#i’m imagining them as being reborn in a bunch of different periods of time
ashshmee · 2 months
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what if… i wrote a jegulily reincarnation fic…
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@gingerreggg thanks for the appreciation! TnT
Heads Up- Part 14 (Joseph x Bust! Caesar)
"Is that necessary?" Suzi complained, as Joseph placed a motion sensor on the table next to Caesar. "And where did you get that, even?"
Joseph grinned his characteristic smirk. "It's to keep the neighborhood kids from messing with my bike. I have to leave it outside cause I don't have a garage..."
"You sure are prepared for everything, Jojo!" she giggled.
Joseph always had the knack for expecting the unexpected, ever since they were kids. Perhaps that could partly explain why Joseph got used to having a talking art project so quickly. How he made it look so normal.
"Okay, Caesar. We're gonna have to get you to not move, not one twitch!" Joseph instructed him. "If you move even the slightest bit, this alarm goes off."
Caesar blinked, and the sensor immediately began to beep.
"Sorry bout that," Caesar apologized.
"You don't need to blink, don't you?" Joseph asked as he reset the sensor.
"It's a force of habit!" Caesar said defensively. "I know I don't even have any tear ducts but it's a reflex! Maybe Anthonio used to blink!"
"Of course he did, he was human," Suzi said.
It struck Joseph as odd that Caesar referred to Anthonio as someone else.
Did he not consider himself Anthonio? Or at least, not anymore? Suzi did, after all, say Caesar was less of a ghost, and more of a reincarnation. Maybe he'd found a new identity.
Maybe he'd found a new purpose.
The entire situation intrigued Joseph. "Say, Suzi, about those Mesoamerican lore of yours..." he asked, "How exactly do those 'spirit guardians' work?"
Suzi laughed. "You're really curious about all this, aren't you?"
Joseph shrugged. "I suppose."
"Hmm. Well, it says here in these old texts, that most spirit guardians were ancestors that returned to the mortal plane, when summoned by those in need, to act as a guardian angel of sorts."
"Heh! Guardian angel you say?" scoffed Caesar. "I'm just a goddamn head."
Suzi shot him an annoyed look and continued on. "Anyway, it's said that these new beings were usually a 'predescessor' of some way. Not necessarily by blood, per se, but by legacy-- say, a warrior could summon a spirit of a warrior before them, or a scientist that of an old philosopher..."
"...and I suppose Anthonio was a sculptor who sought to carry on his legacy in you."
"Then why don't I remember being Anthonio, then?" Caesar retorted.
"Because, Caesar," Suzi said, "the wisdom of the past is tainted with the memories, the identities of those who experience them. I can never be too sure, of course," she shrugged, "but I feel it's made that way to pass on their wisdom to a new worthy successor to their legacy-- yet from a whole new perspective unclouded by their own beliefs. So that Joseph's art would be inspired by Anthonio's, but still be Joseph's own."
Joseph laughed at the irony. "Like how I copied...er, based, Caesar's face off on the statue Anthonio made...which he'd actually based on his own face."
Destiny sometimes did strange twists to absurd results.
"Alright, let's do this one more time!" Joseph said, replacing the motion sensor.
Day by day Caesar practiced standing still. Trying to look like a perfectly ordinary, non-living sculpture. Trying not to blink, or move reflexively, just staring vacantly into nothingness like the lifeless figure he originally was.
It helped that Caesar's eyes never felt dry, even without blinking, they were clay, after all. It didn't hurt, or feel very uncomfortable, but it did make him nervous.
But he fought said feelings, because he knew it was all for Joseph.
He was doing it for the person he loved the most. After all the things Joseph had done to make his life a happy one, this was the best way for Caesar to pay him back.
By serving his original purpose as Joseph's grand masterpiece.
And it was enough to motivate him to try his damned hardest.
"And that's eight hours!" Joseph exclaimed, checking his stopwatch. Caesar had managed to keep still without triggering the beeping of the motion sensor for a record period of time.
"You can relax now, Caesar. Eight hours is all we need."
Caesar blinked and sighed.
"See, you could do it!" Joseph encouraged. "Eight hours each day for two days. Enough for the gallery to hold you on exhibit, and have the judges grade you. And then, hopefully, I graduate and get to have you back."
"You promise?" Caesar asked, in almost a pleading tone.
"I'll try my hardest to get you back," Joseph told him, his mind lingering on the faint possibility that Caesar might be selected for permanent display.
Joseph used to want to make a sculpture so exquisitely defined that it would be put up there in the gallery, alongside those of the greatest artists, forever. How strange that he now wanted the opposite.
He'd made Caesar far too beautiful, and because of this he risked losing him.
"Say, about that thing you said earlier?" Suzi told Joseph. "You based him off an old sculpture by Anthonio, didn't you?"
"I mean, it wasn't a painted statue, so I doubt they'd see the similarities with Caesar all colored and all." Joseph added with his usual mischievous grin.
"Still, he does look a little plain," Suzi pondered, as she looked at the bust from different angles. "We ought to spice him up a little!"
"Oh great," Caesar complained. "More dress-ups."
