#i wanted a new header so i got a new header 😌
castielsprostate · 10 months
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lipglossanon · 8 months
I just noticed the new header of your blog it’s looks so cool! Also I come bearing Thoughts. I just bathed my 60ish Ib dog (who hates water so it’s a wrestling match every time) and it got me thinking about how dog or puppy Leon might need a bath after making a mess or something. I could totally picture having to do what I did tonight and get into the tub to keep them from climbing out. I feel like maybe puppy Leon would do better but want to play and make a mess while dogman Leon just sits there all grumpy. I don’t think you could physically manhandle them though I feel like they would just pull you into the tub at that point 😆
I never send in asks but I just love your writing and vibes a lot (you feel like a nice comfy kinda person) so 💜💜💜 stay spooky
Ahhh thank you anon!! 🥰 🥰 I love this time of year 😌
No stop that’s such a cute idea!!! 🤭 🤭 and you’re so right! Dogman Leon would just sit there muttering under his breath but let you wash his hair and then Puppy Leon is for sure splashing you and playing and trying to talk you into taking a bath with him (“you’re already wet miss owner, just go ahead and get in!”) 😆
And oh my gosh I give off comfy vibes? 😭 that’s like the best thing I’ve heard 😭 💜
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Vogue changed their YouTube channel header to Z in the met 😌
Dare I have thoughts….
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Oop!!! You're right Anon.... 👀
Ooooo.... don't let me have any thoughts!!! 🙈😭
Either they just want clicks and they know Zendaya SELLS (she's the hottest female actress under 30 right now), or they might know smthg we don't know. 👀
I haven't even seen leaks that she's even been INVITED this year though. I would think an outlet would want that news to get out just so ppl watch with the HOPES of seeing her. Ykwim? 🤔
I'm not getting my hopes up at all....
But if there ever was a year for her to go to the Met, I think THIS would be the year to do it, because she has two films ("Challengers" and "Dune Part 2") coming out this year, and it could really generate great buzz for her if she attended the Met. 😊
In fact, if the entire Dune cast was there at the Met this year and got interviewed together on the red carpet, that would be HUGE! 😁
Florence is already going, but that's the only Dune cast member that I know of that has been 100% confirmed as going. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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pashminalamb · 2 years
If you make an another account will you be posting it? You know so I can immediately follow and all 😁. And same I’ve always been a loner too. There have been a few exceptions though. But the past year taught me a lot about friendships so I’m just working on myself this year. It’s kind of lonely but at the same time really peaceful? I think I’m happier now than I’ve been in a long time. Yeah the lack of friends and companions makes things lonely but it’s not something that I’ll let break me anymore. I know I’m stronger than that now. Someone’s I think online people are easier to interact with because there’s no attachments?? Like if they left me I can assume something happened or they decided to go offline but I know for sure (mostly) it’s not my fault you know? And people online are just so much kinder in general. Not that I interact a bunch of people online, just a few, but that’s just my experience so far. Didn’t mean to go off on a rant there my bad 😅.
And don’t apologize for closing the chat box!! It’s completely understandable. As kind as people can be online there are still a bunch of creeps out here 🤢. So pls stay safe!!
YOUR SCREENSAVER?!??! ASDGKKGFFGG MY BABY HE LOOKS SO PRETTY. Also I’ve only recently gotten a Haitani brothers brainrot so like that’s a big factor atm 💀💀. OH there’s this one artist that posts her drawings in insta and tiktok abt TR and they look amazing and are so freaking funny I end up clutching my stomach every time 💀😭😂.
Here’s one of them
I’ve posted a few things on my blog but only drabbles really. I’ve been wanting to start doing analysis’s for a long time but I never got around to it. Just like character analysis’s and relationship analysis’s and story arcs and all that jazz. I love all of it. And in my opinion the best stories are the ones where the characters are what drive the plot of the story. TR did an amazing job of doing this and it’s one of the reasons I fell in love with the story in the first place almost immediately.
That one illuminati ask was…. something 💀.
Comfort fics are my favorite and the ones that explore real experiences and feelings and aren’t just a colt bf paste of the same words really do it for me.
