#i will never not have feelings about Renfield
phoebonica · 1 month
preparing for my second round of Dracula Daily by finally listening to the @re-dracula concept album that I bought when it came out >_> and I'm going to be listening to this song on repeat for the next several days asdfghl
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 10 months
Dracula, as a novel, has a bit of a contradictory approach to abelism that makes it both comfortingly sympathetic and quite uncomfortable to read at different points.
While I would argue that we're never supposed to see Seward's treatment of Renfield as good, Dr. Seward is a morally ambiguous character and the narrator. So, the book does primarily focus on his dismissive approach to Renfield in a way that is uncomfortable to read.
However, the treatment of Lucy's sleep condition in the text is quite sympathetic. It's not her fault that someone uses it to victimize her. She just happens to have a stress related condition. The description of her being fed on also mirrors some chronic illnesses (it gets worse at night, there are good days and bad days, there is no obvious reason for it)
Mina's reaction to hearing about Jonathan's condition is also wonderfully sympathetic. Sister Agatha says that he might be fragile because of his illness for a long time, and Mina does not even think of this invisible disability as a reason to not marry him. Love doesn't depend on being completely healthy and able-bodied.
Much like the presentation of gender issues in the book, I feel like the text does have a lot of good things (and surprisingly progressive things) to say about illness and disability, but it is intermingled with moments that are hard to read.
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justmeinadaze · 8 months
Children of the Night (Steddie X You)
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"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"- Dracula
A/N: "I present to you...this fucking thing." Lol always the TikTok that comes into my head when I try something new. I had started doing like a camboy Steddie thing but I struggled a lot with it and the feelings I wanted to convey. While listening to a song, this idea popped into my head so... I hope you enjoy it!
For the first half, everyone is referred to by their screen names.
Eddie is Dracula.
Steve is Renfield
Reader is Mina
I also set it in 2005 when things like streaming were relatively new and cameras weren't 100% clear.
Warnings: Camboys Steddie (Vampire Eddie and Human Steve) X Human Fem Reader, SMUT of the Steddie variety, Daddy kink (because im me lol), choking, biting. ANGST, blood is mentioned mostly from Eddie feeding, the reader has an abusive boyfriend so Domestic Violence Trigger, Eddie defends her and both boys take care of her. I think that's it.
Word Count: 4046
InnocentLittleMina: Hey sexy boys.
You grinned at your computer screen when you saw the long-haired boy smirk under his mane of hair.
“Hey, honey. How are you tonight?”, the other man smiled lovingly into the camera.
InnocentLittleMina: I’m alright. Can’t complain. What about you?
“I’m ok. As you can see Dracula is a little grumpy.”, he teases. 
“I’m hungry.”, he growls making you giggle. 
When you first saw these boys known only as Dracula and Renfield, you were drawn to them immediately. There was something about them that was not only attractive but confident as hell and it drove you wild. People around town talked about them constantly which was interesting since Los Angeles was a huge city. In 2005, there weren’t many people streaming, let alone broadcasting the content they were. 
 Everyone including police tried to track them down but never could. Their website itself was fairly generic but that’s not what their fans cared about. What they cared about was the content these two provided. 
The man known as Dracula would feed of off the other man known as Renfield and nine times out of ten it led to something sexual. The first time you heard Renfield moan, your pussy clenched around nothing. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. Not many of their fans stayed after they finished but you always did, loving the way Dracula took care of Renfield after. They seemed to genuinely care about each other and that was something you appreciated. 
When you created your account you hoped it would get their attention and as luck would have it, it did especially since a lot of the female fans that watched them named their accounts after the character Lucy always believing that was the girl Dracula fell for. 
After a few months of back and forth, you actually came to know them as friends. Dracula didn’t talk as much as his friend but he did chime in where necessary and played his guitar for you once or twice making you swoon. Renfield always asked about your day and told you things about their time away from the computer but you couldn’t help but feel like they were holding information back. 
You asked them constantly why they decided on this particular vampire style content and theme and every time they changed the subject. You asked once how they faked the blood that stained Renfield’s chest when they were done and they pretended like they didn’t hear you. You asked them for their real names and each time they said their screen ones making you sigh. 
To make up for being obtuse and hoping to distract you, Renfield offered you a job as their moderator and paid you fabulously for your time. Since they trusted you enough with their business, you met their kindness with one of your own by turning on your webcam and showing them your face. 
Dracula’s eyes had turned towards you, grinning at your beauty. 
“Pretty girl.”
“Very.”, Renfield agreed. 
It had been a few months since then and you were extremely fond of them both. 
InnocentLittleMina: Ok, well, you have your stream in a few minutes so… don’t get too hungry! You need and love him.
“I do.”, Dracula smiles.
“We’ll talk to you after, honey.”, Renfield winks and you watch as they get into their places on the bed behind them. 
A little sigh left your lips as both men removed their shirts. Dracula’s tattoos on his chest always had you entranced. You noticed the first time you watched them that they both had scars along their stomachs up to their necks but that was a question you knew better than to ask. Trauma like that was none of your business unless they chose to tell you. 
The stream began and you kept your eyes peeled as fans began pouring in. They never said a greeting nor even said hello. You figured part of it was because by this point Dracula’s eyes were black like a shark on the hunt and those contacts had to be killing him. 
Straddling Renfield’s waist, Dracula tenderly kissed the man’s neck before gripping his fluffy hair in his hand and tugging him back as he bit into his skin. Renfield’s palms promptly came around to cling to Dracula’s head as his eye’s rolled and he fell backwards onto the mattress. 
A heavy exhale escaped you at the sight, licking your tongue across your lips as his hips began grinding up against his own. 
“Fuck. That’s it, baby. Take what you need.”, Renfield moaned. 
Something happened. Dracula’s head abruptly shot up looking vacantly in the distance. 
“What? What’s wrong? Wh-What do you feel, honey?” He cooed underneath him as he ran his fingers across his cheek and moved some of his messy hair back. 
“Mina.”, he growled. 
That got your attention as you sat up straighter. They both swiveled their heads towards the computer before you heard heavy footsteps and immediately yanked the cord from the wall just as the door opened. 
“John! Hey. I-I didn’t think you’d be coming over tonight.”
“You say that like you’re not excited to see your boyfriend.”
“Pfft. No, baby, I am. You just scared me is all. H-How was your day?”
His stern blue eyes flicked towards your little pink razor phone by your end table as it continued to vibrate. The boys knew your number. You gave it to them when they hired you. 
Please don’t let him walk over there to see. 
“Are you going to get that?”
“No, baby. I want to talk to you. Tell me about your day. I missed you—”
“Answer. The phone. Y/N.”
You sighed, pretending to be annoyed he was making you answer a random call as you flipped it open. 
“Mina?! Are you alright?!”
“I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong number.”
You can hear them arguing in the background, vaguely picking up tidbits as your boyfriend steps closer to you. 
“I can feel her. I know where she is! Something bad is about to happen to her!”
“NO! You can’t reveal yourself and bring her into our mess! She deserves to have a better life!”
“She won’t have a fucking life, Steve, if this fucker kills her!”
“I always knew I’d catch you cheating on me sooner or later. Give me the phone.”
“John, I’m not… I would never…”
“Give it to me NOW.”, he snarls. You do as he says and as soon as your device touches his palm, his free one flies across your face smacking you so hard you fall on to the mattress. “Whoever this is, what you have with my girl is over.”
The growl that came through your phone’s speaker scared even you as you heard it loud and clear from where you were. 
“You’re going to regret touching her. If I were you, little man, I would leave now.”
With that there was silence and John threw the phone across the wall hoping to smash it into pieces. You two began fighting each other but he was much stronger than you, getting a good hit to your eye making you dizzy.
The banging of the door caving in is loud and your eyes are half open when you see a blur fly into your room, tackling your boyfriend to the ground. You hear his screams but they sound so far away. After a few minutes, everything is silent again and your arms fly out defensively when a hand touches your side. 
“No! No please!”
“I’m not going to hurt you, Mina. I never would. Just hold on to me, ok?” You feel your body being lifted and you press your cheek against cold, bare skin. “Clasp your hands around my neck, sweetheart.”
After barely registering his command, you feel a sudden rush of wind and after a minute you find yourself being placed on a bed that isn’t yours. 
“Have you lost your fucking mind!? Killing someone and then bringing her here!?”
“How do you know I killed him?”
“Because I fucking know you!”
“Can you stop berating me and help her, please!?”
A much warmer hand tenderly moves your hair back as something wet is dragged across your face making you jump.
“Hey, hey now. Everything’s ok. I just need to clean your cuts here. Can you go get me some ice, please?” Wind lightly blows your hair back twice before you hear the pack slam into his hand. “Thank you. What, um, what was happening when you got there?”
“He was hitting her. I’ve felt his anger before but this was different.”
“So you did go hunting for her even though I told you a thousand times not to.”
“No.”, he snarled, voice deep with annoyance. “I can just…feel her. I don’t get it either ok?!”
“Oh wow.” The wet rag was replaced with the cool of the ice pack as the man’s voice beside you got louder. “You like her.”
“And you don’t? She’s beautiful, kind, funny—”
“Fuck. Off. Little boy. Or I swear to God—”
“You swear to God what? Finish that sentence, Dracula. I dare you.” The man scoffed as he focused his attention back on you. “Go clean up your fucking mess while I take care of her.”
There’s a whoosh of air and everything in the room stills. 
You woke up the next morning in utter confusion. You vaguely remembered your boyfriend being angry and attacking you but then…someone saved you. Turning to your side, you noticed you were at home in your room tucked safely under the covers. 
Carefully standing, you glance around the room to find nothing out of place except for your phone by your bed that was broken in half.
Loud knocking on the door, startled you before you power walked to see who it was before answering. Sighing, your best friend doesn’t even wait for you to fully open the door before she barges in.  
“Ma’am! I have been calling you all morning and your phone goes straight to voicemail! What’s going—“ She freezes when she sees your face. “Y/N! Oh my god! What happened?!”
“Nothing, Lilly. I’m fine. I just—”
“Fell? You always say that. Where is that fucker? Is he here? I’m going to kill him.”
Lilly stomps towards your bedroom and you quickly run after her but you’re not one percent sure why. Him being attacked was a dream you had, right?
“Hm. Well, next time I see him he’s dead. Jesus, looks like he destroyed your phone. Come on. Let’s go the store so we can get you a new one. Maybe one of those sleek shiny new ones with the screen you touch.”
“But I like my razor phone. It’s shiny enough.”, you smile as you change to go out into the world. 
As you amble around the phone store, you friend continues to babble about mundane things that you barely hear. What does catch your attention is a group of girls talking in the corner. Pretending to look at the devices in front of you, you slide closer to them as you listen in.
“Did you see their stream last night?”
“It started getting good but then Dracula disappeared to ‘save Mina’. Like are they kidding?”
“I hope they aren’t mixing plot with their sex-ca-pades.”
“Now if they want to add a Mina I think that’d be hot but don’t just cut a stream short like that!”
“Y/N! Did you find what you want?”, your friend practically shouts making you and everyone around jump. 
“Yes! Good God, Lilly. Lower your voice.”
“Aw. I love you to.”
Staring at your blank computer screen, you debated on even signing on. All the clues were telling you what happened last night was real but that can’t be, right? You had called John multiple times to no avail and even went to his house with no answer. Checking the message boards of their fan group, others were saying what the other group had said about them cutting mid-stream and Dracula abruptly vanishing. 
What happened?
“Hey, honey—Oh my god, Mina what happened?!”, Renfield asked as soon as you signed in. Dracula was sitting beside him, his arms folded as he starred off to the side. Turning on your mic, you decided you needed to know the truth. 
“I was going to ask you that.”
“Us? Why? The last time we saw you was before our stream.”
