#i was shocked to see someone screencapped them haha
papersynth · 6 years
The Feud breakdown theory
TLDR: Its basically one big Klance-centric episode, this whole theory’s probably a reach but its nice lol. Reposted from my twitter. More under the cut!
Lets start off this thread by pointing out one of the glaring things that immediately hit me once I started watching this episode when it aired: the title sequence. I'm not particularly old but my parents have always loved gameshows and reality television.
They would watch it in the living room and so one of the things that stuck out to me the most was how the logo for Garfle Warfle Snick is visually similar to "The Dating Game" which was a 60's TV show centered around a bachelorette picking out a guy to take out on a date.
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Even the dang flowers.....
It was at this moment I thought "well, after being basically deprived of any Klance scenes for 3 seasons, you'd think S7 would bring you some of that and boy oh boy I've been fed so well. I think its strange for them to visually replicate a DATING GAMESHOW logo. We know for a fact that they were going for a family feud esque style, so why didn't they just replicate the Family feud logo instead? The vibe of the entire episode would change because it'll be a glaring reference.
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Going back to Kaplan's tweet about how things aren't what they seem, the Feud really, like, obviously lets you know, that things really aren't what they seem. The story shifts in focus and tone and so do the characters.
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My theory is that this episode foreshadows events to come that even the paladins never knew were even challenges themselves.
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I believe this sort of aids the Klance fight theory (graciously written by Ca HERE) because that altean colony which they believe was a win for them to discover, could possibly be their next challenge (their garfle, becomes a warfle)
We also know that it isn't new for Voltron to use the "it was an altean all along!" as shock value for their enemies but at this point, I think Allura's starting to learn that her race is equally capable of evil.
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This adds to the idea that during the 3 year gap, there's a possibility that the altean colony and Haggar/Galra have been working together to develop new technology (Hunk: I've never seen the Galra use weapons like these before) because clearly it isn’t the olkari helping them.
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Time for my biggest reach yet, how the fuck is that a chopstick lance. You can recognise a mullet for a hundred feet away but you can't recognise a sword at point blank. Strange considering Keith drew out the sword pretty quickly, so there's no way Lance saw chopsticks.
NOTHING in this image screams chopsticks. I even went and printed out this god forsaken screencap and tilted it to see if it looked like chopsticks from a far angle and nope, still looks like a blade. This one's a reach but, chopsticks are insinuate a "yin-yang" dynamic.
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Chopsticks is a strange pick because it doesn't LOOK anything like a chopstick. It would have made more sense to call it a shovel, paper fan, knife, surfboard etc. Go off. Chopsticks have always been used as a pair, one cannot exist without the other, which brings me to voltron's wings. I like the idea of Voltron being similar to Darling in the Franxx because of their mecha designs kinda taking reference from Evangelion. This is a reach definitely, but its cute whatever, eat this up. There's a mythical bird called "Jian" and it only has one wing.
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The bird can only exist with another of its kind, where together, they can fly and soar. Wings and duality are symbols that have ALWAYS gone hand in hand, simply because there are two. Chopsticks being Lance's stupid fucking word choice is so damn specific its hurting me.
HERE'S ANOTHER REACH Y'ALL, the reason why chopsticks are thicker and circular at the top but thinner and squared at the bottom is because they represent the heaven and the earth. WHERE'D THEY COME FROM Y'ALL. WHERE DID THE PALADINS GO? UH? BACK TO EARTH YEA?
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And once again, Keith draws this one very quickly so it does show that Lance can make a good guess immediately. I can see why he would say Dog here. SO WHY COULDN'T YOU SEE A BLADE AT FIRST LANCE? EXPLAIN YOURSELF. MOVING ON FROM THE DAMN DRAWING GAME.
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I think these two screenshots speak for themselves. Earlier this morning I wrote a theory about how the Klance dynamic is all over the place because Lance has grown as a person in his absence and he's confused as to how he's supposed to behave towards "new keith".
