#i still watch jse’s videos all the time </3
somebluemelodies · 1 month
i didn’t realize how much i needed to see roier play happy wheels until i witnessed it with my own eyes
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soopticboop · 2 years
eee yay people are coming back to tumblr!!
I’d like to hop on the bandwagon of introducing myself! :D
Preferred Name: Boop is fine! :)
Preferred Pronouns:  she/her
When did you start watching JSE: November 2016! I’ve been a daily watcher since! And thankfully, i love the channel just as much now as I did back then :’)
Why did you start watching JSE: I was a very lonely teen who was in the middle of family drama and moving town over and over again. In all the moving, I’d lost my friends, and had nobody. Literally. Jack could make me laugh, and his uploads were such a great tether in my day to keep me going and give me something to really hang onto. I loved his bright and sunny attitude and his great outlook on life.
What’s your favorite thing about the channel: That it’s still there, always, constantly available no matter what’s going on in my life :)
Do you have a favorite ego: Chase! He’s the only ego that has canon lore attached to him!
What type of community member are you: A happy one! I used to do daily PMA posts before I realised how much time social media was sucking from me haha! So now I post art and scroll and all-around just have a lovely time!!
What else do you enjoy: DRAWING <3 It’s my absolute passion. That, and video game. Therefore, I draw a lot of video game stuff hehe
Are you open for messages and friends: YES <3 
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jse-egopocalypse · 2 years
re-introducing myself
Name: Aly Age: 25 Known as: @septicplier before Been in the JSE and Markiplier fandom since: 2015 Other interests: BTS, Genshin Impact So I took a really really reeeeeeeeally long break. I think for 2 -3 years. I've been lurking from time to time before but I think I wanna get back to this again. What lured me back in? The IRIS Project. I may not watch Jack like religiously but I was still caught up. Before I left, the last ego video I watched was the CHASE one and I just saw that he did a Marvin one and my jaw dropped like I didn't expect him to do one. And now, the IRIS project OH MY GOD. I was speechless. I was there during the livestream with the puzzles (YES, I HATE THE PIPES) and watched sean's livestream on twitch talking about the project and he outdid himself! I thought the acting was phenomenal! and I'm glad mark, amy, ethan, arin and the other staff helped him make this possible. I really can't wait for more because I'm sure he'll bring back ALL the egos again. We are in for a ride. HOW ARE YOU ALL?
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lildevyl · 3 years
Pick Me Up Playlist
@jellymadebutler  I know you said you’re not feeling your best so here’s a “Pick Me up Playlist” for ya or for anyone needs it!
Try Not To Laugh Challenge:  This is actually backwards! It goes from 23-1 but it’s still a nice Playlist to watch!
Markiplier Makes:  This is the whole Playlist of the infamous Markiplier Makes Videos!  It’s really funny!
Among Us:  Among Us is a new game that’s out there on Steam.  You’re either a Crewmate going trying to do tasks to keep the ship going until you reach your destination or the you’re the Imposter! What happens when you get a bunch of YouTubers together for a classic Whodunnit?  Chaos and hilarity in sue!
Minecraft:  I’m not big into Minecraft but it is very funny seeing Mark and Sean play this and see what they come up with!
I Am Bread:  This is a rage game just letting you know ahead of time!  But it is funny seeing Mark rage out of the game!  But like I said this is a rage game so there is some yelling/screaming in it!
Getting Over It:  This another rage game!  It is quite funny but like I said it is a Rage Game so there is screaming and yelling involved!
Pogo Stuck:  This is a somewhat kind of rage game!  It first starts out with Bob, Wade, and Mark playing it.  But then Mark starts playing it by himself and yes there is some yelling and screaming in the videos so fair warning!
Uno:  This is quite a hilarious game series!  It’s Mark and his friends playing the online game of Uno!
Monopoly:  This a goo game series and is quite hilarious!  It’s Mark, Bob and Wade and there is one where Lixian joins!  It really funny and think you might enjoy it!
Undertale:  The best way to start you off with JackSepticeye is one of his most famous series of all time, Undertale!  Undertale is about a human that falls in the Monster World and go about it learning the Monster World while trying to get home! It’s a text based game and Jack does the voices for the characters!
