#if not fren then why fren shaped?
rt8815 · 11 months
One of our museum's resident bats did a little mlemlemlemlemlem☺️☺️☺️
Sleepy baby
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woodsworth · 8 days
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highfinance · 4 months
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No touchie!!!!
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The only reason bears are fren shape is because we decided a pack animal that shared a somewhat recent common ancestor with them was cute, useful, and frens
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whoopsyeahokay · 2 months
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October Sun
summary: Wally might've been preoccupied with Field Day but that hadn't meant he didn't plan on getting answers. Thankfully, the universe was on his side because there you were, right where he wanted you.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence.
as promised, here's PART SIX, no wait necessary! 🫶😅
bon reading, frens
Wally grinned from ear to ear, eager for Maddie to accept the gesture Mr. Martin offered in the length and shape of a golf club. He'd spent a great deal of the morning figuring out how to coax Maddie to join in their shenanigans, proud Field Day enthusiast that he was, and was pleased as punch that she seemed to be getting into it.
He'd been there, filled with pent-up aggression and bitterness, and grief for a life that had been snatched away from him before he'd understood what it meant to live.
Contrary to what Maddie thought of him, Wally hadn't always been an upbeat, ultra-positive member of the afterlife. In fact, he'd wallowed a whole decade away, trudging the tiers of the stadium seats, seeking answers or forgiveness or enlightenment; something that would help put his world back to rights.
It never happened. He'd simply moved on. Matured, maybe. Ajay and Bernie—the autoshop pancake and bus stop tragedy, respectively—had encouraged him to open himself up to Mr. Martin's brand of therapy, and then, slowly, he'd started to relax into his place in the metaphysical world.
He hoped he could be there for Maddie the way they'd been there for him.
Which is why he hadn't made an excuse to slip away and find you. Oh, he'd tried to catch you at your locker before your first class, waited for twenty minutes after the bell had rung, but you hadn't shown up. So, he'd gone to Group in a funk that had lingered until Mr. Martin had announced his decision to proceed with Field Day.
Yet, as joyful as Wally had been to partake, something inside him had ached. The strong, honeymelt tug of the connection between you extended outward from his chest as if reaching for you through the ether. Demanded he ignore everything in the interest of finding you, took your head in his hands and made you look him in the eye—he longed so badly for you to see him.
The feeling hadn't subsided. Rather, it had burrowed deeper into his brain and challenged his thoughts, the feeling like he had somewhere he needed to be but couldn't recall the address. And it only seemed to worsen the further away he got from the main school building.
The sound of exploding glass forced Wally back to the present. Maddie swung the golf club again, shattering another window, which Wally applauded with exuberance and congratulated Maddie on another impressive attack.
"Told you you're a natural!" Wally encouraged, beaming a supernova smile that Maddie couldn't resist returning.
Charley hummed thoughtfully from his perch on the picnic table behind them and slanted a conspiratorial grin at Wally, "A real natural." He commented, "Totally sane."
"The sanest." Wally agreed and turned back to watch Maddie as she trudged around the corner of the equipment shed, gearing up to unleash her violence on the vending machines.
And then, like lightning on the breeze, Wally sensed it. You. Static down his spine, heartbeat ratcheting up, cinnamon spice on his tongue. Automatically, his gaze shifted from Maddie to a figure in the distance, clad exclusively in black, head down, features obscured by the shadow of a hood.
Wally sucked in a deep breath as subtly as he could, tasting the crispness on the air and dull notes of burnt vanilla. He could hear every step you took, the rustle of fabric as you fished your phone from your back pocket. He felt your desperation as if it was his own, how you needed to find someone right fucking now, where had he gone?
Glass erupted, sprayed the ground at Maddie's feet, crunched under her boots as she moved onto the final vending machine. Wally wasn't going to waste an opportunity when it presented itself perfectly.
"Ooh-hoh! Yes! That was—" He smacked a kiss to his fingertips, "—beautiful!" He turned to Charley, praying he wasn't demonstrating too much gusto that it raised questions. "I'm going to find more shit for us to break. Best Field Day ever!"
He took off, sprinting up the slight hill and onto the path that circled the field. Once he felt he was a safe enough distance away, he twirled on his heel to check that Charley and Maddie weren't watching. Maddie had joined Charley at the table, both now engrossed in a conversation, paying no mind to Wally.
He didn't need to seek you out, his gaze finding you easily as you marched across the grass toward the front of the school, staring at your phone like it held the secrets of the universe. Maybe it did, Wally had no idea, too intimidated to try using one of those things.
"Hey." He called once he was close enough, trailing you as you made your way into the parking lot. That feeling that had been with him all day intensified as the proximity between you lessened, white-hot and smoldering beneath his flesh.
Although you didn't answer, your back stiffened, almost imperceptible if Wally hadn't been paying such close attention, and your stride shortened marginally.
"I missed you." He confessed, breathing heavy from exertion, "Didn't see you this morning. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to avoid me." He glanced at you cheekily, settling into step beside you.
You ignored him, focus fixed on your phone, though the screen was blank.
"I had things to do, anyway." Wally said, shrugging it off. "You know how it is; a lot to keep a guy busy in the afterlife."
He noticed you'd changed direction, leading you both out of the parking lot and onto the walkway that looped around to the side of the school where the bus stop stood. Part of him buzzed at the thought that you'd done it on purpose. To avoid crossing the invisible barrier that would catapult Wally straight to the 5-yard line.