Thank youuuu ☺️!!! Yeah my blogs a mess but I have so much fun with it. I haven’t posted anything in a while tho and I’m thinking about starting character analysis’s posts first. I’ll probably brainstorm over winter break. Which cant come soon enough btw. I have so many ideas for stories (besides fics I mean) and I wanna warm up and practice with tumblr.
Emperor! Izana ehhhh 👀👀?? Don’t worry I can wait. I can be patient when I want to be 😌. And the 30+ WIPS?? I felt that 😭😭. I don’t even wanna look at all the almost blank documents where I speed typed like 30 words at 3 am and when back to sleep 💀💀.
REOOOOOO!!! See like Nagi is also very adorable. And Barou has been growing on me lately 👀. See what I’m doing with blue lock now is just being spoiled left and right. I gave up trying to avoid spoilers (my lack of patience really shined through here) so now I see a post abt a match point or a duo breaking up in the manga and I’m like WAIT WHAT and then just don’t read the manga 💀💀. I WILL (eventually) soon but after the first season ends.
I love love love analyzing people and hearing their stories and learning things through experience. Which is really rich cause Im not good with talking to people and I never leave the house 💀💀. You can see my problem 😭😭.
How’s reading TR going? 👀👀
Ohhh I’ll check out those recs.
What did you think of the new episode of Chainsaw Man? Shit really hit the fan after the first 5 minutes 💀💀.
You should’ve told the guy where you found the picture so that he could save it as his wallpaper if he liked it so much 😌🙄.
Also can I mention how much I love the headers you put at the end of each ask? Like they’re so adorable and cute and thoughtful. I just wanted to say I really appreciate them!!! You’re so sweet ❤️❤️.
As for me, I’m currently in the library waiting for my next class to start. I took a tumblr break after eating lunch. My professor just made a big essay optional and extra credit because he wants us to review for our last unit test and midterm throughly. SO LIKE HECK YEAH!!! But also I already have an outline for it so I’m debating if the 10 point extra credit on our midterm is worth the extra work or not.
How’s your day going? Papers are rough but you got this 😤😤!!! Don’t forget to take breaks and eat something and drink water today okay??? *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Kinda want to announce it so that I don’t seem sus - but I also wanna be discreet abt it so that I can interact with people who wanna message me (in priv) and not people who want a part 2 of something from me ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა (please I get that you guys don’t wanna be left on a cliffhanger - but. I have a life outside tumblr and left with less hours to write. And if you want quality, you’re gonna have to wait. Pushing me isn’t gonna work cause you’re gonna be disappointed with the end result and so will I) you’ll be able to tell it’s me cause I will say this - it’s a TR username - I have two of them in mind and I can’t figure which one I want more cause the one I got represents me in whole and the other is a guy who’s high (ikyk)
Yeah, it gets lonely here- but at least it’s peaceful; I follow a few blogs - mostly art + JJBA updates (and I’m super excited to check out the new eps of stone ocean) interaction wise... i have tried it out before, but none of them lasted long. what hurt me the most was when i was trying to be genuine abt something and writers here (not all but some) are really closed off yk? like they're fine interacting with friends but are really selective with new people? cause of that i just gave up interacting with them altogether and after my ideas got taken and neither was anything being reciprocated back on my blog by them despite us following each other- cause it goes both ways and if its just me, i wont do it anymore. my experience online hasn't been that great except with the upload of fics... and the only interaction i would get was comments or going through tags that was included by the person who reblogged it- but with recent developments, a lot of that has changed and i'm comfortable talking to people now ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Oh yea definitely. Safety is super important to me - that's why i never reveal too much about myself just small things cause you can't be completely safe on the internet- like when i was still a small time writer i got followed by a spanking account (istg the way my eyes widened when i saw it; and it wasn't even the kinky variety- it was traditional method of disciplining someone) - won't go much into detail about it but yeah i ended up blocking him. And now that i think abt it he must've read my hanma fic - but still (T.T)
Rindou is so pretty- i. he looked at me on the train (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
