#idk if i'm properly writing the way i want to characterize them but i think this is cool ><
astrxealis · 2 years
weeee i’ll go to sleep now ... and do more stuff in the morning and all hehe <3
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llawlieta · 8 months
What’s your most unpopular DN opinion? (It can be about canon, fanon the fandom)
This is a hard to answer question for me because I don't know that I have many unpopular opinions, or any at all?! So I'm just going to ramble a little bit at you. I hope this is the quality content you were looking for.
I am FAR from confident that my own characterization of Light and L is right, but I sometimes feel like my view of them is an unpopular one because I see different sides of fandom taking certain traits and pulling in totally different directions - Light is either dramatic with a hair-trigger temperament and ready for Violence OR he is very soft and fluffy. (Or, he is either constantly openly and shamelessly putting women down or actually a #feminist.) Same thing with L. L is very soft and gentle and full of angsty feelings, or (and I think the following is a view that some people have adopted as a rejection to the Uwu L ™ characterization that was king in the early days of the fandom, sjsksjd) he is a confident asshole with almost no consideration towards other people beyond what is useful to him to be able to solve a case.
But then of course I know this is a bit like saying nothing because all fandoms will do this to their blorbos, and all characters are more complex than you'd think from a cursory search through their Tumblr tag. I was discussing this with a beloved friend and she illuminated me by mentioning that fandom... just loves Drama and Heightened Feelings... People consume the source material and want more Feels out of it (especially media like Death Note, I'd imagine, which really doesn't spend more time than necessary dwelling on anyone's feelings) and so they take... Light having a yelling fit and make it a very prominent trait of his personality. Or L having a soft moment and fill him with soft feelings that are coming out all the time. Which is a reasonable instinct to have! even though I think the interesting part of those moments in canon is precisely the fact that they are extraordinary in some way.
So I AM saying nothing and this does happen in every fandom, and contrary to what that cursory search through any fandom tag would tell you, a lot of people certainly treat the characters with subtlety and pay careful attention to all of their dimensions. I mean, evidently, most people do it much better than I could ever hope to do!! (In my defense I have to say that if I stress myself out with writing Light and L properly in-character I will drive myself insane, so not doing it is Self Care for me). But, ah! hopefully this is still some sort of answer, anon!
The L thing bothers me more, because he is my beloved boy and because I think people insist a bit too much on the view of him as confident asshole who doesn't give a fuck. Cleverer people than me have discussed this, particularly in the Lawlight server in which I am, but L does in fact Give Some Fucks. I'm noticing it more now that I'm rereading the manga! A lot of soft little L moments are making me sort of understand why people back in the early fandom days really ran with that Soft Uwu L interpretation haha. It's not remotely accurate to reduce him to those traits! but it's not accurate either to reduce him to the opposite ones?
And I feel like the same phenomenon happens with Lawlight, My Beloved Ship. Sometimes it feels like, if people don't portray them as a very soft and fluffy couple, they can portray them as a couple that would be so toxic and unhealthy that they couldn't have a normal, loving relationship without mind games and manipulation always running through the undercurrent of it. Idk we all know these boys are crazy insane but I don't think they'd be quite THAT toxic!!
Rereading the manga has made me have the realization once again that (I think) L and Light honestly just fit together very well, and don't hate each other with nearly as much venom and intensity as one might think, and there's a lot of common interests and genuine mutual appreciation and fun in their relationship. Particularly in a no notebook AU where there'd be no need for 70% of their mind games of course lol, but it's also there just, like, canonically.
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↑ they discuss the news and buy groceries together and read different books silently on the couch actually.
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void-inked-pen · 2 years
UGHHH DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW THEY WROTE MIKEY.. MY BOY DESERVED BETTER. ESPECIALLY SINCE HE WAS CONFIRMED TO HAVE ADHD. as a person with adhd as well it just. idk i try not to think about it just because it doesn’t sit right with me, though it would be a dishonor to just ignore it.
to be honest they ALL deserved better, like you were saying, the character writing *definitely* could’ve done more right by the turtles. they literally make whole episodes based off of a potential personality growth of a specific character or flaws within the family (such as not listening to each other) and then basically backpedal the entire thing for the sake of drama and/or comedy. it’s so painful to see and a lot of fans sympathize with this. this is why i love and hate fanfiction in this fandom, because people either utilize/write their characterizations really well/more properly, or… just make it worse. but i’ve been trying to cultivate my experience so i only see the stuff i enjoy. there is some whacked up stuff out there, i’ll say that!
don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t my intent to neglect anything when just calling them dysfunctional without pointing out specific flaws (not that i necessarily think you’re trying to accuse me of that). i actually talk about this stuff with a handful of friends of mine that i met in a tmnt server. it’s really interesting to dive into, especially because while they would all die for each other in a heartbeat but if they have to properly express one (1) thing that emotionally hurt them they will literally jump through hoops to avoid it.
and lmao yeah, the current reincarnations of tmnt do tend to stray a bit from their roots. not always a bad thing, but i get what you’re saying. i really like the gritty stuff because i’m a sucker for angst, however i think it’s very important to find that good balance between humor and seriousness, which is sometimes a hard balance to strike even for good writers. though, good writing can and does get thrown because of what the producers want. i don’t know if that’s the case for 2012, but 🤷
I try my best to be open-minded, eheh. I’m not the knower of everything, after all. I am guilty of being a little hardheaded and stuck in my ways, but I also really enjoy having these conversations with people who are willing to just be chill about it. I have may have some differing opinions on 12 Leo than you, for example, but that doesn’t give me the excuse to be rude like some people have in your askbox. I’ve been working on getting more out of my shell (heh) and exposing myself to new opinions, so I love this kind of forum! you definitely have a follow from me. also, minor note, I think you should watch the 2007 tmnt movie. afaik it’s a bit more serious, but it’s done really well so i think you might like it based off of what you’ve said so far. cheers!
