#ice planet barbarians josie
whatsgnat · 1 year
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The warmth of Josie in contrast with everything else Is just A+ 🤌 perfect for them
The expression on Haeden's face? 100% him.
The tail still being around her despite them facing away from eachother? GENIUS.
They're my favorite couple and I'm LIVING. I will never shut up about this
Now when we also get Megan and Cashol(my 2nd faves) I will combust.
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hylorien · 7 months
Ice Planet Barbarians is fun to read bc one of the sa-khui will make a shitass comment about one of the humans and you instantly know they're gonna resonate next book
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neesh-ipb-art · 1 year
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Josie and Tiffany from Ice Planet Barbarians!
they've got furs and they've got FASHION
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lilacsintherain · 1 month
Name a bigger drama queen then the khui in ipb
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
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More Ice Planet Barbarian memes that nobody asked for
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fingertipsmp3 · 15 days
This book I’m reading is so good I’m genuinely mad that I put off reading it
#before any of you get excited thinking i’m about to recommend high class literature it’s an ice planet barbarians book#specifically barbarian’s choice#i was like ‘hmm i mean i Like farli but i’ve been enjoying the formula of human x sa-khui romances’#but i wanted to read something that wouldn’t require too many of my brain cells because honestly i did a lot today. so i picked it up#and oh my godddddddd#SO good. literally so so good. i was ready for mardok to be some boring green alien; like i’d braced myself for him to have weird feet#or something like that. but he’s modern sahk??? which is somehow the absolute BEST thing he could’ve been#i’m squealing and kicking my feet in bed it’s SO good. farli is adorable. mardok is hot. mardok’s crew are dicks#the worldbuilding is chef’s fucking KISS i am living#maybe my standards have eroded after nearly a dozen books of people boning down in caves but i’m obsessed with this#i think i’m going to finish this series honestly. like i blitzed through the novellas for absolutely no reason#would anyone want me to rank them? would literally anyone on planet earth be interested in that? fuck it i might do it anyway#honestly as it stands now; this book is easily my favourite. maddie’s book is second and kira’s is third#tiffany’s probably fourth. then josie’s. and i have a soft spot for the holiday novella#bottom of the list would be stacy’s book and potentially georgie’s and liz’s. maybe asha’s as well unfortunately#harlow and lila were great but not my absolute favourites#personal
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ixchel-sketch · 2 years
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“Jo-see,” I say, waiting for her eyes to meet mine. When they do, I continue. “You were mine the day you landed in this world. I felt a connection the moment I saw you, and it frightened me. When we resonated, I realized that you were always meant to be mine. And I will keep you safe.”
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jailynn24 · 2 years
My Couple Rankings (so far) from Ruby Dixon books
So I've read all the Risdaverse books and about half of the original Ice Planet Books (except for some of the short stories) I'm up to Farli's book- though I don't know if I'll read that because it feels weird thinking of Farli having sex (when we started she was 13-14 and a kid) These rankings might change. These opinions will be somewhat unpopular as well...
Here are my bottom four then I'll do my top ten: (1 is the worse couple- 4 is the best of the bottom)
1) Georgie and Vektal- The more I read about this couple the more I dislike them. They are the first couple you meet, but, to me, they are the most annoying. Vektal is supposed to be a leader- but all his decisions are horrible and I will never quite forgive him for thinking since Raahosh was banished, Liz should jump on another tribe member like it's no big deal- when he KNOWS that being a mate means a lot. Yes Georgie talked him out of it, but the fact he thought it was a good idea to begin with... just mind blowing. Georgie just irks me. Could be because of the audiobook reader insisting on giving her a country accent- which she's from ORLANDO Florida- the girl would not have a country accent! Liz would, not Georgie.
2) Kira and Aehako- They were cute, until they got boring. Aehako and Kira could have been good, but towards the middle part of the book, I was just ready for them to mate and go away. Aehako acting like a dick about Harlow didn't help and I still don't understand why Vektal made him the leader of the second set of caves. Kira had very little personality but I did feel for her at first- her interactions with the kidnappers was well done, but yeah- not my favorite couple at all.
3) Lila and Rokan- Another couple that had potential, but Lila was so boring at the beginning that I instantly wanted the book to end. I think the kidnapping plot was not the best way to go and frankly I was tired of Lila pretty quickly. I think a better story would have been for Maddie (Lila's sister) to be kidnapped instead. This girl annoyed me so much, I didn't finish this book because I didn't care about her getting rescued. Such a waste. The only reason they aren't the bottom couple is because they didn't make me hate them, I just didn't care. I was invested in Kira and Georgie so their stories were frustrating and disappointing.