Unfortunately, I don't use tiktok. I used to be there - but i realized that i wasted a lot of time with endless scrolling, some of the content had received a lot of likes despite there not being enough effort? not to mention my ex's friends came to troll me through that app. I deleted my account and as i got older, i decided to never go back - so now i just stick to pinterest, twitter and instagram with the latter two being purely for uni reasons. so yeah i'm not much of a social media kinda person - and yeah i live under a rock and i'm ancient (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Oh yeah when characters take the drive and the plot goes ahead is a different thing altogether - and i agree. like even in tr, i was really surprised to see the turn of events and character development - especially Kazutora and yeah i saw the drabbles (didn't get to read them cause i haven't watched one piece but maybe i should soon) - glad to know that you're a woman of culture for liking ace cause i like him as well - despite not watching the anime (is a zoro fan as well) and now i wanna change the theme of my blog as well- thinking if i should go with beige, sage green or blue- gonna see how this pans out
that illuminati ask had me dead- and i was just laughing from confusion and saying that idk who was a part of project and conspiracies- it's gonna be an inside joke on the blog 😂
Oh yeah emperor Izana - very fitting for his image tbh; and literally- when its time to write, it is time to write and lately i've been feeling the word "cold" a lot which added to True north Aiku's part (yes i will talk abt my husband- and apparently he's set a standard for me in men too shaggy hair with a mullet minus the side shave + scruff/ 5 o clock shadow) I haven't watched the latest of bllk - i read the new chapter though - not much action but Isagi's development; and you found out abt a duo breaking up- ૮₍•᷄ ࡇ •᷅₎ა dw tho - there are more pairings that come in and you'll get to see Barou with his hair down- p hot ngl .What i really really pray for is aiku getting animated (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i wanna see him touch him feel him (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
TR reading - might start uploading manga panels soon and i still like Senju/ Senjuu - she's like me (๑>ᴗ<๑) (although i know some ppl would disagree- i'm curious to see what character would you relate me to tho)
And i forgot to add that i read philosophy as well - i'm all over the place tbh - one of my favs is tuesdays with morrie. Its a sad book but totally worth the read.
I haven't watched chainsaw man just read the manga- but i think i should start watching that cause mappa did a good job with it and honestly- the animation looks very different than their usual (i was roped into re-watching aot - likes reiner and porco )
Ty fur liking the headers- (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i'm gonna put them for every ask - might start putting webtoon ones too
Oof good luck on the review!
So, i wrote the review and the prof liked it a lot- i got summoned to the archival section of the library - the books there are so old and dusty and i'm working on a research paper with my prof (had to wash my hand three times to get the dust off and i'm thinking of carrying surgical gloves for this-)
I hope your say is going well too, starry!
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I do not regret sending cursed images I found on Pinterest
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I want to put a little into here on what I’m gonna be posting on here or what I’m about i guess??? I recently got really into asoif universe and the history lol I’ve always loved game of thrones but never got deeper than the show until recently! Dany has always been my best girl now I love every Targaryen woman to ever live bc they just do no wrong not sorry 😌 I think I will be posting my face claims for some of them on here as well maybe edits at some point if I get around to it! Also like my bio says I’m team black BUT I do understand some points of certain greens even if I don’t support their claim or agree I can understand from THEIR perspective lol Helaena & her children are the only one who do no wrong soooo…. But yeah that’s about all I can think of atm 😭
please feel free to send me asks and questions !!! I love talking about discourse of that family as long as it’s respectful lol and I wouldn’t mind new friends to discuss stuff with 🥰
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Also pls mind my @ is bc I can’t think of anything else that’s not already taken atm give me time I might change it idk I liked it bc it felt like a play on her agreement on being a goddess 🤭 && for whatever reason I cannot put a header so 🙃 &&& if i use ur gifs pls let me know I just have stuff saved from Pinterest so i apologize I’m still learning tumblr posting and not just hitting reblog
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imthebadguyyy · 2 years
i was tagged by the lovely @querencva to do this tag game, thank you so much for the tag, i loved doing this! 💜
1. Why did you choose your url?
when i was choosing the name, i had an obsession with billie eilish (which i still do ksksk) and bad guy was my jam, and then i never really got to changing it lol, but it's become my name now so it all worked out!! i also never thought i'd actually get to posting so i just picked something random : ))