Wally licked his lips, leaned into your space so his arm pressed against yours as you walked. Pinkies brushed, skin on skin, sparking electricity up his arm that burst in his chest.
He pressed on despite your resilience, "It's Field Day today. Or, Destroy the Field Day, really." He snickered at his own joke, figured he'd do it for you. "It's fun. You should try it sometime. You know, when you stop pretending you can't see me." He spun around to walk backwards, preferred to see your face even if you refused to look at him. "I could show you the ropes like I did for Maddie—"
Suddenly, you stopped in your tracks, chin lifting, eyes spiking up from your phone as you pulled down your hood in one motion. Wally froze. His pulse hammered a chorus in his ears—boom clap, boom clap—wind knocked from his lungs as slowly, so so slowly, your eyes glided to meet his.
The intensity in them pinned Wally in place. Time receded. The noise of afternoon activity dimmed. You saw. him. This was more than acknowledgment, this was proof. Proof that he took up space in your world as you did in his. He was witnessed, real, a l i v e.
Wally uttered so quietly, terrified to break the spell that bore you both in its palms, a soft and reverent, "Hello..," the weight of it catching in his throat.
As if fighting against yourself, you brought your phone to your ear in small, measured increments, gaze unwavering. Wally was enraptured by the marbling colors in its depths and couldn't help but wonder if your eyes did that whenever you peeked through the veil, or if it was a reaction unique to him.
And then that didn't matter because, for the first time, unmistakably and with intention, you spoke to him.
"What did you just say?"
note: i'm gonna do my best to get the next part up in a timely manner, but please bear with! thank you again, my dudes, for sticking with what is becoming a behemoth of a story 💀 i probably should've mentioned that it's a very involved, very dense plot, huh? 🙃
if you'd like to be kept up-to-date, please join the tag list!
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whipped-cheese · 3 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
[click for quality]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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sealed-valkyria · 3 months
Why Beeter so fren shaped…
They inherited the fren part from their mom, and the shaped part from their dad.
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renaissancelamb · 4 months
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If Evil, Why Fren Shaped?
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sleepynggafr · 1 year
❀ some Shuri headcanons I be thinkin of 🤭❀
I’m tellin you now this woman is OBSESSED
The first time she laid her eyes on you she was in a trancee
I feel like you would meet her like 2-5 years after the fight with namor. Giving her time to mature and heal YK
She would def show u around the palace because you ain’t leavin no time soon fren
LOVESS to hear you talk. Your voice is so calming to her. You could be talkin about anything and she’d be starin in adoration
“Why you starin at like that” “ your just so stunning my love”
Anyway I feel like she isn’t the best cook (and when I mean not the best I mean literal ass) but she still tries
Every time she cooks for you she has the most proudest smile on her face when she gives it to you
You gotta pretend like you love it because you can’t stand to see that smile falter 🙁
“Is it good usana yam?” “It’s literally the best food I’ve ever eaten I’m my live Shuri omg”
As soon as she left to get you something to drink you spit it out in a napkin and threw in the garbage
Can’t keep her hands off you omg
In meetings her hand is on yours
she has her lips on your cheeks, neck, hands. Praising you for all the little accomplishments you achieve
Loves to hug and cuddle ion care what nun y’all say
When y’all sleepin together she puts your head in her chest and puts a leg over you. Only way she can sleep.
She definitely purrs (came with the heart shaped herb)
when you kiss her, hug her, rub her , praise her, ANYTHING. And you love it because it comforting
“Shuri honey you purrin too loud” “Mm, your just too much my love”
Very possessive
Any stranger talking to you for too long is a Nono
She literally doesn’t care she goes up to you mid conversation, wraps an arm around your middle bringing you closer, and says
“Move, or you will be moved”
OH MYSVHSJSJ 🤭‼️🔥🌚🔥🔥🌚‼️‼️🤭🤭
She then takes you out for ice cream 😋
Has eyes on you at all times
Tracks you with the kimono bead bracelet and earings she gifted you on your early stages of dating her
But perfers she comes with you
She takes you everywhere with her
Not on missions tho apparently
She’s lost so much..she can’t lose you too
Suggest you take life easy and stay in the palace but you stay adventurin
Has a black cat as a pet
And it definitely is either a sphinx or a main coon
You just love her and she loves you even more than you could imagine ♥︎
A/N: Damn I was just writin and ain’t even realize how much I’m doin 💀. This is like my first time like ever writin so go easy on me pls 🙁🙏🏾
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coldshrugs · 4 months
wip wednesday
i was tagged by @hythlodaes and @myreia, thank you frens :> and i'll tag (no pressure) @scionshtola @lavampira @gefiltefished @hylfystt @impossible-rat-babies aaaand @magebastard because 👀 i'm working through the modern au's thanksgiving episode and this part is obliterating me (sorry if you've already read this 🧍‍♂️)
How long has she been staring at the ceiling? Fifteen minutes? Four hours?
Io doesn’t want to look at the time—it’s hard to tell here anyway, without the familiar sounds of her campus or the city moving around her; there’s only the rustling of an animal or two outside as they prepare for winter, the occasional snap of a branch. Moonlight falls through the blinds, landing across the bed in thin silver arcs, and not even those hint at a turning sky. For all she knows, time has stopped, the world and all its ceaseless motion has paused, and she can live in this Wednesday forever. The evening can stretch on indefinitely, never reaching midnight.
