#i swear I'm totally normal about these two
crescendoofstars · 11 months
otp: you learned my song
reblog if you agree.
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taytei · 15 days
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he did, indeed, hit my like a stampede
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frodo-baggins · 1 year
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20 years of The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers (released in the US December 18 2002)
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y'all i promise i was GOING to brainrot about moth but then genshin dropped the teaser for the Arlecchino animated short and now my head is full of nothing but Father
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worldwhampion · 1 year
here's the google doc for much better reading! (also contains a small epilogue)
Now comes the psychological characteristics.
6. Alexithymia
 Apollo struggles with expressing both personal matters and feelings . Null had this to say concerning that: “Two lost souls… one who cared too much, and one who cared too little.“ As you can guess, the ‘one who cared too little’ was referring to apollo. They do in fact have the capacity for caring - however little it is - though not the capacity for clearly expressing it. I feel like they are reluctant to do so (perhaps out of fear?), along with that they just simply don’t know how. This falls in with alexithymia, or low empathy: to sum up, a lack of emotional awareness, difficulty articulating feelings and identifying them from both themself and others - another common autistic trait. One example of their lack of emotional awareness is when they seemed to attach more importance to making money rather than the safety of artemis - they didn’t sense the psychological gravity of the situation and how artemis was in deep distress. In addition to that, they couldn’t bring themself to connect with Artemis and their passionate dream of meeting up, which they do seem to genuinely regret later on. Another example is their reluctance to share more about their farm: “Yes, I have a farm. What of it? It’s not much, mostly fruit I've found in my travels, but I'm hoping to expand… anyway this is no concern of yours.“ They replied notably dismissively when asked. I think there is a certain group of autistic people who converse on a need-to-know basis, meaning that they’ll share certain things (e.g. talk) only when they have to, even holding back on small trivial topics - especially if it’s personal. I’m again talking out of personal experience here, this used to be the case when i was younger. I’m not sure why I was like that, though I think there was a certain amount of ‘logic’ behind it. For some reason it just made sense to me to talk only when needed. Moreover I somehow had a tendency to avoid getting personal (i actually still do to some extent). Like Apollo, younger me too was rather standoffish due to this. 
There are two quotes i found on the wikipedia page about the ‘apollo archetype’, a kind of psychological personality type, which somehow describes our apollo nms uncannily well: 
“Individuals who resemble Apollo have difficulties that are related to emotional distance, such as communication problems, and the inability to be intimate… Rapport with another person is hard for the Apollo man. He prefers to access (or judge) the situation or the person from a distance, not knowing that he must "get close up" – be vulnerable and empathic – in order to truly know someone else….”
“The introvert is likened to Apollo, who shines a light on understanding. The introvert is focused on the internal world of reflection, dreaming, and vision. Thoughtful and insightful, the introvert can sometimes be uninterested in joining the activities of others.”
 These here sum them right up, from top to bottom.
7. Hyperfixation on money
They were quite literally hyperfixated on making money. It was just about the only thing that mattered to them in life, to the point of bringing more detriment rather than benefit in terms of emotional comfort. Hyperfixations usually bring profound joy, but when to the extreme they can interfere with daily life. It can cause individuals to neglect their basic needs, such as self-care, as well as their social life, like fostering healthy relationships. The intense focus on one thing leads to the exclusion of everything else. Outside of money, they didn’t seem to have any other sources of happiness (outside of farming fruit, though that seemed to be only a minor detail); limited interests are one of the main autism diagnostic criteria. The reason they likely disregarded artemis was due to this - artemis had nothing in common with their interest. Though it’s interesting how Apollo still showed a good amount of concern about them despite that. It makes you wonder what kind of attitude they exactly had to each other. When they helped the traveler with saving artemis, they initially only did so in order to make money - they had to shift the goal of the undertaking to commit themself to it. And when they started to reconsider what place money truly had in the world, they had an identity crisis - from which they could die depending on dialogue choices. They had an interesting line if you say money is indeed what matters the most: “I have learned to love my chains.“ I’m not so sure on how to interpret this, but one thing’s for sure that their hyperfixation with money is not healthy at all.
8. Potential masking
This one’s rather more of a headcanon based on what is told: Apollo is masking. Autism masking can be described as a social strategy used to mimic neurotypical behavior, which requires conscious effort to carry out. Usually this is done in order to feel a sense of belonging and to avoid bullying, and it can take a toll on your mental health if kept over the long term. It could also be used to succeed at work environments, which seems to be largely the case for Apollo, since they’re implied to often deal with negotiating contracts. This line of work demands strong conversational skills, as parties try to successfully convince each other into reaching a desired outcome. Though Apollo's definitely more on the side of introversion. One line that’s stuck with me is this: “I'll send you to a contact of mine, they'll supply you with what you need. just remember to be polite.“ I get the impression that Apollo has to consciously monitor their own body language and words during such negotiations. However unpleasant this may be for them, I feel like their strong desire for money compensates just enough for them to endure it.
9. Unusual vocabulary
In conversation, Apollo uses a rather unusual vocabulary. (This could be partly due to the influence of their work’s economical jargon). This line is an example: “Consider it a gift, my little investment into our partnership.” And probably their most well-known line: “what are units for if not to assert dominance over your fellow lifeforms?“ One thing that’s less widely mentioned is that autistics sometimes tend to use odd verbose sentence constructions - which are more like literary expressions - in order to get their point across. I gotta say, this way you can indeed carry your thoughts over precisely as they are in your head. And some tend to stick with grammatically correct sentences too. Apollo does seem to be like such a person to me.
10. Monotonous speech
Odd voice tones are also a part of some autistic speech patterns. Examples are unusual articulations of words while speaking - or monotonous speech, wherein few tone variations are expressed indicating emotion. Considering Apollo is synthetic, their speaking voice would indeed be quite monotonous. That’s why they have to rely more on body language to make their feelings clear (consciously or unconsciously), like I said before. 
So yeah! In this essay I conclude that apollo nms is autistic-coded.
Pt. 1 < pt.2
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curligurl0896 · 1 month
On today's episode of "Making literally every love song I come across about my OTP" it's "Lover" by Taylor Swift
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augustinewrites · 2 months
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“sorry i'm late,” you sigh, hurrying into the teacher’s lounge much later than usual. shoko’s the only one there, feet propped up on the coffee table as she flips through a medical journal. you throw your coat over the back of a chair before joining her, trying to rub the sleep from your eyes 
“morning, sunshine.” shoko chuckles, handing you a mug. “this is a double shot, but maybe i should have gotten you a triple? what kept you up last night?”
“nothing," you quickly defend.
“you sure? because i'm not above blocking all the exits until you tell me.”
“you promise not to judge?”
“not out loud.” 
you roll your eyes at your best friend, but wring your hands tightly in your lap as you recall the events of last night. “have you ever had a…a special dream–”
shoko sits up straight, eyes wide as she says, much too loud, “you mean a sex dream?”
“shh!” you swat her on the arm, glaring. 
shoko ignores your obvious distress, grinning from ear to ear. “who are you having sex dreams about? is it ijichi? akari? oh my god, is it me? is it gojo? don’t tell me it’s gojo…”
“i may have been dreaming about…kento.”
heat immediately pools in your cheeks. “you can’t tell anyone, especially gojo. and hey, don't say it like that!” 
“i swear i’m not judging!” she promises. “if anything, i approve!”
“ugh,” you groan, heading over to the counter to put your unfinished mug in the sink. “i don’t know what’s going on with me.”
“fantasizing is normal. i’ve fantasized about everyone here. you, nanami, even gojo.”
she takes a sip of her coffee, shrugging. “i'm a scorpio.”
that explains nothing and in no way makes you feel any better. if anything, you’re starting to feel a little possessive over someone who isn't even yours. 
“well i need to stop thinking about him like this,” you mutter, frowning.
“back to your dream. did you guys…do it?”
“shoko!” you gasp, gaze darting to the open door.
“so you did,” she deduces. “was it good?”
it was great. not that you’d tell her. 
“hey, naughty is good. naughty is sexy,” she laughs.
you rest your hip against the counter, shaking your head. “i can’t dream of him like that again. i can’t go on missions with him if i’m having these…inappropriate thoughts.”
“why? cause you want to be his good girl?”
some clears their throat loudly. 
both your heads whip toward the door, where nanami’s standing with his briefcase. “good morning.”
as he walks further into the lounge you wonder two things. first, how much he heard. second, how much force would it take to put your head through the wall–
“excuse me.” your entire body stiffens when a hand is placed on your waist, nanami gently moving you to the side as he grabs a mug from the cabinet. 
memories of last night’s dream invade the crevices of your mind, causing you to quickly step out of his reach. with his back turned you look to shoko for help, who simply makes a circle with her thumb and index finger and–
you feign casualness when nanami turns to face you, sending you a small smile before taking his coffee and making a swift exit.
shoko bursts out laughing as you groan, wishing you could melt into the floor.
“look at them. they're totally talking about us,” gojo mutters, peeking into the teacher’s lounge.
“so?” nanami asks, prying gojo’s hand from his sleeve. 
“so, what do you think they're talking about? oh– oh, shoko just pulled out her phone. maybe they're talking about the thirst trap i posted for–”
nanami grabs the back of gojo’s shirt collar, dragging him away from the door. “why would they be talking about a picture you posted for your fiancée?” 
“because i'm hot–”
“please stop talking.”
“you’re hot too, nanamin! someone’s been giving you the look lately.” 
that makes him pause. “really? what look?”
the sorcerer wriggles out of his grip, an irritatingly wide grin on his face. “got your attention, did i?”
“what did you mean by that? what look?”
“the look. you know, the one where you’re picturing someone naked. fantasizing about them. caught her once while you were cooking us dinner. speaking of, what’s that one dish you made with the…”
nanami tunes out gojo’s nonsensical rambling, focusing on the few important things he’d shared as they walk down the hall. you were picturing him naked?
when you open the front door of your apartment, nanami is standing there with a bag of groceries and a bottle of wine.
oh no. this is how the fantasies always start. 
“i was on my way home and wondered if you’ve eaten yet.”
you’d eaten two hours ago, but you step back to let him inside and get set up in the kitchen.
soon enough, your little kitchen is filled with the sound and scents of a home cooked meal. nanami is a natural in the kitchen, tossing veggies in a pan and stirring his homemade sauce.
(it almost looks as good as nanami does with his shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow, cooking dinner in your apartment.) 
you’re snapped out of your thoughts when he reaches over to refill your glass. he refills his own, covering the pot and leaving it to simmer as he turns to where you’re perched on the counter.