2. Any side blogs?
yes, but it's all pure bs so i'd rather not mention it 💀
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I've been on tumblr for a little over a year actively, only started actually using it towards the end of 2020 and started posting in 2021, earlier i just had the app and didn't use it because i didn't know how lol
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no, i never even use my queue, and the one time i tried i messed it up so 💀
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i've always loved reading and writing and exploring new stuff, and one day i randomly stumbled upon this app when i had my peaky blinders obsession, and i fell in lobve with the blogs and people here. then i started to write and reblog and stuff and i just eventually fell in love with how much fun it was, and when i developed an interest in F1, i met a bunch of people who also shared my interest !!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a picture of lewis on a bike, which was my favourite photo from that photoshoot!!
7. Why did you choose your header?
i edited all the photo's from the WSJ mag photoshoot together because it remains superior 😌
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
hmm, it'd have to be this one and this one, this and this but y'all have shown so much love to so many of them!!
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i have a few but i'm lazy as a guesstimate would be like 20?? there may be more i'm just not counting 😂
10. How many followers do you have?
currently, i have 710 followers (holy guacamole) and i love and every one of em <33
11. How many people do you follow?
i follow 76 people!
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
i don't know??
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
way too often, i have no social life 🤧
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
nope, it takes time and energy i just don't have
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i think people should have the choice to reblog what they want, but this is a difficult one. if it's about needing help or for a humanitarian crisis i feel the need to reblog it, but once again it depends on personal preferences, but reblogging is just a click of a button and if it makes someone happy or helps them, might as well!
16. Do you like tag games?
i love em!!
17. Do you like ask games?
YES i do but for some reason, i can never get people to participate in ask games lmao
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
oh lots of em, and as they should be!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope, but i love em all
20. Tags!
tagging @grandestrategia @theonly1outof-a-billion @e44hamilton @lucent-knight @itsallyscorner @heureux4430 @soadoya @quillsink and whoever wants to, as always, only if you want to !! 💜
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lacunafiction · 3 years
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Weekly Update: 22 October 2021
I hope you’re doing well and staying safe! Hello to new and old followers. 💚
The masterpost with the demo link is: HERE. Reblogs are always appreciated.
> Here is a more specific update regarding what I have been doing:
- As I mentioned last update, I will likely be releasing a progress update every other week as opposed to weekly, depending on what I have to report. - I’ve been going full steam with writing! Any hour I can spare from irl obligations, I’m either writing or making notes for future choices/arcs/etc. Great progress has been made on Chapter 10, including a few references to earlier choices you may have selected in the cabin or elsewhere. Those always make me smile, especially since I know many of you are observant and will see the relation or cause-and-effect. 😊  - I changed the header picture for progress updates to be more ~spooky~ for this time of year, but I like the purple vibe of the other one too that matches my masterpost. I may alternate them. Idk. - I have altered how stats display a tiny bit...I’m still working on how and when I want things to appear within the pages/screens. You all will not see these changes for a while, possibly once I overhaul the existing demo sometime in the distant future, but they are meant to increase readability. - I am used to playing on my tablet and then all the coding/playtesting/etc. is on my computer, so I’m trying to be more aware of how mobile users will see the game. I will be adding quite a few page/line breaks when editing. I haven’t started the in-depth editing process yet in favor of writing, so Chapter 5 and future chapters haven’t been rigorously picked over yet. - (I outlined the Book 2 introduction the other day because thinking about it got me excited. 😌👀)
- - -
> Here is what I plan to work on:
- I will continue to be working on Chapter 10! ✨ - Writing is taking the priority for me atm. I sincerely appreciate the interest and understanding while you all wait; it’s very motivating.
