#if she says me im throwing hands verbally
castielfucks · 24 days
dude actually i think I really don't like my mom
#her dad was disrespectful toward me and keeps trying to contact me through her and my cousin#even though i asked him to stop#my mom sends me a message saying “i know you told me not to pass on his messages but” and proceeds to pass on this nasty old dudes message#i tell her its disrespectful to my boundaries and im not interested in any contact or convo with this dude#and she sends me a vouce message CRYING ????? saying she hates being the middle man???#girl.... you are supposed to be the middle man for your child ? youre a parent ? thats not being a middle man thats parenting???#youre SUPPOSED to protect and defend your child from people they dont want to talk to#and your child getting frustrated when you fail to do so is not “throwing rocks” as she put it oh my GOD#get those fuckin tears out of bere man like i havent been the middle man the peacemaker for our family#since i was able to walk and talk#bitch PLEASE just be a parent!!! be normal about being a parent !!!!!!#how are you 50yo in a different state than your 80yo father and youre still scared of him ????#how do you let your father say some transphobic shit to your child and u shrug with “oh thats just how he is sorry”#youre grown as hell how does someone disown a 50 YEAR OLD ADULT CHILD LMAOOOO#please talk to your theraoist about it and not your youngest child !!! for once !!!!!!!! FOR ONCE !!!!!!!!#*****editing to add i just sent her a vm asking her to clarify what and who she meant by beung a middle man#if she says me im throwing hands verbally
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drabbles-n-doodles · 1 month
No high can truly compare to the feeling I get from calling out toxic family members on Facebook with such efficiency that they literally cannot respond without making themselves look like the assholes they really are
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itsbecomeblue · 5 months
band!ellie 2 headcanons and smau
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sinopse: ellie williams is the lead singer in a band (+some texts with her).
cw: nsfw after the texts with warning! swearing, explicit, reader works in a record store and ellie's a simp, not explicit if reader is fem or masc.
part 1
☆ at first dina and jesse could NOT bring themselves to believe ellie found her girl, but then they met you.
“this shit's cringe as fuck but the way y'all act around eachother…” jesse starts and dina immediately agrees.
“yeah, she's perfect for you, el.”
“i knowwwww, i need her.” jumping like a teenage girl fr…
☆ sometimes she thinks her bandmates like you way too much.
“invite y/n to the next rehearsal too for real.” jesse says after you leave a rehearsal you went to.
“okay man i get it, she's amazing.” with an annoyed expression.
“so… invite her.” dina chuckles.
“no, i don't want any of you jumping on my girl.” but she does invite you anyway.
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☆ she's so stupid tbh, she's gonna sign girls’ tits after concerts and act all oblivious when you swerve her kisses.
☆ and swerving her is so fun istg, she's gonna try like 4 times before she's upset. UPSET! (she will go non verbal).
☆ the type to perform and glance at you like you're about to have sex right that instant (u will, after the concert tho!).
☆ she is a singer herself but turns on the tv and pretends to be the weeknd for you.
☆ she wishes she could rap… actually, no. she thinks she can.
"that was... something." you smirk and she scoffs, throwing herself on the couch she was standing on, mic in hand.
"i'm literally in my rapper era but whatever, you'll see." and you're full on laughing. "don't laugh." and you come hug her and say she's so so special.
☆ you can't open x (twitter) without seeing girls mourning your girlfriend… she's alive not single tho!
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☆ always late for everything, but she tries her best istg. you and the band are TIREDDD.
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☆ nervous about pda… but she likes it, showing everyone you're hers and she's yours.
☆ made a slideshow about how you should move into her apartment… that was kinda like:
we're literally soulmates so we gotta be roommates too???
countless sleepovers omg i'm crying!
i'll never be late again (kinda😬)
we can get a pet tg 😯
i'll get to listen to u sing in the shower more and you know i like hearing you and singing with you while im in the toilet or even outside the bathroom
passionate lesbian sex before sleeping, after eating, doing the dishes, the laundry ALL THE TIME
i love you the most and i want you close all the time
you love me back (i hope) so you gotta want me close too
i want you as my wife asap
think about it, thanks and please my love ❤️”
you moved in… weak mf but can anyone blame you??
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☆ loves cooking with you for friends and family when they come over. just loves being with you in general but even house chores are better with you??
☆ comes disturb see you at your job, your bosses hate her and said they were gonna stop selling their album 😒 (they actually love her).
☆ switches from your serious cool rockstar girlfriend to your silly baby girlfriend in a second.
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☆ when fans edit you, reposts them and comments under them more than on her own (she has a folder of them on tiktok)
“that's my baby so stop gawking.(jk)” “whats her @” “id repost but my gf would be jealous, shes hot asf 🤤🤤” “THAT'S MY GIRL” “creamed💔”
someone said “ellie cant handle allat” and she replied fr “true, she the one handling me 💯💢” SHE HAS NO CHILL
☆ she pays the same attention to potential hate you'd get, she will block them… don't talk about her girl.
nsfw (cw: cunnilingus [e and r!receiving], fingering [e and r!receiving]. switch!ellie!!!!).
☆ you were supposed to be in the shower but ellie saw you stripping out of your clothes and she has to ask to kiss your clit, dropping to her knees. her fingers bruising your thighs and shes eating you out as if she'd been starving. you cum but she's not satisfied yet, she pulls you down on the bedroom carpet with her "give me another one, please." hands roaming your skin ever so softly, sending shivers down your body. she asks what you want, the position, how many fingers, she just needs to please you. and now she's on top of you, pounding you with her fingers and pressing down your lower stomach because she just wants you to cum again.
☆ she's gonna be in bed with you, almost asleep asking you for kisses, then for some touches... and you end up between her legs, sloppy nasty head and some slow fingering. your lips around her clit and kissing her pussy lips and slit and your fingers in and out her pussy. she's whining and squealing, playing with her own tits and caressing ur face. you're humming against her pussy and she's clenches "let go for me, ellie..." you coo and she squirts on your mouth and fingers. soft pants leaving her lips, soon stopping with her caresses on your face as you lick her cum. you look up, hair messy against the pillow and eyes closed. "i love you..." she mutters after you clean her and lay next to her "i love you." you spoon her.
a/n: this is kinda shitty but it's for who asked for more! @kyleeservopoulos @sameenatruther @harrysslutsstuff
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eightstarr · 6 months
hi zoe :)) im here to request some general jealousy hc with ellie and abby
i personally have never been jealous a day in my life 😇😇
hi emi :)) i love you and because of that i will agree that you've never been jealous ever 😇 also because i think it's hot what who said that??? anyway i came out of retirement (momentarily) to answer this so i hope you enjoy <3
first thing that came to mind is that everyone thinks ellie will go insane and pull out the pocket knife but have you seen that girl when she saw dina talking to jesse… sorry but jealous ellie is looking at her feet and going fully non-verbal except for little annoyed huffs. perhaps has a kendall roy bathroom breakdown moment. maybe. probably just kicks something. you wouldn't know because she won't bring it up and you won't really notice a change but she's a little more quiet? that's kind of weird? but as soon as you’re alone she lights up, because she loves you and she loves your attention and she knows you love her and she's just being silly— but whatever, she's a sensitive girl! (she hates it so much she could throw up). perhaps you’ll leave the party and walk together to the car and she’ll say “oh fuck, i forgot my wallet in there” and “can you come with me?” and perhaps she’ll take your hand and pretend to be shocked when she finds said wallet safely in her jeans pocket but you’re already there! so you might as well stay for the rest of the song and yeah, she’s definitely going to kiss you where she knows whoever you were talking to will see. maybe. definitely.
abby is not afraid of confrontation, but she's highly annoyed by it. she’ll roll her eyes and it's never at you, you’ve done nothing wrong (and if she thinks about it, the person talking to you is also not doing anything wrong by simply making you laugh, but she's not thinking about it— she’s annoyed). a pout will form instantaneously and it should be cute, but have you seen her face? how does she make a pout look scary? i don't know but she does it. abby will pull you closer by wrapping an arm around your shoulders and raise her eyebrows when both you and the person talking to you give her a questioning look. “what?” she asks, and her head is turned your way but she's looking at them.
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
The Nanny (Hangman x Reader)
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authors note: so, hangman won by a long shot in the poll, but for the few that voted for the rest, they're still coming! i have to deal with the bs with my basement and i am a college student, so i have to deal with my coursework as well.
inspired by @roosterforme
this will be a mutli part series, im not sure how many parts though
pairing: jake "hangman" seresin x benjamin niece!reader; established mav x penny
warnings: some swear words and an inaccurate depiction of how social workers handle dropping a baby off to its living, absent father. also cyclone is a dad bc jon hamm if a dilf.
not proof or beta read, we die like men.
summary: Hangman wakes up one day to a social worker and an infant on his doorstep. the infant? his 3 month old daughter.
word count: 1.9k
It was the one day that the Dagger squad had a later morning (11am, per Maverick’s request), so when the pounding on Jake’s door woke him up at 8:45, he was a little pissed.
He stumbled out of bed and the arms of some red head whose name he definitely doesn’t remember, throwing on a shirt along the way to his front door where the pounding is originating from and reverberating through his skull. “I heard you the first fucking time,” he curses out, throwing the door open and preparing to unleash verbal hell on the person standing at his doorstep.
All the words die out though when he sees an older woman standing there with a sleeping baby in a car seat at her feet. “Jacob Seresin?” she asks and his eyes bounce between the infant and the woman.
“Yes?” he asks, voice cracking a bit as he looks back to the woman.
“Do you mind if I come in?” he nods and moves aside as she picks up the car seat and steps inside. “My name is Caroline Husband, I’m a social worker for the state of California.” she tells him as she sets the seat down on his coffee table, “and this is Avery. Your daughter.” 
Jake feels his heart stop as he looks down at the little girl, “what, what do you mean?” he sinks down to the floor on his knees, heart racing and Caroline gives him a small smile.
“Her mother-” she looks down at the paperwork she was holding, “Samantha Barnes, passed away from complications shortly after birth, you were listed as father on the birth certificate.” 
Samantha Barnes… Jake remembered her with a small smile. They were briefly exclusive before she had disappeared one night, leaving behind the memories and a note saying she needed to go back home to help with her ailing father, her last living relative that she still spoke to.
“H-how uh, how old is she?” he asks, taking her small, but definitely bigger than a newborn, hand in between his finger and thumb.
