count. 
-Please tag your work properly, so everyone’s experience can be safe and enjoyable! The moderators may ask you to add a tag to your work after you submit it. We also reserve the right to refuse fics until they are properly tagged.
-Remember to be kind! Any participants who engage in hostile behavior to other participants may be removed from participation. We’re all friends here :)
-Have fun and be yourself <3
Monday, July 3 (Due July 2): Letters
Tuesday, July 4 (Due July 3): Weather
Wednesday, July 5 (Due July 4): Horror
Thursday, July 6 (Due July 5): Orange
Friday, July 7 (Due July 6): Injury
Saturday, July 8 (Due July 7): Alternate Universe
Sunday, July 9 (Due July 8): Secrets
If you find yourself struggling for ideas, we have a prompt list available here!
Thanks to everyone who submitted prompts! These are totally optional, and only intended to help provide some inspiration if desired!
Have fun, and happy writing!
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familyvideostevie · 11 months
familyvideostevie's beach day: CLOSED
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this celebration ended july 31, 2023, thank you to everyone who submitted something!
check out the celebration masterlist here
welcome to my one-year celebration! this blog has been so essential to me over the last year and i cannot thank you all enough for being here and following me and supporting me even when i haven't been as active as i'd like <3 so let's celebrate! check out the rules below :)
navigation, masterlist, guidelines
anyone can join whether you follow me or not!
send as many as you want, but make each ask separate please!
the deadline for this will be a tentative aug 1!
DO SEND: anything for the characters listed in my guidelines/anyone you want to ask if i'd write/talk about, fun thoughts, questions about me
DON'T SEND: the things listed in don't send on my guidelines
i will be writing nsfw blurbs for and of the characters listed on my guidelines! they'll all be tagged nsfw, 18+, so please be mindful!
i will try to do as many asks as i can but i cannot guarantee that i'll get to all of them because you all have so many wonderful ideas!
everything will be tagged #fvsbeachday and fics/headcanons will be compiled into a masterlist once the celebration ends!
so, let's celebrate! send me any of these🙂
🌊 LET'S SWIM: the water looks nice! send me this and a tumblr game or a question or just something to chat about -- would you rather, fmk, get to know me, etc
☀️ SUNSCREEN: who would you like to get your back? send me some nsfw thoughts/concepts about the characters on my masterlist and i'll add onto them 18+ only
🐚 SEASHELL: let's look for beautiful things on the beach! send me a line from a book, song, or movie/tv show and a character and i'll write a short (<1k) blurb for you
🍦SWEET TREAT: something sweet for you, someone sweet! send me this and a fic/blog you'd like to recommend to everyone
📚LET'S READ: swimming not your thing? we can sit under the umbrella and read! send me this and tell me what you like to read (genre/books/authors) and i'll recommend a book or two for you to try
📸 CANDID: let's make some memories with our friends! send me a character and i'll tell you a headcanon i have for them
if you'd like, please reblog this to signal boost! :)
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Hello everybody, it's that time once again! Send in short stories, novellas, and short story collections and we will see whether tumblr has read them!
Going over some general rules again first:
Submissions will stay open until Tuesday. Once it's Tuesday, I will close it. I may close early if I get an influx of submissions. I also might extend submissions if I want more.
Make sure to go through the list of all stories that have already been submitted and posted. I know it's long, but feel free to use the "Find" tool to see if what you want to submit is already on there.
Limit yourself to only submitting about five pieces in each category. If I extend submissions to be longer than originally intended, feel free to submit a few more, but otherwise try not to do more. Be courteous to others who want to submit things.
Feel free to submit things that are well known classics + lesser known pieces!
Do not submit full-length novels, even if they're shorter. This is for short stories, novellas (under 40K words), or short story collections. Please consider going to @haveyoureadthisbook-poll @haveyoureadthismgyabook or @haveyoureadthisfantasybook or @haveyoureadthisqueerbook, among other poll blogs (those are just the ones I follow so I know about them)
Do not submit plays or poems. We have had some problems with people submitting plays before, and like, I love plays! But that's not the focus of this blog. We're focusing on prose here. Even if it's a book of poetry or a verse poetry book, do not submit them. Please consider going to @haveyoureadthispoem-poll and @do-you-know-this-play
Consider submitting with a link to the piece you are submitting. Of course, if you don't have one/can't find one, that's perfectly alright. But if it's an older piece that is in the public domain/easily Googlable OR is a piece originally published online/in a publicly accessible literary magazine, others would love to read it as well :)
If you have any questions, the ask box is always open <3 Even if you just want to share some thoughts about your pieces, feel free to drop by in the ask box !!!
Thank you everyone :) Consider reblogging this post if you submit something, boosting its visibility, and helping more people see and submit things!
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
hello hello; before I submit my character and topic idea for your weekend game, I just wanted to say that I love your master chief fics and your blog is such a fun space! Thanks for creating so many intriguing stories and creating for so many different fandoms🖤
ok now for the game - I would love to request/submit something for master chief for headcanons, hmm maybe around the topic of domestic? Idk I feel like this man needs like 1000 hugs and just a normal day every once in awhile lmao
someone please give this man a hug!
(hope I submitted this right; take care 🖤)
Friend!!! Awwww this is so sweet!!! Thank you so much - your kind words are so appreciated. 💖 (this is perfect how you submitted this!)
You are absolutely right, Chief needs so many hugs. All the hugs. Aaaaall the hugs.
Okay! Domestic headcanons for one sassy Spartan coming up!
It takes him a long time to adjust to being called John
For the first weeks, he feels naked without the armor
This man is not used to not having things to so. So he finds things to do
I don't think he goes for a fixer upper type home, because he doesn't have the knowledge to fix it up himself
I do think that if he had the property he'd be doing Projects
He decides to build a shed. He looks up instructions. Gets all the materials
Now this man is used to, ahem, creatively reinterpreting orders as he sees fit. Or ignoring them altogether
So when he thinks he can upgrade the shed? He tries it
It does not go according to plan
It is fixable fortunately and he decides to follow instructions as written (until he has more working knowledge)
After the shed, he tries more projects. I think he gets into woodworking or something, something where he can use his hands to create
He does not make a good gardener and only ever tries it once
Now, if you're wondering what he might be like with a significant other...
He supports whatever you want to do. If you want to work or stay home, he's fine. He's got the pay from all those years active
He quietly marvels at how you turn the house into a home. He's not much of a material man, but he is surprised by how much a few simple things change the space
He gives you free rein to decorate as you see fit
If you decide to take over the garden (please take over the garden), he will happily hand it over
He doesn't exactly like going into town unless he has to, but he will if you gently nudge him into going to get drinks
He keeps an eye on you, but lets you do whatever you want. He trusts you. He knows you.
It's everyone else that's a potential problem
Okay so he might still be a little bit hypervigilant but can you blame him?
Even at home he's still a quiet man but he learns to chuckle, learns to smile, learns to relax a little
His absolute favorite part of all this? Waking up in the soft morning light and having all the time he wants to watch you sleep
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artist-issues · 17 days
Hello, brother/sister (sorry I found out you existed today lol) in Christ! I just started my own blog yesterday, and I wanted to ask you two questions!
how did you come to Christ? (I am a sucker for testimonies, lol)
how can I preach the gospel on Tumblr with gentleness and grace and love for others? (and how do I not get involved in a keyboard smashing session, haha)
thanks for your time, God bless and have a great day! :)
I came to Christ when I was 15. I’m a Pastor’s kid. So the truth in the Bible was about as impactful to me as reciting my ABCs. But when I turned 9 I started to tune in to the parts about Hell and eternal damnation and freak out about it. So I believed God was real, and Hell and heaven were, too, even though I was living for myself. I started asking questions and praying for my salvation around that time, but it was only to “get out of going to Hell.” I had zero interest in the things of God, or submitting to Him. My top priorities were getting everyone to think well of me, especially my family. So I was super good at saying all the right things and doing all the right things, then behind closed doors I did whatever sinful stuff I felt like doing without a shred of thought for God.