Deltarune:  The Sequel to Undertale!  Or that’s what everyone seems to be calling it!  I haven’t had the chance to watch the series but I’ve heard it’s really good!
Slime Rancher:  Literally you are a Rancher raising all kinds of different slimes!  It’s really cute and funny!
Cuphead:  This is a very old school cartoon like style game.  There is some violence in it but it’s mild and no more then what actual cartoons, like Tom and Jerry and the Animatics.
Bendy and the Inc Machine:  This is a horror game but it’s not the scary!  There are some jump scares but it’s more like FNAF kind of jump scare.  So, it will be scare ya but not that much.  It’s like a cartoon horror game.  Again some violence in the game but it’s mild.  This also kinda of spawn the idea of the JSE Fan Made Ego Shawn Flynn!  Jack has a cameo in the game!
Animal Crossing:  Nice little story driven game that Jack plays on his switch.  It’s very cute and it’s a nice little game to series to watch!
Spiderman:  Jack finally gets to play as his all time favorite Super Hero from his childhood!  Spiderman!
Spiderman Miles Morales:  The next gen starts now!  With the new Spiderman!  This game is based of the movie Spiderman into the Spider verse and I can’t wait to watch it and watch this series of Jack’s!
Spyro 3: Remake:  This is a cute series of the game Spyro 3 redone for the PS3!  It’s super cute and a lot of fun!  I think you might enjoy this one!
Minecraft:  Like I said, I’m not into Minecraft but this is a nice and cute series that Jack has!  Filled with a lot of Adventure and some scary events!
Meme Time!:  A cute series that Jack started where he goes on his Subreddit and looks at some of our Memes that we did!
Luigi’s Mason 3:  I can’t make a playlist for someone to watch and not include this!  This is so cute and wholesome!  It’s all from Luigi’s point of view and how he’s going to try and stop the Ghost King and save his brother and friends!
Among Us:  I have to include Jack’s!  This is so funny with Jack and his friends!  I think you might enjoy this!
Pokémon: I haven’t watched this series yet, but I’ve heard great things about it!
 Papers Please:  This is very hilarious!  I’ve seen a couple of episodes and I think you might like it!
Animal Crossing:  I did enjoy watching Ethan play this!  It’s really funny and wholesome and I think you might enjoy it!
Slime Rancher:  I have to include this!  I watched this when I was feeling a little down during Quarantine.  It’s really funny!
This a YouTuber that I found when I went browsing for Markiplier and JackSepticeye fan-made games!  DolphinTreasureArt plays fan-made games and indie games on her channel.  Along with some Cosplays and Artwork that she has done.  Some of her Fanart has gotten in a couple of fan games!
Septiscape:  First off, this series is near and dear to my heart!  This is the first ever series that watched back in 2k18 when I first found Erin’s Channel!  This helped me get over my writers block and led to me to writing my first fanfic that I wrote in over a year!  This one is an older version but I still love it!
Jack finds himself trapped in his own mind, the Mindscape and is trying to find his way home!  Along the way he finds out the Egos that he created are more then just Egos!  But at the same time, some sort of Corruption and happening with Jack’s mind and many of the Ego’s Worlds is collapsing!
Septiscape: Livestream #HopeFromHome:  This is the livestream of the updated version of the game!  It’s about 8 hours long but you can skip some parts, especially since some of the fights can be a bit repetive but I wanted to include this one!  
Soulscape:  I can’t put in Septiscape and not give you the sequel as well!  This is the well awaited sequel to Septiscape!  After the adventures of the first game, the Egos go and try to enjoy a nice little R&R only for someone to stalking Anti and trying to take his soul pieces back!  Join Anti and the Egos as they try to figure out what it going on and help save Anti before it’s too late!  And there is really cool plot twist!
Hearts and Heroes:  This is another one that is near and dear to my heart! I will also link Mark’s playthrough as well!  Hearts and Heroes and about you the fans of Markiplier and the journey that the fans go through trying to help save people from the Monsters the haunt their dreams and to help save Mark from his worst Nightmare.  Markiplier’s Playthrough here.
Septiclands: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  This is very funny series that DolphinTreasureArt has done!  It’s silly and goofy and it has a very weird plot but it’s absolutely one of my favorites!  It’s also on her longest series as well!
