#ian forbes
laurelwen · 1 year
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The Sins of the Father
(East, West - Salman Rushdie)
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scarletwandas · 3 months
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CAROLINE FORBES + kicking Damon's ass
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not-called-greg · 8 months
take a shot every time anthony and ian complements eachother in smosh forbes interview
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Damon Salvatore in black 😳🤯
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ianthoni · 8 months
Smosh’s Next Chapter: How Anthony Padilla & Ian Hecox Bought Back Their Historic YouTube Channel
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On Set of "Flashback with Smosh" with Padilla and Hecox Jon Youshaei/Forbes
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prplocks · 1 month
Oi, vc poderia por favor fazer locks da série the vampire diaries. Obrigada
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neverscreens · 9 months
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All in GALLERY. Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
1 - Coming Back Home
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Part 2
Eclipse of the Heart
Opening the backside door of my truck eyeing the objects laying in the seat in front of me. Yanking the zipper of my duffel bag open I sighed seeing wooden stakes, wooden arrows and some vervain darts inside of it. The only double life I have ever known.
“You cock the barrel like this, point at the heart and shoot.” My mother explained to me by cocking a handgun in her hands right in front of me.
My father was watching my younger sister Caroline at home allowing her time to take me down to the firing range and no one would question because she was the town Sheriff. “Why isn’t Caroline learning this too, mom?”
“Because she’s far too young for it, Jaid.” She answered my question tucking some loose strands behind my ear that had come out of my ponytail.
I nodded understanding her response. “Do I have to do this?”
“It’s the only way I know you’ll be able to protect yourself when I can’t always be there.” She said back to me offering out the handgun in her hands for me to take from her.
Sucking in a breath I picked it up feeling the cold metal touching my fingers. Wrapping my fingers completely around the gun I aimed it at the target down the range. “One…two…three.” I muttered to myself doing my best to keep my eyes open when I fired it off.
“That’s fairly good for your first time.” The target paper came up with a push of a button so we could both see the end result. My mother grasped a hand on my shoulder when I lowered the gun looking at her, the small smile gone in an instant. “Now do it again and again until you don’t miss.”
Slinging the duffel bag over my shoulder I closed the truck door and headed up to our front door. Walking upstairs to my old bedroom I knew I had a whole backseat to unpack but it didn’t matter right now. I couldn’t stay at college knowing that our mother had probably already been teaching my sister about the supernatural like she did me.
I loved my mother, don't get me wrong. But the day I turned sixteen she decided to tell me the truth about what the council was hiding from the rest of the town. The truth that vampires still existed.
Stuffing the bag in my closet I heard someone coming so I slipped a small stake underneath my pant leg and a heart necklace with some vervain inside hanging around my neck. Shrugging a red leather jacket on I hid the jewelry underneath my shirt before someone entered my bedroom. “Jaid-o-raid, I can't believe you're home!”
“Care Bear!” I squealed, spinning around on my feet seeing my sister standing in the doorway. We both ran over to one another and embraced in a tight yet warm hug after being apart for so long.
She finally broke the hug holding onto my forearms. “I can’t believe you’re home. Wait, did I miss family weekend so you came all this way to see me?”
“No you didn’t miss anything. I just felt that I needed to be home. Plus I’ve missed you bunches.” I shrugged my shoulders through part of a lie. She didn’t know that I was terrified that our mother had already turned her into a hunter.
She grinned brightly at me. “Well I’m glad you’re home. And since you are, you should come to the back to school bonfire tonight.”
“I technically don’t think I’m allowed since I’m not in high school anymore.”
My younger sister slightly rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t matter. You’re my sister. Plus they’ll be booze and hot guys there.”
“Hmm fine. But only for a little bit.” I caved and she giggled before we spent a few hours before it would get dark and then we went out to the bone fire.
But this didn’t last long and we ended up at the Grill for drinks. Caroline and Bonnie were sitting at one of the tables and I was sitting up at the bar sipping on a Bourbon.
“Are you sober yet?” The Bennett girl asked her friend.
My sister put her face in her hands. “No…why didn't he go for me?”
“Can I get another drink please?” I waved the bartender over with my empty drink cup before he came over and took it from me. Resting my chin in the palm of my hand I eyed my sister who looked like she was about to cry again.
Bonnie pushed water across the table to her. “Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. I gotta get me home.”
“Why didn't he go for me? You know, how come the guys that I want never want me?” Caroline laid her head down on the table having a pity party over the new guy Stefan Salvatore choosing one of her best friends over her.
Bonnie held her hands up in surrender. “I'm not touching that.”