- sai guy
Appreciate you sai guy~
I would also like to note: im so critical of a lot of the characters in this franchise because I love them too, its not cause I only like one version over the other its cause I like how the different characters are written~
ah fanfiction.... how I both love and loathe thee~
(also on an aside, the character I'm the most upset with for how they are portrayed and written is Donnie because he's my favorite character and they basically made him an incel and also heavily dunked on just as badly as mikey and its so ANNOYING!! let that child rest and teach him how to talk to a girl like PLS)
I may watch that movie too but not rn lol my schedule is currently packed! thanks for chatting tho~
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sneverussape · 1 year
For the fanfic writer questions (tho feel free to sub art if you prefer): ❤️🏷💕🥳🦈📗💭😎💘🚦🤩🤖🎨
God, that's like ⅓ of them... feel free to skip any you don't like, otherwise I'm all ears!! :) <3
omg this is a lot and idk if i'll be able to answer them properly so it's all going under the cut :))) (if read thru mobile some of the answers get cut off. idk why this is but it works fine on desktop lol. 🙃)
❤️ - what is your favorite line that you've written in a fic? it's definitely one of the evans!severus ones. this au is quite personal for me so everything i write or draw for it has a basis on something that i've experienced irl. it's a coping mechanism of sorts, and a way for me to understand certain things that happened in the past. my favorite lines are from the ficlet i did titled Hello World [ad infinitum] and it's:
You are ready to crawl out of your skin, jump out of your bones, and enter your child’s bloodstream. Hold him nerve for nerve. Calm the exploding suns in his mind. He births universes at least once a week. You all are surrounded by the ghosts of galaxies.
This was a fic that forced me to get into the headspace of parents forced into a near-impossible situation, but one which they powered through if only via sheer will and determination. i think the lines captured not only how the condition [epilepsy] itself manifests in the physical sense, but also the ephemerality and intangibility of it all. i was pretty chuffed too that i didn't have to think too hard about these lines; they just came to me! 🏷 - is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read? this applies more to a03. i don't really search tags unless i'm in a specific mood for something, like specific characters, certain pairings, or "______'s A+ parenting". :)) i grew up reading untagged fics on forums and later on livejournal, so tend to ignore tags when searching a lot of the time. i mostly depend on summaries. when on ff dot net (which is actually my preferred platform over a03 because of the amount of old fics on there), i filter by genre, usually sticking to drama, angst, hurt/comfort, adventure.
💕 - what is your favorite fic that you've written? ohhh, for hp definitely the first one i ever wrote for this fandom, which is with friends like these. i love how lucius is characterized here, and how he's just a step from the edge. the desperation and the intense level of his grief interspersed with guilt was so satisfying to write and to read over and over. i also like how i had written other people's treatment of him, as though he's a bomb set to explode. he's in disgrace, but he's still managed to keep the last shreds of his dignity intact, and is still capable of doing harm when pushed.
🥳 - why did you start writing fanfic? purely for my own indulgence, like most people! :)) i like imagining what-if scenarios but also still sticking to canon for a lot of other things. i also use it for catharsis.
🦈 - which character is the toughest to write? ooooooh i'd have to say eileen prince, mostly because i cannot for the life of me decide how i want her to be. i hate the idea of her being submissive. it doesn't sit well for me at all and not something i particularly want to read and write about. i want her to have a stronger personality but can't figure out what her exact story is, apart from having had an ambiguous past with abraxas malfoy (vague hints of a previous relationship which was cut short) and tom riddle (were they friends? rivals? both?). i'm not keen on the abused wife trope mostly because it's so overused and not something i like. i'd rather have her be apathetic and neglectful than be abused (because why? why would a witch allow for it? i can't find a reason for i, especially if you have another world you can escape into), but really haven't figured out the nuts and bolts of it.
📗 - do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? if so, what about? i used to want to, when i was younger. i used to want to be a writer! for the time being, i don't want to write any original fiction. i work in a very rigorous and mentally- and emotionally-draining industry which involves a lot of strategizing and diplomatic hoo-hah. life is far stranger than fiction, and anything i can write will pale in comparison, i think. :)) i'll let life unravel first and see where i end up.
💭 - what inspires you and your writing? my basis for writing is a lot of complex emotions - mostly grief and loss - that i want to sort through, and this shows up a lot in my work. some people have said that i create too many angsty pieces but hey, i create for me. :)) i find the act of creation very satisfying and is something that helps me figure out how to deal with things. alas, my blorbos suffer for it (and i'm not sorry). it also helps that i have plenty of enabler friends! >:)
😎 - what fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? oooooh, i like both! it depends on the plot tbh. i've read so many fics that were so au the entire world was practically rebuilt, and other worlds were created for the characters to traverse through. i love those! especially if the lore was thought through really well. some fic writers could honestly give tolkien a run for his money.
on the other hand, i also love canon-compliant fics because those present its own set of challenges. imagine creating your own world within a world that's already created? fanfic-writing is so great because it stretches the limits of creation and co-creation. i love how creative people can get while working with canon and never breaking its rules. i'm always in awe of what comes out of it.
one thing i love is when people incorporate something that they know about really, really well and make that the center of the fic. it can be a hobby, a culture, a language, a sport, etc. you can always tell when an author is knowledgeable or passionate about the topic because it shines through and i love that! if i like the writing style, these types of works can make me read about anything, even about things that i normally wouldn't be interested in in real life.
💘 - is it easier to write angst or fluff? definitely angst. these are emotions that are readily accessible for me because i internalize a lot and like to figure out why i felt x when y happened. usually that involves a lot of angst. not to say that i never experience any happiness irl but happiness/fluff is also not something i think too deeply about, and therefore not something i find satisfaction writing about. it's an itch that already gets scratched enough, but soothing angst irl is not something that happens, so i do it via fic.
🚦 - what sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc..? ambiguous! i like it when readers figure out for themselves what happens. i like the act of co-creation that happens in writing, specifically when the reader will have different interpretations of endings or events, and it's usually a reflection of their own experiences and thoughts. given the choice though between doing a good and bad ending, it really depends on the characters and what takes place in the plot. i normally don't have an ending figured out when i start writing. i'm more interested in the journey of growth that happens in between. my normal route is i plot that (the journey/change), then let the characters make their own way. i decide what type of ending they should have once we get there.
🤩 - what led to your interest in the fandom? i've been an hp fan for a long, long time but did not get involved in the fandoms outside of forums and various lj communities. even then i kept my distance, because i was still in school and didn't want it taking over my life lol. i couldn't afford to be on the family computer every day after school; i had to study and stuff, y'know? i was in varsity teams, orchestra, student council, etc on top of everything else so getting completely immersed in the fandom was not an option. the last few books were released while i was in university and the only fandom i could really get involved in then was the one among rl friends where we knew who was fans of which characters and we'd discuss the plot over lunch and thingss. apart from that, we were too busy to get involved in the internet wars that happened then ahahaha.
i only got really involved in fandom during COVID. i needed a space to just forget about the real world for a while and being in the snapedom worked. i got to writing again and started drawing digitally. i don't regret it at all!
