#i'm still bitter about this game
beevean · 2 months
I think thats my problem with Frontiers, yes it's an improvement over the 2010s games writing and I'm happy we're finally away from whatever Forces tried to do. But it feels so cynical but to me the final straw was the constant references. It felt too unnatural. After over 10 years of abysmal writing its just ughh
Imma be real with you chief: I think Frontiers' story is worse than all the Pontaff games.
Oh, those have their issues too, but they're issues that honestly never bothered me beyond "eh, wish they did something more with it". Like, I wish they packed more cute meta references in Generations, since that one was actually meant to be a blast from the past. Or I wish Forces didn't miss outright chunks when it came to showing Eggman conquering the world. Or I wish Amy and Knuckles were more than the comic relief in Lost World. Or I wish that the majority of Colors' story wasn't Sonic talking to mute robots, and was more about him and Tails having a fun romp. Yeah, those games have a strong cheesy tone and were either rather fluffy or didn't elaborate much on their concepts, I don't deny it.
But I don't even know what to praise in Frontiers' story. I guess Sonic and Knuckles' homoerotic dynamic? That was funny lol. But the game is just so full of itself I can hardly see through its blatant arrogance. The story does so little and still pretends to fix everything that was wrong with Sonic in the '10s, when in some regards it regresses things.
It's still "Sonic does everything while his friends cheer on the side" which was a big complaint in the "Solo Sonica" era, but now I have to ooh and aah as Amy, Knuckles and Tails go through the same arcs they went through in 1998 which is what passes as "development". Yes, "development" is apparently Amy chewing Sonic out because he's more concerned about his friends' safety and wellbeing than making some random critters happy, or Tails moping around because he's "wildly inconsistent" - tell me how this is better than him actually doing shit in Forces to stop Eggman and his Death Egg, after the infamous "Sonic help me" scene?
Eggman sits on his ass for the majority of the game like in Sonic Heroes because we're back to the era where shitty gods without a personality steal the final boss role (at least Dark Gaia didn't talk :V), but I'm meant to aww because now he's human, now he's fleshed out, see he created a cute daughter for himself! He cares! He's sad for her death/he holds her hand like a cute papa! He's a better character now! Because being a papa was what he always needed! What do you mean that in the Pontaff games he was actually the sole, genuine threat? Something fans used to cheer for when Colors came out?
At least Zor and Infinite are endearing in their own tryhard way (and Infinite was voiced by my dear Liam O'Brien lmao), which is more I can say for The End and especially Sage, the laziest Rei Ayanami ripoff I've ever seen but without a smidge of her tragic personality.
But anyway, thank you for giving me another word to define Frontiers' story with: cynical. Yeah, in a way, it is cynical, in how it was only written to be considered better than the older stupid games, and better in the same way a fanfiction written by a disgruntled fan would be considered. That's what it tried to do, and I can't consider it better than what Forces tried to do, which was simply to appeal to multiple types of fans.
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Slay the Princess is basically what if the immovable object and unstoppable force constructed a narrative where they could kiss, and it WORKS
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yukswl0v3 · 8 months
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📚 The Inheritance Games
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vaxxman · 4 months
Do you actually use the vacc all the time? Stock is better for taking out sentries, or no? (genuinely asking)
Please don't learn from my wannabe strategies, they are really not good and very beginner-ish. Actually good medic mains would probably cry at some things that I do. In short, no. It's the same for any other medic weapon, really.
(Really) long answer, which is based on an unreliable "2 months of playing medic nearly every day" is below.
All mediguns are situational, but I follow some personal rule of thumb that goes:
If on attacking team: Stock Medigun If on defending team: Kritzkrieg
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(Depicted is the ideal situation shortly before your Kritzkrieg reaches 100%)
I'm not an asshole who denies a good team potential killstreaks with a Kritzkrieg. A good team deserves a good uber. But if that medigun set up doesn't seem to work out with my team (eg. my team is only Demoknights and Market Gardeners / the enemy team has a god-like sniper and is killing everyone at the same spawn door) and the flanking classes are more fit to actually do the objective, I will switch to a different set up.