“i wanted to talk to you about something,” he says suddenly, sweating his glass down. 
“i’m not above a few fantasies of my own.”
you almost choke on your wine. “gojo told you–”
he’s standing between your knees now, taking the glass from your hand and setting it aside. “i fantasize about you too.”
“you do?”
“i could tell you about them,” he suggests, voice dropping to a whisper as the tip of his nose nudges yours. “if you’re a good girl.”
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libraryraccoon · 3 months
Hi, I would like to request Alastor with a reader who is like the Trailblazer from Star rail please
I just like to think that their dynamic would drive everyone up the walls
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- Alastor unleashing Trailblazer!Reader on the world
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Message of Raccoon : Alastor with a Caelus/Trailblazer!Reader but it's mostly crack.
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First of all, you look like a raccoon.
I'm not the one who makes the rules.
You were, in fact, an angel.
But you were fallen because you rummaged through people's trash…
So now you're in Hell.
Alastor met you shortly after you arrived, you were beating up demons with an angelic baseball bat when he found you.
He immediately found you interesting, because :
You had an angelic weapon, a baseball bat. It was the first time he had seen a baseball bat as an angelic weapon.
You were a raccoon demon and you were in a fight. Raccoon demons, according to popular belief, were people who flew unnoticed and fled from any type of battle; they didn't like to fight.
You were beautiful.
But, like, the kind of beauty that was misused.
With all these points taken into account, yes he find you interesting.
Alastor came to talk to you before taking you to the Hazbin Hotel.
Over time, he understood that you were the exception who confirmed the rule on raccoon demons.
Why ? Because you were a being of chaos.
Not a day went by without someone seeing you running through hell, angelic baseball bat in hand, creating chaos and destroying everything.
Carmilla brought him to her neighborhood one day at 3AM because you were creating chaos there.
He swears that it's you who create the principle of chaos.
And when you're not creating chaos, you're rummaging through trash…
How Alastor even began to love you is a mystery even he doesn't have the answer to.
When Alastor realized that he love you, he had two reactions :
“Holy shit I can be in love.” Coming off the aromantic 'can't feel romantic feelings at all' spectrum was NOT one of the things he wanted this year.
Denial. Instantly.
It took him 3 months to come out of the first phase of the grief, the denial.
Not about being able to love, no, he accepted that.
But falling in love with you ?
Hell nah.
It took him 4 months to accept it, finally coming out of his grief.
He complained to Rosie about it, 100%.
“How could I fall for someone like that..” -Alastor, totally done with all this shit.
“Look on the bright side, Y/N is handsome.” -Rosie, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
He didn't confess, praying that his feelings would go away.
It was you who confess.
He helped you heal some of your wounds, and you just said "Thank you, I love you." Before kissing his forehead and leaving, like if it was normal.
After that, you got the "you can touch me but not too much" pass, which allowed you to touch Alastor.
And you use it too often at Alastor's opinion.
Now, when you're not digging through trash, not doing what you were created for (chaos), you stay with Alastor.
People don't fuck with Alastor anymore, not because they're afraid to be in his radio show, oh no no ! They didn't want to meet the madman that he call his partner.
You two are the most feared duo/couple in Hell.
Even if in truth you are just two people who love each other and love chaos.
Alastor entertained himself by watching the chaos you created. It's canon, I don't make the rules.
The Hazbin Hotel crew judges you so LOUD.
Charlie is the only one to support you two with Niffty.
Angel Dust asks too many questions for his well-being about you and the history of your relationship.
Vaggie is, and always will be, shocked to see you touch Alastor without consequences, or even to see you kiss him.
Husk asked you how you can love Alastor...
You took 3 hours for explaining the why-
No one asked after that.
Sir Pentious was just like "🧍‍♂️ does that mean you're Alastor's weakness ?"
Lucifer give you a lot of side eyes.
No, I won't elaborate.
Vox tried to kidnap you…
There was a week without Vox on TV, and every time someone mentioned your name, he flinched.
Let's not even talk about when he sees you after that..
Alastor himself doesn't want to know what you did to him.
You are the more affectionate and touchy one in the relationship.
Alastor always knows what you are thinking by your expressions.
The day you told him you were an angel and why you were sent to Hell, he was shocked.
Because, how on the 7 circles of Hell, a being of chaos was an angel ??
He just asked "How can an angel be so chaotic ?"
And you just shrugged your shoulders.
You yourself didn't know how you got to Heaven in the first place-
I just know that you touch his ears and his deer tail as soon as you are in private, and that even before being a couple.
You're just a 'I need to touch everything' person.
Alastor tried to get you to stop digging through the trash, but he never succeeded.
Alastor loves you, yes, but sometimes (read : often) he wishes he didn't.
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lost-and-ephemeral · 3 months
lnds x reader where the boys and reader are in an argument like bringing their insecurities up and says something extremely hurtful that made mc cry and distant themselves and the boys regret it so much? 💓
HCs: Hurtful Words (ft. main trio)
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader, (seperate)
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort (in the end), maybe guys acting too OOC
A/N: I didn't want to make boys too OOC, so maybe it isn't exactly what you wanted, but I tried to follow your request ♡
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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On one of your last missions, you were too reckless and almost end up dying because of it.
Xavier almost lost you again, and the thought just drove him crazy.
He was worried and pretty angry since it wasn't the first time you were playing with fire.
When he showed up on the doorstep of your hospital room, Xavier was very distressed. Even your reassuring smile made no impression on him.
He still remembered how you died in his arms in the past.
So he snapped.
Not because he really wanted to offend you. No. But because his anxiety had turned into a furious stream of thoughts.
He was harshly talking about how reckless you are. About how you're not all-powerful or immortal, yet you never think about the consequences. About how stupid you're being, putting yourself in danger by jumping into a group of enemies.
Xavier, normally mild and calm, was acting so different now.
And you, being injured and bedridden, hardly wanted to see this exact reaction from him.
His words made you feel like a burden.
And when there was no trace of anger left, he suddenly fell silent, looking at the way your eyes were slowly filling up with tears.
Oh, no. He didn't mean it.
He really didn't mean it.
"Leave my room," you choked out, feeling deeply hurt by his words.
Even if he wanted to stay, it wasn't the best idea.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you."
But you were wounded too deeply by his harsh words, so you immediately distanced yourself from him, chasing him away.
Stupid? Reckless? Did he really see you like that?
Of course not...
Every minute of his existence Xavier was regretting the fact the snapped at you like this. He was supposed to support you after a serious injury, not make you hurt even more.
And the distance between the two of you made it worse.
Happy ending bonus:
This poor guy only lasted a day before he came back to see you in the hospital with a bouquet of flowers.
It was physically hard to stay away from you for so long, especially since Xavier has already spend years searching for you. And ruining everything by this stupid argument wasn't something he wished for.
He was apologizing for everything he said until you softened and let him stay.
Because you, too, were missing his presence.
"I'll never let anger get control over me again. I swear. Please, just... Get better soon."
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Every now and then you and Rafayel would get into a playful argument, but now it was serious.
You just totally forgot about meeting with him at his studio and went to the mall with Tara.
Your busy schedule had jumbled up all the plans and days of the week in your head. And you ended up remembering your promise only a few hours later.
The fact that your phone was muted and you had hundreds of missed messages from Rafayel only made you feel more guilty.
So you tried to get to his studio as soon as possible while calling him. But he didn't answer.
Once you got there, you ran into a really pissed off Rafayel.
Yes, he was pouting at you from time to time.
But now the artist was more than angry.
You knew he was very sensitive when you suddenly disappeared without warning, so you immediately tried to make it up to him.
But it didn't really work.
"How could you forget about me?! You promised!"
Unexpectedly, Rafayel let himself snap at you.
He was so frustrated about the fact you forgot about him that he had no control over what he said.
He talked and talked. About not being able to trust you with your promises. About how he was tired of worrying about you when you suddenly disappear without a word. About how he was tired of waiting for you, thinking you decided to leave him, making him feel like a fish out of water.
And hearing about you being such an unreliable and bad person was truly painful.
His anger eventually led to you storming out of his studio in tears, not wanting to hear any more accusations against you.
You didn't cheat on him, didn't do anything wrong. That's why this sudden aggression from him made you so upset.
And only while standing alone in his studio Rafayel realized that he had made things worse. He didn't want you to leave him, yet this is exactly what happened.
He tried calling you, texting you. But all he got was silence.
Bonus happy ending:
After a few days the silence between you two became unbearable. He felt like he was in agony.
When you heard the doorbell ring in the evening, you didn't expect to see Rafayel looking like a wet, sad puppy. It seemed that he had been caught in the rain and had come to see you anyway.
He shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other before finally lifting his gaze to look at you.
"I'm sorry. I acted like a total jerk. Please, I can't exist in isolation anymore, not being able to hear your voice or see you. You can even scold me till the end of time if you want, just don't leave me."
You missed him as much as he missed you. So you let him in.
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Sometimes Zayne was incredibly tired at work. Not just physically, but mentally.
At this time, he wanted more than anything to just rest and forget about all important matters. If such a thing was even allowed for a surgeon as busy as he was.
Maybe he'd be able to do it even more often if he didn't have to occasionally wait for you to show up for an appointment.
Especially since periodically you completely forgot about them. And in the worst cases, you were not only late, but didn't show up at all.
Usually, he would just lightly scold you, which didn't cause any problems. After all, it was Zayne's way to show that he cared about you.
But today was a particularly hard day at work.
So when you walked into his medical office, Zayne was sitting at his desk, massaging the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
And your excessive cheerfulness at that moment didn't make the situation any better. You sat down across from him with a smile. But he only shook his head, tired and disappointed.
"You forgot about your appointment again and decided to reschedule it for tonight?"
You smiled awkwardly, but didn't have time to say anything.
Oh, how annoyed he was, scolding you for how negligent you were about your health, ignoring all of his recommendations. He said that sometimes he felt like you are his personal headache. Except he couldn't get rid of you.
And he was too tired to notice how quickly the smile disappeared from your face, giving way to tears.
Before he could say anything, you threw the stack of papers with your test results on his desk, almost running out of his office.
The situation had gone far beyond what was acceptable, but Zayne realized it too late.
He tried to call you and even drove to your place right after his shift ended, but he was left standing in front of the closed door.
Maybe it would've been better to just let you cool off.
But with your silence, a devastating feeling settled in Zayne's heart. He was so, so sorry.
Bonus happy ending:
After a couple days of agonizing silence, he wanted nothing more than to see you. He managed to catch you before you went into your apartment.