Suzi pulled out a handful of ribbons, scarves and other accessories and began trying out a bunch of styles to make Caesar look more striking-- and hopefully disguise him from anyone who would suspect Joseph stole the design.
A bowler hat, necktie and a monocle. "This is stupid," Caesar grumbled.
A masquerade feather headdress and a colorful bead necklace. "Hell no," complained Caesar again.
A magenta beanie hat, heart sunglasses and a short shawl. "Are you kidding me?" Caesar cried irately.
But there was one set of gear that made an impact on Caesar, when Suzi put them on.
A headband, designed with a zigzagged line between orange and violet, with a pair of prominent white feathers on each of the temples, and a soft, pink scarf to complete the look.
Caesar opened his mouth to complain, and quickly shut it again as soon as he saw his reflection.
He...actually kind of liked this one.
"Say, that actually suits you well," Joseph said.
"I think so too," Caesar smiled, pivoting slightly on his neck base to see his reflection from another angle.
"So it's settled then?" Joseph asked. "You'll be wearing that to the exhibit?"
"Sure," Caesar agreed. "Anything that won't make you look like a ripoff."
Joseph smiled. He admired Caesar's getup: with the scarf and the headband, he looked positively divine. He looked lovelier than he'd ever had.
He knew that the judges would absolutely like him.
He just hoped they wouldn't like him enough to take him away.
It wasn't long before the day of the exhibit, of Joseph's graduation, was close at hand.
Sleep came little to the troubled artist, as he lay on his bed, his eyes blankly fixed onto the ceiling. The room's only light came from a harsh, white table lamp.
It was three days, before he had to prove himself to the world.
To his mother, Professor Lisa, that he was worthy of her respect.
And to the legacy of his late grandfather, Jonathan, who had been his inspiration, as a child, to become an artist in the first place.
Joseph imagined his grandfather watching him from the stars, invisible but ever present. If only he could see him now. If only he could tell what he'd have thought of him.
His mind drifted back to Suzi's quote, about the spirit guardians being the souls of those who came before. To pass on their legacy.
He couldn't help but imagine. What if Grandpa Jonathan himself had possessed his project bust? He giggled at the thought of his beloved grandpa as a talking, bouncing clay sculpture.
But yet fate seemed to have chose Anthonio Zeppeli to be his guide.
There must have been something special about him that he needed to pass on.
Or maybe, it was just Anthonio himself being perfect for him. Strange that they had to meet in such an improbable way.
He was different now, reborn as another person entirely. Another person that Joseph adored the way he was. Body or no body.
Thinking about Caesar made Joseph's heart thump hard within his chest. Why did he feel this way? To a figure he created? Was it weird? Was it wrong?
And yet as he listened to the steady drum of his own heartbeat, he decided that no, it seemed like nothing felt more right. Caesar was his.
It was then Joseph realized that the steady thumps were getting louder. He first feared there was, perhaps, something wrong with his cardiac rhythm. But then he felt there was another source, that seemed to be coming from outside.
And as Joseph turned his head to look, right on cue, Caesar came bouncing into his room.
In the dim light, Joseph marveled at his bizarre, surreal beauty as he hopped across the floor, still clad in the headband and the scarf that he'd come to enjoy wearing.
Somehow, as ridiculous, slow and clumsy as his only mode of transportation was, Caesar looked oddly majestic.
The vigor and strength with which he pushed his neck against the floor with each hop. The gracefulness as his head turned upward at the highest point of each jump, his headband's feathers fluttering almost like tiny wings. The way his torso stump flexed as it barely cleared the floor with each little forward bounce. And of course, the sheer look of focused determination displayed on Caesar's face as he made his way toward the bed.
He was scarcely even half a man, but his spirit had the strength of many.
To even move his clay form along the distance from kitchen to bedroom took considerable effort, without the aid of arms and legs. And yet Caesar made it work. Caesar made the impossible possible. In spite of his tremendous handicap, he learned to persevere, to overcome.
And maybe Joseph realized why he admired Caesar so much.
Not just with his gorgeous, colorful clay exterior, but with the soul within, burning so bright with passion and determination, despite all odds that barred his way.
Perhaps this was why they were fated to meet.
"Jojo, you awake?" Caesar said, snapping Joseph out of his admiring stupor.
"Huh, yeah, I am now," Joseph mumbled. "What's the matter?"
Caesar looked downward, sadly. "I just feel lonely."
"And next you'll say, 'Can I sleep on your bed tonight, Jojo?' huh?" Joseph smirked.
"Can I sleep on your bed tonight, Jo--" Caesar began to say, before realizing it. "Huh? How did you know--?"
Joseph laughed warmly. "You don't even need to say it, Cae. You're always welcome with me. Anytime."
Gently, he lifted the bust up from the floor. By now, his heavy weight now felt familiar and no longer burdensome. He gently laid Caesar onto the pillow next to him, and, removing his scarf and headband and placing them onto his bedside table, lovingly laid a blanket over Caesar's stubby torso.
With his body, or lack thereof, covered by a quilt, Caesar looked less like a sculpture and more like Joseph's very own, perfectly typical roommate.
Joseph laid back down onto the bed, gently embracing what little body Caesar had, warmly and tenderly underneath the covers.