The Boss: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  Just like Heats and Heroes is near and dear to me heart so is this game!  I’ll leave a link to Jack’s Playthrough as well!  This is near and dear to my heart b/c it’s the first JackSepticeye Fan Game that I came across.  It was on Jack’s Channel that first saw it and then I watched Erin’s.  This is nice little RPG Game, but it’s about Jack being sucked into his computer and has to try and find his way home! On the way he finds out that there is two subscribers that lost in his computer and there is a major twist at the end!
The Boss Is Nothing: His Side of the Story:  I don’t want to give away what happens in the Boss!  So, this the other side of the story of The Boss!  In the Boss, Jack comes across someone he never thought he would, so now we’re getting his side of the story and why did what he did to Jack!
Glitch in the System: Chapter 1:  This is a very special game!  It’s the sequel to The Boss!  The developers over at Sarcastic Pasta Games is working hard to get chapter two out!  Chapter one is really good and you get see Erin do some Cosplay along with some voice acting for the characters/Egos!
Septic Storm:  This is a cute little fan game that’s a bit old, but it’s a very cute RPG Game!  Join, Jack, Mark and Felix as they battle Billy to end this battle once and for all!  Only to find out that Billy isn’t the one that truly is behind this, but someone else entirely!
CrankGamePlays Fan Game: The Crank Chronicles:  This is a RPG Fan Game of one Ethan Nester CrankGamePlays!  Ethan has find himself in a distant land thanks to the help of a powerful Sorceress!  But an evil threatens the land!  With help of his two best friends Mark and Tyler, Ethan goes on a quest to help save this land and find his way home!  I don’t if the developer ever did the sequel to the this game or not but it’s not a bad game!
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blue-shaded · 4 years
The ask about "He saved his life." reminds me when Mark played Hearts & Heroes game. You must've known that fangame. There was a part where Mark (in game character) said "It's not only me. It could be anyone." after the main characters said that he has saved their lives. And the main characters said some other stuff to cheer him up. That game is just the best fan game. By far that is my favorite video of Mark. I really miss when Seán was like that. (1/2)
Even though I didn't get a chance to be around that time which a bit dissapointing but still. I really want to get the chance to feel around that time. I started watching him around 2018 so I don't get the chance to see it. All I get when the time he was about to break up. It hurts me. It made me happy and excited when I saw him with Signe but things changed when it was October I think? Can't really remember. And Gab joined Jack's livestream right before they announced their dating. 2/3
Where I got that bad feeling in me. I legit said through my own mouth, "Don't you fucking dare replace Wiishu." and... She does. I hope I can watch him earlier. 3/3 
-- I know that fangame, personally fangames are not my kind of thing so I didn’t watch the entire thing but I know the story of how much it meant to the community. That whole thing kinda surged a load of people to make JSE related fangames too and yes he used to be grateful, appreciative of stuff like that but now? No.. If it’s not content thats either quick to consume, or generates money, it’s not for Sean no way! It’s so sad for you too because you didn’t get to experience Sean when he wasn’t a complete piece of shit so even if you wanted to go back to those old videos.. You have the current image of Sean stuck in the back of your head and you won’t be able to enjoy the videos the same way anymore.
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spudmcloughlin · 4 years
How long have you been in the Jacksepticeye community?
oh boy good question! i started watchig sean and getting involved in the community in march 2015 (i think the 21st to be exact, i was going thru old posts and saw that date), and i found an amazing little family here on tumblr. it was a small one, and i definitely wasn’t a popular blog or anything, but that was perfectly fine because i loved being here!
i was 13 when i came here, and when i started high school i kinda fell out a bit. freshman year i was still here for sure but i kinda started drifting sophomore year as i made new friends and found new interests. i fell out of contact with a lot of my friends i originally had on here because they had moved on, and i wasn’t really watching the videos as much. i think by the end of 2017 and definitely by the start of 2018 i basically quit watching completely. i figured, that was a fun 3 years but imma head out. i changed my blog a lot, i got into hamilton and basically became a hamilton blog for a bit, i unfortunately got involved in a lot of discourse that i shouldn’t have (not jse related, dw), i did some stupid shit. i was absolutely no longer a jse blog and completely left the community. mistake #1
so by the middle of 2019 i realized that a lot of the stuff i was up to on tumblr wasn’t fun anymore. discourse was draining. i didn’t have any real interests so my dash was full of junk i didn’t care about or find entertaining anymore. it felt so bland and negative and i realized i was just mindlessly, endlessly scrolling on my dash, hoping to find a good post at some point. so the day i realized that, i closed my tumblr tab and swore off it for good.