He takes a jab at Keith throughout the start of this whole episode
"Not my fault keith can't draw!"
"I'm not a mind reader!"
So once again, its the usual bickering coming from Lance, but we see that shift later in the episode, I'll get to that later.
The next game with bii boh bi. Funny to me how the game's called "The Garflator" when we've already established that "Garfle" means to "win". The monster isn't the Garflator as they've misleaded, its the tank.
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If you don't believe me, here's the subtitles literally calling the monster the "Warflator". Strange isn't it? You miss these things when you watch it the first time. Bob wasn't joking when Warfle and Garfle were interchangeable.
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I don't really want to analyse how Bii Boh Bi acts throughout the whole segment mainly because I think that's reaching a little too far, and it was likely comedic the entire time, but I can't help but notice that his tone throughout suggests a "fill in the blanks" situation.
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My theory is that this situation foreshadows the possibility that someone will help Lance fill in the blanks, and guess what the answer is in the GARFLator. He might even really be running out of time so again, stick it out till the last episode of S8.
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Bonus: Seems like its pretty nice isn't it. Our crops are watered and his skin is cleared. Joking of course, but overall the whole Garflator/Warflator situation keeps getting mixed up together that's why I think this theory's reaching but I digress.
Time for the scene that made all of us Klancers scream into the depths of hell. We all already know that they didn't have to vote for each other if it was meaningless, but after seeing the recent surplus of Lance being hurt by Keith leaving, I've got a solid theory.
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Lets look at the scene first, mainly at Hunk and Pidge's faces. We know Hunk is emotionally observant while Pidge behaves logically, so I think when we're speaking logically: Lance picking Keith seems HIGHLY illogical to pidge.
Lance "hates" Keith. Why pick him to survive? THE MATH DOESN'T ADD UP. On the other hand, Hunk's facial expression here seems more....worried? Not confused. There's been substantial evidence that Lance was hurt by Keith leaving, and if he spoke to anyone about it, it'd be hunk.
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I think Pidge is surprised to hear these things come out of Lance's mouth and seeing Keith pick him. Remember when they all picked someone to help Lance? The braniest of the team? I think honestly Pidge might be the first to pick up on their possible affections towards each other.
This sort of parallels the earlier scene where Lance was the last one to figure out Pidge was a girl, but maybe that's reaching a little too hard (Curse these short arms!)
Earlier this morning I wrote a thread about how Lance picking Keith to leave here is probably the nail in the coffin that he deeply cares about Keith. Remember, this situation would probably be the third time that Keith has left Lance.
Read the linked thread, I won't reiterate it here but basically Lance grows in Keith's absence, stepping up when he needs to, but its not really what he wants. Losing Keith again might be devastating, but that only heightens why this scene is so affectionate. He makes this choice himself.
He calls Keith the future because he has faith in his skills (he's our leader) and him as a person (plus he's half galra). That Keith HAS a future. This is SIGNIFICANT because the only other person that has said that they have faith in Keith, was Shiro.
Shiro is VALUABLE to Keith, he's the most important person in his life. Having people believe in him has always been difficult and I think where Lance says (although cryptically) that he believes in Keith, is really where their new dynamic takes off.
THAT's why Keith behaves somewhat coldly in S7, because its never gonna be easy for him to suddenly accept a new person in his life. He’s not sure how he should react to another person caring for him. Both of them know their dynamic isn't what it used to be, they can't joke and jab anymore. We're back to square one, but its different this time.
One last thing about this episode (that isn't Klance related) is Luxia's kingdom, just a fun quick thought that maybe the Baku might be back, i mean he never really was defeated, just trapped. ;)
Uhhh that's it! Can't think of anything else haha. Thanks for the wild ride friends, I hope these feed your optimism for today~ Again, they're all just theories but I hope S8 is a good experience for everyone! Have a great day :)
One last thing: I would love it if Klance happens and the theories prove true, and if it doesn't its okay! Sure I'll be disappointed, but its fine if I'm wrong about a fictional TV show lol.