"Goodnight, Caesar," he said, resting his head against Caesar's soft, warm clay body.
"Goodnight too, Jojo," he responded, as he closed his eyes for the night.
Artist and artwork fondly embraced, within the dimly lit room without anyone else to witness. Suzi was at her home today. It was just him and Caesar, together alone, gently feeling each other's gentle warmth in a fleeting yet sincere moment, as rest soon enveloped their tired minds.
A fleeting yet sincere moment that Joseph wasn't sure he'd get to have again.
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wot-tidbits · 3 years
Live Signing Session—Dragonmount Patreon Stream
It has been 13 years since you were selected by Harriet to finish the Wheel of Time. After 13 years have passed, like, has the shock worn off yet?
Yes and no. There are times when I look back and I just I’m like that was really a surreal event in my life. Nothing quite can ever compare to getting a phone call being asked to finish the Wheel of Time. I look back and I’m like how did that even happen?
For those who don’t know, I didn’t apply for it. Harriet just called me and it’s really, really strange. At the same time the fact that I am a best-selling author has kind of settled in because I have to deal with it every day and I’m very used to it at this point. And so the public’s attention being on me, I have gotten used to that. The fact that I got that random phone call still is really weird when you look back at. I don’t know if you have things in your life like that, where you’re like: “Man, that really happened!” That is really strange, like winning the lottery, right? I always describe it as winning the lottery that you didn’t know you’d entered. It’s more like actually getting an inheritance you didn’t know you were getting, but someone you loved of course had to die for you to get the inheritance. So it’s still wrapped up in weird emotions for me.
The way that Harriet became aware of you was because her friend Elise Matheson was printing out blog posts and other news clippings that were online where there was a news report or tribute to Robert Jordan and yours was on that list and Harriet read that and ran with it from there. So it almost seems to me that you’ve written some amazing things, but maybe that blog post might have been the most important of your career in some ways.
The single most significant three paragraphs in my entire career are probably that little blog post. […] The weird thing is that I was late. I spent about a week thinking about, “What do I write?” and everybody had tributes come out like the day after and I didn’t jump on that. You see me posting things later when I do blog post reactions. I often am like, “I want to think about this.” And so if I hadn’t waited who knows if that would have come up in the search results.  First, because it was brand new when Elise was looking for things. Who knows, if I’d waited one more day it wouldn’t have popped up? If I’d written it the week before, maybe it wouldn’t have either. That’s just one of those things, right?
What would you say to 2007 Brandon?  
I have read this book where you go back in time, and it never turns out well. I would not go back in time and say anything to myself because I would end up as my own grandfather somehow. And then I would need, like, Christopher Lloyd to show up and help me fix all the problems in my life.
But if I take it non-jokingly, I don’t know. I’ve never been asked this one before. It’s usually your young writer self, what would you say? I honestly have no idea. Maybe I would say it’s gonna be alright. You’re gonna do a good job. Don’t stress this as much as you are. But maybe it’s stressing it that made me do a good job? And I haven’t stressed over a book as much as those books ever. Except maybe my very first release with Elantris. But I am not high stress person, so even that level of stress is nothing compared to what I know a lot of other people stress about.
The nice thing is that by 2007 I was confident in my writing. There were things I needed to learn. There were going to be some hard things I needed to learn and I learned them over the next five years. And it was a tough growing period of writing.
I might say take another stab at Mat once you think you got him. Listen to Jason (Denzel) when he says Mat’s off. Because you (Jason) were the first to point that out to me. I might say Padan Fain. A lot of people are going to think there needs to be a little more. Can you write like 2000 more words on the Padan Fain narrative arc for a Memory of Light? Remember to do that. Brandon, they’re gonna split into three books anyway. Stop stressing about trying to get them all into one book. They are not gonna let that happen. Tor’s not gonna throw that money away. They are going to insist on three books. So plan it that way from the beginning and maybe the timeline issues and Towers of Midnight would have been solved. I’m mostly looking at warning myself to prepare things for the future.
You and I have talked about that in the past. Rand had a very climactic moment at the end of The Gathering Storm. And then you had some moments but it largely became Perrin and Mat’s book in Towers of Midnight. And then we got back to Rand again…                    
I actually like that breakdown. I don’t think I’d change that. I think that Rand in Towers of Midnight being a little bit like Rand in the Dragon Reborn where you’re getting some distance from Rand, because he’s gone through a major change and you’re seeing him externally for a little while.
Actually, I think that’s a selling point of the Dragon Reborn and I like having echoed that in my three, where you know that distance [is there] and then you get back in his head and you’re like: “No, this is the Rand I still love”. This is the same person, he’s just developed. He’s changed a little bit. And that distance, that time with distance, it just gives you a different perspective on the character.
Like I said you are in Rand’s head in the Dragon Reborn, but he feels like a different character, and then we get our Rand back in book 4. I really like how Jim pulled that off. I wasn’t doing that intentionally, but in hindsight looking back, it feels like the right way to do that.
I would try to fix the timeline issues though.  I did a lot of work in the Gathering Storm when it was one book to overlap Perrin’s climax and Rand’s climax at the kind of center point of the story which became the two endings of Towers of Midnight and the Gathering Storm. And because those originally had been overlapping back and forth timelines and were split into two books—which again I kind of like how it went—it was clunky since it wasn’t designed that way from the get-go.
