#i suppose i probably should tag this
Sasuke used to love Christmas. He used to jump in his parents bed, with a curse from his father and a sleepy chuckle from his mother while Itachi stood in the doorway, before zooming downstairs to open gifts.
Now, Sasuke sleeps in. He pulls his blankets tight against the cold, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to pretend it's just another morning.
He smells the coffee, probably put on by his mother as she finishes setting everything up. His father is slower to get around but he can hear the heavy footfalls passing by his door. There's quite voices, too soft for him to pick out the words. The smell of bacon is more tempting, but still Sasuke sinks deeper into the bed, bitterness rising in his chest.
Three years. Three Christmases. That's how long it had been since Itachi left. Oh sure, he got a Christmas card each year, each time from a different city that Itachi had traveled through, but the gesture was cold, just a card, signed with his name, and addressed to the whole family. And Sasuke knew this year would be no different. He'd asked, barely daring to get his hopes up.
"is he coming?"
His mother had given him a sad smile, and placed a hand on his shoulder, "you know your brother's mission is an important one. He would be here if he could."
Sasuke grit his teeth. No. No of course he wouldn't come. Itachi was too important. Too important to stay in Konoha. Too important for Sasuke.
He'd linger in bed for as long as his empty stomach would allow. But soon the gnawing in his belly and the smell of bacon and eggs finally tempted him out of bed.
"Merry Christmas, Sasuke!" His mother chirped, handing him a plate of food. He grunted, shoveling the first few bites into his mouth. He was three or four bites in when he realized something was off. He slowed down, looking back up to his mother and father. His mother was dressed in a red and green sweater, with a pair of jingling earrings. Her cheeks were flushed, like shed drunk a glass of sake but his mother hated the taste of sake. His father wore a more toned down sweater and sat with a mug of coffee in his hands on the couch but his expression was....almost happy. There was a quirk to his fathers lips that was as close as he had ever seen to a smile.
Sasuke put the plate of food down and scanned the room. The tree glowed, immaculate with white lights and sleek ornaments that his mother had painstakingly arranged. Stockings were hung just to the left of the tree, his overstuffed between his mother's and fathers.
There were two coffee cups set on the coffee table.
Sasuke's eyes narrowed. His mother's mug sat next to a second, half empty coffee cup.
"where is he." Sasuke snarled. His mother only chuckled.
"so much for a Christmas surprise. You can come back in now."
Sasuke stared hotly at the door as it opened with a gust of wind and shut. Itachi was wearing the most obnoxious red sweater with puffballs of fleece spotted all over and a pair of reindeer antlers that had bells attached at the tips of each antler point.
He had a stupidly sheepish expression on his face. His face was ruddy, probably from being out in the cold while he waited for Sasuke to come down and the lines under his eyes were more prominent than Sasuke remembered.
He also had a bag tossed over his shoulder and Sasuke could see boxes, wrapped pristinely with paper and ribbons and bows. He very briefly noted that Shisui had come in just behind Itachi, a similarly garish Christmas sweater and a bow on his head.
Sasuke grabbed up the nearest decorative pillow and chucked it at his brother full force, "asshole."
His brother dodged the pillow just in time for Sasuke to barrel into him, knocking him back into Shisui in the door with the force of the hug.
"Merry Christmas you stupid jerk."
Itachi chuckled and hugged him back. "Merry Christmas Sasuke."
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wasyago · 9 months
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we're at it again🕺
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technologyvoid · 1 year
I feel like spreading positivity so.
If you get tagged here, here's a few messages from the person who tagged you:
You are one of the coolest people I know, if not THE coolest ever. I may not have known you for long, but it feels like my whole life, and I don't know what I would do without you. If I haven't met you my life would be fundamentally different. You may have changed, but I've changed with you, and I think we've both grown a lot, and for the better.
I love seeing you create stuff! Be it art, writing, headcannons, or something you DIY-ed, I know that any time you make something it's bound to be good. Every project you start is always very exciting, even if you don't finish it! Watching you create is always very fun.
I know you have bad days, we all do. Don't hesitate to talk to me if you need to. I'm always here, I'll always listen, and I'll always do my best to try to understand and help. Know that you'll always be loved and appreciated!
Here's to our friendship continuing to grow even more in the years to come!
(ps. don't feel pressured to tag anyone back! This is just to let you know that you're loved and appreciated. And if you were planning on tagging someone, but see that they've already been tagged, don't worry! This will be a message from you to them. Tag them!)
