#if anyone disagrees/want to talk about any point I'd be happy to chat!
storybookprincess · 3 years
hi! i just saw from one of your posts that you work at a library? i am looking to eventually do that as well, do you have anything you could say about what it’s like to work in one?
hello!!! yes, i've recently started working at a public library (i'm on my fourth week here! and i'm actually on my lunch break rn lol) & i'd be more than happy to talk about what it's been like, but with a big disclaimer that what i'll say might be very context dependent (i work at a relatively small public library in southern appalachia) & that i don't even have a month of experience under my belt, so pls take this all with a grain of salt.
so i think the biggest thing people need to know about working at a public library is that it functions far more as a community center than as just a repository for books. of course you can check out books & movies & all that, but we also offer a lot of programs to the public, help with technology problems, offer printing & faxing services, and sometimes just serve as a place you can hang out without needing to pay any money. for that reason, the most important skills i need for my role are people skills. i'm very much a people person, so that's my favorite part of what i do & i find it really rewarding, but i think the general perception that librarianship is the perfect field for introverts is wildly off base. now granted, someone working in an archival or administrative role or in an academic library might not be interacting with patrons as much, but i think to be truly happy in a public-facing library role you need, first and foremost, to love working with people.
also, speaking just from my personal experience, i think you need an incredibly good poker face & a non-judgmental mindset (or at the very least, the ability to fake one). patrons will say and do all sorts of stuff you may disagree with or find surprising or not completely understand, but keeping a calm demeanor is important. i had a patron tell me the other day that he served a 22 year prison sentence for second degree murder & i just had to be like "oh, okay, i'm sorry to hear that." now to be fair, i had been given the heads up about this particular patron's history ahead of time by my coworkers, but this was my first time hearing it straight from the horse's mouth, and the general point of that anecdote is to say that our doors truly are open to anyone, so you're going to encounter all sorts of people.
okay, the clock is ticking on my lunch break, but i want to say a quick word about programming!!! a big part of my role is planning & implementing programs for the public. we suspended in person programming due to the pandemic, but if everything goes as planned, we'll be picking back up in september, and i'm super excited. prior to this role, i thought all library programs had to be focused directly on literacy & reading, but it turns out that's not at all the case. it can be literally anything. like i'm trying to see if the other branches will agree to a system wide mario kart tournament for our teens this upcoming march called mario madness bc why the hell not. in this aspect of the job, you get to use a lot of creativity & planning skills, so if you're someone who enjoys that, it can be a ton of fun!!!
okay, lunch is wrapping up & i want to take a tiny bit of time to play some ace attorney before returning to the trenches, so i'll bid you farewell here!! pls feel free to send follow up asks or dm me if you'd like to chat library stuff!!! this job has been an absolute blast so far & i'm always happy to talk about it!!!
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xhanisai · 4 years
Asexual ask anon and honestly I'm not sure why I asked that thing..... I'd like to read some thing about it tho
Lel have no worries~ Here’s a little drabble!
For the umpteenth time, Ladybug wrinkled her nose as she observed the rich view from the top of the eiffel tower- more like glared. She was so deep into her thoughts that she didn’t even acknowledge her partner’s presence when he dropped by, performing a new aerobatic trick that went unseen much to his dismay.
It took him three weeks to perfect that move...
“Don’t mind me. Just a lonely cat stalking by...” Chat Noir teased out loud, snapping the heroine out of her daze. His smirk grew as she fumbled with her words and hands before settling on an apologetic smile.
“Sorry about that, Chaton.” She took his outstretched hand and allowed the boy to lift her up to her feet till they were both standing side by side. 
“No big deal, I’ll just have to find another purrrfect meowment before showing you the cool trick I did. Maybe the next akuma attack?” Ladybug couldn’t help but slap his shoulder playfully as he waggled his eyebrows, trying her best to not giggle.
He so knew she was laughing internally anyways, feeding his already larger than life ego.
“Go on, I dare you, and then you better run afterwards because I will throttle you with that belt tail of yours.” She retorted back with jest.
“Meowch! How kinky~” 
His response didn’t receive the usual snort or groan. Much to the feline hero’s surprise, a deeper grimace was written on his partner’s face. 
“Ladybug? Is something wrong? Did I go too far-”
“Ah! No, no. It’s not you at all Chat.” 
Noir only raised a brow at her flustered response.
“You better not hit me with the ‘Oh no, it’s not you, it’s me!’ crap.” He gestured dramatically, pretending to swoon on the spot and proceeding to fan himself. That got Ladybug giggling this time and the lovesick boy inside of him pumped his fist up with joy.
“But it is! Really,” 
“Care to elaborate?”
“I don’t know...I don’t want to seem weird...”
“Well, you’d have to be weird enough to tolerate me for a start.”
“Chat Noir! I’m trying to be serious here!” Ladybug laughed again, leaning against his shoulder this time. 
The duo chuckled and joked back and forth a few more times before sitting down on one of the tower’s many beams.
“Okay, now we got that out of our system, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” His attempt at poking her forehead ended with a swat on his hand. “Hey- rude! Hmmph. What got you thinking so hard that you ended up missing my fabulous entry~?”
Silence showed its face in the atmosphere afresh but only for a moment. Ladybug fiddled with her fingers, exhaling, only to find her fidgeting hands grasped by a larger pair in a soothing grip. 
She felt the tension escape her shoulders as his thumb rubbed circles on her hands and his non-judging smile never left his lips.
“I...What do you think about...sex?” 
Comically, Chat Noir’s face flushed redder than a tomato at sonic speed and his faux ears and tail struck up like a scaredy cat. If he had fur, it would have bristled up too. His Lady almost laughed. Almost.
“Wha- Ah- ERM...WHAT!?” Sweat started to accumulate on his forehead and the boy couldn’t do anything but turn his face to the side with an awkward laugh, ripping one of his hands away from hers to itch his nose nervously.
“Keep your fur on, Chat. It’s just a simple question.” Ladybug rolled her eyes fondly, squashing down a giggle at his protesting squacks. 
“My Lady! Stop teasing me...” His pout prompted her to finally laugh out loud, hand now covering his embarassed face. “And...regarding your...question?” Her laugh died down.
Ladybug cleared her throat and nodded, beckoning the boy to carry on along with a supportive squeeze on his hand.
“I won’t lie- I am a typical teen under the mask. I...ehem...I do find the idea appealing and...would like to try it one day with someone I love and cherish,” Ladybug gulped at his soft answer, her eyes able to glimpse the hidden words behind his eyes.
‘With you...’
She peered down with a grimace, tightening her hold on his hand. The way she darkened didn’t go unnoticed to the boy clad in black.
“I-I-Is that so? You don’t find it...strange?” Her voice wavered towards the end of the sentence that Chat couldn’t help but lay a supportive hand on her shoulder.
“My Lady, what do you think about it?” He felt the way her muscles tensed under his hold and the way her eyes darted around anywhere but at him.
“Well, just like you, I’m curious too.”
The silence that followed afterwards bordered on tense and awkward before the taller of the two decided to break it.
“The truth, please. I’m your partner, you can trust me with anything. Unless you pour in milk before the cereal, I won’t judge you for anything- cat’s honour,” The scoff he got from her warmed up the atmosphere once more, much to their delight.
With another deep sigh, Ladybug proceeded.
“Ever since...from the beginning...I’ve never really found it appealing? To me, it’s just...baby-making!” Her last word caused Chat to bark out laughing, nodding his head to her in agreement.
“Oh my God you’re absolutely right! Keep going!” He received a few more slaps on the shoulder from Ladybug till the mock scowl was wiped off her face.
“As I was saying, before somebody rudely laughed-” Another playful slap. “It’s just nothing special to me. My friends would always talk about boobs, butts, chests, and so on but I just never cared? Also, the idea of other people’s genitals coming anywhere near me just grosses me out. What if they don’t clean up properly after leaving the bathroom? What if they have STDs?” 
It took everything for Chat to stifle down his laughter as he nodded along, finding himself agreeing with her moreso. 
“You’re absolutely right, sex is gross. Everything about it is gross, we’re all gross. But I find myself liking it despite all that,” Chat added as Ladybug pinched his nose. 
“Like the true alley cat you are,” She let go, smiling brighter than she has been for days when the dilemma struck her. “I don’t judge anyone for liking it. I’ve heard about how good it supposedly feels and that it’s the epitome of love itself...but I feel like I’d be judged for not being interested in it. That I’ll be seen as that one weird girl with no sex drive and squander any hopes I had for dating.” 
Ah, so that’s the problem.
Time to solve it~
With a loving gaze, Chat kissed the back of her hand sweetly, catching the swift blush that met his Lady’s cheeks before she turned her head away to avoid looking at him. 
“Say Bugaboo, how would you describe love?” This time, it was her turn for her face to flare up like his did a while ago, sneaking her hand away from his smiling lips and hugging her knees to herself.
“W-Why would you ask something like that?”
“Just answer the question, Little Bug~” 
“Ugh! Fine,” Slapping her cheeks lightly- Which Noir found utterly adorable- Ladybug faced him. “Love, to me, is warm, makes your heart race, makes you do the most stupidest things, risk everything and make your insides go to mush.” 
“Is that so?”
“Yeah. You disagree?”
“Nope, as a matter of fact, I agree. However, I personally find love quite freeing, like a fire set ablaze in my heart-”
“Pfft what are? A poet-”
“-LIKE, electricity running through my veins, like home...” The way his eyes glistened tenderly made Ladybug’s heart skip a beat or two, much to her dismay.
“O-oh. Okay. So what was the point of that?”
“The point is, love is subjective. Like art.” His answer started to make sense to her. “Some people would find lovemaking as the peak of love. But, others may find that simply watching the way the sun brings out the eyes of their lover’s as the peak instead. I won’t sugarcoat it, there will always be judgemental people out there in the world but as long as you don’t let it get to you, everything should be fine. I definitely don’t judge you.”
A beautiful smile took place on Ladybug’s lips and her eyes shimmered with happiness. The acceptance and sweet words did well to alleviate her early concerns.
“So you don’t think I have to have experience before making a decision about whether or not I like sex?” 
“I don’t have experience and I supposedly like it.” Chat winked. “It’s a matter of bumping uglies- I think you’re rather sane for staying away from that.” The duo dissolved into giggles. 
“You flatter me, pfft!” 
“Ooh and also! I have a few older friends in my civilian life who are experienced. They all told me that apparently, sex isn’t all that,” The cat boy let his thoughts drift back to Luka and his friends from the nearby Lycee. “It’s over romanticised, short and pretty awkward as hell. Some even regret rushing into it and I think one of them described it as ‘false advertising’.”
“Really? Wow...I never realised that I’m not alone as I thought...” 
“Duh? You can’t get rid of me even if you resort to murder.” Chat flopped on her lap like his namesakes, face now peering up at hers and his cheeky smile only broadened when Ladybug sighed in mock defeat, digging her fingers through his soft tendrils. 
“Plus, you gotta speak up more instead of moping in the corner. You can’t know for sure if you’re alone if you don’t tell anyone how you’re feeling.” This time, they both exchanged a true, soft smile. 
“Thank you, Chaton. You really do know how to make my day,” Ladybug dipped down to kiss his forehead, mouth quirking up into a smile as she felt him jolt before pulling away. 
“I-I-It’s just the truth...” Chat stammered, a lovesick smile draped on his face. “You’re valid and amazing and beautiful, just t-t-the way you are...don’t ever change for the sake of others,” 
“And same for you,”
I hope you enjoyed! I myself am not ace so I hope I’ve managed to write down the community’s feelings correctly. I have a couple of friends who are though and their reasonings behind it revolved around what I’ve written? Regardless, have a nice day!