Wishing you the very best and please stay safe! 💚
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cloudravine · 2 years
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I was tagged in a couple of ask games by @lanwangiji @wuxien and @legoilas, thanks so much darlings! 🥰🌹
Here and here 🌈
1. Why did you choose your url?
I adore the cdrama Legend of Fei and Yang Jin is one of my fave characters in it 💕 Cloud Ravine is where Yang Jin is from; it’s got a pretty sound to it, too, and it felt like a perfect simple-yet-beautiful new url to go with after finally taking the leap to change my brand url theleavesoflorien 🥺
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
@quenyatranslation: pretty self-explanatory haha
@garasham: I’m just a nerd who loves vampires, The Witcher and languages 😌
@ninquenarmo: needed a space to collect all my TW3 screenshots ✨
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Since October 2011 lmao, so it’s been over 10 years now I guess 😳
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope, I rarely use a queue unless I know I’m gonna be away for a long time
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Pretty sure it all started bc my innocent soul was looking for Drarry content dhsfds, and then over time my blog turned into a multifandom mess 😂
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love Cirilla and TW3 💖 Wanted to change my icon to Legend of Fei’s Xie Yun but, since I recently did an entire blog makeover, I figured I should keep something familiar for a while so my followers aren’t completely confused 😂
7. Why did you choose your header?
For mobile - just needed something pretty to fit the colour scheme of my icon 🌸 For desktop - I love my man Lan Wangji very much 🥺
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Think it’s a Galadriel one with a couple hundreds of notes 🤔
9. How many mutuals do you have?
No idea about the numbers, but I lover each and every one of them 🥰
10. How many followers do you have?
Currently 1,993 angels 🥺
11. How many people do you follow?
1,313 sdhfss, been following lots and lots of new kdrama/cdrama blogs lately and need to do a big spring cleaning at some point haha
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Mmm don’t think so, I’m too much of a crybaby for that 🥲
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Since we upgraded to unlimited internet at home, I’d say usually a few times a day unless I’m very busy
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Not really, though I can remember a few super weird interactions :/
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I usually ignore them bc they’re not good for my anxiety sdhfs
16. Do you like tag games?
Absolutely, even though I’ve been terrible at doing them in a timely manner in the past few months rip 🥺🌸
17. Do you like ask games?
For sure! I mean, you only post ask game prompts when you’re in the mood anyway, right? 😊
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Probably a few I can think of - it’s what they deserve! 💗
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
Oh yeah, I crush way too easily and it’s really embarrassing sdhfds 
—this or that
Woah, apparently I’m so late with these that I even got an autumn this-or-that game in here sdhfs 👻🍂 Hello nostalgia haha
pumpkin or apple // cocoa or cider // Halloween or Thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // wooly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversized hoodie
Tagging the three lovelies who tagged me + @amantisegreti @technicallysideacc @stupendousbee @straysinfiltrator @forever-and-almost-always @thedauntlessdeclan and @kiravelan to do whatever part of this you want 💕
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devotion · 3 years
tagged by @peterbenjiparker omg hi thank you <3
1. why did you choose your url?
y'all know i love love loved my old one @/darlingspidey which i still use as a sideblog on another whole separate blog that i'm on when things get hectic here... but i soon realised i was turning multi-fandom in feb and i had this url miraculously saved from before and went 👀 yanno what. and... yeah. my url that i've kept for the longest + it'll probably stay that way now (hopefully) <333
2. any side blogs?
.... you don't wanna know how many i have. if you ... knew, you'd genuinely think wtf. but there's 6 here that i use for different reasons. @thomasparker is one for recs.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
in around two weeks, it'll be 20 months 😳
4. do you have a queue tag?
one which is q. dbjzbd off topic but i used to have the ... weirdest queue names and had “queue're so golden” or smth that i copied from seeing it somewhere thinking that it was how it was done, then realised it's a lyric from one of harry styles' songs 💀 didn't expect it like, i don't listen to him at all nor am i fan of his.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
5 days before we went in lockdown, i was still part of a toxic fandom and instead, already had a tsh sideblog (@tsh-darling 😌) to get away from it all in the meantime. it was my first tom mutual who supported me when i suggested it. not a mistake at all; i love her still even though we're both busy rn 💕 and you lot. i thought that i would never get my 100 followers back lmao
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it always goes back to pete. but tom hardy........ tom hardy, oh my goodness.