🤖 - are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic? hahahahaha NO. i think one or two suspect it but they've never asked. these are friends i've had since childhood and who know i read fanfic (they do too), but we've never revealed whether or not we create fanworks ourselves. they know what fandoms i'm in however, and we share some of them, so i guess not knowing is the best arrangement. we like that we're able to keep our fan lives private, and are able to vent anonymously.
🎨 - if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? idk to be honest! it would be interesting to see a DTIYS (draw this in your style) based on my snape. or even the hcs i have of them, a fave being catholic!snape. i have many imagined works based on catholic!snape but i'm not brave enough to attempt them, mostly because it would involve a lot of rigorous and detailed work :))) i want to draw him in a huge empty cathedral sitting on one of the last pews, while looking up at the altar in front. the idea of the altar alone is enough to put me off the entire thing. my wrist already hurts just thinking about it. :))
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chococolte · 2 years
Hello!! I don't have anything to request right now but wow your writing style is just stunning. I don't think I've ever read anything quite like it, you weave together imagery and emotion so beautifully and there's just something so sensual about the way it flows? I hope that doesn't come across weirdly lmao it's just so gorgeous and reading it makes me feel like I'm watching an intricate dance routine or running my hands over silk, I love it sm. Ur rlly out here feeding us the highest quality content imaginable for free???? We are not worthy omg
Also I think my jaw actually dropped when I read that you were 16 like??? Can I ask when/why you started writing and how you developed your style? Sorry if you've answered these before :') and thank u for ur amazing writing <3
XBYUDBNXHBDUHF thank you so much!!! ♡  this was the first thing i read today when i woke up... im so happy it was this!! this means so much to me i cant even describe it properly, im sorry its taken me so long to whip up a response, ive just been looking and thinking about it for so long and i wanted to make sure i responded to it well!!!
im so happy you like my writing!! its actually been something i've been pretty insecure about, even when i still had my old blog. the only people i really showed my writing too was my brother and my friends, who ... you know... as my brother and my friends, why would they tell me my writing is bad? and even on my old blog, i didn't really feel like anything i was writing was like, actually good. but since i've started this new blog i've gotten so many nice messages and people telling me how much they love my writing and i just!!! it makes me soft... and makes me realize that maybe i'm not actually as bad as i thought lol
im going to put my answers to ur questions under a readmore!
i've been writing since i was around 11-12. obviously i had written before that for school and shit, but that was around the age when i started to have an interest in original stuff.
i've only started taking writing seriously for around 2 years, though, so since i've been 14. since i started taking it seriously, i've had a sudden jump in improvement-- mostly because it also coincides with the moment i realized what kind of writing i want to have.
my style itself wasn't all that impressive when i was like, 13-14. which is to be expected! but i think even in my writing from that time, you can kind of see the direction i wanted to go in, which is vivid description.
when i was 15 i finally realized what i wanted to do with my style, which was description. i like describing things. a lot. if u read the stuff i reposted i think u can see that, but i was still a little fledgling at it-- i used some words that i didnt really have a full grasp on, which is still a little sin that i continue to partake in... but you can't blame me ok, words r just so pretty and i need to use them all </3
ive actually only been writing fanfic since 2021 lol, before that all i wrote was self-insert stuff (still yandere, of course). the reason i started my [old] blog was because i was reading stuff on tumblr, and im pretty sure it was specifically a yandere childe post, and his characterization annoyed me so bad i decided to do it myself 💀 before that, the only fanfic i had written i think was like... 2 pieces, one about an interactive fiction game and the other about omniscient reader's viewpoint vxbfubfbg
idk what in particular led me to developing my style as it is now-- i kind of just try my best to make sure my readers can imagine the way the characters feel as best as possible. ultimately, the way i want my writing to be is i want people to kind of fall into it. i want someone to pick up my writing and feel the things the characters feel. i want someone to read my writing and be able to place themselves in the moment, and, for particularly my blog, i want people to read my writing and to feel loved. when someone tells me they got tingles from my writing its literally some of the highest form of praise, like!!!!!!!! if ur trying to seduce me it's working JUST SAYING...
i honestly still feel like i have a lot to improve on, but im so happy you like my writing so much! to think that people think my writing is so good is just such an amazing feeling, i feel like im walking on clouds <3
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zgvlt · 2 years
Hi👋🏻I'm here to say that I'm ABSOLUTELY ADORE your Riddle x Reader fic ❤️❤️❤️
vdoabsiwnshj I didn't expect my ask to be this long. Sorry(?)🙏💦 This is kind of embarrassing so I'm going anon🙈🙈
The way you portray Riddle and Reader is not really something I often seen in the fandom.
Instead of the quite common "Troublemaker x Rule Sticker" or "Slacker x Hard worker", it is "scholar-lord x scholar-lord", two people who have chemistry with each other, but put their first priority on studies instead of relationship is just🤌🤌 hsabpwycdkpshsvsjskskskwhwpb
Therefore, the ending is very satisfying for me🤭🤭 "Maybe more than friends, less than lovers"=my fave trope💁‍♀️ I'm so lovin' it~♡
About ur characterization of Riddle, I really like how his need of having to be the dominant one/in control is there and also very on point😭😭😭😭 He couldn't bear being looked down on/underestimated, to the point even something so small, like the reader sitting on desk would look like towering over him sorta irks him in a way---one of the reason why the 'empty classroom part' is my fave scene🥺🥺🥺
Listing other stuffs I like below. Or else, this ask would be longer than it already is🤣🤣🤣
the way you write Riddle thinking he is subtle with his thing, but is actually not😂
Riddle's lab coat voice line reference😆😆😆
Stages of feelings development from Riddle's side [jealousy/respect👉🏻adimiration👉🏻appreciation👉🏻adoration]
Riddle being 'dense, but not too dense'+"But why would you want my attention anyway? Because you wanted to be my friend?" Idk why this cracks me up so bad🤣🤣
The way Riddle goes from refusing the idea of like-like to as I interpret subconsciously(?) accept the inevitability coming and his jealousy dyed down at the end😲😲, to which his feelings is now "not yet on the crush phrase, but the fondness is there(?)"👀
Riddle refusing to use the L word🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jealousy from both sides are stemed from respect of the other person
"Jealousy won't just disappear because you befriend someone or end up loving them" Feeling sm resonance over this😭😭😭
How Reader seems calm and nonchalant, but can be quite emotional(?) I've always love the idea of Riddle's s/o being an emotionally mature person that would cool themselves down or both of them whenever thry sennse their argument is seemingly escalating
The argue part, plus I totally agree with you on the "Riddle would be good with someone who could argue with him."