Whenever I panicked about verses like “depart from Me, I never knew you,” I’d pray and ask the adults around me how to tell if I was “really saved,” (again, making zero connection between “saved” and anything except “get out of Hell,” in my heart) and they’d try to explain. But I always just latched on to phrases like “it’s not some sparkly feeling,” and quit panicking and went back to living for myself. But that really is what I was missing—a feeling. Specifically, passion about God, and what He loves, and what He wants, and who He is. That, and submission & repentance 😅
So that pattern went on till I was fifteen and old enough to go to this summer camp. And I was finally away from my usual circles, where I only thought about God in the context of “what does everyone here need to see me doing to think well of me?”
At this camp, the counselors and the teachers cut through all that in like 24 hours. They were like, “yeah, you don't have to give me the correct answer; I know what the teacher just said, but what about you? What do you do, in your life, on your own? What is it like when it’s just you and God?” And between that, and the crazy “I don’t care what anyone thinks of me except God” culture of the whole staff and everyone at that summer camp, God started getting ahold of me.
He started making me think about how everyone else wasn’t just “living for God” as part of their social bubble. They actually felt something genuine about Him. And I didn’t feel that. I didn’t feel anything, and I couldn’t *think* or *reason* or *force* myself to feel what they all seemed to be feeling.   They did this skit, and it was all about how broken sin makes us, and feeling the weight of that, and how Christ is the only salvation, and then that was followed up with this no-nonsense authoritative preaching from God’s Word, about how being “saved” isn’t just from your sin. It’s from yourself. It’s from your *lack* of caring about what is good, of caring about God.
I actually finally realized that when everyone else was out of the picture and it’s just me and God, I don’t care about Him. Even though I know what He did for me. And that felt like the most crushing vile sin of all of them, of my whole double-life. And I couldn’t get out from under it. But then it was super clear: He said He’d give me a “new heart.”
So I asked Him to save me and make me care about Him, and I’d live the rest of my life doing what He tells me to do.    He has done that! Not all at once, but gradually. I care more about doing what He wants, even if nobody in my favorite circles comes with me, than I ever thought I would. And there’s no explanation for it, because I had all of the circumstantial and situational reasons to have that kind of motivation for the first 14 years of my life—and I still didn’t. The only explanation for the change is Him. 
As far as how to talk about it here on tumblr...I've never really started a conversation specifically to lead someone to Christ online. I don't think online is the place to try that—but sometimes the topic comes up naturally because it's relevant to what I'm talking about in a post, like values in movies or if an important truth comes to mind and I feel like posting about it.
If you don't want to get into arguments, the best thing to do is not reply. People here tend to intentionally re-phrase everything you say into something they can buck and kick at, even if you choose your words super carefully. It's because they don't want to have a discussion. They either want to be right, or they want to make you look like a fool. It's impossible for them to do either of those things if what they're arguing against is truth—but they tend to just keep trying if you reply.
I only reply if I feel strongly that others might read the interaction and get the wrong idea about God, or truth, because of the word-twisting of my opposition. However, it's up to your personal conviction! 
My main advice is, don't ever stoop to returning insults. If someone calls you stupid, don't call them stupid back. If someone says something that's just a personal attack on you and has nothing to do with what you're arguing about, you can call it out--"what does that have to do with anything?"--and move on, or you can totally ignore it. And if someone just keeps on re-phrasing everything you say, like this:
Me: There's always more to learn, you don't know everything about what all Christians believe.
Them: I can't believe you're telling me you know more than me, lol, I've got forty years of experience
Then just block 'em. They either don't have good reading comprehension, or they don't want to actually debate in order to highlight truth. They want to debate to hear themselves talk, to convince themselves that they're right, to look like they're right in front of their followers, or to make a fool out of you. None of those are good reasons to debate.
They're looking to discredit you by any means necessary—including twisting your words. See how I said nothing about how much more *I* know than the other person? But somehow they took the point of my phrase and twisted it into a personal attack. That sort of thing isn't worth wasting your time on.
My dad likes to say, "nobody wins people to Christ by arguing them into it." I don't know if that's true, but it has been based on my experience. That said, I think truth is worth defending, and I think we're commanded to stand up against what is wrong. However, there comes a point when it's really just falling on deaf ears and continuing is a point of pride instead of humility.
For your questions, I'd see what the Bible says! 
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androidcharles · 5 months
Stickmin Fandom Secret Valentine's Info Post/Sign ups!
Check, check, this is androidcharles telling you guys about my new secret Valentine’s day event! A fandom I was once a part of did this a while back and I thought it was a pretty swanky idea, so I thought I’d host a secret Valentine’s myself. This’ll be the first Secret Santa thing that I’ve ever hosted, so please keep in mind I will make mistakes! Here’s a deep dive in the scheduled events I have lined up (psst, under the read more! ↓):
Jan 14th through 18th: Sign Ups! This will be the sign up period! Make sure you use the template below to submit an NON ANONYMOUS ASK to this blog stating your wishlist and such. DO NOT WORRY, NOTHING WILL BE POSTED, however if you’re still squeamish, I’ll be more then happy to accept DMs as well. Sign ups will end at 12 AM CST in my timezone on Jan 18th exactly. Keep in mind any applications that pop up after this period will not be accepted, so make sure to sign up quick!
Jan 18th and 19th: Match-ups! This is when you will be receiving your giftee! You have to keep in mind that this is ABSOLUTELY SECRET and you cannot tell anyone about it. You will receive a message through DM who your giftee is as well as their wishlist and any applicable refs as well. Also keep in mind your giftee is not the same as your gifter; your gifter will quite possibly be a completely different person!
Jan 19th through Feb 13th: Gift Preparation! You will have at least four weeks in this time period to prepare your gift and give it all you’ve got. Please make sure it’s at least a good quality gift! I’m not asking you to repaint the Sistine Chapel, but it would be incredibly discouraging if you gave a sloppy MS paint doodle gift while your giftee managed to pull out all the stops and give something truly spectacular to theirs.
Feb 14th through 22nd: Gift Giving! At this point in time, you will be receiving and giving gifts! You can post your gift to tumblr (or DM it if you want) to your secret Valentine! Make sure you a.) @ the person you’ll be giving the gift to if you do post it and b.) @ me as well so I can see that you have posted your gift!
Application Template (use this to apply please!):
Username: Since this is purely through asks (unless you’re dming this to me, but even then...) and through the chance you can’t use your main blog, please put the blog name you want to be @’d through here
What you will do: Any medium you’re good with (fan fic, fan art, animatic, ect)
What you won’t do: Any medium you’re not good with
Discomfort Corner: Anything that makes you uncomfy enough that you would rather not draw or write it, be it a certain ship, character, or scenario.
Blacklist: The username (or usernames) of people you would rather not a.) receive from or b.) gift to. Keep in mind I don’t know how big this event will be, but in the event that I do get a huge reception from it, it’s better to have this kind of failsafe in mind JIC so everyone is comfortable with participating in the event.
Your gift request: Basically, what you want! Make sure you read the rules first, then specify exactly what you want.
Will you be able to do multiple gifts?: In the event that people drop out due to real life stress or otherwise, it’s best to have at least one or two who are willing to give extra gifts. Of course, I will be volunteering as well, but if you can give an extra gift or two, please let me know. This is not obligatory, I won’t think less of you if you say no!
Anything else?: Where you put what you think doesn’t fit within the criteria of the previous choices.
Refs: Whether it be a preferred design for a character or an OC, it would be best if you put them here! Not a lot of people share your personal design hcs, so please make sure you specify them here!
Make sure that you send an ask or DM the RQ to me! Follow the template exactly please!
Make sure your gift request is able to be easily followed! Here’s a couple of examples
Good Example: For my gift request, I would like anything with Henry! Be it something with him solo or just something related to Rosemin or Stickprice! I would prefer not to receive an animatic though, if that’s ok!
Bad Example: Draw my OC please! (doesn’t provide a clear ref but gives a ten mile long paragraph of what they look like)
This is a pretty obvious rule in hindsight, but please PLEASE do not request anything NSFW, gorey, anything to do with fetishes (feet, inflation, vore, ect). There are going to be minors participating in this event potentially, so we can’t have anything like that.
