#i'm hungry now.
3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 23, 24 for the fandom asks!!!
this turned out pretty long so answers under the cut!!
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
burr. burr burr aaron burr. also madison!!
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
ohh uhh i only read angst fics help the friendship between mulligan, lafayette, laurens and hamilton definitely!! like idc if they never met irl they're silly now. also the characterization of certain characters!! like idk how to explain it but the characterizations of the schuyler sisters are always so good!!
7. your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
definitely angst & hurt/(no)comfort lmao i love to see them suffer <3
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
wdym one blog D:
@jittyjames you were one of my first fanfic authors that i discovered and i literally worshipped you (i lowkey still do) at the start you're so important!! definitely made me feel accepted <3
@conjectureand-gloom how do i even. you are so fucking amazing. you're so talented and funny and like just so fucking amazing. thank you so much for like everything. <33
@my-dear-gal you're literally so cool. i want to inhale your art
@unicornsaures just like!! you!!! you're so!!!!! (idk if i'm getting my point across tysm for being here!! and for the redcoat hamilton au fic it's one of the things getting me through life rn)
@ashlamsms we haven't even interacted that much but you're really really cool!!
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
oh god uhh. tbh i haven't made that many but i'd say the sky's the limit?? i spent a lot of time on it and it turned out really good so :)) (even though i did have a mid-writing crisis of i hate everything about this fic)
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
answered here !!
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
well. you see. it saved my life.
i was in a really dark place before watching hamilton and joining the fandom. i don't think i would've made it to this day without the fandom tbh.
but now i have stuff like 'oh i still need to write that' and 'i haven't read that yet' and 'i can't just like leave my blog wtf???' so :))
this is also like my home. you guys are like my family. if i'd have to list the most important things in my life, y'all would be at the top.
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blackestnight · 2 years
15: invasion of the supper snatchers
Prompt: Row
Word count: 1216
Loosely follows Feast of Famine, although you don’t really need to read that one. Mune’s Eorzean adventures continue, this time into the realm of culinary exploration.
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“And you managed to catch this sea serpent of legend by accident?” Aymeric said.
“Dad was the one who hooked it,” Mune told him, “but yes. It took both of us and the ferry captain to actually reel it in, too, it was big. They had to call someone from the fishing guild to come look at it and he kept asking Dad questions about the bait he had used. I think most of the people were not sure it was a real thing?”
He wasn’t actually sure if Uncle Aymeric was interested in fishing at all, but Mune figured catching sea dragons—well, not really dragons—was cool enough to talk about even if he wasn’t. And he’d kept nodding and asking questions about every story Mune told about their fishing trip in La Noscea, but Uncle Aymeric was really nice so he might have done that anyway even if he was bored.
“I wonder what they did with the beast afterward,” Aymeric said, returning to the bowl in front of him on the counter and scooping out more dough.
“I think the guild person said they were having some…uh—” Mune paused in his own work, fork dangling from his fingers; the word ended with -ologist but the first part had been such a strange word he couldn’t even guess at it—“research people? Look at it. Because of the Calamity and how it made the animals weird.” It was always strange to him to think about Eorzea before the red moon fell. At home there were fish almost as big as the sea dragons, but they were just very, very old, not warped by aether or anything. Dewah-otousan said it was because things gathered more life energy the longer they were around, which was how they sometimes ended up with auspices.
Hopefully Seiryu wouldn’t be upset about the sea dragon.
“Well,” Aymeric said, dropping another dollop of dough on the tray and offering Mune a smile, “I am honored to be in the presence of both a master fisherman and a valued contributor to science.”
“Um,” Mune said, and ducked to look at the sheet tray again. “Thank you.” He wasn’t, he’d just helped, and caught a couple smaller serpents, but Dad always said it was rude not to take a compliment. He pressed the fork into the cookie in front of him again, careful to line up the cross-hatch pattern—Uncle Aymeric had said the angle didn’t have to be exact, but it was relaxing to see the lines make neat little squares—and blinked at the lumps of dough that Aymeric kept putting down. “This is…a lot of cookies.”
“It is,” Aymeric said, still scooping up dough and scraping it into ragged balls. “But they’re quite small, and they don’t rise or spread in the oven, so they tend not to be more than a mouthful. Regardless,” he added, ducking to plant his elbow on a second sheet tray and drag it closer, “I’ve an office full of hungry knights who will be quite happy to demolish whatever we don’t eat before you can say ‘confection.’”
“You had better make sure Handeloup gets some,” said another voice, and Mune almost dropped his fork.
“Welcome back, Auntie Hana!” he said; when he turned around she was already halfway across the kitchen—her socks were so quiet on the stone floor. Her hair looked wet from snow.
Aymeric stopped, too, resting his empty hands on the edge of the bowl. “Welcome home,” he said. “Hopefully you had a fruitful adventure?”
