#i would be pregnant lol
Fr Just Look At That Face Ahhh Nikki🤰🏻😍
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captainmaxatx · 11 days
Late Mermay idea!
Orca mer Ghost in an aquarium but he is almost always hiding and quite depressed so the aquarium decide to give him a little more enrichment.
With humans lack of mer knowledge they come to the conclusion that because orcas eat seals then surely an orca mer would eat a seal mer. They decide that during closing hours (to avoid guests seeing the blood bath that will surely follow) they will drop a live seal mer into ghosts tank so he has the natural experience of hunting instead of just being fed slabs of meet.
But mer’s don’t eat other mers, regardless of secondary species.
So when seal mer soap is dropped into his tank, ghost just thinks he’s being given a very energetic handsome roommate.
And the humans are confused as to why ghost hasn’t eaten the seal mer yet
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scarefox · 4 months
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aardvaark · 12 days
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tara cole my beloved
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breedingboy-jay · 2 months
Its so strange to carnally crave being fucked pregnant all the time, but not once experience baby fever, want kids or even like kids. Like I wanna be bred thoroughly and eventually become weighed down with a huge pregnant belly but I don't actually want to be a dad or deal with the kid after they're born at all. Its like........pregnancy fever, not baby fever.
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actual-changeling · 8 hours
Y'know Scully needed to be pregnant during season 8 or she would have offed herself the second Mulder was dead and buried. Just leave the grave open, Skinner, she'll jump right after him and call it a day—same thing with their roles reversed.
There's only so much she can take, and finding Mulder dead in that field without a pregnancy giving her a reason to keep living would have been too much by a mile. She would have suffocated on the emptiness he left behind.
Even in canon, Skinner and her mom must have had one hell of a time taking care of her after the funeral 'cause i don't think Scully was particularly eager to go through her daily routines except to avoid not perishing on the spot.
While they were still searching for him, she was visibly numb to the world and lost the spark that had survived all the way through their numerous kidnappings, the cancer arc, Emily, Antarctica, weird brain diseases and stranded alien spaceships, and failed IVF.
No Mulder, no faith, no life. For them, it really is that simple.
And the thing is that we get used to seeing her like that! We know something is wrong, we know what is wrong—what is missing—but it only really hits you how much of a walking corpse she was once Mulder is breathing again.
Before his return, she wears exclusively dark, muted colours and high-collared shirts; a lot of the time, she's completely drowning in her black coat. Her cross necklace is invisible and hidden away, she solves cases and does her job, sure, yet there's no actual joy or excitement, no scientific wonder.
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Without mulder, the x files are reduced to simply that: files. There's nothing to fight for without him.
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This is the only Scully Doggett (and Reyes) get to know, their understanding of her and Mulder's relationship is based on rumours and stories, and what little they can extricate from Scully herself.
Then they find him, they bury him, they bring him back to life, and the SECOND she feels and sees him breathing, his heart beating, that spark roars back to life. There's more determination and liveliness in her eyes during this one conversation with Doggett than when some fucking cult whackos shove a worm up her spine and try to make her their worm god carrier.
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But no matter what Mulder's chances are, the choice not to open up that grave was wrong.
You could have dropped her in front of his grave with nothing but her bare hands and a mission, and she would have dug him up and wished him back to the world of the living all by herself.
They're irrevocably bound together, they need each other not just to survive but to LIVE period, and god help anyone who comes between them.