THIS SHOULD ALSO BE A GIVEN BUT PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR GIFT AS A WAY TO “ROMANCE” YOUR GIFTEE! I understand that with themes of love and romance it’s kind of standard, but this is more of a gimmick for fun’s sake, not some kind of matchmaker service. It especially gets bad if the person you’re trying to romance is a MINOR! You will be blocked and barred from participating in future events if you do end up doing this.
Canon ages for characters and such are VERY loose here, so make sure you use the Discomfort Corner section VERY LIBERALLY. If there’s a certain ship that makes you uncomfy b/c of HC ages, please make sure you state it there. Keep in mind that I am VERY AWARE of canon familial relationships and I will not hesitate to kick you out of the event if you insist on requesting something that borders on incest. I’m also allowing for angst requests, so please make sure you state if you’re not comfortable with that as well!
If you change your username at any point during this event PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I do not want someone DMing me during the gifting saying they can’t find you because you changed your username! Keep me up to date on any username changes so I can let your gifter know who to @!
If you’re DMing your giftee, please let me know so I can check you off. And if possible, the giftee needs to provide proof that they have received the gift as well!
PLEASE DO NOT HARASS YOUR GIFTER AFTER YOU RECEIVE YOUR GIFT! This is supposed to be in good fun and if you aren’t satisfied with your gift, then being a little shit isn’t going to win you any favors. You will be barred from future events if you decide to be a sore giftee about your gift.
And last but not least, I am giving at least four weeks to prepare your gift. If this isn’t enough time for you, you have to drop out of the event for any reason, and you have other obligations that might get in the way of this, please let me know ahead of time so I can contact people who can do multiple gifts to get started on making another gift.
If you do have your gift ready, but you don’t know if you’ll be able to post within the time period given, I will allow you to post it early so you don’t have to worry about not meeting the deadline
And above all else, have fun with this! This isn’t meant to be some kind of test, I just want it to be a fun little gift giving event!
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occasionallycoinpin · 17 days
i think this thing’s been here long enough to warrant a pinned post
occasionally coinpin in:
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featuring everyone’s favorite characters: Coiny, Pin, and that god-forsaken Coiny Speaker Box
q & a under the cut
what the hell is this?
exactly what it says on the tin. posting my crappy coinpin doodles, occasionally. usually at least once-per-day, but who the hell knows if i can keep that up.
who do i hold responsible for this crud?
that would be me, @tapwater118. while this blog is strictly dedicated to coinpin, i do non-coinpin related things over there if that suits your fancy.
what kind of coinpin is on the menu?
mostly “canon” (i.e. not adhering to any au), but there will also sometimes be stuff based on idfb fear garden, as well as my own aus (which you can maybe find more details about on my main blog).
additionally, while the humor may sometimes be raunchy and crude, the will be no NFSW content.
(idk where else to put this but non-occasionally coinpin posts with be tagged with ‘#not occasionally’ in case you don’t want to listen to me ramble about dumb crap)
“but, but, that’s not how it is in canon!!!”
my blog, my headcanons. if you don’t like it, go make your own [blank]ly coinpin blog so i can sue you for great financial benefit.
what can i, a humble coinpin fan, do to participate in this wonderful blog?
well for starters, reblogs are always appreciated. if everyone who reads this reblogs at least one coinpin post we will take over the website by the end of the fiscal year.
also, the ask box is open! submit occasionally coinpin ideas there, and if i use it, you get credit and bragging rights. what fun! (do note that just because you submit a suggestion does NOT mean i will use it. some of you have very dumb ideas) (also i tend to plan these out a bit in advance, so suggestions are somewhat saved for periods when the creative juices aren’t flowing)
regarding the asks, i will IGNORE any submissions that fall into any of the following categories:
- anything that does not involve coinpin. i feel like this is obvious but it is worth saying regardless
- “do something from the latest jnj video!!!” i will do that regardless of what any of you say, so zip it
- anything nfsw, as stated before there will be no nfsw here. go get your fix elsewhere
coinpin :)
coinpin :)
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starsxchains · 6 months
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To build a better world, you have to tear down the foundations of today.
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⫘⫘ ˙⋆✮⋆˙⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘
-Independent, low-activity, semi-selective Hydra!Steve Rogers roleplay account
-Inspired by the Marvel Movies + a metric fuck-ton of headcanons
-Continue Reading for the rest of it
[ Thread Tracker ]
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A Bit of Backstory…
[Applicable for all verses]
Known as HYDRA’s ‘Best Kept Secret’, Steve was an agent from the very beginning; from receiving the serum to joining SHIELD and leading the Avengers. Very, very few knew about Captain Rogers’ involvement, and those that did usually didn’t live long.
He ensures Bucky’s survival during the mock HYDRA takedown in the Alps and stays by his side during recovery until he crashes the Valkyrie, losing the tesseract and the Skull in the incident.
Once unfrozen, Steve is offered to lead a team, the Avengers, he agrees and HYDRA quickly comes knocking— Jumping at the chance to cement themselves inside the group.
Steve isn’t at all horrified at what they had done to Bucky, understanding that-
Sometimes, the greatest sacrifices lead to the greatest victories.
And he assumes the role of the Winter Soldier’s main handler as the Soldier behaves differently around him.
˗ˏˋ ★ Main - The world still thinks Steve is Captain America, heading the Avengers and running missions as a SHIELD operative. [He is just ‘off’ enough that those who were closest to him would know something is wrong, if having infiltrated another ‘verse’] **Post-Insight
˗ˏˋ ★ Multiverse - A HYDRA experiment gone wrong, Steve is sent to other multiverses [and assumes your character’s canon]. <- Mostly combined with the ‘main verse’.
˗ˏˋ ★ Avengers Assemble - (pre)2012 -> Civil War era, can technically be included in ✮Multiverse✮, Steve find and kills(?) the original Cap and assumes his position- Still acting as an Agent of HYDRA, but HYDRA does not win in this verse.
˗ˏˋ ★ Post-Endgame - HYDRA!Cap assumes the role of Steve once again after he disappears into the past, but still agrees to hand over the shield, since HYDRA would be long-gone by this point. He is just ‘off’ enough that those who were closest to him would know something is wrong.
˗ˏˋ ★ HYDRA Wins - This would be post-Insight, with the help of Captain Rogers and the Winter Soldier, HYDRA is successful in launching project Insight.
˗ˏˋ ★ On your left - Regular!Steve Rogers. Follows MCU canon.
[Backstory, Headcanon, Etc]
[ Tag List ]
Project Insight Turns Nightmare: Captain America- HYDRA’s Best Kept Secret?
You Should Know
-This is a side blog! - I am not responsible for any hurt feelings/muses -HYDRA Trash Party is a thing here-
-Always 21+, those found to be under that will be blocked! -I have a very erratic work / sleep schedule + a sleep disorder-- -Please be patient but don't be afraid to shoot me a message or bump a thread! -Non-Exclusive!
Non- Roleplay accounts: Feel free to lurk, reblog the crack, reblog the gifs and memes and shit I’ve reblogged— Please, for the love of god, stay out of my plots.
-Don't assume our characters are in a relationship / situationship / or some sort of family unless otherwise established or discussed --NSFW/Kink abounds -Doubles are fun! -Everyone (21+) is allowed to shoot a starter or submit and prompt / meme-- Let's just jump into it! -Anything on my blog that isn't tagged with a specific person or #closed is always available for a response -I am not against having multiple threads with the same person/character - OC’s are acceptable as long as they don’t claim to be related, or in a relationship, with my character ++Preferable if they relate to the MCU in some form - I'm trying to keep threads to two per muse, not including small threads /sideplots / texting / crack --- If your muse has multiple verses, I am including those as separate muses
- Sentence -> Multi-para. I (do my best to) match energy! You do not have to write multiple paragraphs. - Highly OC-Selective - Not currently taking any more OC’s for the moment being
- Smut / NSFW needs to be discussed before sending prompts / asks, unless we are solidly pre-established. - I only do post / whatever replies- Banter in the comments of posts I make (not reblog) are fine, but other plots need to be in a post!