“Really? I could swear I heard Dracula’s voice in my house and then you two fighting while I was passed out.”
“Huh. A dream maybe? I mean, we’re pretty far from you.”
“Oh yeah? Where?”
Your stern tone had Dracula turning to face the screen as Renfield sighed. 
“Far, Mina.”
“How would you know? I don’t even know your names let alone where you live.” You glare at your computer, feeling a confidence you had never felt before. “Did you kill John? Or hurt him?”
“Who cares what happened to that asshole? You deserve better.”, Dracula answers in a deep tone of his own that made you a little bit nervous but you ignored it as you pushed forward. 
“Again, how would you know? You never met him.”
“Don’t need to see him to see the damage he inflicts on you every time he comes over. Why do you put up with it, sweetheart? Because you think you deserve to be treated like trash?”
“How did you get here so fast? People are saying you disappeared after saying my name.”
“This was a mistake.”, Renfield whispers to the boy beside him.
“I’m not afraid of you…either of you. I just…I just want answers.”
Dracula’s eyes darken as he turns to Renfield. 
“No. No! Don’t you fucking—” 
Before he had finished his sentence, the long-haired boy was gone and you heard your front door open as a breeze hit your face. 
“You may not be afraid of us now, little one, but you will be.”
With that, he lifted you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and in the blink of an eye you were back in a room you vaguely remembered. 
“Why am I even here? You never fucking listen to me!”, Renfield whined.
“Sit.”, Dracula commanded you as he pointed towards a chair. “Not a sound. Do you hear me?”
You nod completely frozen in fear at the speed of which he even brought you back to their house. 
“You to. Sit.”
“Fuck you. Are you kidding me right now? After everything we’ve done to avoid getting caught—”
The man choked on his words as a strong hand wrapped around his throat and walked him backwards towards the end of the bed.
“I’m not in the fucking mood to have this argument right now, Steven.”, Dracula growled angrily. “I didn’t get to finish eating last night and I’m starving.”
“You…you didn’t…eat her boyfriend. I’m…shocked.”
Your eyes widened at his audacity to talk back even in the position he was currently in. Plus, he always seemed so gentle so hearing him talk this way startled and excited you. 
Dracula’s eyes fluttered closed as he dropped Renfield who promptly gasped for air.
“Jesus Steve, if you could fucking smell what I smell you’d do anything for her to. You think she’s scared but she’s not. She’s turned on.”, he whispers as you watch him adjust himself in his jeans.
“Steve?” They both turn to look at you as you suddenly speak. “Renfield is Steve. W-Who are you, Dracula?”
The man can feel your heart beat slow as you find a sense of grounding in your current chaos. He wasn’t lying when he said he could feel you weren’t afraid but you were extremely confused, trying to make sense of a reality that they both had long accepted. 
“Eddie. My real name is Eddie.”
Your hand shakes as you point to your chest. “My name is Y/N.”
Something in their room beeps as they give each other their attention once again. 
“You’re insane if you think we’re streaming right now.”
Eddie points his finger at you once more as his voice deeply rumbles. 
“No noise. Not even a squeak.”
They get into a position you’ve seen numerous times but this time the energy is different. The man you now know as Steve clenches his jaw as he tilts his head to expose his neck. 
A ring laced hand reaches out to cup his cheek and turns his face towards his own as he leans his forehead on his. 
“Please don’t be this way. I need you.”, Eddie whispers. 
“Yeah. For this right? Because you sure as hell don’t listen or care about my opinion.”
As they murmur to each other, you imagine it’s too low for the mic to pick up but you can hear it and the pain in both their voice breaks your heart. The metalhead’s dark eyes flick towards the web cam before settling back on the man beside him. 
“I do, sweetheart. I care about you and what you have to say. It’s because of you I’m still here…I’m safe.”
Steve’s eyes flutter slightly as his admission as he blinks back tears. 
“I love you.”, he whispers as he kisses his forehead. 
“I love you to, baby. Come here. Let me take care of you to.”
Eddie tenderly pushed Steve back against the mattress, pulling down his sweats and boxers, and tossing them to the floor. When his cock sprang free, Eddie wasted no time, licking and kissing his tip before enveloping him fully into his mouth. 
“Fuck.”, Steve whimpered as he reached down to tangle his fingers in the boy’s messy hair. 
Lifting his head, he spit on the man’s dick and twisted his wrist as his palm smeared his saliva along his length. 
“Such a good boy for me always, aren’t you, baby?”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
“Sometimes I can be a bad boy and not think.” While pumping his hand faster, Eddie leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “But Steve, you were right. I like her so fucking much. You can’t tell me you don’t want to make her moan. Taste that sweet pussy I smell practically dripping from here.”
Steve’s eyes turned to meet yours as he continued to speak. 
“Feel a beautiful woman’s tight cunt choke your dick again.”, Eddie tightened his fist as if to prove his point as he quickened his pace. “To have a girl in our lives again who isn’t afraid of us and makes us feel complete.”
Steve craned his neck back towards Eddie as he passionately kissed his lips. 
“Take what you need, honey, please.”
Unbuckling his belt, he pushed his jeans down enough to free his cock, and both men mewl as Eddie guides himself into his entrance. You couldn’t help when your hand slid between your shorts and you rubbed your clit. Their moans, Eddie’s passion as he thrust into him, and Steve’s tenderness when he clung to his back drove you wild. 
“Can—shit—can you hear it, baby? The sound her fingers between her legs.” Steve nodded as he waited for Eddie to truly take him. “Fuck, you feel so good. Are you ready?”
“Y-Yes, sir. I’m ready.”
From your angle you couldn’t see much of what happened next. Eddie’s head tilted slightly and Steve’s entire body arched as he held the man closer to him. The metalhead’s pace quickened as he slammed his hips into his partners.
“J-Just like that, Daddy, fuck.”
Eddie grunted as one of his hands came up to cup the boy’s cheek as if to hold him still as he sucked on his neck. Steve shuddered as his eye’s rolled and he came. Eddie’s own rhythm faltered just enough as his grip tightened on his boyfriend’s hair and released his seed inside of him. 
Steve became limp as the man above him continued to roll his hips till he had given him everything he had and came off his neck with a loud syrupy smack. Your own body trembled as you came, covering your mouth as to not give yourself away. 
Eddie crawled down the man’s frame as he headed for the opposite corner of their room to the mini fridge where he grabbed two water bottles and a power bar. Normally, they left the cameras on to show the aftercare but this time, he sauntered towards his computer and promptly ended the stream. 
After handing a bottle to you without looking your way, he immediately focused on Steve. 
“Sit up, sweetheart. There we go. Here eat this for me ok?”, he coos as he hands him his snack before leaning under the bed and producing a first aid kit. You watched with studious eyes as Eddie grabbed a rag and cleaned the blood from his neck while Steve daintily nibbled on the bar in his hands. “Good boy. Drink some water.” His fingers tenderly pushed back some of the boy’s hair as he kissed his shoulder. 
“S-S-So, this is real. You’re really a vampire?”
He heavily sighs as he looks your way. “I am.”
“And what is Steve?”
“My boyfriend. He…he takes care of me.”
“How? What? I…I have so many questions.”
“Tomorrow, little one. He won’t be back to 100% for another few hours and even then he’s had a long couple of days. Here. Let me take you home.”
“NO! I mean…please. May I stay?”
“Um, yeah sure. I don’t see why not. Let me see if we have any clean spare sheets for that guest bedroom we have.”
Once he leaves, you sit by Steve’s side and glance over the wound on his neck. 
“He should really cover these up since they’re kind of deep.”
“Pfft. They’ll be gone by tomorrow. Eddie uses vampire voodoo whatever he can to make sure he doesn’t leave a scar. As you noticed, honey, we have enough.”, he giggles. “He’s right you know. You are very beautiful. I’ve always thought so.” You softly smile as his palm lazily comes up to trace your now black eye from yesterday. 
“Fucking asshole. He’s lucky I can’t run in the blink of an eye.”
“Steve, sweetie, why don’t you lay back?”, you grin as he limply nods and scoots his head up towards the pillows. 
“Y/N. I have to keep saying it so I don’t forget. Y/N.”
As his eyes close, you lay on your side beside him and run your fingers along his cheek till your palm rests on his chest. 
“He’s fine.”, Eddie announces from the doorway where he had been observing you two talk. “I never take enough that would kill him or turn him. That first night though I did the same thing.”, sighs as he gestures towards your hand. 
“Is it ok if I stay with him?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll just hang out in this room here—”
“You can lay here if you want. I don’t mind.” He scans you over making you slightly self-conscious. “I mean…unless…you have a coffin you sleep in or…”
Eddie laughs as he comes to the opposite side of the bed and lays on his back.
“No coffins, princess. I sleep here with him.”
“I’ve never heard you laugh before or even seen you really smile. It looks good on you.”
He smiles as he turns on his side and brushes some of your hair away from your face. 
“Eddie. I like your names better than your screen ones. Plus both Dracula and Renfield’s stories end tragically.”
“Maybe Eddie and Steve’s stories did end tragically…”, he muses. “Or it was the only book he and I actually read in school.”
You giggle as he grins your way before he’s taken aback when you roll over and pull his arm over your waist. Most people feared him especially back in their hometown. It had been so long since anyone besides Steve touched him without hesitation and he didn’t realize how much he missed the contact. 
Even though he soothed your worries, your hand still rested against Steve’s chest making sure it was still rising and falling at a normal pace. There was a lot you didn’t know about them but you were dying to find out.
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thesporkidentity · 9 months
what i love about today's and yesterday's entries is that, up until now, we've mostly seen just the worst (the absolute worst, dear god, man) of seward, both as a doctor and a man, and now we're just starting to see, in contrast to that, some of the best of him.
he can't figure out what's wrong with lucy and thinks it might be something mental, but instead of making up his mind that he knows best what's happening and imposing that over all subsequent interactions like he did with renfield, he acknowledges he that really he has no idea and calls for help rather than insist he has full mastery over the situation (certainly puts him ahead of my doc when my chronic illnesses cropped up...). where he treats renfield as a puzzle to be solved rather than a person, he treats lucy with warmth and compassion.
and then comes van helsing. up until now all we've seen of jack outside of his depression diary and patient notes has been The World's Most Uncomfortable Proposal, which all paint him as a very stiff, cold man. and now suddenly van helsing is here, and he speaks so effusively of jack (and jack of him) that he sounds like a man we've never met. his quick thinking saved van helsing's life? hand? arm? from gangrene. (from this this and later entries, it starts to seem jack might actually be as good of a regular doctor and surgeon as he is a terrible psychiatrist) then van helsing almost immediately roasts him in front of lucy, and rather than getting offended at the disrespect (as he did when renfield refused to acknowledge him as an eagle and not a sparrow) he just takes it and rolls with it to make lucy more comfortable talking with van helsing.
(actually, not to get too into spoilers but, literally everything we learn about jack from van helsing in later entries feels like a complete revelation on his character just. my god, what was their life like together in amsterdam i have so many questions???)
and on top of all that just, the entire tone of his writing has changed. it's basically overflowing with warmth and affection for all these people. his care for lucy (sweet, as she always is), his heartfelt sympathy of arthur's difficult situation, his endless admiration of the professor, and just the very obvious love he has for them all pouring off the page contrasts so starkly with the cold and clinical "professional" tone of his previous entries. (and kudos to jonny sims and re: dracula for really capturing that contrast)
it just feels like up to now we've been looking at a flat picture of his character only to realize that there's an entire dimension we hadn't even realized was there. and it makes him so much more interesting as one of the grayest characters, morally, in the novel. which part is more "true" or are they both true? and how do we (and he) even begin to reconcile those so different sides of him? and how is dracula's proximity going to affect which of these sides he leans into now?
anyway, i just love morally complex characters, and it's just really interesting to me that stoker chose to do this by starting off with his "oh...yikes" moments before showing us any of his redeeming qualities rather than the other way around, when it's so much harder to change a bad first impression than a good one.