Tomorrow doesn’t have to exist.
She’s had enough Thanksgivings for a lifetime anyway.
Maybe she was wrong to travel so far away from her home. Away from them. But what does it matter when both things are out of her reach, regardless of the geography?
All she has left are memories of ghosts, in a house that belongs to someone else now. She hopes the family living there will make the same kinds of memories. It feels like a stupid wish to make while she’s feeling sorry for herself, and a laugh that barely sounds like hers breaks the silence. That’s when she realizes she’s crying, and the laughter is mutilated by a choked sob as she curls in on herself.
The doorknob turns clumsily. Shit, shit, shit… She wipes her eyes and nose on her sleeves.
The hinges whine and Estinien, little more than a dark shape, steps into the room. His voice is thick from sleep as he asks, “Io? Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” It’s a hurried whisper. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.”
The weight of his stare settles on her in the dark. As the seconds pass, it becomes clear that this is a standoff: her avoidance versus his stubbornness.
She sighs, unsure if she wants him to stay or go, but needing something to change.
“What do you want me to say?” she asks, and every word fractures on the way out as her voice refuses to remain even. So fucking embarrassing.
“Hey, come here.” But he is the one who moves. The single bed shifts as he climbs in, sliding an arm under her shoulders and pulling her to him. Without thinking, Io clings to him. The tears come faster, her shoulders shake, but she is quieter now.
After some time, Estinien asks, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Maybe in a minute.”
“I’ll be here.” Soft as it is, his voice does not waver. Io has never believed anything more than she believes this simple promise.
“Will you talk to me?” she sniffles against his shoulder. “I'm sorry. Not your favorite activity, I know.”
“Yeah, I can talk to you,” he says. They shuffle a little, getting more comfortable in the bed that’s too small for the both of them. It’s a tight squeeze, but the warmth and pressure of being tucked against Estinien’s side is grounding. He strokes her hair. When he speaks, his whisper is slow and soothing, and if this is how Wednesday ends and Thursday begins, maybe she can tolerate it. 
“I was thirteen during my first Thanksgiving with Alberic... It was a fucking mess. He went all out for it; bought a huge turkey, things to make all the sides, and he wanted to make pumpkin pie too. It was more food than we could eat, and he was determined to make everything from scratch—the ultimate pity meal, right? He asked if I wanted to help, but I couldn’t see that he was trying to keep me busy. I was miserable, so I just stayed in here, crying all day. Wondering why I had to be here, in this house that wasn’t mine, with a man I didn’t know and didn’t want to know, instead of being… wherever they were…” He trails off. That thought needs no explanation; it’s where Io was last year, trying so hard not to let it show as she grasped for some degree of normalcy.
“Yeah,” she admits. His fingers find her scalp, scratching gently.
“Alberic spent so much time outside my room that day, just sitting on the other side of the door, that everything was burnt by the time he convinced me to come out. When I did, I could see he’d been crying too. I felt so shitty for putting him through it that I sat down at the table full of ruined food—which he fully arranged, by the way, the sentimental fuck—and I just started eating. It was awful, but Alberic ate too. It was just us, trying not to cry over all this charred food. And when we finished, he brought out this perfect pie—the only thing he managed to get right—and it was the best pie I’ve ever had. I don’t know. I think about that a lot, you know? When everything feels shitty, I try to find the one good thing at the end of it. It’s always there, if you wait for it.”
Io steels herself with a long inhale. “I miss them, so much.”
“I know,” Estinien says. “Me too. That’s just how it’ll be for us.”
She doesn’t mistake his straightforward words for nonchalance. This is the whole of it, the reason he invited her. This is him linking his pain to hers, telling her it will still be there in ten years, reminding her that either of them carrying it alone is not an option. He will lift on one side if she lifts the other, and together they will move forward. Her grief will be as stubbornly reliable as the man at her side. She wants to believe the context of both will change with time. His grief seems to have changed, so maybe there’s hope for hers.
“I’m glad I’m here with you, though. And Alberic. Even if this trip was an elaborate setup to keep me busy.”
Estinien laughs quietly but doesn’t deny it. They settle into the silence, their bodies relaxing a little. Io’s breathing has steadied in his arms. Lines of light spill over part of his face, highlighting the slope of his nose, and accentuating the length of his lashes against his cheek while his eyes are closed. They’ve never been this close. If she turned her head, she could almost—
His phone buzzes in his pocket.
“Okay, who have you been texting all week? Just tell me.” She hopes that sounds less annoyed than she is.
More silence. His hand stills in her hair. From behind his lashes, his eye slides over to her and then to the ceiling. “...just a guy. Vic. In one of my classes.”
A different weight sits on her chest now, but she can recover from this one. “He’s making you laugh. I like him already.”
“We don’t have to talk about it.” He uses the hand that’s not occupied with touching her to cover his face. Io lifts herself on her elbow a bit to tease him, but also to allow him to move, if he wants to. He doesn’t budge.
“Do you think he calls his nudes ‘Vic pics’ instead of—?”
“Io—” But Estinien laughs anyway, too loudly and sincerely for her to feel anything besides bittersweet happiness for him. It’s not time.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, giggling too. “But hey, if you send any, remember to crop out your face.”
