#if i see a single prolifer in the notes of this post i'm ending them
janiedean · 3 years
italy abortion link for short reblog w/o discourse?
ask and you shall receive
^^ straight facts rundown about how the situation is
that is yesterday's link, this is a rundown of a study explaining why abortion is usually last resort for people
and for the tldr version (the first article covers it well but still): in Italy abortion is technically granted by the public healthcare service until the third month and so on, but to make the church happy back when they made that law they gave doctors the chance to opt out for 'conscenscious objection' as in 'I'm catholic and I don't want to perform abortions', which as this is the country that it is, means that you basically don't get a career if you perform them, so the vast majority of doctors objects and doesn't perform abortions in the public hospital and then proceeds to perform abortions in their private clinic at a price :) and since the church is what it is, the situation at the moment is *drumroll*:
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if you look at molise where there's a staggering 96,4%, since it's a small area, it means that there is literally one guy who does abortions for the public hospital who is postponing his retirement because if he retires no one else performs them anymore :) fun :) and that's one place only but if you look at the percentages.... good luck :)))
in case anyone wants to consider funding people trying to do smth about it: sadly the associazione luca coscioni which is the only one I can find rn that I know for sure is legit and has an ongoing campaign to preserve that law and fight the whole conscious objection thing only has an italian website (https://www.associazionelucacoscioni.it/aborto-al-sicuro this is the campaign link) which I can't translate rn because it's too long but in case their donation link is here https://www.associazionelucacoscioni.it/cosa-puoi-fare-tu/dona and
1) choose donazione singola (single donation) if you wanna do it just once the other option is to give monthly
2) the next bracket has how much money you want to give, if you want to give them less than 30 euros or more than their highest pre-inserted total click on altro (other) and then in the window underneath dove destinare il tuo aiuto (where your help goes) click aborto e contraccezione (abortion and contraception)
3) it's insert data, you can access via social which looks like the only way to do it if you're not italian
4) then you choose either credit card or paypal and click on complete your donation/completa la tua donazione
now I'd like to state that while we're nowhere near on the same level of danger as poland when it come to abortion being a thing at all and our law is nowhere as nonsensical as the texas one the church has continuously tried to kill law 194 (the abortion law in question) and to fuck over with reproductive rights (most times successfully) and the objection thing is basically a loophole to make it so that while you do have that right actually exercising it is made hard if not impossible depending on where you live (if I live in a large city I will most likely find a doctor who's not an objector, if I live in molise or small town or small area..... maybe not, and what if I can't afford the trip to the nearest place that'll take me?) to the point that a while ago people living near the border went to france to have one even if they could have had it here, so abortions being legal and allowed doesn't mean that everyone can access abortions freely or that the law can't be changed and we're facing a right wing majority of exceedingly shitty people in two years so we're definitely not doing great either :/
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letteredlettered · 2 years
Like so many other people, I really admire your writing! "The Boy who Only Lived Twice" and "Away Childish Things" especially.
I'm always trying to hone my writing skills too. Something I've been wondering about, especially regarding really skilled writers like you, how you go about choosing the events that occur in your story? Sure, there are story ideas and concepts that come along that work as foundations for a story, but when it comes to the execution of those ideas, there are many different directions a writer can go. Writers with potential will get maybe half of the events in a story "right" and most readers will come away enjoying the story overall. Excellent writers, however, manage to get 90% or more of these story events "right" (leading to readers being swept up in a story, a build up of emotion, and eventually satisfaction that leave readers with a lasting impression from the story). I personally feel like I'm in this potential-having category, probably because I can make most event ideas that first come to mind "work" in a story even if they aren't the best choices overall, but I really want to reach the excellent category. To perhaps better explain what I'm getting at, in John Truby's "The Anatomy of Story," the chapter on "Premise" states: "One of the biggest reasons writers fail at the premise stage is that they don't know how to spot their story's true potential. This takes experience as well as technique. What you're looking for here is where the idea might go, how it might blossom. Don't jump on a single possibility right away, even if it looks really good." I figured, I would go around asking some of my favorite writers about this part of the story-writing process, see how that stage works for them. So, do you have any tips or thoughts about this part of the writing process? Your tips on writing dialogue have already been super helpful!
In another post, my answer was the Marie Kondo method. If a scene or event sparks joy, I write it. If it still sparks joy after I write it, I keep it. For all my best pieces of writing, if I didn't love a scene, I didn't keep it. I either threw it out, or, if it was necessary for the plot, I summarized it instead.