“She spent some time with a foster while the state was waiting for you to return stateside. She just turned 3 months old.” Caroline forms him, which makes sense as he was just in the middle of the ocean for the last five months. “I have some supplies in my car that her foster mom put together for you, should you choose to keep her.” 
“Choose to?” he asks, as if there was any other option for him. The second he found out Avery was his, there was never any other option.
“You can alway sign your parental rights away, there’s plenty of families looking to adopt babies.” she says and he shakes his head.
“No, she stays with me,” Jake says as he stands and Caroline smiles up at him.
“Well then, there’s all the information that you need. Her old foster mom made a list of information for you, her pediatrician, what formula she was feeding, how to prepare bottles...” she goes on to tell him more necessary information about Avery but tunes her out as he watches the little girl start to wake up and look around, well, as much as a 3 month old can, he supposed. “Here’s my card, it has my personal cell phone number on the back should you not be able to reach me at my office in the event of an emergency.” 
He takes it with a smile and a thank you before walking Caroline to the door to help her bring the items in from her car and as quickly as she was here, she was gone. Leaving Jake to sit on his couch as he stares into the eyes of his daughter. 
He kicks out his guest after 15 minutes of sitting there before he’s googling how to put a car seat base securely into the back seat of a F-150. After fighting for what felt like an hour (only 10 minutes) he has his daughter secured in his car before driving way under the speed limit to The Hard Deck, only 45 minutes late to meeting up with the rest of the Daggers but as soon as they see him walk into the bar with a car seat, all the teasing for being late blows out of there mind. 
“Do we need to call the police?” Bradley teases and Jake lets out a nervous laugh.
“No.. no police needed.” Jake says as he sets his daughter’s car seat and diaper bag in the middle of the pool table the team was surrounding.
“Well, then who is this?” 
Jake takes a deep breath before answering, “this is my daughter, Avery Seresin.”
Immediately the team has plenty of questions for the team’s resident playboy. He explains the situation as best he can with the information he got from Caroline.
“I never even knew Sam was pregnant. She never said anything and then she was gone.” Jake says softly as he looks down as his daughter in his arms, sleepily drinking from the bottle he made and Penny gives him a smile.
“You seem like a natural already.” she says, snapping a photo of the daddy-daughter moment and he smiles.
“Yeah, I was still around when my sisters started having their own kids, all girls too, ironically.” he responds with a small laugh and the movement of his chest startled Avery awake and she starts drinking more steadily again.
The squad takes the rest of the day before the bar opens with turns holding the newest member of the team. Aside from Jake, Bob and Natasha were the only other two who seemed comfortable enough to hold her without needing any instruction on support for her head. 
“Does Cyclone know you have a kid yet?” Mav asks as he takes his turn holding Avery, seasoned from when Bradley was a baby and he used to watch him while Carole and Goose needed alone time. 
“Fuck, no not yet.” Jake groans as he rubs his hands over his face. “I need to go see him.”
“Go see him now, between Penny being a mom and me dealing with Bradley as a baby there’s plenty of experience here to watch Avery for a bit while you try to get some time to adjust to dad-life.” Mav says and Jake looks over at him.
“You’re serious?” 
“Yeah, besides, Avery is already better at 3 months than Rooster ever was.” Mav teases and Bradley makes a couple of offended noises before being slapped in the chest by Natasha. 
Jake nods, “okay well here’s her-”
“Hangman, get out of here. I did all this with Amelia.” Penny says as she pushes him towards the door and Jake pulls her into a hug.
“Thank you so much, Pen.” he says, meaning it too since Penny is the closest thing to a mom that he has since he hasn’t talked to his real mom in years. 
The drive into base wasn’t a long one, but felt like it was with how often he was checking his backseat and not seeing his daughter before remembering she was safe with Penny and Maverick at the bar. 
Walking into Admiral Simpson’s office, Jake broke out into a nervous sweat. “Um, excuse me, sir.” he says as he knocks on the open door.
Both Admiral Simpson and Admiral Bates looked up at him from where they were sitting at the desk discussing some news that they received from higher ups. 
“Can I help you, Lieutenant?” Cyclone asks and Jake nods, taking that as an ‘okay’ to walk into the office.
“Yes actually, I uh.. I was wondering if I would be able to get leave, sir. I had a surprise visit from a social worker this morning and-and my infant daughter.” he says as he straightens out his back and rolls his shoulders back.
“You have a child?” Cyclone asks, closing the folder that he had open to focus more on Jake. “Since when?” 
“Well, as of 9am this morning, sir. Her mother passed away after she was born and no other living relatives so… She’s currently with me. Well, not with me Captain Mitchell and Penny Benjamin are currently watching her.. sir.” 
Warlock and Cyclone share a look and Jake stands there nervously, “I know that this is short notices but all I’m asking for is a week to figure things out, find a sitter, get some kind of a routine started for-”
“Okay.” Cyclone says and Jake looks at him instead of the spot that he had been looking at on the wall. “You only want just one week?”
“I can have more, sir?” Cyclone nods, having recently become a father himself and knows how important bonding is for parents. 
“Unless something urgent comes, how does three weeks sound?” he asks as he pulls something up on his computer and begins to type.
“I would greatly appreciate that.” Jake says with a small smile and Cyclone nods, ending the conversation and Jake starts to walk out of the office.
“Seresin?” Warlock calls out and Jake turns around, “congratulations.”
“Thank you, sirs.” 
Jake drives back to the bar already feeling lighter than he had in the last 6 hours, and upon walking back into the watering hole, he sees a red faced Avery and a panicked Rooster.
“Bradshaw what did you do to my daughter?” 
“What did I do? She threw up on me!” he says, holding the infant safely, and at an arm's length away. 
The rest of the team is laughing behind him and Jake just takes Avery and lays her against him so her head is on his shoulder, “well I’m sure you deserved it.” 
Bradley glares at him before wandering away to the bathroom to clean up. Jake smiles and rubs his daughters back as she babbles in his ear.
“How did talking to the boss go?” Penny asks and Jake smiles.
“Really good, actually. Said I can have three weeks as long as nothing urgent comes up that’ll need the full team's attention.” 
“Well, if you ever need a nanny so you can have a break and none of us are available, my niece just moved to the area and is looking for work.” Penny says with a small smile as Jake moves to sit next to her. “Plus she has a degree in early childhood and special education.” 
“Okay, yeah I’ll let you know.” he says with a nod.
“Well, you can meet her tonight, she’s supposed to come and help me out here for the night since Jimmy can’t make it in.” Jake just nods and Penny pats his shoulder that Avery isn’t sleeping on while she stands to start opening duties for the bar. 
Jake didn’t end up meeting Penny’s niece that night, or any time in the following week. In fact, it wasn’t until the last week of his leave that he met her. 
Jake was holding Avery as he walked into the bar before it opened, she was babbling up a storm and he took his sunglasses off to put on the top of his head when he saw someone new behind the bar, head thrown back and laughing at something that Bob had said. 
You look over at him and he swears his heart stopped, “Hi! I’m Y/N Benjamin, but you can call me Saturn.”
next part
taglist: if you want to join the taglist for all my future works, shoot me a message and i'll be happy to add you :)
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Can I request a Matt smith x reader where in real life theyre married and in the show theyre hot sibling lovers 🥵🥵 anyways 👀 theyre doing a bunch of press junkets, interviews, games, etc. and its sooo fluffy☺️ and domestic☺️ and I just want to envision my life with Matt smith 😭
+ some star points if an interviewer asks about their 😏 scenes and they get really embarrassed but cute 🥰🥰😫😫😫☺️
I Can't Help It
Matt Smith x (ME PLS I WANTHIM) Actress!Reader
Summary: The tumblr girlies were absolutely wrecked when they found out their resident girlboss was dating their superwholock tumblr boy.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Crackfic, i use y/n im sorry im not that strong, head empty only matt, a bunch of made up stuff because plot!, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: NAH ANON YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS I WAS LIKE I GOTTA ZOOM THROUGH ALL MY REQS FOR THIS IASFHASFAS. i swear my anons and i share the same brain fr we all just want the same loser dont we PLSSSSSS [foams in the mouth] Also, idk if you've ever read any of my chris evans fics, but what you want me to do for matt is what i did for him & IM ABOUT TO HAVE A FIELD DAY IM ON CRACK HELLO ALSO ALSO, i get you probably meant they're targaryen sibling/lovers, cause otherwise ALFHKAFA MISS ME W THAT BS, but i decided on doing something different all together so lolol i hope you like it nonnie <3 idk what you feel about matt smith but im still going to tag you anyway holla Tagging: @pinksirensong what do you feel about matt smith HAHAHAHAAHHA
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It all started with this tweet that was prompted during a brief interaction at a movie premiere:
@fannygurl007: yeah but matt smith and y/n interacted for 20 seconds and i want them to get married and have babies [clip attached]
being liked by Matt's mom.
Then all hell broke lose.
And hell hath no mercy.
It lead with intense investigations of:
@ihave100problems retweeted: AWFHASL:FHAH WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY WHISPER TO EACH OTHER?!?!? 👹👹👹 @thedoctorswife retweeted: IN FRONT OF MY SINGLE ASS?? THEY FLIRTED IN FRONT OF *MY* SINGLE ASS??? JAIL @mattsmithbithc retweeted: "Oh, I think you look so pretty ------- yeah, that's great -----" HELP WHAT ELSE DID SHE SAY @mattsmithbithc replied: I THINK SHE SAID SMTH ABOUT HIS SUIT BUT IDK WHAT SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP @tennantsmith1 retweeted: you really can't trust men look at the way he's looking at her. i bet it was love at first sight for him. was anything between us even real </3 @mmmyehs retweeted: what's that? my matt smith and y/n cutouts gon sleep outside? I HOPE YOU KEEP EACH OTHER WARM IN HELL @y/nloml666 retweeted: NAH NAH NAH BUT MY BISEXUAL ASS WANTS TO BE IN BETWEEN THAT SANDWHICH @datass00 replied: me watching that vid like [image attached below]
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Then these things popped up on youtube:
proof matt smith and y/n have been dating all along 🤡🤡
Clip #1
I stick my hand in a jar and pull out a folded piece of paper. "Who's my celebrity crush," I read out the question, turning back to the camera, "I have long list," I refold the paper as I push it beneath my seat, "and the unfortunate king of that, currently, is Matt Smith."