If on attacking team: Vaccinator If on defending team: Quickfix
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(Depicted is what Vaxx encounters 70% of matches on payload maps)
My reason for this is that both of these mediguns focus more on survival, rather than making sudden pushes for ground; ground that the entire team might not be able to keep. I strongly follow the credo of "Don't pocket", so these two fast charging mediguns are perfect for switching around patients during building and uber pop to make sure many people as possible profit from them. They are also much more hectic to play, so most of the time I will switch from Crossbow to Overdose, and from ubersaw to solemn vow, because I am much more vulnerable to spies and flanks from hyper focusing on everyone's healthbars and jumping across the map, trying to keep the team together. Vaccing scouts is incredibly fun, you couldn't imagine until you tried ("Hello Doc, this is Jeremy, your Uber driver to pick you up").
On payload, when my team is pushing, I generally use Vacc and am part of the cart pushing team, unless I see that the team work and positioning is good enough. Upon death I'll respawn with stock to help the power classes who are pushing at the frontline instead, because the cart heals, too, and I trust my team to not die. Sometimes, all it takes for your team to successfully move out and gain ground is some popped bullet resistances on the first person who is leaving spawn to make sure the snipers don't delete them before you even get to the cart.
When I say "play more aggressive as medic" I really just mean being able to stand in the crossfire more often and actively encouraging your patients to go into situations, because they can trust that your 75% resistance will let them survive it (also you just pop the bubble and stress them into GOING IN BEFORE THE EFFECT WEARS OFF). If you run into a sniper sightline and manage to get him to snipe at you while a bullet resistance bubble is popped, the rest of your team can follow you until the sniper has reloaded, and that alone may already have caused enough pressure for the sniper to leave his position. I like to think of Vacc and Stock as the fight-or-flight-reflex triggering mediguns, with Vacc being the medigun that seemingly locks people into battle with you, as people attempt to take you down with focus fire, while Stock causes everyone to flee. Dying with Vacc isn't too bad for your uber charge, and no healing for some seconds is a risk I am willing to take sometimes, if it means I'm drawing the enemies' attention away from my other team mates and wasting their ammo for the last push.
So tldr: Since I'm playing casual mostly, eventually I will use Vaccinator a lot because my alternative is to gamble that one or two players are competent enough to perform extremely well during an 8 second long uber. Yes Stock uber is the best for taking out sentries, but sometimes your team might not be the best for the job.
Whatever people say about medic gameplay being boring, I don't see it, it's super engaging, and extremely strategy heavy to me.
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(Depicted are reasons why normal and sane medic mains use Stock vs why Vaxx uses Vaccinator)
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felix-krain · 5 months
One year later, reminiscing about my experience with Pokemon Violet:
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As much fun as I'm having doing my alternative run of DA2, one thing I really miss about my mage Hawke is his friendship with Merrill.
Those two are best friends and he's 100% supportive in her goals toward the eluvian. Ed has the humorous/charming personality, too, which bounces off super well with Merrill. He doesn't think any less of her for her usage of blood magic; if anything he's impressed by her level of strength and willpower. He's so ready to defend her from the other companions and the clan, and he's absolutely out here attempting to matchmake her and Carver....at least he is in my heart because the game won't let me, it's fine, I'm not bitter about it or anything-
But then my warrior Hawke? She has the diplomatic personality with quite a bit of direct/aggressive thrown in there and she ends up having the same attitude as that one party banter Aveline and Merrill have: "Merrill, you're clearly talented and meant for great things, but you're stupid," and that's so difficult for me to lean into. I'm trying to play Aris differently so she ends up being so condescending to Merrill, like she's trying to gently tell her to give up on the eluvian but it doesn't come off well.