“I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing. And... Elena always says the right thing. She doesn't even try! And he just picks her. And she's always the one that everyone picks, for everything. And I try so hard, and... I'm never the one.” My sister runs her fingers through her blonde hair.
Bonnie sighed at her. “It's not a competition, Caroline.”
Caroline sniffed through some tears “Yeah, it is.”
“Keep the change.” I put some cash on the bar top, finishing the second Bourbon that I had ordered and going over to my sister. Touching my sister's arm I tugged her up from the chair. “Hey, we should be getting home. Bonnie, can you take her home? I’ll follow behind you and try to sober her up before our mom gets back.”
She nodded, holding onto her friends arm walking out of the bar. “Sure.”
Heading out the door the wind blew my hair in front of my eyes. I could feel someone was standing behind me where I reached inside of my jacket drawing out a smaller stake spinning around on my boots. “Back off, buddy.” I snapped at the guy who had bright blue eyes and black hair from the looks of it under the light of the moon.
“Hmm you’re the first human I've come across who was smarter enough to be armed.” They guy smirked down at me shoving me against my truck passenger door.
I nearly dropped the wooden stake on the concrete staring into his eyes. “I’m not a typical human. I know what the hell you are.”
“Then say it if you’re not afraid.” He teased me.
“Vampire.” I muttered back to him.
He revealed his fangs and I saw black veins appearing underneath his eyes. “Too bad I’m going to kill you now.” He bent his head to the side, fangs fully extended out now getting closer to my neck until I knee him in the crotch.
The vampire groaned and fell down on his knees giving me the opportunity to bolt and run away from him towards Bonnie’s car but I couldn’t find it meaning she must’ve already left. “Shit!”
“Shit is right, bitch.” The guy forced himself to his feet causing me to spin on my toes to face him. I reached down towards the other stake in my boot but he sped towards me, throwing me down onto the parking lot ground.
I grunted squirming under his hands but he was much stronger than I was. He moved one hand underneath the back of my shirt, finding the sleep dart I had tucked away in there. “I think that’s enough fight you for a while.” His grip loosened as my eyes got heavy and I passed out on the concrete.
Blinking my eyes open I groaned, twisting my neck feeling sore from whatever I had been injected with. Beginning to look around the room all I could see was mostly darkness except for the dime light in the corner of the room. “You’ve got to be kidding me….urgh!” I attempted to get up off the stone floor but I got yanked down where I winced.
My wrists were bound to the ground with metal chains keeping me trapped. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs where I whipped my head around before a large metal door creaked open. “I would’ve thought you would have been an easier grab.”
“Typically when someone gets abducted they do fight back. Now who the hell are you!”
The figure kept walking until they reached me. The first thing I noticed about him was his bright blue eyes. “Well don't worry in a few minutes you won't remember how we met.”
“You can't compel me. I have vervain - where's my necklace!” I gasped looking down to see it wasn’t around my neck anymore.
He lifted his hand to tilt my chin up. “I already figured that out. Now I noticed that you're hanging around with that other blonde. Who is she?”
“My sister. We're the sheriff’s daughters.” I answered his question when his eyes dilated and I cursed in my head that he had just compelled me.
He clicked his tongue, introducing himself. “I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore. Nice to meet you, hunter Forbes.”
“I didn't ask for your name but thanks.” I sarcastically remarked attempting to once again break free from the handcuffs. “Now if you're gonna kill me get on with it.”
Damon moved one hand to the side of my face while his Raven black hair slightly fell in front of his eyes. “Oh I do plan on killing you. But not until you help me with something first.”
“I'll never help you, vampire!” I bared my teeth snarling at him.
Damon held my face in his hands compelling me for the second time where I parted my mouth opened having no choice but to listen to him. “You'll want to help me. You'll not hate me. You will find me attractive and have me be your boyfriend.” He released my face where I lowered my gaze to the stone floor beginning to feel something different going on about myself.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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amazingmaeve · 5 months
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vampirediaries35 · 10 months
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chromeheartbells · 1 year
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The vampire diaries era was amazing
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
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Vampires in the TVD universe
Vampires are magically reanimated human corpses that are inhabited by the spirits of the deceased person and who closely resemble the living humans they were before their transformation.
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scarletwandas · 5 months
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TVD + decade dances
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blacksea-bitch · 2 years
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westidia · 1 year
I miss Bonnie Bennett 😭
Candice King posted a blooper from the series finale on Instagram. 🫶🏽
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ianthoni · 8 months
They're so smol omg 😭😭😭
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