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ashyyslashy · 1 year
Call Me: Renfield x GN!Reader
You work at a hotline for people suffering with codependence. You find yourself attracted to an odd guy who frequents the line, and one night, you both let down your guards.
word count: 2,039
warnings: sexual content (orgasm denial, phone sex, praise kink, m! masturbation), language
tags: @kpopgirlbtssvt @karmakaoskk-blog @wrldsapart
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You were deeply intrigued the first time you heard his voice. Unmistakably kind yet nervous. Soft, subdued, as if he was making himself smaller even over the phone. You surmised that he was used to being unseen, to shrinking away from others' gaze.
He introduced himself as Robert Montague Renfield, in a British accent permeating with gentle formality. He was instinctively charming, yet there was a certain sorrow you caught lurking in his voice.
He was tight-lipped about his codependent situation for the first few calls, only telling you vague details about his boss' narcissism. Whenever you brought up the subject of what exactly he did for work, however, he was decidedly evasive in his responses. The most you could glean was that he was some sort of assistant, but you couldn't say what for.
You could say that his life revolved around his job. Every time he called you - after the first time you talked he'd always ask to speak to you whenever he called the hotline - he seemed fearful he could be pulled away at any moment. Guilty about taking time to himself.
You tried not to pressure him, allowed him time to become more comfortable. After several calls, he was still secretive about his work, but he slowly started confiding in you. He struggled to develop his own identity under the shadow of his boss. He felt deeply alone, unable to connect with others. He often felt controlled by feelings of hatred and discontent towards himself.
When your shift ended one night, you acted on impulse - you gave him your personal number, telling him to call you any time. You wouldn't normally do something that forward, but you were drawn to him. Your conversations at work never felt long enough. He was hesitant at first, anxious about taking up your free time. But you assured him it was what you wanted.
The two of you exchanged photos, and your attraction multiplied. The selfies he had sent you were hilariously awkward, the angle unflattering and the lighting reminding you of the harsh fluorescents of a hospital room.
But you didn't care. Despite his inability to work a cell phone camera, he was otherworldly. Piercing blue eyes, dark hair against pale skin; exactly how you'd imagine the love interest in a gothic novel. Something inside you craved him with a fervor that you believed had been long dulled by monotony and routine.
This night, you'd brought up the topic of romance. You couldn't let the curiosity eat away at you any longer of whether or not you had any chance with him. He had laughed nervously, before telling you he hadn't pursued someone in years. You knew you shouldn't, but you pressed the subject.
"Well, any short-term relationships, flings?"
"No, no one."
"Not even a one-night stand?" You paused. "I'm not passing any judgement, by the way. Romance in the 21st-century is so shitty, if you can even call it that sometimes."
He laughed again, the uncomfortable edge in his voice increasing.
"Yeah, it's.. strange. But to answer your question, no. Um, I haven't done anything like that in a while."
"I mean, I think hook-up culture is kind of fucked. You're better off."
"No, I didn't mean it like that. Uh, I haven't done anything sexual."
You hesitated. "Like.. ever?"
"No, no, no, I've done it. Just not for a long time. I- I kind of have a mental block."
"What do you mean?"
"You know how I said it kind of feels like my boss is always in my head?"
"Yeah, I remember. Do you want to talk about it more now?"
"No, no, I just don't know how to explain what I'm trying to say. I feel like.. I can't do anything.. like that. Like, uh, sexual. Even if it's just alone. I don't know. I feel like he's there watching me or something, and then that kind of just makes me want to.. you know, stop."
You took a beat, processing his words.
"Are you referring to, uh, pleasuring yourself?"
He swallowed audibly. "Yeah. Sorry, that was.. I shouldn't have brought that up."
"No, that's okay. If this unhealthy relationship with your boss is an issue that's affecting your sense of privacy, and interrupting personal rituals such as, um, masturbation, I think we need to discuss it."
This conversation had certainly not gone where you expected it to, but you attempted to remain somewhat professional as you felt the heat rising in your cheeks.
"Your work is only part of you," you steamrolled on, taking advantage of his embarrassed silence. "We've talked about this - how it, how he, doesn't define your entire identity. This is an example of something in your life that has been deterred by your codependence: your inability to fulfill your own sexual needs."
"Oh. I didn't even think of it that way, but you're completely right. Shit."
"I usually am."
"So, uh, what do you think I should do about it?" he said.
You were completely unable to read his tone. He sounded so utterly earnest despite the fact that he was asking you how he should comfortably fulfill his sexual needs. You decided to test the waters.
"Um, where are you right now?"
"I'm in the apartment I rent. I was scared my boss would overhear our calls if I stayed there."
Your eyebrows shot up involuntarily. "...So you went and rented an apartment?"
"Uh, he has a lot of money."
"Yeah, I guess he does." You cleared your throat. You were trying desperately not to lose your nerve. "You're alone, right?"
"And you trust me?"
"Of course I do."
"I'm going to ask you something, and I want you to only say yes if it's what you want. Okay?"
Fuck, you were really doing this.
"Okay," he replied.
"Um, well... How would you feel if you.. did it? On call with me? I could guide you, make sure you feel comfortable." You held your breath as you heard only silence from the other end.
"Er.. do what, exactly?"
"Um. Touch.. yourself. Shit. I'm sorry. I realize I should not be asking this-"
"Yes. I want to," he cut you off, his words so rapid they blurred together.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I really like you. And like I said, I trust you. I'm also, uh, very, very attracted to you."
"I feel the same about you," you said softly.
"Tell me what to do," he responded breathlessly. You could hear him shifting around on the other end of the line.
"I've never done this, before, uh.. are you hard?" You cringed. "I really hated how that sounded. Fuck."
He laughed, quiet and musical. "Yes. I was almost as soon as you brought this up."
"Okay, we should probably, um, establish some ground rules. If you want to tap out, just tell me you're done. We can never speak of it again. And tell me if anything I tell you to do makes you uncomfortable. But, uh, there is one thing I want to do, if you're okay with everything else."
"I want to be the one who controls when you cum."
"I'm at your service," he breathed.
Your heart skipped a beat. "Don't make me sound like your boss."
"I'm not gonna be hard for much longer now that you brought him up."
"Shit. I'm really bad at this, Renfield," you laughed.
"No, no. Just give me your instructions, please."
It was hard to ignore your own arousal pooling in your stomach, the wetness that was rubbing against you when you moved. "Okay. Uh, remove your clothes."
You heard shuffling for a minute as he complied. "Done."
You braced yourself for the next sentence. "Alright. I want you to start stroking yourself, gently."
"Am I allowed to use some kind of lubricant?" he asked.
You tried to stifle a laugh. "Yes, whatever works. You don't have to ask permission for that."
You heard squelching sounds on the other line, and then the unmistakable sound of him slowly stroking his cock.
"Hey, uh, I have something to ask you," he said softly, stopping.
"What is it?"
"Could you, um.. praise me? You know, tell me I'm doing a good job, and everything? Comfort me, I guess." His voice swelled with hope and maybe something like shame.
You hated that he probably never heard anything like this, that he was looked down upon and berated daily. You desired so strongly to be there with him, to show him how perfect he was with your touch and not simply your words.
"Yeah, of course." You waited a moment until you heard him resume.
"You're so eager to please me, huh? I bet you look so fucking hot right now, stroking yourself to the sound of my voice. You're so good for me, aren't you?" you drawled.
"Yes," he murmured. "I think I should let you pick up the pace, since you're doing so well. What do you think?"
"Yes, please."
"Okay. Faster."
You heard him comply on the other line, the sounds of slapping against skin increasing in intensity and his stifled groans amplified.
"Do you have a TV?"
"What? Oh- u-uh, yeah."
"Stop for a moment. Turn it on and turn up the volume loud enough that anyone walking by can hear."
You waited.
"Okay, I did. Can I keep going now, please?"
"Yes, but I don't want you to muffle yourself. I want you to be loud for me. I wanna hear you."
"O- okay." He allowed the moans and grunts to leave his mouth freely, the droning of some news program playing in the background.
"Shit, you sound so beautiful. Don't stop, okay?"
"Mhm," he murmured through the noises of pleasure. You shut your eyes and allowed his exclamations to fill your ears.
"I-I'm close. Can I cum?" His voice was pleading, desperate.
"Not yet. Keep going. Just a little longer, okay, keep being good. You can do that, right? And then I'll let you cum."
"Y-yes," he sputtered, a hungry edge in his voice.
"So fucking good for me. Do you wish it was me getting you off instead of your hand?"
"Yes, s-so badly," he forced out through sighs of pleasure. "I think about you all the time. I-I'm so glad I met you. I didn't think you'd- like me too."
"Of course I do. How could I not?" you whispered affectionately.
He hummed in appreciation. "Fuck, you're so gorgeous."
He grew louder, his noises more strained. You continued your soft words of encouragement, turned on by the effect they had on him.
"Can I cum now? P-please?" He begged.
"Do you think you deserve it?"
"Y-yes, I think so. But only if you do too."
"Okay. I think you do. Cum for me."
He let out a loud moan, pumping in rapid succession until he slowed and stopped, breathing heavy. The two of you sat in silence for a few seconds as he came down from his high, his panting slowing.
"You did so well, Robert. It felt good, didn't it?" you prompted.
"So good. And you- you were perfect."
"I wish I could see you right now."
"I want to see you too. I don't want this to only happen once. I loved it, doing this for you. Thank you." His voice was full of adoration.
"It was for yourself, too. But I can't pretend I wouldn't enjoy if you thought about me every time you jerked off."
"Who else would I want to think about? It's you, always."
You flushed, smiling at his words. You wanted to talk longer, but there was an urgent problem that you didn't think you could delay any further. "Hey, I'm really glad we did this. Are you good for the night? Do you need me to stay on the line while you clean yourself up?"
"No, it's alright. We'll talk soon, beautiful. I appreciate you so much. Good night."
"Good night, Robert. Sleep well."
You hung up the phone, finally free to attend to your own situation. You laid back on your bed with your hand working its way beneath your unzipped pants, Renfield's noises of pleasure playing over again in your head.
author's note: renfield is so baby girl <3 and thank you for the continued support my #1 fan (you know who you are)
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vickyvicarious · 9 months
Good observation that Dracula's great grimness at informing Jonathan that they must part soon changing to his usual smoothness when Jonathan refuses to return to his room as dictated. Or gives Dracula the pleasure to go "before we part and before you become one of us let's play one more time, lets see you walk back into my arms from danger once more, for good this time". Maybe he even expected this small rebellion from Jonathan, knowing him. Especially after he dared scale his walls. It's more satisfying to "earn" Jonathan's submission. An unbreakable will bending to his is sweeter.
I think Dracula absolutely loves Jonathan's stubbornness... but only with the caveat that he is in control of the situation and can prey upon it. This response is extremely belated, but I kind of like answering it now because I think Dracula's treatment of Renfield so far, as opposed to Jonathan, is so revealing. He's ignoring Renfield completely. He has no interest in him at all. Because Renfield wants to be with Dracula. And Dracula doesn't care to spend his time with people who want to be around him; he's only interested in forcing his company upon those who don't want it. It's a huge part of the fun for him.
If someone like... Seward, for example, had been sent to Castle Dracula, he wouldn't have lasted anywhere near as long. Because I think he would be too enticed/interested in the vampires, and thus he'd bore Dracula a lot faster by being too willing or even eager to play along. Then again, someone who refused to play along at all would get boring very quickly too - if they don't submit and play his game he'll force them into submission with violence and that'll be the end of it. Jonathan managed to thread the needle perfectly with playing along on the surface while still constantly trying to resist behind the scenes. It was interesting and fun, a challenge that never made Dracula feel truly threatened. (Of course, he didn't realize the full extent of Jonathan's resistance/that he did have cause to be threatened...)