The key for me for really good writing is to really enjoy what I'm doing. This is perhaps why I am not a particularly prolific writer, and also why I can't write a lot of things I want to, and also why I've never been able to make much money off original writing. Some people do say I'm prolific because my stories are very long, but you'll note in my AO3 history that I've been writing fics since 2003, for a total of 2,095,616 words. That's about 116,000 words per year, or 10,000 per month, or 320 words per day, which is just not all that much in the scheme of things. I really struggle to write things I don't love, because the reason I write is for my own personal gratification, and that really guides a lot of what I do.
Therefore Truby's advice isn't really something I use all that much. It's definitely true that I sometimes get ideas for stories and don't write them right away. I'll sometimes let them marinate, spending time thinking of the scenes I would like to write. I had the idea for an HP de-aging fic years and years ago, but though I loved the idea, I couldn't think of a single actual scene. I tried to write the premise several times and then put it on the shelf, because there was nothing that I loved about it. There are other ideas, though, that I think about quite meticulously, that I pore over, thinking about what I want to say, imagining specific scenes--and those don't always work either. I had lots and lots of ideas for By The Grace, but in the end, that story just wasn't executed well. Meanwhile Another Mask Behind You is something I barely thought about at all, and while I don't love that fic, I think in a lot of ways it's a lot more compelling than By the Grace. The key is excitement.
Some fics I signed up for fests or auctions and had to write them. For those, I Marie Kondo'ed the first half, in that I worked really hard to love every single scene and every single word. Then I Great British Bake Offed the rest, by which I mean I didn't have time to make everything perfect; I just needed to get something on the plate and hope it tastes good and doesn't collapse. Away Childish Things was a fic where I really took my time and loved every single scene. The Boy Who Only Lived Twice was a fic where I really just tried to get something on the plate.
So, I'm sorry this isn't shaping up to be really great advice, but my question for you is--why do you want to be a good writer? Is it so you can write a story you love? Or is it so people will say you're good, so you can quit your day job, so you can make money off things you've written? Because, my friend, those are two different paths for most of us, and my advice really only works for the first one.
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papirouge · 2 years
it's nice to see someone who is both prolife but also doesn't constantly let men walk over herself. i've had so much trouble finding likeminded people on this website. most 'tradwomen' end up having good values, but also never criticize any of the men at all.
i'll see someone write a post about how sex trafficking and p*rn are bad, and then the guy she reblogged it from is a "catholic" but talks about how he'd date anywhere between literally 10 years younger than him and 2 years older than him. on posts about pro-life stuff these guys will put the blame entirely on the woman, as if men don't need to impregnate women in the first place for there to be any pregnancy at all. and there's soooo many guys who are just straight up racist or obsessed with pretending they're some kind of Roman king or Aryan guy, or whatever, and no one ever criticizes them because they act like these guys are truly "faithful".
i'll see women talk about wanting a provider, someone who is kind to them, someone to take care of and love, someone to make food for, etc and tradmen will talk about wanting someone who wears x or y, she has to be pretty, she has to have their babies, etc. they never talk about what they can do for her.
I'm glad you enjoy my take anon :) I'll always defend tradfem against radfem harassment and male fetishists BUT they indeed aren't free from inconsistent or hypocrisy
I already stated 99% of tradmen on this hellsite were wicked. They're so disgusting and it's soooo obvious they use the trad brand to excuse their predatory tendencies and fetishism... Why the heck are they reblogging only hot women and not....male role models? They're unsurprisingly misogynist too and yes, they'll always find a way to blame women. Either we have no standards and that's how we end up with bums/single mothers and don't deserve compassion, OR we have too high standards and we are materialistic and greedy... An advice anon: NEVER listen to a single male whining about women with high standards bc he's most likely a bum himself. That's for his own benefit to pressure women into lowering their standards. See how hard they went against FDS? NOW you know why.
My take about the whole Aryan King lane is that it helps them cope with their own mediocrity. "at least I'm not a low IQ nigger🤪" they say from their parents' home basement with a 100k student debt, no job, overweight, no social life and under antidepressants prescription. That's also why they're pissy at race mixing: they hate to see their Aryan queens waste their breedablity with other (inferior) races It makes them soooo pissy lmao
Here's that tradman weirdo I often see lurking onto tradfem notes. This was on a comment about a demented pro choicers ironically stating pro lifers wouldn't bear seeing their daughter having a kid with a Black man and dude just had to shoehorn his pathological racism:
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See this clownery ? Interracial is "wrong" now? On what standards? Christians? Does this fake Christian know that the Apostle Timothy was mixed (Jew and Greek)?? See? That's one of the things that irks me the most with Christians these days: it's always those with the LEAST knowledge, who are always out there opening their mouth to say obvious profanities and biblical inacurracies.