About the Writer
-Wynn, She/Her, 25 -Time-Zone: EST -Over 10 years of roleplay experience, with 7 of those being Bucky -On mobile, no idea how to format! -Erratic work/sleep schedule + sleep disorder can make for weird times --Please don’t be afraid to bump any of my posts or shoot me a -message! -Very shy, feel free to reach out lol
Other blogs -> @cybernetic-asset , @skullsandsteel , @striketeam-sic , @fluffysquidcat , + @strike-a
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dc-polls · 10 months
DC Comics "They Would Not Fucking Say That!" Poll Tournament
Tournament & Submission Rules
Hello and welcome to our very first tournament! By popular demand, the theme of this competition is "They would not fucking say that!"
This means we are looking for dialog or an action from official DC source material that is painfully, woefully, egregiously out of character (ooc). Let's call this the "Incident". You will need to describe the incident, provide the in-universe context for it, and make a case for why this is ooc.
How and when can I submit?
Enter by filling out this Google form: Click Here
Submissions open as soon as this post goes live, which is Saturday August 12.
Submissions close Wednesday August 23, at 11:00pm EDT (same time zone as New York).
What kind of incident can I submit?
You may submit any single exchange of dialog or single action that occurred in official DC media by a DC character. It must be specific and concise, and not a general overarching way that a character or storyline is handled. You will have a whole "go off" type of section to explain, so save the context and arguments for that. The incident itself should be fairly specific!
Dialog doesn't have to be one single sentence, but do your best to keep it to only the ooc part and be as brief as possible.
Even though the theme of this tournament has "say" in it, we are allowing actions, decisions, etc. Again, keep it to only the ooc portion.
Can I submit more than one incident?
Yes! Just keep in mind to submit only the most heinous of ooc situations.
Note: Multiple entries for the same incident won't affect its standings. But I will do my best to combine the info so that each submitter's voice is heard.
Is this limited to print comics?
No, any DC property is allowed, but keep in mind that you should be clear when making your case if the incident was ooc for that particular incarnation of the character, or if it's relative to comics canon.
You will have to specify what medium or universe they are from. Examples include Arrowverse, DCAU, Webtoon, Post-Flashpoint comics, etc.
How is the bracket handled?
It is very likely we'll have a preliminary round to help with seeding. This would be an opportunity to let the community weigh in on adherence to the theme and interpretation of the incident.
If there is not a preliminary due to low number of entries, and if the submitted incidents seem about evenly weighted, we will go with random seeding.
The tournament will be single elimination. If we somehow get an exorbitant number of submissions, we may do a multi-armed bracket with round robin for the finalists. More detail will be provided here if this happens.
At the moment there is not a set schedule, and pacing will depend on number of entries. So your best bet on catching the next wave of polls is to follow this blog.
Polls will run for seven days each so that there's plenty of time to vote, share and discuss in the reblogs.
Voters should only consider how much of a character assassination the incident is. This means your love or hate for a writer, story or character should not be the deciding factor for your vote.
Can I send in propaganda for an incident once polls are live?
If you want to bolster the argument for an incident being ooc, put it in a reblog! This way it stays with the poll and everyone knows where to look for some extra info.
It is not recommended to send asks with propaganda, as these end up getting buried.
Is there a tag for this tournament?
Yes! All polls for this tournament will be tagged with #dc-polls-twnfst
What if I have more questions?
Chances are if you have a question, others may be wondering the same thing, so don't hesitate to send an ask! If something in this post needs clarification let me know and I will edit it.
With how tumblr works, if you'd like to ask something privately you will have to do so off of anon. Be sure to request a direct response so I don't post your ask.
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fatphobiabusters · 10 months
Our FAQ and Resource Google Doc | Our Ask and Submit Policy
Ask and Submit Policy Copy Pasted Under Read More If You Cannot Access the Links
Fatphobia Busters: Ask Policy
Last Updated in February of 2019.
Dear Current and Future Followers,
Thank you for taking the time to grace our blog with your presence. We appreciate you being here.
Below are all of the guidelines for sending asks to our blog. Please review these guidelines carefully before sending an ask.
We want to make sure everyone’s experience on our blog is as pleasurable as possible, and having people send asks that are upsetting, are repeats of previous questions, or are full of unnecessary/offensive language make people’s experiences on our blog less delightful.
We want to be as useful of a resource to people as possible, but we cannot do that under negative conditions. Both the way you say something and what you specifically say are important, and can make a huge difference in how we perceive your ask or how we answer it, so please be aware of that and follow these guidelines closely.
In short, we have guidelines for your benefit. So please do your best to follow them.
This page will be divided into two parts: a “general rules” part that focuses on the content of your messages, and a more specific formatting part that explains how your asks should be written. Please read both parts very carefully, as both are very important.
If any of the guidelines are unclear to you (for example, if you don’t understand what a specific rule is asking or aren’t sure what would qualify as breaking that rule), or if you need further elaboration on any of the guidelines, please let us know. We are more than happy to help you with this.
If you are interested in sending a submission instead of an ask, please look at our Submissions Policy page. Remember that a lot of what you see on this page applies there too, even if the other guidelines do not specifically say it! For that reason, it would be a good idea to read both guidelines before sending submissions.
Thank you for making an effort to learn our guidelines, for following them, and for being so thoughtful and understanding.
General Rules:
Rule One: If the ask you are planning on sending us is in response to a post, submission, or ask already on our blog, please just reblog the original post/ask or put a reply on that thread instead of sending us a new ask.
In other words, if you are adding something to a conversation already taking place on our blog somewhere, don’t send us an ask; instead, please reblog whatever post it is to which you are contributing, leave a comment on that post, or otherwise engage with that post.
Don’t send us an ask to say, “About that one post,” or “In reply to that last ask.” Just reblog the post/ask to which you are responding.
There’s a few reasons for this rule in particular, and why this rule is so important.
Imagine, for example, that you send us an ask about BMI after we replied to another ask about it, and then someone else sends us another ask about BMI, and then another person does, and another, and another, until we have a good 50 asks in the inbox about BMI. Can you see why we might not want to post that many? Can you see why that might be stressful for us as the people who have to answer that many asks? Or how it might be annoying for our followers to see 50+ posts on the same topic all at once?
Additionally, people not following the entire conversation might miss important key parts of the conversation, and might start leaving unnecessary comments (such comments repeating things already said) or asking questions that were already answered.
This might lead to drama and fights ensuing because people didn’t see the entire conversation, and therefore don’t entirely understand what is being said.
We don’t want a bunch of fights starting that could be avoided by people having all the information available to them before they comment on a post. It’s easier for us to keep the whole conversation, especially the best parts of the conversation, in one or two posts, rather than making 50 on the same topic that are all interrelated and responding to one another.
It also clutters our inbox to get a lot of asks all at once, which might make it harder for us to get to more time sensitive or urgent asks. The more asks we have in the inbox, the more overwhelming it becomes to answer asks, and the more likely it is we will miss something important (like someone asking how to deal with an emergency) or give a poorly thought out answer because we were too tired or were rushing. This would obviously be bad for everyone involved, so we want to avoid this situation if at all possible.
Moreover, if for some reason we are only able to reply to the first 30 asks in a single sitting, the last 20 might not make as much sense when we do finally have time to respond to them because we might not remember the conversation that occured before about BMI and we might already have new conversations started.
If those 20 asks say, “In regards to that last ask,” but the last ask we posted was not related to the BMI conversation, it might be confusing for us, and confusing for our followers. These 20 asks might seem really random and unprompted, despite having actually been relevant at one time.
We as mods can’t always be sure to what post you are referring when you say “In regards to that one post,” so we can’t necessarily reply to you accurately. We might not know from where your comment is coming or what sparked it. That makes it really hard for us to keep the conversation going.