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snowbatsims · 5 years
post 19
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And, the washing machine broke!
And instead of fixing it himself this time, Einarr was getting stupidly thirsty and decided to invite a repairman over here instead. The deal was easy; in exchange for a sum of money with an extra tip, he ordered a simple repair, as well as a bit of blood. Bloodthirst is still a thing, after all. They're vampires.
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REPAIRMAN: Whooaa, sweet. I always wanted this. EINARR: You may keep that if I get a little bit of your blood. You know, as we arranged. REPAIRMAN: Haha, no way. It's mine now. And then he ran out, as fast as his little mortal human feet would carry him. Obviously that wasn't enough. A vampire always catches up.
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EINARR: SIGHS. I told you. I hate doing this. I just need a little bit of your blood! It was quite literally a part of the deal, remember? Why couldn't you just trust me. Meanwhile....
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MORTEN: Oh my god. Why.
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MORT: Now what!! MORT: Turning it on and off again doesn't even work??? MORT: Didn't we just have a repairman here too? Lord. MORT: Where did that guy go?
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MORT: ... MORT: Oh man. I just remembered the strange fantasy tree I saw the other day. MORT: Maybe I can actually go there now.
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It's autumn, and yet its leaves are still firmly in place, green as ever. It's not even a pine tree, which WOULD be evergreen. 
Nope, this one has leaves, is covered in strange mushrooms, and it.. glows. 
Should've mentioned that. It very much is a tree that glows, which does require some further investigation.
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MORTEN: This seems rather.. fairy-like. I wonder if it could... Giggles from the tree could be heard. Suddenly, an entrance-shaped hole in the tree opened. MORTEN: Oh?
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Man, this place is beautiful.
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MORT: Here, froggy froggy...
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MORT: Wow. This fish looks like a potato. I love them.
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Being a vampire in the digital age sure is nice!
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MORT: Gosh, with all the frogs and fish around here, and no harmful sun, I could probably stay here forever! MORT: ...Though I guess it would get a little lonely... Strangely, he hears someone sit down nearby.
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He does a double-take. Is that really... MORT: Mom??? What are you doing here? MOM: ...Hello. MORT: Hello? MOM: ... :)
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Honestly, this place is beginning to give him the creeps. MORT: Are you sure you're not an illusion? MORT: ...Please talk to me. MOM: Yes. MORT: That's it? Uh... guess I'll be more specific. MORT: How did you.. get here? The constant giggling of the surroundings is starting to get a little more ominous now, despite somehow sounding exactly the same as ever.
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MOM: The Sylvan Tree sent me here. MORT: That's- that's what it's called? Huh. How would you know its name? MOM: *giggles* She sounded exactly like the fairies... MORT: Are you.. are you sure you're not just an illusion conjured up by fairies? MOM: This place is beautiful. I think you would love it here. You should stay. MORT: Uh... Her eyes go pitch black. MOM?: 𝓦𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮. 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮, 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓾𝓼. MORT:
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MORT: So, you said we're moving, huh. EINARR: That is the plan, yes. MORT: It's actually happening? It has been a few years since the idea was proposed... EINARR: Indeed it is. We were just low on funds at the time, but Rune has been earning a lot of money in royalties for his music lately. EINARR: Anyway, we're finally going to be near the coast! I've found a very nice, large house to accommodate all five of us. MORT: Ooh. So you're doing portraits to hang up in our new home, then? EINARR: Yes. MORT: I haven't seen you paint much before! When did you-- EINARR: Morten. Child. I'm a thousand years old. You may take a guess. MORT: Oh, right.
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Floral arrangements!
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And Kvikindi went visiting a certain classmate. The one who's the grandchild of one of Rune's cousins. That classmate.
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LUKAS: So you're uh, half vampire or something? I mean, I definitely see your alien part. It's really cool! KVIK: Yep!! And all my dads are like, wow watch out, you're gonna be struggling with this vampire shit too sometime. Bluh, bluh.