“I hate this,” he groans, slinging his forearm across his face. But in an isolated streak of moonlight, she can see the corner of his lips still turned up.
“But not me?”
“Never you.”
“You neither.”
Time moves again, and she measures it by the changing pattern of light falling across his face. His eyes close again, and his breathing slows to a peaceful rhythm. Estinien falls asleep with his arm still wrapped around her shoulder. Io also closes her eyes, and doesn't wonder which side of midnight this moment belongs to.
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romirola · 13 days
Hello hy romi fren! 🖤🖤
I bring these :
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work? (totally not for comment writing porpoises for me 🤥)
Thanks for these asks, @thatweirdomidas!
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
Oh, this gives me a WONDERFUL opportunity to plug playlist extraordinaire @floofdeloop ! She has dozens of amazing playlists, many of which are Redacted-themed. Not only is her music taste TOP TIER, but she has this amazing way of capturing the characters and even curating music that tells a story. One of my favorites is this playlist, titled "Lazy Morning with Milo." When I listen, it's like I'm transported to a place where it's just me, Milo, and a chill day ahead of us (plus Aggro, of course!)
Have you checked out Floof's Spotify yet? You'll be so glad you did!
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Oh my gosh, absolutely any comment truly makes my day, thatweirdomidas! Comments of all sizes, shapes, and themes are welcome in my inbox. It doesn't matter if the comment is a small little "second kudos" picture or an in-depth essay of a reader's reactions. I also adore comments with questions, comments with predictions as to what happens next, comments about the style, or anything! Literally whatever a reader wants to share with me is my favorite, because I know that every reader is different has has a different comment style. So as not to avoid giving you answer, though, I will say that as a reader, one of my favorite ways to comment is to pull out a line (or a few lines) that stuck out to me and why I love them so much. It gives me a chance to provide a writer with some tangible insights about what I liked and why.
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neuroticbookworm · 11 months
Parenting in La Pluie, Episode 11
Last week, Tai finally, finally got The Explanation from his parents, and hoo boy, did they NAIL IT. He threw a spectacular tantrum as an adult man at his mom’s wedding and his parents did not immediately disown him, which is impressive in its own right. What’s more impressive is how they talked sense into him, undoing the knots of confusion in his head about their divorce, and how it has shaped his understanding of the concept of love and relationships.
Tai arrives at the wedding, and immediately throws side eyes at his mom and her now-husband, Nu. He sits down at the table with his brothers, and when his brother Nuea asks him about his fight with Patts that led to their breakup, he deflects by saying it was nothing special, it just didn’t work out. Nuea then says “You got a soulmate as your boyfriend. That is precious” and Sangtien and Saengchan emphatically agree with him. Tai then asks Nuea “As it comes down to this, do you still want me to believe in soulmates?” implying their parents’ separation. Their dad arrives, and Tai observes his parents and Nu happily interacting with each other and then asks his brothers “As you see this, don’t you feel something? Dad is congratulating Mom on her new wedding”.
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It is clear from Tai’s behavior and his words that he does not understand how a person can love someone and wish them happiness, even when they cannot be the one who gives it to them. Tai gets increasingly upset as his mom gives her wedding toast, and walks away when Yadfah says “They (Warun and her children) are still my beloved ones, I love them, forever”. He walks away because he thinks she is lying, if she still likes Warun, why would she break-up with him? And how can she fall in love with Nu and marry him? It does not make sense to Tai and it does not fit the idea of love he has in his head.
Nu sees Yadfah’s heart breaking into a million pieces, as she watches her son essentially shrug off her declaration of love for him and walk away. He then tells her “The most important thing for him right now is to understand us. If Saengtai is happy, we will be happy. Now Saengtai is my son too” (we love Uncle Nu in this house, ladies, gentlemen, and my non-binary frens).
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So, Yadfah and Warun follow Tai to Saengchan’s room, and Warun asks him how he is feeling, since Tai excused himself from the table saying that he is feeling dizzy. This is a tiny but amazing detail to show us how they have been patient and understanding of Tai’s struggle with their separation. They leave the ball in Tai’s court, waiting for him to ask them, when he is ready to really listen to them. When Tai gives them that opening they have been waiting for, by saying “You know I lied. I don’t have a headache”, Warun and Yadfah look at their son, look at each other, nod, and then Warun starts talking. I’m a big fan of parents establishing and reassuring themselves as A TEAM before they try to talk sense into their fucked up child’s head.
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A quick detour: this is not the first time I have talked about divorce and the effect it has on the children in the family. I have done it before when Step by Step had a similar scene where Pat’s parents talked to him about their separation, when Pat was having his quarter-life crisis breakdown on their shoulders. I concluded that piece saying that divorce must not always be demonized and blamed as the root of trauma for whatever difficulty children face in their adulthood. And I noticed a few people in the notes, rightfully pointing out that divorce can be a traumatic experience for the children even when it is amicable. I fully agree. I do and I understand. But the reason why I am so defensive about this narrative is that it can be easily reduced and twisted into “divorce is bad, it traumatizes children, so no one should get divorced”. Divorce can be a deeply traumatizing experience for the children, but their parents staying in a marriage that does not work anymore is worse. Nobody wants to break up a perfectly good marriage. Couples who contemplate divorce know that this is the option that will get them and their children out of this unhappy situation with the least amount of pain. And when children are made aware of this, they will eventually grow and heal from this pain. And they will see that their parents still did whatever was best for them, even if that meant separating from each other.