You avoided his gaze, but you didn't leave, giving him time.
"I'm sorry. You're not a headache. I was having an awfully rough day at the time, so I snapped. It won't happen again."
Now you could clearly see the remorse in his eyes. You missed him so much and just couldn't push him away again.
After all, everyone can have an argument. The main thing is to be able to deal with the situation correctly.
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arminsumi · 8 months
Scary Movie Night
G. Satoru — さとる ⋅ fem reader
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🔞 mdni / nsfw / smutty
NOTE : i have no idea, i just wrote and wrote and then a 4k fic came out. i was supposed to be watching scream and totally got sidetracked with this daydream of watching a horror movie with stsg and then you and gojo just start making out when he leaves 🥴
SUMMARY — the three of you planned to watch horror movies all night, but instead you started making out with Satoru on the couch after a long tension built up between you.
WARNINGS — not proofread pls ignore errors, cheesy, spicy make out, dry humping, smutty, sexual tension, heavy flirting and teasing, something between u and Suguru 🤭, lighthearted jealousy, nicknames (sweetheart, baby, princess etc), gojo is so bratty, kinda sub!gojo stuff but he's also a bit dom??, lap straddling, Suguru walks in on you two
🍒 — J ⋅ reblogs and comments help a lot ! enjoy reading :)
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"AAA ~ !! "
And the first character of the movie dies, of course, you already knew that because Satoru so kindly spoiled it minutes earlier.
"Seriously? I could scream more convincingly than that."
"I need proof." Suguru jokes teasingly, arm draping sultrily over the couch riiight around your shoulders. He stuffs some caramelized popcorn in his mouth. How can he make even the act of eating popcorn look so sultry and attractive?
"Shut up." you shake your head and smile. "This movie's so cheesy, which one of you picked it out again?"
"Hey! Cheesy isn't bad. And besides, the killer's a hottie."
You chuckle with Suguru. "So we're watching horror movies because the killer is hot?"
Satoru shrugs like it's obvious, scooting closer to you as inconspicuously as he can. But he's not smooth like Suguru; you notice the increased proximity and roll your eyes.
"Yeah, why else would you watch a horror film?" Satoru says.
Suguru responds, "Ah... maybe because you want to get scared?"
"Eh!" Satoru waves his hand dismissively.
You decide to tease him a bit just to get a reaction out of him. He's so easy to tease. "I get it. Satoru's too scared to watch something that's actually scary."
He glares at you immediately. You laugh, Suguru stifles his laugh and habitually rubs his index finger back and forth across his upper lip. (And he even manages to make that attractive.)
"I'm not scared of anything! I can watch any horror movie, no problem." Satoru boasts.
"Okay, big boy, let's put in something that's actually scary." Suguru teases.
"Ooh, how about the Grudge?" You suggest.
"Nah, too scary for me." Suguru admits.
"Can't handle a real scary movie, huh big boy?" Satoru mocks spitefully.
Suguru looks over at him and raises his brows very high. There's a tension between them, but then it breaks when Suguru decides to swap out the movies. The cheesy one is tossed, and hello the Grudge; you're nervously fidgeting and curling up in anticipation when the intro starts rolling.
"Be right back, getting refills. Satoru don't eat too many sweets you're gonna go into a sugar coma." Suguru sighs right after he says that, because the white-haired menace shovels a handful of sweets into his mouth and chews.
And he chews as loudly as possible right next to your ear. Chew chew chew.
"Satoru, I swear to god."
He giggles mischievously, stealing a sideways glance at you.
Why does she look so good tonight? This isn't fair.
The movie's starting, Suguru's trying not to make too much noise as he rifles around in the kitchen for refills. Such a sweetheart, he's refilling your drink without you even needing to ask.
Before his best friend can reassume that suggestive arm-draped-over-the-couch-but-really-over-your-shoulders position, Satoru does it; you feel the warmth and slight plush press of his toned arm against the back of your head.
Suguru doesn't think much of it and just sits back down normally. Though you do feel a bit sandwiched between them. But that's not uncommon in your friendship; they've been sandwiching you between them since highschool.
Satoru audibly swallows, but covers it up by making obnoxiously loud noises; shifting his legs, tucking them, untucking them, putting them over your lap and cheekily smiling until you scowl and push his legs off and then he pouts. He pouts so genuinely that you apologetically allow him to put his thigh over yours, just how he likes to do when the both of you are sitting side-by-side.
The movie's rolling. All three of you have your eyes glued to the screen. Satoru can feel you start to scrunch your shoulders up, so he teases (and talks during the movie, like he always does).
"You gettin' scared, princess?" he smirks. "Should I hold you — "
"SHHH!!" you and Suguru hush him in sync.
Satoru rolls his eyes and shuts up, but only for a little while. Then he pipes up again.
"Man, this isn't even scary, we should put something else in — "
He shuts up. And then, the funniest thing happens.
Satoru starts getting scared. Suguru notices it, but you don't; and it makes him quietly smirk. He would never expose his friend like that right in front of his crush, though. So he doesn't tease and just casually watches the movie, completely immune to the horrors.
You can feel Satoru tensing up, but then as if he notices you noticing, he relaxes his muscles. Then he clears his throat loudly.
"Sorry! Jesus I can't even clear my throat? Bleh."
"Satoru, quiet."
He pouts. Now it's silent again, except for the movie playing and the rain beginning to hit the window softly. The room is dimly lit, and the atmosphere isn't eerie but horror movies always change that.
It's raining, raining, raining, the movie is playing, the three of you are sinking into the couch, invested.
Then there's a small, sudden thunder crack and it makes Satoru jolt like a cat.
"Haha." Suguru stifles his laugh.
Satoru pokes hard at his cheek. "Shut up."
You tease, "Gettin' scared, princess?" you mimic mockingly.
"Yeah right! I can feel you trembling besides me." Satoru grumbles, unexpectedly defensive.
"Oh yeah. I'm just so terrified. Hug me, Satoru, I'm scared." you joke sarcastically. But sarcastic or not, his heart lurches.
You don't notice until you're halfway through the movie, but Satoru was the one trembling; very subtly. You can even feel the thighs of his muscle tensing up — he's still resting his leg on top of your thigh, unmoving. Why would he move? He's comforted by your body warmth. He needs that right now.
There's another thunder crack, and it makes both you and Satoru jump this time.
"Haha. Wimps." Suguru laughs, playfully mocking the both of you.
"Ah shut up!" you furrow your brows.
"Y/n, if you're scared you can cuddle m — "
" — meee, you can cuddle me, baby." Satoru interrupts Suguru, resulting in a funny side-eye moment between the two of them. Suguru shakes his head.
Satoru's scooting even closer, pressing his body against yours. Side by side. Warm. Firm and soft. Basically cuddling. You're sure you couldn't be any closer, but then Satoru manages to become even closer.
Your words echo in his head and for some reason, get him feeling hot beneath the hem of his pajama pants.
Hug me, Satoru, I'm scared.
Seriously? Did you realize how hot you were? How dare you say something like that?
He craves more intimacy with you. And he's no stranger to just randomly rearranging your body or playing with it, he's always been touchy since high school. Like a cat, he only gets physical and comfortable with calm people like you and Suguru.
So he takes his thigh off your thigh, right? And then two big hands grab your thighs, press them together and put them right over his lap.
"What the hell...?" you laugh under your breath.
"Isn't this comfier?" Satoru murmurs sensually, lips grazing your cheek.
"Augh, get a room you two. Gonna make me nauseous." Suguru grimaces.
"You're just jealous!" Satoru giggles, trying his best to not look at the TV screen.
"SHUT... up and watch the movie. Your talking is distracting me." Suguru complains.
"Ughhh, but it's so boring I don't even wanna — " he pulls up the blanket over yours and his head. " — watch it anymore. Oh hey, this is intimate, isn't it? Hehe."
"Satoru! I wanna see the movie!"
"No you don't, you're scared shitless."
Suguru's just sitting to your left, shaking his head as he listens to you two flirt under the blanket as if it magically enclosed you into a space away from the world.
"I can hear you two." he grumbles. "If you're gonna make out, at least do it quietly."
"We're not making out!" you squeal embarrassedly, even though Suguru was clearly joking. There was no sign of making out happening under that blanket.
"...yet." Satoru winks, but you miss it because it's so dark now with the blanket draped over the two of you.
You can almost feel him blinking at you. Even if it's dark and impossible to see you, Satoru will still try to; he's just always been like that, ever since you first met him. In fact, on the first day you met him, he wouldn't stop staring at you, as if he was captivated or fixated on some aspect of your face or behavior. Completely spellbound, starstruck, heart-eyed...
Suguru excuses himself to the bathroom so you two can have your little moment.
You ripple the blanket off your head to look at him as he leaves. "Bring back those pretzel snacks."
"M'kay, angel." Suguru hums.
"Thanks, my boy."
Satoru looks at you very dramatically.
"What the hell? I'm right here! You know I'm the one who's had a crush on you all these years, not him! RIGHT SUGURU?"
There's a hesitation, then Suguru confirms from the bathroom even though he didn't hear a damn thing. He just agreed because it's his best friend asking for a confirmation.
"See! What, why are you laughing?" Satoru starts to smile because you're starting to break down into laughter.
He's facing you now. And it makes the both of you aware of just how much bigger he is, and how much smaller you are. Daddy long legs aside, he's just bigger than you; the broadness of his shoulders, the size of his hands — even his ears, which he remembers you used to tease him about in high school. He's got those cute ears that poke out a bit.
"Satoru..." you murmur against his face.
His heart pangs. "Huh?" he's so caught off guard, expecting you to lean in for a kiss. So he surreptitiously wets his lips with a swift swipe of his tongue.
"...you know, I'm sorry for always teasing you about your ears in high school. Looking at them now, they're really cute." you admit, hand coming up to caress his ear; fingers just grazing his sharp undercut.
His stomach knots up, and he goes silent, too stunned to respond. "Oh... thanks..."
You're side-eyeing the movie for a moment, and poor you; it's at just the right moment for a terrible jumpscare.
You reactively grab for Satoru's shirt and arm, squeezing tight and nearly yelping because you were caught so off-guard. Your heart is racing and so is his; but not because of the movie.
"I hate this film!" you whine into his chest, and he thinks he's in heaven right then. Is his crush really holding onto him during a scary movie? Um, hell to the yes. This is his dream. This is exactly what he wanted out of this experience, as cheesy as it is, he doesn't care that it's cheesy in fact he likes that it's cheesy.
