#iPad kid Jacen
the-enby-jedi · 5 months
rebels/Ahsoka doodles
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omegas-spaghettios · 3 years
Feral SW Headcannons
13+, nothing super sexual, just memes
Crosshair listens to Pumped Up Kicks on missions
Howzer is WAY too into soccer and he shouted in excitement so hard when England lost he passed out
Chopper carries condoms and dispenses them at Kanan or Hera's feet anytime one mentions the other
Hera had a stern conversation with Chopper to make him stop throwing condoms at Jacen
Cham, Eleni and Howzer are in a Polycule
Omega and Tech fight over the team IPad
Wrecker attached his knife to Echo's robotic arm in an attempt to create a blender, it didn't work
Cid has pummeled Hondo at least once
Tech is a Communist
Cody is the unchallenged king of Wii Sports Bowling
Anakin cries when he sees beautiful women
Ahsoka cries too
Fives has an anonymous holonet account where he harasses every Senator except for Bail and Padme
Sabine mains Tracer in Overwatch
Ezra is a furry, it makes Zeb incredibly uncomfortable
Sabine cosplays Carol Danvers
Kit Fisto once won a Holonet poll on who the sexiest jedi master was, Anakin insists he would have won if he was a master (he wouldn't have)
Pong Krell eats raw ramen and shrimp everyday
Cut gets bullied by his kids for his awful sideburns
Wolffe barks at General Grievous everytime he sees him
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