Warun echoes this exact sentiment in his explanation. He apologizes to Tai, telling him that he and Yadfah thought not bringing their problems to Tai was the right thing to do, which in retrospect, is decidedly not. He says “We thought it would be better if you know nothing” and Yadfah adds “especially you, who has hearing loss”, which, as @shortpplfedup notes here, implies that Tai might’ve gotten some special treatment from his parents, being their only kid with a hearing loss. Warun continues and clarifies that he never lied to Tai, a callback to their conversation at the restaurant after Tai’s dinner date with Patts, where he told Tai “I do still love your mom. I don’t lie to myself about it. And, I’m glad for her (relationship with Nu). And I don’t lie to myself about it, either”. He says “Marriage is not only about love” and we see the argument between him and Yadfah in the flashback scene. It shows how even though their lives are centered around their children and their shared goal and desire to provide the best life for them, their points of focus have led them to drift apart in different directions, leading to them spending less and less time together. We finally hear Yadfah say the words “Maybe we should separate”.
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At this point, I was ready to be disappointed because I wanted Tai to confront his idea that his mom is the instigator of this divorce and therefore the villain in this narrative. And if Yadfah is the one who uttered the S word first, I was afraid that Tai would latch on to it and regress back into his immature stance. But no, the show surprised me yet again because the writers are so. fucking. smart. The scene shifts back to the present and Warun says “But that is not the day we separated. For a year after that we tried to talk, adjust and move forward”.  He explains that he and Yadfah realized that though they are on different paths now, they still share the same goal. And then he says it. He says “I told your mom that we should get a divorce”. And we immediately see the seismic shift in Tai’s mind, his entire understanding of his mom, his dad, their love for each other, their marriage to each other and their family, crumbles to dust. He looks completely shaken and stunned. The world does not make sense to him anymore.
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Yadfah now joins the conversation and reiterates how even though they are separated, they will always care for each other and their children. She says “Our love has just shifted to a different form”. She then adds a statement that shakes the foundations of Tai’s belief system for the second time. She says “Although we are separated, we will still be soulmates forever. When it rains, we still talk to each other” and we see Tai immediately realize how monumentally he has fucked up with Patts. He broke the soulmate bond. He wanted to be free of this destiny and he screamed it out into the universe with so much hate that the universe obliged. But he forgot that destiny is not the only thing that’s tying him to Patts. Patts chose to love him, and Tai could only see that love through the veil of destiny that binds them. He did not understand that Patts loved him in spite of the soulmate bond, not because of it. To quote the ever eloquent and lovely @liyazaki, real love is freedom.
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gif by @liyazaki
At this point, the other Saeng brothers and Nu enter the room, and it’s interesting that Saengtai and Saengchan (the tantrum throwers) stand on one side and Saengtien and Saengnuea stand behind their dad, on the same side as their parents. Warun then tells them that he is happy for Yadfah and Nu, and that he would still want this even if he can go back in time. “This is my love for your mom”.
Warun then addresses all his children and says “Being soulmates is not more important than what we believe in”. Oh, so he does know that all his children (but one) are knuckleheads who think soulmates are precious, huh. That’s not to say the one who does not believe in soulmates is not not a knucklehead, he is just a different type of tool than his brothers. Anyway, Warun is an excellent dad who knows exactly how his sons might think and preemptively clarifies before they can do (more) damage.
Finally, Tai unfreezes and tearfully apologizes to his parents. Warun, being the absolute best, immediately says that he and Yadfah were never angry at him, and that they should’ve spoken to all their children before and it would’ve made things better. Tai then tells his parents “No matter what happens, please don’t leave each other alone”, no doubt thinking about how he has left Patts alone. And then we see the most adorable family group hug that has ever graced my eyeballs.
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gif by @liyazaki
Tien, my adorable, yet deadly sweet-and-sassy boy, invites Nu to join, but Nu stays put. I told my fellow La Pluie clowns that I would’ve LOVED to see Nu in that group hug, given he had just proclaimed an adult toddler who was ruining his wedding as his son. But @bengiyo pointed out that while Nu may be ready to embrace his new family, Tai was not. And he’s right.
This is not the end of Tai’s journey. He will still have a lot to unpack and understand about love, relationships, family, and so on. He will have thoughts that conflict with this new context and perspective he has just gained and he will have to talk them through with his loved ones. He will have to unlearn old patterns and behaviors that hurt the people in his life, the ones he loves. But it all starts with an open and honest conversation. And what a gloriously beautiful conversation it was.
Shoutout to @lurkingshan for beta-reading this post
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134340am · 2 years
sweet yuuuuuna !! ur event looks so lovely ( and the post is so PWETTIE ! ) may i request . . #9 or #11 wif tobio >~< ( no gender preference :> ) luv u lots n lots 🧸🤍 !!
kageyama tobio x gn!reader, 0.9k words, suggestive + cw razor blades  part of my 500 frens celebration!
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9. forehead kisses but it’s the f/o being kissed on the forehead
“oi, stay still, tobio! or i’m gonna cut you—”
“a little hard to stay still when you have a knife near my face, babe.”