so then senior year starts. holy shit what a ride. i’m 17 years old, applying to colleges, taking important big boy classes, trying to plan my entire life out ahead of me. needless to say, this stressed me the fuck out. a lot of stuff started falling apart around me and i became stuck. the first like, 3/4 of my first semester was great, but then deadlines started approaching, and i started missing them. things weren’t working out basically and by this point i burned myself out.
let’s take a glance back at middle school. i was a terrible student. i constantly procrastinated in favor of watching sean. i had a major case of gifted kid syndrome, and my middle school was HARD. 8th grade parallels what i have to deal with as a high school and part time college student my senior year. so because of this, i did very poorly and i was basically miserable the entire time. unless i was watching sean.
my counselor explained it like this: i’m burnt out. i’m miserable because nothing is working out. my brain realizes this and says “hey, i’ve seen this before! where did that happy juice come from last time this happened? oh that’s right, green hair” and craves it again. so around the middle of january this year i came back to youtube and tumblr and holy shit! it’s all different!!!!
since the infamous porn ban of 2017(2018? i dont fkcn remember) a lot of people left the site for whatever reason. this reduced the size of the community tremendously. it used to feel so HUGE, like if i scrolled through the tag for an hour i would see a different url for every post. but now it feels like it’s...... just us. i feel like i know everyone, i follow everyone, i see a lot of the same people making posts. not that it’s a bad thing, i really do love the coziness of it now! but i think there was a certain charm about knowing how many people were out there. so, so many people just like me. there was also no discourse or tea, it was everyone just enjoying themselves. if sean messed up and people called him out on it or if there was some shit happening in the community, people accepted his apologies. i remember when the biggest drama was whether wiishu broke up his relationship with the korean girl, and that got shut down real fucking fast. now it’s like, every little detail is something to get hung up on and they just refuse to accept apologies or solutions to problems. this is the most toxic the community has ever been, which is so sad to see considering he constantly used to praise us and be so proud of how awesome we all were to each other. now we’re so divided and there’s a weird vibe to me, just knowing that there’s a small pool of people out there, in fairly close proximity to us, who will stop at nothing to slander him and turn our backs on him.
so yeah, sorry this got so long lmao but there’s my answer! i’ve been here since march 2015, took a break in 2018 and 2019, and came back a mega ego enthusiast!
thank you so much for asking, it was a lot of fun thinking back on old memories haha
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thedarkenedkeeper · 5 years
What if he’s been in control since the end of Mayhem?
Okay, my left eye’s in pain from straining and all, but fuck it, I NEED to share this theory because I am quite a bit SHOOK and I need others to hear this. Brace yourselves, guys. This is going to be a LONG post.
I’ve seen a lot of theories before in regards to who’s been in control all this time, and I admittedly was one of those people who suspected Anti’s been here since Say Goodbye. But then there have been other theories in regards to Schneep having saved Jack every time Anti slit his neck, pointing out how bloodshed probably triggers Anti to come out. Now let’s say that’s the case, in which case Anti hasn’t been in control since Say Goodbye; he’s just shown up anytime Jack bled. That would mean we have been watching Jack for the most part with Anti trying to glitch out on camera and take control. Keep this all in mind, okay?
With what happened yesterday with Anti clearly being in control, acting calm and staring into our souls, only a twitch of his eye being a clear giveaway of who we were seeing, it made me have an epiphany last night:
If Anti’s gotten THAT good - THAT seamless - at acting exactly like Jack to the point no glitches show up, has he been in control for some time? Have we been unknowingly watching him for the last couple of months? And if he has been in control, well then when did it all start - when did we unknowingly lose sight of Jack?
The answer? May 16th, “Exiles” - near the end of Mayhem.
In the “Exiles” video, at the beginning, Jack was breathing quite heavy and looking around, looking and acting like he had just gotten transported there. He said he didn’t know anything about the game and he blatantly said he didn’t remember how he got into the room (in a hospital, by the way).