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Are you guys leaving now? Buster: They're leaving as soon as Nance finds a pair of sunglasses she ain't broken Rio: They are Rio: are you with nan and granddad? Buster: I'm not going 'cause they can't make me Rio: Why don't you want to Rio: its Edie's birthday, you have to Buster: I don't have to Buster: And I don't wanna 'cause it's her birthday Buster: The beach will be overrun with all her friends Rio: We don't have friends here, we don't live here, remember Rio: it'll just be family Buster: She'll have made loads since she's been here Buster: That's what she's like Rio: Still Rio: what do you want, a private beach Buster: Yeah Buster: For me and you Rio: Why you leaving me on my own then Buster: You'll have Nance Buster: And all the others will be fucked on sugar, they won't leave you alone Rio: Yeah, exactly Buster: Yeah, exactly Buster: It'll be shit Rio: Not for you Rio: but for me now, probably Buster: Don't make me feel bad Rio: You should Buster: Come on Rio: Nah for real Buster: Rio Rio: It's her birthday Buster: She won't miss me Buster: Like you said, the whole family is there Rio: Fine Rio: but you're meant to be my friend Rio: not leave me to deal all on my own Buster: I am Rio: some friend Rio: and 🤴 Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Do what you like Buster: Don't be like that Rio: What? Buster: You know what and you know why I don't wanna go Rio: Well I don't have a choice so Rio: whatever, later Buster: I wanna be with you, not everyone else Buster: Don't be angry at me for that Rio: I'm not for that Buster: Why then? Rio: Because I still want you to come, obviously Buster: So I'll come Buster: Even though it'll be shit and nothing like the beach trip you promised Rio: we'll still get ice cream Rio: and fish and chips Buster: If anyone annoys me they're getting buried and you're helping Rio: 😂 Deal Rio: unless it's me 'cos that's just rude Buster: I'd stop at a bucket full with you Buster: It'd half bury you anyway, like Rio: 😑 Rio: Hilarious Rio: I won't dunk you for that later at all Buster: You can try Rio: I'm a better swimmer than you Buster: No you ain't Buster: [I feel like she so is cos Cali kid child of the ocean bye] Rio: Am too Buster: Bullshit Rio: I've been swimming every day for the past however long we've been there so Rio: you'll see Buster: You needed the practice Buster: I don't Rio: Sure 😏 Buster: You sure did Buster: But I'm a natural Rio: Natural show-off Buster: I'll show you loads of shit, babe Buster: All you've gotta do is ask Rio: Oh, really Rio: once you've finished losing, you can Buster: Once you've properly congratulated me on my win, I will Rio: How about this Rio: I'll congratulate you so good you forget all about your lose and still feel like a winner Buster: That sounds good but the problem is I'm not gonna lose Rio: Your loss then, babe Buster: Yours Buster: But I'll be there to make you feel better about it Rio: No need Buster: Fine, I won't cheer you up after Buster: You can just cry and I won't care Rio: Maybe in my acceptance speech Rio: when I win Buster: 😂 Rio: You swear you're coming now Buster: I'm getting in the car right now Buster: [car selfie that he didn't need to take at all but did] Rio: 😊 Rio: Good Buster: I didn't get the opportunity to pack anything from their bar cart so it probably won't be that good, like Rio: I think you'll survive though Rio: life, and this party, is what you make it, McKenna Buster: It's what you make it 'cause it's your turn to surprise me in the middle of the night Rio: How am I meant to top a hot tub in a caravan park Buster: That's for you to figure out Buster: I'm waiting Rio: I'll be 🤔 Buster: Good Rio: Are your parents staying? Buster: Nah Rio: You and Nance are in with nan and granddad then Rio: lucky Rio: we're gonna be so squashed Buster: Do you wanna sleep outside? Rio: We could Rio: me, you and Nancy? Buster: Unless she wants Junior to take my place Rio: He could come too Buster: Yeah Rio: you don't want him? Buster: I don't want anyone but you Rio: maybe they'd let us? Rio: but then those two might feel left out Buster: They can come too Buster: It's okay Rio: Yeah Rio: You can still lay next to me Buster: I have to so you can wake me up when my surprise is ready Rio: Exactly Rio: And I've gotta be in the middle, for protection, obviously Buster: Smallest goes in the middle, everybody knows that Rio: I haven't forgotten that quick, like Buster: Don't Buster: Don't forget about me when I leave Rio: I won't Rio: did you forget about me Buster: 'Course not Rio: Then you know, I couldn't Buster: Yeah Rio: We brought marshmallows Buster: If you'd told me that ages ago we'd already be there Rio: 😂 Rio: You've gotta come for the right reasons Buster: What's better than toasted marshmallows? Rio: Me Rio: duh Buster: 😏 Rio: so mean 💔 Buster: I didn't say I disagreed Rio: Well do you Buster: You know I like you best Buster: Best friends, remember Rio: for all time Buster: Forever Rio: Did your parents go apeshit about your room Buster: They weren't as angry as I thought they'd be Rio: That's something Buster: It's not the right something Buster: They would've cared more before Rio: No, I see your point Buster: And I get yours Buster: I don't wanna get grounded over summer Rio: That'd make all our plans even harder, yeah Buster: Nah, I'd still do 'em Rio: You better Rio: can't break your promises Buster: 🤴's can't and I won't Rio: now I know how to break your face Rio: jussayin Buster: It don't mean you can Buster: Or I'll let you Rio: Be nice and I won't have to Buster: That's what I'm saying I know how to do loads of things I won't do Buster: Like being nice Rio: Why won't you? 😡 Buster: Not a pussy Rio: doesn't make you one Buster: You're a girl, it's not the same for you Rio: So every boy is a dick Rio: I don't think so Buster: I don't care what other lads do Rio: You so do Buster: They care what I do Rio: You care what they think Buster: I don't Rio: then why can't you be nice Buster: Being nice doesn't get you anywhere I wanna go Rio: That's not why you're nice Buster: It's a waste of time Rio: I disagree Buster: Like I said, it's different for you Buster: No cunt's stepping over you if you're nice Rio: I'm not talking about me Rio: being nice has benefits as well Buster: Girls get further by being nice, boys don't Rio: Whatever then Buster: Don't get mad at me about it Rio: I'm not but if you don't see the point then there's no point chatting about it Buster: So tell me what the point is Rio: I'm saying, being nice to the right people is just as important to getting places than holding back in other places Buster: Yeah but that's not being nice Buster: That's acting a certain way that benefits you Rio: It is if you still mean it Buster: Nice people don't want anything from it Rio: Nah Buster: Yeah that's why they finish last Rio: That's bullshit Buster: Prove it Buster: You be nice and I won't be and we'll see who does better Rio: 🙄 Rio: don't be stupid Buster: It wouldn't be stupid if you believed any of what you said Rio: I believe it Rio: it's hardly the only contributing factor Rio: too many uncontrollables Rio: doesn't work as an experiment Buster: Fine Rio: Why are you salty Buster: I ain't Rio: Then change the subject Buster: Nance is up for sleeping out Rio: Cool Rio: Junie will if she does Buster: They'll let the four of us Buster: Whoever gets final say Rio: Mine won't care Rio: doubt nan and granddad will make that much fuss Buster: It'll be good Rio: 'course it will Rio: the beach will be too Rio: even if all the others are there Buster: Swear you ain't gonna drown me Buster: 'Cause you're mad Rio: I am not mad, idiot Rio: and I said dunk, not drown Rio: so dramatic Buster: You could've changed your mind Buster: 👸's are always doing that Rio: Really Buster: Yeah Rio: You're not gonna diss a girl for keeping her options open Buster: I didn't Rio: then what are you implying? Buster: Calm down Rio: I was only asking Buster: Not everything I say means loads of other shit other than what I said Rio: Yeah, but what does it mean Buster: It means you could've changed your mind Rio: Then yes, I'm going to drown you Buster: You mean you're gonna try Rio: I say what I mean Buster: So do I Rio: then we're good Buster: What did you think I meant? Rio: About what? Buster: Just then when you were ready to 🥊 me Rio: I don't know Rio: you're confusing Buster: Why am I confusing? Rio: You say we're friends Rio: but then you say you aren't going to be nice to me Buster: 'Cause I'm gonna be honest Buster: If I do something for you it's 'cause I want you to be happy or whatever, that's not nice Buster: It's 'cause you've got the best smile ever and I wanna see it and know it's 'cause of me Rio: That is nice Rio: you are Rio: to me Buster: It's not nice that I want you all to myself Buster: It's mean to my sister and yours whose birthday it is Rio: No but its Rio: I don't know what it is Buster: Today is what it is anyway Buster: I can't give you a private beach yet Rio: but Buster: But I will when I can Rio: you'll still want me around Buster: Yeah 'course Buster: Why wouldn't I? Rio: It'll be different when we're older Buster: Not if we don't want it to be Buster: And I don't wanna share you with anyone so I won't Rio: You want me to yourself Buster: We wouldn't need our own beach if I didn't Rio: but do you JUST want me Buster: What do you mean? Rio: I mean, when you think about it Rio: is it just us on your private beach Rio: or other people too, just you know, not your sister or mine etc Buster: It's me and you Buster: Why who else do you want to be there? Rio: No one Rio: I see it the same too Buster: Good Rio: Doesn't it confuse you too Buster: No Rio: How are you so sure Buster: I'm never wrong Rio: 😂 Buster: I'm serious Buster: I have great instincts and I trust 'em Rio: But when everyone else would think it's wrong Rio: if they knew Buster: I don't care what anyone else thinks Buster: I do what I think is right Rio: I just can't be like that Buster: I know Rio: you think I'm stupid Buster: You're not stupid Buster: I wouldn't be your best friend if you were Rio: I trust myself but I trust them too Buster: Yeah Buster: It's not like I don't trust anyone but me Rio: just not about the things you wanna do Buster: I'm just not gonna let anyone stop me Rio: Yeah Buster: It's what my mum and dad taught me so they can't be mad Rio: I guess not Rio: but they would be Buster: They always are Rio: True Rio: they must be proud though Rio: all the shit you do Buster: 'Course Rio: so that's gotta feel good, yeah Buster: They'll be even prouder of me by the time I've got my own island Rio: everyone will Buster: So don't worry Rio: I'm not Buster: I know you are Rio: Not for you or your ability to get an island Buster: That's just an example Buster: Of how much you don't need to worry about all the things you are Rio: maybe you aren't worried enough Buster: Maybe life's too fucking short Buster: Or I've got other things to worry about Buster: Right now Rio: I'm not asking you to care Buster: So now you're saying I don't Rio: You said it? Rio: There is more important shit Rio: I don't disagree Buster: I never said I don't care about you Buster: Or what's important to you Rio: It's alright Rio: I get it Buster: You don't if that's what you think Rio: It doesn't matter Rio: today isn't about either of us Buster: Don't tell me what does or doesn't matter Rio: You know what I mean Buster: I care about what I care about whatever day it is Rio: yes but we don't need to talk about this when we're just talking in circles Buster: I'm talking in a straight line Rio: blame me if you want, go ahead Buster: I'm not gonna fight with you just 'cause you want me to Rio: I don't wanna fight Buster: I don't want to, you don't want me to like you any more Rio: because I can't trust me Rio: and it's scary Buster: You can trust me Rio: can I Buster: You know you can Rio: but Rio: what if we both want the same thing Rio: who would stop us Buster: We both said it won't happen again and we both don't say shit we don't mean Rio: Okay Rio: right Buster: It will be okay Buster: Trust me Rio: I'll try Rio: I will Buster: Do you want me to leave when my parents do? Rio: No Rio: I wanna be friends, I meant that too Buster: We are friends Buster: We'll still be friends if I go back with 'em Rio: but stay Buster: I don't want you to be confused or scared or worried or any of that shit Rio: being with you makes me the most happy though Buster: Really? Rio: I wouldn't wanna spend all summer with you and be your best friend if it didn't Buster: I'll stay Rio: Good Buster: I'll stay with you until I have to go to London Rio: then what Buster: Then I'll come back and see you whenever we want Rio: Okay Rio: that's good too Buster: And you can visit London as well Buster: We'll talk all the time just like we do now Rio: I was just checking Rio: that you want that too Rio: not to just go back to how it was at the end of summer Buster: I can't go back to that Rio: Me either Rio: so don't Rio: and I won't Buster: Okay Rio: sorry Buster: What for? Rio: making it weird there Buster: Don't be Rio: but I am, today is gonna be fun and I ain't selling that at all Buster: We're not even there yet, there's loads of time, like Rio: Did I mention the marshmallows? 