About the deleted chapters you did for the charity novels and are there anymore that might appear?
No, the only other scene I think I’ve mentioned before; I have like that brief like two-page scene where ladies weave the bridal wreath for Rand. I’ve talked about that before. That’s the only significant chunk they got cut that’s left and it’s only like two pages. The ones were like full things, so someday we’ll find a place for that. I don’t think we have yet, but someday we’ll find a place for that, but it’s only two pages. It is real short.
Did I tell you why that got cut? I should mention it. So it was actually really cool. I wanted to get Rand engaged, have the bridal wreath and have all three of them like weave it together and kind of use some Aiel tradition there and whatnot. And it was a really great scene. I enjoyed it. Everybody liked it.
Then we put the book together. Because often I will write—when I have a large number of viewpoints, I will write a chunk of viewpoints from a character’s viewpoint, and then at the end is when I really start putting things together and then I have to smooth between these things and make sure that the pacing is right. Because you don’t want all sorts of dry scenes together. You don’t want too many action scenes together, unless it’s at the end where you do want a lot of action scenes, and you want to kind of be bouncing back and forth. There’s just a rhythm and feel to it that usually I have a pretty good instinct [for] while I’m writing knowing how they’re going to fold together.
But once in a while you get something that just sticks out like a sore thumb and this was one. Because it was opposite the Talmanes’ scenes going in Caemlyn and like dramatic scenes of people getting stabbed by myrddraal and nearly dying and all this stuff. And it was more powerful stuff. It was really nice tense stuff and then you jump back and the girls were like “Tee-hee, I am like this branch that I’m weaving into the bridal wreath. It has thorns!” And it just did not work!
I’m making it sounds sillier than it was. It wasn’t that silly, but it did not fit thematically. Harriet was like “Oh, this does not match at all.” I’m like “Yeah, you are totally right.” So we cut that one up, which made me feel sad because I did want to get them engaged. I know a lot of people have been waiting for that, but it had to go just for the strength of the opening narrative. That one’s around. It’s fun. You can imagine [it] exactly as what it is. All three go out and gather different things to put into the thing and you don’t seem them gathering, they just come together and say “Here, I brought this. It’s a good match for us because of this” and they kind of weave it all together. Maybe someday we’ll get that but there’s not a whole lot left.
Getting the Perrin through the Ways out—like, I had wanted to find a place for that for a while because I really liked that sequence. I’ve mentioned before that when I look back at it, I’m like, “it needs a lot of revision,” so I actually had to spend a lot more time revising that sequence for the charity anthology than I did the other one, which I just kind of chopped up and it was good to go. Because that had lasted all the way until the last edit, but the Perrin scenes got cut out earlier after we did a bunch of just timeline rejiggering and things like that. Harriet had not been pleased with my depiction of the Ways, and looking back—I think I mentioned this in the Forward—she was right. And that took a lot of revision to make feel right, which I wasn’t planning on spending, like I spent two weeks revising that little sequence for the charity anthology, but I wanted it to be good.
It was fun because when I sent it to Maria to look through to make sure I hadn’t broken anything too big continuity-wise even though it’s not canon, she wrote back. She’s like “This was so nice, being able to actually read Wheel of Time and edit it again.” It was like a bright spot. And that’s kind of how I had felt on it. So it was nice to work on but it was way more work than I expected. The bridal scene will not get similar treatment if we find a place for it in a future Unfettered or something like that.
Aside from that do you have other scenes still remaining, deleted scenes that could potentially see the light of day?
I don’t think there is anything else at all. I don’t think there are even any scraps or fragments. Everything that Jim wrote I put in the book in some way. There is maybe some Q&A stuff that didn’t get in the book. In one of his Q&A’s with Maria in the notes he was talking about … No, no, this wasn’t from the Q&A. It was just notes from books back that they found dug in there that they were having Rand use the Choedan Kal. Jim had in the notes Rand using the male one at the end of the series but that one was destroyed. It was the access key that was destroyed. I’m like so do we find another access key or was this just old information contradicted other things? Because this was like he was writing book eight or something, he was thinking about doing that and they found a little note file for it. They’re like maybe we use these things, maybe we find another access key or whatnot.
There is stuff like that in the notes that would be fun to release. The fans could like imagine the what if because it’s entirely possible that rather than going with the Callandor solution, Jim would have gone with the Choedan Kal that he would have decided: “No, no, the right thing to do is to find another access key” or something like that or whatnot. And then you have a different twist on the ending using that. There are things like that that could be fun to see from the notes. I don’t know how much has been dug up, how much of it Harriet put in the library.
Mat and Tuon are my favorite characters. Is there anything little or unknown about them that you can share with us?
Everything I had from Jim that was in the notes I was given—now, remember, I had people look through the notes and give me the stuff that they thought was relevant, Maria and Alan did. So there’s entirely possibly like a lot of the things that are notes that I didn’t see were drafts of appendices that Robert Jordan added things to, and then taken out from like book 7 and 6 and 8 and stuff like that. And there might be things in there.