"Tell me about it..." he huffs under his breath, and it fans your face and he can feel it come back to him. That excites him so much.
"And it's all your fault we're watching it, 'cuz you had to show off your 'manliness' or whatever! So Stupid!"
"Yeah, but, it got you in my arms, so it wasn't such a bad idea." he flirts with a slight nervous shake in his voice.
"Huh?" you look into his eyes. Ooh boy, he's holding it in. He's refraining. He's tying his hands behind his back, metaphorically; but not for long...
"What? I've got a pretty girl clinging to me 'cuz she's scared of a horror movie. And it's a rainy night. Bonus points." he smirks.
"Oh shut up... stop flirting with me or I'll — "
" — you like it, don't you? Being this close?"
You look at him in surprise. Where did that serious tone come from? It's laced with something sexual that just raises the excitement in the air between you and him. He's on edge. He has to kiss you. He's thinking about it so hard that he's sure he'll just snap at any moment.
"Y-yeah..." you admit.
You're suddenly so conscious of the closeness. The slight press of his biceps as his arms ensnare you, how you're practically sitting on top of him — when did that happen? His breath smells like the sweets he's been snacking on all night.
His breath fans your face and now he's really thinking about it as he stares at your lips.
"You sooo wanna kiss me." he cheekily teases you.
"Ew, cheesy." you cringe at him. You playfully shield yourself by putting your hand over his lips. His pretty nose peaks over the edge of your palm.
When you cover half his face like this, you realize just how striking his eyes are. Even in the dim light, they're capable of holding your whole attention. The movie is just another background noise.
"What was that, loser? Can't hear what you're saying. Speak up." you tease.
"Mmf mm-hmmf-hmf? hmf hmf." it sounds like he's offended, and then he's snatching your hand away and climbing on top of you.
He's soaking up your every giggle. And underneath his playfulness, he's trying to show off his strength. Not like you notice, you're just enjoying it; being pinned under him like you're the tiniest thing on the planet to him.
Now he lifts his hips away from you, so you don't feel how hard he's getting. He can feel himself throbbing in his pajama pants. Such cute pants for the fact he's got a big cock underneath them
There's very little space to think when he's so chokingly close to you. His scent pervades your senses. His whole essence invades your space. It's just Satoru Satoru Satoru, nothing else is in your head. And for him, it's just you you you, nothing else is in his head, either.
His eyes roam up and down your body in one small moment, it excites his fantasies. Now he's wondering not just about what your lips taste and feel like, but also about what your body tastes and feels like; he knows one thing's for sure, and that's your softness. He's hugged you like he's trying to crush your bones in the past, and muttered praises about how impossibly soft your little body is in his.
"See that?" he murmurs, blurting out his thoughts without thinking, "Our bodies fit together perfectly. 'sure our lips would, too."
"Wow... where did that come from... you just gave me butterflies, Satoru." you chuckle nervously against his lips.
He's so tempted. He's right on the edge. Why's he holding back? He's forgotten by now.
"Good..." he mutters suggestively against your lips, eyes beginning to become lidded with sultriness as he leans in for a kiss.
And oh wow... that's a kiss he won't forget for the rest of his life. It's soft. He melts against you like butter in the sun. He was so right; your bodies fit together perfectly, and so do your lips.
" 'Toru..." you mumble his sweet nickname into his mouth and it nearly makes him moan, but he holds it in and kisses you like a gentle boy.
He's trying so hard to mask his horniness, but it's showing through; he's starting to shake from how bad he wants you. This kiss is enough until it's not; and then he turns up the heat. His lips glide over yours, wet sounds fill the room and the horror movie keeps playing in the background.
Kiss kiss kiss. He's kissing you like he's scared he'll never be able to after this moment, like this is the only time he'll have the courage to kiss you. And that courage and confidence falters mid-kiss, because he wonders worryingly if you crave him as badly as he craves you.
"Don't pull away... " you mutter against his saliva-wettened lips.
He breathes excitedly, eyes lighting up at your words. "Nah, if you want more kisses... 'gonna have to come get 'em." he pulls back, and you immediately miss the feeling of his torso pressing against yours.
"Teasing bitch, damn!" you complain, "Come back — kiss me more — oh you're so annoying!"
He giggles, lips feeling tingly. His heart is beating so hard he can feel it all over his chest and cheeks. And those poor cheeks. He hasn't blushed this boyishly since the last time you gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Come get your kisses ~ " he teases, beckoning you with his finger. Oh you hate when his confidence swells so suddenly like this, he becomes a menace. Well... 'hate'. You love it. He knows it. That's why he does it.
"Don't wink at me, you freak..." you crawl on top of his lap, and he didn't expect that even though he should have.
So now your face drops in surprise and amusement. "Oh... oh. Getting a lil' excited, big boy?"
A noise comes out of him, his face stuck with this embarrassed smiling expression. "Uh... uhah. Haha. A little bit? Shit don't blame me, you're fucking hot."
"Mmm, am I?" you lean close, lips grazing across his lips, eyes staring into his eyes. He feels electrified.
"Wow... uh..."
"Speechless, 'Toru? That's so unlike you." you tease him in such a low voice that he leaks a little precum. And you can feel it.
"W-wow... what... no... I'm not... holy shit... haha..." and then he laughs it off, nervously placing his hands on your hips. "D-don't straddle me like this, you'll make it worse."
"I'll make what worse?" you tease dirtily.
You give him so many butterflies right then that he starts feeling a bit lightheaded.
"My... uh... nothing..."
"...your? Continue. What were you gonna say? Now you've got my attention and we're all alone..." you keep teasing and it keeps making his heart flutter.
Wow. Call me lucky. She's straddling my fucking lap and teasing me? Am I dreaming?
"Wow... you're so speechless." you chuckle.
"Fuck off... what d'you expect... you're the one sitting on my dick..."
"... oh, sorry." you mutter a teasing apology and begin to move away, but his hands grip tightly and refuse to let you go.
"Ooh, now you're dom? Really thought you were sub for a second there." you cheek.
"Cheeky bitch..." he mutters before crashing his lips haphazardly against yours.
And surprisingly, the second kiss feels better than the first. It's electric. Your bodies are on fire and all the two of you are really thinking about is taking this to the bedroom.
Subconsciously grinding on his lap, feeling the outline of his cock, even feeling the wetness a bit as his tip digs between your thighs. You're starting to feel lightheaded now, too, with how he's kissing you.
"Trynna... t-turn me on or something...?" you giggle into his mouth.
His big hands come to cup your cheeks, trusting that those hips won't attempt to move off his lap again.
"... yeah..." he breaths heavily, looking at you so deeply that you feel like he's staring into your soul.
The moment is so hot and steamy that you feel like there's visible heat clouds hanging over the two of you. But then the moment is interrupted —
"Are you guys done making out — OH HAHA WERE YOU ACTUALLY MAKING OUT? I was just kidding — WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU GUYS ON TOP OF EACH OTHER! THIS IS HORROR FILM NIGHT NOT PORN NIGHT!" Suguru starts laughing, clutching his stomach.
"Party pooper!" Satoru frowns over at him from underneath you. You're mortified and laughing like a seal, slowly getting off Satoru's lap which makes him whine.
"What the hell! That's funny, were you two seriously fucking in front of a horror movie. Satoru, that's not classy at all."
"Shut! Up!" You throw a pillow at him, and he comes over to throw a snack packet at you, cheekily smiling. "We were not fucking!"
"Sooo... just dry humping?" Suguru teases.
"SHUT UP!" you and Satoru yell in unison, both completely embarrassed. Suguru laughs so hard that his cheeks hurt.
"And anyways, take this damn movie out, it's creepy! I'm not gonna sleep tonight..."
"...aw, big baby's scared of horror films after all. I knew you were bluffing. Y/n, will you sleep with my best friend tonight? I think otherwise he'll be sucking his thumb and not getting any rest."
"Oh you're sooo dead, come here." Satoru glares playfully at him and climbs over you to get to Suguru.
And the boys start playfighting, and you shake your head and get up to take the movie out yourself.
"I'm getting my own apartment one day, I swear. Living with you two is a nightm-AAAAHH!!' you whine, seeing the creepiest thing yet on the TV.
They laugh at you together, and it reminds you of high school so much at you feel a wave of nostalgia.
"No more scary movies!" you declare. "Never again!"
"Aw, but they brought you and Satoru closer together. I think next time you guys are too shy to kiss or fuck, just put in a horror film and it'll get the atmosphere right."
"Suguru, be careful what you say. Remember you don't pay rent."
Satoru cackles. "That's right!"
"Wow, what the hell... I'm never letting you borrow another hoodie." he retorts, purposefully bringing up the hoodie thing just to catch you and Satoru off-guard.
"WHAT! You what?! What??" Satoru is in between being playfully jealous and genuinely jealous.
"Suguru!" you cover your face out of embarrassment. You feel lightheaded from all the butterflies that the both of them cause in you.
"I didn't say anything." Suguru acts nonchalant, tearing into the snacks that were supposed to be for you.
"You! Gave her! Your hoodies!? This isn't gonna be a polyamorous thing, I'm possessive you know that!" Satoru's playfully battering his friend and his friend isn't reacting to it, which makes it all the more amusing. He's just languidly chewing on snacks.
"She asked for them." Suguru exposes.
Satoru stops and looks at you like he's been betrayed.
"Suguru!" You squeal, "Nono, Satoru he's lying — "
"YOU CAN HAVE MY HOODIES, WHY WOULD YOU WANT HIS!!" Satoru's getting louder and funnier by the minute.
"I'm sorry I didn't know I could ask for your hoodies." you blabber.
Suguru's watching you and Satoru like you're a comedy show, dusting the sugar coating of the candy off on his pajama pants.
"Of course you can have my fucking hoodies you idiot! I'll give you this one right now, damn it!" Satoru says.
"STOP TAKING YOUR SHIRT OFF — " you cover your eyes.
Suguru laughs, "As if you weren't planning to take it off earlier?"
"Exactly! Here, take it." a shirtless Satoru is shoving his red hoodie onto you.
"You two are ridiculous. I'm going to bed."
Suguru's caving in with laughter after Satoru says that. His laughs always become soundless after a while, it's the cutest thing. His whole face is stressed into amusement.
"You love me!" Satoru's darting behind the couch for protection.
"You're so dead!"
"You're turning me on with this serial killer role you're playing right now!"
Suguru looks at Satoru, "Oh no, sh-she government named you, boy. Better run." he speaks through his laughter.
"I haven't done anything!"
"Aw." Suguru blushes for you a bit, "Cute."