The blinds are leading the blinds. We are truly on the end times....
Your last paragraph sums it up. I made a bunch of posts (tagged #tradmen) where I call out the total unbalance between tradmen and tradfem content. It wouldn't be so weird if tradfem themselves didn't see any problem with it and keep doing the most about male, when in return they keep paying them dust..... Embarassing.
..IDK maybe deranged radfem are right to clown them for being delusional and male identified :/
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spaceshipkat · 2 years
Not really an ask more just wanted to talk to someone who has the same opinion as myself. I just got done reading CCity and HOBOOYYY you and I were thinking alike. I’m currently reviewing my questions I gave myself post read and my annotated notes to prep for a good reads review. I regret throwing away my receipt for this book. I blindly bought the sequel and don’t have much interest to read another 800 pages of bs. Yet I want to skim and see how much worse it gets. I cannot believe while reading through your FAQ the amount of accusations you got from a negative review. This is my first SJM book she’s had what 12 books? To improve and still writes this way? Like something off Ao3? I spent $40 for 2 books when I could’ve just logged onto Ao3 for free. Loved your review in good reads. I’m baffled at all the 4-5 star reviews every single one mentions the 600 page filler and LITERALLY attempts to sweep it under the rug. There was no challenge proses no fun in helping the characters solve the mystery. The plot twists became insufferable. The hints dropped were TOO easy. This book boasts a majority of these characters are smart so why did I figure out everything not even half way into this forsaken book?! They are suppose to be BFFs but Bryce couldn’t figure out anything in regards to Danika. The math ain’t mathing. Also so many people had spoilers without warnings?? UGH! SJM had a great foundation built up and if she spent any ounce of proof reading and editing it could’ve turned into a great work. But here we are. The only thing I’ll give her is she got me to read all damned 800 pages. It was like watching an accident play out and you can’t help not looking.
I saw you’re watching the Witcher series but are you also reading it?? I’m the fourth book into the series and would love to here your thoughts if you have the time if not I’m gonna snoop through your Witcher posts regardless. Anyways I’ll die on this SJM’s writing is shit hill with you. I already bought the first book in that court series so I guess I’ll take a gamble at that too. Pray for me.
welcome to the community!
yeah sj///m's books are always touted by her stans as things they emphatically are not, but stans' fervor over her books draws a lot of people in, as well as the art (i've said it before and i'll say it again: sj///m does not deserve her creative fans). people either love her books (for some unknowable reason) or hate them and become antis, in large part bc the standom around her doesn't allow individual thought or valid critique. my best friend has a couple friends who like sj///m's books, so she asked them why (she is NOT a fan of either sj///m or her books, and she's another published fantasy author so she's technically sj///m's coworker) and one of them said bc the books are sexy (i fail to see how but okay) and another said bc they like the mythology sj///m writes (there are so many better authors who write sexy books full of mythology but do it well and respectfully and don't copycat other authors who came before them), which baffles me. idk she's popular for reasons i can't fathom, though sometimes i think that her biggest stans remain stans bc they refuse to agree with us antis.
as for the Witcher, no i haven't read the books! i'm not sure if i ever will simply bc of a spoiler i learned about the ending of the series (for Geralt and Yen), and the writing doesn't wow me enough to make me want to invest time in a long series when i read so sporadically these days as it is. are you liking the books?
ac0tar isn't as bad as, like, ac0fas (the novel-length Christmas fanfic sj///m somehow got published in hardcover), so if you're gonna read any of the court books that's probably a decent one, though ac0maf is arguably better than ac0tar, ac0war, and ac0fas (ac0maf is also the book that made sj///m into who she is now; without ac0maf, she wouldn't be the prolific author who can sell literally anything)
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carmenlire · 5 years
Hi! I am pretty new to SH, and when I went to ao3 to find some malec fics I saw there were 19k fics there and I just... noped out. But then I came across one of your fics somewhere idr (prob tumblr) and I really really liked your writing style so I may or may not have spent my spring break reading all your fics... rip. I'm still way too intimidated by the sheer amount of fics on ao3 and since I really loved your writing, I was hoping you could maybe rec some, either fics or authors? Thanksss
holy shit, anon, I’ve written so much dkfgjhsdfkjg that must have been quite the undertaking for spring break lmao! I’m super happy to hear that you like my writing though, especially enough to read most/all of my fics! 