And he loved it! He was having so much fun! He got to genuinely enjoy Jonathan's company, but also enjoy how little Jonathan enjoyed his company and how he couldn't do anything about that. He got to keep pushing and pushing and pushing him and watch Jonathan almost break again and again but still just keep bending. To tempt him into disobeying and then punish him for it. To force him to rely on Dracula himself for protection and thus stick even closer the more endangered he gets. He gets to work for it, while at the same time never actually facing real risk other than losing his new toy (and Jonathan always settled down in the end, always let the game continue). ...And then he had to call it quits, because he had a schedule to keep. Yeah, I think he was genuinely kind of upset about that. And so when he got the idea for the wolves, he cheered way up again.
Because Dracula was able to offer Jonathan exactly what he claimed he wanted, but in such a way that they both knew he would never accept it. Instead, he forced Jonathan into a situation where he was forced to "choose" Dracula instead, one last time and more definitively than ever before. It was the perfect way to end their time together. Well, except one final victory - 'rewarding' Jonathan's choice by honoring it with one last night together, with delaying no longer and finally drinking from him.
Contrast all of that to Dracula's complete disinterest in Renfield, despite his avowed goal of conquering England and spreading vampirism here. You'd think a servant who willingly came to him would be helpful for that. But no, because Renfield came to him truly willingly, wanted to enter freely and of his own accord.
Dracula likes the kind of person who enters freely and of their own accord... because they're alone in the wilderness with wolves at their back. He likes those who stay because doing otherwise would be their certain death. He likes those who don't want this (who struggle and struggle, who have an unbreakable will) and yet are forced by him into accepting anyway.
An unbreakable will who bends at his command - that's how Dracula saw Jonathan, and he loved him for it. Right up until the point he decided he was finished, and acted to break him once and for all anyway.
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princessofmarvel · 1 year
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summary | renfield sees a woman that catches his eye and knows that he shouldn’t speak to her, but he finds that he just can’t help himself.
pairing | robert montague renfield x fem!reader
wc | 1.2k
warnings! | none! maybe some cursing and not really proof read but it’s just fluff lol
genre | fluff!
author's note! | I saw renfield on sunday and just knew that I needed to write for him lol, especially since there are only a few fics on here about him, most of them are written by the amazing @youlightmeupfinn so definitely go check those out! this is a part of my “swift series” (where I write fics based on taylor swift songs)  so if you have any requests for the swift series (or for just something that you would like for me to write) please send them in! I would be happy to write about them! and as always, I do I have really bad OCD that causes me to write in some random capitalization, and punctuation, but I think that we don't have to worry about that in this fic lol. and let me know if there are any mistakes, but please be kind!
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 Renfield was taking a stroll down the streets of New Orleans, he tells himself that it is to relax and to clear his head but in reality he was trying to figure out what to bring his master to eat that night. He didn’t want to bring him anyone innocent like he so desperately wanted, that's why he joined the support group in the first place, to bring those people's monsters to him. To bring people that he wouldn’t have to feel so guilty for. But, his boss didn’t like the taste of those people too much. 
He spotted a coffee shop that doubled as a bookstore a few paces down and decided to slip in to sit and think about this. That was when he spotted her. Someone he knew his master would actually praise him for bringing back to the lair. She was the most stunning beauty he had ever seen. Sat in the back corner with a latte and what appeared to be a new romance novel that she was on the last few pages of. She was perfect. 
Renfield ordered some tea and took a seat not too far from her, but not so close that he would seem weird. He knew he couldn’t bring her to him. No matter how much his master would appreciate it. No matter how much praise he would get for doing such a good job, he just couldn’t do it, it couldn’t, wouldn’t be her. 
He wanted to speak to her, he knew he shouldn’t though. He knew that he should never involve someone like her in his life. But, he also knew that if he had the chance to, that he would regret for the rest of his life if he didn’t 
The girl then got up and moved towards the bookshelf. He watched her as she spotted something on the very top shelf that she wanted. He watched as she frowned to herself and huffed and she tried to reach for it but couldn’t. He knew he shouldn’t do this, that this one simple and kind gesture would end up leading him down a rabbit hole, but his feet thought for him as he stood up and made his way to the bookshelf and reached up and grabbed the book she wanted and handed it to her. 
“Thank you so much! I wish these things weren’t so tall.” She said as she looked up at him. Her voice just added to her appeal, it was soft and you could tell she was kind just from the sound of it. 
“I agree, It’s like the person who invented them just wanted a cruel laugh.” He said before he could stop himself. 
“Yes! Exactly! Oh I’m (Y/n) by the way.” She said as she put her hand out to him, his body taking over his mind and shaking it. 
“Robert Montague Renfield” He said as he shook her soft hand. 
“That’s a nice name, sounds fancy.” She said which earned a chuckle from him. “I noticed you’re alone, would you like some company Robert?” She asked. He could tell she was nervous to ask, but seemed like she wasn’t asking out of pity, but out of genuine interest in talking to him. He found himself saying yes and following her back to her table in the corner. 
The two spoke for hours, she asked about where he was from, which led to him talking about how hard it is to find good tea in america. He asked about the new book she had picked up, which was ‘Alice in wonderland’, which led to her talking about her love for the 1951 animated movie (He made a mental note to watch it later). They just laughed and talked for hours. Then the conversation led to work. He found himself telling her about having a narcissistic boss that worked him to the bone. And, it never seemed like he really Appreciated it. Then he accidentally let it slip that his boss made him feel like he was undeserving of happiness. He regretted it immediately because he saw how sad it made the girl look. 
“Oh Robert, that's just not true. Everyone is deserving of happiness.” She held up her hand to keep him from interrupting and stopping her. “I know it seems like sometimes you don’t, maybe because you’ve done some things that you regret, but as long as you make peace with those things and accept those things, to know that they were the wrong things to do. And, you work to better yourself from them. Then there is no reason why you should not deserve happiness.” She said to him with a smile. 
Then he realized that her hand was laying on top of his from across the table. She must have realized that she had done that because she pulled her hand away and seemed slightly embarrassed. 
“Thank you, you don’t know how much I needed to hear that.” he said while looking at her. He felt like he needed to change the subject, in fear of making things awkward. “So, what do you do for work?”
“Oh, I uh, work here actually.” she said finally looking back at him after feeling embarrassed. “Oh god i seem pathetic, I swear I have a life and friends, I just like to come here when I have some time to relax.” She said while letting out a small laugh. 
“You don’t seem pathetic, I would do the same if my work place was as relaxing as here.” Renfield said while giving her a soft smile. 
“I actually go in later, wait what time is it?” She checked her phone and jumped up out of her seat when she saw the time. “Oh my god I was supposed to start an hour ago, and I’m here, Linda why didn’t you say anything?” She said turning around towards the older woman working the register. Who in return gave her a wink and a smile before tending to the customer now in line, the first in hours. 
“I’m so sorry Robert, I have to go.” She said as she gathered her things. He knew he shouldn’t, but he needed to see her again. 
“Perhaps we could do this again sometime?” he said, folding his jacket over his arms.
“I would love to, you could give me your number and we could plan something.” The girl said with a smile. 
“Oh, I don’t have a phone.” He said, which he immediately regretted since he knew in this day and age was weird. “I broke it yesterday, I was going to replace it tomorrow.” He said quickly thinking of something. “But, I can pick you up here this weekend, if you would be interested.” 
“That sounds great, what time?”  
“I was thinking maybe around 1:00? I hear the weather will be nice on Saturday, so I thought maybe we could have a picnic.” He said, knowing that doing something during the day would mean that his boss could not interrupt it, 
“That sounds wonderful, It’s a date.” She said while making her way to the registrar. “I’ll see you then Robert.” 
He smiled and said goodbye as he made his way out the door and onto the street, the sun starting to go down. He had realized what exactly he had done. He knew that he couldn’t let his boss find out about her, and he also knew how hard that would be to do. But, knowing that he would get to be with her, made how hard this would be worth it. 
“Oh fuck me.” he said making his way back to his boss, but with a smile on his face, something that hadn’t truly been there in a long time.
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immediatebreakfast · 6 days
Love, love, love the expressing differences between all the three suitors on how they present their entries, as well how it immediatly tells us their first characterization points.
Ebb tide in appetite to-day. Cannot eat, cannot rest, so diary instead. Since my rebuff of yesterday I have a sort of empty feeling; nothing in the world seems of sufficient importance to be worth the doing.... As I knew that the only cure for this sort of thing was work, I went down amongst the patients. (Mem., under what circumstances would I not avoid the pit of hell?) Omnia Romæ venalia sunt. Hell has its price! verb. sap. 
Somber in tone, and defeated in spirit. Starts with circumstances that led Seward ignore his own health in favor of burying himself with work. What continues is a seemly methodical description of a patient, yet is unprofessional and dark as Jack admits to want to experiment with Renfield while he is in this mental state.
On top of all of this message being recorded in a phonograph instead of a written diary. It tells that Jack does not prefer to write, maybe because this train of thoughts is going too fast to be put properly on part, or maybe by writing Jack needs to think more about what he has to express, which would end up with censoring some parts of himself.
My dear Art,— We've told yarns by the camp-fire in the prairies; and dressed one another's wounds after trying a landing at the Marquesas; and drunk healths on the shore of Titicaca. There are more yarns to be told, and other wounds to be healed, and another health to be drunk. Won't you let this be at my camp-fire to-morrow night? There will only be one other, our old pal at the Korea, Jack Seward. Yours, as ever and always, QUINCEY P. MORRIS.
A story telling cadence that indicates how Quincey seems to prefer tale narration when talking. Very personal moments described before an invitation to warm up the idea a campfire after the succesful proposal of Arthur, and the mention of liquor plants the idea of how this space will not be privy with secrets. Including Jack to connect the three of them as friends, and a implication of Quincey knowing of what kind of state Seward might be in to invite him.
Concluding with a very romantic in nature farewell, and the format being the humble written letter. A communication device that has never failed, and is simple to hold Quincey's words with care.
Count me in every time. I bear messages which will make both your ears tingle. ART.
It's polite, yet informal in tone in a way which tells how Arthur considers Quincey to be a very close friend. The familiarity in the expression "will make both your ears tingle" implies that this is not the first time for Arthur to tell gossip, less ones that could be considered "saucy" in the eyes of people outside of their friend circle.
And lastly, Arthur's 16 words message was sent via telegram, a very expensive message service that charged per word, which tells that mister Holmwood is... ✨💵RICH💵✨
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soulsforscrapbooks · 7 months
How the Dracula Stage Play Influenced Future Adaptations
So I wanted to let people know about the stage adaptation of Dracula, because it established a lot of tropes that have come to define the novel as well as vampire fiction in general, despite the fact that large changes were made when bringing the book to the stage. Sometimes, honestly, it seems like more adaptations pull from the play than the book. Okay:
The original stage adaptation of Dracula was written in 1897 by Stoker himself! Here you can see the manuscript in his own hand:
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Apparently he hated how it turned out, because he called it “dreadful” and it was performed only once and then never again. The role of Mina was played by Edith Craig, a well-known figure in the suffragist movement and the daughter of Ellen Terry, Stoker's friend, whom he mentions in the book. The next attempt at adapting the novel would not be until the 1920s, after Stoker had died.
The 1924 adaptation by Hamilton Deane stays fairly close to the events of the novel. Some key points:
The entirety of the action takes place in the Harkers' house
Mina and Jonathan are already married
Dracula is already in England, and the storyline involving Jonathan as a prisoner of the Count has been omitted
To accommodate the female members of his theater troupe, Quincy is now a woman! Her name is still Quincy, and she is described as “feisty,” and is a close friend of Jonathan and Mina. (There don’t seem to be any photos from the 1924 play, sadly.)