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Take my "How much of an eeeevil hardcore stan are you" uquiz
According to MEEEEEEEEE
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miodiodavinci · 10 months
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i found one of my old middle school sketch books while cleaning up today and saw there was A Good Deal of ghost trick art in it, so i decided to spend some time paying tribute to the ghost detective that fundamentally changed my brain chemistry in 2011 w
old ghost trick art under the cut—minor spoilers in the dialogue whoops👇
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foxyfexyll · 2 years
“you were supposed to leave me behind”
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brian lives au where tim manages to save him and get him to a hospital. it is very awkward.
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frankiebirds · 2 days
hey do you ever think that the reason reid knocks "shave and a haircut" on elle's door is because post-fisher king elle gets nervous when someone knocks on her door because she doesn't know who it is, so reid (or even the whole team) start knocking a pattern. do you ever think about elle checking the peephole anyway. i do.
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kaidiaries · 8 days
dreams unwind (peter parker/wade wilson) – chapter 1/1
“First, Webs,” he breathes unsteadily. “You really gotta stop looking at me like that. Gives a girl butterflies.”
A full-body shiver runs through the merc and his hands scramble up Peter’s forearms, clamping tight on his wrists. “O-okay. Think we can reach a compromise. Say my name like that again and I’ll probably have this taken care of in a few shakes.”
You ever kill a man before, Webs?
Peter feels like he’s about to.
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some things i did with band kinito 'cause he's still pretty fun to draw
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a will wood fan? me?! shocking! you could never guess! i've never posted a redraw of the normal album cover that i would've done with kinito or maybe sonny if i felt up to it maybe i will eventually. idk
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i just searched up paint samples and chose a random picture for the palate here (i forgot the piercings i just can't be bothered to go fix it :/)
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and some doodles of this stupid guy.
he's basically like that 'dramatic and annoying theatre kid' troupe. he fits that almost to a tee.
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civetcider · 5 months
i LOVE Oakley and Traver, and they remind me soooo much of myself and the butch i am currently pining after 🥲 Fishing In The Dark by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band makes me think of them every time i hear it and i feel like you need to hear it too if you're not already familiar
aww man there's a song i haven't heard since i was a lil kid! totally forgot about it until this ask but woof definitely fills me with some warm fuzzies now a days haha thank you so much for the great song! i'm so happy to hear ya like them!!
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y-rhywbeth2 · 6 months
Assorted thoughts about Astarion's epilogue that I have only seen in video because patch 4 broke my save files and I have to replay the whole thing to get there.
From what I've seen everyone's good endings seem a little... overly good and free of consequence? But at the same time I haven't seen everything with my own eyes and everyone deserves to be happy, so whatever. If I want angst, there's fic.
Sooo... is it that unromanced Astarion disappeared after the scene at the docks and nobody could find him, or did you assholes just not try? I will be generous and assume the former.
Stop stabbing the table you little gremlin. ...although I'd probably enjoy doing that, if I could get away with it.
I still hate that outfit with the ruff.
Not surprised Larian is doubling down on the "no cure" angle. I don't really care if Astarion remains a vampire or if he goes the cure route, so long as he's happy - although I do think in his shoes I'd look for some way to day-walk anyway, on practical grounds alone.
Hiding a knife behind his back while asking an unromanced Durge if they're showing any signs of being under Bhaal's control... I adore a pragmatic bastard.
---"I could've told you that [you can kill people in a socially acceptable manner]" ---"You realise I don't actually pay attention when you talk, right?" ^This is why I both love him with all my soul and also want to push him off a roof.^
Delighted and validated by Astarion feeding by taking jobs as a bounty hunter or something like that. That was 100% what Vel was suggesting to him post game. Like "Hey, have you considered bounty hunting? if my memories of killing people for fun and profit, and the last month or two of everyone suddenly celebrating instead of getting mad when I murder has taught me anything; if you eat the people the majority want dead, you can have all the blood and money you can get your teeth into and nobody will have a problem with it."
And then there's Ascended Astarion... who I will put under a read more to save space and for those who'd like to avoid the uglier side of endings.
So I don't think Larian read the supplement Van RIchten's Guide to Vampires (it's from 1992, but as far as I know it's also still the most comprehensive write up of D&D vampire lore, and some of it still looks to apply here (or at least, it can).)
But the first thing I thought of, watching him constantly turn into a bat, is that it reminded me of the vampire psychological development stages. Stage one is where a vampire is drunk on their shiny new powers and just will not stop showing them off. (Stage two is the "find out" stage of the fuck around process, where the vampire discovers they're not as invincible as they believed and descends into full blown, paranoid monstrosity.)