“We found everything,” Auntie said, and dropped the bag slung over her arm on the kitchen table; she pulled out onions and leeks and scallions and peppers and lots of what looked like long green leaf-covered vegetables—millioncorn, Mune realized, though when he’d seen it in Thanalan it hadn’t had the covering on it—and what must have been some kind of sausage, which she moved to put in the icebox. “We had to teleport down to Ul’dah to get some of it and when we came back Haruki fell on his ass in a slush puddle. He went to take a bath. Hi, tanpopo,” she finished, nudging the icebox closed with her knee and standing on her toes to ruffle Mune’s hair; he ducked to hide how hot his face was, because his hair wasn’t that bad and it was a silly nickname for little kids, but he didn’t really want to ask her to stop, either. “What are you making?”
“Peanut butter cookies,” Aymeric said, scooping the dough again, though he paused to let Auntie fix his sleeve where it was falling off his elbow. “I’ve not had the excuse to make them in some time.”
Auntie hummed. “Mune, you will like these, they aren’t too sweet.” Mune nodded—he liked sweets more than Auntie Hana did, but the sweet foods in Ishgard were really strong; the last time they had visited, Uncle Aymeric had let him try a bite of a Sohm Al tart, and his teeth had felt sticky for the rest of the day. Auntie leaned forward so she stood between Mune and Aymeric, although Mune had to lift his arm so he wouldn’t hit her with his elbow—he probably could rest it on her shoulder, but then she’d tickle him, and he didn’t want to knock anything over.
“They smell really nice,” Mune said, and then—“Hey!”
Auntie Hana had snatched one of the un-pressed dough lumps off the tray and popped it in her mouth. “I am a grown-up, I can spoil my dinner if I want to,” she said, one hand covering her mouth. When she reached for another cookie, though, Uncle Aymeric swiped at her hand with his wooden spoon.
“You,” he said, “are being a terrible role model.” But he was smiling, even when Auntie Hana held up her dough-covered hand and made a rude gesture at him, so Mune just giggled.
“What are you laughing at, huh?” she said, and tapped Mune on the nose; he yelped when she smeared dough on him and reached for a towel to scrub it off. She left the cookies alone, though, and leaned forward to grab a knife from the block by the wall with her clean hand. Mune and Aymeric both leaned backward to let her move past.
“What are you making, Hana-obasan?” he asked, once he’d cleaned his nose. She pulled one of the tall stools next to the table and climbed up to kneel on it before she finished wiping her hand clean and cut one of the onions in half with a sharp thunk.
“Corn soup,” she said. “They usually make a cold version in Ul’dah, but I like the hot one better—what is that face for,” she said, and Mune blinked, but she was pretending to glare at Aymeric.
“Nothing at all,” Aymeric said, even though one of his eyebrows was raised while he looked at the pile of vegetables.
Auntie Hana rolled her eyes and kept chopping. “These aren’t even hot peppers, they will not kill you. And if they do, you deserve it.”
Mune laughed again—Uncle Aymeric was really bad at eating spicy food—and went back to pressing neat lines into the tops of the cookies while his aunt and uncle kept pretending to fight behind him.
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rubensmuse · 1 month
Depends on how much chefs get paid in your area, tbh.
falling in love with you a little bit for how quickly you responded to that
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Hunger fades and goes, Only sometimes is it here, But when it finally does appear, There better be food near.
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songthursh · 7 months
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A very, VERY basic doctors argument
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oumoumimi · 2 months
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⁘Jungkook⁘ ↳ 🍗Mukbang [02/03/2023]
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collophora · 21 days
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TBB cadets ideas
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myheartstopperblog · 2 months
For anyone who's interested!
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beastwhimsy · 11 days
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I think if he's an immortal cosmic deity he should get cool as flarp powers. to be honest.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 6 months
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Christian Kane twirling props (and food!): a series. Part 8/?
Kane's Kitchen
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asukachii · 1 year
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"How about I buy a king crab?"
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post this gif somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use it in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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lycheeluv · 6 months
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It's not august but it's canon so it's ok.
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sau-cen · 9 months
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roxtron · 11 months
Soo.. I finally got around to reading/watching L.O.V.E.
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I really liked this frame in one of the animatics so I decided to try to redraw it. I thought about keeping the color palette but considering the.. I dunno, atmosphere? In the original animatic? I felt like the darker, dramatic lighting might go better. Though unfortunately it makes it difficult to tell the difference between some pieces. Anyway, @tapakah0 thanks for putting so much time and effort into the comics/animatics! I really liked the way certain parts of the timeline were presented that usually get ignored. (I mean, for fair reason, I imagine it's difficult to figure out how things could go from the turtles being fine to having an entire army to resist against the Krang..)
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azherwind-art · 2 months
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I drew some foods
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rutobuka2 · 2 years
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the honor of roasting Bilbo Baggins' prized tomatoes!
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