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LUKAS: Hey, that is a bad word. Try being more quiet. KVIK: Really? Shit? Bat says it all the time. LUKAS: Well, my parents would give me house arrest if they even THOUGHT I said that!!! KVIK: Oh, huh. How lame.
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RAKEL: Where is our visitor? EMMA: Oh, she's been playing with Lukas. RAKEL: I wanna play too...
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And so they did.
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RAKEL: Do you spot anything cool yet? KVIK: I see an orange floating crystal above me. RAKEL: W...what? KVIK: Oh, that cloud looks like a spider. RAKEL: Wow, yeah. KVIK: BAT CLOUD!! RAKEL: Where? KVIK: Right.. there ah dangit it's gone already. RAKEL: Aw, no!!!
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Anyway, they finally moved.
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And this is the point where I updated Mort's hair again. It's available for download on this very blog. 
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They made not just one, but two snowmen that night. How productive. Must be easy when you literally can't get cold.
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EINARR: Ugh, these awful windows.
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EINARR: We really need curtains.
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We also really need the ability to change our ceilings. Seriously.
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On a random evening neighborhood exploration... LIV: Wow, hey, did you just fly here as a bat??? Dude, are you vampire? MORT: Well, yes-- LIV: THAT IS SO COOL. I KNEW IT. I KNEW THEY WERE REAL!!! MORT: I guess-- LIV: Bite me. MORT: what
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LIV: You heard me, buddy. *slaps neck*, Come get your juice. MORT: You're.... kinda weirding me out, person.
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LIV: I'm sorry? MORT: M.. maybe later. I'm not actually thirsty right now. Just exploring the neighborhood, really. LIV: You can have my phone number if you want? MORT: Y-yeah, sure. LIV: Whenever you need any blood, I'll be right there for you, buddy.
And then it was Winterfest, once again.
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Kvik got into a childhood furry phase....
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FATHER WINTER: Ho, ho, ho.. Gosh, nobody's around.
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BAT: Hey. FATHER WINTER: Have you been naughty this year? BAT: ...not at all. FATHER WINTER: Hm. My lists very much say otherwi---
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BAT: Thank you very much for the gift!!
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RUNE: Oh, dear.. Is that really Father Winter? RUNE: Bat, I swear to god.
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MORT: Oh.. oh, dear.
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MORT: I'm so sorry about that. Bat is an absolute gremlin sometimes.
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MORT: I mean, seriously, the audacity of that child!!! FATHER WINTER: O-oh, it's fine, dear-
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MORT: HOW COULD HE!!! WHAT IF HE KILLED YOU! IT WOULD MEAN NO MORE WINTERFEST FOR ANYONE!!! FATHER WINTER: N-no, it's fine, really. MORT: HOW. FATHER WINTER: I'm not the only Father Winter, dear. We're merely the assistants of Santa Claus, MORT: BUT STILL!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU DEAD...
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MORT: I don't wanna.. see anyone dead. FATHER WINTER: I appreciate your concern, dear. Do you want a present?
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MORT: Do I???
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MORT: Gosh, I hope it's not dog droppings like last year. FATHER WINTER: Why, who could ever give you that? MORT: Last year's Father Winter. FATHER WINTER: Ah, I believe it must have been a mistake. You're much too good. MORT: Yeah, it was apparently meant for Bat. FATHER WINTER: I see. That's the kid who just drank from me, right? MORT: Yep. FATHER WINTER: Figures. Well, he's not getting anything from me this year. MORT: Pretty sure he already did. 
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EINARR: Why, hello there. FATHER WINTER: ...are all of you vampires? EINARR: Yeah, sorry about that.
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EINARR: We're definitely going to stick around for a while, hah! MORTEN: Jeez, don't remind me...
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EINARR: Anyway, how are you? Has this Winterfest been treating you well at all? FATHER WINTER: Well, first of all, MORT: Bat drank from him.