Then "I will be watching." "I/We need to eavesdrop on everybody."... Oh, the paranoia. How's that thing where the curse of vampirism is twisting the trauma and fear going for you, my dude?
"I'll never forget the time we spent together, though. And I know you'll never forget about me. Until next time, darling." ...might be his expression or the datamined epilogues where he still wants his ex, but that feels like a threat to me? Might just be a jab after being dumped...
And, oh yeah, we're definitely looking at vampire bride/groom tier stuff here: Just sit on the decorative pedestal I built for you and look pretty until I'm in the mood to take you down and play with you. Stop complaining about how you're bored and want freedom!
The PC isn't weak by any measure, they could become a rival.. AA isn't my ending of choice, but I am morbidly fascinated with the concept of Tav and Astarion as toxic vampire divorcees: Two angry, powerful "lovers to enemies" vampire lords "sharing" territory; passing the centuries obsessing over each other; fighting each other; sometimes maybe hate-fucking, and generally making their bad relationship everyone's problem.
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sheepfish03 · 1 year
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Here is my part of @shepscapades​ ‘s character design challenge! I went with drawing non-life-series hermits as red lifers.
originally I just did Welsknight, but I was on a roll so I added Xb as well, and,,, you can’t separate Xb from Keralis so he’s here too, being his,,, lovely self (wow look at that eldritch horror K propaganda)
(Below the cut I’ve added individual shots of them all without the gradient layer I used as shading here, and I talk a wee bit about the designs etc.)
Some general notes include:
originally I intended for Wels to be working for Ren during 3rd life, but then I was plagued by visions so this is actually set on an original life series season I’ve been calling wanted life (pspsps come closer,,, ask me about this I swear I’ll be normal and not abandon all my current projects to develop a fic or something)
All three of them are an allied, their base Is in a snowy mountain (which is why Wels and Xb have the fur collars) I don’t know what their alliance is called but I’ll figure it out probably
Wels went red first, due to some unfortunate luck regarding the gimmick of this made up season, and had been red for a while before eventually Keralis also joins him on the reds. Xb is the last to turn, and in fact survives on so long that by that time Wels has already lost his last remaining life.
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Here’s Wels! My pride and joy! I really wanted to do him because it’d be a great excuse of designing some armor again, without having to chain myself into having to do that for every life series member when I eventually draw them
Originally, to make him seem more intimidating, I was going to put him in a massive suit of armor, but after gathering my references I realized it might be hard to make work with my,,, centaur design for him (You can’t put all that heavy shit on a horse I’m pretty sure!) So instead I just, gave him an different suit of armor than I usually do. If you’re wondering what might be up with all the eye imagery, It’s,,, mostly because I couldn’t figure out anything better to put there so I gave him all the eye imagery I couldn’t give Keralis on account of him being,,, naked.
The really fun part about his design though,,, is his big-ass anime sword! If you can’t tell I was heavily referencing a few genshin impact weapons for this. When he’s green/yellow the eye is closed and only opens when he gets to red.
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Xb! He’s a shark. And he has a bow.
I don’t have much to say of him since I was mostly just winging everything here,,, He’s a shark because I like them, he has a bow because hes good with them. the bow looks like that because I wanted it to vaguely look like the same Genshin esque bullshit that Wels’s sword does.
I did give him black eyeliner,,, I,,, can’t remember why I did that but hey it’s there.
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Okay so Keralis,,, all red-life-skins, exist on a spectrum, idk what the spectrum is but for reference Skizz’s limited life skin and Rendog’s 3rd life skin are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
While I would have loved to draw Keralis all badass and stuff,,, I knew in my heart that he would be the kind of guy to,,, you know,,, follow in the footsteps of Scar and Skizz
HOWEVER to make him a little creepy I figured I could tap into those sweet sweet eldritch horror allegations
“But Sheep!” I hear you asking, “Isn’t their base in a snowy mountain, wont he get cold.” He will, and he does. You underestimate how far he’ll go for a bit. (Also it’s a fantastic opportunity for him to steal Xb’s hoodies!)
also a bonus meme I doodled as soon as I realized... the situation
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transcript since it’s my handwriting: Has to draw Keralis as a “half naked red-life” instead of a “badass red-life”
Too long, didn’t read, I’m happy for you tho or I’m sorry that happened
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zs-starwars · 2 months
Look before the War Within starts and Anduin gets to work on his Shadowlands gotten trauma and development I need to dunk on him (affectionate) for a quick second okay?