*cut to a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡 and really loud background music*
One of the staff asks, off camera, "why unfortunate?"
"Well," I chuckle, crossing my arms, "if you know me, then you know when I like something so, so much, I end up hating it." I straighten up, "yeah, Matt Smith may or may not have been subjected to verbal abuse as of late."
I chuckle as I hear a few of the staff wheeze.
I raise a hand and cut through the air, "affectionately, affectionately."
Clip #2
There is an abrupt cut to a sound of a crowd cheering.
Matt leans in, scrunching his face as he brings the mic close to his lips, "sorry, love, what was that?"
*The clip is replayed twice and captioned [IM SORRY THE WAY HE SAID THAT WAS JUST SO HOT I HAD TO REPEAT IT]*
The crowd is gracious enough to quiet down, keeping their fangirling internal.
"Is there an actor or actress that you have not yet worked with but always wanted to?" the lucky fan asks her question again.
Matt hums, leaning back on his sofa chair, repeating the words for good measure. He pulls the mic away as he thinks, then brings it back, "you know what, I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing people," he starts, "but-"
The crowd cheers.
Matt smiles and releases a chuckle, waving the mic around, "but," he carefully says, "I have recently watched Vampire in the Locker for the first time."
The crowd cheers again.
"Yeah, and thought y/n was absolutely fabulous in it."
Someone in the crowd says loudly, "same!"
The crowd, along with Matt, laughs. He straightens up and points, "that person gets it!"
But what it really took was this Instagram post to destroy the internet:
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@imthebesty/n: ok but you cant get mad a me, i was there during superwholock. at least one of us won!! ps, he's a horrible cook, i promise you don't want him. i took one for the team 😇
That paired with headlines like:
Y/N confirms relationship with Matt Smith on Instagram with hilarious caption
Matt Smith cooks horribly, according to girlfriend, Y/N, who confirmed rumors with Instagram post
"I took one for the team," Y/N says in Instagram post, referring to dating Matt Smith
Tumblr but all stayed sane:
winchester-pie: Are you normal, or are you losing your mind overthinking one of the superwholock girlies is secretly y/n 369,278 notes dont-talk3me: When I gaslight people, it's bad, when y/n gaslights people, it's taking one for the team? 16,586 notes uowbish: I'm gonna say it: I DONT CARE THAT YOU'RE DATING MATT SMITH YOU SHOULD BE DATING ME [image attatched] 99,345 notes sh3l0ck3D: thinking about how y/n once said that she wrote fanfiction that was popular online. i should have known it was superwholock, she unhinged as fuck. 836,084 y/nb00tyluv: OK but i genuinely think y/n and matt smith talked for 5 minutes then decided to date after that 74,670 notes prettyeyebrows: ok but tell me y/n doesn't look like the type to make memes like this [image attached below] 424,245 notes
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The cherry on top was when Vogue magazine graced the world with this brilliant interview:
I introduce myself and turn to my side, smiling at the man next to me.
"I'm Matt, and today we-"
Matt turns to me, words going dry.
"You're Matt Smith," I correct, blinking at him.
Matt looks at me for a good moment then raises a hand between our faces, turning back to the camera, "and today, we're going to be-" he cuts himself off with a laugh when he hears me laughing.
He drops his hand and gives me a look before continuing, "we're going to be answering some questions for-"
Matt points to me so that I finish his sentence.
"Vogue magazine!" I say, making the man beside me clap his hands.
The most played part of that interview is this scene:
Matt is reading from a card, "if you could have something of the other's, what would it be?" He chucks the card away, turning to me just as I turn to him.
I mutter under my breath as I think, "something of the other's?"
Matt furrows pouts his lips out in thought.
A beat of silence passes.
We then simultaneously trail off as we both whisper, "like a baby."
I wheeze and lean into Matt, dying of laughter. He snorts and beams like a boy on Christmas, dropping his jaw low.
"No," I warn as I raise a finger through my chuckles, "behave."
Matt throws an arm around me as he lets out more deep laughs.
"The fact we both keep answering the same thing means me hang out too much."
He scoffs. "Clearly not enough though," Matt notes, making me glare at him and shake him off. He withdraws his arm, face still awfully pleased.
I give him a look, "your mother has been ingraining that ideation in your head too religiously."
"I mean," he grabs my hand. He looks at me for 3 whole seconds before sighing and saying, "you would make a great mother."
I purse my lips and sighing as well. I lean into him a bit as I softly admit, "and I think you would make a great father."
For a moment, the two of us look at each other.
I pull my hand away from him, moving to grab another card.
Here are a few of the most liked comments on that video:
Jason Stone: I have absolutely no idea who either of these people are and only watched this video because it autoplayed. Do I want them to get married and have babies though? Yes. Yes I do. 88.9k likes kpopinmybloodstream: matt the entire video:😍🥰😘 y/n the entire video: 😍🥰😘 me the entire video: 😍🥰😘 but single as fock 🤡🤡🤡 103k likes sowrr88: if i cant have what they have, i dont want it 94k likes
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noirvette · 1 year
stan and kyle! w/ a plus size fem! reader headcanons!!
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cws: swearing but otherwise just pure fluff aged up characters!
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Stan thinks you're THE cutest girl in the world and he's stoked that he's your bf. Like people will say "Oh you're Stan's gf?" and he's like "no i'm HER bf, she's GOT me dude."
He's most definitely your biggest supporter and biggest defender.
I mentioned in my gen headcanons that he'd love his s/o to be wearing his jersey and this is multiplied tenfold. He absolutely LOVES and I mean LOVES seeing you in his jersey number. Guarantee win for South Park because seeing you just fueled his desire to smoke the other team.
Loves holding you. Just you two, laying in bed, you both just in each other's embrace. He could die the world's most happiest man at that moment.
Is a thick thigh fan. Like Stan (and Kenny but shh this isn't about Kenny) are #1 believers in the thick thighs save lives.
Despite him being your number one defender, he's more silent in how he defends you. Not that he won't outwardly confront someone if they're bothering you, it just happens to be he's like.. mean (that is not the word I want but I can't think of how else to put it) when he's silent and he knows this and uses it to his advantage.
If he's with you (or even if you're not with him) and overhears some randos talking about you he's into one of two modes.
First one is he turns around and just blank stares at the people and when they notice him he just.. looks up and down, eyebrow raised and does a MEAN side eye as he turns back around.
If they continue this leads into the second mode (which sometimes he starts off with this if he's had ENOUGH)
Second is that he pulls you into him, gives you a kiss, and turns to the people with a "my gf is better than you and you sob into your pillow every night bc you're lonely so shut the fuck up."
If they try and argue he's just "cry about it lmfao. Don't care plus you're balding."
Picks you up, doesn't even matter if you think he can't because he can. He's determined AND he's hella strong. Being on the football team has made his biceps BIG.
Said earlier than he loves holding you but I'm dead serious with this. He's such a cuddly big spoon and just holding you in his arms makes him giggly (got him blushing and kicking his legs)
Loves every part of you and if you feel self conscious over something he's kissing every inch.
If you're wearing something (or even just showing him the outfit) you normally wouldn't wear, he's whistling and complimenting on how you're making it work.
"You're looking good, babe. Wear it out, you're stunning."
Boy's in love WITH you.
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Is another one to defend, except he's throwing hard hands. And he wins because obviously, it's Kyle.
As he gets older, he's stopped making the weight comments on Cartman (thinks it was immature of him to do when younger) and has definitely grown from that.
He's got a major sleepers build in my eyes. He's lanky sure, but basketball and working out with Stan's got him that muscle to hold you too. (I'm thinking like moistcr1tikal kind of sleeper's build Kyle also has major biceps im actually trey parker and matt stone so). And he WILL pick you up if you're at a game of his and his team wins. Even if they lose he's still picking you up. You're like his happiness supplier.
Leaves you cute notes about how good you look in your locker every day, has not gone ONE day without doing it. Kyle's sick? Tough because he managed to get that note in there somehow (Stan slipped it in for him haha).
Back to him throwing hands real quick, he's quick to jump if someone is talking bad about you like a "What the FUCK did you say about my girl? Say it again, Say. It. Again." And boom he's one hit k.o the other person
If you're not a fan of this behavior, he's not beating up anyone physically but now it's verbally. He's making sure everyone knows not to ever comment on you and how that's a bitch thing to do.
If you're down about yourself, he's gonna sit down with you and just point every thing he loves about you and go into detail about how he's with you for you. Not because of what you look like or anything, but because you're his beautiful girl.
When he's the big spoon and cuddling you he rubs circles into your hips and presses kisses into your shoulder
If you're the big spoon, play with his hair and he's asleep within two seconds and his head is laying in the crook of your neck.
Similar to Stan if you're wearing an outfit you normally wouldn't, he's ecstatic. Got him going "MY BABY! You look so good!" and then moves you to the mirror and just holds your hips and is gushing over you.
Bro's got that love in his eyes.
Loves your thighs too, he's constantly got his head on your lap, reading a book and is in heaven with that quality time with you.
Loves for you to sit on his lap as well, you're worried about your weight on him? He does not care, he's got some strong ass legs and your weight isn't ever an issue in his eyes. He will literally make you sit on his lap. Even if that means he's gotta drag you.
"Love come sit" Kyle pats his legs as he calls for you, "Uh but..", "Wasn't a question," He responds, shrugging, "Now get over here, I wanna hold you.