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EINARR: *pretends to act shocked* MORTEN: Nobody's buying it, old man. FATHER WINTER: ...did the lights just turn off?
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EINARR: Hey, what's it like to have day vision? FATHER WINTER: ..you're not noticing it? MORT: Only a teeny tiny change, honestly. EINARR: I guess they shut off our power. We're a little low on funds since we recently moved. FATHER WINTER: Anyway, uh, I figure Mr. Auðvinsson would like a present as well this year. EINARR: Of course.
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EINARR: It's.. tickets. FATHER WINTER: Congratulations, your entire household has won a room at a hotel in Strangerville. I advise you to use these tickets within this winter. EINARR: Strangerville, huh. Peculiar name. FATHER WINTER: Yes, quite. FATHER WINTER: I believe it is time for me to leave now.
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MORT: Aw man, Rune missed him...
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Well, speaking of Rune, it seems he brought in all the guests now.
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Hug train.
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MORT: It's actually the real you... MOM: Gosh, what do you even mean? MORT: You wouldn't believe what I saw the other day. MOM: Son, you're a vampire. I'd believe anything at this point. MORT: It's such a long story though,,,, Bottom line is, the fairies created a clone of you and--- MOM: Oh, my dear child.... And so they all had a nice winterfest. Even if it’s dark.
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I might enjoy screencapping too much.
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wlwvoltron · 7 years
why lance (probably) won’t be the red paladin, and also why keith (probably) won’t be the black paladin
alright, so, chances are you’ve watched and rewatched the season three trailer multiple times. or, at least, i have. in it, we see lance in both the blue lion and the red lion, and we also see keith in the black lion. 
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lots of people are speculating that this means black paladin keith and red paladin lance are basically canon now, (and they could very well be right) but i don’t think that’s how the season will progress.
i mean, first off, there’s this analysis by @radioactivesupersonic, which is a perfect description of how keith, character wise, would crumble from being the black paladin. it would give him no positive character development, and it just brings back keith’s abandonment issues/trauma and whatnot. and honestly? you can see that in the picture above. keith looks, quite frankly, miserable, but he’s trying to just...toughen up and pull through, because shiro, the only person who’s ever been there for keith, the person he’s probably trusted with his life on multiple occasions (before voltron, too), the person who’s like a brother to him, told him to do this. so of course he’s going to listen. but that doesn’t mean keith has to be happy about being the black paladin. 
you can also say that this expression can be a reaction to lotor telling the team he’s going to destroy them, but look at hunk and pidge - their expressions are so different from keith’s. because keith has to lead now, and, truth is, he has no idea how to. now, this isn’t me hating on keith’s character or whatever, but simply stating a fact - keith does not know how to lead a team, and he’s only ever had to look out for himself. if shiro had told keith how to lead or handle the pressure, this may have been different. but shiro didn’t do that, and keith is clueless as to what to do. 
also, in season two, keith’s bond with the red lion was emphasized so. much. in episode six, when keith and allura both suspect that they are the reason zarkon can track voltron, they go into a pod to see if zarkon is actually tracking voltron through them. when the pod explodes, they’re floating in the void of space...until the red lion saves them.
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so the red lion is like...basically keith’s mom, lmao. 
not to mention that keith’s big character arc was already in season two, and while i’m not saying that multiple characters can’t have character arcs at the same time (in fact, the story is a lot more interesting if they do), putting keith as the great black paladin of voltron would draw so much attention to him that keith’s amount of screentime would be extremely disproportionate with the rest of the paladins. 
now, to the fun part: lance. 
a lot of people have speculated that lance being the paladin of the red lion will tie into the narrative that lance is just keith’s replacement, and that lance’s insecurities will only grow from this. that’s true, and it’s definitely a factor in why i, personally, don’t want lance to be the red paladin, but it’s not necessarily a reason why lance won’t be the red paladin (i think).
because if the writers wanted to draw focus to lance’s insecurities in a way that will amp them up, red paladin lance would be the plot they’d go for immediately. because, hey, lance would hate being keith’s replacement yet again. it would be just like the garrison. 
but...what would that resolve?
all that red paladin lance (and black paladin keith, for that matter) would do would be to make everyone Very Sad. granted, the trailer somewhat contradicts this with lance yelling, “woo-hoo!” in the red lion, but i’m certain that’s not all of it.