It is in this first major adaptation that the idea of the Count as suave and debonair is brought into existence. This change is to allow Dracula to interact more easily onstage with the other characters, whereas in the book he stays an offscreen threat for large amounts of time. This is also the first instance of Dracula wearing a high-collared pointy cape, which was originally done to hide the actor better whenever Dracula had to “disappear” through trapdoors. 
Here is Raymond Huntley as Dracula in the 1924 stage adaptation:
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The play was a success, and quickly moved to Broadway:
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This version, adapted by John Balderston, was a complete revision not just from the book but from the 1924 stage play, and a LOT of changes were made:
Quincy, Arthur, and MINA have been removed from the story. Mina is mentioned as having died mysteriously before the play takes place.
Jonathan’s relationship to Dracula has been completely removed. He is not involved with bringing the Count to England at all. He is also now wealthy, and has traveled Europe extensively, where he has heard folktales about vampires.
Lucy is now engaged to Jonathan, and her last name is now Lucy Seward. This is because……..
John Seward has been aged up and is now Lucy’s father. 
The action takes place at Seward’s house/asylum.  
Renfield is allowed to just sort of…wander around Seward’s house when the plot requires him to be there. He gets dragged away by attendants whenever he needs to be offstage. He also survives. 
The Broadway version also made large changes in characterization:
Lucy is weak and feeble when we meet her in the play. She is helplessly preyed upon by Dracula, and yet is sexually tempted by him when under a trance. She and Dracula share a passionate kiss at the end of Act II, right before she willingly exposes her neck for him to bite. 
Jonathan is still concerned for Lucy as she is slowly turned, but he is more wary of her and goes along willingly with Van Helsing’s ideas regardless of how Lucy feels.
Renfield is portrayed as actively malicious, through fearful and subservient to the Count. 
Seward is seen as a strong-willed father who leads his asylum with a firm and confident hand. He believes Van Helsing more readily when confronted with the existence of vampires.
Dracula himself is once again depicted as charming and suave, and he spends time during the first act as a mysterious but pleasant dinner guest of the Sewards.
Despite these massive revisions, the Broadway version was a hit, partially to due the charisma of Bela Lugosi, who originated the role. (Below is Bela Lugosi as Dracula along with Seward, Van Helsing, Jonathan Harker, and Renfield on the floor:)
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Bela Lugosi, of course would go on to star in the 1931 film adaptation. Other famous stage Draculas include Jeremy Brett and Frank Langella (Langella's revival would also give us this amazing Edward Gorey art:)
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So we can see that the stage plays influenced many versions that would later come, as well as the idea of vampires in pop culture at large. It’s interesting how the motifs and themes we expect when we hear the word “Dracula” were actually the creation of people besides the author, and these differences don't seem to have been majorly disputed in the last 100 years. Has this happened with other classic novels? I'm not sure, but I'd love to see an accurate adaptation of Dracula in stage or film form, and see how it might influence filmmakers and directors for the future.
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dathen · 11 months
One of the weirdest arguments for why people who think Dracula fed on Jonathan are Wrong is that “no one ever thought this before 2022 and no interpretations included it” when there’s a little thing called The Hayes Code. Acting like something that Stoker had to self-censor about in a book published right after the Wilde trials is a 1000% completely neutral topic on par with “what color is Lucy’s hair” or something is just BEYOND baffling to me. Homoerotic subtext has been leeched out of and censored from adaptions of all kinds of stories for ages (where is my Frankenstein adaption that actually includes his intimacy with Henry); all that proves is society’s homophobia.
And then there’s the fact it simply isn’t true. The very first Dracula adaption/spin-off, Nosferatu, had the Count drink from the Jonathan stand-in several times. The scene implying that Dracula fed on Renfield, the 1931 stand-in for Jonathan, almost got censored by movie makers anxious about the homoerotic implications—but the creators pushed it through and refused to cut it. Michael Pink’s Dracula ballet with its incredible sequence of Jonathan struggling with Dracula before being bitten premiered in 1996, just a couple years after the notorious Coppola film that reinforced so much of modern mainstream perception of the story. Freaking Moffat even used it in 2020. This is not an interpretation invented wholesale by Dracula Daily readers on Tumblr Dot Com in 2022.
But on top of that, haven’t we been ranting about how inaccurate and heteronormative adaptions have been this whole time?? How Jonathan’s story in particular is almost never treated with any care or caution, whether by cinema or by academics trying to make him the boring cardboard stand-in for everything wrong with the Victorian era? These are the same adaptions and readings saying that Lucy is a slut who was asking for it and that Mina is in love with Dracula; putting these obscenely heteronormative readings on a pedestal to say “THEY didn’t think Dracula fed on anyone but women, why should we??” is honest to god making my brain dissolve.
I don’t care if anyone personally has a different theory. If you feel that after “tonight is mine!” Dracula changed his mind last-minute and decided to chow on some random worker nailing the boxes shut, knock yourself out. But this weird backlash against the reading and the insistence it’s wrong because it’s not explicit enough on the page isn’t just baffling, it’s downright ignorant.
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c-schroed · 6 months
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) Or Why The Probably Most Accurate Movie Adaptation Of Dracula Still Is Not Accurate Enough
I mentioned some time ago - while salivating over the marvellous razor scene of Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula adaptation - that there is quite some stuff to unpack here. And now I found some time to unpack. So let's begin. I'll start with the good stuff, firstly the good stuff that's not in the book (i.e., the Flourishes), than the good stuff that's true to the book (the Well-Conserved). Thirdly, I'll make note of things that were, unnervingly, changed (by which I mean They Came Back Wrong), and then I'll deal with what is unfortunately left out from the book (the Missing). And finally, finally I'll rant over that two bad things that never were in the book in the first place (a section I'll call JUST WHY?).
So. A tragedy in five acts. Here we go.
Act I - The Flourishes
The razor scene. I think I dealt with this enough by now. It's perfection and I'll die on that hill.
The music. Obviously, Bram Stoker's gothic lil masterpiece is lacking some gorgeous score. But mourn no longer, because Wojciech Kilar cooked up some dashing, pushing tune for us, fitting perfectly to this dark tale of spreading darkness and deepening madness.
Some basic knowledge about blood groups. Yeah, Stoker can't be blamed for this, but still. It's a nice addition to remind us that we do indeed live in a world where blood groups exist.
The Westenra Estate. As much as I pity that the lovely town of Whitby did not make it into the movie, I do love Lucy Westenra's house. Because I'm a sucker for hedge mazes. Simple as that.
Those glasses. Those. Fucking. Nice. Glasses.
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Act II - The Well-Conserved
The plot in general. Yes, there are a lot of maddening differences, as we will see soon. But still, this movie at least makes the impression that most of the people working on it had indeed read the darn novel. Which is something that I can't say about many other Dracula adaptations I have seen.
The costumes, the sets, the atmosphere. Well done, everyone!
The Actors. The good thing about being not native in a language is that one is not very prone to dialects that seem off. And as I happen to not be a native speaker of English, I have little problems with Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder adding some US touch to what should be very, very, v e r y British characters. I even find Reeves perfectly fitting for the oh so darn young Jonathan Harker. And the rest of the cast is marvellous, too (with the exception of Winona Ryder, see below for details). Especially Tom Waits, who is hard-wired to the name of Renfield in my brain ever since I first saw this movie. And Gary Oldman as Dracula… Well. I think I already made clear what opinion I have about that sexy bastard.
Some lucky few of lovely quotes made it over to the film. Dracula's welcome. The Fowl Bauble of Human Vanity, of course. And Qunincey almost making me faint when saying "Little girl" when I least expected it.
Act III - They Came Back Wrong
The dates. Goshdarnit, the dates! It's an epistolary novel, so why make the effort of making up completely new dates for events that already had a precise date in the novel? I just don't get it. And it unnerves me. Every. Fucking. Time.
Time in general. Watching the movie after Dracula Daily makes it feel so very, very hasty. Jonathan travels to Castle Dracula like it's no thing at all. And the first few days in Castle Dracula are condensed into one weird evening.
Dracula meeting Mina before Jonathan is back. I really, really loved the book for avoiding the most terrible tropes. And then comes this movie, and struts right into this terrible pitfall.
Mina. I'm sorry, usually I love the work of Winona Ryder, but here she was way too bland. Maybe it was because her character had quite a revamp (ha. ha.) and no one cared to tell her what new approach she should take. But whatever reason, the clever, adorable train fiend of the original did not deserve this!
Act IV - The Missing
The Voyage of the Demeter is way too short. Where is "But I am captain, and I must not leave my ship"? Where is the poor sea captain tying himself to the wheel? And where is his funeral? Oh, I really missed all that. And, I mean, I don't mind hearing Anthony Hopkins read the lines, but would it have been such an expense to at least hire an additional actor to voice the correspondent or the sea captain?
Jonathan Holding Mina By the Arm. That's really not an objectively big issue. That's just me who fell in love with JonMina after reading this chapter. And almost no one does it properly. They deserve justice!
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(Thanks a ton to @smieska for capturing my mood just perfectly!)
Elisabeta. Don't get me wrong here: All of the oh so tragic Drac backstory they invented for this movie is terribly unnecessary. But in this sea of uselessness, the tragically deceased wife of Vlad Țepeș that just so happens to perfectly resemble Mina Murray is an audience-insulting island of unoriginality. I mean, yeah, I guess someone wanted to add some romance to the story of Vlad the Fucking Impaler. Because, well, nineties or so. But Mina, of all women? Why not invent some new character that can be bothered with such stuff? Why ruin an all-nice JonMina ship? I don't get the whole new backstory, and I especially don't get this aspect.
Dracula raping Lucy in his shitty werewolf form. Everything about this is wrong. And it has no relevance for the plot. Just. Blergh.
It's cruel to watch Francis Ford Coppola's take on Dracula right after finishing @re-dracula. I know that now. Everything is still too fresh. It's a good movie, after all, but especially because it's quite good it is frustrating to be so terribly aware of all its shortcomings. In a few weeks or so, I would recommend it, again, I guess. As long as it's still Dracula Off-Season. 7 out of 10 points.
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
Children of the Night Part 8 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Daddy Vampire Eddie/ Switch Vampire Steve & Sub Fem Human Reader, SMUT, brief smacking, handcuffing, pegging :), biting, blood (vampires so yeah), dirty talk, etc. FLUFF, they love each other <3,
ANGST, Steve struggles with his need to talk control and Eddie fears that may have disastrous consequences. Their childhoods are touched on very briefly, negative talk about how Steve's dad can't accept his sons sexuality (very brief) and some conversation about what happened in S4, cliffhanger ending... *evil laughs*
Word Count: 6090
Series Masterlist
“Fuck, that’s it, baby.”, you groan as you grind your hips against Steve’s tongue while his hands dug into your thighs as you rode his face. Eddie smirked from his place between his boyfriend’s legs that he was currently holding apart as he thrust roughly into him. 
It had been a few months since Eddie had turned Steve and the new vampire was doing much better than he was before. He felt more confident in his ability to feed without fear of fully draining and both men had been able to get a better hold over their emotions. 
You sold your house and moved in with them, finding that after everything that happened it was better for you three to be closer to each other. You had also taken over Steve’s responsibilities such as making sure there was enough blood in the fridge just in case and keeping track of their health to make sure they were alright. 
You genuinely didn’t mind doing it and they made up for it after they woke up; taking you on dates, spoiling you, and then fucking you till your eyes rolled. They got back to being consistent with streaming and you had become a prominent member as they fed from you. 
Grabbing Eddie’s jaw, you brought his lips to yours as your body shuttered and the coil snapped. The metalhead having already fed from you knew it was time for Steve to have his meal and as if they could read reach others minds as soon as Eddie pulled out, the other vampire pushed you off him, and wrapped his arm around your waist, placing you underneath him. 