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He also rubs at his eyes earlier on.
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And it isn’t until the end of the video when THIS happens.
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During mid-sentence, unexpectedly, he gets cut off and is suddenly staring at us, wide-eyed and mouth hanging agape. Soft groans of agony are heard rasping out of him as his eyes begin to bleed, all while whispers repeat “It’s your fault” in the background.
Jump to May 22nd, “First Winter”. A few glitches of the facecam are shown throughout the video, and at 2-3 instances, we see this:
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Between the brief glitches, we get glimpses of Jack with bloody tears lining his face, eyes glazed over with emptiness, mouth agape, slumped in his chair. He’s dead. 
Where I’m going with this is what if during the time of Exiles, Anti got to Jack, killed him AGAIN (just like Say Goodbye, used bloodshed to get control), got him out of the way, and took over right there and then. And the flashes of Jack’s corpse in his chair was an indication of that - a hint to us that the guy currently playing the game is NOT Jack and that the REAL Jack fucking died AGAIN a week before. 
Keeping this all in mind, I went back to look into anything and everything that has happened AFTER “Exiles” to see how Jack’s behavior has been, and boy oh boy, guys...
Firstly, as far as I can tell, before “First Winter”, there were no glitches (excluding the ending of “Stories Untold - Chapter 4″ when Jack woke up and any glitches that showed Marvin or JJ). We got a few strange and eerie things here and there, such as the ending to the “GIANT SMELLY FEET!” video 
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and the “Barry Has A Secret” video
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On June 11th - after Mayhem - he commented on a post with “Anti isn’t afraid of anything”
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He reblogged fanart of Anti as a deviant, commenting with “F R E E”
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And the titles of both videos that day were very ominous.
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July 23rd - in his roast video, he said, “This is your chance to get a few stabs in. Get the knife, go crazy. Twist it, turn it!”, with an eerie smile and crazed look in his eyes at the end.
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July 25th - the goddamn intro....the goddamn intro is the exact opposite. It’s supposedly Anti’s intro - word for word.
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July 29th - He reblogged artwork of Jackieboy Man with the artist commenting on how they miss him. He commented with “We all do :)”
He also reblogged a gifset of him from REACT explaining how people want to see behind the veil, commenting with a winky face.
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August 1st - he changed the title of the 1st FNAF Sister Location video to “THE START OF THE NIGHTMARE”
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August 3rd - in the outro, Sam’s tank is broken and a figure is faintly seen laughing or screaming the background. Maybe it’s Jack trying to call out for help? (Just a little reminder: This was the anniversary of KJSE, in which we barely even heard Jack call out for help in....)
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August 5th - at the very end, “I will return when you least expect it” is heard being said in reverse (If Anti’s been in control for this long and we haven’t been able to notice till now, I’d say it’s pretty fucking unexpected).
September 21st - Oh boy. There were glitches.
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The title and description, as well as the fact he linked FNAF Sister Location as well.
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September 24th - OH BOY. There were glitches, some of which showed Anti from “Dark Silence”
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His right eye in the thumbnail is glitchy and has a small green tint to it.
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And the title changed multiple times, once asking “HAVEYOUSEENHIM” and another with “HELP” combined with “edited” - maybe Jack’s trying to call out for our help.
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October 14th - there were glitches in the video, most notable a glitch splitting down his face to show one side all glitchy, all right as he said, “Time to take off the masks” while grinning.
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Earlier on, he questioned if he was dead, checked his pulse, and confirmed that he was in fact dead.
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October 16th - the description was calling us out as puppets and asking us if we knew who the Puppet Master was - possibly Anti taking a jab at us.
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October 20th - there were a few glitches with someone - possibly Chase - trying to reach out and tell Jack to wake up, only to get cut off.
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October 22nd - During the Q&A at the Amsterdam show, he was questioned if Anti would be back on Halloween. He said “I don’t know, I can’t tell, maybe, who knows?” (If Anti’s been in control all this time, then he was right there, boldface lying to everyone because surprise surprise, he’s been here the entire time!)
October 26th - the title of the video blatantly telling us “The end is here”
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November 11th - He reblogged a post about the Undertale thumbnails relating to Anti, to which he commented with “Time is broken”. He also reblogged fanart of the egos pixelated in Deltarune style, reading “Your wonderful creations will be discarded now”, to which he commented with “This is a neat idea!”