4) Lucy and Rektar- (When She's Bold- Risdaverse) This couple just didn't move the needle for me. It wasn't bad. It was cute and Lucy was bubbly. The story itself is short and that might have had something to do with it. My favorites from this series are the longer ones. But yeah- cute, but not one that I remember in great detail.
Here are my Top Ten:
10) Asha and Hemalo- This couple took me by surprise. I really didn't think I would enjoy them as much as I did, but honestly- their story was heartbreaking. Asha's deep sadness and Hemalo's unwavering love was so sweet to read. If anything it made me not like Aekaho and Kira even more because of how they treated her in their book- yes I understand it was their book and she was trying to creep on Aekaho- but still seeing what she was going through and knowing that she was just needing comfort- well I get that. I was so pleased by the end of Asha and Hemalo's book. I'm happy for how it all turned out.
9) Nicola and Emvor- (The Alien's Mail-Order Bride- linked to Risdaverse) This is the story of my trope I think. From here on out most of the couples will have similar themes. Emvor is broken from war and scarred and a loner, Nicola is a human that needs to find someone to protect her and she lies about how she looks to get a male order husband. It's cute and sweet and I loved how protective he got right away. This one is a short story, but it made me smile.
8) Maddie and Hassen- Everything wrong with Lila and Rokan is made right with this book for me. I loved Hassen (and really didn't hate him from his kidnapping of Lila- I got where he was coming from and even though it was wrong, I felt his desire for a family) Maddie is sassy and can be cruel, but under all that beat the heart of a woman that wants to be needed. She spent her whole life caring for her (undeserving) sister and suddenly she's thrust into a world where she isn't needed any longer. She also has a lot of insecurities that a lot of females feel. Hassen and her are hot together, and real as well. They go into their union without expectations (or Maddie does anyway- one taste of Maddie and Hassen is hooked). It felt like together they made each other whole and I loved that.
7) Claire and Ereven- They haven't been featured by themselves yet (or maybe never now) but I like them. Claire is sweet and her first "relationship" with Bek was not great, but when she started flirting and falling for Ereven- it was so sweet. I love how kind and gentle he is with her and how he encourages her. Her friendship with Asha was made possible because Ereven knew how special Claire was and how she could reach Asha by being herself. Such a sweet couple.
6) Harlow and Rukh- This book was a bit of a mix between Georgie/Vektal and Liz/Raahosh because he kidnapped her (Raahosh) and they couldn't communicate (Georgie/Vektal) but it was made sweeter because of Rukh's almost childlike nature. He had been on his own for so long and once he found Harlow- he couldn't understand what was happening. I loved how she taught him how to speak and he took such good care of her. This couple was both innocent and hot and I love their little baby Rukhar
5) Sophie and Jerrok- (When She Belongs) Grumpy loner and traumatized human meet and bicker. The slow burn of this duo made it so worthwhile when they finally got together. Jerrok had so many issues with how he looked and his own trauma, but at the core of him was a man that had just been through so much and just wanted to be left alone. Sophie was the same. She was a slave and still had a lot of anger and fear to work through. Together they found a home and hope... with the help of a very protective spider/cat pet named Sleipnir.
4-a) Stacy and Pashov- I don't have much to say about them, other than I just melted reading their book. I felt so bad for Stacy as she struggled with having a mate that didn't remember her or their baby and poor Pashov just wanted to love her. Their story was really a sweet tale of rediscovering love. And Pacy being a part of it was just adorable.
4-b) Josie and Haeden- Grumpy and bubbly strikes again. I can't help that I have a type. This couple were hilarious and awkward and adorable. Poor Haeden had a long journey to get his mate, but once he got her- pure cuteness and heat. I have reread their story at least three times and smile and giggle and sigh each time. I loved their "bedtime" story short with their son as well.
3) Tessa and Zokoar- (When She Dances) So much goodness with this story- both were introduced (sort of) in Sophie and Jerrok's story. You see Tessa and meet Zokoar and I was intrigued right away. Zokoar is another broken male, both physically and emotionally. He thinks himself hideous and that no one could ever want him because he is scarred up and has metal plating. Tessa does want him though. She thinks about him while stuck as a slave and hopes one day he will rescue her. When it happens that's when the real story starts. While this story isn't a "slow burn" (they have sex right away) it's still a beautiful story. Zokoar finds peace with Tessa and Tessa finds love with him.