Satoru stops, looks between you two, and gets riled up again. "What the hell!"
"I didn't mean it like that!"
And it goes on and on like that, until the three of you are too tired to keep laughing; and you're collapsing tiredly on the bed with Satoru after chasing him there. He said a lot of embarrassing things, but you got him back for each one.
You catch your breaths, and Satoru looks over at you, suggestively wiggling his brows.
"You scared from the movie? Need a big strong man to hug you 'n kiss you?"
"Satoru, kindly shut the fuck up."
"Wow, is Nanami rubbing off on you? You sound like him."
"You're a menace."
"My dick's a menace, too."
"Hahah, yeah right."
"I'm serious!"
You giggle, looking at him enticingly, "Then, wanna prove it to me?" you say just barely above a whisper.
Satoru's face gets hot, and what do you know he's already got a tent forming in his pajama pants.
"Yeah... come here. I'll show you."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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dollfacefantasy · 2 months
I want RE6 leon to fuck me until I pass out.
only a little drabble cause i'm having a hard time focusing rn but here you are cause this is real asf <3
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, overstimulation
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You weren't sure what it was about tonight, or more specifically, what was up with Leon tonight. The past couple days he'd been clingier with normal, which was totally fine by you. You'd rather have him attached to your side than barely able to speak to you as was the case after a hard mission or a night when he had a bad dream.
But the clingy he'd been over the past couple days wasn't his normal clingy. It wasn't a hand constantly on your waist or swarms of gentle kisses landing at your hair line. A more accurate word to describe this would be need.
He was giving you tons of kisses, but they weren't gentle. They were open mouthed and sloppy up and down the side of your throat. His hands lingered on your body but not in a protective or loving manner. They groped and squeezed. The mere feeling of being so desired gave you the smallest spark of pleasure in your belly, but his desire for you nearly had burnt through an entire fuse.
It came no surprise to you that in the evening, his hands were snaking beneath your clothing, maneuvering your limbs around as if they belonged to a doll.
Needy kisses continued all along your throat and collar bone. Little murmurs of "just wanna feel you, baby" and "need to be inside that sweet little pussy" drifted up to your ears. Your fingers found his hair and gave it a little tug, a switch putting him into a state of no return.
Now his hand was wrapped around your throat. Your legs were bent over his shoulder. He was as deep inside you as physically possible without causing you an injury. You'd cum a few times already, pussy sore and aching but still sucking him like he was essential to your survival.
"Leon, fuck!" you cry out as his shaft continues sliding in and out of you raw, massaging all the pleasure spots that drove you wild.
He groans into the crook of your neck, biting at the skin as a way to not lose it. He didn't really know what was going on either. His stomach was doing flips at every tiny whimper you made, and his heart was locking up each time your walls fluttered around him.
"I know, honey. Just a little more. I'm almost done. I swear," he murmurs thoughtlessly.
The words were simply tools of placation. Another method to keep him safe and secure where he needed to be, balls deep inside of you.
Your back arches as much as it can in this position, and you whine like a desperate animal.
"That's my girl. I know, baby, I know. You're such a good girl, always giving me what I need," he coos in a strained tone.
His hips have a mind of their own, you know this well by now. You can feel them beginning to move like they're possessed. No regard for your pleasure, and in a way, almost no regard for his. They move purely with the drive to claim you. The deep primal part of him that ached to own you.
Your thighs quiver violently and the ability to speak with any sort of coherence is ripped away from you. It's all so much, and it's been so much for however long he's been drilling into you.
The noises coming from where the two of you connect sound throughout the room, wet and lewd. Unbridled and desperate.
You cum again at some point, but he's still fucking going. He's whimpering almost as if he's in pain. From what you can see with you're fading vision, his eyes are screwed shut and his breaths are coming out in ragged puffs.
"Baby, Jesus, I... ah- oh fuck, baby, my baby," he mumbles against your skin.
The bed below you feels as if it's on fire. Your skin burns with absolute overstimulation. Your head feels cased in a foggy container of lust. You aren't sure when it happens, but somewhere in the middle of all this, you pass out.
You're gone for a good ten seconds, head lolled back, eyes vacant, mouth parted and silent.
That's what clues Leon in that something's up. Your passionate mewls for him had abruptly faded to nothing. The hands clawing at his back had dropped away in favor of being limp on the mattress.
He pulls his head back, eyes widening when he sees your incapacitated state. But he can't stop moving his fucking hips. He so can't stop that the words "baby are you ok?" get tangled up into a whiny, humiliating groan that he's happy you most likely won't remember.
As you come to again, he cums inside of you. He throws his head back with a silent moan. Your gaze shows your disorientation but also the pleasure still coursing through you. He fucks that cum into you like it's his mission, and when he's done, you're pretty sure he's the one passed out now.
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taurusdesign · 2 years
Elsa Kids Room (Availible for Everyone!)
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Hello! I was finally able to complete my new set before The Sims 5 came out. I thought I should publish it now before you swear at me. Just kidding. Thank you again and again for your understanding, support and beautiful messages. I love you guys so much. <3
Our set, as the name suggests, is about children. Actually, I don't play with kids in The Sims. (I don't even play in real life. I mean, I like kids, but sometimes they can be very noisy.) But if I want to make a room for children, I want it to be like this. Simple and stylish. It's more simple actually. Our set contains a total of 45 items. Apart from my own creations, I cloned Maxis's books from the game and included them in the set. But I will share it openly in the next post after that. Because I didn't make them, I just converted. Anyways. If we count them, there are 59 items.
The highlight of the set is the bunk beds. Bunk beds came late to The Sims 4, but it was also very nice when they arrived. It's really cool to place other items under the bunk bed. I've also designed suitable items for this. There are items such as seating groups, desk, dreseer / bookcase that you can use with bunk beds. And you can also hang curtains on the bunks if you want. (I didn't use the curtain slot type this time :)
When placing the bunk beds, you need to place the base part according to which side the ladder is on in the bedding part. It also works if you don't place it, but your sim will look strange when climbing a non-ladder side.
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The List Of Furnitures
Decorative Abacus
Decorative Box
Bunk Bed Base (Left, Right and Twin Ladders)
Bunk Bed Bedding
Bunkbed Chair (Seating and the Base)
Bunk Bed Curtains (Left and Right) - They are snapped right side automatically.
Bunkbed Desk
Bunkbed Dresser (Actually, it's a bookcase, but I gave it a dresser function because we can't place a bookcase under the bunk bed.)
Bunk Bed Loveseat (Seating and the Base)
Cabinets (9 pieces)
Decorative Calculator
Ceiling Light (Here's the thing about this. Normally, when making a lamp, we need to make a painting to spread light on the item. Since I couldn't spread the light as I wanted, I used the lights I used in my previous sets. If you place the lamp at the same angle where you placed it, it looks beautiful. Actually, it's not very important.)
Corkboards (These can also be snap to desk)
Desk Lamp
Decorative Homework
Mr. Bloomy the Shining Bear
Nightstand (It looks like toilet)
2 Computers. (These two are the same, in fact, only one of them is compatible with the desk for the bunk bed.)
Decorative Pen Holder
Decorative Post-It.
Single Bed Base and Bedding
Toy Box
Wall Mirror
I also added brass-gold swatch to the items on request. But I'm sharing it as a recolor because I added it later. If you want extra swatches, you should download the file called "TaurusDesign_Elsa_KidsRoom_BrassSwatch.package". These appear as two objects in the game, and the brass option is the one with the gold-plated taurus logo.
You can find everything by typing Elsa Kids Room.
By the way, if you have canceled your pledge and you can't see the set in the new month, please write to me. Again, thank you so much for everything. I'm going to sleep because I haven't slept in two days.
I hope you like it.
Love you guys 💖💖
Public Release: December 21st, 2022
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chaos-in-deepspace · 14 days
LDS: "Watch This!" | Crack
So I dunno about you, but I'm one of those idiots who seldom drink water and sometimes forgets to eat for like two days. So when I stand up too fast it's like a moment of "Oh look the lights went out." So anyway that's the entire idea for this. Everyone experiences this, right? This is a normal human thing to experience when you stand up? Just standing up and almost (or actually) peacing out? Anyway, I never said my writing ideas were good but I they're there.
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Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. Warnings: Fainting, Crack Fic, Reader can't take care of themselves, Zayne is stressed as your doctor, Rafayel might have a heart attack, Xavier just assumes you died, Rafayel does as well but he's dramatic on a good day
Blog Information | Masterlist
"Xavier, I promise you I am totally fine. I just got a little dizzy because of the heat." You tried assuring the blonde man as he looked around his apartment. He had already gotten a cold compress and thrown a glass of water in your hands for you to sip on. This was all because you guys had gone on a small jog together to prepare for the latest event in town and you had gotten a bit woozy. He had insisted on carrying you back to the apartments and here you where.
"Your face went as white as a sheet." He pointed out and you scoffed. Impossible. You don't even think it's possible to turn that color with how hot you had felt. If he said you looked like a cherry tomato or something from how red your face had gotten from the exertion it would've been more believable.
"Xavier, would an unwell person be able to do this?" You asked as you went to stand. As you jolted into a standing position you then remembered a key detail. The water he had given you was the first thing you had to drink today...and you don't think you had breakfast either.
The thought flashed through your mind as you felt the blood pounding in your ears and your vision darkening. Your only thought was 'Oh sugar, we're going down, down.' before you collapsed in on yourself.
Next thing you knew you were lying on the ground, a soft lap underneath you as Xavier fanned you off. You groaned as you came to, staring at Xavier's face. The man looked like he had just witnessed your death as he stared at you with wide eyes.
"Oh good morning." You managed to murmur out. Xavier's eyes narrowed as he glared down at you.
"You said you were fine then immediately fainted. I was about to call an ambulance." He scolded you, his tone harsh as he shifted your head on his lap. You noticed his free hand was holding a cell phone.
"Oh don't do that please. I'm okay."
"That's what you said last time."
"How about this...you get me something yummy to eat and I drink some water and if I'm still fainting after that then we can consider maybe going to see a doctor."
"Do you swear?"
"We're going to the hospital." You then felt your world shift again as you were tossed unceremoniously over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You beat his back, begging him to let you down. Alas, once Xavier had his mind made, there was nothing you could do to stop him.
"Have you already eaten today?" It was a simple enough question as you sat at the end of your check up with your favorite doctor. Your legs swinging over the edge as you put in some thought to that question. Zayne sat there, waiting patiently as he looked up and quirked an eyebrow in question.
"That is a brilliant question that I don't have an answer to." You might've eaten something today...or perhaps that was yesterday? The days sometimes blurred together in the most confusing ways.
