#if nobody makes content of my blorbos being friends I WILL BITCH
jasontoddssuper · 7 months
Jason:Your prosthetic looks cool!
Sal,surprised but in a good way:Thanks!!!So does your helm-I mean,hood!
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kedreeva · 2 years
can we make a new informal fandom rule that “you worry about your blorbo and I’ll worry about mine”? bc I’m tired of people popping up in my comments whining about how I’m writing about my favorite character instead of theirs. thank you for all your posts about commenting, by the way, you’ve given me the confidence to share my writing even if it’s not anywhere near perfect.
We actually have an informal fandom rule like this! It's usually "create the content you want to see" or "If you cannot find what you want, make it" with the unspoken part being "instead of trying to make others make it for you." The implication for both is that you should not be trying to make others cater their fandom experience to you, but should instead forge your fandom experience yourself. Chances are good that if person A cannot find a thing and then makes the thing, they will attract others who could not find the thing and wanted it, and thus will create around them the fandom experience that they want, which is much easier and more polite than trying to force a stranger (or even a friend) to do it for you.
I've actually run aground of this several times across fandoms, where entitled folks believe that people should be making content tailored to them, and it's because they see others as Content Creators rather than as other fans producing things they want for themselves, and then sharing it with the community. There are probably contributing factors, like people taking askbox prompts and then others assuming that means they can just tell anyone what to do, as opposed to realizing they are extremely lucky to have found someone in a mood to create for others instead of themselves. People also often create gifts for friends, and then due to a lack of proper fandom community, strangers see this and assume it was prompted randomly and that they can do the same. It often comes in the form of vague posts bitching about how there's not enough X in this fandom, when instead the person could be using that time to make more of X themselves.
So yeah! We DO have this provision already! It's just not as firmly prevalent as it used to be. I, for once, deeply subscribe to this way of thought. I recently learned how to make gifs specifically because I couldn't find gifs I wanted of things in a fandom. I wasn't about to go ask someone else to spend all that time for me. I wanted something, so I learned how to do it myself, and now I get to share with others! That's how it should work!
Also congrats on posting your work!! Nobody's perfect, and we're just here to have fun. I hope you are!
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