Everything I had either was in the books—or because that last scene was written by him, the one with Mat and Tuon in the epilogue—he had done a draft on that scene so I was pointing everything toward that scene to just get it in. So that I could drop it in as close as how he’d done it as possible. The only thing that I know is that Mat does go to Seanchan and that eventually he’s found in a gutter without his hat having gambled it all away. And he’s muttering “I lost it all” or “I gambled a lot away” or something like that. That’s in the notes for the outriggers.
The notes for the outriggers are three sentences and one of them is about Mat having lost it all. We can guess he goes to Seanchan. We can guess that he ruins, messes things up and then spends several books fixing them again which is how Mat basically rolls. That would be my guess.
We can guess that Perrin has to go. We think Perrin thinks he has to go to kill Mat. We don’t know but one of those sentences is Perrin is going travelling on a boat thinking about how he’s got to go kill a friend. So there’s got to be some tensions between the continents and things like that, and I would assume that hijinks ensued, but your imagination has got to go on this one. That is literally all I know about Mat and Tuon going forward.
Fun fact is that this was somewhere in the notes but they hadn’t shown it to me, I came up with a new name for Tuon and then Maria’s like: “Oh, Jim came up with one of these” and it was two letters off. We’d both come up with the like exact same new longer name for her. And that was cool, that I had been enough on the same wavelength. And we of course used his. But that’s kind of fun because I think we were both looking at the list of Old Tongue words and found something that worked together and came together and it sounds like fortune and that’s the same direction I’d gone.
Maybe he’d written something that had told me that I should go that direction but either way, that’s a fun thing. There is a little email from Maria saying: “Hey, we should use Jim’s name for this!” And then it was almost exactly the same. I felt  very cool on that day. I can’t remember what mine is because Fortuona ended up in the book but mine also started with f, o, r and then I think I had an extra syllable in there and I had Tuon in there as well but maybe my ending letters to it were different or something, I can’t remember.
I know you’ve spoken a lot about that you’ve read some of these early scripts and…
Yeah, I’ve read the first six. Still haven’t seen seven or eight.
I know you’ve had a chance to talk to Rafe (Judkins). I am really curious what your take is going to be and how you’re going to be involved or how, if I can use the word “possessive” of it, that you’ll be when they hopefully get to the end of this saga. When they’re in their season seven or eight and it’s covering your books and to see how much they keep and change. And how much they’ll have to change because their previous changes will lead to, you know, have ripple effects.
This is uncharted territory for me. And I have no idea. It could be like Game of Thrones where despite the changes they stay pretty much according to what are the big events, so what I wrote ends up there. But it could go completely different.
As I’ve said to people, I envision this as a new turning of the Wheel. It’s the same souls but in a different actual turning of the Wheel. It’s not the one that Jim and I worked on. It’s a different version of it. And so some of the same events are happening, others are different and being rearranged and so. I don’t know. Like my experience has been fantastic working with Rafe (Judkins) so far. But the sum total of my involvement is: I talked to Rafe and tell him what I felt about various scripts and things. I went on set one time and I was mostly there so they could interview me for b-roll to use in their “making of” and to actually let me meet the actors and things like that.
I am not a significant player in the series. I don’t know, maybe they will want me to be more of [one] when it gets to my books. My instincts say that I will become less and less needed. And I am not even sure how much I was needed right now because Rafe knows, has a vision, and is doing a good job with it.
I’ve been in his shoes before but it’s almost like the handoff, at least the way it’s supposed to work, between past presidents where they like leave a letter and are there for a phone call if you have a question for them, but mostly you find your own way. And that’s kind of how it is with me.
Did you ask them about having a cameo?
I didn’t ask them about having a cameo, no. Maybe eventually in my own things I want to have a cameo but in the back of my mind I was like if I do a cameo I should do it when they get to the material I wrote. That’s more appropriate and so I haven’t asked for one yet. I hope the series takes off and then they get to mine and then we stick in a Brandon cameo.
For those who haven’t heard one of the things I want to do for my books when they get made is I want to die in various different—like I show up, I’m like the Kenny from South Park of the Cosmere or whatever. In every season there’s a version of me that dies in some horrible way, you know, just like a redshirt [from Star Trek] or something like that. I think that would be a lot of fun. You need people falling off the wall, getting eaten by koloss. I’m one of those people. Stuff like that. It just feels like revenge the characters could have on me and it could be this fun little thing. Stan Lee covered the cute cameo. I could cover the gruesome death cameo role.
Having been through a full three books and years of working on it, what sort of high level general advice would you offer to the people, the writers in the writing room working on the series?
I actually talked to Rafe about some of this stuff. Number one was of course, Mat’s harder to write than he looks. I actually did say ask Jason (Denzel). Mat is harder to write than he looks.
I talked about the kind of soul of the Wheel of Time. What makes the Wheel of Time work. I remember talking to him about the interview that I heard with Jim where someone asked him summarize the Wheel of Time and he hummed and he didn’t want to do it but he eventually said what it’s like to be the normal person and be told you need to save the world. They put that burden upon you that you��ve got to save the world and you’ll probably die doing it and it’s not a burden you wanted. What do you do with that? If there’s a core theme of the Wheel of Time it is either that, or the core theme of old things become new and new things become old, used in interesting and different ways both with the characters and the world building and things like that.