Extra note on (10)
As I think arguments is not 100% a bad thing, clashes and conflicts can serve as a way of knowing each other on a deeper level+broaden perspectives (which I hc Riddle' would learn to appreciate), just careful the words not to hurt the other too much+properly make up
[talking about this fic]
oh my god you know when when the ask notif popped up i went to click it and my phone crashed i was like (!!!) is smth wrong with the ask? nathya getting hacked era? but no it was just my phone
anon who are u do i know u 🤔 you type like people i know but i'm also delusional so 🤷‍♀️ but also ANON not to be parasocial right now UR MY NEW BESTIE YOU GET ME YOU GET ME!! i thrive off of feedback like this so scrumptious while reading i went from 😴🤒😷 (i was feeling ill) to 🤩🤭😳 i was smiling and all!!
riddle... when he brings up the friend part he's sort of like, "i mean, if you were also jealous me, then maybe you wanted to be my friend. that was what i was going through"
(8) is me @ my own experiences 😝 since i like dumping my emotions and turning them into fics, but it's true! the people i've been most jealous of are easily my closest friends so yk! life advice from nathya HAHAHA /j
And yeah on (10) i agree! Of course there are healthy ways to go about it, as long as they remember to take a step back to properly communicate, but yeah to better phrase it I see Riddle best with someone who can challenge him, not just academically but in general (but academics is a good way to start)
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hello, friend! i was just wondering if you would ever, in the future maybe, consider writing a historical/arranged marriage type thingy for minho? i feel like your style of writing would definitely do a trope like this justice.
i hope you don't misunderstand this as me asking you to write it – it's just something i'm curious about. especially after keeping up with the wereroomies series (my god dog unleashed really unleashed a feral part of me like i swear i was frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog jsjdjsjsjs) and reading alone together which!!!!!! my nerd self could not stop screaming about!!! i'm more of a trekkie myself but good lord if i don't love a nice star wars au too. the characterization, the plot, the smut, the dialogue, that random "marry me" !!!!!!!!! i died. really, i did. like just flatlined and faded away and went to heaven. you are seriously an amazing writer!
i hope this ask doesn't bother you 😭🙏 just want to say thank you for writing such brilliant stories and sharing them with us! much love and hope you have an amazing day/night ❤️
doesn't bother me at all, bby !
the way i cackled at the comment about dog unleashed JDHFSKJDHF i honestly don't blame you, i'm sure wereroomies!minho was close to frothing at the mouth himself in that one JSDKFHSKDJF
alsoooo thank you for your nice comments on alone together🥺 it was such a spur of the moment fic but i really hold it dear to my heart now !! (i must admit i've never properly seen star trek, but if i had i'm sure i'd be writing AUs for it too sdjfhskjdf)
now, about the suggestion, first of all... the fact that you think my writing could do that trop justice?? i'm swooning. such a nice comment. i've honestly never thought about writing an arranged marriage type of fic as of now, but i won't say i won't do it cuz i never know skjdfsdjkf if it does happen, i don't think it'd be any time soon, but i do like the trope and somehow minho always seems to fit it really well.
i do have a historical/royal AU (fantasy included, of course of course) with minho in my drafts, but i'm just having such a hard time with it... i haven't touched it in months sjkdfshdkjf idk why i'm kinda blocked with that one
anyway, thank you for your nice comments, bb. they mean the world to me💜 and thank you for the suggestion
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sonic-thoughts · 1 year
Man I had written a whole essay about my love for amy rose and the reason why this video analysis I saw on her is not entirely correct and freaking tumblr had to crash on me! I can't even write it again cuz it just wont come out the same I'm sooo freaking upset. Just know that amy is an action character. Her being a bit annoying and cooky for sonic is not that bad. Her strength lies in what she can make others feel. She believes in others wholeheartedly which drives them to act. Being less capable detracts from her character if it was currently still used. Its ok if it was used early on Amy now should be a completely capable character from years of figting badniks. Its not bad to be capable now it doesn't take away from her origins or being a completely normal character with no super powers. She became amazing despite not having any advantages. Her characterization in frontiers is not bad. Different but not bad. With all the terrible ways shes been mishandled putting a halt and shining some positivity to her character can hopefully open the door to her being written a lot better. Maybe even the way she was supposed to be. A happy cheerful never giving up go get em action driven lady. Heck the girl loves excitement and adventure too! Lowkey would like to see slightly irritable sonic chasing amy back. With the capability of her knowing when to get serious if the situation calls for it ie if her friends are in trouble! I agree to some extent on the video but there are something where I'm just like well now that just doesnt make any sense cuz thats not what amy would do. Pfft not wanting her to be a capable character and then completely giving her a gameplay style that requires her to be exactly a capable character!?!? Idk about you but it takes a lot of skill to be able to launch things with accuracy or to be able to figure out a way to destroy a robot despite you "being weak". I do like some of the moves for amy but again that would make amy capable. Not everything needs an explanation as to why they can do certain things now. I think one of the major problems sega has is the all their other characters didnt really need development sure they can add to them but inherently since the beginning the characters were already set. Sonic is the hero is strong and fast, tails is the sidekick but uses his smarts to fight, knuckles may not be the brightest but hes not dumb uses his strength to fight and is extremely noble. Amy though amy on the other hand is the only character that "needed to be developed" in a way this is the only character that has the opportunity to show immense growth to be able to also do her part in eggman fighting plots. She starts off weak and incapable of fighting on her own but through preserverance and tenacity can now stand up for herself and her friends. Sega though did not know how to properly develop her unfortunately 😮‍💨 its fine ive done enough talking for tonight
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Help I'm tryna write smut but Ugh it's so hard for me
Do ya have any tips??
-disney anon
Bestie why are you asking me?? I'm horrible at writing smut. I mean I know that I write a lot of it but I'm really bad at it.