😏 Buster: You did but cheers for reminding me Buster: I'm well hungry Rio: You need car snacks Buster: There are but it's all fruit and shit Buster: Cheers Nance I really fucking fancied a carrot stick and some hummus Rio: 😂 Rio: you can always burn her marshmallow as payback later Buster: Distract her for me, yeah? Buster: Christ knows how she's related to me Rio: Of course Rio: you don't even look alike, its so weird Buster: I'd say she got swapped but like you've said before she looks too much like she belongs here Rio: You could be swapped, if you like Buster: She'll be less weird in London when we don't have to live with our weird aunt Rio: Its the only drawback of coming back here tbh Buster: Still, they should just let me stay here with nan and granddad Rio: You mean you don't wanna live with Ro all on your own 😂 Rio: must not be an Irish school posh enough Buster: She wouldn't make me weird, I do what I want Buster: They don't want me going to a catholic one and I don't either to be fair Rio: Imagine when she has her kids Rio: how weird they'll be Rio: poor things Buster: She'd need a boyfriend first Buster: And nobody wants to go out with someone that weird Rio: She only needs to pretend 15 minutes Rio: that's how long it takes, like Rio: but she'll probably marry another doctor Buster: She couldn't pretend for 5 Rio: 🤞 he's quick Buster: Well glad the snacks are shit now I won't be car sick at the idea of that Rio: 😂 Rio: Maybe Drew will come back Rio: complete the set, like Buster: Nobody wants him back Buster: He'd have to be a glutton for punishment Buster: Maybe if he found god in prison Rio: Not like he sticks around so Buster: Anyway I heard my mum say Ro can't have babies Buster: She said she's more likely to die than get married Rio: Do they hate each other Buster: I don't think mum loves anyone but us and dad Buster: But you can't hate your sister, can you? Not properly Rio: I've heard Ro telling my mum that yours resents her Rio: its different but kinda the same, yeah Rio: I don't know Buster: Sometimes I wanna be an only child too, don't you? Buster: And that's without all the bad stuff that happened to her that we aren't allowed to talk about Rio: When they're like all crying and screaming at the same time Rio: but I'd probably get bored Buster: I wouldn't let you be bored Rio: I know Rio: but we ain't together day to day Buster: Maybe we would be if we were the only kids our parents had Buster: Everything would be different, like Rio: Maybe Rio: no point thinking about that though Buster: We probably wouldn't be best friends if you had to see me everyday Rio: You reckon Buster: Yeah Rio: You aren't that annoying Rio: give yourself some credit, like 😏 Buster: You're just gonna drown me to try and prove you can then? Rio: I am now Rio: your fault Rio: keep putting it in my head Buster: I'm SO scared, babe Rio: Shut up Rio: all be over soon and you won't be scared of nothing Buster: Make me Buster: I'm scared of nothing already Rio: 'course not Rio: everyone's scared of something Buster: Maybe other people are but I ain't Rio: that's bollocks Buster: It's not Rio: 🤷 Buster: Don't call me a liar Rio: I didn't Rio: I just don't believe that Buster: Then you are Buster: You're saying I'm lying Rio: It can be true to you and not me Rio: it's noting to argue about Buster: Nah, you either believe me or you don't Rio: I believe you believe it Buster: That's what parents say when they don't believe you Rio: It doesn't matter, if you believe it then that's what counts Buster: Stop telling me what matters Rio: I'm just saying like Rio: I ain't trying to start shit Rio: I'm just not gonna agree with you for sake of, you know Buster: I don't want you to Buster: That'd be really boring Rio: Well I won't Rio: you can trust that Buster: I'll teach you some more boxing when we get there if you calm down Rio: I'm so calm Rio: can't say the same for this lot Buster: If you say so Buster: It's your bet to lose if you don't pay attention Rio: What's gonna distract me Buster: I will Rio: That's cheating, I reckon Buster: You said I had to teach you properly and I am Buster: There's loads of distractions when you're in the ring Rio: Okay Rio: fair enough Rio: I'm so zen Buster: Even more distractions if you just wanna hit someone 'cause you're 😡 Rio: It's all about control, I know Rio: I'm already a pro Buster: We'll see how much control you've got Rio: Yeah Rio: you will Buster: 😏 Rio: wipe that smirk clean off, like Buster: I look forward to seeing you try, babe Buster: [Shows up to your function] Rio: [the excitement is real from everyone lbr] Buster: [Nobody let Nance be in charge of the presents cos she'd either forget them in the car or drop them, you sort it boy it'll make you feel important] Rio: [come at the birthday girl who's probably wilding somewhere] Buster: [They'd probably get her such a good gift cos Buster probably picked it and is a wild boy with good taste] Rio: [they would always come through on that gifting front we know it] Buster: [enjoy it Edie babe cos rudely your bdays are downhill from here] Rio: [sad times] Buster: [I'm not even gonna think about it, fun for all today thank you] Rio: [all the party games and beach moods] Buster: [yas I fucking love the beach] Rio: [he should play rounders] Buster: [100%] Rio: [roll out sporty kids] Buster: [lowkey everyone but Nance and Junie like] Rio: [unathletic gays] Buster: [kids Buster is gonna make you cos he's that bitch] Rio: [force that participation lmao, something for the dads to oversee like byeeee] Buster: [Fraze like allow me to get too involved in this and bury my actual feelings nbd] Rio: [exactly dr phil] Buster: [Poor Nancy does not need her dad and brother in her grill like this soz she's not a sporty gay] Rio: [soz babe this ain't your bday sneak over and help the mums set up 'cos Rio would be 'cos mini mum] Buster: [run girl run] Buster: [and Buster don't get distracted by your bae gotta win this shit boyy] Rio: [realistically you've not got much competition they all too lil so enjoy that easy win babe] Buster: [Edie is probably his closest competition and she's not taking it as seriously so] Buster: [But I like to imagine him helping the little ones too cos he's a good boy and family orientated really] Rio: [Rocky is like 17 so it can be him and Fearghal on a team with some littles and then Fraze and Buster with the others, also imagine lil baby Janis awh] Buster: [I love that so much bye and yeah Janis is Buster's fave of the littles always so he's having her on his team shamelessly] Rio: [baby Grace gonna be falling god bless] Buster: [She'd be dancing when she's supposed to run cos she always dancing as a bub] Rio: [that twerk dance babies do lmao] Buster: [imagine all the food and drink options cos Caleb has come thru bitches] Rio: [picnic mood] Buster: [we know Buster sitting next to Rio and none of y'all can stop him but also baby Janis cos they so won bye] Rio: [you know they're just sharing a plate] Buster: [it's the child friendly equivalent of sexily feeding each other crepes] Rio: [a mood, even if everyone else has to be here, like] Buster: [likewise she should put sun cream on him cos he white af and then he can playfully get her on her nose with it or something cos also a mood] Rio: [imagine the burning otherwise lol, Nancy just like I too am white btw] Buster: [Exactly she HAS TO it's not flirty at all even though he wouldn't burn and Nancy so would] Rio: [yet again everyone, where are you, what are you not seeing here] Buster: [Tess sort it out] Buster: [Also who's being annoying they can bury in the sand together because couple goals as a child tbh] Rio: [so many options lmao] Buster: [One of the adults blatantly cos you think you're bad bitches maybe Rocky cos he sucks at rounders lol] Rio: [lmao soz hun] Buster: [kill some time cos you can't go swimming together when you've just had a picnic like] Rio: [the hour rule my boo say] Buster: [nobody's drowning today] Rio: [or are they, Buster] Buster: [we all know she's a better swimmer and he's gonna sulk so hard] Rio: [we ca skip to that for more talking then 'cos yeah] Buster: [let's say he gets out of the sea and is ignoring her like in the future when they went to skerries and she thought he was flirting with that bitch haha] Rio: What's with the face Buster: [is just having such an in depth convo with his sister all of a sudden] Rio: [looking like ? but then going off to help with some activity for a bit 'cos not gonna hound him but say Nancy gets up then she'll message again] Rio: hey Buster: Just say it Buster: Whatever gloating you wanna do Rio: Will it cheer you up, like Buster: Get it over with Rio: You are funny Rio: I told you I was a good swimmer Buster: Yeah well Rio: Don't be a sore loser, you're quite good too Buster: Shut up Buster: I'm not quite good, I'm good Rio: What am I then Rio: go on Buster: You know how good you are Rio: What's the point of winning if I don't get a prize Buster: What do you want? Rio: Tell me how good I am, that's all Buster: Are you sure you don't want something else? Rio: 😂 Rio: Alright, admit you were wrong, how's that? Buster: Fuck off Rio: Your choice Rio: can't be any fairer, McKenna Buster: I reckon you cheated anyway so Rio: How Rio: jet-propellers? Buster: I don't know yet Rio: 🙄 Rio: lemme know when you work it out Buster: Alright Rio: [🤔 at him] Buster: [shaking his head cos grump] Rio: [pouts] Buster: [looking away hardcore cos he'd give in if he looks at her cute face] Rio: 😡 Rio: come on Buster: You come on Rio: What Buster: Don't make me more mad Rio: I've not done anything wrong Buster: I know but Rio: You're a show-off all the time and I'm not even and you're still angry Rio: I don't get mad at you Buster: I don't wanna be angry Rio: Why are you Rio: it was just for fun Buster: I don't know Rio: Don't ask me to do any more competitions with you Buster: Rio Rio: Its stupid if you end up mad and Rio: just no fun Buster: I won't get mad Rio: You will though Rio: you can't help it Buster: I can try Rio: You should Rio: but just 'cos Buster: Show me how to do it then Buster: If you're as nice as you are good at swimming, it'll be easy for you Rio: I never said I was Rio: I try not to be a bitch Buster: I'm saying you are Buster: So tell me what to do Rio: How to calm down? Rio: What does it feel like, when you get really angry? Buster: Like that's all there is Buster: I'm not even me anymore 'cause I could be watching myself hit something or someone but I can't stop it Buster: I don't really know how to explain it Rio: It sounds Rio: not scary because you don't like that word Rio: you like being the leader though, right? in charge Rio: but being angry is the opposite of that Buster: Yeah Buster: But I don't know how to stay in control when I feel like that Rio: Maybe its working out how you feel right before that Rio: its too late if you feel it but if you work out the before, you could stop it Buster: You mean like when you work out what your opponent is gonna do before they do it Rio: Exactly Rio: some shit that makes you mad, you might be able to avoid, but if you can't then you have to work out when to walk away before you blow up still Buster: Alright Buster: I'll come and find you and then I won't be angry anymore Rio: Yeah Rio: when you're in London, you can message me whenever Buster: You have to swear that you'll always answer Rio: 'Course I will Rio: even when I'm at School Rio: not meant to but I always take my phone in Buster: Me too, it's been confiscated loads Buster: It's so shit that we can't go to school together Rio: I know Rio: you miss loads Buster: What's the point of being angry all the time if it don't mean my mum and dad listen to me? Rio: I'd say they can't listen if you're screaming and shouting but in the case of parents Rio: they never do Buster: Fuck it, come back in the water Buster: I wanna get better at going under Rio: [Does, running like yas 'cos happy 'bout it] Buster: [Gotta let them live their best lives being cute af together in the sea for a bit] Rio: [deffo, all the others would lowkey be too small to do anything but addle so its as close to alone as you're getting rn] Buster: [utterly devastated that you can't kiss under the water though cos someone might still see you] Rio: [so much baby angst] Buster: [Take this degree of privacy and enjoy it while you can though cos at some point your sister will probably appear in the sea to 3rd wheel you again lol] Rio: [god bless you know not what you do] Buster: [I like to imagine while this is going on for them she's crushing on cute little girls at the beach] Rio: [they should all go on a walk, I'm imagining its like a Wells vibe and there's a woods before the beach, then they can go to the front and get chips for tea] Buster: [I like that vibe] Rio: [What would you like to happen/when would you like to skip to next?] Buster: [oooh maybe one of the fam is obvs jokingly like you two are joined at the hip today and they are like OH NO because we said there's clearly a vibe here like] Rio: [I like that, then casually splitting up like that isn't weirder, oh babes] Buster: [way to make it seem even more obvious children] Buster: [cos then we can skip to when they are sleeping under the stars if we want] Rio: [sounds good to me baby] Buster: [omg though such a lame game of truth or dare and never have I ever even worse than the sleepover cos Nancy and Junie are playing this time god bless] Rio: [lmao, just giving each other looks like] Buster: [they should like start playing something sneaky themselves via this like 20 questions or something idk whatever game you can do without alerting the others] Rio: [They could do MASH via messages, and maybe the question game Chloe made up? I'll start if you like] Buster: [I literally was just thinking that they should do something like that cos it's about crushes haha and it's like a less adult shag marry kill] Rio: [less blatant, though they can if they wanna tbh] Rio: Let me tell you your future 🔮🎴 Buster: How? Rio: Pick a future wife, I'll let you have 3 options, as I'm so nice Rio: you have to tell me Buster: I'll either marry a supermodel, famous actress or a WAG, obviously Rio: [whole time clearly putting this info down in her app] Rio: 👍 three cars you'd drive? Buster: Lamborghini, Ferrari and Aston Martin Rio: What colour do you want your car to be, pick three again Buster: Black, silver and Blue Rio: Now just pick three numbers, gives it away if I tell you what for Buster: 31, 6 and 1 Rio: 👍 Three places in the 🌍 Buster: London, Dublin and... Buster: Dubai Rio: Fancy Rio: okay, last one, three jobs you'd wanna have Buster: Lawyer, Footballer and Pub landlord 😏 Rio: Calculating 🧐 Rio 'Once upon a time, you met WAG and got married.  