2) Kim and Nassakth- (When She Purrs) Full disclosure... this was the first book I read. Nassakth is also the only non-Mesakkah/Sa-Khui alien. He is a cat-like creature called Praxiian and can be ferocious. In the other books the Praxiian are not seen as heroic characters and are often placed in the role of villain- but Nassakth is protective and loving- especially to Kim. The premise of this story is straight up romcom. Kim hires a bounty hunter to get her a husband to protect her from her neighbor who she's convinced is going to kill her, her neighbor is Nassakth who is really trying to court her in this most feline of ways. The bounty hunter wraps her up a husband and to her shock it's the very male she was trying to avoid. Their love story is a slow burn but its sweet as well. Nassakth understands Kim's trauma about being a freshly freed slave, having been one himself and he gives her confidence to take control of her life again. I just love them!
Liz and Raahosh- Hands down my favorite couple! From start to finish I adored this book. Liz is quite possibly the best character in the series. Her observations and thoughts were down right hilarious, especially when she was talking to Raahosh when she didn't know he could understand her. Raahosh is the most patient of males when it comes to her. I could not help but adore them together. Raahosh's back story was so heartbreaking and once again, I fell for his silent/grumpy nature. I enjoyed how strong and smart Liz was. She wasn't some shrinking damsel. She taught Raahosh how to use a bow and when he was injured she nursed him back to health. They were just so great together and each time they show up in another story it fills me with glee. This story was the start of my dislike for Vektal and Georgie (it has since grown). I loved Liz outsmarting them to get back with her mate.
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point-toxic · 2 years
“But make no mistake - if you leave this world, I will not be long behind, because I cannot live without you.”
-Ice Planet Barbarians 7
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Book Review:
basically all of Ruby Dixon’s books because I fell down a trash chute
How do I explain to my friends and family that I read all 22 books (plus the 4 honeymoon spin-offs) of the Ice Planet Barbarian series?
It doesn’t stop there. I also read all 17 of the Ice Home Series and 7 of the Risdaverse Tale series before I realized that I have a problem.
Is it my raging breeding kink, the fact that I love a big guy who is kind and good to his woman and only wants to make her happy, or is it that I actually enjoy Ruby Dixon’s heroines and find them to be funny and relatable and oddly enough an interesting depiction of feminism in a hunter/ gatherer society?
I’m not entirely sure. These books aren’t perfectly written. She actually edits some of the characters mid series. And yet, they were my nightly read for almost the entire year. I had to seriously stop and question if it was good for my mental health to only read these books. I concluded that it wasn’t, although, there are also worse alternatives than reading about alien planets…
If you have any semblance of self control then maybe you can figure out what the hype is about these books and get a chuckle out of a couple of them. If you are a binge reader, I recommend steering clear of Ruby Dixon and instead channel your energy into trying to find a real life “blue alien” of your own, as I will be.
For the IPB fans, my favorite couples are listed below in no particular order:
1. Liz & Raahosh (fellow Star Wars girlie)
2. Farli & Mardok (did not expect to like them so much but the new lore was fun)
3. Josie & Haeden (when she got swallowed by the sky claw are you kidding me)
Ice home couples:
1. Willa & Gren (legit beauty and the beast)
2. Ashtar & Veronica (oh so there’s dragons now)
honorable mentions to carving your betrothed a wedding gift. honestly I really liked the sense of community and low key wished we lived that way now.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️out of 5 stars. I can’t deny that they’re entertaining but maybe go read something else.
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Barbarian's Prize
Started reading: March 21, 2024
Finished reading: March 21, 2024
My rating: 5 stars
TLDR: I loved this book immensely for the MMC's treatment and care of the MFC.
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I'm going to start this out by saying this book, fifth in the series, has been my favorite of the Ice Planet Barbarian books by Ruby Dixon. I've enjoyed reading the entire series, but this one takes the cake for me.
Before I continue, there are mentions and discussions of Tiffany's trauma. Dixon includes multiple nightmares of Tiffany, which detail what happened to her on the ship after being abducted. Some of the guard aliens sexually assault her, and it's discussed throughout most of the book.
The main male character, Salukh, is one of the big blue alien hunters on this planet the human girls refer to as "Not-Hoth." He's immensely interested in Tiffany, the human focus of this particular book. But so are several other single male hunters.
If you haven't read any of the other books in this series, the girls are abducted and left on this planet by these aliens. They manage to escape with the help of the natives to the planet (big blue aliens with horns). The natives have a symbiote, a "khui," which keeps them alive in the harsh cold conditions. To survive on this planet (and avoid the aliens who abducted them when they return), the group of girls must also have a khui. This khui acts like a soulmate matchmaker, essentially.