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
cod dudes with a nurse y/n but make it lowkey realistic: bc lets be real, after a 12 hr shift you do NOT want to hang out with friends, party, or socialize. ur feet hurt from walking and standing all day, your ears are tired from hearing the IV pumps beep all day, and the smell of C.diff makes u want to vomit. nurse y/n just wants to sit down or lay on the couch and be non-verbal... Gaz, price, and rudy are the sweetest. they pick that up real quick after mistakenly asking "hows ur shift" and y/n trauma dumped them for 5 hrs straight. they don't immediately ask for hugs and kisses bc they know u overwhelmed. they just pour u a cup of wine and sit next to you until YOU talk to them first. you lowkey gossip with them on ur day off or randomly be like "omg look at that dude over there next to the parking spot its giving edema". and then theres soap and ghost. Soap is clingy, yall really think hes gonna survive 12hrs of not seeing you? this man was waiting by the door at 7:15 pm. on the dot. wants to hug and kiss you and tell you about his day. but ur just so. fucking. tired. you tried to be as responsive but it always ended up with a tired "mhm". He legit got upset a few times but he'd be a good sport about it tho. eventually he caught on a couple of weeks in and now he just comes and hugs you from behind, kisses ur face, and cuddles you silently (AFTER you throw away ur dirty scrubs and shower. that C.diff smell is yucky yucky). Tells you he appreciates your care and effort for the patients every day :). Ghost.... omgg he said something lowkey offensive to you right after u got home from the worst shift of ur week. and he didnt even know WHAT he said/did, hes kinda bad a picking up ur cues. nurse y/n just turned around slowly, gave him the NASTIEST side eye, and stared at him for a good 2.5 min. This man immediately retreated from ur couch to wherever he was b4 like a hermit going back to its shell lmao. 2 hrs later you find a small written note and ur fave gurl dinner on the dining table.
Alejandro..... this man is SO PROUD of his s/o being a nurse. hes showing you off every chance he gets!!! He takes Nursing week SERIOUSLY. give you massages, spas, gifts, ect. but he doesnt get how tired and overwhelmed you are. you have to physically tell him to stop asking or letting his family asking medical question. "No ale. I will NOT look at auntie's mole on her stomach. when im off the clock im OFF THE CLOCK :("
Valeria threatens to beat up the management for you lol. she hates how you get treated by them sometimes. you didnt get the recognition you deserve. Def bosses her cartel men around to buy you gifts and such. one time she organized a whole day to spoil and pamper you. she gave you her own version of Daisy Award 🥺💞 Konig observes and internally analyzes ur every move. he panics tho. like "OMG she home but she already has a bottle of wine its different from the one she had yesterday.. omg omg she didnt even say hello that means her shifts was extra shitty today.... why is she sipping on the wine for so long and the last sip is longer than all previous sips........" He eventually learned you just need silent company. you were laying on the bed feeling burned out when he came over with some soup, kissed ur hand, and wrapped you in a blanket burrito :).
ah, realistic nurse!y/n. this is a breath of fresh air for me.
they're all trying their best. and honestly, what better pair? they also have an overstimulating, kinda gross (blood and bodily fluids), exhausting career !!
it's a match made in heaven !! (aside from the whole... miscommunication and barely seeing each other thing. but what's a good ship without some gut-wrenching angst?)
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smt4flynn · 6 months
embiggen, embolden
Rating: R18/Explicit (Minors DNI)
Notes: This is a story about misusing the enlarge spell to do some shenanigans with Astarion. I wrote this in the coffee shop where I constantly kept oscillating between being cold and EXTREMELY cold, so I lost steam a little bit, but I wanted to finish it!
On AO3 this is apparently 4K wordcount. Also, you can find this on ao3 under the same name, by ao3 user Voidromeda! =)
This isn’t the first time you cast Enlarge on Astarion – during combat, of course, just to help boost his combat prowess even further (and it does terrify you how strong he quickly becomes, helped by the fact that he finally lets Lae’zel and Karlach be his coaches) – but you normally recall it fading away after some time. You do not recall it ever backfiring and making him even bigger, to the point that he is literally towering over all of you, and looking confused as he is.
“I have looked everything over,” Gale says after a while, stood in front of a sitting, cross-legged Astarion who is now almost thrice everyone’s size, his hands are clasped in front of him and he seems to be smiling too wide, “and my conclusion is this: assuming if, and if, you did all of the incantations correctly and used the proper gesticulations, and given that I was there to hear you do the correct chant, the somatic and verbal components should not be the issue at hand here. The only thing I can assume is that the materials used were at fault somehow, or that the weave decided today, of all days, to be a right petty bastard and Mystra wished to have a lark at your expense.”
Astarion huffs out in annoyance, his breath ruffling Gale’s hair, and he turns around to look at him with his own momentary irritation . Astarion throws his hands up in faux surrender. “So, to boil it all down for us little peoples,” his voice practically drips venom, “you have no clue why this happened and, for all you know, you have no clue when I am going to turn back.”
“Correct!” and you have to hold back a laugh at the fact that Gale seems to be enjoying Astarion’s mounting irritation a little too much.
“I am big enough to eat you.” he says.
“But you and I know you won’t do that, unless you want a netherese bomb in your body! And I don’t think you want to figure out how to vomit me out to resurrect me!”
“Or how to shit you out.” Astarion grumbles, but he is too big for it to be quiet, and Karlach snorts particularly loudly at that. Lae’zel looks disgruntled, as she always does, and she looks between you, Gale, and Astarion before letting out an annoyed declaration in Gith and decides to leave them at that.
Shadowheart eyes the (rather) giant vampire, then turns to Karlach as she says, “you know, now that he’s bigger than you, he could probably carry you around and withstand your engine.”
“OH. YOU’RE RIGHT.” Karlach says a little too loudly. A glare from Astarion has her hushing herself, “oh, you’re right!” she repeats, and Astarion pointedly pokes her away with an index when Karlach tries to climb up on top of him. He hisses a little, though it isn’t as bad of a response as the rest of you had to touching Karlach. That has her eyes alight with excitement, much to Astarion’s chagrin. “But, he’d eventually get burnt up, yeah? Probably ain’t a reason to bother ‘im, he already looks like he’s about to blow and he’s not the one with the engine. Dammon said, anyway, that we just gotta find one last iron.”
“You won’t be able to ride around on his back.” Shadowheart says with an arch of her eyebrow. “Unless, of course, you’d like to go find one right now so we can rush on back to Dammon and try out your newfound touch on Astarion.”
“Teeeeeempting, tempting, but I don’t think we should just rush ‘round for a bit, yeah? It’s so tempting though! Ugh! I hate making good decisions!”
She gives him a good-nature grin and Astarion puffs air her way, which happens to also ruffle your and Shadowheart’s hairs. Despite him not needing to really eat (“of course I can still taste food,” he says to you after you give him a piece of chocolate cake that you particularly really like, “it’s just dulled, and not at all nutritious for me, it’s not even a luxury . Your blood is like heaven on my tongue. Why would I want anything else? ”), his breath smells like some sort of rosy ale mixed with a vanilla pastry. It isn’t that bad, though it still is a bit unpleasant.
“And what of you, Halsin? What do you make of this?” Gale spins on his heel to point over to the druid who arches an eyebrow up at Astarion, just as puzzled as everyone else is that the vampire is now... large. Quite, quite large.
“Though wizards and sorcerers oft pride themselves on their honed control over the weave, be it granted, earned, or both,” Halsin says pleasantly, as though he is talking about the weather and naught else, “it is not so strange that even the most skilled of wizards and the most gifted of sorcerers, or others should they have a grasp of it, shall have their mind wander and for the spell’s consistency to slip. One’s tools can only be as consistent as one’s body and mind.”
“So you think I got distracted, and that led to the spell backfiring?” you question. You aren’t really offended by it; the last combat encounter you have, where this mistake occurs, is a hectic one, with reanimated corpses reaching out to grasp at you and try to drag you under. “That makes sense.” and Halsin nods thoughtfully your way. “So the best thing to do is to just wait?”
“Yes.” Halsin gives you a smile and you smile awkwardly back.
Gale takes this as his cue to leave, citing having found some new books that he would like to look through while they wait for Astarion’s condition to fix itself, and Karlach gets herded away by Shadowheart so that they can do something else. Wyll, who has been absent for most of this, suggests to the former two and to Lae’zel to go patrolling around the Shadow-Cursed lands, and the three women jump at the opportunity to leave.
When you look over, Gale disappears into somewhere and you think it best not to ask. Halsin, seeing that people seem to be leaving to do their own activities, excuses himself to go and look further into the Shadow-Cursed lands, to try and see if he can find anything now that he is more experienced. It is just you and Astarion now, the vampire staring at you with some mixture of interest and mischief.
“So!” Astarion clicks his tongue. You look at him a bit warily. He must be a bit angry at you, considering that you’re the reason as to why this happens, though you can’t see it anywhere on his face. That’s even worse, your mind supplies, because Astarion – for all everyone makes fun of him for being extremely obvious – can also be frightfully subtle when he wants to be. When he puts the effort in, you have seen him speak sweet little lies to some of the still sentient shades, encouraging them to curl further to Shadowheart before they melt painfully under her cast of daylight.
You think he does not try on the living because some form of guilt keeps him at bay. What happens when that bit of guilt is gone, you wonder?
“So.” you say when he stays quiet. Astarion smirks at your uncertainty.
When he comes to a stand, properly, you find yourself just a little below his crotch – Karlach, earlier, points and bellows loudly that she is ‘almost dick-height! Just a little above it, actually, that’s fucking hysterical!’ which is why Astarion makes sure to stay sitting for a good while. You, however, stand so close to crotch height it is mortifying. You have to take a step back and crane your neck up, almost painfully so, to be able to look at him.
It shocks you when he simply scoops you up into his arm, lifting you up on one elbow, and you are held up to his face rather easily. He gives you a cheeky grin. “Admittedly, I was miffed with you at first; it really is hard to be so,” he clicks his tongue, “stealthy when you’re a huge brute. But I think I’m beginning to see the upsides!”
“The upsides.” you say flatly. He chuckles, the sound seemingly louder because of his size, and he uses one hand to carefully cradle your head and bring you close for an awkward kiss. Your lips are so small in comparison to his, and it embarrasses you a little how tiny you feel. “Astarion,” you start, pushing his face back a bit, and you give him a half-hearted glare, “can you – can you not have desires right now when you’re way too big for me?”
“But darling,” and he drags it out just to annoy you, snickering at the little tick in your brow, “when will we ever get an opportunity like this again, hm? Us all alone, no one to bother us, especially when these lands are cursed as they are. Don’t you want to see how big I’ve gotten down there? I’m curious to see it myself.”
You want to say that you are a bit more forceful when you say no.
Astarion carries you away from the camp, blessed as you both are by Isobel’s magics, though you have a feeling that Selûne will more than likely disapprove of how Astarion is taking advantage of your weak protections. You aren’t really... isolated, given that Astarion is still so large and attracting attention, but nothing really wants to approach him when he is so, so large. Undressing you is extremely easy for him, and you find yourself being cradled gently by him. His eyes are wide, taking you apart, and the hunger on his face is even more unavoidable because of his size. His fingers, which have always been larger than yours, positively dwarf your legs when he helps hold you up in the air.
