#if I can get shi too
kiwisandpearls · 1 month
me: idk, I’m pretty burnt out from magia record after scene 0, maybe if they release some units i may like I might actually be interested agai—
magia record:
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me: *sighs and redownloads magia record*
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boopshoops · 2 months
BLEHHH the sprite is taking me ten bajillion years to finish- so i just wanna- type shit
It feels weird for me to ask FJFNFJFJ but fuck it, if anyone has TCOAV questions, send em in my inbox, i may even answer stuff that could include mild spoilers- only mild tho, ofc <3
Anywho here's a wip for yall while im still workin on other things :)
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Art and Writing tags :>
@lowcallyfruity @cecilebutcher @skriblee-ksk @kitwasnothere @thehollowwriter
@justm3di0cr3 @distant-velleity
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sukizula · 10 months
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one more for us nieyao enjoyers
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demonicfarmer69 · 2 months
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woah jzx how come u get to have TWO baddies?
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marchsage · 3 months
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world's most well-adjusted daughter
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literalfuckingfreak · 10 months
also while im on it i dont care how magic a character is not everyone needs to have colored eyes. its like. fine to give people dark brown/ black eyes even if theyre "magical" or some shit.
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alchemist-shizun · 11 months
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(you may need to click for better quality)
Couldn't get the thought of them in red out of my head and this came out you're all invited to the wedding
art taglist: @lance-alt @sasmeo-bisaster
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 7 months
All I gotta say is
Slow sex with Lo’ak to this song😫😫
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fortune-maiden · 2 years
Random TGCF Thought of the Day
On Blackwater Island, He Xuan doesn’t give into his anger against Shi Wudu and kill him. Oh no, he gives into his anger and kills Shi Qingxuan before either of them can really process what just happened.
In terms of revenge it works. Shi Wudu stops laughing. Stops taunting him, stops acting defiant. He just stops. The regret and horror that He Xuan has waited centuries to see is on full display. He should feel pleased. He runs off and leaves his enemy bleeding and numb to all.
But it doesn’t end there for Shi Wudu. He’s dragged before the Heavenly Court and made to answer for his crimes. At this point he welcomes it. Which of his thousands of enemies wants the kill? They can have it!
Then Jun Wu delivers his punishment: a cursed shackle.
The same kind Xie Lian wears.
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ddanmeissu · 2 years
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i need someone i can yell at about my very niche tma au ;w;
(see me playing fast and loose between tma lore and mdzs canon under the cut wheeee~)
this is part headcanon, part drabble, all-around mess. just dont think too hard about it please
the classification of each entity isn’t fully documented yet, smirke’s 14 doesn’t exist, but each major clan has a specific fear that called their founders. there are also some entities haven’t been identified yet so a lot of fears bleed into each other 
they’re still cultivators here. they’re cultivating fear.
golden cores are the physical manifestation of your connection with your god within your body. the more you feed it, the more connected you are to your patron, the more powerful you become.
each clan is a powerhouse to a specific entity but their disciples can be touched by multiple entities (and honestly, i cant make everyone a slaughter avatar) only the sect leader needs to be fully devoted to their fear god
Gusu Lan = Beholding, Qinghe Nie = Slaughter, Yunmeng Jiang = Hunt, Lanling Jin = Stranger, and Qishan Wen = Desolation
wei wuxian was once heavily touched by the hunt. his mother a famous Huntress and rogue cultivator and his father a servant and close friend to the sect of The Everchase
jiang cheng’s Hunt core is slightly weaker but its fine because they are of the same pack. they are partners, brothers in everything but blood, and will hunt down anyone who dares to hurt the other.
jiang yanli isn’t an avatar, not marked by the hunt but touched by the Hive, manifesting more on the love/belonging and family aspect rather than the filth aspect
i have more Thots about the family aspects between hive/hunt and how they are both very possessive on who they call their Persons but expresses it different ways that mirror jyl and jc but that’s for a different post
during their time in the cloud recesses they meet a quiet watcher who wwx immediately zones in on him as his new “prey”.
lan wangji is silent and knowledgeable as is expected from a disciple of the beholding, but there is a certain chill around him that other eye avatars do not have
wwx stalks the poor boy, pounces on him whenever he manages to catch him alone, and is just a general disturbance all-around.
he does not feel the Eyes that sometimes watch him when he is alone.
lan xichen does not need the beholding’s power to see the way his brother looks at the young hunter disciple. he is pleased to feel the cold surrounding the jingshi has lessened. shufu seems perplexed and torn.
wwx’s also has his eye on jin zixuan, the pompous plastic peacock that’s engaged to his shijie. he isn’t actually allowed to hunt him down so he settles on dismembering the lifeless mannequins that he uses as servants.