As soon as he guided his cock into your cunt, Eddie did the same with his partner’s entrance again making Steve grumble low in his chest with pleasure before his fangs attached to your throat. Your fingers tangled in his hair as your eyes rolled back.
“Oh my…God. Y-Yes, Renfield. Take what you need.”
His hips pump at a fast pace, thrusting himself deep into your core while pushing back hard against the other vampire whose eyes never left your face; making sure Steve didn’t take too much. Licking his fingertips, Eddie reached underneath him to rub fast circles into your clit causing you to cry out at the feeling. 
Right as you came, Steve pulled up his head without prompting, his hair blocking his eyes and his lips covered in blood.
“Good boy. Cum for Daddy, baby.”, Eddie whispered encouragingly in the boy’s ear.
An audible grunt left his lips as he warmed your insides and collapsed on top of you. 
“F-Fuck. That was so fucking good. Are…are you ok, honey?”, he panted as his palm cupped your cheek. When you nod, he grins as he licks his thumb and heals the bite mark he left. “I think Dracula’s leaving the cameras on this time while we do some after care, ok?”
“Ok, baby.”
The man himself suddenly appeared next to you with some water and juice, popping the latter open and guiding it to your lips after Steve helps you sit up. 
“There we go, good girl. You have to drink all this, alright? Do you want a bath tonight or do you want me to try the washcloth?”
“Washcloth, please, Daddy.”
“Ok, princess. What about you, Renfield? How are you feeling?”
“I’m alright, baby, thank you.” 
You beam up at them with heavy eyes as they kiss softly before Eddie disappears again. 
Tenderly, your lips kiss Steve’s shoulder and trails down his arms to his hands. 
“I love you, Renfield. I love you so much.”, you hiccup as the clingy side takes over and you nuzzle your face into his cool skin. 
His palm cups your cheek and brings your lips to his before moving up to your forehead.
“I love you to, Mina…so beautiful, honey.”
“Ay, children.”, Eddie playfully scolds as he swishes his hand back and forth between you two. “So greedy, I swear.”
While cleaning between your legs, the long-haired vampire notices Steve’s kisses becoming a bit more passionate as he licked and sucked on your neck with his lips making your brain start to go even fuzzier. 
You heard it in his tone. When Steve stepped over the submissive line and disobeyed he wanted to scold him properly so it sunk in but he couldn’t with the cameras on which he knew his partner was aware of. While he had gotten better at controlling his emotions, the urges while or after being intimate were even harder to rein in and Eddie found himself punishing Steve more and more. Neither boy minded but the metalhead was beginning to find repeating himself tiresome. 
“Hey, little boy. I didn’t give you permission to do that.”
Standing to his full height, he grabbed his boyfriend’s chin forcing him off you but when Steve’s black eyes glared his way, he growled low in his throat. Wind blew around you as Eddie turned off the camera and angrily tossed the rag in his hand against the wall. 
“How many times are we going to do this, Steven? I thought you wanted me to be in control?!”
“I do! I do.”, he insists as he blinks and tries to get to his feet but his partner pushes him back on to the mattress. 
“Sit down.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I really am.”, he pleads. “I just…there’s something about her… I can’t…” Steve feels himself go into a slight trance again as he presses his nose to your cheek and inhales your scent. At the action, his large hand glides up your skin between your thighs as your eyes roll closed and you groan. “I can’t help it. I want to fuck her till neither of us can move.”
His last sentence comes out deep and seductive in his vampire voice causing Eddie to blink as he thinks to himself. 
“Stop. No. Leave her be tonight. She needs to refuel and rest.”
Grunting in frustration, he begrudgingly moves away from you and guides you backward under the covers, smiling when you immediately fall asleep.
The other vampire’s chocolate eyes constantly scanned over you both as you slept. It wasn’t just a dynamic thing or him being annoyed sexually that Steve wasn’t listening. Eddie understands what it was like to allow the vampire to take over when it came to you both but, unfortunately when it came to the man he loved, Steve had come the closest the most times to accidently killing you by fully draining you. 
There had to be a way to get him to listen and be more careful. 
That afternoon when you woke up, you found a note with your name on the end table on top of some cash. 
“Baby girl, 
Can you do me a favor and buy these items here for me? I’d do it myself but I don’t want Steve to know what I’m up to and walking into that store is going to rile me up so he’ll feel that and ask questions so I want to do this while he’s asleep.
If you don’t feel comfortable, I understand. Just burn this note and we can come up with another plan later tonight. I love you, sweetheart.
Things we need…”
Your eyebrows raise as you read the list. 
What IS he up to?
“Good morning, my love.”, Eddie greets as soon as Steve opens his eyes. “How are you feeling? Hungry?”
“Um, no. I’m still pretty full from last night. What are you up to?”
“Nothing. I just thought the three of us could play tonight without the camera.”
“Is Y/N ok with that? She’s not sore?”
“I’m alright, baby, thank you.”, you giggle in a sweet voice as you come around the corner. 
The vampire’s jaw drops when he sees you draped in a simple white lace nightie with matching panties underneath. Your nipples peaked through the material but your hair attempted to block his view as it fell around your shoulders. You looked so innocent…
He wanted to ruin you.
“Oh, do you like my gift I got her, Stevie?”
“Yes, Daddy. Fuck she looks so good.”
“Have a seat, baby.” Eddie gestures to a chair he had placed by the bed, beaming sweetly when the vampire listens. “Good boy. Look at you. Listening to Daddy so well tonight. You must really want her.” 
Steve aggressively nods as you stand behind him and run your palms along his bare shoulders down his arms. 
“Hm. But you were misbehaving last night. Weren’t you, little boy?”
The sound of clicking startles the pretty vampire as you handcuff his wrists behind the chair just as Eddie had instructed before he woke up. 
“Weren’t you?”
“Please, Daddy. I’m sorry.”
“Yet you keep disobeying. You’ve gotten better about stopping yourself when it comes to not draining to much but you get so worked up so easily. Even when Daddy tells you no, you give me attitude and sometimes do it anyway.”
“I know. You’re sorry.”
Taking a seat on the bed, you watch as the metalhead quickly maneuvers around the room, pushing the chair against the wall and chaining the boy so he could barely move.
“Eddie, what the fuck!?”
Steve grunts when the vampire smacks his cheek and grips his jaw. 
“I trust you when you say you’re sorry but I need it to fully sink in. When I tell you to stop or do something you do it especially when it comes to her.”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?”
Releasing his hold, Eddie sits beside you and gently rubs your thigh. 
“Now because Y/N has been a good girl, I’m going to reward her.”, he coos as he pushes some of your hair behind your ear. “I’m going to let her fuck Daddy.” Your eye lids flutter at his words and his hand effortlessly slides between your thighs to the crotchless panties, his fingers running between your folds. 
“You like that idea, princess?”
“Please, Daddy.”
As your lips mingled with his, you both listened as Steve tried to use his strength to break free but failed. 
“This isn’t fucking fair! I kept you in control for two years, Edward!” The long-haired boy growls low at his words and you try to calm him by caressing his cheek. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“He needs to learn, baby. I don’t know what else to do.”
“Fuck you both! You’re a part of this to, Y/N?! FUCK! After everything I put up with when it came to you losing control, Eddie. All the fucking deaths I helped you clean up and the times I even saved your fucking life, Y/N!”
The vampire in front of you swished away from you and grabbed his boyfriend’s throat. 
“SO THAT MAKES IT OK FOR YOU TO LOSE CONTROL!? FOR YOU TO ALMOST KILL THE WOMAN WE LOVE?! Because I fucked up!?”, Eddie shouted in a deep voice as they glared at each other with black eyes. 
“Steve…if you want to stop we can stop. Just say the word.”, you coo gently as you slowly walk towards them. “Eddie, baby, let him go till he tells us.”
When he didn’t move, your hand reached out to grab his wrist as you tenderly kissed his cheek. After a few seconds, he did what you asked. Steve’s dark eyes scanned over you both and the scene in front of him. He wondered if you realized how innocent you genuinely seemed right now; an angel trying to manage two devils. 
He wanted you to feel safe with them and even he knew sometimes his neediness was hard to control when the vampire took over. That first night he had almost killed you and it frightened them both. He never wanted to feel that again and he definitely didn’t want that for his partner. 
“I’m ok.”, he mumbled.
Eddie stepped towards him with the intention of making him speak up but you cut him off, placing your soft hand on his chin, and gently kissed his lips. 
“Are you sure, baby?”
“Yes, ma’am, I’m sure.”
“Ok. Good boy. If you change your mind just let Daddy or me know.”
“Yes ma’am.”
When you turned to face the metalhead again, you were met with kisses as he cupped your face. 
“We don’t deserve you.”, he whispers as his thumbs run along your skin. 
“No, we don’t.”, Steve agrees.
Eddie carried you to the bed, his soft kisses becoming more passionate as you both grinded against each other.  
“Are you ready, sweetheart?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m…I’m a little nervous.”
Your eyes rolled as he open mouth kissed your neck, his tongue caressing your skin as you both groaned. 
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it but—fuck—do you feel how hard you’re making me?”
“Fuck, Daddy. C-Can I…is it ok if I…?”
Glancing towards Steve, he noticed the dent in his pajama bottoms as he felt the energy rise between the two beings loved. Nodding, Eddie rolled out of your way and got up to place himself behind his partner. 
“Crawl for us, baby.”
Giggling, you did what he wanted, sinking to your hands and knees to make your way towards them. Steve whimpered at the sight as the other vampire ran his hands along his chest. 
“I’ll make you a deal. If you behave through this, I’ll allow her to suck your cock so you can cum down her throat.”
“Yes, baby, please.”
Eddie grinned as you perched your elbows on his thighs between his legs and tenderly kissed his tummy. Your breasts behind the silky material perfectly rubbed against him making him pant against the other boy’s cheek before his stomach was suddenly cut and you began to drink his blood. 
Steve tugged on his restraints as his head fell back, moaning loudly you sucked his wound. 
“Oh…my…FUCK! That feels so fucking good.”
“I know, baby. I know. I bet you want to fuck her till little one can barely walk, huh? Oh, to bad you can’t seem to listen to Daddy.”
“I’ll listen! I’ll listen…please, Daddy. I promise.”
“I know you will. Come on, beautiful. Time for your reward.”
Your body swayed as Eddie reached for your bicep and guided you to your feet. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, he dug through the bag you brought out and untangled the strap on from the tissue paper the shop at used as an extra layer of hidden production. 
When his eyes meet yours, you can’t help but giggle at the innocence behind them as you lean down to peck his lips, taking the toy from his hand, and sliding it up like underwear. Taking his hand in yours, you place his fingers between your legs. 
“Feel that? When you click the button on the remote, it will vibrate. The harder I pump the harder it presses against me.”
“Fuck me, sweetheart. You are so perfect.”, he whines his hand grabs the back of your neck forcing your mouth to his. “Come here, baby.”
As he starts to position you over his face, you stop him. 
“Wait, Daddy. Since you’re letting me take over a bit… can we try it the other way?”
“Um, Jesus, yeah. You’ll tell me if I’m too heavy?”
“Yes, I promise.”
After laying you flat on your back, Eddie takes off his boxers and straddles his knees on either side of your head, being careful to not hit you by accident or pull any of your hair. Trying to comfort him, you run your hands along his thighs and a small groan leaves his lip. 
Pressing the little button on the remote, the vibration comes to life between your legs and you moan his title as he tilts forward to wrap his mouth around the end of silicone. The lower his head went the harder the garment pressed against your clit causing you to moan around his cock as his tip hit the back of your throat driving the vampire crazy. 
“Fuck, Y/N! That feels so good.”