Also obligatory NSFW discussion under the cut (obliviously)
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Firstly, I think it's good to read other people's work to kinda get the vibe. Personally I really like Nia's stuff (especially this one and this one) but she doesn't go onto that blog anymore so (which is a shame cause I was really looking forward to the Corrupt!Sage in heat post she mentioned,,, yes im calling myself out for it but idc you all know I'm a pervert). There's that. Idk what other fandoms you're into so I'm not too sure who else to recommend. I could recommend some of my own stuff but that would be biased. If any of you wanna tell me your favorite NSFW posts I've done feel free to do so (totally is not being an attention whore I just wanna know what y'all like so I can decide how to write future smuts).
Secondly, identify the specific subgenre you want to focus on and look for works in that field. I would recommend using Reddit for research. Personally I'm not too comfortable watching irl porn, so I typically defer to hentai-based subreddits. Those also have the added benefit of (usually) being more comic/dialogue based, so you can get a good feel for what type of verbage can help you really set the right tone. Like, the way you're going to describe a soft, loving, vanilla scene (something like r/wholesomehentai) is going to be pretty different from the way you describe a BDSM session (r/hentaibondage is a good starting place). Personally I struggle a lot with being descriptive/vulgar because I get really embarrassed (yay intense catholic guilt and anxiety over sex /s) so being able to see examples can be really useful.
Thirdly, depending on how realistic you want it to be, do some research into real sex. I don't mean porn. If you're writing for a specific kink then try looking up guides on how to safely and properly do it. Don't be afraid to look for horror/fail stories. Not to bring up Reddit again but r/askreddit has plenty of threads where people talk about realistic sexual encounters, usually in the forms of 'whats the worst/weirdest sex you ever had' or 'whats something porn gets wrong about sex' or so on and so forth. Depending on what kinks you're writing about, I would highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the golden rules of BDSM, since it's pretty widely applicable. You could also do some research into the relationship between kinks/fetishes and psychology (especially trauma) if you wanted to go that far with it. Not really necessary for a simple straight-forward smut, but incredibly useful if you wanna highlight (or allude to) a character's backstory and how it affects them in the present or just their characterization in general.
I think the biggest thing is, don't be too self-conscious about it! Writing smut is hard. Even if it doesn't come out right the first time, you can always go back and edit it later. And it does get easier the more you do it.
Hopefully this is useful!! If there's anything else I can do to help, let me know!
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
SR question,.,,,! in a sr ask we see that giorno tried to confess w the flowers in the room…. All of the members have known sr reader for a long time so I was wondering if/how any of the members would confess to sr reader in their “routes” since shes so oblivious since we only see giornos attempt (which failed Im not even sure?!?) ??? Im like trying to picture them confessing but its so hard the lore makes it so difficult to try and characterize anyone elses confessions so kudos bc I have a big imagination so idk how u managed to make it so hard to imagine lock 😩
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUN QUESTION i have very specific ideas for all of the character's routes, from the first meeting to the confession. maybe i'll get around to fully writing everything out one day? i'm most interested in writing SR reader's first meeting with each character and their confession. so i'll be dividing this up in terms of what the route order would be if it were an otome game + describing the gist of what would happen.
[Scarlet Ribbons Description]
Mista’s confession would be straight from a movie scene. It’d be raining hard at night, with you planning to go back home permanently after successfully usurping Passione’s boss. The grief from losing your dear friends was too much to bear any longer. You decided to leave everything behind and relay this information to Mista in a voicemail. As you’re getting out of a taxi, just about ready to head into the airport, you hear your name being called out from a distance. It’s Mista — drenched from head to toe from rushing to see you. He’s been grieving and processing things in his own way, and while he wouldn’t stop you if your heart was set on leaving, he still wants you to hear him out. He’ll stumble over his words, lacking the calm air that you’ve come to associate with him over the years. It wasn’t planned on, he just told you how much you mean to him, that he understands how much it hurts; but running away won’t change anything. After a prolonged silence, you find yourself agreeing with him. His feelings managed to get through to you. He gave you a big, dorky smile, yet sincerely said you wouldn’t have to cry alone anymore so long as he’s around. It’s an offer you took him up on. 
Narancia’s is lighthearted and somewhat of an accident. He almost can’t remember what his life was like before you, you’ve become integral to his existence. A person he couldn’t imagine being without. Ever since you visited him in the hospital, a radiant smile on your face, fretting over his health until his eye fully recovered. The boy’s been whipped ever since. Narancia doesn’t think he could ever do his feelings justice by confessing outright to you. There’s so much he wants to say that getting it out properly seems impossible. His confession comes as an accident, and he doesn’t even realize what he said until you stare at him with wide eyes. You were just hanging out, joking around together, reminiscing on memories. That’s when he told you how much he loved you. As soon as he realizes the full weight of what he said, he tries to backtrack, getting all flustered and almost wanting to run out of the room. His delight is immeasurable when you tell him that you reciprocate his feelings in full. Narancia will get this big smile, asking you if you’re sure over and over again. He couldn’t imagine someone as amazing as you loving him back.
Abbacchio tries to distance himself emotionally from you after Giorno replaces Diavolo as boss. It serves as a reminder of what he stands to lose. He didn’t want to get attached to you in the first place, but you managed to wriggle your way into his heart before he knew it. That’s why the two of you managed to get into a heated argument. You were confronting him about his newfound aloofness, demanding to know the truth behind the sudden change. It was clear that neither of you would be backing down. That’s when he unwittingly revealed that caring for you is only setting himself up for disappointment, as that’s been the pattern for his life for as long as he can remember. It gets dead silent after that while you process his words. Abbacchio expects that you’ll storm off and leave him to brood, and while you consider giving him more space, you decide to be honest about the extent of your care for him as well. This reciprocation is the last thing he expected or knew what to do with. Not everything would be fixed right away, but with your persistence, he’d find the idea of being with you too appealing to deny for long.
Fugo can’t bring himself to look you in the eye any longer. There’s shame, regret, and it weighs down on him like an anchor. He feels like he’s nothing but a specter haunting the streets of Naples. You try reaching out to him, extending a hand in the darkness, yet he can’t bring himself to accept it. One of the times he spots you in the audience at a piano performance, which is how he’s been making money since he left Passione behind. He confronts you afterward, snapping at you to just leave him alone so he can move on and forget about everything that happened. Fugo tells you to just curse him already, to belittle him for his cowardice, anything that would line up with the narrative he’s set in place for you. You refuse to do so. He stands stunned as you wrap you arms around him, murmuring in a soft voice how much you’ve missed him. That’s the night that Fugo confesses the full extent of his feelings for you, the emotions that have been building for years now. He still can’t bring himself to think he deserves any of your kind, yet you rebuke this claim at every turn, telling him that suffering in silence doesn’t do good for anyone.