November 12th - at times, while voicing Susie, his voice bordered on sounding like Anti while angry. His right eye also acted up twice.
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He was seen wearing his gauges this day as well.
November 19th - the title - possibly in reference to Anti having to kill Jack repeatedly to get control.
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December 1st - the title
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The glitches and the fact that he said “Do you remember?” at the very end.
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I would like to point out here that, to me, it seems like any of the glitches we’ve seen before this have been more...subtle? Like, with Say Goodbye, Always Watching, KJSE - the glitches all seemed more frantic and intense. Any glitches we’ve gotten this year leading up to THIS video seemed a lot more subtle to me and it wasn’t until “Umfend” when we got more spastic glitches. Just an observation - maybe because it’s getting closer to when a certain someone was going to show himself...
December 6th - He was seen wearing his gauges to the awards. (Granted, it could be just because he wants to wear them for fun, but still...maybe our glitchy boy is getting more comfortable in his new meat suit).
December 7th - the title informing us to watch the ending (also a jab at what happened yesterday)
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The goddamn outro was all glitchy and Sam disappears on 2-3 occasions - could be implying that Jack truly is gone and a certain someone is in control...
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December 9th - at one point during the stream, he’s looking at Ethan like he wants to kill him (this just reminds me of last year’s Christmas stream when he told Ethan he was feeling murderous)
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December 11th - the title - could be in reference that the big twist is that we’ve been watching Anti this whole time.
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December 14th - the title of the video (also Cloak’s slogan) as well as the ominous description
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At this point, he’s just blatantly telling us that he is right there in front of us, that he’s the one in control and we’re too fucking blind to see it. He took control of Jack way back in May during “Exiles” - just lured him in and with no warning, got to him. He made his eyes bleed, and with that, managed to kill him AGAIN and take control, and this time he’s ACED becoming human. How?
Schneep wasn’t there to save Jack this time.
Do you guys remember the last time we saw Schneep? Do you?
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We last saw him on MAY 4TH! I would also like to add how - to me, anyway - it sounded like his voice cracked at one point and like there was pure madness in his eyes. Cause remember this, we STILL have no idea what happened from August 3rd, 2017 up to this date. We STILL have no idea what happened to our doctor. Yeah, some of you will say he had gone of vacation, but really, after what happened in KJSE, I CANNOT see how or why he would’ve gone on vacation. As I see it, he’s either horribly traumatized, he was corrupted by Anti, or he got replaced (in which case, the man seen here would not be Schneep).
I would also like to add, you know who else we haven’t seen since then?
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Dr. Jacksepticeye - the one man we can all agree is NOT our doctor.
May 4th was the last time we ever saw Schneep and Dr. JSE. This was BEFORE Jack woke up and remembered what Anti did, as well as before he was murdered in “Exiles”. For 7 months now, we haven’t seen Schneep or Dr. JSE. 7 MONTHS! 
Kind of coincidental if you ask me to have Schneep vanish only days before Jack was trapped, murdered, and possessed. Almost like it was all a trap....maybe Dr. JSE was a puppet or Anti in disguise, used to lure Schneep out...to take him out of the picture for good. Because without a doctor around, Jack’s left a helpless victim.
7 Months for the glitch to FINALLY truly adjust to his new meat suit and learn how to stay in control.
To learn how to become human.
Now everyone, take a look at this man’s face again...
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Look at him...
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...and tell me - TELL ME - that isn’t the face of a glitchy murderer who’s taken over and KNOWS he’s the one in control.
@fear-is-nameless @vity-dream @golden-eyed-guardians @septic-fallen @septic-possessed @no-strings-puppet @wingsofthefierydragonheart @jacksinsanity @nightmarewolf133 @steffid101 @huffletrax @lum1natrix
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pistachiolan · 5 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEAN! [Click for a special message! ]
Since I didn’t do The Boss Week every day I will post the whole thing at once! Since the last day is a birthday wish I will put it as first and then the rest I put under [READ MORE] not to clutter the tag with my neverending words.