Static and need run through your body as you felt Steve get more turned on by what he was witnessing. Thrusting upwards, you groan as you listen to Eddie gag and find a steady rhythm as you search for a release. Making sure to keep your mouth full of him, you kept his cock warm between your cheeks as your eyes rolled and the coil snapped. 
Your moans around his length had him grunting loudly as he tried to control himself from coming as well. You both weren’t even close to being done and he wanted to savor the moment. 
Carefully, Eddie bounced away from you towards the bedside table to grab the lubrication as you turn to glance towards the other vampire whose eyes were now black with desire as the vampire was starting to take over. You could hear his low growl as he tried to maintain control, his arms and hands tugging against the chains around him. 
Quietly, you wiped the drool from your mouth and stroked it along the toy, groaning lightly as it pushed back against you.
“I love you, Steve. Come back to us, baby.”
“Love…you…”, he strained a reply as his eyes squeezed shut. “Sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry.” A tap on your shoulder causes you to turn as Eddie hands you the bottle. “Why does his speech break like that? Yours doesn’t.”
“He’s hungry and still new… The more he learns to control it, the quicker that will go away.”
“He needs to eat?”
“No, hey, focus. He’s ok. I can give him a blood pack after.”
“Not hungry…for…food…”, the other vampire huffs. “Want…you…”
Eddie’s head tilted at his partners comment as he whispered in your direction. “Can you feel that?” You nod as your breathing picks up the same way it does right before you orgasm. “Can you tap into it? Show me what you’re feeling from him?”
Closing your eyes, you do what he asks and try to focus on what was running through Steve at the moment. You could absolutely feel the want for you both but for Eddie it was a combination of anger and intense desire. He wanted to prove that he could be in control and still take care of him. It was like an internal battle within himself where Steve still wanted Daddy but the vampire wanted to BE Daddy.
When your eyes opened again, he smirked your way and you mirrored him as you turned to focus on Eddie, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him back against the pillows as you took your place between his legs. 
“Lay back, Daddy. I can take care of you.” His chocolate eyes watched you carefully as you poured some of the lube in your palm and mewled when you firmly massaged his entrance with your fingers. “That’s it, honey, fuck you’re tight.”
His cock twitched at your words as he reached down to lazily pump himself as he waited. As you slowly began guiding the silicone into him, his breath caught in his chest as his back arched. 
“Fuck, baby.”
Gripping his thighs for leverage, you made subtle thrusting motions with your hips as the vibration between your legs pressed harder against your clit. 
“Daddy takes it so well. There you go… sucking me in like a good boy.”
Where Eddie could normally feel you both, something primal was blocking the notion. He loved the way you were talking to him but he needed to make sure you still understand he was in charge. Is this what Steve was struggling with? Did he not need Daddy anymore?
As you picked up your pace, the boy beneath you exposed his neck a bit more and you literally felt your mouth salivate. You wanted nothing more than to kiss it and run your tongue along that vein on the side. 
It looked so…delicious…
You’re not sure when you did it but suddenly your human teeth were biting so hard into Eddie’s throat that blood was now draining past your lips. The notion was so strong and he tasted so good, even more so when his fingers tangled in your hair and held you closer to him as he grunted in pleasure. 
You didn’t see it but his eyes darkened and you abruptly stopped moving as he yanked you back roughly. 
“Who told you to stop fucking me?”, he growled in a deep voice that had you exhaling heavily. His palm grabbed your neck and a grumble of warning caused you to start thrusting into him against. “Never…NEVER forget, little girl, I’m Daddy. You think you’re in charge right now but that’s an illusion. I’M always in control. Do I make myself clear?”
Your eyes blinked and softened as you nodded. 
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I-I-I don’t know…”
“It’s ok, baby. You got this. Fuck me harder, sweetheart. Please.”
Your gaze never left his as you did what he asked, pumping into him so hard the bed began to shake until you screamed and fell against his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around you as he moaned into your ear and you felt his seed hit your belly between you. 
“Eddie, I’m…I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”
“Shhhh…it’s ok. I’m ok. See? All healed.”, he coos as he shows you his neck that you tenderly kiss. “Do you think you can wait a few more minutes before I give you a bath?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Carefully, you pull out of him and lay there patiently as he helps you remove the device, tossing it on the floor. Rising to his feet, he grabbed the computer chair and wheeled it directly in front of his partner as he took a seat.
“Do you want to start being in control?”
“No…I don’t…”
Eddie doesn’t say a word as he watches you stand and walk towards Steve, kneeling as you move around to free him. With his hands still bound behind his back, however, you help him out of his seat and walk him towards the metalhead. 
Without prompting, he straddles his lap facing him as his head hangs. Both vampires exhale as Eddie takes hold of his chin, tilting his eyes to meet his own. 
“Talk to me.”
“It’s hard…”
“I mean…yeah, but after what you just saw I’m not surprised.”
You smile as Steve breathily laughs, shaking his head. 
“You’re so fucking stupid.”
“You love it.”
“I do.”, he sighs before leaning his forehead against his own. “The feelings are so strong, Ed. The vampire wants to take over so bad. He wants to hold you down and have you kneeling at MY feet. He wants to shove his cock down your throat and hear you choke.” Eddie’s eyes lids fluttered as he tried to keep his facial features from showing anything. 
Placing his palm on Steve’s lower back, he guided him to grind his hips against his thigh.
“He wants to fuck you both till the fucking mattress breaks… He’s—mmm—hungry for you and blood. I just want to hold you both and have you do those things to me like we always do but it’s primal, honey.”
Helping him to move faster, Eddie leans up to kiss his lips and Steve groans against them as he nears his release. 
“Steve Harrington, I love YOU. If you want to try switching it up I’m fine with that. What I can’t allow is for you to hurt her. Y/N is a strong woman but she’s still fragile. She doesn’t heal like we do. That part of the vampire you and I BOTH need to do better with.”
The man’s body trembles as he cums, his pants dampening against Eddie’s skin. 
“It’s only with her, baby.”, he whispers as he pants against his mouth. “…and you. Do…Do you still crave me?”
“Fuck, Steve.”, he chuckles. “That fucking word choice turns me on. Yeah I do, sweetheart, but… I didn’t figure it would give me any kind of sustenance like her blood.”
“Try it.”, you encourage. “Maybe just offer him your wrist.”
Doing as he suggest, he offers him his arm and the other vampire hesitates before biting into his flesh. Eddie flinches for a moment but the pain is soon replaced with pure ecstasy as his eyes roll back. The sound of metal clanking to the ground fills the room as Steve broke the cuffs apart, grabbing his boyfriend and falling hard to the floor. 
You had no idea what was happening but you didn’t want to ruin it if it was something that could help them. Sinking to your knees, you crawled slowly to them, watching as the pretty boy man handled the other vampire onto his hands and knees, pulled down his pants enough to free his cock, and slid it into the man beneath him. 
At a brutal pace, Steve trust into him as they both grunted and growled. Eddie’s hair blocked his face as his head hung but as you laid on your back beside them and tried to move it, his hand reached out to catch it, stopping you and pinning it to the floor. 
Gripping his long mane, Steve yanked his back to his stomach and it was then you noticed their eyes were black; the vampires were in charge. Eddie bit into the arm across his chest making the other boy mewl as the echo of skin slapping filled the room. 
They came at the same time, Steve slamming his release hard inside of him until he fully emptied with Eddie spilling on the floor. Their lips mingled together as their tongues licked any remnants of blood that lingered around their chin. 
“H-How did it feel?”, you squeaked.
Both sets of dark eyes met yours before gliding down the white lace that clung to your sticky, sweaty body. Eddie’s blood stuck to the fabric drawing their attention to your breasts as your nipples poked through the garment. An intense feeling washed over you and your breathing picked up as they let each other go, crawling your way like a lion on the hunt. 
They dived at you at the same time as both men took control.
Thirteen-year-old Eddie wanders around Hawkins desperately searching for something, ANYTHING, to clear his mind. His dad had called Wayne from jail asking for money again.
“No, Allen! And even if I did have any extra funds I wouldn’t give them to you because that would go towards your son. You remember him, don’t ya?”
No, he doesn’t. His dad forgot about him long after he went in and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t hurt him.
Walking past a music store, he finds something that grabs his attention; a guitar hanging in a music store window. 
“Hey, sweetheart. You are perfect, aren’t you?”, he thinks to himself as he presses his forehead against the glass. 
“Edward Munson! Get your dirty face away from my display.”, the owner scolds as she shoos him with her hands. “Don’t come back unless you’re going to buy something!”
“One day, Mrs. Barber, I AM going to rescue that beautiful thing from your evil clutches and after I do, she and I are going to travel the world with my band and become famous! You’ll regret being so fucking rude to me!”
“Mhmm… I don’t think they allow you to have guitars in jail.”
Eddie’s eyes widen at her insult as he glances around him, locking eyes for a brief moment with the king himself, Steve fucking Harrington. He tries to gather his faculties for a comeback so he seems tough but he can’t think of anything as embarrassment floods his face. 
Sighing in defeat, he runs in the opposite direction. 
Steve hated outings with his dad because everything became a lesson. 
“Civilized people don’t do this or that.”
“As Harrington’s our image matters.”
With every sentence, he was reminded that there was a thin line he was balancing on when it came to his father and one wrong move could have him hating him forever. 
“Edward Munson!...”
Both Harrington boys glanced towards the music store owner yelling at the youngest Munson outside of her shop. 
“Jesus, who does that kid think he is? His family can barely afford a can of beets let alone an instrument.”
“Maybe he just wants to look at something. Give him motivation to buy whatever he’s staring at. You always say motivation is important.”
“Not for him, son. Munson’s are freaks who are always meant to be at the bottom.”
Eddie’s eyes met Steve’s and for some reason the youngest Harrington boy felt guilty. He wanted to tell his dad to fuck off, run over to this other boy he desperately wanted to hug, and defend him from Mrs. Barber. He wanted to buy the entire store so he could smash everything inside it for her rude comment and give the instrument Eddie wanted to him for free just to see him smile. 
But he couldn’t…
His dad would punish him or worse if he said one thing that wasn’t “right”.
When their eyes locked from across the street, Steve felt like a failure but he didn’t understand why as the other boy turned heel and ran.
Both vampire’s eyes opened as the memories faded away. To be able to see from each other’s point of view was a bit odd but now they understood why you felt so strongly about leaving them after Steve turned. If you had felt everything he had felt when he thought Eddie was gone or what the metalhead felt when he first woke up in the upside down, no wonder you ran. 
Realizing their movements were slower they glanced down to see their skin stained with blood as fear washed over them looking down at your tiny frame. 
“Y/N? Shit! Y/N, baby, wake up!”, Eddie screamed as he grabbed your arm and rolled you on to your back. 
“Ow! Fuck me, I’m awake. Why are you holding me so tightly? You’re hurting me.”, you whined as you rubbed your hands over your tired eyes. 
“I thought…we thought…what happened?”
Blinking, your gaze shifted between them. 
“You don’t remember?” 
“The last thing I remember was biting Eddie—”
“Oh no.”, you giggle as their brows furrow together. “Then you missed a lot of the good stuff. You two went at it like you hadn’t seen each other in years. Steve, you took over and turned into someone completely different. Not in a bad way, though.”
Eddie’s eyes scan the void as he tries to remember what he can. 
“I do remember bits and pieces but after I bit you, Steve, it’s just…a bit of blur.”
“We didn’t hurt you, did we?”
“No.”, you smile as you shake your head. “You feed from a little bit but that wasn’t what you seemed to be hungry for. I wish I could show you… the vampires within you were rough but not…violent. Not to me, anyway. When we were done playing and you were done feeding, Eddie gave me a bath and Steve cleaned the floor. I’m not quite sure why you didn’t clean yourselves but…”
“Did we talk to you?”