Overall, it’s just a hassle and we don’t appreciate it. So please, don’t keep sending asks when it’s not necessary to do so.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Two: If you are sending us an ask to warn us that someone we reblogged from is a TWERF/TERF, SWERF, aphobe, racist, or otherwise problematic, please be specific about what their offense is.
Don’t just say “Ew, you reblogged (insert username here)” or say “Yikes, I didn’t know (insert username here) was still relevant.” We can’t do anything with that.
You need to be clear about the specific way someone is bigoted or problematic and say it in direct terms. State clearly to us that “(Insert username here) is a TERF/racist/aphobe/[insert other type of bigot here].” We can’t know that someone is, for example, racist, if all you send us is a message that simply says, “Yikes.”
Keep in mind we verify that what you are saying is true. If you send us a false accusation or a lie, we will find out about it. If your intel on this blogger is based on a misunderstanding, we will find out about it.
We are not going to delete posts based on false accusations, half baked rumors, or shaky evidence. We will not block people based on those things, and we will not stop interacting with people based on those things. We are always going to make sure you are telling us the truth before we do anything, because it’s not fair to that blogger to help you or other people spread lies about them.
We aren’t verifying your comment because we don’t trust you or believe you; we are doing it because we do not want to be responsible for wrecking innocent people’s reputations.
We have had false accusations in our inbox before, and we don’t want to have that happen again. As such, we will not be posting accusations against someone without first checking to see if they are true, regardless of how serious the accusation may be.
We will gladly delete posts by anyone who is a bigot regardless if we agree with what they said. That is not a problem for us. We do not support bigotry of any kind, and will not endorse or support people who are problematic or dangerous.
We just need to be sure that you’re not lying or confusing the person you are talking about with someone else, which has happened more than once. We hope you can understand.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Three: If your ask is really long and requires sending three or more asks, send it as a submission instead!
Do not send us more than two asks on the same topic at a time, because that crowds our inbox and makes answering your question too difficult! (See this post for more details.)
We have had people send as many as six or seven asks in a row about the same thing, and it’s extremely frustrating and makes it harder to respond, so please don’t do that!
We can forgive people who meant to send a two-part ask, but realized as they were typing part two that their ask actually requires three parts. That’s understandable.
However, if it’s obvious to you immediately that your ask is going to be really long, please make sure you send a submission instead. It is a lot easier to respond to that way and is easier for our followers to read.
Rule Four: Tell us if you want your ask to remain anonymous, and we shall post it as such. If you forgot to press the “anonymous” button or didn’t log out before sending us something and want us to know that you don’t want it posted with your name attached, just let us know as soon as you possibly can.
Also, please make sure you let us know if you want your ask answered privately. We don’t have to post anything that you don’t want posted!
Rule Five: If your ask is an emergency, time sensitive, or otherwise needs to be answered right away, please tell us that in your ask!
State it very clearly for us so that we don’t miss it; we have had time sensitive asks before that we didn’t get to until it was too late because at first glance, they didn’t seem nearly as serious or time sensitive as they were.
Remember we have busy lives and are often unable to answer asks right away, and sometimes let things go unanswered for months; if your ask absolutely needs to be answered, you have to let us know that right away!
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Six: Do not get mad at us if we don’t answer you right away. It just means we have other things going on in our lives and can’t devote time to sitting at a computer and answering every question people have.
Remember, too, that several of the mods regularly utilize the queue. If it seems like our blog is really active on a given day, and yet no one seems to be answering you, that could mean that we aren’t actually on Tumblr and all of the posts you’re seeing were queued a while ago.
Usually, queued posts will be tagged as such, but XKit doesn’t always do this, and tagging on mobile is more difficult than tagging on the computer, so mobile posts often aren’t tagged. That means you won’t always know just by looking at it if the post was posted just now or if it was queued ages ago.
(Side note: we completely apologize for any untagged posts, or posts that are not tagged well. Please let us know if this is a problem or if we forgot to tag a trigger on a post that you really need us to tag.)
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Seven: We get many, many asks, and sometimes, we can’t keep up with them. There are a lot of reasons why this might be, and we don’t have time to go through every reason. However, we can say that we do have a solution to this problem, one about which you need to be aware.
If the inbox reaches a certain number of asks (usually 100 or more) and we’re having trouble keeping up, we’ll turn the inbox off completely. That means you will not be able to send us asks for a period of time.
Please be patient with us; we will open the inbox for you again soon. We want to get to your asks as timely as possible. but we want to make sure we answer them well. We can’t do that if we are rushing, or are overwhelmed with stress from the number of asks we have received.
(Side note: We might turn off anonymous asks, but not all asks, if we are getting to much hate mail at a particular time. If we get too many asks of a hostile nature, especially if they are anonymous, we will turn anonymous asks off until it seems safe to turn them on again. Do not make us do that; people need anonymous asks in order to talk to us and feel safe and secure while doing so. Don’t take that safety and peace of mind away from others. You shouldn’t want to be responsible for that. )
As much as we appreciate that you like what we do, we’re human. We have our feelings and our own lives. And we want to make sure we give everyone equal time and respected answers while at the same time keeping our well being in check. We want to take care of ourselves too.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Eight: Please don’t ask us anything about topics about which we aren’t experts or have no right or authority answering (topic examples: animals, physics, medical diagnoses).
We can really only answer questions about fatphobia and other forms of oppression as they apply to humans, how fatphobia is present in everyday life, etc., as well as our opinions on political or social events. Most other topics are not ones where we can give an informed opinion.
We are not doctors or veterinarians. We cannot give accurate diagnoses of you or your pets, nor can we give you information on other unrelated topics about which we don’t know.
So if you are going to ask us a question, please make sure it is something that we could actually answer. If any part of you is unsure whether we will be able to answer your question, it might be better to ask someone else.
If we can’t answer your question, we will try to direct you to someone who can, but it might be better just to not ask us something if you’re unsure we will be capable of answering accurately.
Please remember: We’re not therapists, we’re not lawyers, and we’re certainly not doctors. We’re just a group of people that like to help. We can’t know everything, and we don’t claim to know everything. So please try not to assume that we do, or expect that we can answer every single thing you might think to ask. And please remember that, since we don’t know you personally, know your medical history, etc., there is a lot that you know about yourself that we never could.
We are not here to give medical advice, professional mental help, or anything like that. Please do not come to us as if we are able to do that.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Nine: On that note, please don’t come to us demanding we “stop giving medical advice.”
The only “medical advice” we give is that people advocate for themselves, take care of their mental health, make choices that are right for them, educate themselves on the risks of commonly suggested procedures for fat people, recognize that doctors often suggest weight loss to fat patients when weight loss is not necessary, and be aware that medical fatphobia exists.
That’s it.
If you do not think people should be allowed to stand up to doctors who make them feel like they do not have their best interest in heart, if you think that doctors are flawless and never let their bigotry influence their work, if you think that fat people not trying to starve themselves or engage in risky or dangerous behaviors to lose weight is a bad thing, etc., you are on the wrong blog. Period.
We are not the problem; you are.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Ten: Please also remember not to ask us anything unrelated to fatphobia, sizeism, healthism, and the like! We don’t mind occasionally straying from that topic, but overall we are a fatphobia blog, and we want fatphobia to be our focus!
If you want to ask us an unrelated question, either ask us for our personal blogs so we can talk somewhere else, or try to find a different blog to answer your question. Social justice and feminist blogs, for example, are all over Tumblr; you don’t need to go to us for general questions about feminism, political parties, or the like.
This blog is for combatting fatphobia, for disproving fatphobic narratives, for calling attention to institutional fatphobia, for calling out diet culture and beauty culture, and for demolishing systems of oppression related to body size. That is our focus. And that is what we are going to be discussing here.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Eleven: Please remember that if we perceive your ask to be a personal attack, hate mail, or in any way cruel, violent, fatphobic, hateful, or rude, we may respond with anger or simply block you. Please be polite when you ask questions and please forgive us if we misinterpret your tone.