So in Before the Storm he has this line:
"Her [Sylavnas's] eyes narrowed. Anduin knew she understood the lesson of this day's tragic events. She was not universally loved among her people. He was. She ruled with an iron fist. He ruled with compassion. (pg347)"
Which comparatively sure, fair. Sylvanas has just put a hard, murderous, stop to Calia's first attempt at girlbossing and killed about half the desolate council. Before the Storm is what it needed to be for BfA and beyond.
But I would like to point out that earlier in the book we have this:
"Anduin had been informed that negative sentiment was not limited to his advisors. Guards and Shaw's people had reported that there was muttering in some of the taverns and on the streets. The guards had been instructed to interrupt such conversations if they verged on sedition or grew violent. (pg 248)"
Baby boy that is not universally beloved and ruling with compassion. Lol. Lmao even.
I've scrawled all in my copy with little notes and I have a messy word document with rewrite ideas for this 6 (!) year old book. I am excited to see what we have going on under Silithus. In the end WoW is a video game that needs to keep selling and making new storylines.
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torchickentacos · 1 year
SUPRISE ART DROP! May you enjoy this May.
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notquitehumanwrites · 2 months
Thought about the constant march of time and had to lay down for a bit
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
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Template by @juni38
Im going to be completely frank with you all... and admit that I read these options and wasn't sure how to take this chart,,, so uh. Under the cut is Another Version. I'd apologize but I've given you the option to keep scrolling ¯\_(・・)_/¯
(If you notice characters missing on Kim's side, I probably figured she doesn't know who they are lol)
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For the record,,, if they *wanted* me to pull their hair-- *is shot several times before I can continue*
Uhh Matthew is here because I have been converted fully on he/him or enby lesbian Matthew I think. He lives in my brain rent free now, very gender. I'd pull his hair but also I think he mostly just deserves to have it played with nicely.
And Scott's here because 1) I enjoy trans Scott, 2) Kim Pine Brain Rot possibly, 3) idk he's like,, the exception. God damnit, I've fallen for the inexplicable Scott Pilgrim Effect. What the fuck--
I did think about doing this chart like everyone was actually applicable to my tastes, but even if they were I think the ones I didn't put up would have to fall on the caress side bc I just don't feel that way abt them lol.
Again, not to say that's the case for the gals over on that side,,, I just think I would want to be gentle w them shxkdjsdhbd with the exception for Lynette who probably deserves to have her hair pulled, but again I fear she would Hurt Me,,, but maybe in a fun way,,,
Anyway No One Look At Me....
(,, also,,, Ramona is so far over bc I think she would enjoy it,, otherwise she'd be closer to Kim in that section. Same thing w Roxie)
If anyone actually looks at this version, I'm not opposed to doing a version like this for Kim btw! Just ask for it so I feel like I'm not just Dropping This and scurrying away
#sp comic#meme#kim pine#id tag more people but i Do Not Have The Strength....#also i like Living and I think the idea of more people seeing the suggestively taken one makes me want to Die a little#(not to say you cant reblog this or whatever im just being dramatic shdjejsdhdhgdd I am generally a fairly Reserved person)#for the kim chart- i based my other scott placement on the interaction theyve had here! i think if they interacted for real or more often +#+ he'd end up definitively in the Pull Roughly suggestion with most people#ooc#he maybe if i finish edits for everyone i could try this w the au stuff. kit's thoughts might be different here...#hey*#also let me know if i forgot anyone??? i thought abt including the robots but. no hair. and gideon the cat has Fur so. on technicality-#but like barring parents and peter i think i got most people#i guess if lainey was here she'd go somewhere in the middle or right? w/out knowing what she'd be like#FUCK I DIDNT MEAN TO POST THIS. I MEAN IT'S HERE NOW SO IM NOT REMOVING IT BUT I AM S C R E A M I N G I WASNT READY#ah i forgot crash and the boys actually. thats why i wasnt supposed to post this yet#uhhhh Pull Roughly for like all of them. except trasha. trasha gets head pats and a juice box#except for on Kim's chart. on Kim's chart she's in the pull roughly section I can't lie to myself. she hates that kid 😭 also on that note +#+ knives should probably be in the middle section. like she wants to pull it for her having copped her style and being stupid abt scott.#but I didn't put her there bc I feel like even if she wants to she wouldn't ya know? knives is a Precious Angel after all
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