(playing with the timeline here) they get kicked out when a text is destroyed within the Library Pavilion even though it was just a pornography book (any kind of knowledge is still knowledge) and even though it was lwj who destroyed it (the eye had punished him severely for that).
the desolation!wen are attempting to bring The Scourged Earth into the world. they burn down the cloud recesses “in the name of ‘cleaning up the place’ so that it would be ‘reborn from the firelight.’” ( - directly from the mdzs wiki)
the xuanwu of slaughter is an ancient manifestation of, well, the slaughter and cannot be reasoned with.
(”Lan Zhan, can you See anything?” “No. My connection with The Beholding has been greatly severed.” “Oh. well.. Uh, it’s kinda foggy in here huh? Here have my outer robe, you look kinda cold.” “…Mn.”)
lotus pier burns and jiang cheng loses his core. wwx asks flesh!wen qing for help because only an avatar of the flesh (the boneturner, though that isn’t its name yet) is able to carve open another avatar long enough to take something out and place it somewhere else.
jiang cheng immediately becomes a fully-fledged avatar using wwx’s hunt-influenced core. it manifests as strong bloodlust against the wens, fear of being seen as weak prey by the other clans, (and later, hunting down wwx and other end-aligned cultivators.)
wwx gets thrown in the burial mounds. he is dead for three whole months. and then he wakes up.
his hunter core is gone but that’s fine. he is alive not because he wants to but because he has to. when he is awake, he calls upon the dead to exact his revenge. the wens are defeated and everyone is in frightened awe of the new being that he has unwillingly become. when he is asleep, black tendrils of death plague his dreams. He relives the horrible memories of his own and others’ deaths. sometimes he can feel someone watching him but cannot see them in return.
wei wuxian is alive but he is not part of jiang cheng’s pack anymore. he does not follow them out on hunts anymore, doesn’t even bother to stay within the residences. he isn’t part of their pack anymore, abandoned their patron for something else more powerful, and for what? he feels resentment brewing inside him. resentment and fear.
wwx knew not to trust the polished and waxed faces of the jins. all the wen remnants are non-avatars, barely touched by anything other than the fear the jins had instilled by themselves. they do not deserve this cruelty, to be both entertainment and livestock for the rest of the cultivation world. it is true that death comes for everyone, but wwx will not let these people die at the hands of these strangers.
the wens become touched by the End during their stay in the burial mounds. wen ning, with flute music playing in his head, wins an archery game against Death and finally wakes.
 one day a cold mist surrounds yilling when wwx takes a-yuan out on a stroll. He loses him but finds him again clinging to a man in white robes that looks like he wants to disappear. wwx feels himself smile brightly at the sight. (”lan zhan! it’s so nice to see you again! It’s been so cold out today but luckily it’s warmer now!” “Mn.” “You really blend in with the fog with those white robes of yours. it’s okay though because i’m sure i can find you wherever you disappear to!” “Mn.”)
qiongqi path becomes a massacre of plastic mannequins and not!beings. the smell of death and manufactured flesh fill the air like an offering to his unwanted patron, and black tendrils surround wwx and his assailants. It blinds him and he can’t see it, can’t control it, can’t stop it as jin zixuan is pierced through his chest and falls to the ground, dead.
the clans are outraged. they speak in fear of him, they hear of his power over life and death and that he, like the wen fugitives by his side, is trying to bring about his patron into the world. they call for an attack, a bloodbath to take him down once and for all.
and a bloodbath it is. the entire cultivation world against a one-man army. fear rings high in the air and all the Entities are well fed in the aftermath, the most satisfied: Slaughter and (paradoxical to their intent) The End.
later, much later, when the siege is over and nothing is left of his anchor other than a small child marked by death, lwj accepts the punishment lashes and then goes into cold seclusion. the jingshi is completely covered by clouds of fog. no one can See him, the elders only get a debilitating headache when they try to pry too hard. not even lxc, who has become the Eye’s most devoted avatar, can know his brother’s whereabouts. only lan yuan seems to able to navigate through the dense gloom.
the world moves on
jin guangyao’s wide smiles are not conspicuous within the plastic faces and painted lips within lanling jin. If his limbs are too long or if his smile a bit distorted or if he disappears through a bright yellow door and doesnt come back then no one makes mention of it.