You moved to Liverpool and lived in a Apartment. You eventually had 6 kids with WAG.  You drove around in a Silver van. You worked as a Footballer until the age of 65, when you retire.' Buster: 😂 Rio: You could have done really badly, you got none of my joke answers, jammy git 😒 Rio: 'cept Liverpool and a van but you know, could be worse Buster: I'll need a van to ferry all those kids about anyway so cheers Rio: Seriously Rio: any more and you need a mini bus so Rio: [sends him the app] Rio: do me Buster: You ready? Rio: Born it Buster: So who are you marrying? Rio: Okay, I'll have my first husband the footballer or he'll be mad, a bazillionaire and Rio: Hmm, just put H.E Buster: What does that mean? Rio: Its initials and not your concern Buster: [IRL 😒 rn] Buster: Cars then Rio: a range rover, a jag and a limo Buster: What colours? Rio: gold, white and red please Buster: 3 numbers Rio: 3, 10 and 2 Buster: And the places you want Rio: LA, Vegas and Home Buster: Okay just jobs left Rio: A mogul, an entrepreneur and a famous just 'cos Buster: Alright, hold on Rio: 😬 Buster: Once upon a time, you met a drunk and got married. You moved to Rome and lived in a Shack. You eventually had 3 kids with the drunk. You drove around in a blue Tesla. And you were a stay at home mum to those 3 kids you had, unlucky, like Rio: 😑 Rio: That's so rude Rio: you've doomed me Buster: It's not gonna come true, babe Buster: You'd never only have 3 kids Buster: Unless he died Rio: SHUT UP Rio: you're horrible Buster: [puts his arm around her like there there but also a shameless excuse] Rio: [such a 😡 face] Buster: [whispers to her to calm down cos throwback to their earlier convo when she was helping him but also a flirty pisstake] Rio: [when you'd wanna push him so hard but cannot 'cos Junie and Nancy are still here living life] Buster: [putting a leftover marshmallow in her mouth like this will cheer you up cos they are his fave but also flirting 5ever] Rio: [at least you can hide any blushing by pretending you're just still fuming] Rio: I'm doing my own, you jinxed me Buster: I didn't Buster: You just wanna put all your secrets crushes in Rio: Why would I keep it a secret Buster: I don't know Buster: Maybe the lads are ugly Rio: Again, why would they be Rio: not blind Buster: You gonna tell me whose initials they are then? Rio: If you like Rio: have to actually know him to put him on your list though, I guess? Rio: or what's the point Buster: I'm not putting any lads on my list Buster: I don't wanna marry 'em whoever they are Rio: Then it don't matter to you then Buster: Tell me Rio: Harry Edwards, his family live near the farmhouse Rio: as near as anyone does Buster: Why do you wanna marry him? Rio: I couldn't think of anyone else Buster: So what made you think of him? Rio: We was playing out the other night Rio: he's got brothers and sisters too Rio: not as many as me but there's like 6 of them Buster: Does he go to your school? Rio: Erm I don't go to school here, do I Buster: You will though Buster: It's obvious your parents are loving being back Rio: It's gotta be good to have some time to themselves Rio: first time in a decade, like Buster: Yeah probably Rio: even if it's like an hour, better than none Buster: You can get loads done in an hour if you want Rio: You can Rio: they probably can't Buster: Most adults can't Rio: Exactly Rio: [hardcore on her phone giving herself a nice future lmao] Buster: [just trying to 👀 cos nosy bitch and we know why] Rio: 'scuse you Buster: Excuse you Buster: You're ignoring me Buster: Not very nice Rio: What? Rio: I was basically 😴 soz Buster: Well I guess I'll have to find something fun to do on my own and let you sleep Buster: Shame Rio: Go on Buster: Goodnight then Rio: Shut up, tell me Buster: Don't tell me to shut up Buster: You're meant to have manners Rio: Why are you being so rude Buster: What are you talking about? Rio: Entertain me Rio: I'm bored Buster: Yeah, now your boyfriend ain't here Rio: When was he ever Buster: [is 😒😡 cos she didn't say he wasn't her boyfriend] Rio: What's the matter, you're bored too Buster: Nah, I have a plan Rio: [nudges him like 'and-'] Buster: You're not coming Rio: Why not Buster: 'Cause Nance and Junior ain't invited either Rio: So Buster: So stay with 'em Buster: If they wake up and we're both gone that's unfair on 'em and looks bad on us Rio: So why do you get to go Buster: 'Cause it was my idea and I don't care if Nance gets angry at me Buster: Or if I get caught Rio: Maybe I have things I wanna do too Rio: I'm not being lookout for you Buster: Don't then Buster: Do what you want Rio: Fine Rio: [gets up with her shizz like good day] Buster: [walking away cos too much drama and he does have a bad plan lol] Rio: [go on] Buster: [his terrible plan is that he's gonna try and break into the golf club that skerries has cos they always fancy but he probably won't be able to do it on his own so he really should stop being a jealous moody bitch about the boyfriend she don't have] Rio: [God bless you tiny child, I assume the adults are keeping an eye so you don't get snatched so you'll probably both get told to go in or go back to sleep now, like] Buster: [cockblocked but in the sense that you need to interact again now it's the opposite haha] Rio: [just laying back down awkwardly like 😒 'cos you're 10] Buster: [furiously looking at the sky, what a mood] Rio: That was your fault Buster: Fuck that Buster: You were making loads more noise than I was Rio: You couldn't have stomped harder if you were wearing 🥾🥾 Buster: You didn't even have anywhere to go Buster: If you'd waited til I left to be dramatic, I'd be halfway to the golf club by now Rio: Well now neither of us is going anywhere Rio: and those places always have sensors everywhere Rio: keep the animals off as well as stupid boys like you Buster: Well cheers Rio: You started it Buster: You started it Buster: Don't blame me Rio: How did I Rio: it was totally you Buster: Shut up Buster: No it wasn't Rio: You were being off with me and then you wouldn't invite me Rio: how is that my fault Buster: You know why Rio: No I don't Rio: you got a nice future and everything, mine was rubbish Buster: I'm not playing again so you can get a nice future with that boy Rio: I don't want him Rio: I'm gonna put a fireman instead Rio: they're brave and they have to be really fit Buster: Until they die and you have to marry again or be alone for the rest of your life Rio: Um well your WAG could die from a botched Brazilian butt lift but I didn't put you off Buster: I wouldn't care if she did so Rio: That's just horrible Rio: she's your wife Rio: think of the six kids, like Buster: If she needs surgery she ain't good enough for me and I regret marrying her Rio: 🙄 Rio: maybe your arse ain't all that Rio: but no one is gonna insist you make it look like you got two balloons down there Buster: You're just being stupid now Rio: You are Buster: You are Buster: I'll grow up to have the best arse going Rio: [probably snorts trying to keep that lol in] Buster: [is 😏] Rio: You're so judgmental, honestly Buster: Why? 'Cause I don't want an insecure ugly wife? Buster: I bet that lad you like is neither Rio: She could be lovely Rio: what then Rio: and I don't know, I've met him a handful of times when we're back in the holidays Buster: You know what he looks like and what you think of it Rio: And? Rio: I know what lots of people look like Buster: And you fancy him so you've made a judgement there Rio: I do not, shut up Buster: Yeah you do Rio: I don't Rio: what would be the point Rio: don't even live here Buster: I didn't say you actually had to marry him Buster: Or that it's something you have any control over Buster: If you like someone you just like 'em Buster: The decisions are after that Rio: Well it's irrelevant because I don't Buster: Well you had the entire time I was doing my answers to think of yours and you still chose him Buster: That's not irrelevant Rio: I don't know, it's just a game, like Rio: not actually gonna come true, is it Buster: I know that Rio: then you were trying to look Rio: I didn't make you tell me all your actual crushes Buster: I didn't ask for any of yours Rio: don't be nosy then Buster: Don't be so fucking mysterious then Rio: You either wanna know or you don't Buster: If you'd used his name in the first place I wouldn't have cared Buster: Initials are like a game within a game Rio: I wasn't being mysterious Rio: 'cos you woulda said who the fuck is Harry Edwards Rio: it makes it more drama than it is Buster: I said that anyway Rio: Just forget I said it Rio: got a drunk anyway didn't I Buster: I can't Rio: Why not Rio: he was just the first boy I could think of Buster: 'Cause I don't want him to be the first boy you think of Buster: Some cunt I don't even know Rio: Well it couldn't be you could it Buster: Don't Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Just don't, Rio Rio: [just looking like ?! and sad but does] Buster: [rolls over dramatically or whatever as if he's going to sleep right now immediately but we know he isn't] Rio: Don't be mad Rio: not for me but 'cos you don't need to Buster: I ain't Rio: you're sleepy now Buster: Not really Rio: Don't you wanna do something then Buster: I don't wanna say something I can't take back Buster: Or do something I said I wouldn't Rio: maybe it'd Rio: I think they're all asleep Buster: [a LOOK and a half bitch] Rio: ['it'd be you' you best be so quiet honey also says a lot but also deniable like, obvs it'd be you, you're right here you know] Buster: [saying her name really quietly like he did last time cos forever a mood] Rio: ['we could-' shakes head, shrugs 'we can do anything we want, right?'] Buster: [gestures for her to come closer like he's so worried she's being too loud but we know that's not the reason cos he's also nodding] Rio: [Obviously does, pressing her forehead to his, not daring to breathe or move another muscle, like] Buster: [I was thinking if we need to stop them from kissing they could always knock heads/one could accidentally headbutt the other when they go in for it cos that's surprisingly common if you're overeager and don't really know what you're doing] Rio: [God bless] Buster: [so much opportunity for pisstaking when they hate each other too] Rio: [sad times but yes] Buster: [throwing him under the bus and saying it's his fault cos he's a prick soon] Rio: [need the ammunition you can get honey] Buster: [don't like actually hurt her with your big head though please] Rio: [lmao casual black eye] Buster: [we don't need to be explaining how that happened] Rio: [oh the shame] Buster: [do look after her and be nice and make sure she's okay while you're still a cute baby egg thank you boy] Rio: [you know in the AM all the adults will be so extra like omg what happened and he's gonna be so mad on the low] Buster: [I hope she's come up with a good lie] Rio: [blame one of the toddlers lmao] Buster: [rude but legit] Rio: [when we were on holiday once connor threw a bratz comb at this girl and it made her eye red and her parents were well salty] Buster: [let's take a moment to savour him saying sorry more and genuinely being more sorry than he will for the next few years] Rio: [god bless all of y'all, is there any more skipping we wanna do in this specific convo] Buster: [we could potentially do the next day like you said but equally don't have to cos we know the vibe]
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chasholidays · 6 years
I'd love to read Indra's POV on Just the Way You Are. Re-read it this week and she seems very knowing and smug about pairing them!