Holding you up like this, with his hands trying to cradle you while his thumbs attempt to spread your legs, you feel like a bug under intense scrutiny. He exhales out through his nose, instinctively despite the vestigial nature of it all, and you shudder from the way his breath washes over you. He leans closer to you, crowding you, and his large lips press a dainty kiss against your folds. You grab at one of his thumbs when it comes to rest on your belly, his tongue rolling out to drag between your soft folds.
You whimper; it is a lot of sensation at once, rubbing against your labia all at once, even when he tries to thin it, narrow it to press it against your hole. He pushes you closer lips completely overtaking your vulva, large tongue lapping mindlessly between your folds, and you moan loudly from the sensation. He hums approvingly, the vibrations all too much at once, head tilting to the side to mouth at your thigh.
“Do you trust me for a moment, darling?” Astarion says.
“For more than a moment.” you say, your voice a bit rough from your moaning, and Astarion grins ever so sweetly at you before his expression becomes thoughtful.
“I’m going to put you further into my mouth,” he warns, “nothing will happen to you. You’ll be fine. Trust me.” and you do, of course. You nod at him when he looks at you, verbalise it next when his expression grows sharp, and his tongue rolls out once more to give you a distracting, flat, broad lick against your swollen vulva.
His mouth opens over your vagina again, his tongue dragging from your swollen, emerging clit down to your puckered hole. He laps against you, quick, skilled flicks of his tongue even with his larger muscle, and you writhe and whine loudly. He pulls back for a moment, looking at you critically, before his mouth falls open and you try not to kick at him when his lips wrap around your feet, up until your ankles. He lets you slip further into his mouth – and it is so hot and wet inside, lips wrapped around half of your body, and your hands come to rest above his upper lip when he finally stops.
Wildness flashes briefly in his eyes before he squeezes them shut and opens them to look at you carefully. His tongue slathers his saliva against your legs, briefly exploratory, tasting your skin in a way that makes you shiver from the discomfort and odd excitement of being at his mercy in an entirely different way. The muscle flattens up against your vulva once more, pressing between your folds, swirling his tongue around before going back to tasting your legs, drenching you in his saliva.
Your hips jump up, trying to move in tandem with his tongue when he goes back to licking you mercilessly, the tip of his tongue swirling around your engorged clit. It lays flat, swirling and grinding against your clit, flicking it up and down, and you shake, shiver. You press your hands against his skin, unable to move your body much because of it trapped in his mouth.
It is when you are able to cum in his mouth, your whines and moans getting louder, shamefully so, that Astarion pulls you out of his mouth, murmurs a prestidigitation under his breath to wipe the saliva away, and you shiver at how suddenly cold you feel. He grins lopsidedly down at you. “See? It wasn’t that bad now, was it, darling?” and he presses a sloppy kiss between your legs, against your sensitive vagina, and you shiver.
He settles you down onto his knee, stopping you when you try to grind against him, and he clicks his tongue. You stiffen up, grasping at his leather trousers, bunching it up in your pathetically small hands. He works to unfasten his strings, pausing before he has to set you aside so he can undress himself. You can only watch as his body is revealed to you – blouse peeled off of his body, trousers shoved down and away, and embroidered underwear thrown aside to reveal his horrifically large erection.
It stands painfully erect before you, dripping copiously at its enlarged tip, and Astarion lifts you up again to sit on his abdomen. He leans back, his cock slapping against your back when you sit up, spreading his pre over you, and it feels like you are being marked by some sort of feral beast. Astarion chuckles at the look on your face, a fond expression overtaking him for a moment.
“You always were such a little thing.” he murmurs (he likes how small you are, how he can cage you in his arms and hold you, that you are the smallest out of them all and it makes him want to do terrible things to you while holding you in his arms), “but this is ever sweeter. Do you think you can take me?”
Looking behind yourself, to his hard, large erection that throbs and oozes more pre-cum from your gaze, then looking down at your vulva that feels like it will break in half, you know you can’t. “I will most definitely try.” is what you say instead, because you always want to please him, you know you do.
He helps you move up, his slender fingers wrapping around his pale, pretty penis; not a single hair anywhere, wonderfully thick and perfectly long, spreading you nicely before and now threatening to rip you in half, and he gives himself a few strokes just for some form of relief. You spread your legs, leaning back and his cock slaps against your back when he lets go so that he can instead press his fingers against your small hole.
One finger is a pleasant stretch. It sinks into you readily, making you huff and moan loudly from the sensation; you whimper with a bit of fear when a second finger presses against your wonderfully stuffed hole, his fingernail catching a bit at your rim before he presses it incessantly in. It takes some trying, your tongue rolling out from your panting; you struggle, muscles tensing and relaxing in short little bursts before you finally let that second finger in, and your eyes roll up into your head from the intense stretch.
It sinks in until the second knuckle, your mouth open with endless, whiny moans; it’s so much, forcing your stuffed vagina to accept even more in, and you wail when both fingers are pressed deep inside of you. His large thumb presses down on your sensitive clit and you make a strangled noise, hips jumping forward and you let out a soft squeak at the way his fingers feel inside of you.
“Good, good, you’re doing so good,” he murmurs, sick excitement painting his face and staining his voice as you fuck yourself on his large fingers. You pulse and flutter around his fingers, a shriek pushed out of you when he drags his fingers out just to thrust them mercilessly back in. You are most definitely going to gape the moment his fingers are done with you and Astarion seems to come to the same realisation with how roughly he keeps thrusting them in and out of you.
His cock twitches against you; his eyes are wild, staring down at your poor little hole that is going red from his attentions, stretched wide around his two fingers. When he teases a third one in, you babble incoherently – “I can’t take another!” you cry out and Astarion hushes you.
“You can darling, you can, come on,” he encourages, the third finger feeling almost impossibly too much, yet he still presses it against your fluttering, full hole. You don’t even know how he pushes it in – perhaps when he pulls the two fingers out and introduces the third amidst the soaked two, and it is shameful how much pre you yourself are dripping all over him. You don’t even get a second to register what is happening before he slams three fingers in and you are orgasming violently from the intense, almost-painful stretch.
Squirting copiously, you weep and beg when he keeps his thrusts going, extending your orgasm even as your cum begins puddling on his stomach, and it is only when you can cum no more and your voice is just pathetic whimpering that he pulls his soaked fingers out. His face is utterly wild, making him look almost feral, bestial, and he spreads your folds open further to stare at your gaped open hole.
“That looks like it could take me.” he says with strained breath, voice rough and a low growl, and he grabs you by the hips while you still feel insensate and boneless from your rough orgasm. The head of his cock feels almost comically large as he presses you against it, your hole spasming wildly, clenching up to drip more onto his erection and almost as if dreading how empty it is, before it relaxes open again and Astarion keens loudly.
He pushes you down, your hands flailing a bit before resting on his abdomen when he pushes down enough for it. He isn’t even halfway inside of you before you feel so stuffed, filled up with so much of his penis that you are surprised you haven’t torn completely open; perhaps it is a good thing he introduced the third finger, even though he no doubt adds it in because of the fact that he is lost in the sensation, in the moment. Your claws drag at his belly, sliding against your own cum and he giggles, your own much breathier than his own, because it is ridiculous how much he made you cum.
“You’re so – so – so incorrigible,” you slur out a little, your hole unable to even clench down on his fat erection, and his hands push down on your hips while you try to comply with him. It’s so much – he’s too much as he is right now, hands slipping on his stomach and you arch your back, thighs tensing up from the effort of trying to sink further, further down.
His fingers come to rest on your abdomen, his voice a bit awed as he says, “your belly’s bulging with me. You can’t take me.” but that doesn’t stop him; you look down and see he is right, his shape is poking through, bulging you obscenely with his erection. You feel like you are being hollowed out by him, and it doesn’t help when you aren’t even down all the way and Astarion is grabbing onto you and taking over.
All of your movement is abruptly taken away and controlled entirely by him. You scream so loudly that you are sure even the hunting team, so far away, can hear you; your tongue slips out again, your right hand slipping on his stomach before messily coming to your own clit to stroke and rub it as Astarion begins fucking you.
Both of you are just grunting, groaning animals, him growling exactly like one, and his eyes are wide and feral, focused on how your poor vagina can’t take all of him with how big he is. He babbles incomprehensibly at you, as if trying to praise you, though absolutely nothing he says makes sense, and you can’t help but laugh before it turns into a high-pitched whine.
“Please, cum for me, cum, let me see you cum around me,” Astarion says, the first coherent thing to slip out of his wet lips and his eyes shine bright now with love, and it is that begging, the way he looks at you, that sets you off again. Your orgasm isn’t as violent as the first time, though it still gets to you that you squirt again – far less copiously this time, but still enough to add to the mess already cooling on him, and he coos lovingly at you.
With your legs now shaky, body exhausted by your orgasm, he slows down, his thrusts lazy and leisurely before he digs his feet into the darkened lands with his hands dripping to claw at the earth before he cums deep inside of you. The amount inside makes you yelp – your belly rounds out with his spend and it ends up being too much to stay inside, squirting around him as it starts to escape, and he pulls out to let the rest of it land on your vulva, inner thighs, and even on your stomach.
You can’t clench your hole shut to stop his spend from just dripping out of you, forced into a rather big gape, and you just hum when he settles you down beside him and lets you try and catch your breath.
“Thank you for trusting me,” Astarion begins, and you murmur into his arm that he lets you use as a pillow, “I am aware it was… abrupt, and perhaps I may have pushed you too far, but you were a good sport about it.”
You nuzzle into his elbow. “I’m more glad that you wanted to do this with me,” you say, voice so sleepy, mind more than hazy, “I want you to feel safe to explore whatever you want.” and you don’t get to see his loving, fond gaze before you fall asleep, your body pushed beyond belief.
[When the two of you go back to the camp, way later when his condition seems to have finally faded, you are utterly shamefaced because you both look dishevelled and like you’ve been up to no good, though Astarion seems to be in very bright spirits about it. You try not to maul him violently when he ‘innocuously’ asks Gale if there is any way to adjust one’s size when enlarged. Karlach’s hyena like laughter at your embarrassment makes you wish you could just die.
You hate this vampling so very, very much.]