Up to this point, nearly all the girls are "matched up," but Josie and Tiffany are the only ones left single. A few of the hunters continuously express interest in Tiffany and leave her gifts (like a hunted animal for her to eat). This all makes her feel uncomfortable, but she doesn't feel like she can say something and still feel safe.
Salukh watches from afar and interacts with her differently. He announces himself each time he approaches. He actively helps her out (ie, with her farming) with the things she's interested in, and he creates a relationship with her that she feels is friendship, a place of trust.
As she asks for his help, he (after much consideration) decides to help. The trust and closeness grow between them.
This is the bulk of the story, and I can't say enough about Salukh's treatment of Tiffany. Like I was swooning so much. He's protective of her and looks out for her even when he doesn't necessarily have permission to. He helps her with her crops and gifts her with an unnecessary gift, uncommon in their culture. He thinks about her when he's hunting.
This is what made me really love the story. It didn't feel repetitive, and there weren't many parts (until the end) that felt unnecessary to the story. These were some issues I had with some of the previous books in the series, and I'm glad this one was one I loved.
10 out of 10, would recommend.
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doodlebug0525 · 9 months
Ice Planet Barbarians -Book Reviews
Hub of links to my reviews for each IPB Book :)
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Ice Planet Barbarians (link to annotation)
Barbarian Alien (link to annotation)
Barbarian Lover (link to annotation)
Barbarian Mine (link to annotation)
Ice Planet Holiday (Novella)
Barbarian's Prize (link to annotation)
Barbarian's Mate (link to annotation)
Having the Barbarian's Baby (Novella)
Ice Ice Baby (Novella)
Barbarian's Touch
Calm (Novella)
Barbarian's Taming
Aftershocks (Novella)
Barbarian's Heart
Barbarian's Hope
Barbarian's Choice
Barbarian's Redemption
Barbarian's Lady
Barbarian's Rescue
Barbarian's Tease
The Barbarian Before Christmas (Novella)
Barbarian's Beloved
A Gift for Drenol (Novella)
Barbarian's Valentine (Novella)
Barbarian's Seduction
Barbarian's Treasure
Barbarian's Bride
Josie's Wish (Novella)
Ice Planet Honeymoon (Novella)
Slices of Life (Novella)
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: The next novel in the international publishing phenomenon the Ice Planet Barbarians series, now in a special print edition with a bonus novella! Josie has always dreamed of finding The One, but the hunter chosen for her is nothing like what she expected (or wanted)—but he might be exactly what she needs. “Resonance” is supposed to be a dream—that’s when your soulmate is chosen for you. And every woman on the ice planet has hooked up with a big, hunky soulmate of their own—except me. So do I want a mate? Heck yeah. More than anything, all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved by someone. But the soulmate chosen for me? My least favorite person on the darn ice planet. Haeden’s the most cranky, disapproving, unpleasant, overbearing male alien . . . so why is it that my body sings when he gets close? Why is he working so hard to prove to me that he’s not as awful as I think he is? I hate him . . . don’t I?
Josie wants nothing more than have a soulmate and when she does find hers... it turns out to be the one person who hates her... or does he? Being stuck on an alien planet where your soulmates are chosen for you by the “resonance” should be easy right? Except its not, especially not in Josie’s case in which her’s suddenly happens with the one person she knows dislikes her, Haeden. Haeden has had a difficult past relationship and now he’s given a second chance to finally make it right with his new soulmate.... except she hates him and he can’t figure out why.  Both Josie and Haeden have really bad communication issues as well as past baggage that makes it difficult for them to open up to one another and properly communicate, it also doesn’t help that they are two different species. Haeden wants nothing more than to prove to Josie he’s the right one for her and that he can make her happy, but will their mixed communications ruin things? This one was meh for me, I really didn’t like Josie and Haeden at the beginning of the book and it didn’t take me until about 70% in to finally like them. This book really stretches the poor communication and misunderstanding story line and if that’s your thing then this is definitely for you. Josie read kind of like a 16 year old girl rather than someone in their twenties. Overall, if you are into the grumpy x sunshine trope  and the miscommunication and misunderstanding trope then maybe this one will work for you!
*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
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whatsgnat · 2 years
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I could read an entire book series about only Josie and Haeden's family and be absolutely satisfied
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queenofsarcazm · 2 years
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Josie & Haeden!
One of my favorite ibp couples💖
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