Original fic here!
Indra’s always found there’s something oddly soothing about assigning tutorial partners. She knows there are professors who don’t put much thought into the whole thing, who just check the times their students request and assign them at random, but that’s never been her preferred method. In a regular class, she doesn’t have much control over the dynamics; in the tutorials, she can try to create interesting interactions and experiences, and she enjoys thinking about which students would work well together, and it gives her a sense of control and order in the world, to find those matches.
Not that she knows everyone in every class very often, of course, but still. She can do her best.
During the first class, she had the students fill out some basic information. It’s nothing fancy, just their schedules and a little about why they decided to take the class, enough to go on for the ones she doesn’t already know, to get an idea of how they like to work and learn.
The first of the schedules for this class is Bellamy Blake’s, because he submitted it via email before the first class, and while Indra already knows Bellamy fairly well, she still reads over his answers, just to see what he says.
As usual, he’s realistic and honest, an intelligent boy who understands his own strengths and weaknesses. His schedule is less open than most of the students’, but he’s indicated where he would probably be able to adjust his shifts if it’s absolutely necessary. For anyone else, she might be suspicious, but she understands his circumstances, and she knows the restrictions are genuine. He wants to make this class work, and she wants to make sure it works for him
He is not, precisely, her favorite; she doesn’t have favorites. But he’s one of the favorites she doesn’t have.
She looks over the rest of the students’ papers, arrayed on the desk, and Clarke Griffin’s snags her eye. Like Bellamy, Indra’s had Clarke in classes before, and like Bellamy, she liked her. She hasn’t had as much experience with Clarke, but she’s only a sophomore, and she doesn’t have the notable background that Bellamy does. Still, she’s an intelligent, opinionated girl who won’t let Bellamy walk all over her, even if he’s right.
She checks their preferred meeting times, smiles when she sees there’s no conflict.
One pairing down, four to go.
Bellamy and Clarke being her first pair to actually meet is a coincidence of scheduling, but Indra will admit they’re the ones she’s most excited to see in action. Most of the other students are either unknown or unremarkable, and she’s sure they’ll do fine with the material, but she’s not expecting them to be particularly interesting.
When she opens the door she finds them already waiting outside the office, Bellamy slumped low with his legs stretched out and Clarke bolt upright, as if she’s trying to show Bellamy how he should be sitting. Her smile comes easily.
“Bellamy, Clarke,” she says, with a nod. “Come in.”
In the office, she gestures to the seats she has for them, and Bellamy offers Clarke the armchair, and she refuses for the wooden one, apparently out of some strange spite. Which is an unexpected dynamic, but, ultimately, none of Indra’s business. If there was a problem with the pairing that required her intervention, one of them would have told her.
Still, once they’re both settled, she asks, “Any issues with the assignment? Any questions?”
“Nope,” says Bellamy.
“No,” says Clarke.
“Good. We’ll start with Clarke reading her paper, and then Bellamy, you can read your response. Good?”
Again, neither has objections, and Indra nods for Clarke to start.
The paper is solid, if a little safe; Clarke’s not a classics major and took some time last semester getting confident with the material, and this class seems to be no exception. Indra’s neither surprised nor disappointed, but Bellamy’s like a shark smelling blood, pushing back against every error and issue.
Still, as she expected, Clarke doesn’t give an inch, and Indra gets to sit back and watch as the two of them fight their way through the translation. There are a few times where she wonders if she shouldn’t step in, but neither of them really seems to be dominating, and they don’t seem to be taking it personally. Clarke’s getting more assertive by the minute, and Bellamy seems as excited about it as he is annoyed.
In the end, her only contribution to the discussion is, “Times’s up in five minutes, so the two of you might want to come to some conclusions.”
Clarke looks as if she’s coming out of a daze, and Bellamy’s neck colors in embarrassment. But by the time Clarke glances over at him, the color has faded, and he’s his normal self again. “I’m pretty happy with this translation,” she offers.
“Yeah, I think it’s good. I still don’t think the piece is as optimistic as you do–” he adds, because he’s unable to help himself, apparently.
Clarke rolls her eyes. “Death of the author. We can agree on the words without agreeing what they mean.”
“Yeah, but–”
Indra holds up her hand. “I think if you start going again, I’m going to be late for my next class. Good work, you two,” she adds. “I thought you’d work well together.”
The last thing she sees as they leave is their twin slack-jawed expressions, and she smiles to herself.
She does love tutorials.
She runs into Bellamy two weeks later, at the library, and he apologizes.
“For what?”
“I got kind of—loud,” he says, delicate. “Last class.”
“Every class,” she says, mild. “Do you apologize to Clarke about this?”
He shrugs one shoulder, with a kind of careful, deliberate casualness that makes Indra smile. “Clarke knows what she’s doing.”
“So, I’m not to blame and deserve an apology?”
“Not your fault we get along like oil and water,” he says, his voice a little wry.
“I might have seen it coming.”
He laughs. “In that case, I’m not sorry. You deserved this.”
“I think the two of you are doing very well.”
“I think if I get murdered, you’ll know who did it.”
“I assume I’ll be an eyewitness. Did the two of you know each other before this class?” she can’t help asking. “Or is this entirely based on Latin disagreements?”
Immediately, he turns a little sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck as if she’s caught him at something. “Uh, we met at a party a few days before our class. She definitely didn’t like me, but–honestly, I have no idea what I did to upset her.”
“You could be more tactful in your criticism.”
“She already hated me, so why bother? Besides, I think she likes tactless criticism.”
“So, you have nothing to apologize for.”
He flashes her a grin. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
She smiles back. “No. Maybe not quite that far.
The strangest thing is that she can see the changes in them, week to week. They still fight over every word and letter, still seem ready to strangle each other during every discussion, but it starts to be different, after the sessions end. Instead of storming out without looking at each other, they’ll wait and leave together, chatting about other things, Bellamy holding the door for Clarke, smiling down at her with warm eyes.
In some ways, it’s more unnerving than when they didn’t get along, but nice, too. She knows it’s hard for Bellamy to make friends, given his home situation, and she’s glad to see that they seem to be realizing that disagreeing this passionately about Latin translation is probably a sign they should be friends, not enemies.
And then their final papers roll around, and she realizes that it might have gone farther than she realized. It’s not as if she was really expecting them to fight about the concluding paper, not really. It didn’t feel like even they could turn that into an altercation.
But what she wasn’t expecting was a profound sense of gratitude, and even something like tenderness. Clarke focuses more on the works, on themes and connections between them that she came to appreciate, and Bellamy almost sounds as if he’s picking up where she left off, running with the same ideas, but talking about them through the act of translation, how interpreting the words brought new meaning, how they put their own meaning into it.
"Did the two of you work together on this one?” she asks. It hadn’t ever occurred to her that they might, but it wasn’t as if she said they couldn’t. She just wasn’t expecting it.
Bellamy ducks his head, looking at Clarke with a slight flush creeping up his neck. “Nah, I guess we’re just on the same page.”
“Yeah,” says Clarke, smiling back at him.
At least they’re not high school students. She probably would have caught them necking before class if they had been.
“Well, the two of you did an excellent job this semester,” she says. “And with no actual bloodshed, I believe?”
“Maybe one time,” Bellamy starts, and Clarke elbows him.
“All your scars are on the inside.”
“What about this one?” he asks, pointing to his lip.
“That one wasn’t my fault.”
Indra has to roll her eyes. “Much as I enjoy spending time with you both, I do have other things to do. If I tell you you’re getting As, will you leave?”
“We’d probably leave even if you didn’t,” Bellamy says. “But I am expecting an A now.”
As always, he holds the door for Clarke as they leave, and Indra smiles.
She might have really done some good there.
The next time she sees both of them together, it’s at the classics department holiday party the next year. Bellamy’s leaning in close, and Clarke is laughing, and even if she’d never met them before, it would be obvious they were together.
For all of ten seconds, she hesitates, but there’s no reason for her not to say hello. They’re her students, she likes them.
Clarke spots her first, straightens up like she’s been caught out at something. “Hi, Indra.”
“I almost didn’t recognize the two of you with no one throwing books,” she says.
“No one throwing books yet,” says Bellamy. “Give it time.”
Indra takes a sip of her drink, smiling into the glass. “So, Clarke, have you decided to major in classics, or are you here for another reason?”
“I’m in art,” she says. “I’m just here with Bellamy.”
It’s not a surprise, of course, but it’s still more than a little gratifying. “I’ve never fancied myself a matchmaker,” she says, mild, and Bellamy smiles.
“Maybe you should think about it. You’ve got great instincts.”
“Apparently so. Although, as far as I know, this is my only success story. I don’t believe any of my other tutorial partners have ever ended up dating.”
“Maybe if you really put your mind to it,” Clarke says. “Quit the professor business and go full time.” She glances back over her shoulder at Bellamy. “I probably wouldn’t have given him a second chance if you didn’t make me talk to him every week.”
“Yell at me every week,” he teases, and Clarke rolls her eyes.
“You yelled back.”
“Were the two of you actually together during my class?” she asks. “I never was sure.”
“No, not until after,” Bellamy says. “But still–we really do owe you one.”
“Happy to be of service,” she says, smiling herself. “I wish all my classes were that exciting.”
As is her custom, she only accepts Clarke’s Facebook friend request after she’s graduated, and life updates pass by on her wall without leaving much of an impression. It’s nice to see her finding a new job and posting occasional pictures of herself and Bellamy, but Indra doesn’t pay much attention. Mostly, she considers Facebook a way to see pictures of her distant relatives, not to keep track of old students.
Still, when Clarke updates her relationship status to engaged and adds, “Yes, Bellamy proposed, and no, he’s still not on Facebook,” Indra, for the first time in her life, uses the heart reaction to a status.
After all that, they’ve probably earned it.
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thesoujishow · 4 years
S01E01 - Ken Sarukenka
[vaporwave lo-fi song]
Souji: Testing? Hello?
Ken: Yo? Sounds like it's working to me!
Souji: Ok. There we go.
[INTRO - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Hello, and welcome to the Souji Show. I'm Souji and this is a show where I talk about anything I want. 'Cause this is my show, and not yours.
Souji: This episode is sponsored by the peanut butter in Reese’s cups. They have the taste and the texture of a vitamin-enriched paste you squeeze from a tube directly into your mouth when you’ve been living in a bunker for 30 years because aliens invaded and it’s your birthday treat. Thank you Reese’s!
[MAIN - glitchy transition music]
Souji: For this very special, first-ever episode, we have a very special guest. You may know him as The Howler, or the other Ken, but to me, he's my monkey boy. Everyone, give it up for Ken Sarukenka!