“it’s not a knife!” you huff, exasperated, and sit back on his hips. your boyfriend stares back up at you, equally pissed and equally anxious while he brings a hand up to his face to rub at his eyebrows, checking if they were still there. 
you had half a mind to lecture him about having faith in your partner when they trim your eyebrows and why this trust is essential in any relationship but you decide against it, instead focusing on wiping down your razor with the wet tissue you have in hand. 
“this one feels much shorter than the other,” tobio muttered. he casts you a suspicious look and you resist the urge to physically hiss at him.
“that’s because you wouldn’t let me finish the other one—ugh, i’m not even hurting you! i’m just trimming away all the sparse hairs, which shouldn’t hurt because it’s like a haircut for your stupid eyebrows.”
“my eyebrows aren’t stupid!”
“well, they are now, since they’re unbalanced and all.”
tobio sighs, hands falling back down to your hips. he gives them a good squeeze, a borderline grumpy pout still pulling at his lips, and you feel your exasperation fade away at how adorable he looks. it took a lot of convincing for him to even get here—lying stiffly on your bed, toes curled in apprehension while you approach him with your little blue blade.
“thanks for letting me do your brows, tobio,” you had said excitedly just five minutes ago, carefully pushing back his floppy bangs with a big fluffy headband. “i can’t wait to make you look all clean and pretty.”
“careful, or i’ll end up looking too pretty,” he snorted, voice dripping with sarcasm. “you don’t like when girls stare at me, right?” 
“nah, i’m just worried that you’ll end up prettier than me.”
tobio scoffs—an airy sound that’s his version of a laugh. “not possible, babe.” 
and now, five minutes later, your boyfriend has dropped the sweet and smitten act in favour of protecting his eyebrows, and by extension his public image. damn it, you missed when tobio couldn’t care less about whether his fringe was parted in two or three sections.
“make it right.” he demands, pointing at his undone eyebrow.
you still. “say please?”
“please make it right, my love.” you turn your nose up at him, preferring to pick at your dry cuticles instead. when tobio sees your lack of response, he huffs and sits up, pulling you closer to him by the waist. “please. i’ll give you a massage. i’ll do the laundry. i’ll… i’ll even cook dinner?” he says with a wince, obviously not confident enough to make the claim, but reckoned it was worth a shot anyway. 
the thought of your lover in a frilly apron wreaking havoc on your beloved cast iron pans and ceramic claypots makes you shudder. 
“i’ll take the massage,” you offer. “since you asked so nicely.” 
you push him back down with a gentle hand to his chest, trying your best to ignore how hard the muscle feels under your fingertips. when tobio settles into the bed comfortably, you smooth back a few strands of his hair that escaped his headband, before leaning forward to kiss his forehead. just to placate him a little for being so good, you think.
when you pulled back, you were surprised to see the beginnings of a pretty blush dusting the apples of his cheeks. 
in a bid to not embarrass him further, you get to work on his right brow, gently pulling the skin taut and shaving away any sparse hairs. it took almost no time at all to get the shape neat and tidy, but even so, you could still feel tobio struggling not to squirm under you—hands gripping your hips tightly. 
“there we go, all done.” you hand him a little hand mirror. “whaddya think, baby?”
your boyfriend scrutinises his appearance, nose scrunching up as he examines his face. for a moment, you could feel your stomach flipping with hesitation, unsure of what to expect. does he like the look? can he tell if one brow is still longer than the other, though you tried your best to make both of them even?
“i look nice.” then, a cheeky smirk. “one step closer to becoming prettier than you.”
“that’s bold, coming from someone who couldn’t handle a little trim,” you laugh, sliding the plastic cap back onto your razer and climbing off your boyfriend—not that you made it far, because in a split-second flurry of motion that caught you off-guard, tobio had flipped you onto your back with your razer tossed to the floor. 
“c’mon, i did my best.” he leans in close, lips brushing yours ever so slightly—a subtle promise for more. “say, don’t you think i deserve a kiss for being so good?”  
“lemme do your nails next, tobio.”
“no. absolutely not. you can do whatever you want to my face, but i’d rather stick to my own nail care routine.” 
you pout, resting your head on his chest. “yeah yeah, fine. you spend more time with your glass nail file than me. i’m starting to hate you, tobio.”
“i do not. and you can’t blame me for wanting to keep my nails shaped nicely, it’s for my job,” tobio mumbles into your hair, words punctuated with a soft smooch to the top of your head that had you smiling into his soft cotton shirt. 
“besides, having neat nails means i can stick my fingers in you whenever i want.”
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a/n: coco baby! gonna tag your new blog here in case you miss this : ) @tobiodose | i hope you are having a fun day out rn <3 thank you so so much for requesting! i’ve had this scenario stuck in my head for the LONGEST time, and wanted to scream about it in ur inbox but i decided to save it for ur request instead ^o^ i hope it’s to your liking! love u love u love u thank u for all the lemons u’ve given me and for all the joy u bring to me and my dash ~ 
(series masterlist) (masterlist)
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whoopsyeahokay · 2 months
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October Sun
summary: Confronted with the fact that Maddie was a ghost but, somehow, you hadn't been able to see her, you'd needed Wally to answer some questions. Unfortunately, the interrogation hadn't gone quite as planned...
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence.
bon reading, frens
The world swam into focus, reality cementing itself as you rose to the surface by gentle degrees. Shapes bled along their edges, sight still partially in dreams, and your room was late-night dark.
Definitely not time to wake up yet, so why had you?