“Mhmm. Not in like full sentence but it was more like one or two words at a time.” You scrunch your face and playfully deepen your tone. “Hungry. Pretty girl…taste good. Tight.”
The three of you laugh as Steve falls back against the pillow.
“Maybe…maybe the reason you struggle to control the vampire is because…they don’t NEED to be controlled. They just want to be able to be free every now and then. I bet if you stop ‘repressing’ them you’d remember more and actually get what you want…more control.”
Nodding, both men cuddle up to you and kiss your cheek. 
“Ew, you both are really sticky!”
You grinned at both vampires as they laid in bed on their sides facing each other while they quietly whispered admirations and declarations of love. Steve ran his fingers through Eddie’s tussled hair while the other continued to caress his palm down the boy’s back. 
You imagined this was another small glimpse into their past before everything terrible happened to them. Two young men lying in bed together dreaming of the perfect future where they could happy. 
Allowing them some space to be, you focused on their website in front of you, scanning through dialogue on their message boards and open chat forum before something abruptly changed.
“Eddie? Steve?”
Words were appearing along the screen too fast for you to keep up but what you could see had you frozen in fear. Feeling the sudden shift, both vampires whooshed to your side watching as your hand shook as you pointed to the screen. 
Renisa10: “No! No there’s no way! I thought they said Steve Harrington died.”
MenaMyQueen: “No, you idiot. They never found his body.”
Here12whatever: “I guess Eddie Munson kidnapped him and now he has Stockholm Syndrome.”
DraculaStoker1984: “So he kidnapped Steve AND Y/N, got them to fall for him, and then convinced them to do all this? Fuck no.”
Justice4ChrissyCunningham: “Eddie Munson is a fucking murderer and should be in hell for what he did! If Steve Harrington isn’t a victim than he’s an accomplice!”
Steve quickly ran into the living room and turned on the tv, flipping channels till he found what he was looking for. 
“Yes, we were finally able to get a positive ID on the men known online as ‘Renfield’ and ‘Dracula’. With some diligent work from our IT team as well as some research from credible sources we have learned that the alias Renfield is missing and had been presumed dead Steven Harrington who disappeared from Hawkins, Indiana a little over 2 years ago and alias Dracula is fugitive Edward Munson who is still currently wanted for the murders of 3 students in the same town as Mr. Harrington.”
“Chief! Chief! What about the other young lady who’s been seen in their streams?”
“Ah yes. Alias Mena is Y/N Y/L/N. There is no criminal record for her besides a few juvenal crimes. We speculate she may actually be a victim and not an accomplice but AGAIN that’s just speculation.”
“Why don’t you assume the same for Steve Harrington?”
“That’s up for his lawyers to prove when we catch him. We have several accounts saying him and Mr. Munson were romantically involved but his father Bill Harrington denies this.”
Steve growls low in his throat as he glares at the tv. 
“Wow, in two years, nothing has changed, huh, Harrington? People are still really good at painting me as the villain.”, Eddie replied sassily as he folded his arms across his chest. 
“I haven’t seen my dad since I moved in with you and Wayne and yet he still refuses to accept I love you.”
“I’m not a victim…”, you whisper. “I hate that they called me that. I’ve been a victim my entire life… but not with you two.”
The metalhead’s eyes softened as he reached out to grab your hand and kiss the back before throwing you a gentle reassuring smile you knew was fake. 
“Don’t. Don’t tell me and Steve to leave you. Please.”
“No. I saw what it did to you both and you said it felt like a piece of your soul was missing. I won’t do that to you again…either of you. I actually think I can help you but I want something in return.”
Steve took a seat on the chair across from you as Eddie leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. 
“Help how?”
“I can boot them out and reroute the feed but I genuinely believe I can do it where they can’t find us again. We can still run if you want to but you still need income. You still need your site and I can make sure you can utilize it where they can’t track it or the account the money goes in to.”
“Hm, so much for ‘only juvenile’ crimes.”, the pretty boy teases. “Why haven’t you offered to do this before?”
“I didn’t want to steal Dustin and Mike’s thunder.”, you smile. “Plus, the did a good job. It just seems like the police have updated their methods.”
“I see. Ok, baby girl. I’ll play along. What do you want in return?”
Heavily exhaling the nerves, you turn to face him with confidence. 
“Change me into a vampire.”
@chelebelletx @mandyjo8719 @nailbatanddungeon
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pinkiepiebones · 6 months
What do you think is an underrated scene in Renfield and why?
Every frame of that film is a painting and it's hard to find a scene that no one has analysed to death (I say this very affectionately). But, hmm. While not one particular scene, I feel like we as a fandom don't talk enough about the physical aspect of Hoult's acting as Renfield. The guy's what, six two, six three? But his Renfield is so thoroughly worn down that his height never- you're never like "why does the largest one simply not devour the smaller ones." He hunches over. He does his damnedest to make himself small and unassuming, in this mix of self-preservation and trying to blend in to a crowd in order to be a more effective hunter. The only glimmer of change comes when he's capturing the ska guys and fighting Apache Joe- he stands to his full height, he cracks jokes, and his fighting! Is so scrappy! There is no discipline, there is no sense of someone having trained him. He's all instinct and reaction and seems genuinely surprised at some of the shit he can pull which makes you wonder how much fighting he actually has had to do... Compare that with Dracula fighting the hunters; his motions are very deliberate and calculated. Of course he can also turn into a flock of bats and fog, but still. Dracula very clearly knows how to fight whereas Renfield is very "oh fuck I guess we're fighting now?"
Speaking of Hoult's physical acting- the scene where he arrives at the police station. Maybe it's just the perspective, with the witnesses behind him, or the fact that he is indeed standing up straighter at that point in the movie, but he appears taller than he really is. And he sticks out so loudly with his sweater and khakis! It's like there's a spotlight on him! Despite his efforts to fit in he will still stick out
I love Hoult. I love Renfield. I love this fucking movie!
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femmefatalegoth · 8 months
The thing about book!Dracula is that he may be an imposing figure, but he's honestly a black hole of non-charisma. Today really showcases that. There's a reason adaptations that make him a hero have to change the human characters to make him look good:
No tenderness. The only time Dracula shows any emotional attachment to a person is with Jonathan, and that was too abusive to be tender. There's no inner conflict in his relations with other people, no humanity. He just takes and dominates.
No charm: 'Seduction' is not the word I would use to describe his approach with women.
Cringe: When Dracula tries to big himself up, it's actually quite pathetic. If you read between the lines in today's little villain speeches, he clearly feels really threatened. But he tries to hide that by going on about his past. All it does is throw into relief the gap between what he was and what he is. He's an ex-general being beaten by a Victorian D and D party.
Stupidity: Never in history has mistreating your employees backfired, eh Dracula? Oh - he's holding you by the throat. Perhaps you should have rewarded Renfield after all.
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yallemagne · 8 months
Continuing from yesterday. Van Helsing's repeated insistence that they made The Right Choice! is entirely for the sake of stroking the men's egos.
"So far," he said, "our night has been eminently successful. No harm has come to us such as I feared might be and yet we have ascertained how many boxes are missing. More than all do I rejoice that this, our first—and perhaps our most difficult and dangerous—step has been accomplished without the bringing thereinto our most sweet Madam Mina or troubling her waking or sleeping thoughts with sights and sounds and smells of horror which she might never forget."
It's just so obviously for the men's sake over Mina's!! Now, you may say "hey bastard! he's expressing concern for Mina here! what do you mean?" I'll tell you what I mean. This first and perhaps most difficult and dangerous step had no need to be so difficult and dangerous. What keeps them from breaking into the house in the daytime? Nothing, you'll see that it's nothing. VH agreed to Quincey's insistence they act at night because this presents another opportunity to whack his sexist message into their skulls:
"See! You are all shaken and put off by the dilapidated building, but just think how poor weak feeble Madam Mina would suffer had we brought her along!"
Her alleged weakness is leveraged to make the men feel all the stronger for braving a fucking haunted house.
The trauma that VH claims Mina would suffer for the rest of her life if she so much as heard a peep of their manly work is the trauma that Jonathan already suffers. "But he's cured, right?" Not how PTSD works. He was relieved to finally understand that his experiences were real, but that was only the first step to recovery. Imagine how Jonathan feels being told that if he is honest with his wife, she will become like him but with possibly no chance of recovery! After all, she is a woman and he is a man.
"So I shall go, if I may, and cheer myself with a few happy words with that sweet soul Madam Mina. Friend John, it does rejoice me unspeakable that she is no more to be pained, no more to be worried with our terrible things. Though we shall much miss her help, it is better so."
Mina is being kept here. To play fucking cheerleader for this old man. He is keeping her close so he can go to her for comfort, for reassurance that he isn't a thick-headed Dutchman like Renfield said. You are a thick-headed Dutchman, VH. It is not about her safety! She'd be sent home if that were the case! No, it's about tradition! It's about chivalry!
"I agree with you with all my heart," I answered earnestly, for I did not want him to weaken in this matter. "Mrs. Harker is better out of it. Things are quite bad enough for us, all men of the world, and who have been in many tight places in our time; but it is no place for a woman, and if she had remained in touch with the affair, it would in time infallibly have wrecked her."
Jack, I will kill you. I'm going to "infallibly wreck" you, you bastard. VH and Jack's repeated insistence on defending this stupid decision is unlike Jonathan's attempts to convince himself that he agreed to the right thing because oh no, they are not uncertain at all. They are patting themselves on the backs. They are Mrs. Westenra gloating about throwing out the garlic flowers. "I did not want him to weaken in this matter." Please, Jack, I would like him to weaken in this matter. These two only make each other worse, someone please separate them indefinitely.
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
Would any of the Dracula crew have read Frankenstein or would it not suit their literary tastes
Oooh, let's see! I think that's a yes for sure on some of them. Let's just go down the main cast one by one, shall we?
Jonathan - Yes. Hamlet's his blorbo so he obviously isn't averse to tragic stories, and I honestly love the idea of Jonathan being into gothic romances. Not that this is that, but there's enough overlap that when Mina suggested it to him he'd enjoy it. He gets really sad about how it all went wrong.
Mina - Yes. I think science fiction is very much her taste, as is spooky/tragic stories. This is both, it's great! She really enjoys the nuance and complexity of the characters. It's maybe even a favorite of hers.
Lucy - No. She doesn't like spooky stories, necromancy-adjacent anything is too much for her. The tragedy doesn't necessarily bother her too much (she enjoys crying over a good story from time to time) but everything about how the Creature is made creeps her out too much and she doesn't want to read about it or what comes after.
Arthur - No. Rather, it's possible he may have read it but it's generally not the sort of story he likes so if he ever did it would have been because of a class or at the urging of Jack, and he never got into it. He likes funny stories and adventures more.
Quincey - Yes. In large part because my initial impulse was to say no, and Quincey strikes me as the kind of guy who happens to have read all the stuff you assume he never would've read, haha. But also, I think he just really enjoys a good story. Regardless of genre, if it's well-written he'll give it a go and often really enjoy it.
Jack - Yes. I think he read it a sleep-deprived frenzy in school while he was supposed to be studying and ever since has had occasional recurring dreams of trying to give Victor and the Creature therapy.
Renfield - Yes. He's very well-read. His sympathies used to be for Victor but after being in an asylum they tend more towards the Creature since he understands now how dehumanizing it can feel to be looked at as Other or Monstrous.
Dracula - Yes. He considers it a comedy.
van Helsing - No. He doesn't have a lot of time for reading novels what with writing a new doctorate thesis every other weekend; he's typically neck-deep in a bunch of different scholarly articles and such at any given moment. When he does read fiction, it tends to be stuff he's picked up at random because it sounded interesting - or children's stories and fables, he likes those. He might have a copy lying around somewhere maybe but if so he hasn't gotten around to it.
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