I talked about some of that stuff. But really what worked for me and what anyone has to do who’s in this situation is read through the books, feel the books and then try to have that in mind when you’re working on it. Anytime I started to get lost, I just went back to the books and read what Jim had written and it pulled me back in. When I was working on—and I reread the Eye of the World when I was working on the deleted scene we talked about—it threatened to do that to me again. I was pulled in I’m like “Ooh, this and that!” and the books are just so descriptive, with lush use of language in a way that never feels like it bogs down. You just have to go to the books. He won’t do it the way I did it and that’s all right as long as he’s going to the books and he’s like feeling the soul of those books.
Huge thank you to @highladyluck for being my editor.
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duhragonball · 4 years
7 Comfort Movies
Tagged by @pandemicpicnic . List your seven favorite comfort movies, then tag 7 people.   
This is a good thing to pass around, since I could use the diversion, and as I think about this list, I realize how long it’s been since I last saw a lot of these movies.  
In no particular order...
1) Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn
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I dunno if these are necessarily comfort movies, as opposed to just movies I like the best, but I don’t watch movies a whole lot, so I’m guessing my all-time favorites are probably close enough.   Movie 12 is good watchin’, period.   This is a movie about everyone working together.    Friends, enemies, strangers, the living and the dead, the damned and the divine.   I watch this movie and wish that we in the real world could put aside our differences so easily and blow up all the Nazis.
2) Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
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People say this is the worst Superman movie, but fuck that noise.   This is the only one where Superman throws all the nuclear weapons into the sun.    But one of them has a chicken nugget attached to it, which grows into a clone of Superman with scratchy fingernails, his only weakness.    So Superman has to kick his ass on/with the moon, and then tell everyone that nuclear war is too big a job for Superman, because we’ll just re-arm the minute his back is turned. 
This is a story about high school physics, Luthor.     Sometimes the things we fear the most are only the darker side of our greatest strengths.   If humanity has the power to destroy itself, then doesn’t that mean we have the power to save ourselves as well?   The choice is ours.  
3) Spaceballs
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Some killjoys actually hated this movie, and point to it as evidence that Mel Brooks lost his touch.   I respectfully submit that those people are dumb.  Spaceballs came out during the dark years between Return of the Jedi and Phantom Menace, when we all wanted more Star Wars but thought we would never get more.    Brooks heard our pleas, and gave us this movie, which is basically Star Wars with dick jokes all over it.   People always go on about how Star Trek predicted smartphones and the Simpsons predicted the Trump administration, but only Spaceballs was prescient enough to declare: “Fuck!    Even in the future, nothing works!”
This is a story about following your heart.    If all you care about is duty, and obligation, and profit, you’ll end up marrying some dullard, or owing your soul to a talking pizza, or roaming the universe in search of air.   
4) Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
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This is the best Batman movie ever, and maybe even the best comic book movie period.    In 1994, Batman the Animated Series was popular enough that they made a feature film and ran it in theaters and everything.  I remember some smartass article at the time questioning whether parents would see the point in taking their kids to watch a movie of something that’s on TV for free, which is just dumb.    It’s not like they ran four episodes of the TV series for this thing.   It’s an original story!   Anyway, Batman has to figure out what the deal is with this new vigilante who fights crime with murder, which is also a crime.   He also gets very sad in place and it’s very emotional and I bought the soundtrack as soon as I could because I wanted to listen to it and feel things.
This is a story about the future, and promises, and the roads not taken.   And when all is said and done, maybe the choices we made were the right ones after all, in spite of our second-guesses.
5) Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
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I considered putting Revenge of the Sith on this list, since that’s usually the one I look up clips from on YouTube, but there’s no topping Jedi.   I saw this in the theatre when I was six and everything was awesome.    Jabba the Hutt, wint-o-green lightsabers, speeder bikes, Ewoks breaking stuff with logs and rocks, it’s just a pleasure to watch.   Also, this movie introduces Emperor Palpatine, and lays the foundation for the Sith lore that made me love Revenge of the SIth in the first place.  Not long after we got home from seeing this movie in 1983, I tried to draw this scene in the screencap above, because it left such a deep impression on me.   
This is a story about feelings.    Every butthole in Star Wars is always telling everyone else what to feel and how much they should feel it, and don’t get too attached to this or that.     But in this movie Luke has to exercise restraint and then cut loose, give into his passions and then reign them in, care for his friends and family but also be willing to let them go.    Everyone can give him advice, but he’s got to hoe that row himself, and figure it out as he goes.   He doesn’t always get it exactly right, but he still gets it.   
6) The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
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The historians will say that cartoons like the original Transformers were nothing more than glorified toy commercials, made possible by the deregulation of children’s entertainment in the 1980′s.    I find this incredibly unfair, because that analysis ignores the fact that Transformers was a fucking awesome cartoon.    They’re all robots, so they could shoot and punch each other without any guff from standards and practices. And since the show was designed to promote an entire toy line, there were literally dozens of characters, each given a surprising amount of character and personality.   Starscream (center) and Ramjet (right) are practically the same toy, but kids wanted both of them because Starscream is a whiny, shitty drama queen, and Ramjet is a dumbass who likes to hit things with his head.     Astrotrain (left) is just a cool dude who can be a train or a space shuttle. 