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supranatra · 10 months
Making sparda an overbearing, dominating figure with a soft spot for family and general neutrality on humans is good but i think super happy funtime guy sparda who is incredibly enamored with his family and outwardly super duper nice (almost appearing and sometimes is naive or gullible) to humans but when alone or pushed in just the right way he morphs into that nearly cruel and dark figure he was considered long ago is better. :)
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guardian-angle22 · 7 months
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911 lone star fashion -> every grace outfit
↳ 3.01
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just once this season i need to see barbara or ava defending janine to melissa cause it's getting on my nerves actually
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tennessoui · 6 months
the hunger games au! anakins confidence! obi-wan being the mentor! the fact that they’re together BEFORE anakin even gets picked!
poor robin tho lol :( but you know the games go on for like 12 hours longer while Anakin waits for someone else to kill her. In theory it’s because of his ruse with the capital, but it’s definitely just for obi-wan. So really, obi-wan did help her live longer than she would have otherwise, from a certain point of view.
also obi-wan definitely finds it romantic that anakin let someone else kill her & rewards him for it after the games ;)
(also for a sec i thought maybe the other girl would be padme & maybe anakin used to like her and is briefly sad & padme is a master manipulator and makes obi-feel like shit for choosing to let her die (making anakin hate her lol) and also making obi-wan feel super insecure about the ruse and also maybe really petty and bitchy? and she’s also really popular in the capital and canon padme isn’t a terrible fighter either)(maybe padme pretends to be (or is) pregnant and she pretends their anakins and obi-wan is SO insecure and/or seeing red)
lmao sorry for the massive ask the hunger games awaken something terrible in me
oo i think maybe a braver writer would probably have made anakin's other tribute padmé, and i guess there's still time for that, but i didn't want to for a couple of reasons, hence using a made up oc instead
i think the tug of guilt obi-wan would feel over having a preferred victor (anakin) and giving them both trainings but then really carefully only campaigning for sponsors to take a look at anakin, not the other tribute.....because anakin needs funds for a blanket, anakin needs food, obi-wan is watching anakin suffer and any second he may have to watch him die.... he feels guilty about the other tribute but he cannot watch anakin die....like that's enough guilt for obi-wan, i don't think specifically padmé could make him feel worse
also i think another reason i didn't choose padmé was because i didn't want anyone to think anakin used to like her lol this anakin is not normal this anakin is a creep this anakin was like. fourteen, saw obi-wan being all pathetic and sad and decided if obi-wan wasn't going to take advantage of him anakin was going to take advantage of obi-wan, worm his way into his confidences and affections and then never ever leave like this is not a boy who had a crush on any sort of padmé amidala he would not be sad he is not capable of being sad about the other tribute this is not a normal dude and tbh its easier to just. not have her in the story than to push back against that all the time
or i think i'd have her as part of the capitol who works with obi-wan to overturn palpatine once the rebellion is going on, but i think she would find anakin off-putting because he's 100% creep but not a creep who is in love with her and it just actually makes her uncomfortable to be in a room with him. asks obi-wan to blink twice if he needs rescuing. obi-wan blinks a lot of times because he's confused as to how anyone could ever need saving from anakin
anakin wouldn't hurt a fly
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 6 days
i want top neuvillette who's still femme and a crybaby my god is that so hard
#/lh#my tastes. masc bottoms femme tops#to be fair my dynamic with them is neuv gets pregnant but neuv also tops. so generally speaking. solid switches. but wrio bottoms#he's the king of the underworld after all.#i do think its hilarious tho if you look at the trends across wrlt vs nvwr interpretations#the tops always gets broadened...... masculinized.... aged#and the bottom becomes this waifish wet noodle..........#like ive seen bottom wrio with a baby face. paired with a neuv who's somehow broader than him#and alternatively ive seen the. meatiest. manliest middle-aged man wriothesley with a neuvillette who's back is perpetually arched#and im like the dimorphism is crazy /j this isnt just a strictly wrlt thing tho this is real across. every ship. that has ever existed lol#tho on a more serious note i have a big squick when it comes to bottom wrio interps where an emphasis on their dynamic is........#the fact that he's younger. or that they first met when he was a minor. im like weird thing to emphasize but ok.#disclaimer tho when i say crybaby hes not a Childish Man mind you. hes Sensitive and Awkward but he's still got that weird ancient stalenes#his voice just wobbles sometimes. he often sound like hes at the verge of tears even if his face is perfectly flat#hes autistic like that#and the sole reason why wrio doesnt top That Much is because hes fuckin tired man. eepy. hes like my god neuv if you still wanna go at it#ur gonna have to take the reins. baby im tired.#something something freakish dragon strength and stamina#personally. my hcs are as such. neuvillette is very lean. almost uncannily long if i exaggerate it for funsies. hes slenderman coded. skinn#but you find no texture underneath his skin. you can't feel bones or muscles shift when he moves when you touch him#there's this exceptional discomfort when you see him lift something that looks much heavier than he should be able to manage#almost like his long fingers might impale it. like you are balancing something soft and fleshy on a nail. it doesn't feel secure#like if wriothesley held you. his arms would feel warm and solid. thick and supportive. whereas neuv's feels like it might dig into you#i could yap all day.