Also if Carver was around, Aris would be the opposite of Ed, she'd look at the suggestion of her brother and Merrill getting together and be like, "No :) I don't think so :) I like Merrill, she's my friend :) but she's not right for Carver."
But I guess it makes sense; if you told him that Bethany would giggle and kick her feet and twirl her hair around Sebastian, Ed would've thrown him in the ocean as a warning. Meanwhile, Aris is like, "A handsome prince that could take my sister away from all of this? Wonderful, we just need to work on his incorrect views on mages, but that shouldn't be a problem :)"
Anyway I miss playing Hawke as the #1 Merrill stan.
#dragon age 2#da2#da2 merrill#carver hawke#bethany hawke#sebastian vael#da2 hawke#edgar hawke#aris hawke#listen i'm a little weirdo i like comparing the different ways to play the heroes of da games but especially the different hawkes#i like comparing my own hawkes and i like looking at other peoples hawkes and the different relationship dynamics they bring to the table#kicks my little gremlin brain into gear#like ed always rivals aveline and their relationship is strained at best... meanwhile aris and aveline are ride or die best friends#and seeing aveline from both perspectives is....... well it's an experience i'll just say that sksksks#oh also i miss anders so much sksksk i miss his romance and the dynamic he and ed have#aris rejected him right from the start and while it's neat to see her character through an unromantic lens i still miss him and his bullshi#aris romanced isabela and *that* makes me want to bite nom nom so interesting and heartbreaking in its own way like losing leandra like tha#and then dealing with the qunari bullshit only to find out isabela's part in it before she abandons aris with the book#and then aris reunites with bethany who is bitter and pissed off and can't get away from her fast enough like........ the end of act 2 y'al#aris was *ready* for the arishok fight solely because she needed an outlet for her frustration and grief and agony#she couldn't kick his ass fast enough sksksksks and now she's so Done with everything and then isabela admits that she's in love with her#and it's just................. a lot. it's so much. i can't#anders and isabela's respective romances drive me nuts for very different reasons i love them#this has been another 'cj needs to ramble about [blank]' post#stay tuned for next week where she continues to sob about the hawke twins
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 year
The Last of Us season 1 episode 3 had what all us Destiel shippers wanted to see back on November 19, 2020.
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bluehairperson · 1 year
I don’t want to start drama but I’ve seen some concerning posts floating around about how distasteful and disappointing it is to see certain creators “support” Dorian and I hate to break it to you guys, but if you’ve ever interacted, shared or created anything regarding The Arcana you are supporting Dorian yourselves.
Being in the fandom alone is supporting Dorian by creating engagement, publicizing the game and being part of the audience they’re trying to target.
And even if you were to delete your whole blog and everything you’ve ever posted to enjoy the original game in private you would still be supporting Dorian by bringing traffic to the app they now own.
The one and only way you have to stop supporting Dorian, if you care about it so much, would be to distance yourself from the series entirely and go join another fandom. Never play the original game ever again and never interact with any fan creation regarding it from now on. 👋
#you're basically saying you dislike people supporting the company by working with it#while you yourself are supporting the company but indirectly by giving visibility to their brand#let's be coherent please#I personally don't care about dorian just like I never cared about nix hydra#but I still like the game so I'm gonna cherry pick whatever I want#and full offence but between this and continuous character and ship discourse you guys are unsufferable lol#you're murdering the fandom from the inside by being toxic af and finding the most bullshit excuses to attack artists for shit#that doesn't matter and then you turn around and whine and wonder why the fandom is dying and no one is posting anything new anymore#like MMMMMMMMMNHHHHHHH 🤔🤔🤔#it's a mystery I wonder why#mentioning this because I also saw some discourse about dorian being awful for supporting quote unquote tOxIc and aBuSiVe ships 😨😨😨😨#with the most basic and vanilla couple I've ever seen here#like nix hydra was never great either but I've never ever seen posts claiming that if you support them you must be an awful person#what changed exactly?#it sounds to me that you guys are just really bitter that the new quote unquote canon content is... not super good so you're trying to#vent your frustration in any way you can#which means attacking independent artists who use the platform because it's easier to reach and demolish them rather than the company itself#I log on here to recharge after a day of work and all I see is people acting like twelve year olds trying to be mean like bruh#it's literally the hom3stuck 2 fandom situation I called it#tagging this as discourse so you can blacklist it if you don't wanna be annoyed#discourse#the arcana#dorian era#not art
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umilily · 9 months
i’m a bit late with this but top 5 things to bake and/or top 5 enstars songs?