"Have you drank any water?" Oh that was an easy question. No. The answer was no.
"You know the first ingredient in an energy drink is water."
"No..." Zayne said, pinching his eyebrows together in frustration. How you managed to still be alive is a miracle. Not even science could explain how you didn't just kneel over on any given day with how little care you put into your health.
"Zayne, I can promise you, I am totally healthy. Watch this." You stated before jumping up off the examination table. Immediately you felt the world shifting under you like the floor decided to become sentient and move like a damn treadmill.
Next thing you knew, you were waking up in the arms of the best cardiac surgeon at Akso hospital. You grumbled a bit as the light was bright. You looked up to see Zayne's not amused expression, in fact you might even call it a frustrated look.
"How long was I out?"
"30 seconds too long."
"Am I in trouble?"
"You're going to the cafeteria with me right now to get food and water. If you faint again I'm admitting you for the night and hooking you up to an IV."
"So you're saying fainting gets me a dinner date with the Doctor Zayne, and a possible sleepover?"
"Why are you like this?"
You made the realization that you could only entertain yourself by playing on your phone for so long. Rafayel had promised that as soon as he finished some light detail work on his latest painting, you could go out to town and grab some dinner.
That was well over six hours ago as you laid on his couch. You had already finished a book you had downloaded on your phone, scrolled through all your social media, checked out new memes, and caught up on videos of people you followed. As you looked over you saw Rafayel was still sitting on his stool, painting away.
You groaned, rolling yourself off the couch you had been glued to for those entire six hours. You plopped onto the floor, noting that he really did need to clean this studio up a bit. Normally Rafayel would at least be talking to you, but he had been so quiet and boring today.
"Raf...I'm dying of boredom here." You finally called out to him. The man in question looked over at you then looked outside. The sun had set a long time ago and he paused in what he was doing.
"I promise, I'm almost done." He said with a sigh and you groaned again. Then you remembered a little party trick you had up your sleeve. You'd admit you were actually hungry on account of being too busy to eat and then being promised food earlier, you opted not to have snacks. Not to mention water was gross for drinking so it all accumulated into the perfect way to get his attention.
"Rafayel, I'm fading away. I'm starving. I might die. I'm so weak." You called out from the floor and Rafayel finally turned in his stool to eye you up and down.
"I'm sure you are." His tone was sarcastic as he looked at you. He seemed to be entertained by your antics, "I can always order you some food. I also have snacks in the kitchen." He pointed out.
"That won't work, Raf. I'm too far gone. I mean...just watch this." You said, jumping up from your position on the ground. As soon as you were in a standing position, your body fought against you. Your ears were ringing uncomfortably and your vision went in and out. You could barely hear Rafayel calling your name in concern, followed by a him cursing as things clattered.
You collapsed, fainting just like you knew your dumbass would. You knew your body and knew the perfect conditions for going lights out, after all.
When you came to, you saw Rafayel almost in tears as he tried getting you to wake up. You murmured something that not even you could decipher as Rafayel's shoulders sagged in relief.
"I thought you actually died." He looked shaken up as you raised a hand to touch his cheek.
"Can we get food now like you promised?"
Rafayel was silent for a moment as he calmed his heart down and looked at you, "Did you faint just so I'd stop painting and take you to dinner?"
"Well did it work?"
"...Yes, but never do that again."
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cozage · 1 year
Could you write headcanons where luffy, sanji, law, and zoro react to their s/o shouting i hate you in a heated argument out of anger and it’s angst to comfort because she didn’t really mean it? thank you <3
A/N: Wow! Talk about complete opposites here with Sanji & Luffy vs Law & Zoro. This was a fun angst request! Thanks!
Characters: female reader x luffy, sanji, law, zoro
Cw: angst (but all happy endings!)
Total word count: 1k
Hate is Such a Strong Word
You can see the shock in his eyes, the pain in his face. It’s so clear that he’s taken aback by your words and for the first time in your recent memory, Luffy is silent for a long time. He just stares at you, trying to decipher your words.
You instantly regret saying it. He’s like a little puppy who’s been scolded and didn’t even realize what he did wrong. Except he does realize what he did, he just didn’t realize it was such a big deal until this moment. 
His voice trembles when he speaks. “You don’t mean that, do you? You don’t really hate me, right?”
He wraps you in a hug, not giving you a chance to respond. He holds you so tight there's no chance for escape. “Take it back,” he begs. “I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me.”
You sigh, wrapping your arms around him too. “No, Luffy, I don’t hate you. I'm sorry I said that.”
He gives you an extra tight squeeze and then releases you. He’s not one to hold a grudge, so he apologizes again for upsetting you and promises to do better in the future, already forgetting your misspoken words. 
As soon as the words came out of your mouth, Sanji knew his worst nightmare had come true. You were finally done with him.
He spent a moment deciding if he should beg for forgiveness or if he should accept your hatred, but you stormed out of the room before he could make a decision. 
He prepares the finest snacks for you and the girls to share. He silently sets them down while you all are chatting, even though you’re still giving him the cold shoulder. He lets you vent and get everything off your chest with them, even if it makes him look like the bad guy. 
He spends all afternoon preparing your favorite dessert, and when he sees that you’re finally done talking with the girls, he calls you over and apologizes for his wrongdoing that made you so upset. You accept both his verbal apology and his dessert one. 
But things are different between you two. He’s more distant, more nervous around you than before. Finally you confront him about it, and he admits your words have been weighing on his mind. 
It’s then that you realize how important words are to Sanji. You apologize with words and kisses and anything else you can think of to make it up to him. You remind yourself to give him more words of affirmation to help show your love, and you swear that those words will never come out of your mouth again. 
His eye twitches when you scream it out to him, and his face turns to steel. “If you hate me so much, then leave.”
He storms out of the room without letting you respond. He wants the satisfaction of having the last word in this argument. You’re too angry to care.
He locks himself in his office for the most part. When he comes out of his room, he rampages through the ship. He’s slamming doors and cabinets shut, throwing things down harder than normal, everything he does is just super aggressive. 
“Why don't you just apologize?” Penguin finally asks. “Because I didn’t do anything wrong!” Law yells back, his words echoing through the whole ship. 
This man is too prideful to apologize first. It’s a waiting game between the two of you. You don’t sleep together, he stops eating meals with the crew.
You finally cave, and knock softly on his office door. He doesn’t answer.
“I’m sorry I said I hated you,” you say through the door. “I didn’t mean it. I don’t know why I said that. It was a really stupid thing to say”
The door finally opens, and you can see dark circles under his eyes. He pulls you in for a hug, kissing the top of your head. “And I’m sorry for what I did. I’ll do better in the future.” 
The whole crew breathes a sigh of relief, knowing you two are okay again.
At first the words didn't faze him. You continued screaming at each other, voices rising louder to outdo one another. 
And then the words came again. “I hate you Roronoa Zoro. I’ll never forgive you for this!” you screamed, and you stormed out the door, slamming it behind you. 
It was in the silence after that he realized the impact of your words. And he realizes that he’s scared. 
He tries to push down his anxiety by hiding in the crow’s nest and working out relentlessly. He’s avoiding everyone, but mostly you and your wrath.
He prays that you’ll come apologize to him, but after two days you still haven’t appeared in the crows nest. He’s constantly glancing out the deck, trying to find a glimpse of you whenever he can without getting caught. 
On the afternoon of the third day, he realizes he’ll have to spend another night without you if he doesn’t apologize soon, and he finally gives in. He climbs down the ladder and walks over to where you and Nami are sunning in some lounge chairs and stands over top of you, clearing his throat. “Can I talk to you alone?” his voice comes out irritated unintentionally.
“Not with that tone,” you shoot back, still mad at him. He grits his teeth, and you see a blush start to appear over his cheeks. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, and you can hear that he’s being genuine. “I didn’t mean to make you so upset.”
You sigh and get up from the chair, leading him away to talk in private. He continues to apologize, asking you how he can do better in the future. 
You’re pleased with this development, and you give him a quick peck on the lips to show all is well again. “I’m sorry too,” you say. “I said a lot of things I didn’t mean.”
“So, we’re okay?” he asks, looking at you inquisitively. “We’re okay,” you assure him.
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feelbokkie · 1 year
BF!SKZ reacting to idol!reader fainting on stage (hyung line + hyunjin)
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
Maknae Line
Bf SKZ reaction to idol reader fainting on stage from malnourishment?? It can be a text reaction or anything that’s easy for you. Angsty and fluffy if u want. Thank you! 💖
genre: angst, a bit of fluff
pov: 2nd person
description: BF!SKZ's reaction to idol!reader fainting on stage from malnourishment (not proofread)
pairing: hyung line bf!skz x fem!idol!reader
warnings: swearing, mention of food, referring to an eating disorder
word count: listed below (3,963 total)
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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방 찬 (Bang Chan) (1,046 words)
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The second you got on stage, Chan knew something was wrong. You just didn't look like yourself. You looked drained and your dancing was nowhere near as good as it normally was. He's watched you perform hundreds of times, he knows your routine like the back of his hand and he knows you do too. So when you were a few seconds out of sync from your other members, he was at the edge of his seat watching your every move.
The boys watched as Chan sat there in his chair, hands on his knees and slightly bouncing his leg. They couldn't catch what he was seeing in your performance. They knew you were a good dancer and that your timing was a bit off, but they didn't see how you were completely fumbling around missing steps and mumbling your lyrics.
You weren't feeling well. Truth be told, you haven't been eating much for the past couple of weeks. Last month, your group made an appearance on Weekly Idol and all the netizens could talk about was how much weight you had gain recently. It wasn't a lot, your company wasn't even putting you on a diet. But the amount of comments that you read about yourself had gotten to you. It started off simply at first. You didn't eat anything after 4, you worked out on days you didn't have dance practice, and you cut out snacks and carbs from your diet. But the closer it got to the current award show that you and your group were scheduled to perform for, the less you ate. You honestly can't even remember the last time you ate a proper meal.
Your performance was two minutes long, but it felt like it was 2 hours. The sound coming out of your in-ear starts getting further away, like you're in a car driving away from the music. Your field of vision slowly starts getting darker, making it harder to see your members in front of you. No, I can't pass out now. Just a few more seconds, let me at least get off the stage.
Chan sits in horror as he watches your eyes roll to the back of you head and your body slump to the floor just as the lights cut out to signal the end of your performance. He immediately jumps up and rushes backstage, not caring if his reaction sparks dating rumors. By the time he gets to you, staff members had gotten you off stage.