Ken: Indeed, none other than the fantastical Ken Sarukenka.
Souji: Now Ken, tell everyone about yourself. Where are you from? What motivated you to go to Kyoranki? All that jazz.
Ken: I was born and raised in Kyoto and moved to Osaka around the start of middle school and been here ever since, my parents are Ippei and Meiko Sarukenka, better known as Great Ape and Statue, I am also a two time winner of middle school nationals in gymnastics, I was motivated to become a hero because all my life people around me have been heroes, my parents used to be, my brother is one and I choose this school because my brother graduated from here and it's reputation!
Souji: So, both your parents and brother are heroes. Was the decision to enrol at Kyoranki one you made on your own? Or was there added pressure from your family? How did they react when you got the acceptance letter?
Ken: Well, both my parents retired shortly I came into the world, I wouldn't say any of them pressured me but being overshadowed isn't very nice, yakno? I think it was mostly expected in a way, mostly because of my family really.
Souji: Speaking of being overshadowed, do you feel that you have the need to surpass your family in a way?
Ken: Yes, I feel that I have to surpass every single one of, my parents, my brothers I can't be remembered as the second or third best in my family, yakno? [dead serious tone]
Souji: O-ok. What was it like growing up with famous parents? Did people recognise you at all?
Ken: Well, growing up with famous people isn't anything special to me I get recognised every now and then, I met a bunch of other celebrities, I met a bunch of old guard heroes and a few newer once through my brother but it's not anything extreme I'd say. I'm more likely to get recognised now probably after I ended up on the news!
Souji: Speaking of being in the news, the Osaka Rising Star featured your fight at the provisional licence exams. Now I've heard from a little birdie that you didn't have the best time at the exams. Can you tell the listeners more about that? And what are your plans going forward?
Ken: Well... uh what can I say, I'll do the remedial courses and show the speaker that he was wrong to fail me right from the get go so he can go to sleep every night thinking that he almost stopped this world seeing the shining star of tomorrow! As for plans, train, complete remedial course and push forward the keys to everything in life.
Souji: Care to share on how you're planning to do that? What sets your apart from the rest of the Sarukenka heroes?
Ken: It's hard to say, are a bit different but if anything I'd say what sets me apart is the fact that I am none other than I and that I won't stop before I stand out even among them!
Souji: That's a very Ken answer. I respect that. [chuckle]
Ken: There is no other answers than the Ken answer, Souji. [little laugh]
Souji: Speaking of a shining star, let's shine the spotlight back towards the main focus of his podcast - me! Now, Ken, it's your turn to ask me questions. C'mon, don't be shy, ask anything you'd like.
[ASK SOUJI - glitchy transition music]
Ken: Well, I guess I'll throw the ball right back at you, why do you want to be a hero? Is it only because of Starlight or is there something more and how do you intend to stand out in this world filled with people like yours truly!
Souji: To catch the listeners up, I'm a big fan of Starlight. I guess I never considered a career in being a hero until I saw that special documentary episode of Speak with Starlight, what captivated me was his fans, there were a lot of them, each and everyone admired him and his heroic deeds and seeing the praise and attention that his fans are giving him, it sure was tempting. [laugh]
Ken: Inspiration is good, it helps you realise things doesn't it? Not everyone grows up in a family like mine where you are exposed to things the same way I was and I can surely see how it was tempting, I have been tempted by the shining lights that I have been surrounded with myself.
Souji: Inspiration can come from unexpected places, it's true that little things inspire us.
Ken: Indeed, I once felt inspired by watching a squirrel climb a tree! They always look like they are so free and have so much fun, so why shouldn't I do the same?
Souji: I'm great at climbing trees, we should really climb some one day.
Ken: I'd be down!
Souji: In all honesty, it was the fame and money that made me want to become a hero. It's a bit narcissistic, I know, but it is what it is. But during my time here, I saw what happened to the people around us. I want to be a helping hand in making a difference in people’s lives. Plain and simple. My family's poor so the money's still my number one motivator but it makes me happy knowing that I'll make the city a little bit better for everyone living in it.
Ken: I ain't gonna fault anyone's reasoning, being a hero is a profession after all just like being a policeman, fireman, doctor and so on, the only difference is the spotlight and the persona. Hopefully, you can throw your family a bone once you hit it off, eh?
Souji: Of course, I want to give back as much as I can. They might not be around as much, but I know they still want the best of me. Also, I want to travel. I've been stuck in Osaka for most of my life, and I love the city, don't get me wrong, but I just want to see what's out there.
Ken: Travelling is nice, but home is where the heart is wouldn't you agree?
Souji: Yeah, I wouldn't trade Osaka for anything. [pensive pause] Well, that got sentimental. Let's move on to our audience questions! These were submitted by our classmates in our group chat. Ready? Ok.
[Qs from the GC - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Fumi wants to know do you like bananas?
Ken: I like bananas in things but not really a huge fan if they are on, it's alright.
Souji: Kotoe wants to know your favourite genre of music.
Ken: My favourite genre of music is pop or rap, if it has a nice beat or a dramatic feeling I am usually down.
Souji: Kichiro asks, can you talk to monkeys?
Ken: No, I cant talk to monkeys believe it or not.
Souji: Taka inquires, does Ken-san take inspiration from Sun Wukong? That's some Chinese stuff, right?
Ken: Yeah my costume is mostly inspired by him, so his name hero name which means that one day soon I will be the Great Sage who rivals the Heavens!
Souji: Great Sage who Rivals the Heavens. [chuckles] Wow, that's quite the mouthful. We might have to workshop that Ken.
Ken: Yeah... A bit too long probably. [snicker]
Souji: I don't have any suggestions on the top of my head, but please don't pick a weird hero name like Monkey Boy, or worse - Monkey King! Plus, to be a sage, wouldn't you actually have to be, you know, wise?
Ken: In what world is that worse? I think you're going crazy over here and who says you need to be wise to be a sage? Not that it matters I am clearly the wisest person here!
Souji: Ken, that's literary its meaning, sage means wise. Well, it does sound very flashy, but maybe a bit too arrogant maybe? I mean, you can't even talk to monkeys, how can you call yourself the monkey king. You can still be Monkey Ken, though.
Ken: What do you think would be better then? I think Monkey King is a perfect fit if you ask me!
Souji: How about trying some alliteration?
Ken: Pfft, alliterations are overrated anyway.
Souji: I'm not sure if it's final but I was thinking my hero name to be the Neon Ninja. See, it's short, simple and easy to remember.
Ken: Neon Ninja? Sound like a flopped comic or video game, ain't ever gonna pack the punch you'd need it to!
Souji: Of course it sounds lame, that’s the point. You have to start from the ground up. Once people know your deeds as a hero, that’s where it becomes cool. Do you think Starlight’s name was cool when he just started out? No, man. Who name’s themselves Starlight? But, it became cool. I’ll make the Neon Ninja cool.
Ken: Starlight packs more punch than Neon Ninja though! His is like cool and mysterious, yours just sound like a old school retro game people forgot about, why'd you ever wan to sound lame?! Whatever you say, if you prove me wrong I'll eat my words but if you can't I'll be there laughing!
Souji: How about this. Why would anyone want to name a technology company Apple? It's not cool, or futuristic, it's lame. But with time, people liked their product and the name got cooler. See? It might seem lame now, but just give it some time. Like grapes and wine.
Ken: I don't know, maybe something about the apple of knowledge and all that jazz? Didn't really play attention in religion class, so I ain't too sure but either way I think something more high impact is better!
Souji: Let's just agree to disagree, monkey boy. Finally, Haruto wants to know if do you know da wae?
Ken: I know my way, perhaps its the right way for others as well just follow along for the ride and see!
[ENDING - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Well, we're nearing the end of our the show, Ken, is there anything you'd like to remind our audience, maybe plug whenever they can find you online?
Ken: Hmm, well I do guess I could plug some things I am on [X-Social Media platforms] with [X-User names] feel free to follow me!
Souji: You've been pretty cool to talk to, so before you leave, I have a special surprise just for you. I've embroidered it myself, and the shirt is from a downtown thrift store.
Ken: Ooooh. You really didn't need to do that, but I love it, it's adorable!
Souji: Thank you for being my first guest, Ken. It means a lot.
Ken: I don't know what else you'd expect, it's always cool talking to me isn't it?
Souji: To keep with the show follow me @thesoujishow, and to support my small clothing business, follow @glitchgear on all social media platforms. Once again, this has been Ken Sarukenka and Souji Yoshihiro, and you’ve been listening to the Souji Show! A show where I talk about anything I want. 'Cause this is my show, and not yours. Until next time. Insert catchphrase here.
[vaporwave lo-fi song]
0 notes
demonofthelight · 7 years
Life stories: Simon Clarke
Joanne (presenter): What keeps you awake at night, like what do you regret the most?
Simon: I don't know if I regret anything because everything teaches you something. Everything we go through is a lesson in life.
Joanne: That's the diplomatic response. What's the real response? If you could change something what would be?
Simon: There's this girl, anyone that listens to this podcast regularly probably knows all about her. Well, I can't regret us ending, because she's getting married in, what's the date? She's getting married in less than a month and she's meant to be happy so I don't regret us ending. I regret being so unimportant in her eyes that we don't still speak. I regret that, more than anything. I don't know if she was the 'one' but she was a friend. A friend I will forever adore.
Joanne: Does that keep you awake at night.
Simon: I wouldn't go that far but there are days I wonder about her.
Joanne: If she was watching this show, what would you say to her?
Simon: I'm sorry I never made her happy and I'm sorry she felt pressured by me. There's this story where a mutual friend once told me, this girl who I don't want to name Joanne, I really don't. You've shown pictures there but she doesn't look the same anymore not even the same coloured hair. Anyway this mutual friend told me she 'hates me for bringing her up'. Honestly, I'm sick of talking about it but I was always taught there's no taboo subject.
Joanne: Do you wish you two stayed in touch?
Simon: Mixed. (looking uncomfortable and shifting) I wish we never drifted so apart into two different circles but the circle she mixes in aren't compatible with the circle I drift in. I don't want to sound like an arrogant asshole. I mean it's nothing to do with superiority or a god complex. The circles I drift in are quite intellectual. Political debates, university alumina, professional jobs, e-sports. The circles she drifts in are more materialistic or hobby orientated. Motorbikes, sports etc. I mean some of those people think I'm literally the worst thing to happen to her, while some of the people in my circle find those who can't debate infuriating. The reality is the person she is now and the person I am now are completely different.
Joanne: Moving on to the death of your mom. Can you remember the day you found out?
Simon: Like it was yesterday. I got woke up in the morning while the paramedics were in my kitchen. I got told that my mom had died in her sleep and as you can imagine my father was in bits. I didn't know how to process it initially so I stayed in my room for about an hour. As time passed, I just wanted to be hugged and told I wasn't as alone as I felt.
Joanne: I'm sure your sisters and brother were by your side.
Simon: Of course, but they were trying to come to grips with it too. To be entirely honest, I reached out to a friend the following day or within the next few days. It became a blur that week but I remember distinctly that the one female who I loved and depended on to that level other than my mother was my ex. I spent the time up until the funeral genuinely believing she would pop over and check up on me even after we broke up on bad terms.
Joanne: How did your friend react , how did they support you?
Simon: As we've touched on, I was a loner in school. Until near the end of high school, I was a bullied shy kid. I didn't have any true friends. But this moment, this terrible event, Matthew made me realise I would never have to go through a travesty alone. He took time out to go for a drink with me during that week and he took the day off work to go to my mom's funeral. He's a complete atheist. He think's my philosophy on the afterlife is closer to Stephen King than history textbooks but he literally walked probably a few miles to and from the funeral just to show his support. I've never told him how much that meant to me. But I'd like to think he just knows.
Joanne: I'm sure he wasn't the only friend over that time?