This movie is the height of the franchise, where they could raise the stakes even higher, and introduce even crazier concepts like planet-eating monsters and robots actually killing each other for keeps.    I see fans from my generation acting all traumatized over all the deaths, like they never should have done that in a movie marketed for children, but this was a story about renewal.   The old order changeth, and it falls to the newcomers to rise up and carry on.    I’ve always taken a lot of comfort in the way these characters pass the torch.    The Smurfs were never brave enough to have Papa Smurf name his successor.  
7) UHF
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Geez, I haven’t watched this one in forever.    I’d have to double-check to see if I even have it on DVD.    UHF was the ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic vehicle from the late 1980′s.   I want to say ‘89.    He plays a guy who takes over a TV station and runs all these ludicrous shows on it until it becomes the most popular channel in town.   It’s basically a bunch of sketch comedy stitched together into a movie, and it doesn’t try to apologize for this.  
This is a story of the importance of imagination, and of being true to yourself.   Al’s character has trouble finding a steady job, and its’ easy to conclude that there’s something wrong with him, but it’s really just that he hasn’t found the right opportunity for his passions and skills.   Once he finds his place, he rises to the occasion.  
And that’s my list.   Now I gotta tag people.   @auralime, @ediblenonsense, @semercury​, @twobellsilence​, @drowning-in-this-starry-serenade​, @cozymochi​, and @glintea​.
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
“Sticks and Stones” Part 2
A/N: I’m glad people like the first part! This is my first solo three shot. It’s easy for me to write about bullying since I have been the victim many times as I was growing up. I just want everyone to know that if you have ever been bullied or hurt by someone you ever loved, you’re not alone! Though this is purely fiction and Minhyuk is a sweetheart, I am definitely writing with my past experiences in mind. Enjoy! ~ Gaishō
“Sticks and Stones” - Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3 
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You’re freaking out. Minhyuk just messaged you and you have to say something back without being a complete weirdo. Once more you check to make sure it is indeed his real profile and sure enough it is. He has over 3,000 friends on Facebook. Yep, that’s him.
Your fingers just sit on the keyboard of your laptop and don’t move. Suddenly the bubble with ellipses pops up and he messages you again.
Facebook chat:
Minhyuk: Too good to talk to me?
You: No! I’m sorry… I was just surprised you would be talking to me.
Minhyuk: Why’s that, huh?
You: Well, I’m… A nobody lol. You’re the most popular guy in school.
Minhyuk: Don’t be silly. I like everyone.
You: Everyone… Except me.
Minhyuk: Oh, stop! To be honest, I think you’re the prettiest girl ever.
You: You’re kidding… Right? Someone put you up to this. I know it.
Minhyuk: I’m not kidding at all! I promise. You’re beautiful and I actually wanted to ask you something…
You: What? What is it?
Minhyuk: Not on here. I want to ask you in person. You know. Face to face. I want to look into your eyes when I ask you my question.
You: Really? Okay. Um, maybe at lunch then?  
Minhyuk: Yes! I can’t wait to see you at lunch tomorrow. Bye ;)
You: Same! Bye bye :)
Your mouth completely drops. ‘There is no way that just happened!’ Pacing back and forth in your room you think about the messages. You couldn’t believe it so you went back to your laptop to see that they were real. You read them over and over again making yourself dizzy.
You smile to yourself like any other teenager struck with love. Immediately you start picking out an outfit for tomorrow. ‘Maybe he’s going to ask me out on a date!?’ You stop for a second.
Doubt starts to fill your mind. You know he is insanely popular and could get any girl that he wants. Something didn’t seem right to you. You shake your head and continue to sift through your closet. ‘It’s possible he see’s something in me.’
You laid your clothes out for tomorrow and headed for bed. Barely able to sleep you tossed and turned at the thought of what Minhyuk might say to you. Maybe for once, you won’t be the underdog. You smiled at the thought of his posse of girls watching Minhyuk sweeping you off your feet.
Morning finally came and you shot up with so much energy you would have thought you had just been reborn a whole new person. You put on a cute floral patterned shirt that would show a little cleavage and some nice tight leggings to make your butt pop.
You applied a little bit of makeup, but not too much; just simple winged eyeliner and a light red lipstick. Sitting in front of your vanity you start to worry and pick at your fingernails. You’re still unsure if all of this was really real.
Once more you read over the Facebook messages between you and Minhyuk and you let out a big sigh. All of a sudden you hear your mom yell at you from downstairs, “Y/N! You haven’t left yet?” You realize what time it is and it’s way too late for you to walk to school today so you have to try to catch the bus instead.
Just making it to the bus stop in time you get on and see a couple people glare at you. “Did mommy pick out that outfit for you?” Someone rudely utters to you. You roll your eyes and keep walking to the next available seat.
As you sit down you feel completely sick to your stomach. ‘They could be right. I probably look so stupid right now.’ The bus ride felt unusually short today. The tires screech to a stop and everyone starts to get off. You can’t go back now.