Is it possible we might mistake something you say as hate when it isn’t intended that way? Sure it is. We are only human, and we can only go by our own perceptions because we can’t hear your tone online and we don’t know your intentions if you don’t tell us. We will always be as kind and generous as we can be with people who are kind to us, but we are not perfect and sometimes we make mistakes. We apologize in advance.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Twelve: Regardless if we reply in a manner you find perfectly polite or not, we ask that you be understanding of our perspective and our emotions. Do not police our tone and the way we communicate with others. We have every right to be rude to people who were rude to us first.
We are kind, patient, calm, rational people, but being those things doesn’t mean we don’t get upset when others hurt or dehumanize us. And we are allowed to get upset. We are allowed to be mad. We are allowed to be uncomfortable when people treat us poorly. Even if that wasn’t their intention, even if they were “polite” about it, even if they were not overly hateful and cruel.
Being angry doesn’t make us immature, doesn’t make us pathetic, doesn’t make us childish, and doesn’t make us wrong. So please do not come to us to try to tell us we are wrong to be angry or that our anger reflects poorly on us.
If our anger towards fatphobia and health-based bigotry offends you more than fatphobia and health-based bigotry, we are not the problem. You are.
We will not tolerate being labeled unfairly or being tone policed simply for being mad that someone attacked us in our own inbox. Asks accusing us of being mean to people who sent hate mail will result in a block.
We do not owe people emotional labor, especially when they mistreat us. Be kind to us and we will be kind to you. We do not owe bullies that kindness.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Rule Thirteen: We do not tolerate sealioning, trolling, bigotry, bullying, or other bullshit. Do not expect us to “debate” you or to entertain you. It is not our job to waste our time and emotional labor on people who hate fat people, harass fat people, etc.
We don’t have endless amounts of time to spend on this Earth, and we aren’t going to spend that time on people who come to us in bad faith or who greet us with aggression, hostility, anger, or fake concern.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Finally: Please don’t feel the need to start your asks with an apology! So many of you tell us you feel bad for wasting our time or for bothering us before you send a message. We don’t need you to feel sorry for sending us a message, for taking up our time, etc.
We are more than happy to help you and to answer your questions, and it is a pleasure to do so! We love you all, and you mean so much to us! So don’t feel bad about contacting us, don’t feel guilty, and don’t worry about it!
We are happy to have you on our blog and we want to communicate with and be there for you. So there is no need to be sorry. 💖
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
All of these rules are based on our real experiences with real people. These rules aren’t random or made for no reason. So please respect each and every one. It’s very important to us as it makes our blog much more wonderful for everyone.
Also, please remember: you are allowed to address your asks to a specific moderator if you so choose. Feel free to take advantage of that.
How To Write And Format Asks:
Now that you know the general rules of our ask box, it’s time to discuss how to actually format your ask. To make the lives of everyone involved easier, please try the following procedure before you send an ask.
First: Check to see if there is an answer to your question already posted to our blog. To do this, use the search bar at the top of our blog and type in any phrase, word, or tag relevant to your question.
You can see all of our previously posted asks by searching the “ask” tag (for all asks, even ones we reblogged from others) and “asked and answered” tag (for all asks we specifically answered), go to our “resource” or “reference” tags for scientific or otherwise important information, see all of our links by searching the “link” tag, or you can search a specific keyword related to your question.
For example, if you wanted to know our opinion about the show This is Us, you could type in “This is Us” in the search bar. The results should bring up every post tagged with “This is Us,” as well as posts that mention that phrase. From there, you should be able to figure out how we feel about the show without much hassle.
The search bar method works both on mobile and on the computer, so it shouldn’t be particularly difficult. You should be able to look through our tags at any time, without much trouble.
(Note: we are discussing adding a “Frequent Tags” page that would include any common tags or important tags so that you can more easily find what you are looking for, but this has not been finalized. At any rate, pages are only available on the computer version of Tumblr, so the search bar method is probably easier.)
Second: Check to see if the information you want could be found on one of the pages on our blog. We have both a Frequently Asked Questions page and a Resource page that contains a list of useful links and references.
You can find pages on our blog on the computer, but you will not be able to access these from mobile. So please keep that in mind.
(Note: If these pages are for some reason unavailable, it means we are currently updating them and they will be available again when we are done! So if you cannot find these pages, do not be discouraged; they will become available again eventually. Please check the pages for regular updates, too, because we make changes to our pages whenever necessary.)
Third: Do not use any racist, transphobic, antisemitic, misogynistic, ableist*, or otherwise offensive/oppressive language in your ask. We are very serious about this, and we will remind you every time you violate this rule.
*If you don’t know what words are ableist or not or need alternatives to ableist language, please go here. This is especially important because many of the mods and followers are mentally ill and/or disabled in some way, so we appreciate people who don’t use language that hurts us.
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
Fourth: Make sure your question is as specific and accurate as possible. We can’t answer questions we do not understand.
If your question is not specific, clearly written, and well worded, it makes doing our job a lot harder. Please proofread your ask before you send it and try to keep it clear and concise. Thank you!
Note: this rule also applies to submissions.
For now, that’s all you need to know about sending asks! Let us know if you have any questions, or if anything was confusing for you. We are always happy to help you.
Please make sure you check out our Submissions Policy, Blog Rules, Do Not Interact List, and other important pages before attempting to interact with our blog.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope you have a lovely day!
The Fatphobia Busters Team
Last Updated in February, 2019.
Dear Current and Future Followers,
Thank you for taking the time to grace our blog with your presence. We appreciate you being here.
Below are all of the guidelines for sending submissions to our blog. Please review these guidelines carefully before sending us a submission.
We want to make sure everyone’s experience on our blog is as pleasurable as possible, and having people send submissions that are upsetting, are repeats of previous questions, or are full of unnecessary/offensive language make people’s experiences on our blog less delightful.
We want to be as useful of a resource to people as possible, but we cannot do that under negative conditions. Both the way you say something and what you specifically say are important, and can make a huge difference in how we perceive your ask or how we answer it, so please be aware of that and follow these guidelines closely.
In short, we have guidelines for your benefit. So please do your best to follow them.
Most of our guidelines for submissions are exactly the same as the guidelines for our asks, so please review our Ask Policy before you send us a submission as well! This page will only focus on the guidelines that are unique to submissions, but the guidelines in both pages apply at all times. Please keep that in mind when you write your submission.
If any of the guidelines are unclear to you (for example, if you don’t understand what a specific rule is asking or aren’t sure what would qualify as breaking that rule), or if you need further elaboration on any of the guidelines, please let us know. We are more than happy to help you with this.
Thank you for making an effort to learn our guidelines, for following them, and for being so thoughtful and understanding.
Submission Guidelines:
One: If the submission you are sending is in response to a post or ask already on our blog, please do not send us a submission. Reblog the post/ask or comment on the thread instead.
You can see our Ask Policy for more details about this rule, and for an explanation of why this rule is in place.
Two: For text submissions, please keep your submission as organized and as well written as possible so we can understand it. Make sure you use paragraphs, proofread, and explain things in detail, especially if your submission is long.
We cannot respond to you if we do not understand you, so making sure we can easily read what you wrote needs to be your priority. We need to know why you are sending this submission and what your submission is trying to say. Otherwise, we won’t know how to react to it.
Three: Please do not send anything even vaguely close to NSFW if you are under 18, even if you will be 18 soon.
We are so serious about this; this is not okay with us. No exceptions.
Note: This also applies to asks.
Four: Please remember before you submit something that this is not a porn blog and that minors follow us. If you are an adult, do not submit fully nude or sexual photos of any kind, or images with sexual captions.
This blog is not meant for your sexual gratification, and it is not meant for making sexual content or finding sexual partners. Please do not attempt to use the blog that way.
This is especially important given the new Tumblr guidelines. We do not want our blog to get in trouble because of you, and we do not want to put any of our followers in danger. Please consider this before you submit something.
Five: Include your age and gender pronouns in your selfie submissions so that we can compliment you properly. This only applies to pictures of yourself; we don’t need this for other things unless you feel it is relevant or important for us to know it.
Six: Please be respectful of other people’s selfie submissions. No bullying or body shaming, no sexual harassment, no misgendering, etc.