No one also notices the webs above them hidden in the high ceilings of lanling jin nor the tiny spiders that skitter around the gossiping servants, spinning and weaving threads of thick silk around them.
it takes years for his brother to come out from the fog and lxc nearly weeps at the knowledge that The Lonely had not forsaken another member of his family. still, lwj has changed. there is a certain chill around him now that persists wherever he goes. though he has always been silent since childhood, his silence now is cold and unfeeling, eyes faraway as if not seeing those around him and only floating through the days. He is not completely alone though and that is enough to alleviate some of xichen’s worries. 
time abates some wounds but certainly not all. there is still an empty cold pit in lwj’s chest but it does not bleed as freely as it did 10 years before. Before, he would have readily disappeared into the fog when the elders comes to look for him, now he chooses to disappear from the cloud recesses and absconds into night hunts. he goes wherever the chaos is, seeking (but not willing to hope) that he might find something that can stir the deadness in his heart.
tbc ?
#rotating this au hard and fast in my mind's eye#i actually dont know the overlap between the mdzs and tma fandoms but im just assuming there isnt much ???#i kinda got too into it at the end there i didnt know where to stop lmao im sorry im pulling all of this outta my ass dskfjhkdhfk#i still have so many Thoughts for this au and cute lil scenes between these avatar fledgelings#i promise its not all Angst its just that lonely!lwj is a very good source of inspo#is this a fix it? maybe. maybe not.#on one hand i want everyone (except jgs and zixun) to love and be happy#on the other hand lonely!lwj is the entire reason why i thought of this au in the first place#according to the wiki the chinese name for cloud recesses means 'somewhere unknown deep in the clouds'#which is Peak Lonely vibes but i didnt find that out until after i wrote this oops#beholding!gusu lan is staying tho bc i love lonelyeyes!lwj hehe#i almost wrote an entire backstory in the tags about madame lan and how wangji inherited her Loneliness dhsdfkhd#i'll write that on a different post this one is long enough#LANLING JIN IS STRANGER ALIGNED BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL CLOWNS#i was thinking of jzx being replaced by a not!them after qiongqi ambush but hmmm maybe thats for another au hmmmm many thoughts#funfact! in MAG113 decker mentions that only a Hunter can kill an avatar of the End so. do what you will with that knowledge :)#OH HEY I JUST REMEMBERED WWX TOLD LWJ TO 'GET LOST' WHEN LWJ TRIED TO SAVE HIM DURING THE FIRST SEIGE JUST BEFORE HE DIED SO :))))#MY LONELY!LWJ HEADCANON IS GOING STRONG#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#should i tag this as tma? nah#anyways here just take this
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alienrascal · 9 months
Feeling spiritually ascended driving alone and blasting the most horrendous party music on the highway
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
As a fan of him who suffers in this fanbase constantly, I just have to compliment you for being way better at understanding Jin Guangyao than his supposed fans. The only place he should be is face down in a coffin with Nie Mingjue breaking his ribs again. Man is a villain through and through.
Honeymoon coffin boat trip through all sixteen levels of Diyu. 💕
Jin Guangyao was unrepentant to the end and was only sorry that he got caught finally.
If he really wanted peace for himself why else would he have claimed to be undercover to help Nie Mingjue from dying at the hands of Wen Ruohan by playing spy, only for years later to kill Nie Mingjue by lying as he got close to Wen Ruohan. He framed He Su, who I will say time and again, he had no remorse or sympathy for killing him the way he did, which was letting him see his clan's children torn apart first before he was as well. He does this same exact ploy thirteen years later with the greats clans and sects children to use as bait the same way to frame Wei Wuxian and his already bad reputation he helped to sully and make suspicious as he did to He Su. At the same time he married Qin Su who he already knew to be his sister, and the very strong implication he hoisted his own incestuous secrets onto Mo Xuanyu as a deflection. This all has a very familiar pattern now doesn't it, for Jin Guangyao.
But he really had no choice.
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demonicfarmer69 · 2 years
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dont worry jiang cheng, lan wangji has got u covered
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nulltune · 1 year
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suuper late but i'm just here reading the tags from shi aka @ardenssolis 's post and i-
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sumire-bride · 2 years
(( Fuck it imma do it ))
(( yet another oc blog here we come ))
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chucklepea-hotpot · 5 months
Susan's what if scene in s6e11 makes so absolutely sick, nauseous and angry.
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