Okay, so. When I first started in this fandom, it was overwhelming too and that was in August of 2017 lol! I read a lot of fic rec masterlists on here and then once I went through those, I explored ao3 a little more, along with those authors that captured my interest. I don’t know what you’re interested in but I’ll just go ahead and list some of the fics I started with along with my favorite authors! Everyone on this list is a delight as a person and a writer and I hope you like them! 
(This is going to be probably a lot of me rambling variants of read this!! but I’m gonna put a short summary so you know what the story is actually about. I will most likely oversimplify the fic lmao but check out those links for the full synopsis!)
Over 100k
Fall Without Wings by @notcrypticbutcoy (WIP) This was the first fic I ever read in this fandom and it topped every masterlist when I started– for good reason. At the time, it was around 180k? and I read it in one day/sitting. The writing is impeccable, plot to die for, and the way the author builds the characters in this story is just engrossing as hell. This is god tier lmao!
One Line Summary: Canon divergent AU where shadowhunters have wings, Magnus is actively on the Clave’s shit list, and Malec’s relationship is the best sort of slowburn.
One Easy Answer by @maleccrazedauthor This is the first of a two part series and holy. shit. I was enthralled from the first sentence. Apparently, I have a thing for canon divergent AUs and I read this a year and a half ago but still remember gasping at a certain point, hanging on the edge of my seat as I waited to see what the characters would do. I love this canon divergent AU– it’s written so beautifully. (Note: The series itself is over 100k. This particular fic is around 36k)
One Line Summary: Magnus and Alec are leaders of their people and have to learn how to make things work when a marriage of convenience is their only option.
Anything You Say by @milominderbindered Admittedly, I’ve only read the first 80k? of this because I started it like over a year ago and it was a wip at the time but I remember being Super Into It and desperate to see where the story was going. Now that it’s finished, I’d totally recommend it!
One Line Summary: Detective Alec and Forensic Expert Magnus. Honestly, need I say more lmao.
Deeper than the Truth by @insiemes This was one of the first fics I read– probably within the first week of entering the fandom. It’s a wonderful story and a classic for a reason. And that ending:’)
One Line Summary: Alec is a famous author who uses a pen name and Magnus is a fashion designer in love with Gideon’s books.
The Haunting of Lightwood Hall by @bonibaru There are tragically few historical Malec fics in ao3 and this is a gem! The plot is interesting and the love story is super well done. And that ending! I loved it so much.
One Line Summary: Magnus Bane, a psychic, is invited to the Lightwood estate when a murder mystery implicated the heir, Alec Lightwood.
42 North, 71 West by @lecrit Okay so, admittedly, I haven’t read this yet but it’s because I don’t read wips and this just concluded like, last week lol. However, lecrit is a brilliant author and I’ve read several of her fics before and loved all of them! You really can’t go wrong with this author and I would encourage you to read anything/everything in her ao3!
One Line Summary: Politics!Alec and Actor!Magnus in one AU? Sign me up!
The Strength of (Un)Broken Bonds by Blue This is the first of a three part series and I love it so, so much! This is a little grittier though not angsty. The plot is tightly woven, the characterization spot on, and it’s an excellent exploration of the parabatai bond done right. Wildly creative and I everytime I reread this, I’m just in awe at this author’s skill!
One Line Summary: Post 2b, shadowhunters realize just how intrinsically their biology is tied to demon energy and Alec has to deal with a fritzing parabatai bond.
Addicted to You by AlxSteele I’m not a huge fan of fuck buddy AUs but this author is prolific in the shadowfam so I took a chance and I’m so glad I did! This was a realistic portrayal of this AU without being needlessly angsty. Everything was just right and I was so ready to see Magnus and Alec get their shit together!
One Line Summary: Magnus and Alec lead busy lives and neither one has time for a relationship– only what starts out as a string of one night stands leads both to catch feelings big time.
A Fighting Chance by HeartsDesire456 This is a classic for me. I read most of this in one sitting and was almost late for work! But it was totally worth it. I love the build up and the world that this author created. Really, one of the best malec fics I’ve ever read and I love it so, so much! I would recommend anything else by this author, especially Hard Choices, though that fic is considerably heavier though no less well done.