Bruno has been having nightmares for weeks on end — it’s by your insistence that he finally caves and agrees to a vacation. The spot he picks is a fishing town near Naples, his hometown, unbeknownst to you. You tag along with the intention of keeping him away from work-related business. He’s more than ecstatic to have you with him. The two of you are walking along the beach when he confesses to you, his voice blending in with the crash of the ocean’s waves. He insists that you shouldn’t feel obligated to return his affections, since he’s your superior, and apologizes if this somehow ruined your impression of him. Bruno’s brush with death gave him an even more intimate view of mortality. In what could’ve been his final moments, he found himself regretting never being entirely truthful with you, the one he loves. It’s what he’d been ruminating about for weeks now. With you by his side enjoying a tranquil evening in his beloved hometown, he felt like there was no better time to confess. He can’t help but lift you into a tight embrace when you tell him you feel the same. Later that evening, Bruno shows you his father’s grave and introduces the two of you. He promises his father that he’s in good hands now.
Giorno happens upon you practicing an old dance routine in his courtyard. You’d later claim that it’s embarrassing he saw you — fumbling over some terminology and mentioning a mistake or two you made in the choreography, since it’s been a few years. It’d been a few months since Giorno had settled into his position as the Don and he’d rarely at the time to take a breather. Seeing your self-expression and the beauty that came with it struck a chord in his heart. By the time you finished your routine, he was clapping, marveling over the sight. The two of you talk for some time after that. He asks you about your ambitions, why you chose to stick with Passione, not so subtly moving closer to you as you spoke. Every word that left your lips was dedicated to his memory. The admiration he felt for you only increased as you poured out your heart to him, and with it, the desire to say everything on his mind. Giorno doesn’t outright say how he loves you but instead focuses on giving compliments on your character that you know to be genuine and from an intimate place. Thus begins the step of your lift that saw the two of you growing closer.
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hungerpunch · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass it to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
ahhh thank you so much!!!! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა this is so kind. i got this message anonymously, too, but obvi i'm only going to do this once. but thank you to whatever sweet anon soul sent this to me as well!
this issooo hard when i'm the type of person who posts fic then actively works to forget it exists bc it generally humiliates me. i tried not to think too hard abt this and just go with my gut. these are NOT RANKED in any particular order.
could i make you shy? lewis/valtteri
i have a laundry list of insecurities that i have abt this fic (no capitalization bc i was too lazy, disjointed transitions, some characterization which i would definitely change were i to re-write it) but ummm this fic is actually a love letter to myself. yeah. i worked on it mostly alone, over a long period of time, chipping away at it. which is not really like me. i usually have to write something all in one or two takes or it will not happen. idk what abt this let me gradually take my time with it but it was a new experience for me. also it was my first fic in six years, well after i'd given up and gone "guess i'm just never gonna write again" and like kinda made my peace with that. that's why i say it's a love letter. it was sort of like proving to myself i could still be creative. still tell a story. which was a massive relief.
that's why god made towels pierre/charlotte/charles
i'm laughing bc this fic was not ever intended to like. be Good Literature. i wrote it in a dazed fervor and then published it anonymously. and i just assumed it'd either be ignored or shat on. so when a bunch of people ended up loving it, it was such a pleasant surprise!!! also just more proof to me that things don't need to be exacting narrative masterpieces in order for people to enjoy them and i should just post more shit that makes me have fun.
bruised giver, grit spinner niall/zayn
i'm putting this on the list because it's the only big bang i've everrr done and my longest fic but i cannot actually read it for fear of wanting to put my eyeballs in a blender and wazzing my consciousness up into a smoothie.
that being said, i'd wanted to do a z-boys au in that fandom the entire time i was in it so it was a good exercise in properly committing to something and seeing it all the way through. and i really do think that if i could muscle through it i would find some beautiful lines that i'm still proud of. i will never do a big bang again tho :'D
a gun is not discursive arthur/eames
genuinely cannot beeeelieve the amount of kudos this fic has. of all my fics idk why this one. at least this one is a little easier to re-read but i can tell how young i was here (a lot of it doesn't stand up to much interrogation imo). i do like some of my prose tho.
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eyecicles · 3 years
thank you :) OKAY so maybe i am just desperate to slot another note into canon because despite its flaws i love it so much but hear me out. hear me out
so in-universe it's written by mello, right? so we already have the high potential for unreliable narration. (i love him but i will also be the first to admit that he is not exactly the pinnacle of reliability.) add this to the fact that it's being told to us secondhand and the potential grows exponentially. it's not like mello was THERE, obviously. he just heard about it. (whether or not the idea of L telling him about it is reasonable is a whole other thing i have many thoughts on, i tend to think it's possible under certain circumstances. maybe it was meant to be a warning to someone exhibiting concerning tendencies in line with a certain serial killer regarding the need to surpass certain individuals... i cannot say) and he would of course have been young when this occurred. when he wrote it all down is up in the air, but no matter where you put it, i think it still works. if he wrote it when he was young, it'd get embellished with the imagination of a child. if he wrote it when he was older, it'd get distorted by time affecting how he remembered it being told. either way, we're basically playing telephone with the story.
so like in the end i feel like the plot holes and distorted viewpoints actually make more sense within canon than i think a lot of people give them credit for. i doubt that was the (real-world) author's intention but hey i will interpret it how i please. because in the end it's still an in-universe work as well, and so has the same potential for erroneous memory, personal bias, and all sorts of other distortions.
when it comes to characterization i think it's a bit more complicated, but again, erroneous memory and personal bias could very easily distort the characterizations of the other characters. as for the characterization of mello himself, i know i for one tend to sound a lot different when i'm writing a story than i do when i'm just talking. idk if that's common, but hey. maybe mello is also like that.
and finally, we have the line about 'the best dresser who died like a dog', which i like to take as just... mello being dramatic and a bit fatalistic. but that whole line is really epic no matter how you look at it in my humble opinion, so i'll let it slide
anyway like i said i might just be completely desperate to fit my beloved book into canon and so am talking crazy in attempts to rationalize it, but what is analysis if not talking crazy about things you enjoy. thanks for reading my ramblings i just wanted to share them with you on account of you are my cool dn friend who thinks about these things and i figured you can probably understand where im coming from with regards to 'i love this thing so much that i can just sit down and think about it for hours' (its the autism of course...) so yeah. like i said. thanks
Oh yeah, that's definitely how I try to explain most of the contradictions away! Well, with that and by pointing out that B is...B.