7. why did you choose your header?
the new spidey suit is so so so fucking fit.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
a fic that's just turned a year a few days ago; “tummy rubs” - 1.3k notes <3
9: how many mutuals do you have?
mutuals who i talk to... 2/3 all the time. but when i'm normally freer than i am now, it goes up to about... er, 15? on another note, i love people who i follow and they follow back. just dk who all of 'em are tbh. you don't expect me to sit here and count them 😭
10. how many followers do you have?
i don't wanna share that but it's not a big deal. 65% less than m's tho lmaoo
11. how many people do you follow?
almost 300. i should try to clear it up but i've done that a lot in the past and recently there's been nothing but good vibes on the dash with everything that i hate filtered out bddjjdb so there's no need ig. i like it now bc it used to be so dead :( better than when i used to follow 700 tho amirite
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i... don't. not necessarily, no. if you're calling me freaking out over the leaks of the nwh trailer, (which got called out for not being the case), those aren't shitposts. that's me being excited. 😔
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
when i'm on my holidays, hours. otherwise, i take month-long breaks, and pop in once a week or fortnight.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
yeah. not really my fault but no one saw my side tho.
15. how you do feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
when i first started, i was gullible. now, it's bullshit. character development.
16. do you like tag games?
barely ever get tagged. but for the most part, no. i'm not that interesting.
17: do you like ask games?
i get like 2 asks whenever i do it so leave it :(
18: which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
prev post <3 a lot, you're right. everyone's writing is incredible, they all deserve it <3
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
mate i love all of them, i seriously do.
no pressure tagging: the mutuals who i haven't seen being tagged in others? @parkerpeter24 @spideyspeaches and anyone else who wants to do it? maybe i'm blind and i didn't see that you got tagged :( ♡
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trans-xianxian · 3 years
getting to know you
tagged by @wenofqishan ty harker 😌
why did you choose your url?:
well you see wei wuxian is simply trans
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them:
hmmm well my old cql blog was a sideblog to my main on my other account that I literally never go on anymore but then I moved so it's on its own account now so idk if this really counts as a sideblog anymore? but my other account has a few sideblogs the only one I rlly use anymore is my art blog @mossy-rat!
how long have you been on tumblr?:
oh good god far too long... doing the math I've been here a solid 7 years (derogatory). but I've had this blog for a little less than a year and my last blog a little more than a year... at the end of the summer it'll be two years combined!! I got into cql like... Weeks after the last episode aired lmao
do you have a queue tag?:
baby I don't even have a queue
why did you start your blog in the first place?:
hmm well I started my first cql blog because I liked the show enough that I wanted to blog about it but no one can know that I like things so it got its own blog but I moved to a new account because it was just getting annoying having my cql blog be a sideblog and there was just a bunch of stuff I wanted to clear out/I wanted a better tagging system
why did you choose your icon/pfp?:
well you see wei wuxian is simply trans
but this is an exclusive pride month special... my usual wei-wuxian-crying-at-nevernight icon is because that scene makes me feel things so much and the acting.... *chefs kiss*
why did you choose your header?:
I don't have a header bby!!
what’s your post with the most notes?:
on this account it's a donation post but as for like... actual cql posting it's this one abt wei wuxians self worth problems. on my old account it's this one about lan sizhui and jiang cheng lmao
how many people do you follow?:
a pleasant 110
have you ever made a shitpost?:
everyday I'm haunted by that tony hawk wei wuxian post
how often do you use tumblr each day?:
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
baby I've been in arguments you can't even Imagine. people have deleted their blogs because of me. most of the popular cql blogs have me blocked. I Live to antagonize the general public of tumblr, never shut the fuck up, and have no sense of self preservation.... of Course I've gotten into fights with other blogs before and oh it's happened a lot more than just once
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?:
spiteful and belligerent
do you like tag games?:
I do! I don't usually actually do them when I'm tagged but it's fun to learn about the beloved mewtchuals anyway
do you like ask games?:
yes so much!!! tho I always feel bad when I forget to answer things for a million years or sometimes I'm scared no one will respond and well that's just embarrassing skhdmzuns
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?:
I definitely don't have any Tumblr Famous tm mutuals but I have some Popular In The Fanbase tm mutuals tho they are few and far between because most popular cql blogs are evil... I think meisha is probably my post popular mutual? but she's on indefinite hiatus now :"( so I'm gonna say that hannah and teddi are probably my most popular mewtchuals by cql fanbase standards :^)
do you have a crush on a mutual?:
no but I love you all sm mwah mwah kiss me on the mouth etc etc
hmmmm I'll tag @jiangchengspsychiatrist @evakant @arla-fett and @ahomeboylives but of course no pressure *hands you a neat rock that I found*
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librarygf · 3 years
thank you @7x10mickey and @09x06endingscene for tagging me!