One Line Summary: Alec owns an MMA gym next to Magnus’s dance studio. What starts out as a noise complaint quickly changes Magnus and Alec’s life irrevocably.
We Break That Way by ifallonblackdays_fics and valfromrome I’ve read this several times and it’s a fic of substance. I love fluff but this is a really excellently plotted story that does a fantastic job of showing both Magnus and Alec as the leaders they are. It’s darker but realistic for the shadowhunters universe and I love how amazingly well these authors created a story that picks up after 2x18 in an excellent canon divergent AU where Magnus and Alec didn’t reconnect at that Hunter’s Moon party?
One Line Summary: Not all shadowhunters are happy that Alec’s trying to build relationships with the downworld– what happens when a group of extremists go after the Head of the New York Institute in a bid to return to the old way?
The Lonely Heart Hotline by @unrestrainedlyexcessive Anon. Listen. I am putting Fatale here because this is her latest completed fic and it’s 40k but I would heavily encourage you to read every single piece of writing by this author. I have read all of her fics at least twice and I love them to death. She does such an amazing job of portraying real life, even when her AU is fantastical. I’m partial to her Ave Atque Vale series, which was the first fic I read by her, and her Home series but as I was scrolling through her ao3 profile, I just kept remembering all her stories and how amazing they are. Seriously. I can’t stress enough about how much i love this author’s writing!!
One Line Summary: Alec’s a law student who moonlights as a phone sex operator and Magnus calls him one night, only to talk about music and his questionable phone professionalism.
Love is a Gamble by la_muerta This is another author that I adore and I’ve read all of her fics! This is a western historical AU that I read last spring and simply loved! I’d also recommend her series The Universe is Conspiring Against Us!
One Line Summary: Sheriff Alec Lightwood is busy enough keeping Nephilim Falls from descending into chaos but when Magnus Bane opens a gambling house in town, Alec’s has more on his mind than his townspeople.
Give Me the Pain (Then Take It Away) by LadyOxymoron This is a beautifully well-done story of Alec and Magnus exploring BDSM, particularly Alec’s submission. But it’s so much more that. It’s about their relationship and Alec learning to take better care of himself and overall, I was stunned at this fic. I would really recommend anyone read this for something that pulls the heartstrings while still being hot as hell.
One Line Summary:  After a near death experience and throwaway line from Magnus, Alec finds out that he can let himself fall, as long as Magnus is there to catch him.
Appassionato by chonideno This is a classic in the shadowfam. A wonderful story of malec falling in love before properly meeting. The vibe is so ethereal and full of feeling. Really lovely story.
One Line Summary: Alec plays the piano and one day, a request slips under his door– what follows is months of Alec playing for a stranger, both of them falling one note at a time.
Pillow Talk by lacheses This was one of the first fics I read and it’s a really beautiful story that takes place during season one. It’s gentle and really does a fantastic job of building Magnus and Alec’s relationship, both of them so cautious and invested so quickly after meeting.
One Line Summary: Alec Lightwood falls in love, one nap at a time.
Good Our Whole Lives by @beatperfume This fic ruined me. I was invested from the first word and read it in one sitting. The emotions are enough to put you in a stranglehold and while I was wildly unsure based on the synopsis/AU (hooker AU) I gave it a chance and I am so glad I did. I remember reading it and just feeling so much. Wonderful, 10/10. I would rec anything by this author (she really is very creative!) but particularly and I will be your shade.
One Line Summary: When Magnus catches Alec, a shadowhunter, hustling his club the two of them reach an agreement.
Three’s a Crowd by GoldenDaydreams I’ve read this a few times and I love it to death. Super lighthearted and funny, it’s a fun story about Alec and Magnus trying to have sex and Jace being a perpetually pain in the ass cockblock lmao.
One Line Summary: The story where Jace keeps interrupting Alec and Magnus’s ‘alone time,’ and they’re both super fed up.
Sympathy for a Prince by @ketzwrites This was a hella fun story about Magnus as a literal prince of hell and Alec, a no-nonsense detective just trying to do his job. Ketz has written several fics I’d recommend but this might just be my favorite!
One Line Summary: When Magnus, prince of hell, comes top side he doesn’t expect to meet Homicide Detective Alec and become his partner, so to speak.