i hope you are doing well! :D
koriii <3 i'm good, i hope you're doing well too!
i don't know which one was harder lmao
for baking:
banana bread (bc i can do that with my eyes closed)
cinnamon rolls
carrot cake
lemon muffins
banana walnut cookies (the chewiest!)
honourable mention: Linzer Torte, which is a favourite to eat, but not necessarily to make lol (can't get it to taste like my grandma's :/)
as for enstars songs... (trying to not make all of this crazy:b on purpose, they'd need their own list to make it fair lol)
paranoia street
shisen hold me tight (what a surprise lol)
death game holic
have you been naughty or nice (this made the list bc it's an achievement all in itself for making a holiday themed song that i don't hate any other time of the year lol)
honourable mentions: hana akari no koibumi (i will die on the hill that this is a good song. i will not tolerate slander. my bgm in game) poison strategy, ruby love (i've had this stuck in my head for weeks and only just broke free)
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lofi-bear · 2 months
gonna download that ikevil game
pray for me LOL
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answrs · 2 months
"I really keep meaning to play ghost trick but I don't really wanna pay sixty bucks for it and looking at the ds version I really love how it looks on there. hey I know, let's just nab a used copy of ebay for the best of both worlds!"
the lowest price for an English copy with no box or anything else, starts at 80USD and only goes up from there.
so there goes that idea i suppose :')
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a-lonely-dunedain · 11 months
12 for Margim & Celeair
12. "help me"
Margim's old habits die hard as it turns out (I think I could've done better with this one, but my brain is deep fried and crispy so Words and Descriptions Do Not Go. I plan to shove all these little prompt fics into an Ao3 fic once I'm done with all of them, so I'll probably clean this one up/flesh it out a bit then.)
There were no casualties for us in the last skirmish with the Dragon-Clan raiders, but still some injuries, and that’s where my work began.
I’ve spent the last few hours in the infirmary with the other two healers patching everyone up. Exhausting but rewarding work, and far less grim for once. There was healing to be done, but no mourning. By the time we were done, no one was in poor enough shape that they would need to stay the night here, so one by one all of our charges were eventually sent home to rest, as were the other two healers. Except for me of course, I offered to stay behind and clean up so they could go to their families. Gathering up bloody rags and discarded vials, making careful notes of what salves and politics had been used so that we could resupply before we ran out, and anything else that needed to be set right. 
Margim often stops by to help me with this, but I have not seen her yet. I imagine she’s celebrating the victory with Elain and her other friends, or has already gone home to rest and is waiting for me there. She looked tired when she returned with the other warriors.
Just then, I hear the door slowly open and soft footsteps approach. It sounds like someone is trying to be quiet, not necessarily trying to hide their presence, but trying not to draw attention to it at least. I look up from what I was doing and see that it’s just Margim. I smile at her "oh, hello Mar!"
“Can you… help me with this?” she asks quietly, although I'm not sure what 'this' is exactly.
“Hm? With wh…” I start to ask, but as she approaches I see the answer and my words seem useless. She moves her cloak aside to reveal a large black stain on her garment, her blood, slowly oozing from a wound on her side.
“You’re hurt!” I exclaim, gently taking her arm and guiding her over to a nearby cot.
“I noticed.” She responds dryly as she sits down, removing her cloak.