You sat up on a heavy exhale, groggy as you scanned your body for answers. Nothing. No pain, no desperate bladder, no dead limbs that protested leaving the comfort of your sleep-warm sheets. Rubbing your eyes, you swung your legs over the side of your bed and bowed your back to release the tension that had settled while you'd slept.
Slowly, straining your ears, you realized the house was silent. Not the typical clouding of sound that often descended after a certain hour, but absolutely silent. Void of any noise whatsoever. As if every molecule and atom had trembled to a dead stop, sound ceasing to exist with nothing to carry it.
A creeping, crawling sensation nudged your left side, not quite touching; an energy that crested into the barrier separating one dimension from the next. Yours. And Theirs.
You choked on a dry swallow, panning your head to the left, the silence bearing down like a weight on your shoulders. There. At the foot of your bed. A door in its frame, freely standing, ominous and unbelonging.
Your heart pounded; breath shuddered; tears welled in your eyes. You recognized it, the dry, greyed wood and rusted handle horrifyingly familiar. You'd seen it, had walked through it twice—in and out—had used it to shut in the monster that had abused your innocence. Gouged into it, bled it, chewed it up, and spat it out. Fed it back to you as a shrunken, mangled thing.
Please, no.
The rattle of the handle shook through the silence, sharp and metallic and terrifying. Without thinking, you leapt across the space between, threw your body against the door, and held tight to the handle. Sobbing. Screaming for your mother. Help, God, please, help me!
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. No sound, no voice, no help. The handle rattled harder, faster; the monster on the other side beat against the door like a war drum.
The pulse of a tarred heart, the wood swelling forward then shrinking back again. Your knees buckled and you sunk to the floor, gripping the handle with every ounce of strength you had. Tears streamed down your cheeks, each gasp for breath thick and wet, please please no!
"Let me out! You're dead! You hear me!? DEAD!! LET. ME. OUT!!"
Again, you screamed, and this time it cracked through the night, the sound splitting across the silence like a spiderweb. Again. Again. Screaming against the void, against the clattering handle, the battering wood.
The silence shattered completely, a blast of air moved in to take its place, and the door...disappeared. You crumpled into a heap on your bedroom floor, folding over your knees and sobbing hard. And then your mother was there, kind hands and comforting words, cradling you against her chest. Safe. Finally safe.
But for how long?
You were spiraling, thoughts a thousand voices rising and falling in waves, most of them warning you against lifting your phone to your ear and using it as a buffer in case anyone walked by.
Well, too late, you'd already done it, because Wally had said Maddie's name. Casually, as if he'd spent time with her, hung out with her like friends do. And Wally was a ghost which meant Maddie was a ghost, except that you. saw. dead. people. Had that M Night Shyamalan flavor to you, but you couldn't see Maddie.
Jesus Christ, my mom's going to kill me. The thought pitched high above the others, over and over again, only quieting when you finally spoke.
"What did you just say?"
And Wally looked slightly disarmed by the question like he hadn't anticipated you'd ask about anything other than how he spent his afternoons when he wasn't destroying metaphysical school property. Which, yes, you were honestly curious about, but now.was.not.the.time.
"Uh..." Wally seemed to replay in his mind what he'd said in the last few minutes, "About Field Day?"
You shook your head, simultaneously checking your surroundings. There was no one around; just you and a ghost you r e a l l y shouldn't be talking to.
"About Maddie," You clarified in a hushed tone. "You said you were showing her the ropes?"
"Well, yeah. She's way too in her head about how she died, you know? I just wanted to help get her mind off it for a bit. Why?" Wally suddenly looked worried. "Is that...are you mad? Because she and I are totally just friends. Even though Rhonda thinks I have a crush on her, I don't, so, like, don't listen to her."
You flipped through your mental rolodex, trying to figure out which ghost Wally meant. "Rhonda? The one with the oral fixation?"
Wally grinned a dopey, sunbright grin, clearly happy that you could identify who was who amongst Split River High's otherworldly residents. You couldn't help it, your heart melted at the sight.
Something in the air shifted. Thickened. Wally's image suddenly sharpened against a bokeh blur, the world around you easing out of focus. Across from you, Wally appeared to notice the change in atmosphere, his eyes hazing over the way Xavier's did when he indulged his vape.
The urgency you'd felt moments before seeped from your pores and into the breeze, replaced with a muggy kind of desire. The feeling reached from your chest to Wally, instinct leading you to conclude that he could assuage it if only he were nearer.
Your heartbeat skipped and your breathing shallowed as you observed Wally closing the short distance between you until only a few inches remained.
Staring down at you, eyes at half-mast, he reassured, "Yeah, that's her. But, I swear, she doesn't know what she's talking about."
"Right." You whispered—what were you talking about?—watching his gaze slide left to right then down to your lips where it lingered for weighted seconds. Time lapsed, a drowsy slog from one minute to the next, and all the busy thoughts you'd been having drained from your head. "What?"
Mouth dipping closer to yours, Wally responded, low, simmered, "I didn't say anything, pretty girl." One large hand found purchase on your waist, the other on the slope of your neck, his thumb stroking a blissed path across your lower lip.
He angled his head, tracking closer, breath mingling with yours.
"I'm going to kiss you." He stated and your eyes fell closed. God, his voice; sandpaper hoarse as if he'd already spent careful hours taking you apart and piecing you back together. "Gotta tell me you want it, baby."