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naggingatlas · 9 hours
dad said that he rly needs to force my 9 (nine.) year old sister into a sport bc "she starting to get a belly 😞". sometimes i want to strangle him
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brookheimer · 1 year
okay. i need to rewatch the episode probably but i think my current feeling is that i like most of it a lot (rome, ken, the siblings not getting ceo, etc), think the tom ceo makes sense from a logical/character perspective but not sure how i feel about it from a broader more thematic lens (altho i'm leaning towards fine with it), and am very mixed on shiv's ending because i think it's well-conceived and meaningful from a broader thematic lens (shiv becomes her mother, the cycle always repeats, etc) but doesn't quite make sense to me from a logical/character one -- it could've worked, it could've worked brilliantly, but it was far too rushed and forced. it makes sense as an ending for shiv, but not her next step. i'm largely talking about her decision to return to tom, not her decision to vote against kendall (which i think should've been executed better and given more space but can understand given her character, mostly). i'm fine with it as an ending for shiv, but what i'm struggling to stomach is the way it played out -- it didn't feel like a choice the shiv we know would've made. it's an ending that makes sense thematically and for her character arc, but not a decision that makes sense for her character at present. that's kinda where i'm at right now
#long shiv post talking ab this upcoming lol#bc so far i haven't seen like any shiv takes i've actually agreed with#it's either entirely anti ending or pro ending#whereas like. to me the ending works as an ending for the character. it's tragic dark devastating but it works and works well#but shiv making that choice does not make sense for where she is right now. it was rushed writing that forced an ending on her#that would be a satisfying ending but not a satisfying character choice and thus NOT a super satisfying ending#could've been EXTREMELY satisfying. but shiv wasn't there yet. her fatal flaw is blowing up good situations when she feels she's being#disrespected -- she's respect > power when it comes down to it#even tho she thinks she wants power more she NEEDS respect and is unable to stay quiet or make the smart choice in the face of disrespect#or men thinking they're superior etcetcetc. so her making a choice that allots her power (wife of CEO) but is the singular least respecting#outcome imaginable (meekly returning to your husband who betrayed you and stole the job you've been fighting for your entire life right out#of your grasp alongside your closest ally/flirt guyfriend who tapped him to do it explicitly to fuck you over because you're a pregnant#woman and thus inferior to the man who inseminated you -- and EVERYONE KNOWS ALL OF THIS! everyone knows you're the daughter of#the previous CEO and on two separate instances were meant to be CEO and now the weak man you married publicly betrayed you TWICE#but you still meekly return to him and place your hand in his and have his baby like the good pawn you are...)#that does not make sense for shiv. if we saw some development on the power > respect front or had a few more scenes or episodes developing#shiv as someone who would choose to become her mother (powerful and rich yet a disrespected pawn) over literally anything else#given her fundamental fear of being disrespected than maybe this would've made sense. it could be a great meaningful devastating ending#but it's one that just does not track for shiv as we know her right now.#ok tags got long as always sorry LOL i'm gonna write a longer thing explaining my hashtag thoughts bc i haven't seen much i agreed w on thi#front yet oops. ok bye 4 now tee hee#succession#succession spoilers#casey shut the fuck up about shiv roy
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miradelletarot · 17 days
Hey! Sorry to hear you’re going through it and had a rough day. Tell me about your dog! What’s Lady like? I know gushing about my pets always makes me feel a little better.