Simon: No, I have another fantastic friend called Andrew. I had a very bitter falling out over him trying to get me support and honestly anyone else would have knocked me out for the abuse I gave him over it. He just laughed it off. One of two friends that I can depend on, hopefully and as far as I'm concerned the rest of my life.
Joanne: You mentioned the girl again (picture of 2011 as a couple goes on screen), her family is your neighbour right so they knew about what happened with your mom but didn't she text you or call in?
Simon: Her parents lived opposite the street, but she never asked or showed concern on my wellbeing. I have no entitlement of that care. It's her right to feel or act in any legal way she wishes. I'll respect her freedom to do that for as long as I can.
Joanne: How does that make you feel?
Simon: It made me realise our perspectives on the 18 months we were in a relationship were different. For me, it was a fantastic period and I imagine for her it's best to forget it.
Joanne: Does that bother you?
Simon: Should it? People change, circumstances change. Can we move on?
Joanne: OK. We'll go to a break... Welcome back. I'd like to talk about university and is it true that you were warned before you enrolled?
Simon: As a 18 year old child. I made a stupid comment about a friend publicly on Facebook. My friend found it hilarious and it's the sort of dark humour we say to each other over voice chat and in person but someone twisted what I said to imply someone who died in my local area. Well implied the post was about them. I never met and couldn't care less about them. I apologised and thought that was the end of it but a formal police report was filed and the individuals informed my university who at this point had just provided me with an offer to enrol that I accepted. I mean top business college diploma in the county, they ripped the hands off for me. So that was interesting. The university was great about it. The police were as incompetent as you can imagine but it did teach me that don't say anything on social media that can't be literally taken. Like this will go up on YouTube and Tumblr. So anything I say can be proved.
Joanne: How did you emotionally react to this event, where what you said was taken out of context?
Simon: Betrayed by others but I was stupid and naiive. You can't be those things especially as a successful businessman. At this time a lot of falsehoods and rumours came around ranging from me being a drug addict to committing sexual assault. It was obvious at this point those who had ever had a conversation with me knew that I had traditional moral values so the accusations were as ridiculous as they sound. Childish rumours spread to squash what I had to say. My friends just ignored them, and the people the bullshit influenced were better off not in my life anyway.
Joanne: I've only met you twice and you're quite outspoken about some controversial subjects but its obvious to me morally your the other way. Severely punish criminals, probably too far in my opinion.
Simon: I agree, my opinions can be quite controversial but I'm as against illegal drugs as I love a cup of tea. Even my critics would tell you that.
Joanne: You've gone from a social media account with 50000 followers overall to less than a tenth of the size. Why do you think this is and does it bother you?
Simon: I used to be a depressing blogger with poems, and writing that was soul crushing but honest about my thoughts or feelings about myself. I then started to feel less lost so naturally started writing about facts not emotions. Politics was always a topic I found fascinating. I've always been debating since I can remember. I get off on a debate, which is why it's hilarious to mock those that call you names because they can't debate the facts of the topic. I started looking at things like the wage gap and white privilege economically and they don't hold up to the scrutiny expected in academic work. They just don't. Those that believe either of those things are either stupid or lied too.
Joanne: I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of politics because it's become who you are but if I can, I want to touch on 'getting off' of those that call you names in other words 'Trolls' can you elaborate on that?
Simon: I'll give you an example. I'm quite camp just look at what I'm wearing so I got an anon message on Tumblr once that read 'you are a gay homophobic sexist Nazi that should just kill yourself'. How hilarious is the stupidity of that statement. If I was gay, I couldn't be homophobic and gay people aren't allowed to be a Nazi. It shows the idiocy of these people that are probably children.
Joanne: Does these kind of hate messages matter to you?
Simon: Of course it matters, everybody wants to be liked. Those that claim otherwise are lying. But the opinions of people I've never met who are so ashamed of themselves they hide through anonymous, do not matter to me. The opinions of friends and parents of friends matter to me.
Joanne: You once said you were 'bad with women'.
Simon: Oh God, yea. I really wish I hadn't had said that. It was on an emotional post at 3am. It was a spur of the moment thought. I don't think I'm naturally bad with women but I am a marmite figure. I'm not universally liked. Most people I meet are probably intimidated by me. I think the women that I find attractive clearly don't normally find me attractive.
Joanne: Why is that? What type of women do you find attractive?
Simon: I'm probably a 6 out of ten, if I could lose the acne probably a good 7. I tend to fall for either the tall slim blonde or the short petite unique person. I'm quite simple like that. Then if they are able to debate or disagree with me brilliantly, I just adore them.
Joanne: (laughs) So you see yourself as just above average?
Simon: In looks, I do. In style, I'm quite unique and some people hate that I stand out. In personality, I am extremely demanding but I also expect that from myself.
Joanne: Do you ever think about children?
Simon: I did. I thought about marriage and kids but I've only ever found three people in 21 years that I could see having a life with. I do think about children's names though, I have top three for both genders. For a boy: Constantine, Excalibur or Arthur. For a girl: Katherine, Kate or Kathleen.
Joanne: Do you think it's fair when some people refer to you as egotistical, arrogant or psychotic?
Simon: It's no business of mine what other's perceive me to be. I can only concentrate on who I am and I'm none of those things.
Joanne: Do you like being the centre of attention with someone claiming you 'have to be seen to be the most overdressed person because you need the attention?
Simon: I don't mind it, but I don't actively pursue it. I don't really mind whether someone outshines me. I love a challenge and I think demanding the best from myself constantly while can be quite exhausting to see, is who I am whether that's monopoly, gaming or dressing.
0 notes
Buster & Rio
Buster: Where'd you go? You can come back now if you want Buster: Dad's gone Rio: How'd it go? Buster: Better than I reckoned it would Buster: I'm still standing Rio: One of you is losing your touch Rio: but good Buster: He's going soft, obviously Buster: Missed my chance Rio: Unlucky Rio: Comes in threes, yeah? So you've only gotta field off one more Buster: It's the worst one though. I've gotta tell my sister eventually Rio: Yeah Rio: Seriously, good fucking luck Rio: How are you even? Buster: Cheers, babe Buster: Right now I ain't even Buster: Mum reckons I should wait for the DNA Rio: I guess that makes sense Rio: Don't wanna lol jks on it Buster: Exactly Buster: And we both reckon Chlo will behave enough not to tell her before I do so Rio: Yeah? I hope so Buster: Me too Rio: Do you feel a bit better, like Rio: now they know Buster: Yeah Buster: They have that effect Buster: Neither of them are gonna take any bullshit from me or her Rio: Good, you're in safe hands Buster: For real, get yourself a mum who thinks she can do anything Rio: I do Rio: God bless 'em Buster: She was gonna fight me for shouting at you Buster: That's another story, like Rio: Ha, what? Rio: Well, I'd like to see that if she's still offering Buster: Shut up and eat your fruit she's about to deliver in thanks Rio: Ooh, that'll be 🔥 Rio: It's one thing posh people do well, the gift baskets Buster: I'll take your word for it 'cause I ain't getting one Rio: Wait for the babyshower, like Rio: Sorry Buster: Or you could just share with me while I fend for myself here in my hotel suite Rio: You really wanted some room service huh Buster: 'Course Buster: Who can sleep without a mint on their pillow, like? Rio: Idiot Buster: No argument here Rio: That's why you're staying in School, babe Buster: Nah, they need me, I don't need them Buster: I make them look good with my results, babe Rio: Hmm Rio: Take your word on that one Buster: You don't believe me? Rude Buster: I'm such a good student and you know it Rio: Don't make me laugh rn Buster: Actually offended. Don't let the extended absence fool you like, I really love school Buster: Also, I've gotta. You look so cute when you laugh so Rio: Duh, I know you're a 🤓 Rio: Don't need to tell me Rio: Or say that Buster: I know you love a reminder though Rio: 'Course Rio: How long are you staying? Buster: I don't know Buster: How long do you want me to? Rio: Just answer, Buster Buster: I just did Buster: I can't tell you what I don't know Rio: Ugh Rio: Fine Buster: I thought you'd be happy that I'm here Buster: What's wrong? Rio: What's wrong? Really? Buster: Rio, what the fuck? How does it make any difference to what's happening whether I'm there or here Rio: It doesn't Buster: Then why are you getting mad at me for staying? Rio: I'm not Rio: You do what you want Rio: but happy about it would be a stretch Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Do what you've got to do Buster: I literally am, why are you being a bitch about it Rio: Fuck you Rio: I still get time to deal with this myself, and for myself Rio: just because I care about you and making sure you were okay Buster: Fuck you Buster: I've had a shit day, why can't I be happy that we're still in the same fucking country for once instead of just feeling bad about everything Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: Okay this might be happening to you but it isn't all about you Buster: Tell me something I don't fucking know, alright Buster: I've spent the whole day telling everyone else about this Rio: Yeah, me included Buster: And what you're all talked out now are you? Poor you Rio: Seriously, fuck off Buster: Fine Rio: I'm going to go away so you can have Dublin to yourself Buster: Fuck that Buster: I don't want it Buster: Just talk to me Rio: About what Rio: What is there to say Buster: How you feel, what you wanna do, what happens next Buster: any of it Buster: Don't just fucking leave Rio: I feel fantastic, about as good as you no doubt Rio: What happens next is you're going to be a father Rio: so whatever I wanted to do is irrelevant Buster: Stop Buster: No it isn't Buster: Nothing that you want or don't want is irrelevant Buster: I fucking love you Rio: Yeah, it is Rio: it's hard enough doing this now, you said so yourself right Rio: how do you think it'll work when you've got a kid Buster: 'Cause I'll make it work Buster: It's always been hard and we always did it anyway, we still can Rio: If you think this is hard then you have no idea Rio: you're going to have uni and a kid and a social life and somehow find the time to come see me? Rio: I don't think so Buster: Well, I'll prove it then Buster: Wait and see Rio: You'd be better if you moved on Rio: Save yourself the hassle Buster: Don't Rio: I'm serious Buster: So am I Buster: That's such bullshit Rio: You feel that now but once you leave for uni and now this Rio: you're gonna feel different Rio: I know Buster: Don't tell me how I'm gonna feel Buster: You don't know that, you can't Rio: I can guess Rio: You'll meet someone else Buster: Fuck off Buster: I don't wanna meet someone else Buster: Who the fuck are they gonna be? Buster: I want you Rio: I don't know Rio: Someone more like you, smart and whatever Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I'm punching above my weight with you already Rio: So you reckon you can't do any better, yeah? Buster: No I can't, babe Buster: You're perfect, you know Buster: Don't let a shit day make you doubt it Rio: Do you actually mean that or is it something you just say Buster: Of course I mean it Buster: Do you need a list or what? Rio: No, shut up, make me sound conceited Buster: Do you really think I'd still be here, fighting this hard to get you to stay and every fucking thing else, to just chat shit? Rio: I guess not Rio: I just, I don't know Rio: it's a lot Buster: I know Buster: But it's always been a lot, yeah? Buster: I'm not my sister it wouldn't have got this far if I didn't reckon it was worth it Buster: You are Rio: Yeah Rio: I just can't help but keep thinking Rio: how fucking stupid we'd look if we went to the trouble of outing ourselves Rio: and then just got over it Rio: it's so much upheaval and Buster: We don't have to tell anyone Buster: I'd rather have it this way than not at all Rio: But we're already sick of it Rio: I don't