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because the red lion is shown to be the fastest and most agile lion, and, come on, if you were in an extremely fast giant metal cat, wouldn’t you be having fun, too? (that is, if you don’t get sick.) because the thing about lance is that he’s a normal teenage boy, not a tragedy. he can be pretty sad about being keith’s replacement again, but that doesn’t bar him from, you know, having a little fun in a really fast machine. 
anyway, what i’m saying is that lance being the red paladin will do nothing for his insecurities but make them bigger. and that wouldn’t be easily resolved. a simple, “hey, lance, you’re not just keith’s replacement,” probably won’t suddenly make all his insecurities go away. there’d have to be some serious focus on lance for that to happen, and with keith as the black paladin and allura (presumably) as the blue paladin, there would simply be not enough space (haha, get it? ‘cause they’re in space.) for lance’s development to go to the full extent. voltron only has 13 episodes per season. is that really enough time to fit in three complex and overlapping storylines? the writing would have to morph from good to spectacular for that to work out.
also, the red lion is the most picky lion. i highly doubt she’d just allow herself to be piloted by a new paladin, especially so soon after bonding with keith. 
and, also, lance has an attachment to the blue lion, as well. 
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in this screencap from season two, he hears keith asking about the blue lion and gets defensive immediately. this could be tied to lance feeling like keith is always trying to be better than him at everything, but also, lance has a connection to the blue lion. i doubt he’d give her up that easily. 
or, at least, he would, because lance’s character is honestly very selfless, and he’d do anything for “the greater good,” but, assuming he’d be giving up blue to pilot the red lion, this would just tie back into the unresolvable insecurities. yikes.
also! also. keith and lance are shown to have a very opposite dynamic. they’re fire and ice (literally). lance switching from the blue lion to the red lion would be a...very hard change to navigate through without running into the insecurity problem or changing his character completely. as the leg of voltron, lance is support. he holds the team up along with hunk, and he makes sure they don’t fall (figuratively and literally). going from this position to being an arm would change things for the worse. the arms are the fighters. they keep voltron from being destroyed by delivering the punches and whatnot to the enemy, not by supporting the team and being cautious. so going from a leg to an arm would be shocking, to say the least. 
and the qualities required for the red lion are not like lance. yes, the red lion is temperamental, and i’m not going to deny that lance is. however, he is only temperamental when he feels someone isn’t listening to him or is directly wronging him - as seen multiple times with keith and once in season two with shiro. in a fight, more often than not, lance is careful and strategic, much unlike keith (as seen in season one episode seven). so there’s one reason why he would not fit the qualities of the red paladin. 
the red lion also requires a paladin that relies on instinct more than skill. it is heavily implied that lance is the opposite. this post by @cheritsundere says that lance (most likely) studied constantly to learn how to fly, which shows that lance relies on skill far more than instinct. keith, however, is a natural with flying, showing that he relies on instinct more than skill - which makes him a great red paladin. 
we don’t know the traits of the blue lion despite the fact that she is the friendliest and most accepting lion, which mirrors lance. he’s an extremely social person, which can be seen in, you know, almost every episode of voltron. 
and now, to the final part of my analysis: the trailer.
okay, as i’ve been practically obsessed with voltron for a year now, i’ve watched the trailers and the episodes over and over, to the point where i can probably recite the dialogue in my sleep. one thing i’ve noticed with the trailers is that the audio they use is usually overlayed with the wrong scenes. 