"What are you doing? You're not supposed to move someone who fainted!" Chan shouts, not caring that he causing a scene. Your group members were hovering around, not sure what to do while a staff member was fanning you. There was not a single person from the medical staff nearby yet.
"We can't just leave her on the stage, the show has to continue." Another staff member says.
"Excuse me?" Chan doesn't even turn to face whoever had the audacity to say that to him, instead his attention is still on you. The staff member could sense the tension in Chan's voice daring him to give him a reason to hit him.
"C...han?" You mumble, finally starting to stir. You're eyes are still closed but you could feel him near you.
Chan kneels down next to you and takes your hand. It's cold and clammy. Getting a proper look at you, he can see that your makeup artist put way more makeup on you than they normally do.
"I'm right here, Y/N. What's wrong with her?" He gently strokes you hand as the medic works on you.
"Her blood sugar is extremely low and she is a bit dehydrated. Luckily, we have stuff here for her. She's going to be okay." The medics carefully sit you up and hand you a juice box.
"How much sugar is in that?" You ask as you hesitate to take it.
"Enough," Chan takes the juice box and opens it for you, placing it in your hand when he's done.
Knowing that you're okay, your manager and the rest of the staff clear the room to give you two privacy. Another staff member comes up to you with a bag of chips. Chan also takes the snack from the staff member.
"Drink your juice, Y/N." He says, pushing the juice box to you mouth.
"You should go back to your group. We're going to be on dispatch tomorrow if you don't." You mutter, not taking a single sip of the juice. Instead, you turn it over to the nutrition facts and read every bit of information before putting it down.
"I don't care," he looks between you and the juice box, "they can write about me all they want."
"You need to eat something."
"I'm fine,"
"Like hell you are!" You slightly jump at Chan's sudden outburst. Various staff members who were still in the area turn to see what the commotion is about. You know Chan has a temper, but he never yelled at you before.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It just scared me watching you go down like that. I knew you were getting hate comments after your Weekly Idol performance, but I didn't know it was this bad. I should have realized--"
"It's not your fault. Truth being told, it wasn't that bad before. But the idea of being on camera again scared me and I kinda went overboard I guess." You take a sip from the juice box to put Chan at ease.
“I wish you came to me. I could have helped in some way.” He takes one of the chips and puts it in your mouth before you could protest.
“Might not have worked. You know I have trouble with food sometimes.”
“Yeah, but you still need to eat. You need to take care of your body.”
“I know, it’s just hard sometimes.” He shoves a few more chips in your mouth.
“Do you want me to start eating with you again? Would that help?”
“Maybe, but you have a busy schedule after today so it doesn’t matter.”
“I’ll video chat you then. And I’ll text you reminders to eat too. Just please, no more missing meals.”
“I’ll try,”
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이 민 호 (Lee Min-Ho) (733 words)
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Minho hung around backstage after his performance to watch you. He knew that by the time he got un-mic'd and back to his seat, your group would have already started performing. He would have a bad view watching from the wings of the stage, but at least he would be able to watch your full performance.
It was your groups first time performing a new song, and the choreography is the most difficult in your group's discography. The idea of performing it made you anxious. Being the main dancer of your group meant that you had the most difficult parts of the dance, adding to your anxiety. Wanting to perfect your routine, you opted for dance practices over meals, especially in the past few days. Your anxiety wouldn’t have let you enjoy anything anyways, you’d have just throw everything up. You just need to get through this performance and everything is going to be okay.
Your brain is foggy. You're not sure how you're hitting every move correctly. Maybe it's muscle memory. Or maybe you've been running your routine so much that it's all you can do. You move in sync with your member, moving with high intensity.
Minho watches as your backup dancers lift up you and your members. He also freezes in horror as he watches your body slump and hit the floor with a loud thump. The music stops, your members and the backup dancers surround you as you lay motionless. Various staff members run around backstage.
MInho blinks a few times, not sure he actually just watched you faint. He snaps back to reality as two of your group members help you backstage. You're awake, but sluggish, leaning on both of your members. Your head is bleeding and you look dazed. Everyone is murmuring about how the backup dancer dropped you, buy Minho knows better. He watched your eyes roll to the back of your head and your head fall back before you fell. He walks over to you and helps you walk over to a chair, taking the position of both of your group members.
"Y/N, will you please rest? You have a concussion." Minho calls from your kitchen. He was making you food, soup to be specific. The two of you went to the emergency room after your fall. They diagnosed you with a concussion. They gave you stitches and your manager care instructions and sent you home. Minho insisted on being the one to take care of you.
"If I rest, I might fall asleep." You call.
"The doctor said that you're allowed to sleep. He just said that I'm supposed to wake you up every few hours if you do for the next few days. So if you're tired, go ahead." You lean back into your couch and stare at the ceiling. Minho was strict about the no screen rule that was advised by the doctor. He even went as far as to confiscate your phone.
He comes into the living room with soup and lemonade. He set it on the coffee table in front of you before sitting next to you.
"You fainted, didn't you?" Minho asks as he picks up the bowl and gets a spoonful of food for you.
"I think so. I feel bad, everyone thinks that, that backup dancer dropped me. And I can't even say anything because my manager says not to." You watch as Minho blows on the spoon before feeding you.
"Why do you think you fainted?"
"Promise not to get mad?"
"I'm not promising that." He gets another spoonful of soup for you.
"Well, I don't want to lie to you anyway. I may or may not have missed a few meals."
"How many is a few?"
"I honestly don't know." You eat a little more soup.
"You hyper focused on dancing again, didn't you?"
Minho knows you well enough to understand that when you're too focused on dancing, your health is once of the first areas to suffer. He hands you the bowl of soup and leaves.
"I want you to eat every last drop of that soup." He calls from the kitchen again. He comes back a few minutes later with a sandwich.
"I don't think stuffing me with food is going to make up for the past few days of me not eating."
"I don't care, eat well and then rest."
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서 창 빈 (Seo Chang-Bin) (647 words)
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"She looks skinnier than when I saw her last... Doesn't she look thinner?" Changbin asks Jisung, who was standing next to him, during your performance.
"Hyung, I don't spend time ogling your girlfriend." Jisung pipes up next to him.
"Babo, I'm not setting you up. I'm just worried and I need to make sure I'm not seeing things."
"I genuinely don't know if she looks skinnier. But she does look paler--" Jisung is cut off as the pair watch you drop on stage.
Changbin doesn't hesitate making his way on stage to be at your side. Luckily for the two of you, the stage crew turns the lights off. He scoops you up and takes you backstage. He can tell that you've lost weight just by picking you up, it shouldn't be as easy as it was to pick you up. He felt like he was going to throw you. He lays you on a couch on backstage as the medical staff storms your still unconscious body.
"She hasn't been eating, she might be dehydrated." Changbin says from the side.
He knows you struggle with your weight. Being in the public eye had damaged your self-confidence and he constantly watches you struggle with food. To be completely honest, this isn't the first time he's watch you faint from lack of food. It's just the first time it's happened while you were working.
He tried to help you lose weight in a healthy way, not that you needed to. But you were adamant about it and he at least wanted you to be safe with it. As more people commented on your weight, the more you abandoned those safe methods. Normally he would catch on and try to intervene, but he just got back from tour two days ago and hasn't been able to see you until today.
"Hyung, they're calling us to go on next." Innie says softly.
"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to go on without me. I can't right now." He says, not taking his eyes off you. Jeongin gives Chan a worried look. Chan nods and calls Innie to join the rest of the group.
"I'm...I'm fine, no need to make a fuss." You mutter, finally stirring and pushing the medical staff away from you as they try to put an IV in.
"No the fuck you aren't." Changbin didn't care if he was going to cause a scene. He didn't care if it was going to cause a scandal, either his behavior with you or the fact that he swore. He just didn't care.
"Binnie?" You look over to your side to meet your boyfriend's worried face.
"Just let them take care of you, Y/N. We'll talk later." He says softly. You nod your head and slowly lie back down.
You and Changbin sit together on the couch backstage, watching his group perform without him. Your head is resting on his shoulder and he is holding your hand. Neither of you care about hiding your relationship anyone more. You both know that none of the other idols are going to say anything and if the staff value their jobs, they won't.
"You should be out there with them." You speak softly, poking his sides.
"Why didn't you come to me when things got bad again?" He asks in the same tone, his eyes not leaving the stage.
"Changbin," You forgot how one-track minded he is, "I didn't want to bother you."
"I'm your boyfriend! Your problems are my problems!"
"Okay, shh..." You take your free hand and rub his back.
"I shouldn't be able to pick you up like a ragdoll." He whispers, finally looking at me. His eyes are red and glossy, like he's about to cry.
"I know, Bin. I'm sorry."
"You don't have you be sorry. I'll help you, okay? When you're ready, I'll help you."
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황 현 진 (Hwang Hyun-Jin) (1,537 words)
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"Hyunjin? Are you okay?" Chan asked the younger man who was currently glues to his tablet.
"I am, but I'm not sure Y/N is. She looks...off." He squints his eyes focuses on you.
Your group is currently doing a concert. And while it’s local, Hyunjin had to miss it because the kids had to record for their next album. Instead, he has to watch you perform from a shitty live stream. When he’s not in the booth recording his parts, he’s watching you on his phone.
“It’s probably just the stream.” Felix says, looking over Hyunjin's shoulder.
“It’s not even fair! Why do I have to be here? I already recorded all my parts!” Hyunjin whined, eyes not leaving the screen.
“I’m going to kill him. I’ve had to listen to this all day. We’re all okay being just 7, right?” Minho pipes from the other side of the room.
“Minho, I know he’s annoying, but please don’t kill Hyunjin. Hyunjin, I tried to get you done early so you could go but you were so excited you kept messing up. Now can you guys please shut up, I’m trying to focus on In.” Chan is right, he got Hyunjin in the booth first and even tried to record his parts in all of their songs instead of recording each song one by one. But unfortunately, by the time he finished recording, the concert had already started and it would have been half over.
You had been on tour for the past few months and today is your last show, ending it back home was almost kismet since Hyunjin was also back home from his own work promotions. He was planning on surprising you at your show, but because of their hectic schedule, the boys only had today to record all of the songs before they had to get them mixed.
Slumping back into the couch, he brings his tablet to his face and tries to focus on you. The fan who was recording the live stream was close enough to see most of the stage. But the connection from their phone with the combination of their camera was bad. Every few minutes, there would be a couple minutes where he could watch a bit of your performance. Watching you do your solo in one of his favorite songs, he was mesmerized. His head bopped along to the song and he was calm for a second, content with just being able to watch you. When you're voice cuts out, he assumes the stream is acting up again. He sits, drumming the side of his tablet like it would fix the problem. He doesn't realize that for once it's not a technical error, but something is wrong with you until he watches your blurry body drop. He sit up quickly and just stares at his screen.