Vaguely, you nodded, consumed by the dense, silky warmth that had slumped over you both. "Yeah~."
Wally's lips brushed yours, parted and soft, and followed by the wet flick of his tongue. A tease, there and gone, but still so good. A tingle washed over your scalp, down your nape, up your arms; body responding to Wally's touch with an intensity you'd never experienced before. Your mouth parted slightly, drawing in each of his humid breaths like ambrosia as he hovered.
His grip firmed on your waist, fingertips pressed their mark into your flesh, and the tip of his nose grazed your cheek—more, more, more. He shuddered, wanton, the sound filthy and debauched, coaxing a whimper out of you and finally, finally, you felt him press in—
))) bzzzzzzzzzt (((
Your phone vibrated against your ear, shocking you out of the trance. Wally came-to as well, matching your movements and taking two full strides backward.
"Shit!" You rasped. "It's Tilly."
Where the hell are you? The text read in fewer characters, Mathilda's question accentuated by a string of random emojis: A fried shrimp. A potato. Two roller-skates and an angry cat.
"Okay." Wally said. He was scratching the back of his head, looking around himself as if there was some sign of what had guided you both into the situation that had just unfolded between you. And then he processed what you'd said, "Wait, who?"
"My best friend." You stated as you typed your response. When you finished, you looked at him, phone once more pressed to your ear, "We'll have to finish this later." His expression sobered, a dark, sultry cast to it. "Not that!" You amended, "Maddie!"
Wally's face fell, though he recovered quickly, "Yeah, right, sure." He made to take a step toward you which you reacted to by holding up a halting hand.
"Just...stay there. Don't. Don't move." Because if he moseyed into your space again, you knew you'd climb him like a tree and let him have his wicked way with you, carte blanche. "Until we figure this—" You gestured between the both of you, "—out, we need to stay at least three feet apart." If it was good enough for the CDC, it was good enough for you to deter whatever insane bouts of ghost-lust kept affecting you.
After all, you had Maddie to think about. Maddie who, despite what Wally had inferred, wasn't dead because you couldn't see her, even if she was somehow haunting the high school alongside Wally and the others.
Those were the facts you had to believe were true otherwise you'd unravel.
Really, you needed more information. "I have to go before Tilly decides to come looking." Wally nodded sagely, "But...okay, how about after school?" You suggested as you started toward the side door. "Meet me in the theater."
"Anything for you, pretty girl."
You flushed crimson, stammered, "I-good. Great." Awkwardly, you twisted around and set a hastened pace to the door, leaving Wally behind to do with the rest of his day what he would. About to pocket your phone, you remembered, "Wait!" You reversed along your path, returning your phone to your ear when you neared Wally.
He hadn't moved, hands in the pockets of his sweater, a silly grin slanted across his mouth. You almost crossed the imaginary line, overstepping the three-foot mark by inches before hurriedly rectifying the error.
Wally smiled, "Yeah?"
"You can't..." You stopped, started again, imploring, "Wally, you can't tell anyone. Please," pleading with your eyes that he accept the gravity of what you were risking by speaking to him. "If anyone finds out." A worried pause. "No one can know...please."
Disregarding your three-foot rule completely, Wally strolled right into your space, placed one of his big hands on your cheek and smoothed a dry, gentle kiss to the spot between your brows, staying there for a moment before pulling away.
He held your gaze, bold and sure, and said, "I promise, baby. I won't tell a soul." Wally released you with a wink, backing up a number of steps then turning in the direction of the field.
You were marshmallow soft and way too pleased with how he'd bid you goodbye, evidenced by the ridiculous grin you could feel plastered on your face.
God dammit.
You were in so much trouble.
It wasn't until much later, during the interim between 4th and 5th period, catching your reflection in the girls' bathroom as you washed your hands, did you realize: "Oh my god, I dressed like a weepy bat for nothing."
"Huh?" Mathilda stilled, face scrunching, mascara wand paused halfway through combing her lashes, and looked at you through the mirror. "What? Are you seriously questioning your off-brand life choices now?"
"Oh Tilly," You said, doing just that, "You have nooo idea."
note: guys. GUUUYYS. THANK YOU!! your response to this story has been incredible and i am deeply grateful for your engagement 😭 like, i cannot even BEGIN to express how much it means to me that y'all are interested in what i've got to share 😭 i intend to have the next part up soon, but i've just started back at school so🤞
the tag list is undergoing a bucketload of troubleshooting, but if you'd like me to add you in the hopes it works, i'm happy to do so✌️
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dia-smthidk · 4 months
Me: “…I wish to make fren with.”
Pointing at your AU Zooble.
My friend: “…You’re an idiot, Glitchy”
Me: “Fren shaped”
My friend: “You don’t know what they look like-“
Me: “Their like the demons of my childhood… fren shaped.”
…Honestly though it’s so funny because it does remind me of when I was a child and thought there were demons in my bedroom, so I’d make little shadowy parts so that when I’d have to turn on the light, it wouldn’t hurt them, since I assumed it would lol
Getting flashbacks from a dark concept that for some reason I deem as positive
funny thing is the real reason why I haven’t revealed them yet is cuz their design changes constantly & I’m not good at inconsistent designs 😔
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To Jeff, would you build a machine that'll trap Ness and keep him in place?
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"if Kraken bad, then why fren shaped :("-🧢
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