With each passing hour you felt more and more anxious to meet with Minhyuk. You also just realized you never asked if you should meet him somewhere specific or if you were to join him at his usual table. The anxiety started to make you extremely nauseous.
You ran to the nearest bathroom to get yourself together. A few girls walked in as well. “Oh, would you look at that. Y/N all dolled up today. Who you trying to look good for, huh?” The girl picked at your shirt and you slap her hand away.
“Honestly, it’s really sweet you take the time out of your day to run your mouth about me and constantly stalk my every move, but even a girl like me needs some space.” You smirk at her.
“Whatever, stupid bitch.” They all leave.
You look into the mirror and see a different person. An overwhelming feeling of confidence took over you. ‘I’m going to tell Minhyuk how I feel.’ You nod to your reflection and head out.
The bell rings and finally it was lunch time. Since you were so focused on trying to look good today you forgot to pack a lunch. So, you went in line for some hot lunch and took your tray out to the lunch tables.
You stood still looking around trying to find Minhyuk at his usual table but he wasn’t there. People were trying to walk around you so you decided to just sit down at an empty table and wait for him.
Though you couldn’t even think about eating any food, you didn’t want to look dumb just sitting there. Your tray consisted of broccoli cheddar soup, milk, and a cookie. Your nerves were so high you just grabbed whatever you knew that would calm you down.
Minutes start to pass and then eventually half the period was already almost over. ‘Where is he?’ You look on your phone and see if he might have messaged you on Facebook and he didn’t. You anxiously look around for him and still there was no sight of him.
You start to fidget with your fingers and realize what was going on. ‘Minhyuk stood me up!’ Just as you were about to get up and leave you see Minhyuk in front of you.
“Oh! M-Minhyuk! I didn’t think you were going to come…” You slowly sit back down and your cheeks were suddenly flushed.
“And miss your gorgeous face? Never.” His face glowed and he smiled at you! The one and only Minhyuk smiled at you.
“S-so, w-what did you want to ask me?” You stare straight into his soft eyes. Slowly you start to realize that the cafeteria was growing quieter and quieter as everyone’s eyes were on you and Minhyuk.
Your heart starts to race. ‘Why is everyone looking at us!? What could be going on?’ Minhyuk grabs your hand and asks for you to stand before everyone in the cafeteria. Dead center.
“Y/N, you’re everything a guy wants. I know this is last minute, but would you be my homecoming date for tomorrow’s dance?” Everyone gasps and so do you.
“Y-you’re joking, right? You w-want to take… ME!?” Your eyes glistened. ‘Is this for real?’
“Yes, my dear. Close your eyes, I’m going to kiss you,” he says sweetly to you.
You close your eyes and puckered your lips. But, you start to hear faint giggles around you. Before you could open your eyes to see what could be going on, you felt something hot being poured all over you.
Minhyuk was dumping the broccoli cheddar soup all over you! Then he grabs the milk and pours that over you as well.
“Awww, don’t cry over spilt milk!” Minhyuk said so sarcastically.
Standing there in shock you look around to see that everyone was laughing at you and a bunch of phones were pulled out recording you.
“W-what… I thought -” you choked on your words and tears started to fill your eyes. You turned around to try to run away but you slipped on the puddle of soup and milk. 
The cafeteria burst into hysterical laughter. Minhyuk slowly walks over to you and nudges your body with his foot. 
“You thought what? That I would ask a girl like you out? Please. You’re nothing but a stupid slut.”
The words pierce your heart. You quickly grabbed your things and ran down the hall. Hall monitors tried to stop you, but you ignored them.
Laughter faded in and out as you passed several students. You ran out the front doors of the school and continued to run. Not for one second did you stop running.
You ran all the way home and immediately jumped into the shower. Standing there naked you let your body slump into the tub. You let the hot water wash away the soup, the milk, the tears, and the shame. Pulling your knees into your chest you continued to cry.
“How could have I been so stupid!” You yell to yourself. Letting the tub fill up with water you submerge yourself and held yourself under water as long as you could. Your body jolts and you got up to gasp for air. You continued to do it a couple more times. 
After letting the tub drain you dragged yourself to your and threw on some pajamas. You lit your favorite three-wick candle and put on some music to try to get your mood up. Still, you felt like the whole world was against you.
You mutter to yourself, “Minhyuk… Why?” You couldn’t cry anymore, but your heart still hurt. Each word that left his mouth ripped at your heartstrings. You hear them over and over again in your head.
As curious as you were about what could be online at this point, you still haven’t checked. Unexpectedly your phone started blowing up. They were text messages from numbers you didn’t even know. Then again, you didn’t have any friends to begin with. 
‘Stupid bitch’, ‘so pathetic and gullible’, ‘just kill yourself.’
Before you read another text you threw your phone against the wall. You then stare at your laptop that was on your desk. ‘Well, I might as well see the damage.’
You open your laptop and looked on the different sites. Videos, photos, and memes were posted and shared everywhere imaginable. You couldn’t even scroll anymore because your hands were shaking so terribly. Slowly you close your laptop and crawl into bed. You cried yourself to sleep that night.
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