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Flirting with Ragatha
gonna write this then imma take a break because someone hit me with the "the bits in your thighs are going to ache for no reason" spell + i need to make breakfast </3 i think i might make some posts and que them since i got a lot of art wips i need to get finished and im kind of struggling between bouncing doing art and writing... on one hand que posts will let me have that unbroken focus on my art since i wont have to worry about juggling blogs... but on the other hand writing helps my brain... hmmm... and i also run the risk of forgetting to put something in the masterlist... i think i might try it just for today, after i stretch my legs and eat ill write up a post or two and schedule it to come out in a few hours
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i think she would like classic romantic gestures such as being given roses or sweets...
i guess titling these posts as flirting isnt accurate since its generally just what gets them flustered rather than pick up lines and verbal flirting.. unless its the same thing.. shrugs
keeps a vase in her room specifically for the flowers you give her, if this is a real world au she keeps the vase in a main living area instead!
hold her hand while you guys walk, swing it a little. something that small is going to get her all soft and gooey, shes going to have this little smile on her face the entire time you guys are walking around
cringes a little at those dumb and cheesy pick up lines but theres still a love for them in there inside her, juuuust barely behind her thinned mouth and squinted eyes after you drop the most cringe line you can muster
i think she would have a secret love for those silly/funny/cheesy celebration cards, so give her those if you want to brighten her day
i like to think she keeps all the cards youve given her, too... handmade or otherwise!
speaking of handmade, gift giving is a big thing for her so throw that into the mix if you wanna melt her heart.. you get bonus points if you made it yourself
you make pick up lines inspired by her sewing and crafting stuff, shes gonna roll her eyes but her smile says it all
oh shes definitely the type to blush hard
like to her ears and neck hard, shes going to be completely pink all over but only when you do it/do something that REALLY gets her
oh she would definitely shoot some lines back
you guys wont go back and forth like other characters do with their own partner, but shes definitely returning the energy
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shurisasthmaticgf · 1 year
Back In Your Arms: Shuri x Black! Fem! Reader
warnings: spoilers, mention of death, yelling, swearing, angst, lmk if i forgot anything
a/n: it's literally semester end for me and my brain is beyond fried so im sorry if this is ass lmao
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The minute you found out Shuri was planning an attack on Namor and the Talokanil, you were already readying yourself to join. Although you never verbally told her, she already knew by the way you spent extra time training in the early mornings and late nights. It was only the night before that Shuri told you that you were not included in the attack on the enemy.
You paced around her lab growing more agitated by the second, "What do you mean I'm not going tomorrow?" Shuri repeated herself firmly, "Exactly what that means. I do not understand why you are making this so difficult." You stopped pacing and faced her, throwing your hands in the air, "So what do you expect me to do?" Shuri didn't look away from the monitor in front of her as she added finishing touches to something she'd been working on, "I have arranged for you to stay in Jabariland until we have finished business with Namor. You will be accompanied by Noxolo and Taji, per General's recommendation. M'baku has also ordered two Jabari warriors to stay back as well for you."
Hearing her plan of making you sit around and do nothing only frustrated you more. You brought your hands up to your head then exclaimed, "I'm supposed to just sit around holed up in a goddamn cave while you and everyone else go save the world?! Are you fucking kidding me Shuri?! T'challa and Queen Ramonda would allow me to-"
"YOU DO NOT SPEAK THEIR NAMES! YOU DO NOT GET TO TELL ME WHAT THEY WOULD DO. THAT DOESN'T MATTER! THEY AREN'T HERE- THEY'RE GONE. " Shuri's voice echoed through her lab, the force of her voice reverberating in your chest. The queen took a deep breath and slowly walked over towards you with narrowed eyes. A pit formed in your stomach as you stared back at her, the light that shone behind those deep brown seas was gone. There was nothing but hatred and anger as it consumed her from the inside out that you could only bear witness to.
Shuri stood eye level with you and she spoke through gritted teeth, "You are staying back. That is an order from me as your queen. Do you understand?" You lowered your head and answered, "Yes...your highness." The title taste bitter on your tongue and it was clear by the slight sarcasm in your voice. Nonetheless you conceded to her order, and satisfied by your reply Shuri turned back to what she was working on, not even bidding you goodnight like she usually would.
Nearly six hours had passed since you first arrived in Jabariland for the time being. You were being sheltered in a den far within one of the mountains. A small fire burned in the center of the floor and small wooden furnishings adorned by furs perfectly place around the room. You sat upside down with your legs over the back of a chair while your head dangled above the floor.
From the entrance of the den, Olaitan, one of the Jabari warriors on guard insisted, "There was no space on the door for Jack. If he got on the door then they both would have died!" You shook your head in refusal and the mix of beads and shells that adorned your hair clicked together. You swung your legs back onto the ground and sat up straight, closing your eyes for a moment as the blood rushed back to your head.
Before you could reply, Noxolo, one of the Dora Milaje who accompanied you, cut in, "I refuse. Rose let Jack die. There was room on that door, she was just selfish." You listened to the young warrior, watching how the large scar over her white eye crinkled when she narrowed her gaze. You pointed to Noxolo and chimed in, "See that's exactly what I've been saying."
Across from you, Taji, another Dora Milaje shook her head, "How could Jack and Rose fit on that tiny piece of wood? There is no way that both of them could have survived! Olaitan and I are right- Jack wouldn't have made it if he wanted to save Rose!" Her deep brown eyes sparkled with delight of thinking she was right. You and Noxolo looked at each other with exasperated expressions. It had been two hours of this debate and neither side was willing to admit that they were wrong or right.
You slapped your hand against the floor and said, "Jack could have fit. There was an entire MythBusters episode on this!" Noxolo snapped her fingers and confirmed, "Yes, and they confirmed that Rose and Jack could have fit on the door in five different ways." Taji asked, "Did they do this experiment in the Northern Atlantic Ocean in April at night time? With individuals who measure exactly the same to Rose and Jack?"
At that argument you and Noxolo fell silent, making Taji and Olaitan laugh at you both. Desperate for a tie breaker you turned to the last person in the room who had yet to add their two cents into the debate. With a cheeky grin you asked, "Adisa, you're the deciding vote." The large Jabari warrior looked between you, the two Dora Milaje, and his fellow warrior.
A thick tension fell over the entire den, only the sound of the crackling fire at the center of the room could be heard. Adisa looked at you and Noxolo giving you a hopeful grin, but he responded, "I have never seen this 'Titanic' you all speak of." The four of you threw your hands in the air in defeat and annoyance as Adisa laughed heartedly at the disappointment he caused.
Purple flashes from your Kimoyo beads drew your attention from the rest of the group. You turned your back towards them and hunched over your wrist, waiting for a call to come through. It took a moment then you heard a familiar voice, "Ayo, Y/n." You held your beads closer and asked, "Riri? Why isn't Shuri the one calling me?" The student paused as if she was debating on telling you something before she simply replied, "She told me to call you." Your heart raced in your chest and you asked, "Why? Why would she ask you to do that? Is everything okay? Where is Shuri?"
Riri let out an exhausted sigh and told you, "Wait chill out. Take a breather, your girl is fine. She just has something she's doing right now aight? I was just calling to tell you they sending a flyer to pick you up. I'll see you when you get here, okay?" You but your lip nervously and answered much quieter than before, "Mhm. See you later." The call ended and you rested your head between your knees while taking deep breaths as you waited for the flyer to come get you.
The entirety of the ride back to the Citadel you were dead silent. Your leg bounced anxiously against the floor while you pulled at the coils along the nape of your neck. In your mind you replayed your last moments with Shuri before you left for Jabariland:
You step foot onto the flyer to see Shuri waiting for you with Riri by her side. While Riri grinned from ear to ear at seeing you, the queen did not wear the same expression. Exactly the same as the past few days, Shuri's face blank and emotionless, and her eyes looked empty. Your heart broke at the sight but you told yourself this was part of her grieving process.
It was as if Shuri was present but distant at the same time, just standing before you not making any motion towards you. Until you closed the space between the two of you by pulling her into your arms. Shuri then wrapped her arms around your body and rested her head on your shoulder. After a moment you pulled away from her and attempted to look her in the eyes. The queen turned her head slightly so she was looking just past you. A frown tugged at the corner of your lips and you held her face in your hands, "I'll see you when we get back, yeah?" Still refusing to look at you Shuri nodded ever so slightly in response but remained completely silent.
Your thumb grazed the side of her jaw and you placed a chaste kiss against her lips that she reciprocated. Slowly, your palms dragged lower, holding onto Shuri's neck gently and you quietly spoke so only she could hear you, "Sthandwa."
Finally, the queen's eyes met yours and you told her, "Be smart. Don't forget who you are." She nodded in understanding and you kissed her once more, "I love you Shuri." She held you tighter in her arms, squeezing you so hard it almost hurt- almost as if she didn't want you to leave. Your girlfriend pressed a kiss to your forehead and murmured against you, "I love you, y/n."
Shuri released you from her embrace and you walked further down the ramp to exit the ship. The queen stopped walking in front of the two Dora Milaje she'd assigned to accompany you. The two young women, Noxolo and Taji, were the youngest warriors in the group, but Okoye and Ayo recommended the two for the job.
The queen stopped the two warriors with a hand to the sterum, "You understand what is expected of you both, correct?" Noxolo and Taji replied confidently, "Yes your highness." Shuri lowly whispered to the two Dora Milaje, "Protect her at all costs." The two warriors once more answered in unison, "Yes your highness." Shuri stepped off of the flyer but not before looking over her shoulder to see you and Riri.
At the sight of Riri you cocked your head to the side and smiled. You pulled her into a side hug and told her, "Go kick some ass but promise me you'll be careful out there, aight?" The student gave you her word, "I got you, don't worry." You gave her a knowing look and she put her hands up in fake surrender with a laugh, "I'm being for real!" You punched her arm lightly and admitted, "I'm just teasing you don't worry." Riri turned to walk off the ship and said, "I'll see you when you get back!" All you could do was give a very convincing fake smile, because anything else and you would have ran back towards them and tried to stay. The flyer began to close and Shuri watched from the ground until it was no longer in sight with you in it.