We will block you for this. Do not do it.
Note: This applies to replies, reblogs, and asks. Please don’t send asks mocking other people’s selfie submissions, or reblog them to add mean comments in any way! Make sure you don’t tag your reblogs with anything offensive or inappropriate, either!
Seven: If you are submitting screenshots of something you want us to address, such as a post you want us to debunk, please make sure you don’t leave out any context, and try to provide us with names and sources.
Do not submit someone else’s words or images as if they were your own, do not submit art or written work without credit, etc. We will not tolerate plagiarism of any kind.
On that note, do not take screenshots of posts if you know the person who wrote it would not be okay with that. Please do not violate anyone’s boundaries here.
Also, please try to include image descriptions if you can (we understand if, for longer screenshots or a collection of many screenshots, you find that difficult), and please explain to us why you are submitting this screenshot so that we know how to respond to it. This also goes for any links you submit to us as well. Be specific, please!
Eight: If you are submitting something to let us know someone has been mocking or speaking badly about the blog or its moderators, don’t. We don’t want to hear it. We get enough drama without you bringing more to us; if people do not like us, that is their problem. Please do not make it ours.
Nine: If we are not comfortable with a submission you have sent us, do not want to deal with that submission, do not understand your submission, or do not know how to respond to your submission, it is possible we will either ignore it for a while or delete it. Please remember this as you are writing your submission.
What we are comfortable answering may change on a given day. Some days, we are more willing to argue and to debate than others. Some days, we find it easier to understand the things in our inbox and find it easier to respond to them than others. There are times when we aren’t going to be sure how to deal with things, or where we just don’t feel up to it, and we need you to understand that.
We have gotten submissions before where we honestly had no idea what was being said. We didn’t know if it was pro fat or anti fat. We didn’t know if it was asking a question or making a statement. Etc. And sometimes, those kinds of submissions are easier to deal with than others.
Basically, what I’m asking is that you be considerate when you send submissions. Consider whether or not your submission is necessary. Consider whether or not it might cause us distress or discomfort. Consider whether or not we can understand it.
And be considerate when waiting for us to post it. If we don’t post it, be understanding about that and accept it.
Note: This also applies to asks. Please remember this when sending us asks instead of submissions.
For now, that’s all you need to know about sending submissions. Let us know if you have any questions, or if anything was confusing for you. We are always happy to help you.
Please make sure you check out our Ask Policy, Blog Rules, Do Not Interact List, and other important pages before attempting to interact with our blog.
Remember: the rest of the rules for our submissions are the same as what is in our Ask Policy. You have to read that page too before sending us a submission. Just because we didn’t repeat ourselves a bunch by copying the rules from there that apply here too does not mean that you get a pass on breaking the rules.
It should be pretty obvious which rules apply to both asks and submissions, but feel free to ask us if you are not sure.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope you have a lovely day!
The Fatphobia Busters Team
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dcmk-exchange · 6 months
Event Information:
How will the event work?
Fill out the registration form and follow this blog.
Turn on asks and allow anonymous asks on the blog you registered with.
I will match everyone up.
I will send a message to each blog with the information of their gift-receiver.
Each person must message their gift-receiver anonymously.
Each person posts their gifts during the deadline.
Minimum requirements for gift types:
Sketches and doodles are the minimum amount of required work. It should be clear enough to understand what is going on in the picture. If you would like to add color or make a short comic, that's fine as well. The complexity is up to you.
Drabbles (around 100 words minimum) or flash-fics (around 500 words minimum) are permitted. Feel free to write as much as you want as long as the word count isn't below either of these and the idea is somewhat fulfilled in the word count.
Manga Colorings:
1 or more panels minimum. It depends on the complexity of the panel and/or coloring style. If the panel/coloring style is complex, 1 or 2 panels will be enough. Otherwise, I'd recommend a few more panels or 1 page.
Two icons OR two headers minimum. In case of choosing to make both, one of each (1 icon + 1 header) is enough.
4 gifs minimum for one gifset.
Video edits:
30 seconds minimum for one video edit.
Photo edits:
4 photos minimum for 1 photo set
*please ensure that your gift(s) adhere to the minimum requirements. Again, if you want to add more, feel free to do so.
Messaging your gift-receiver:
After receiving a message from this blog that has your gift-receiver's information, you will need to message them.
You will have to send them an anonymous ask within one week of receiving their information. There will be a separate post for this once the time comes.
You will also need to send them an anonymous ask at least once a week until the deadline.
Remember to always send the asks anonymously, and be sure to sign the asks with something like dcmk secret-santa so your gift-receiver knows it's you. Don't forget to answer your secret-santa's messages either!
You can write anything on the messages as long as it's polite! You can greet your gift-receiver in your first message and get to know them to get inspiration for your gift. Or, you can just talk about your interests and get to know each other!
(1) If you are unable to send asks or ask anonymously, send this blog a message so that I will inform your gift-receive (2) Any rude behavior will not be tolerated during this event. If I find that anyone has behaved rudely, I may have to remove them from this event.
Mini-gifts and how to post them:
Mini-gifts are 100% optional! They can be anything from WIPs, small hints about the gift, or even unrelated stuff, as long as you're not spoiling the actual gift!
You can post a mini-gift through either through your gift-receiver's or this blog's submission box (if your gift-receiver doesn't have submissions on). Make sure to mention (@) your gift-receiver if you choose to submit your mini-gift through this blog.
Make sure you are submitting your mini-gift anonymously!
The deadline will be from January 29th to February 4th.
Everyone will have one week to post their gifts and inform their gift-receivers. If you still need more time to work on your gift, then please be sure to inform your gift-reciever and me (by messaging this blog) so that I don't accidentally remove you from the event!
How to post the gift:
You will post your gift, during the deadline week, on your own blog.
Make a post.
Attach your gift.
Mention/tag your gift-receiver in the post.
Tag (#dcmk-exchange) and mention (@dcmk-exchange) so that I will reblog your post to this blog.
(Please message this blog if you will not be able to finish your gift on time!)
Pinch-hitters are people who will take the place of whoever needs to leave the event. If someone is unable to finish their gift at all for any reason, a pinch-hitter will take their place.
If a pinch-hitter is required, I will message them in advance and give them extra time to finish the gift. The gift-reciever will also be notified of this change.
Message this blog if:
You've filled in the registration form but you won't be able to participate anymore.
Don't receive any messages from your secret-santa.
Your gift-receiver hasn't answered any of your asks.
Your gift-receiver hasn't opened their ask box OR allowed anonymous asks.
Your gift-receiver or secret-santa has behaved rudely towards you.
You need more time to finish your gift. (Be sure to also inform your gift-receiver of this)
Feel free to send an ask if you have any other questions about this event!
*disclaimer: most of these rules have been adapted from the previous secret-santa (@dcmksecretsanta) event.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Big Announcement Regarding Requests
Hey guys. As I’ve been working more and more on fulfilling regular requests (this is in no way related to the 1k follower celebration drabbles, and I’ll address that further down) I’ve come to the difficult decision that I won’t be opening my requests again after I finish the ones that have piled up in my inbox.
Explanation below the cut if you care as to why:
For starters, let me say this: this doesn’t mean that my inbox will be closed. I’m still around if you wanna scream at me about a thot you had or say something about a fic I wrote or whatever! - I just won’t be taking requests for regular fics.
When I first started this blog I was trying really hard to get more involved with the community and I was THRILLED to have my inbox open to any and all requests that came my way. I had less projects I was working on and a LOT more time to work on fics.
As I gained popularity (which like thank you so much to everyone who is following me you have no idea how much all this means to me) I got so many requests that I had to shut down my requests temporarily. When I shut them down temporarily, my intention was to open them back up again at some point, and I thought it would only take me a month or so to do that.
It’s been almost 3 months that some have been waiting.