You know, it does feel like the narrative wants us to believe Mello wrote the novel close to his death. Not just because of the "died like a dog" quote, but also because several other referenced plot points later in DN.
You can also combine some of the theories you mentioned and interpret it that way: he began writing it when he was a kid and finished it - hastily - later, when he knew he was about to die. Maybe he didn't have the time to proofread his novel (properly) and that's how we got Another Note how we all know and love it, haha.
Another idea I had is that someone else finished the book for Mello, someone who knew how he died. ...Which would be incredibly unlikely, yes, but it would explain a few things, at least.
I do think that Nisio Isin knew somewhat what he was doing with letting Mello narrate the story. This way he didn't even have to try to copy the style of Death Note, and he gave us several ways to interpret the story and everything that doesn't quite add up.
It gets even more complicated when you think about why Mello wrote it in the first place…
So yeah, I'm completely fine with saying that AN is, as a book, canon, but not necessarily everything that happens in it. Which would be kind of impossible anyway.
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fonulyn · 2 years
3, 13, 28, 37, 38, 39 for the writer meme
thank you for asking! :D
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
ehhhhhh I try to never say never because you can often find some kind of circumstances where pretty much anything works? :'D but there are a lot of tropes i'm not very drawn towards. most notably maybe A/B/O, which seems very popular in a lot of fandoms.
but tropes are good! even the most cliche idea can be fun to write and that's what we're in this for, fun :'D so who knows!
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
already answered this. but uhm. another one could be the "don't be afraid to use the characters actual names" because honestly, repeating them won't sound stupid. coming up with a new way to refer to a character in every sentence is what rather pulls the reader out of the moment, if anything.
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
i think i'm gonna mention @tirsynni and @kneesofthebee at once, because the reasoning is pretty much the same lol: I really enjoy both their characterizations, and I really like their clear, concise writing styles! it's always so nice to read. plus, both of them have written very excellent nivannedy, which is a direct route into my heart :'D
as for the third, hm. i think i'm gonna be self-centered for a moment here and say me :'D simply because I give me what I want!
37. Talk about your current wips.
right now I'm actively working on two nivannedy fics; one is a direct sequel to the self-indulgent verse, and pretty much picks up where the previous part left off. i'm so excited to get them further in their journey :D this next part isn't yet going to be where I get them married lmao but we're getting there!
another one I'm working on right now is based on a dream I had lmao. Piers and Leon have history, but Leon broke it off a bit over a year before the fic takes place. and then they're stuck together trying to save a bunch of children from an infected village, and of course old feelings flame up again :'D
i've got a bunch of other fics I'm planning but those I haven't actually started properly writing? always happy to talk about those too tho if anyone's interested.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
this is gonna sound like such a cop-out but honestly, any and all of them. every single time I get a comment notification I light up like a damn christmas tree, I kid you not :'D i go from :((( to :DDDD in a second ahaha. but I gotta admit, the comments that actually point out what parts of the fic they enjoyed, maybe even quote stuff back at me? those are the absolute best.
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I've been incredibly lucky and haven't gotten many mean comments. there's one that sometimes still pops up in my head but nowadays it doesn't cause more than a tinge of irritation anymore, thankfully. and idk. thus far I've just deleted them. I don't want to see them in the fic, I don't want to engage with them if they're just being rude, so deleting the comment seems like the most efficient way to go. but I do often show them to a friend or two first, to talk it through, both to make myself feel better and to see if there's actually some point to the comment i should consider.
thanks for asking, again! :D
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iamdeltas · 3 years
thasmin considering all the lovely "you two need a divorce" energy in this season
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: I still don't ship them, but I am finding their dynamic very interesting this season especially. Neither of them is having a good time, RIP.
my thoughts: I'm really enjoying the push and pull of their dynamic! I'm glad we're getting to see Yaz push back against 13 Being A Dick and I do hope we get her properly telling her off for her bullshit. I do feel really bad for Yaz. She's clearly had to put up with a lot of 13's nonsense and getting no explanation as to why. She gets that 13 is clearly in a bad place mentally and she wants to help but 13 refuses to explain, well, literally anything. It's such a trashfire of a dynamic!
What makes me happy about them: Ironically, the fact that they're getting on each others' nerves this season, lol.
What makes me sad about them: Also the fact that they're getting on each others' nerves! And the fact that Yaz is clearly getting the short end of the stick here! Honestly, she deserves better.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: The reason I avoid Thasmin fic is because so many Thasmin shippers write them all fluffy and cute and thus write both of them (but especially 13) incredibly out of character. This is not a fluffy dynamic! This is a very messed up dynamic between an immovable object (13 and her reluctance to discuss literally anything) and an unstoppable force (Yaz and her persistence on trying to find out what the fuck is going on with 13). And I have no interest in fics that refuse to account for that and want to just have Cute Fluffy Lesbians IN SPAAAAACE!
things I look for in fanfic: Good characterization, really.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 13 with the Master because I continue to be of the opinion that literally everyone deserves better than the Doctor except for the Master lmao. And I like the idea of Yaz with Clara, or Yaz with Bill. Both would be interesting ships.
My happily ever after for them: IDK. At this point I kinda just want Yaz to pull a Martha and leave, realizing she deserves way better.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: This is really hard to answer when I don't ship them. Uh. I guess 13 is the big spoon?
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Adventuring in space and time is the only thing I can think of right now.
Ask me things about ships or characters!