The moment the flyer touched the ground and opened you were already trying to make your way to see Shuri. When the door opened Nakia was waiting for you while Ayo waited for Noxolo and Taji, pulling them aside immediately. You looked around to see many Dora Milaje missing. Slowly you turned back towards Ayo and noticed the paled look on Taji's face. The young warrior was out of earshot but the way she swallowed thickly and remained silent, accepting whatever Ayo was telling them made your stomach drop.
Whatever Nakia was trying to tell you started to sound like jibberish until you ran a full out sprint. You dashed up two flights of stairs and the long corridor leading to Shuri’s chamber. The beads and shells on your front braids smacked against your cheeks and eyes but you couldn't care less. The sound of running footsteps echoed behind yours and a woman called out, "Y/N! Stop!" Turning on your heel you faced Nakia, watching as she jogged up to you.
Tears burned your eyes as you shook your head in denial from already thinking the worst case scenario. Nakia held you by the shoulders and calmly spoke, "She is alive. She will be okay, Shuri will be alright, Y/n." Her words took a moment to register but soon you found your breaths slowing and tears stopping. Nervously you questioned, "What happened?" The older woman explained slowly, "While the rest of us were fighting on the ship, Shuri and Namor went off alone. I do not know the entre story, but all I know is they were battling on an island. Shuri has sustained multiple injuries that are being treated currently." As if she could read your mind, Nakia added, "You will be able to see her shortly. The healers must finish with her before then. You cannot get in their way."
Although your tears stopped falling you felt like you were going to fall apart all over again. Nakia gently placed an arm around your shoulder and led you away from Shuri's bedroom door. The chamber door opened and Nyakallo, the head healer, exited the room and waved you back over.
Nyakallo told you kindly, "Miss Y/N. You are able to visit her, she is resting now. If she needs anything you know how to call me." You thanked the older woman and burst into Shuri's room. Your girlfriend lay in her bed surrounded by pillows which made her look smaller than normal. Her lips were pale and chapped and her eyes shut with her hands resting over her chest. The concern on your face went away when Shuri cracked a smile and chuckled lightly. You groaned in annoyance and whined, "Even when you're seriously injured you still find the time to play with me huh?"
Shuri's eyes remained shut as she quietly answered, "I got speared to a rock. Let me have my fun...plus it's fun to mess with you." She could tell without looking that you were giving her an annoyed glare. You chose not to acknowledge the whole getting speared to a rock thing- that was for another time.
Your girlfriend hummed then requested, "Lay with me?" You pulled back her blankets and climbed into her bed next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Shuri slowly moved herself closer to you, and in the process you noticed how she was moving extremely stiff. The familiar and comforting smell of vanilla and ylang-ylang that clung to her sheets filled your senses. She rested her head on your chest and let out a breath that she seemed to have been holding for some time.
The two of you laid in silence until the queen let out a shaky breath, "I'm sorry. I yelled at you and I pushed you away recently when you were trying to be there for me. I'm sorry." You held onto Shuri's hand as she took another breath so she could continue, "I couldn't lose you too. He- he promised me he would-" Her voice broke as she remembered the promises Namor made and kept, resulting in her own massive loss. You gently shushed her, "Shhh. We don't have to have this conversation right now. You are supposed to be resting remember?"
Your girlfriend held back the tears that welled up behind her eyes, "Yes." She turned her head into your chest and you held her head closer to your heart. You stroked her head gently while whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Shuri's body started to relax against yours and soft snores fell past her lips. You kissed the top of her head and squeezed your eyes shut, thanking the ancestors and gods above that she was back in your arms again.
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jinlias · 2 years
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the happiest girl - jennie
– listen to the happiest girl by blackpink, as always, lyrics are not in order!
– toxic relationship!! both you and jennie are each other’s victims, not physically tho!! angst. angst angst angst.
the doors we slammed, the plates we smashed, echo with the sound of madness, i can’t remember why we try.
now, listen you never hit jennie, never hurt her physically, and neither did she, but that doesn’t mean you were never aggressive towards each other, or in general.
“you.. said yes?” she’s in shock, how you took such a big decision without asking her, without even thinking about her.
“of course i said yes, the salary is three times what i make now, it’s good for us” you shrug, dropping your fork and staring at your girlfriend, not understanding why she was making such a big deal of it.
“it’s good for us? it’s good for us, y/n? how is that any good to me?” her voice raises with every word, and at the end of them, she plops back on the chair and crosses her arms, throwing you a glare
“it’s good for you because you’re on my payroll jennie, while you can’t decide what the fuck you want to do with your life, i pay for your food, the water you bathe in, your phone, your bed, fuck, i pay for this house all on my own, i think im allowed to decide whether i want more money for that or not”
“it’s in new york, y/n! my whole family is here!! and for you to call me out-“
“don’t yell at me jennie” your hand slams right on the table, everything on it stumbling from the vibration.
“or what?” she smirks, nothing but cockiness in her stance “you’ll take away my allowance?”
“that’s it, get up” this time, both your hands slam on the table as you push back the chair you sat on and made your way to her, watching her sit calmly, waiting for you. “i said, get the fuck up jennie”
“what, you want this dress back because you bought it for me?” and there it begins, the hold of eye contact while she slips the thin straps of her dress down her shoulders, the piece of silk clothing pooling at her heels when it falls “you bought the underwear too, didn’t you?” but before she can continue her evil version of a striptease, your hand tangles in her hair and your lips with her own.
Don't hold my hand, don't beg me back, don't say that we'll make it through this
the whole argument replays in her head. the silence serves as some sort of consolation, one that you can’t provide her, even as you turn around to face her naked back and wrap your arms around her body. "i'm sorry about earlier baby, i got angry, and i said things i don’t mean”
but she doesn’t even have the energy to verbally forgive you, so jennie only nods, turning around and letting herself be pulled in by your embrace, one full of faux ‘i love you, it won’t happen again.’
she knows it will happen again, she’s certain. usually, the two of you will fuck the anger out of each other. but the arguments are too severe, and she doesn’t know if she loves you too much to do anything about it, or if she’s too tired of arguing and would rather let you get away with everything from now on, and that worries her.
don't make us saints, we're wards of pain, there's no one else to blame this time.
jennie was in no way innocent, or your victim, she had her own fits and toxic behavior, but mostly, she was possessive. and you had this one coworker, whom she always claimed wanted to get with you, when she was to find out you’d seen her today, she would lose her shit.
“i did not cheat on you for fucks sake!!” you slam your coat on the table. the keys go next, your bag was the only thing you placed nicely on the table before she started accusing you
“she posted photos y/n!! you could’ve at least tried to hide it!” she follows you as you begin to head towards your room.
“hide what? hide what jennie?! do you want me to lie to you just because you don’t like my friend? i’m wasn’t doing anything wrong!” you sigh, hands raised in both annoyance and innocence “i went for some drinks with my friend after work. nothing more, nothing less”
“she wants you! and she probably thinks she has a chance with you when you go on more dates with her than your own girlfriend!”
“for the last time. i did not and will not cheat on you. i am done with this conversation. i’m sleeping on the couch tonight”
“fuck you!” but you slam the door of your room on her face, snatching a lone pillow and blanket to sleep with
don’t change the truth, you’re not the one who gets to cry
“oh please, you’re crying?” you stare at her in awe, how she can quickly change emotions and personalities in order to gaslight you “i went to therapy for you jennie you can’t manipulate me”
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean what i said, please forgive me baby.” it’s been days since you spoke last, the last argument had gotten a little out of hand, mostly from her side, and it had lead to the two of you avoiding each other, made easily by the spacious house you lived in.
you hate her right now, her words hurt you and you hate how she makes it so easy for you to forgive her even after that, but regardless, you cup her head with your hand and wrap your other arm around her body, embracing her and consoling her for the hurt she caused you.
but tonight i’ll be the happiest girl in the world, you’ll see, like it never happened.
you know she loves you, you know you love each other. your arguments don’t mean any other than that, but maybe you don’t love each other enough. the future can only hold much worse versions of the obstacles your relationship has provided so far, and she knows she can only hurt you so much. you know the possibilities of your relationship getting any healthier are minuscule. however, you still hold on to the good things, both of you. the memories you’ve made in your years together, the laughter, the kissing, protecting, the loving. even the times you were both there for each other, helped one another. you love each other too much to let go, even with all the arguing, the lack of trust, being together is much better than without the other, and that’s why the both of you, in the end, say i do.
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faithlesbian · 1 year
fresh off my s7 rewatch i keep sticking on the scene after they find that potential that's hung herself in the night. buffy has to cut her down and bury her body in the garden, which is awful, but then she comes back inside to a room full of grieving, traumatised children, shovel still in hand, and says "anyone want to say a few words about chloe? let me. chloe was an idiot. chloe was stupid. she was weak."
for the rest of that scene she lashes out at pretty much everyone in some way with the reasoning that she's been "carrying them" and that they need to start pulling their weight. that scene is a tough one to watch just from how needlessly cruel she is to the potentials, watching them flinch when she throws the shovel she used to bury their dead friend is especially affecting, and while she's not technically wrong that willow and spike have both been holding back and not giving their all due to fear of their own power, verbally abusing them about it is really only gonna make it harder.
im usually a buffy stan first and a person second so watching her be so genuinely mean is hard for me, but the more i think about it the more i realise its not actually that ooc -- we know a major theme of s7 is the isolation of being the slayer, buffy acknowledges multiple times that she pushes people away and doesnt know how not to, the resolution of the main plot is her finding a way to share her power with the world. buffy's self-isolation and lashing out at her support network is an established trauma response that we first see in s2 when she's still reeling from being killed by the master. buffy in s6 had only recently started overcoming her suicidality before nearly getting raped by spike, so it's fair to say she's equally as unmoored in s7 as she was in early s2 if not way more so. in s3 she attacks a domestic abuse victim when she's struggling to come to terms with how she herself was hurt by angel, so her calling a suicidal teen "stupid and weak" after being suicidal herself actually does track. this is how buffy acts when she's at her most traumatised.
the thing that gets me about this instance compared to the others, though, is how bad a job they do at showing that. i think its pretty easy to say calling a suicidal teen stupid and weak is bad, right? doing so in front of a bunch of other vulnerable teens who are in the same boat is worse, right? no matter how unusual the circumstances, that kind of verbal abuse isnt going to help anyone "toughen up", its just abuse. but buffy doesnt apologise for any of it, willow defends her saying it, and i genuinely cant tell if she's narratively framed as in the wrong or not. buffy barely gets a chance to acknowledge just how traumatised she is this season, the PTSD symptoms she has from the rape in s6 just sort of go away after a while which is exactly how PTSD doesnt work, scenes like this get glossed over and used to build up to her friends kicking her out of her own house, which is such a majorly discoursed scene i dont wanna touch it with a barge pole but we all know that was not the ideal way to deal with any of that, right? the way she acts, which so clearly draws on how she's previously behaved when textually struggling with trauma, is never fully questioned or explored, leading to an ambiguous framing where an argument could easily be made that its meant to be seen as justified "tough" behaviour in a high stakes plot that demands it.
for the main plot to be resolved by buffy breaking the cycle that led to her original trauma, but to also fumble the depiction of that trauma an its effects, is deeply frustrating. because yes! too much had been expected of her by everyone in that room for too long! but part of the reason is her own refusal to ask for or accept help, and that distance between her and those around her is only made worse by her lashing out at them. and she deserved to process that in an emotionally cathartic way at some point before the finale
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How Gabriella met Pauline (Naughty GF x Purity GF love story/My AU)
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Landlord: I have you so many chances to pay your rent and I gave the deadline and you still haven’t paid for it!