Sending you love, and hope tomorrow is a better day. ❤️
My pupper!! She's such a potato but I love the hell out of her.
I don't recall how much I have actually shared about her so forgive any repeated info.
She was born October 8th, 2014 (She's a purebred. Me and my ex had a *lot* of issues with rescues sadly. long story...) We named her lady because she sat up all prim and proper with her front paws crossed and he just looked like royalty. it was the cutest thing. I was about halfway through my pregnancy with my daughter at the time, and so when I went to meet Lady before we could officially take her, she curled up on my belly and put her wittle face between my boobs (lol) and fell asleep. If I coulda taken her home that day I would have.
She's an old Lady now, but she's got a ton of energy. She's a bit lazy, and has really bad anxiety. She's the queen of puppy eyes, and loves attention. New person? LET. ME. LOVE. YOU. DAMNIT is 100% her energy. You'll get sick of her WAY before she gets sick of you. She won't play with toys, but if she sees a squirrel, a bird, a lizard, etc. you bet your ass she's gonna try and chase it. I think she's afraid of snakes tho. Also, she sheds like CRAZY. my ex said "let's get a short haired dog! she won't shed." BULLSHIT. I was only petting her the other day, and I think I petted a whole other dog off of her. I wish I was kidding.
Thank you for asking about my little love. Lady is to me like Tara is to Gale (minus the wings and the sassy motherly talk lol).
I adore her, and I hope she's secretly immortal.
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dayurno · 6 months
any trans kevin thoughts and feelings to indulge on ur royal subjects currently cause i’m brainrotting abt him rn
YEAH ABSOLUTELY for my royal advisors who whisper in my ear (send me asks) during court. sorry these are a little sad but it's just me trying to logic it into the canon timeline :-) kevin will experience trans joy i promise
i think a few months back someone sent me an ask about trans kevin and how funny it'd be if tetsuji just drew the line at transphobia but i'm always of the opinion that the only reason tetsuji would agree with it is because it's easier to be a man in sports, so in that sense a lot of kevin's transition would be almost entirely beyond him. i don't think he'd have a say in even something as small as the dosage of his hormones, because the goal is always to make him pass as a cisgender man beyond the shadow of a doubt, his already limited bodily autonomy growing less and less as the years go by
which is why i think palmetto would be crazy for him. can you imagine? i think he'd be swallowing down that secret even looking straight into the barrel of a gun, so can you imagine how scary it'd be to suddenly have abby know? the doctors back in the nest were always threatened by tetsuji to keep their mouths shut, but she wasnt. i think in that sense kevin would need a lot of time to adjust, especially because abby would ask him details about his transition and kevin would realize he doesn't know them. what hormones do you take? did you take puberty blockers? who did your top surgery? and he'd have no idea. so it's eh. a rough few weeks and a LOT of unwanted medical attention
also re: kevin's insane intimacy issues, i think these would be exacerbated in this situation because tetsuji would be So Strict about the no sex rule. he couldn't trust anyone he's ever slept with to not out him as soon as possible, so it was easier for tetsuji to create terrible associations with sex since he was young than to actually control kevin's sex life down the line. eventually this task would be passed down to riko, and at that point i'm not sure how it'd go, but i think we'd meet a very repressed and aggressively chaste kevin in that situation. fascinates me. i love him
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martyrbat · 3 months
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do u know where this is from it haunts my dreams
[ID: an up-close panel of Batman. He's visibly confused and has a question mark speech bubble before asking, “I'm pregnant?” END ID]
i do!! however im sorry to say your nightmares have all been for naught, since its a very popular edited panel :( the original is from batman annual #11:
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(id in alt!)
i hope this doesn't discourage you from trying to get that man pregnant though, hes even in position for it in the last panel <33
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