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in the season three trailer, we see lance smiling, looking excited and happy, but with the audio, “we gotta get out there and help the others,” overlayed. in the audio, he sounds serious, like something terrible is happening. that leads me to believe that the scene and the audio do not match up.
how could this possibly tie into this analysis, though? 
well, in the season one and season two trailers, we’ve seen footage from episodes early in the season, and usually only that. the only exception is the scene in the season two trailer which shows the paladins standing and looking bravely in the distance, but, to be honest, i really think that the only footage that could have been used from later episodes in the trailer was the scene of lotor. yes, i know, we see keith in black with that audio playing, but, again, voltron likes to fool us and play the audio from one scene over another.
so what does this mean?
it probably means that keith piloting the black lion and lance piloting the red lion are from episodes, say, 1-5, when the team is still trying to figure out who goes in what lion to form voltron. and, with all the evidence here, those placements most likely aren’t going to work out. 
to conclude: a bunch of evidence says keith won’t be the black paladin and lance won’t be the red paladin. also this took me over an hour to write so please reblog it i need the Validation
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
Watching Thin Ice for the first time
(It’s quite late, I know, and I’ve been seeing images and gifs and whatnot on Tumblr, but nothing too spoilery.)
(By the way this episode apparently features Twelve in a top hat and OH BOY AIN’T THAT DAPPER)
Everyone’s probably already watched this one - or rather, I got behind schedule because of things - but anyway
-*episode starts*  Elephant: hhHUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRR  Me: ...wut
-Shouldn’t Bill be shivering
-I feel kinda sorry that Bill is worrying about slavery still being a thing at that time period...
-But seriously how are none of them shivering yet, okay forget the Doctor, he’s wearing multiple jackets and he’s a Timelord but Bill is in a freaking tank top, how the hell is she not freezing yet
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Time Wars: The Smaug Awakens
-Yay, sea.. beast... water... dragon... thing!!
-...Who apparently eats a shoe
-So is it just me or did the title sequence turn a tiny bit bluer
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YA he dapper
-But really, I don’t think Nine or Ten or Eleven would’ve bothered to change outfits unless it was so cold that a thick coat was a must.
-Not that I’m complaining. I’m digging that outfit of his.
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No shit, there’s like a bunch of life forms outside aka people and animals and fish (probably)
“Your friend, Pete. He was standing there a moment ago, but he stepped on a butterfly and now you don't even remember him.” Twelve upped his humor game
-But really, huge thumbs up for whoever designed the outfits for this episode
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It was at this point that I had to look up the transcripts for the episode.
-Okay, so baked chestnuts are eaten in the West as well, but tell me, do they boil them with rice? Do they have chestnut rice as well?
-”Is that what you said to Pete?”  “Who’s Pete?”  I’m not even sure if he’s messing with her or if he really forgot and I love it.
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I’m awwing like mad and I don’t even know who I am awwing at - Twelve, or the girl.
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-Sheep hearts... Okay...  ew.
-Tbh at first I thought it was rat meat
-”It’s not wrestling unless it’s in zero gravity”  What even
-That sword act looks painful.
-At first I thought Bill was worried about the wrestling guys but then she was like “GET IIINNNN”
-”Bit more black than they show in the movies.”  “So was Jesus. History’s a whitewash.”  THANK YOU
-Although this makes me wonder if the Doctor was around when Jesus happened, if he did happen. We’ll have to stay on guessing level because otherwise it’s gonna be the most controversial episode ever.
-Damn Bill’s a good bowler.
-Doctor what are you doing like seriously
-What happened to your mental age
-Alright okay so you can steal...
-Why are drunkards always wrestling?
-”He’s small and brown and ever so soft.”   Haha...
-TF do they want with the sonic screwdriver
-You don’t even know how to use it
-His name’s Spider?
-Her name’s Kitty?!
-the fuck happened
-”Have you ever killed anyone?”
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Okay, the conversation was getting very dangerous already, but I think that crossed the line. I’m not saying Bill did anything wrong, but as a third person viewer who is aware of the context this hurts me a lot.