Gabriella: Look, I just need a little more time, I have my job to deal with and I’ll ask my boss to increase my-
Landlord: I don’t care, you haven’t paid me for the this weeks rent and the last other month’s rent
Gabriella: But it’s cold outside, please at least let me go inside and sleep and I’ll just leave first thing tomorrow morning
Landlord: No! That is the last straw, I want you to take your stuff and leave this place now or else I’m gonna call the police!
Gabriella: Alright Alright fine, I hated living here anyway. *gives the landlord the middle finger and leaves*
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Gabriella left the place, she went to the park and try to find another place to live. It was dark out and plus it was cold.
Gabriella:(mind) Grrrr stupid landlord, who does he think he is, I told him I was gonna pay the rent soon, he didn’t have to throw me out of the apartment, now I have to find another place to stay.
Gabriella was pissed off that she had to get thrown out of the apartment by her landlord. She went to the apartment to search for a bench to sleep on when all of a sudden she saw a female angel with white horns and tail on the bench crying
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Gabriella: (mind) Huh? Is that an Angel? She has white demon horns and her wings are gray and she’s crying?! I best go talk to her.
Gabriella approached to the bench where the crying angel was sitting.
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Gabriella: Hey, are you okay?
???: H-Huh?
Gabriella: It looks like you’re crying, here *pulls out a handkerchief and gives it to the angel*
???: Oh *sniff* thank you….
Gabriella: Uh mind if I sit next to you?
???: I don’t mind at all
Gabriella sat on the bench next to the angel with a worried and concerned face.
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Gabriella: Hey, are you okay Ms…uh…
???: Pauline.
Gabriella: Huh?
Pauline: My name is Pauline but some people call me Purity Girlfriend
Gabriella: Oh that’s a nice name, I’m Gabriella Hidden it’s nice to meet you!
Pauline gave Gabriella a warm smile. Gabriella blushed a little.
Gabriella: (mind) Woah, she’s really pretty, wait what am I saying, I just met her.
Pauline: Is there something wrong?
Gabriella: Huh? No no no it’s nothing, hey can I ask you a question?
Pauline: Sure go ahead.
Gabriella: What’s an Angel you doing in Parodies town, weren’t angels supposed to be in heaven?
Pauline: *looks on the ground with tears in her eyes* *sigh* Well the reason why I’m here is because My current boyfriend cheated on me with a succubus and have been verbally abusing me, and today he kicked me out of heaven for 1 hour so I had to come here.
Gabriella: Oh my god, I’m sorry that happened to you! That boyfriend of yours is completely jerk to you! But why would he hurt you like that?
Pauline: You see the white horns on my head and the tail? I’m cursed! I have been cursed by my father who did it by accident. I have been ridiculed by some demons and fallen angels because of this, I’m a monster!
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Gabriella: I don’t think you’re a monster.
Pauline: Huh?
Gabriella: I don’t think you’re a monster. From what I see is a beautiful Angel was just misunderstood by some people in heaven
Pauline: B-But Purity Senpai said-
Gabriella: Fuck what he said, you’re are not a ugly monster, he is the ugly monster
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Pauline: Wow! That’s the nicest thing you have said to me, thank you!
Gabriella: No problem, I always here to help and you know what else I think about you?
Pauline: No what is it?
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Gabriella grabs Pauline’s hand and whispers in her ear:
Gabriella: I think I want to have intercourse with a beautiful Angel like you~
Pauline: 0_O
Gabriella chuckled
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Gabriella: Hehehehe Sorry Pauly, I was just teasing you!😊
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Pauline: Hmph! Well it’s not funny plus having intercourse with a demon is a sin and I can get in a lot of trouble.
Gabriella: Oh come on, nobody has to know about it~
Pauline: What do you mean by that?
Gabriella stroached Pauline’s chin and gave Pauline a flirty grin.
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nagi3seastorm · 9 months
@breeandhermunches She legitimately keeps me going with her fics because I have so much pent up frustration and anger that I can’t express verbally
These fics have me saying stuff in my own room, HEATED, playing out what I would say if it was me.
I’m not the type to throw hands, but I’m the girl that’ll back you up and hold your belongings.
And y’all may disagree with me, but the first time I saw those braids my face quirked a little too hard a little too fast. But then I saw a guy who looked just like 42!Miles the next day at the gym wearing his signature colors and hair style next day. Not to mention he was FINE!!!
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So the braids kinda grew on me in a hot second
Have me CRYING!!! Anybody got a blue filtered picture of 42!Miles?
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Hello! I would like you to play matchmaker with me and ship me with someone of the outsiders, please? <333
I'm an average heighted female with pale skin (literally it looks like fucking milk even in summer😭). I have long wavy dark brown hair that is somehow always messy. My eyes are a mix between grey, green and blue and nobody (not even me) can make out their exact colour for the life of theirs since it seems like they are changing colour (from lightning, etc) at every second. I am very fond of the coquette style of clothing, I'm an hyperfeminine girly that loves to dress like the doll she feels like she is. I'm talking full on short white lacy skirts with red heart-shaped sunglasses, cherry lipstick and pink tops with a white ribbon on my hair!
Moving onto my personality; I'm a very sweet girl, I'm the literal mom friend of every friend group I've ever been in. I never shy away from complimenting anything and everything about a person, someone got a new shirt today? "oh my god, that looks so good on you!", someone is trying a new hobby "that's great! tell me all about it!", someone tried a new hairstyle? "you look utterly gorgeous/handsome!"
I consider myself as a very touchy person, I like to hold hands, hang onto someone's arm, legs/shoes touching while sitting, hugs (a lot of hugs) and cuddling! I love cuddling! /all of this both with platonic friends and romantic partners. Though I will back off and tone it down if someone's uncomfortable with so much physicall or verbal affection and resort to gift-giving (hand-made trinkets or small things that reminded me of that certain someone, etc) as love-language. I am a very sensitive gal when it cames to being gifted something, I will fr tear up 😭. I literally cherish every little thing that my friends give me, even if it's a fucking bubble gum wrap paper, it's getting a spot in my 'memory box' lmao.
I laugh at almost everything, and I consider myself pretty much easy-going, I'm okay with every and any kind of plan as long as it's with my friends. Even if I'm sweet and have literally no idea how to even throw a punch, if someone tries to mess with my loved ones you bet your ass I'm gonna throw myself at them and try and do as much damage as I can, even if I end up with my face all bloodied and pretty much more hurt than the one I was trying to hurt 😭 (i just love my friends that much). BTW IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS TOO MUCH TEXT LIKE LITERALLY SORRY AND I HOPE UR HAVING THE GREATEST DAY 😭
No, I actually prefer whenever people provide more information as this allows me to do a deeper analysis of which character and you I think would be great together!!! And I am having a mediocre day, but thank you for wishing me the best!!! Also personality wise. I just think that I’m the sassy gay version of you like if someone gets a new shirt that I think looks good. I’m gonna be like a bitch. You’re literally slaying that respect towards you. We love people who complement people.  also I think we’re literally the same person because I have such pale skin. My friends call me vampire and I have to do like the whitest shade of foundation ever and every time I go into a Sephora it’s like they’re shaming me and I also have color changing eyes, and I never know what to say on those quizzes that are like what color are your eyes because I’m like I don’t have a mirror on me. How am I supposed to know? 
Your outsiders ship: Sodapop Curtis
(I like Soda and Dallas with you for different reasons I think that soda pop and you would have the healthier more beneficial relationship and more realistic, but the enemies to lovers tension between you and Dallas Winston is like SKEPS HAJANSNS)
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Explanation: starting off with your physical appearance, I think that he would be incredibly attracted to you as you’re one of the girls that he would typically like. He thinks your eyes and hair are both really gorgeous and he loves the fact that they color change for your aesthetic. I think that he also really loves it and it’s one of the things that made you stand out to him as a person. Out of all the greasers, he’s definitely the one that embraces his femininity the most, and brilliant admires anyone who does so the same I mean, I think his favorite nickname or one of his favorite nicknames to be called is definitely pretty boy because he knows he’s pretty he flaunts it and you can’t tell me he doesn’t. Personality wise I think you guys are pretty similar and I think he loves the fact that you just go up to people and complement them whenever you have something to say and it’s not fake either you don’t do it to do it you just do it because you genuinely feel like they deserve a compliment and you wanna lighten their world in that way and I think that he incredibly admirable and admirable. He’s also a very touchy and cuddly guy, and I think that he would constantly want to have his hands on you someway he’s not necessarily clingy, but I think if you were standing nearby him, he would want to have his hands on you, whether that be just you know, linking pinkies or full on grabbing his arm around your shoulders, I think he loves physical touch. As for you and your sensitivity to giftgiving, I think he would absolutely love that because he can’t give you a surplus of gifts due to the fact he doesn’t come from a stable financial household so I think that he would give you one very well thought out gift and found out that we weren’t mad that he couldn’t give you something more expensive or nice or something or just more. due to you not being able to fight too well I think he would be extremely overprotective of you and he would absolutely beat someone up for you if you wanted, but he would always make sure to check in with you and not be overly aggressive when he doesn’t know the full situation. I SHIP THIS SO HARD 💚💚💚💚
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