1. why did you choose your url?
bc ian’s a wife guy who loves being a husband more than anything in the world and i wanted to honor him 😌
2. any side blogs?
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i made my first blog in 2013 i think..... let me out 😭
4. do you have a queue tag?
5. why did you start your blog?
to participate in this fandom actually, i had an old one but it felt like a time capsule of my teenage years so i made a new one for this show
6. why did you choose your pfp?
see answer 1, bc ian loves being a husband more than he’s ever loved anything else in his life 🥰
7. why did you choose your header?
i don’t have one sorry 
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this one apparently, almost all my top ten are from s11 rip
9. how many mutuals do you have?
okay i counted bc most of them are from this fandom and i was intrigued to know how many we are and i got to 75 👀👀 we just feel like such a small nice community i thought we were way less but 🤷‍♀️ i guess there are more of us here than i thought
10. how many followers do you have?
i like that we’re all keeping this private so i’m not gonna say
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
tell me, will.... aren’t they all? 🤔
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
less these days but still a lot rip my screen time
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i don’t think so? i’ve disagreed with anons sometimes asdfgh does that count? 
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
idk i think it’s powerful that social media can aid activism, but i don’t like that phrasing or the implication that activism and knowledge starts and ends on tumblr
16. do you like tag games?
i can’t always be bothered to participate but yes i think they’re fun!
17. do you like ask games?
same answer
18. which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
idk none of us are known outside of this fandom so no one asdfgh
trying to tag some new people: @jenatte @milkovichy @iansemtjacket @ianspettyagain
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versadies · 2 years
hi dan!! 😤💗 i've been meaning to ask you this b4 but i always forgot abt it 💀 so right now im gonna ask this while i still have the question in mind😌
i'd like to know where do you edit your graphic designs for your blog ! (such as the icons, headers etc...) :D cuz... They do be looking so good and aesthetic for real 😍💘
and i don't want to seem like i'm asking a lot or requesting something, but this is only a suggestion— is there any chance you might try to do editing tutorials ? 🤔 i of course am just wondering,,, but also it's understandable if you don't want to do so as well given the load of your pending fics 😅👌
and also take some rest after posting 3 fics in a day!! <333 i could tell that you really are enjoying making smau fics and they're all so GREAT??!?! You cant find me not cracking up with your works 😌 i wish i could give me full review or favorites about your smau works but when i open the ask box ofc i cant view ur blog at the same time too 😰
Good work Dan!!💗💗💗 Thank you for feeding us, and so don't forget to rest and care for yourself too 😤💖 for more positive news, 🦊 anon and i are getting along really well(tho i wouldnt also want to assume for their side😰) :DD and of course that wouldn't happen without you so this is one reason to thank you more <333
Ngl im really loving the "😰" emoji. I couldnt describe how thankful i am to be accustomed to using it 😰 just look at this ;;;
— 🍰 anon is curious.
omg hi 🍰 anon !!! it’s nice to see u in my inbox once more <33
i only used picsart and phonto (for titles) to edit my icons and banners since i’m a mobile user (a proud one) :DDD i used to make book covers for people in wattpad (in 2018 i think??) so i really got used to both apps and improved a lot back then (and im still improving !!)
i’ve actually danced around the topic of doing tutorials, and i think i can do that since it’s not that time consuming (like smau fics) — only time can tell when i can do that tho since i have absolutely no idea what kind of edit tutorial i should do 💀💀💀
and no worries !! writing those 3 fics rlly wasn’t that exhausting since smau is rlly easy to write — and ngl i cackled at my own jokes so it makes me happy to know that you like my humor 😭😭😭
don’t forget to rest and take care of urself too :DDD and OMGGG im happy that you and 🦊 anon are getting along well because of me ! i hope your friendship with them will bloom lovely <3333
i dont blame u for loving 😰 sm, i too got addicted to the emoji until i switched to 💀 emoji 💀💀💀
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