know what to do, this is why Buster: I can't answer that for you, babe. I wish I could Buster: You've gotta do what you've gotta do too Buster: You either wanna keep trying or you don't Rio: Of course I do but there's so much more to consider than what I want Buster: Right now, it's all that matters to me though Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah? Rio: I love you, you know that Buster: I love you too Buster: It can be enough, can't it? Rio: I want it to be Buster: Me too Buster: Not only 'cause I don't have anything else to give you Buster: I want you to be happy, you know Buster: If you can't be with me then you have to move on Rio: Big ask, babe Buster: Yeah well, it's been that kind of day Buster: This isn't gonna work if you're waiting for it to end. I know that's my fault, 'cause I fucked it up before and I can't promise I won't ever again but Rio: Yeah, 'cos my life is so perfect, please Buster: Last I checked you didn't impregnate an actual psycho though Rio: That would be impressive though Buster: Don't make me laugh Buster: I'm trying to be serious and heroic Rio: Aren't you always Buster: You wish Rio: 'Course Buster: Solve all your problems, like Rio: Ha, feel free Rio: Can't offer the same in return but you know Buster: Like you said, big ask Rio: Bit rude Rio: don't point out all my problems like that Buster: I ain't gotta call myself out like that Buster: I know I'm your biggest drama, babe Rio: You reckon? Rio: Not gonna hurt your masculinity by suggesting otherwise Buster: You can't kick me while I'm down Rio: Okay just so we know, that ain't actually flying as an excuse Buster: Come on Buster: Be nice to me Rio: I'm always nice to you Buster: But you could be nicer Buster: Stay with me while I'm here Rio: Babe Rio: I don't know if I can Buster: Why? Rio: Because it's nearly my birthday everyone's going to be all up in my business Buster: Indie'll cover for you Buster: As far as everyone needs to know you're just at the flat chilling or whatever Buster: You're at work too much for them to question that Rio: Why are you so convincing? Buster: 'Cause I'm so selfish Rio: I don't know, maybe I don't need much persuading Buster: I don't mind if you do Buster: I'm tired but I'm not that tired Rio: Surprised you've got any trust left in you though Rio: or you got the trojans like Buster: Not funny Rio: Nah Rio: but honestly Buster: If this is your way of telling me that I'm not a DILF then like Rio: Awkward Buster: Dump me now honestly 'cause that's the biggest lie you've ever told if that's what you're saying Buster: I haven't even had a single sleepless night yet, I look great, cheers Rio: If you're that worried about your beauty sleep I won't come over then Buster: Please Buster: You know you will Rio: You better hope Buster: No need, only gotta wait Buster: Are you at work or what? Rio: No Rio: Just avoiding you Buster: Come over then Rio: Going by keep your enemies closer, are we? Buster: Shut up Rio: I know you wanna make me Buster: I really don't Buster: I want the opposite Rio: Yeah? Buster: I'm not gonna waste a hotel room by being quiet in it and neither are you Rio: Would be a shame Buster: Not to mention all the time we could be spending together too Rio: I just want to forget about all this for a while Buster: I can help you Buster: Just let me Rio: Promise Buster: I swear Buster: I'll make you feel better, just me and you and none of this will even exist for as long as we want Rio: We can do that, yeah Rio: Just one more time Buster: 'Course Buster: It's what I'm good at babe Rio: Can't disagree Buster: You know I need you too Rio: Tell me again Buster: I need you Buster: Right now Rio: Okay, I'll come over Buster: [sends his fancy ass hotel deets] Rio: Of course you are Rio: no premier inns here Buster: Even purgatory doesn't come cheap the way I do it Buster: Down but not out, babe Rio: 🙄 So inspiring Buster: I'm just trying to survive my exile Buster: It's all in the thread count Rio: Sure that's how Napoleon did it, like Buster: I don't have to do anything the way that tiny cunt did it regardless Rio: 😂 Rio: Why are you dissing him Buster: Didn't realise he was a fantasy of yours like Buster: Trying to feel tall, babe? Buster: Still not as small as you I don't reckon Rio: He wrote a good love letter but you know Rio: Only got eyes for Josephine Rio: Gutted 😕 Buster: And I'm the nerdy one, yeah alright Rio: Shut up, had to make history interesting somehow Buster: Better than fantasizing about the teachers, I'll give you that Rio: Oh god no Rio: You'd get it if you saw our history teach, no thank you Buster: Whatever gets you off, babe I'm not judging Rio: You're dumb, he never got that raunchy Rio: Mozart was a freak though 👀 Buster: I see why you bought me that fancy pen now Buster: Which is it, love note or symphony? Rio: 'Course Rio: expect 'em both about the time I get my 💍 yeah Buster: Obviously Buster: Tell me about Mozart then Rio: Boy you don't even wanna know 😂 Rio: 🍑💩 Buster: 😂 Rio: Got us all feeling vanilla Buster: Got me thinking that you're an absolute 🤓 Rio: You love it Buster: Oh do I? Rio: Yeah Rio: Wanting me to talk nerdy to you Rio: I see you Buster: I'm just trying to get an education, make up for the one I'm about to miss Buster: Don't get it twisted Rio: Yeah Rio: Using me for my brains Rio: so believable babe Buster: 'Course Buster: Everyone knows you're a huge swot, like Rio: They'll know you out ya damn mind I know that 😏 Buster: It's how you've got me Buster: I'm not mad about it Rio: Better work on your lines if you're writing me that letter Buster: Don't be rushing me Buster: How long did he spend on his? Rio: Oh he wrote her all the time, and would get mad when she didn't write back often or fast enough Buster: Bullshit Buster: You're making that up Rio: “I have your letters of the 16th and the 21st. There are many days when you don’t write. What do you do, then?” Rio: Direct quote Rio: along with calling her a slut, shit you not, boy was mad Buster: 😒 you wouldn't think it was romantic if I hit you with a double text before you had chance to reply Rio: When my names your last word even though you remarried, then we'll talk Buster: Who else am I putting a 💍 on? Stop playing Buster: His game is weak compared to me Rio: Maybe you'll be feeling the need when I cba to write back Buster: Shut up Buster: You couldn't ignore me if you tried Rio: Sure I could if you were pissing about all over Europe Buster: Been there, done that, babe Rio: 😂 You really gon' compare yourself to Napoleon? Buster: Fuck no Buster: But like, I have traveled extensively, deal with it Buster: Turning heads everywhere I go Rio: Bitch, me too Rio: Not gonna make me jealous on either account Buster: First time for it Rio: 😒 Buster: Don't make that face Rio: Why not Buster: 'Cause I like that you are and how bad you want me Rio: Of course you do Buster: I feel it too, you know Rio: Yeah? Buster: It drives me crazy like Rio: Not giving you much to be jealous about these days Rio: Tragic, honestly Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: You're so hot everyone wants you anyway Rio: Okay, slight overstatement Buster: It's not Buster: Everyone's looking at you when I'm trying not to make it obvious as fuck that I want to Rio: I wouldn't know Rio: Only looking at you, clearly Buster: Well, yeah Rio: That's why this is so shit Buster: One of many reasons Rio: I know you were drunk and everything but Rio: the thought of it still boils my blood Buster: I'm sorry Buster: I literally did push her away earlier in the night, I don't know what happened after Rio: I know Rio: it's not like I even had any right but still Rio: you felt like mine Buster: I am yours Rio: Not all mine now Rio: I have to share with her of all people Buster: We don't know that yet Buster: And you never have to share me with her anyway Rio: you won't get protective and noble over her Rio: that's just for me Buster: I was nearly sick in my mouth at the idea so no Buster: She's never had me like that and she never will Rio: Okay Rio: Good Buster: You're special to me, like it or not and believe it or not Rio: I do believe it and believe me, I do like it Rio: Too much, I don't want someone coming in and taking my place now Buster: I love you. She can't make me stop and neither can anyone else Buster: Nobody's been in your place never mind trying to take it Rio: I love you Buster Rio: Always have, always will 😜 Buster: It's gonna be alright for us, whatever I have to do Buster: I didn't wait years for this for her to ruin it in a night, yeah? Rio: I believe you Rio: Me too Rio: Iwant to be with you Buster: You're all I want Buster: I don't care about America or any of it Rio: Really Buster: I'm still going to uni obviously, but I don't wanna go if it means being further away from you Buster: There are other decent schools that are full of less yanks, like Rio: I'd move there if you wanted but now Rio: Probably not, but you've got plenty decent on your doorstep Buster: Maybe we could still go, we don't know for sure that Chlo's trapped me here Buster: But I don't know, I was thinking about it before this, how far away that is and how much your fam needs you to mother them all Rio: Yeah, I would miss them all Rio: but I'd survive, I can't deal with not being with you any more Buster: But I'm not trying to make you give up things, I'm trying to get us things, you know Rio: I know, if the younger ones were a bit older but Rio: they all still need me right now Buster: Exactly Buster: And I can do what I need to do here Buster: Might actually have to Rio: We'll see Buster: All I know is my mum told me to fight to make sure things I don't want ruined by this bullshit aren't, so that's what I'm gonna do Rio: Solid advice Buster: She was good Buster: Like how I remember from being a kid Buster: Before I turned into this idiot Rio: You'll get it back Rio: Everyone has to have their rebellious 'fuck this family' phase Rio: you'd be weird if you didn't Buster: I have to get it back somehow Buster: Like even Nance knows about how the Chlo thing went down now, that I wasn't like trying to fuck her over or fuck Chlo either so Buster: It's gonna be shit if she has to stick around but we're in the same boat of neither of us wanting her too, right? Rio: Yeah Rio: It'll sting but she knows it wasn't remotely your intention and that it's as shitty for you with added consequences so Buster: I just keep thinking, if someone did that to her, how Chlo played me, it's so fucked Buster: Or if I did that to some girl, you know Rio: It is Rio: I am really fucking sorry it happened to you, you know that Rio: Even if my own petty shit gets in the way sometimes Rio: it was wrong on a lot of levels, like Buster: It wouldn't even matter as much if she recognised that it was but we all know she doesn't and won't Buster: No child should be raised by her, mine or not Rio: Sadly, can't stop her or other cunts breeding Rio: unfortunate Rio: if it is yours, it'll be alright, you'll do right by it, I know Buster: I'm still hoping her parents will step in when they know, not that they can force her to do anything but Rio: Maybe they'll talk sense and she'll listen but yeah Buster: Let's not talk about this anymore Buster: For tonight at least Rio: Fine by me Buster: My final word on it is that I'm sorry for how all this went Buster: My mum has a point, I shouldn't shout at you Buster: I'm not sending you more fruit though Rio: I know you are, I promise I do Rio: Damn, so close Buster: Probably should send my veggie loving sister some crudités or something Buster: I can think of better ways to make it up to you though Rio: Tell me more Rio: not about the raw veg, like Buster: 😂 Buster: Not a kink of yours? Buster: Good to know Rio: I have enjoy sex toys that I don't need to raid the pantry Rio: sacrilege in my household Buster: You're funny Buster: And that is genuinely comforting that I don't have to hit up room service with that kind of request Rio: Oh they've had worse Buster: Sure, from me on previous visits is likely Buster: But I'm 😇 now so Rio: 😒 Rio: without me? Buster: Do you think there's a fancy hotel room in this city I haven't fucked in? Rio: Well don't tell me that Buster: 🤐 Rio: Honestly, why do I gotta get you when you're all reformed 🙄 Buster: 'Cause I only am as far as everyone else is concerned Buster: For you I'd do anything Rio: Interesting Rio: I plan to test that bold claim Buster: I hope you do Buster: Try me as much as you want Rio: I hope you weren't here to rest Buster: 'Course not Buster: I'm here 'cause it's nearly your birthday Rio: Oh yeah Rio: Almost forgot Buster: I'm not gonna let you Rio: Spoil me? Buster: Try and stop me Rio: Nah, it's allowed Rio: Get to be 👸 for one day, like Buster: I don't care if it ain't. It's happening Buster: For all the days I'm here Rio: 'Cos I'm your princess, yeah? Buster: Babe, come on, you're a queen Rio: 😋 You're so cute Buster: You're fucking beautiful Rio: Shh Buster: No Buster: You are Rio: I don't know what to say sometimes you're so Rio: nice Buster: You don't have to say anything, I'm not that competitive, like Rio: I can't say nothing when you got me feeling this good Buster: Just show me how you feel when you get here Rio: Done Buster: Good
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