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sukirichi · 3 years
my dog got really chubby too LMAO my mum spoils him too much hdhsgwgsgd SUUUKI YOU'RE MAKING ME BLUSH 😭😭😭💚💚💚 i'm happy you like the little snippet!! it's probably gonna be a little series bc i want to characterize the two of them properly and noritoshi is SO difficult??? like i feel like he can be an absolute dick but in the manga he has some scenes where he's kinda a goof hdvsgszahs (THIS IS JUST ME REALIZING I HAVE A THING FOR NORITOSHI LOL) you should go for a carrd and a new theme if you wanna and feel motivated!! i'd love to be moots with you (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ the blog is already open, i just don't really have anything on there yet dhsgagsgsg it's @chosonore ! i always spend way too much time on finding a cute theme xhsgshsv this time i just settled for a simple pastel one ヽ(・∀・)ノ noooooooo the betrayal naoya's gonna stab u in ur sleep hdhsgsbsbs but sukuna's queen with a dark theme sounds nice!! ahhh i'm excited for your collab, don't be scared!! i don't think it's gonna flop, your writing is so good and i'm sure everyone will love it╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
LISTEN NAOYA IS HOT IN THEORY but my insides shrivel thinking of how he'd treat me dhsggssgd i would try to square up to him and he'd probably laugh bc i'm TINY,.,.,.,, kita wouldn't treat me like this. although he looks like he has a mean side to him lol he just has those vibes??? oh that's cute though!!! you're baby 🥺🥺🥺 i'd definitely be the friend to feed you and make sure you're cared for lol but i'm SO fickle about people babying me, most of the time it's touch me and i'll bite your hand off hsgafscsvxndj but i would not say no to a choso (≧◡≦) omg you ARE a bokuto dhsgsgs the bokuto to my akaashi - 🍞
no naoya is not hot in theory. NAOYA IS HOT. THATS IT. END OF CONVERSATION. THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK 😤😤😤😤 omg yes i legit thought kita was like...a sorta mean guy, kind of like tsukki is, like dry insults and shiz but hes a sweetheart isnt he?! YES IM BABY HAHHAHAHA DUDEEE, YOU’RE THE YUUJI TO MY SUKUNA BUT IM THE BOKUTO TO UR AKAASHI AAAAH you and i are perfect together bruh...should you start always going “𝒷𝑜𝓀𝓊𝓉𝑜-𝓈𝒶𝓃” on me now HAHHAHA
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missfaber · 5 years
That article about the 7 cut scenes made me bitter again. If Jon was supposed to be in love and lust with Dany, why not SHOW it properly, and also why? I could have quietly lost respect for him in S7 and moved on instead of hoping. Is he just doomed to fail as a hero because of his Targ genes like Dany? Is that Grrm's final twist? Why does he even love her? I'm bitter.
Hi anon! I feel your pain. But i think I’m the wrong person to ask about this, only because there’s so many people in the fandom who are better at writing meta than me (who, um, never writes meta, or even really participates in fandom discourse). So I’m sorry if this answer is disappointing, but I’ll give you my two cents!
I’M BITTER TOO. Not necessarily about the article, I honestly think it’s just funny, but about the way they butchered Jon and the terrible shitshow that was jonerys when there were so many better alternative ways to take the story. I never watched GOT for the romance, that was never its strong point imo, but I did expect consistent characterization and I did stan my boy Jon. And that’s the worst part of jonerys; the way meeting Dany turned him into someone else. Someone we could lose respect for, as you put it. Someone who went so against his morals and earlier characterizations that many fans have (rightfully, it’s their right) stopped liking him, becoming anti jon snow. I personally only reconcile what happened by completely disregarding the last episode, the last season, and especially the last two seasons. Jon Snow who mercy killed Mance Raider because a death by fire was too cruel never would have even thought twice about killing Dany. Jon Snow who exiled Melisandre, the woman who brought him back to LIFE, for killing one (1) child by fire never would have allowed Dany to kill thousands of children by fire— or would have killed her immediately after the fact, again without second thought. Jon Snow who was a little shit who consistently stood up to authority and especially disliked the arrogance and entitlement of kings and princes never would have fallen in love with Dany, a woman who held him prisoner and whose only characterization at that point was being Qween, whose first impression was literally spouting off a bunch of titles. If I was gonna write a book called “Jon Snow’s Turn Offs” that would be #1 on the list. Unless killing thousands of children by fire is number 1…. or maybe threatening his sister cousin multiple times…… idk there’s so much to choose from!
But if you were gonna try to sell this love story to us, D&D, why couldn’t you try to sell it to us??? We all know they’re somewhat capable, as much as we like to shit on them. As arguably lackluster as earlier relationships were, such as Dany x Drogo, Tyrion x Shae, Robb x Talisa, Jon x Ygritte, we did have some cute/romantic scenes for all of them, where we could at least see that the writers’ and actors’ intentions were to show that These Two Are In Love, even if we didn’t necessarily ship it. So I don’t know what happened with Jon and Dany to make it look so bad onscreen, and I’m talking about before he shanked her lmao. This isn’t just an opinion held by our corner of the fandom, when the season was airing there were so many articles about how awful Jon and Dany’s chemistry was. It’s frustrating because we know Kit knows how to act like he’s in love, yet he was giving the jonerys scenes NOTHING lol, so it made us reasonably think something else was going on. At some point we all thought this was because of pol!jon reveal, which didn’t happen. Then we thought there must have been a retcon between the last two episodes, because so many things didn’t logically follow from episode 5 to 6. It’s just so sad and such a waste because pol!Jon would have been such a good GOT style reveal. All the clues were there. All they had to do was commit. Anyway. We’ll never know why D&D made the choices they did. We do know they wanted to hurry up and finish GOT to get to other projects and i, personally, will never forgive them for that.
I don’t think Jon is doomed to fail as a hero because of his Targ genes. I don’t even think that was the message for Dany. Dany was completely sane when she burned down King’s Landing. She didn’t do it because of Targaryen madness, she did it because of entitlement, because of her rage when she saw that the people of King’s Landing weren’t welcoming her, weren’t seeing her as their hero and savior and Mhysa like the former slaves of Essos, but as the tyrant they needed saving from, calling out to their real queen Cersei to save them. She genuinely believed that by doing this these people no longer had a right to live. They had no place in her “new world” of Daenerys Worshippers. As for Jon and his Targ genes, they messed up his story so badly that it’s hard to derive any logical line of characterization from the end, but I would say the message was that ultimately he is a Stark. Not a Targaryen. He killed his last remaining Targaryen family, perhaps metaphorically killing off the Targaryen inside him. He chose Sansa, whether you want to see that as romantic or not, he chose to protect her, the Starks, Winterfell, and the north. And I believe that if he wasn’t “sentenced” to life at the Wall, he would have chosen to go home to Winterfell, to live out the rest of his days with his family. Still even his show ending is Stark-coded, because he’s in the True North. So yeah, I can’t speak about GRRM’s final twist or anything, I haven’t even read the books, but from what I know I don’t think Jon’s ending will be “failing as a hero because of his Targaryen genes winning out”.
Thanks for the ask, nonnie!
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