“How… How did this happen?” I ask, examining the wound. There is some panic in my voice, although I try to hide it.
“One of the cursed Draig managed to land a blow.” she says bitterly “Only after I caved his skull in, but his dagger found its mark anyway.” This is from the skirmish then, but… that was many hours ago. 
“And you didn’t tell anyone?” I ask in equal parts confusion and worry.
“There were-” she winces as I remove her garment from the cut, I whisper an apology. I’m being as gentle as I can, but the blood has clotted to her clothes and there’s not a way I can do this that won’t sting at least a little. “-There were others more hurt. I would rather not take your attention away from them.”
“There was plenty to go around,” I take a nearby bowl of clean water and carefully start to clean the cut with a cloth, “and I would rather have tended to this sooner… What if it was-”
“If it was more serious I would have had no choice but to come earlier. But the cut was not deep, it could wait.” her tone is strangely defensive.
My brow furrows. Maybe the cut was not deep, but it was still in a place where any injury would be cause for great concern. She’s still bleeding, and ideally, she would not be.
“-really, it hardly even hurt!” she insists
My frown only deepens, it clearly hurts a great deal. Margim sees that I’m not buying the act and lets out a defeated sigh. “...I’m not a very good liar, am I?”
“Not to me, no.” 
I’m nearly done dressing the cut. Luckily she was right that it was not deep, there’s little else I need to do to it, but I am still troubled by the fact that she waited hours before letting anyone see to it. It was not severe this time, but the concerning thought of her trying to hide a more serious injury –and the damage that could be done by that– is still in the forefront of my mind.
“So… why did you hide it then?” I ask quietly.
Margim’s averts her gaze “I… did not wish for the others to see.”
There would have been no shame in it, letting the others know she was hurt, for the other warriors were even bragging about their own wounds when I saw to them. The Caru-Lûth consider scars earned in defense of their land to be a badge of honor, as proof of what they endured for the sake of love and loyalty. The numerous battle-scars Margim already bears were part of the reason they so eagerly accepted her among their ranks, as they seemed visible proof of her strength and devotion. I know Margim would not see the scars from her time in Mordor that way, but whether or not she agreed with their assessment did not change the fact that they respected her for them.
None of them, least of all those who had fought alongside her, would ever think of her as weak for something like this.
“I do not think they would have thought any less of you for it.” I try to assure.
“That’s not what I was afraid of… I… do not know what I was afraid of.” she mutters haltingly, barely loud enough for me to hear. She seems to be looking away at something that isn’t there. “...It's a force of habit, I suppose.”
Ah, that makes more sense then. It was not a fear of shame that caused her to hide the wound, but an instinct carried over from Mordor, where showing any physical weakness would only paint a target on her back.
“You have nothing to fear here.” I say gently as I finish with the bandages, although I do not know if my words will do much to help. It’s not an easy thing for her to unlearn, not when it was fear that kept her alive for so long.
“I know it… but sometimes I think my heart does not believe it. We are not always on the same page.” she mutters slowly
“I understand. Well, a little bit, at least. If there is anything I can do to help, please, let me know.”
“You have already helped a great deal, there is nothing more I would ask of you.” she sighs “I think I would just like to go home and sleep.” she pauses, a somewhat regretful expression on her face "and... I'm sorry to have bothered you with all this."
"It's not a bother to me at all! I'm just glad I you're alright now."
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zenjestrr · 6 months
would've been super funny if Aonuma flew all the way from Japan only to NOT win an award lol
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caffeinatedlovergirl · 8 months
AC Unity being a problem child once again, deleting the saved file is such a pain in the ass... whoever decided that you can't start a new game without literally hacking that godforsaken game deserves to choke
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fandomestuff · 1 year
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froqgy · 1 year
at this rate everyone's going to look back fondly on scarvi and forget abt all the problems it had and gamefreak will put out another game next year just as buggy or worse and ppl will eat it up
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