-Like, If you knew what happened to the Doctor, you wouldn’t be able to say such things as easily.
-”That’s not what I asked!”  I’m getting Clara vibes.
-”I’m 2000 years old and I’ve never had the time for the luxury of outrage.”  Have you?
-I guess it’s a choice of words and maybe I’m missing something but you were outraged plenty of times.
-Maybe he meant a different sort of outrage from what I’m thinking
-That was confusing and unfruitful
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Aww it’s the girl from earlier on
-The Doctor hid pies in his hat?
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-”I was being all ‘down with the kids’ there, did you notice?”  “Yeah, my hair was cringing.”  OMFG
-First off, no one introduce him to memes, NO ONE, and second, series 10 has some pure gold dialogue.
-”Please stop.”
-Where the hell did he get those old fashioned diving suits from
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“ 🎵 🎶 Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, 🎵 🎶 swimming, swimming, swimming... 🎵 🎶 ”
-”I can speak whale!”
-That’s a hell of a burp.
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i’m dying’
-”We’re stood by the docks and you just asked me if I’ve ever seen a man with a tattoo of a ship.” ... HA
-Dredge: to remove unwanted things from the bottom of a river, lake, etc. using a boat or special device
-Return if the psychic paper!
-wtf kind of name is Sutcliffe
-What ARE the bricks made up of?!
-”But you can’t help it because you’re a man of intelligence.”  Damn that’s some smooth talking there
-But even if the Doctor was smooth-talking, I’m glad he made someone happy
-And I thought the Doctor was 24/7 tactless
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“NO SH--”
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Is it just me or does he look like Tarkin from Star Wars
-”Doctor Disco from the Fairford club!”  *series 9 flashbacks*  boi
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‘wow, racist much?’
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-”Reason wins.”
-so THAT was the scene from the trailer  well anyway THANK YOU A LOT
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love how he always makes a point of his hand being hurt after punching someone
-Also, I had to look up the ‘Victory to the Daleks’ episode for that screenshot, and in the process I also procured this piece of gold:
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...and a lot of nostalgia.
-To get back to the episode...
-Well, shit. They got themselves tied up again.
-I don’t like the blue coat guy.
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Okay, I hate him. He’s a dick.
-No offense to genitals everywhere, y’all are better than him
-”It’s enough to move anyone... with an ounce of compassion. Except me because I’m a heartless cold blooded bitch.”
-”Don’t be smug, smug belongs to me.”  Hahaha!
-Oh so that’s how ‘awry’ is pronounced. I thought it rhymed with ‘Rory’.
-Didn’t mean to cause flashbacks there...
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No, it’s called being a dirty little dickenshit.
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My throat hurts just by watching this
-I’m... not too sad that the guy died. But at least they’re free.
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Aww I love Bill being friends with the kids
-Hahaha fuck you blue coat guy
-Hahaha fuck you blue coat guy (x2)
-Did the Doctor somehow change the location of the explosives?
-Holy shit he did
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He did it!
-He went down there and relocated the explosives!
-Hahaha fuck you blue coat guy (x3)
-”What if she, like, doomed Greenland?”  But hardly no one lives there...?
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-I’m being stupid here but I can’t tell if he’s trying to erase it or scrape it off
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what the fuck is that giant coconut Wilson
-Ah, so he was erasing that after all.
-”There you go, there’s your tea, why are you dressed in period clothes?”
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Is that like the Doctor Who version of Google or something
-Also, quite impressed that she didn’t lose her phone during all this.  Or maybe she just left it in the Tardis.
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-”I’m drinking my tea, in my specially chosen tea clothes.”
-Yay, the children!
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-At least it wasn’t four knocks.
-But who’s behind the doors?!
-oh shit?!?!?!?!?!?!
-what the fuck?!?!
-I’m screwed.
-Also, as you would have noticed, I found that I can turn on the captions for some of the newer episodes where I watch them. So, I’m gonna make use of that for my screencapping conveniences.
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