Hold Onto Me (Cause I’m a Little Unsteady by MagnificentlyMagic One of my biggest pet peeves with the show is that scene in 1x09 where Jace betrays Alec and then it’s never spoken of again. This is a great fic that takes that scene and runs wild with it.
One Line Summary: His parabatai rune was burning, not with death, or injury, but with betrayal.
Yours is the Light by @theonetruenorth This author is an autoread for me and I love a good abo fic. This is so beautiful and I really, really love this. It spins the trope on its head while still in the shadowhunters verse and delivers a really satisfying love story for Alec and Magnus! I would really, really recommend literally everything they’ve written though!
One Line Summary: It wasn’t exactly a secret that out of all three secondary genders, it was the alphas who were the strongest, the most aggressive, the most territorial– It was also completely wrong.
Inimitable by Bumblebeesknees. I adore anything by this author but this. Wow. The plot is super creative as Alec and Magnus get sent back to Victorian London and Alec has to do something both of them would rather he didn’t. It explores a murky area that has the potential to ruin both of them and the writing is perfect. I don’t want to ruin anything but you gotta read this. I read it when it was first posted then scrolled back up to the top and immediately devoured it a second time. I’d recommend anything and everything by this author.
One Line Summary: Stuck in London in 1882 without Magnus’ magic, the way back to New York in the 21st century requires securing a charmed amulet from the Magnus who lives in that time.
It’s a Kind of Magicby @thealmostrhetoricalquestion I love every single fic by this author and would highly suggest you read everything by her but this one has a special place in my heart. It’s light and sweet and a wonderful AU!!!
One Line Summary: Magnus and Alec live on the same floor and are highkey into each other– the only thing is that Magnus is a witch and Alec’s a mundane.
You Only Live Twice by partnerincrime I love this story so much!! It’s a fun little Simon POV on Alec as a gardening billionaire recluse and Magnus as a CEO of the shadow world’s largest department store. It’s hilarious and I lose my shit every time I read it!
One Line Summary: In which Simon Lewis becomes an entrepreneur, and, through a series of highly improbable events, fails upwardly toward success.
Lonely Starbucks Lovers by partnerincrime is also a hoot and I love this author so much!! It’s the quintessential coffeeshop AU.
The Way I Feel for You by @theonetruenorth Goddamn, this is a masterpiece. I’ve read this several time and like I said earlier, anything by this author is guaranteed to be amazing.
Shadows. Shovels. Joy. by oncethrown While this isn’t strictly a pwp, it’s about the parabatai bond and Jace’s POV on Alec having sex. Heartwarming and super well written! another example of how the parabatai bond could be well done.
In Plain Sight by redorchid. Holy shit, I love this to death and it’s actually the first in a series called membership, about Magnus and Alec’s exploration into exhibitionism.
hit me like a ray of sun, burning through my darkest night by liamandzayn I’ve read all of her malec fics at least twice and I just think she writes great sex lol. Definitely recommend!
With Bones Unbuttoned by @ohfreckle No smut list would be complete without ohfreckle. She’s an autoread author for me and I think I’ve yelled about this particular fic literally every chance I get. Goddamn, the sex is hot as hell and the emotions that pour through are enough to make my own heart ache. No one does it better and I wish everyone would read this and die with me.
Lionheart by Bumblebeesknees Both this one and the one above are 2x18 makeup sex fics but they’re both very different. I also love this one immensely and this author, as I’ve mentioned above, is amazing. 
Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things by @my-nameless-bliss This series ruined me. I can’t stress enough how much I love this series. It’s beautiful written, the emotion gut wrenching, and it’s a wonderful exploration of Alec’s masculinity and what that even means. It really made me think and reevaluate my own life and I am awed by this author’s talent and everyone needs to read this. There’s also ALDNT extras which is a multichaptered work set in this universe.
We Built a Dynasty Like Nothing Ever Made by Madalena. This was a canon divergent AU set after 2x17 that does a great job of exploring shadow world tensions and Alec as a Leader and Head of the Institute. Creative and stunning and wonderfully plotted, I’ve read this series several times and love it so much!!
The Boundless Saga by sarcasticfluentry and teumessian This is a canon divergent AU that starts in season one and it’s a classic for the shadowfam in my opinion. I particularly love Parts 4 (which could go in the pwp section) and 7, which I think it’s an excellent exploration of shadowhunter tradition and expectation.
@laughingmagnus Serendi has been an autoread author for ages, since the beginning, really. Her writing is wonderful and she really hits emotions in a way that’s enviable. Her Maryse centered fics are superb.