I know a lot of you (and oh my god do I appreciate you) are willing to wait ages for me to get my act together, but the amount of stress it gives me is making it less fun. I know it shouldn’t, but it does. I am going to reiterate here - I’M GOING TO FINISH ALL THE REQUESTS I CURRENTLY HAVE IN MY INBOX - (excluding Anonymous requests. I will be removing those just to cut down on the long list I have. I'm sorry, I just need to. This does not include ones I asked for like the 1k drabble requests and the nonnie who requested Nathan Bateman after I specifically asked for NB requests.)
This benefits both of us in the long run
It’s obviously going to help me feel less stressed which is good. But when I’m tied up with requests, you’re missing out on the original ideas I’ve got stashed away for when I have more time to work on them. Less requests means more time to work on those ideas.
I’m a fast writer, we all know this, but I still haven’t figured out how to write two fics at once lol. There are so many ideas that I’ve had to put on the back burner to get through requests and I don’t want us to have to wait even longer.
This doesn’t mean “requests” are done permanently.
One of my favorite things to is set up events where I write drabbles for the community. I’m going to still have events here and there for different milestones (follower celebrations), life events (birthdays, etc), holidays and more!
When those are happening, just check the rules and submit one if you want!
This was tough because I really do enjoy serving the community, but I have to worry about myself too. This is something I do for free and it’s supposed to be fun. If I’m not having fun, and my hobby is causing me stress, then I know I’ll start to suffer from burnout and none of us want that.
Who knows, I might change my mind and re-open them at some point, but as of right now that is not my intention.
Thank you all for understanding ❤️
P.S. If you're a writer with open requests, please feel free to mention it in the comments so readers looking for open request writers can find you!
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fuckyeahficrec · 1 year
Merthur (Merlin / Arthur Pendragon)
Tumblr media
I will add more in a near future
Please, give me suggestions for this blog and submit your own recommendations
These are listed by size - wordcount
which, as they kiss, consume - by schweet_heart - Rating: Mature - Words: 1000
Summary: “I only did it to save you,” Merlin said, feeling tired. “I’ve only ever used it for you, Arthur, I promise.”
“Well, I never asked you to,” Arthur said, and it was only because Merlin knew him so well that he heard the undercurrent of something else below the anger, saw the way his fists clenched with something like fear. “I never asked for any of this!”
Two Steps Away From Everything Falling Apart - by tehfanglyfish - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 1838
Summary:  After years of imagining how this scene might play out, Merlin had never once considered that he might be the angry inquisitor, Arthur the one fighting back guilty tears. But everyone had their breaking point and Merlin was well past his.
The Fear in the Truth - by psychotic_fangirl369 - Rating: General - Words: 2345
Summary:  “Be still, young knights. I am the goddess of this realm and in order to cross my bridge, you have to fulfil a simple task. Do so, and you may cross unharmed. Fail, and you will die. If you do not wish to continue, you may leave now unharmed. But you will not find another way to cross my river and so your quest will fail.” “What is the task, goddess?” Arthur asked, lowering his sword and sheathing it. The knights followed suit. The goddess smiled coldly. “Simple. To cross the bridge, each of you must take your turn stating your greatest fear."
An Infuriating Man - by silkmoth - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 2408
Summary:  Merlin broke into a run, arrived at the field and saw Arthur pummeling Gerard across it. The other knights were standing huddled together at one side, looking like frightened mice.
fight through the dark - by bellamyblakru - Rating: General - Words: 2770
Summary:  “You’re hurt. Please, just let me heal it.” + Hurt/Comfort
Please Tell Me You Don’t Do That With Lancelot (Not Jealous) - by Hisa_Ai - Rating: General - Words: 2997
Summary: Did Arthur mention that he was not jealous? Not at all?
"You're jealous of all the time I've been spending with Lancelot—though I can't imagine why, since most of my day and life is spent with you or doing things for you or thinking about you—honestly, there isn't much of my life that isn't already all about you, so why the hell you would ever need to be jealous is—"
"Look, I'm not jealous of all the time you've been spending with Lancelot, all right?" Arthur interrupted.
"Yes, you—"
"No, I'm not." Arthur said stubbornly.
Misrule - by thehoyden - Rating: Explicit - Words: 4293
Summary:  "Well," Morgana said, looking pleased, "Maybe Arthur won't actually throw the tourney this year."
Burning With Fear - by LadyoftheWoods - Rating: General - Words: 4877
Summary:  Merlin is acting strange. No one knows why, until a hunting trip.
change me, at all costs (starlight, starcrossed) - by WingedWolf121 - Rating: - Words: 7189
Summary:  Arthur proposes to Merlin, and Merlin tells Arthur about his magic. Arthur doesn't react well, and Merlin is gone from Camelot the following day. (Basically, what if 4x09 but instead of Lancelot the big "betrayal" is a magic reveal?)
Finding Home - by riventhorn - Rating: Explicit - Words: 7857
Summary:  When Gaius retires a new physician takes over and quickly kicks Merlin out of his room and takes it for himself. Arthur finds Merlin sleeping in the stables...and it's winter.
Loyalty in Seven Scenes - by i_claudia - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 8016
Summary:  Arthur is not often furious. Frustrated, yes; irritated, most certainly; even angry when the occasion arises; but he rarely indulges in the full glory of rage, the hot rush of fury beneath his skin.
The Three Stages of Attraction to Merlin - by SassyWarlock - Rating: Explicit - Words: 8837
Summary: After the barmaid in that tavern called Merlin 'handsome' Arthur can't stop thinking about it and begins to pay attention to his manservant as he hasn't before, trying to figure out what it was the woman had seen in the other man. This is the result.
The three stages of Arthur realizing he's attracted to Merlin.
Fools of Us All - by adelagia - Rating: Explicit - Words: 11141
Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
At Our Best When It's From the Hips - by derryere - Rating: Explicit - Words: 12781
Summary: Merlin goes to a brothel to get rid of that virginity thing and runs into Arthur. From there on, it's all madness.
Better with You - by Leandra - Rating: Explicit - Words: 15345
Summary: Arthur is having a terrible day full of bad news, misfortune and a mouthy and irritating manservant. Strangely enough, it’s a rather surprising altercation with said irritating manservant that turns the day around and soon, Arthur is convinced that having Merlin in his bed is the remedy to cure all his horrible days…
Long Live the King - by arcturus7 - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 19325
Summary: Arthur, who doesn't know about Merlin's magic, hosts a tournament for his Court Sorcerer. Merlin is not jealous. No, why would he be? That's stupid. So what if the new Court Sorcerer seems to be kinda powerful? Also, power-hungry people suck. Like a lot.
-or- Arthur knows but doesn't know. Merlin hates the new guy (with good reason). Arthur ignores Merlin. They're idiots.
Guided by a Beating Heart - by LiGi - Rating: Explicit - Words: 20000
Summary: Finally, after one and a half thousand years of waiting for him, Merlin is happily together with Arthur. But what happens when Guinevere rises from the Lake of Avalon? Will the king go back to his queen? Or stay with his warlock?
Parchments - by BlueGrassSax - Rating: Explicit - Words: 32816
Summary: Merlin decides to partake in a new anonymous letter service that has been doing the rounds in Camelot. He's not sure what makes him think this is a good idea, but his penpal seems funny and kind, if not a bit pessimistic. Maybe this is exactly what he needs to help him get over Arthur.
AUs (Alternative Universes)
Please Don't Let Me Go (I Desperately Need You) - by GeekLover - Rating: General - Words: 6157
AU - Modern Setting
Summary: "Why can't I stop? Why can't I just stop loving him?" Arthur's world is rocked when he overhears Merlin's confession of love. In his heart, Arthur knows what he needs to do. He's just not sure if he's brave enough to do it.
Best Man - by lamardeuse - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 9826
AU - Modern Setting
Summary: Arthur needs a date for Gwen's wedding. The rest is history.
Lord Drake's Bequest - by Pennyplainknits - Rating: Mature - Words: 9966
AU - Modern Setting
Summary: "To my great-nephew Arthur I bequeath Tintagel Distribution, wholly and without reserve, save for one condition. You must marry, and stay married, for a period of no less than six months. You're a wonderful businessman Arthur, but a full life needs love and companionship, not just a string of affairs. Settle down young Arthur, and your life will be the richer for it."
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