"What's wrong now?" Seungmin asks, not even looking up from his phone.
Hyunjin ignores Seungmin and continues watching the stream. He can hear the fans panicking in the background as the music stops and your members rush to where you remained on the ground.
"Hyunjin?" Changbin asks, nosy after Seungmin's question went unanswered.
You still hadn't gotten up from the floor and your leader and a couple of other members are now addressing the audience as some staff members make their way on stage. Hyunjin pulls out his phone and immediately goes to Twitter. He's not sure what happened. He assumed you fell but the way that you haven't even moved it worrying him. You, your group, and your concert are all already trending on Twitter. He nearly drops his phone as he reads multiple tweets saying you fainted and had to be carried off the stage.
"I need to go." Hyunjin shuts off his tablet and quickly gathered his stuff. He pulls opens up a car service app and orders a car to take him to the venue.
Everyone in the room stops what they're doing and watch Hyunjin move around the small room. Normally, they would just make fun of him and assume that he was being dramatic, yet again, and just trying to go see you. But they can sense something is wrong. Chan stopped the recording and turned to Hyunjin who looked very obviously frazzled.
"What's going on?" Chan takes his head set and turns to Hyunjin, who was now putting on his shoes.
"I don't know. All I know is that Y/N went down and everyone is saying that she fainted and they had to carry her off the stage." He runs his hand through his hair.
"Hyunjin, I know you're scared but wait a minute. If she really fainted and didn't get up they're going to take her to the hospital. You don't even know which one, so wait and try to contact her manager. Going to the venue would be pointless, especially with the traffic from the concert. I'll go with you, just wait like 15 minutes." Minho says, getting his stuff ready to go.
"He's right. I know you're scared and worried. We all are, but you need to wait." Chan says, standing up and putting his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder.
"I should have been at that concert, not here recording this fucking album." Hyunjin pushes Chan hand off of his shoulder, so full of anger and anxiety with no place to properly direct it.
"Okay, I think we've been pent up in this room for a while. Hyun, let's go get some air." Minho grabs Hyunjin by the crook of his neck and forces him out of the room.
The second they're outside, Hyunjin pulls out his phone and tries to contact your manager. The phone goes to voicemail. He crouches down to the floor and runs his hands through his hair. Minho puts his hands on his distressed younger member's head.
"I'm sure everything is okay. Maybe she slipped. You know how the stage can me sometimes."
"I was supposed to be there, hyung. She could be seriously hurt and I'm not there." He cries.
Minho pulls out his phone and types something in quietly. After he's done looking for what he wanted, he tapped Hyunjin's shoulder.
"Let's go. Odds are, they're going to the nearest hospital. I know which one it is."
By the time Hyunjin and Minho make it to the hospital, you and a few of your members are there. You're awake, hooked up to an iv staring at a wall. You don't even look away when someone knocked at your door.
"Hey," Hyunjin's familiar voice pulls your attention away from the wall.
"Hyun? What--what are you doing here?" You sit up at Hyunjin makes his way to your bed.
"I came to see you, obviously. How are you feeling."
"Tired. Embarrassed. I'm going to be all over the news tomorrow, I just know it."
"If it makes you feel any better, your fans are sending you well wishes." He places a hand on yours.
"I'll have to look later. I just don't feel up to it right now."
"I heard you haven't been eating well."
"It's not what you think."
It's exactly what he thinks. Hyunjin knows that you struggle with food. It started when you first began training with your company and they refused to debut you the first few years you were there because your looks weren't up to their standards. You were fine most of the time, but every once in a while you relapse. A tweet a fan made with a picture of you commenting on how you've been "eating well" on tour set you off this time. That and the added stress of touring, promoting, and working on new music. Everyone started commenting on the weight you gained while touring and it made you self conscious. You started restricting your diet a few weeks ago. Today was extra stressful so you somehow managed to forget to eat on top of everything.
"Please don't lie for my sake. You don't look like you."
"What? Fat?"
"You're not fat."
“Hey you,” he presses a finger to your forehead, “stop being mean to my girlfriend.”
You softly giggle. You reach for Hyunjin’s hand and hold it. You missed this. You don’t want to say that your mental health depends on one person, that too much pressure that you don’t want to add on Hyunjin. But normally when you felt like this, when you would start hating yourself, Hyunjin would notice the dark cloud forming over your head a brush it away. But with both of you being busy with work and being several thousands of miles apart, and the toll of of both of your jobs it wasn't possible this time. And when Hyunjin couldn't read your cues, you would come to him. But you knew he was busy getting ready for a comeback and you didn't want to bother him.
"I'm just glad you're okay, babo."
"Hey, a babo can't call someone a babo. And at least I'm not the leader of baboracha."
"Okay, okay, you win. Scooch over," I move over to the side so Hyunjin can climb in.
"We'll talk more tomorrow. Let's just rest, okay my muse?"
Buy me a coffee?
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wynnyfryd · 4 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 49
part 1 | part 48 | ao3
cw: angst, canon-typical violence
It's a totally normal Tuesday the day it all starts going to shit.
Eddie's got a show at The Hideout, and Wayne's got a rare night off, so Steve's at his boyfriend's place without him catching a basketball game with Wayne and Ernie. He did try to go to the show, to be fair; wanted to, but Eddie took one look at the way he was cradling the side of his head and winked at him to "sit this one out, big boy," so here he is: drinking beer with two old men and watching the most frustrating game he's seen all season.
"Oh, what the hell was that?" he begs the tiny screen, jumping out of his seat to pace a tight circle and rake his hands over his scalp hard enough to pluck a few strands. Beside him, Ernie shakes his head and mutters "goddamn disgraceful, that's what" and in the kitchen Wayne munches happily on a fresh plate of nachos, taps his bald head with a half-eaten chip and warns, "Quit tuggin' at your hair 'fore you wind up lookin' like this."
"Whatever, old man." Steve rolls his eyes, but he loosens his grip. Drags his hands down his face instead. "Don't act like you're not loving this."
Wayne laughs, a broad, smug smile that's pure Munson mischief. "Never claimed otherwise," he says, then he pops a cigarette in his mouth and tells them to get their wallets ready.
Bastard. His team's doing fine tonight. (And sure, the bet was only five dollars, but it's a point of pride, damn it.)
Steve turns his attention back to the game, where the ref is making yet another call that's so laughably bad Steve's not sure how he isn't getting decked for it. A stray elbow to the face, at least. Fucking something.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbles; still pacing, arms crossed. "If they don't fire this idiot, I swear..."
He turns to Ernie for back up; remembers that Ernie's got a lapful of Misty the cat right now and quickly looks away. Creepy little thing still freaks Steve out (even if Ernie's stroking her fur like she's a harmless stress toy and not the razor-clawed, rat-chomping demon she really is.) He still can't look at her. Gets queasy just thinking about all the "presents" she's left him since he moved in.
Ernie catches the way his shoulders tense. "Didn't think you'd be afraid of a little pussy," he teases, scratching the cat behind her ears.
Misty gives a low rumble of approval.
Steve's stomach flips. "Whatever," he scoffs, looking anywhere but at them. "That thing's bad luck. No wonder we're losing."
He settles back into his seat, and the game goes on — and on, and on, until the score gets so embarrassing that Steve considers just getting up and yanking the TV plug out of the wall, or maybe storming out of the place in protest — and he's about to beg Wayne for mercy, ask him to change the station to anything else, when the front door opens so softly it sets off alarm bells in his head.
Steve whips around at the lack of sound. Knows immediately that something is wrong, because Eddie Munson doesn't do quiet. Eddie Munson comes home like fireworks going off: Crack! Whizz! Bang! He's always a burst of noise and energy; he's a fucking racket; Wayne's said so a million times — muttered it angrily when Eddie's music keeps him up, grumbled it fondly over breakfast while he tries to stop himself from falling asleep face-first in a plate of eggs.
Tonight Eddie comes home quiet as a thief. A mouse trying to evade the clutch of Misty's claws. His head's hung low as he shucks off his boots, his face obscured by frizzy hair.
Steve's across the room in a heartbeat.
"Baby?" he whispers, trying to peak behind the curtain. Eddie won't look at him, but his breathing sounds off; labored and whistling, and his hair is matted with something dark. "You okay?"
"Fine," Eddie croaks.
They both know it's a lie.
Steve lifts a hand to gently tip his chin up, but the moment his fingers graze skin Eddie winces and tugs away. "Okay," he says, pulling his hand back. "Okay, I'm sorry, just— can you look at me? Please?" He softens his voice, tries to coax Eddie out. You're safe here; you can trust me.
When Eddie finally looks up, Steve's heart lodges in his throat.
His face is ruined. Caked in dried blood, the skin below his left eye like an overripe eggplant: deep purple and threatening to split down the middle, to spill rotten juices all over the floor. There's a cut above his brow, another nick between his eyes, and— fuck.
His nose is broken.
Steve's gonna kill someone.
"Who did this to you?" he asks, deadly quiet. Whoever it is, they're not living to the morning. Steve's got a car and a nail bat and a boy with a broken nose, and he's going to kill whoever did this to him. "Eddie." He grips his biceps; shakes him a little. Insists. "Eddie, tell me who did this!"
Eddie hiccups a weak sob. Lips shiny with blood and tears, and Steve lets go; feels horrible for making it worse, for letting his anger get the best of him. He wraps Eddie up a gentle hug, cradles him against his chest and doesn't care if Ernie sees. He doesn't give a damn.
"Fucking—" Eddie grunts against Steve's shirt, his teeth chattering around the word. His throat clicks when he swallows. Sticky with blood and phlegm.
Hospital, Steve thinks. Blood loss; sepsis; shock.
Eddie gulps a ragged breath and tries again. "Fucking assholes," he gets out, "they took our- t-took our—" The words cut off with a pained whimper, and he breaks down and just cries. Cries and cries until the heaving subsides, until it lessens to muted trembling in Steve's arms. There's fresh blood on his shirt.
Eddie's blood is on his shirt.
He looks up, eyes wet and wide, and then Wayne's there; two strong, weathered hands firm on Eddie's shaking shoulders. "Is it bad?" he asks Steve. No nonsense; demanding answers. Decorated veteran.
Steve nods without a word.
"C'mon, kid," Wayne soothes. "Let's get you cleaned up."
part 50
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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