@gingergenower I’ve been yelling about Kat’s writing since I discovered her last winter. I started with goddamn right (you should be scared of me) and I’ve read all of her fics multiple times. You really can’t go wrong with her!
@thattrainssailed Monica’s writing style is very distinctive and literary. She writes Malec like they’re set in stone entities, powerful and always in control, even if everything else is a chaotic mess.
@bytheangell Elle can write fluff or angst depending on her mood and she does a wonderful job with whatever strikes her fancy. She has a >100k fic called Support System that I’ve heard really great things about, even if I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.
@royaltybane Lydia is an OG in the shadowfam for good reason! Her writing is fluid and suitably full of feeling. You really can’t go wrong with anything by her!
Ohprongs is a wonderful author and I’ve read all of their stuff on ao3. I’d highly recommend them for shorter pieces.
This is by no means an exhaustive list! I’ve quite literally read thousands of Malec fics since I joined the fandom in summer 2017. These are the most memorable to me, however, and the ones that I’ve returned to time and time again. Any author I mentioned would be worth going through their backlist. I often just picked my favorite fic of theirs. 
If there’s something that you’re into– a trope, a general tone– you can always come back and I’ll do my best to answer your questions and give you recs! I hope that this helps and isn’t too overwhelming– I tried to organize this masterlist by word count and then misc categories. Thank you so much for thinking highly enough of my writing to ask me this and I’m sorry it took a little while to compile this fic rec list! Happy Reading!!
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I loved your fic rec posts and reviews for captain swan. I'm just wondering if you have a top writer list or something (like you automatically feel the need to read them if you see them post) and if you do, who is on it...
Hi! Thank you for the kind words. I do spend a lot of time and effort when I do get asked to rec things mainly because if I’m rec’ing someone or something, it’s because I love them and want to give them the praise and attention they deserve. With that being said, I’m always surprised how many notes my rec posts do get because I am virtually no one in this fandom. Literally a nobody. So when people ask for my opinion on things, I’m always flattered, surprised and very confused. Like now.
But anyway, I’m guessing that you’re asking who my favorite authors for Captain Swan are, and yes, I do have favorites. Please note that there are a wealth of amazing authors out there who put out brilliant fics and might deserve to be on this list, but those are the ten who come to mind. This is just the personal favorites of a fandom nobody. So without further ado, Rose’s favorite Captain Swan authors are as follows:
@welllpthisishappening​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: You Play Ball Like a Girl
She only has a few things posted right now, but so much coming in the works - all of it is just fantastic. She enjoys sending me on emotional rollercoasters and messing with my feels. As mentioned before, she’s one of my many true loves and writes epic sports fic that is both knowledgeable and realistic. (I will never get over her referring to Derek Jeter’s walkup in You Play Ball Like a Girl because that was the moment I realized she was my soulmate.) Regardless of whether it’s Captain Swan fanfiction, a story involving two idiots and a broken down amusement park or a huge epic fantasy romance involving time manipulation, I will fucking read her work and you should too.
@technicallysizzlingcloud​ | Favorite Story: Mawaige
Words cannot describe the quality of her work. The English language simply doesn’t have any word to truly convey the sheer amount of talent she has. The only way I can describe it is absolutely fantastic and that isn’t good enough. Honestly, the genre of her work varies, she doesn’t have a niche genre, but fuck me, she’s good at it all – pregnancy fic, angst, hurt and comfort, missing scenes, etc., etc. You name it and she can write a fucking masterpiece. There’s just so emotion that she conveys her fics and they also feel grounded in a way the show isn’t. A lot of her stories have become my personal headcanons. Her work is just a joy to read.
@unfolded73​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: Scent
Do you know how hard it was for me to pick out a favorite story for her? Pretty fucking hard. Like it’s basically a multiway tie between Scent, What Comes Next, New Babies Smell Amazing, Sex Ed and Another New York City Serenade. It’s just wonderful to read her interpretation of Killian and Emma because even when there’s conflict and/or angst, they’re still so loving and understanding of one another. It just slays me. Also, her smut is fantastic and she does write a lot of it. (I am not complaining in the slightest.) Furthermore, I love the way she writes the relationship between Killian and Henry. There are authors who add him as a footnote to their CS fics and she incorporates him well.
@sambethe​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: Casual Fridays
There’s no other way to put this, so I’m just going to say it plainly but sambethe is without a doubt one of my favorite smut authors. Not that all of her work is smut, because it isn’t but she’s just so excellent at it that it needs to be said. Anyway, on top at being epic at writing sex scenes, she writes one of the best interpretations of Emma Swan I’ve ever seen. Her Emma is closed off and on-guard but not unfeeling. While this seems like such a minor thing, it’s a huge deal because I’ve read a lot of really cold and basically unfeeling Emma’s in my fanfiction days. Hers is perfect; Emma still has her walls, but they always, realistically, come crumbling down. So yeah, come to her for smut and realistically done Emma.
@peglegsjones​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: I belong to you, you belong to me
Hands down probably one of the best kid fic authors out there. I don’t even know why I try to make a niche in the genre, because she perfectly meets the quota. I try to stay away from fully realized child original characters because I’m a horrible cunt and I’m like “yeah, but my babies” but her children are delightful and I’m content to live with the idea that her universe lives beside mine in a Jimmy Neutron/Timmy Turner kinda way if that makes any sense at all. Might be dating myself there. Anyway, her universe is delightful and creative, and I always look forward to reading more about Ian. If you haven’t read her work and enjoy child fic, then I don’t know where you’ve been hiding and you need to rectify it immediately. (Also I’m pretty sure if Ian and Wes officially met, they would destroy the world and Harrison would have an aneurysm.)
@acrobat-elle​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: Breathless
This is another author who I struggled with finding a favorite story for because she has a lot of amazing work. Make a Wish, Possession and Touch could have easily been in that favorite story spot instead of Breathless. Elle’s a triple threat. Like a lot of people on this list, she writes ridiculously good smut, but she’s also fantastic at writing angst and fluff. There isn’t a single story in her archive that wouldn’t recommend and I’m eagerly waiting to see how Harbor in the Tempest is going to end. (No pressure or anything. Take your time.) I don’t know what else to say other than she’s fantastic and you should stop just taking my word for it and just got read her fics.
@lenfaz​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: Separate Lives
Without a doubt one of my favorite alternate reality writers with multiple great works. Separate Lives is a masterpiece without question, but Private Dancer, The Pirate Chef, Old Habits Die Hard and The Rembrandt Files definitely deserve honorable mentions because I also adore those stories. The worlds she creates for her stories are clever, creative and honestly, just to a joy to immerse yourself in. She knows how to carry a story, which as more than I can say for some published authors who will start a story than it putters out and dies. Her stories are incredible consistent and my brain thanks her for it. Anyway, I am forever in love with her work and I’m currently following Time upon Once and you should to.
@justanotherwannabeclassic​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: Roses in December
Another queen of fluff and angst that I love. If you haven’t read Roses in December or Bloom, then you need to get the fuck off my page and go read them. Legit. They’re some of my favorite stories and as I mentioned before (I think?) I’m super picky about child fic and stuff. She has a lot of wonderful domestic focused stories that are so sweet that your teeth will rot out. I also have a great fondness for Lobbying, which I read right after the American Election to feel better about the bullshit happening in my home country. She’s definitely someone whose writing you want to read after having a shit day.
@this-too-too-sullied-flesh​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: Theoretically
Another author who writes some pretty amazing and wonderfully dirty filth. (I feel like I’ve been too honest about how much smut I read and now everyone is going to think it’s all I read. It isn’t, I promise.) Once again, that’s not all she writes and she does some amazing fluff pieces but she has blown my mind and caused many an evil grin to spread across my face in public spaces and make the fiancé nervous. While Theoretically is definitely at the top of my list, I feel compelled to also point out The Next Wounded Soul, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Miles to Go Before I Sleep and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOSER (I debated whether or not to put that in caplocks but the original title is in caps so why not.)
@killians-dimples​ | AO3 | Favorite Story: Put Me in Coach, I’m Ready to Play
Okay, if Laura made me fall in love with baseball!Killian, this chick with “put me in coach, I’m ready to play” made me want more of it. It’s literally one of my favorite stories of all time and is on my other rec list. With that being said, her brilliance goes beyond this one story and she has a very versatile selection of genres for you to read. I have a particular fondness for Sin Bin, and not just because it’s Jessica Jones inspired. Anyway, she got a super rude anon the other day about her writing taking the backseat and her “used to be so prolific and now [she’s] not,” which pissed me off because 1) she’s allowed to live her goddamn life and 2) she’s still in my top ten so that anon can rightly fuck off. 
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