7. Birthday @therealjacksepticeye Jack, I honestly don’t know what I should say, but I wish you everything the best in life, I wish you that your spark will turn into a burning flame and that you will be able to achieve everything you desire while also taking care of yourself (which I trust you do). I know our time together is not eternal, but I hope you and the community will be able to create wonderful things together while it lasts!
1. Beginnings: What about the channel first piqued your interest or made you subscribe? Back in 2013/14 I was watching a lot of Pewdiepie and Jack appeared in BroKen Podcast as a guest and I got interested, but never really checked him out, until his Stanley Parable playthrough popped up, but I didn’t subscribe to him until like May of 2015~ I really came to love his BOMBASTIC personality and soon I found myself screaming with him :)
2. Growth: How have you grown as a person being part of the channel? Before I started watching Jack I ENORMOUS fear of talking to people even online. I was awfully awkward and isolated myself because I had no real friends until Highschool. Of course, I’m still awkward and anxious about human interactions, but comparing myself from today and back then... two different worlds. I also started acknowledging that there is nothing wrong with me and I’m allowed to feel how I feel when I’m not hurting anybody. Jack definitely played a HUGE part in me realising my orientation and gender identity.
3. Friends: Have you made any friends in the community? What are your favourite memories together? 2018 was definitely me making a huge step and reaching out to people. In May I saw that Overnight Watch opened discord server and I told myself “If that won’t work I will just get out” and OH GOD how grateful I’m I took that step and started talking to people. I came to know so many kind, fantastic and creative people that made me believe in my art skills and inspired me constantly, but what is the most important - I felt incredibly loved and accepted. I also got to meet many people attending Manchester Show of HDWGH Tour and I got to finally see Jack with my own eyes, which was an absolutely wonderful experience. And also all of you who clicked follow on my trashy blog, all of you who ever reblogged or liked my art or shitpost. Thank you for sticking with me!
4. Emotions: What video/ series has made you the most happy, sad, thoughtful or relaxed?
Oh, that’s hard! Happy - probably collabs he has done with Robin and I also find myself crying with laughter at the JSE Home Videos and LA Noire VR series. Both sad and thoughtful... I don’t think ANY game ever will beat 
“The Beginner’s Guide”
for me. I still come back to watch it every now and then and I always cry and I can’t explain how much this game always tears me apart and Jack with his commentary - puts me together, but also this year “You Left Me” brought tears to my eyes. as for relaxed... I think his Slime Rancher series is unbelievably adorable and relaxing to watch!
5. A Message For Sean: What would you say to Sean if you could talk to him? I wrote him a letter that hopefully got to him after Manchester Show, but I could also talk for literal hours about how he changed my life and also my life perspective. He made me feel like there is, in fact, a hope.
6. Words: What thing/things have Sean said that have impacted you the most?
“It’s not a bad thing - You are not a bad person. You can get out of it and I believe in you“ This is honestly all I ever needed to hear. That I’m not bad for feeling the way I feel. That I’m not broken. To this day I carry this message close to my heart.
If anybody got to this point - wow I’m impressed, but I would also like to thank you, dear reader, I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for each and every one of you.
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wishthefish916 · 5 years
What Is Anti?
Holy fucking shit, I’ve literally had this saved as a draft on this site for MONTHS and just haven’t posted it out of spite, but if ever there was a call to action this is is. I published this theory a while ago, but I wasn’t completely happy with how I’d written it at the time so I took it down a few minutes later. I’d originally planned on never revisiting this again, but while developing a different theory which will probably be coming out soon, I was forced to revisit this work, so here we are. The science of Antisepticeye. What he is, where he came from and how to stop him. It’s a long one lads, so buckle the fuckle up.
If we’re ever gonna stop Anti, which is kinda the point of all this theorizing anyways, we have to know what exactly he is. To figure that out, we need to look into what effect he has on the world around him. Looking back at the ever expanding collection of Anti moments ((thank the heavens for his wiki and a whole lotta spare time)), the only thing that tied them all together is that the person in the webcam felt a sense of danger, be it from a jump scare or high suspense or even from hearing Anti’s name, the brain of the person who was recording sensed danger, which triggered a hormonal fight-or-flight response in their body in the moment Anti presents himself to us, and it’s usually preceded with a long gap in symptoms surfacing. What else do we know of that lies dormant for a long period of time before something triggers it to wake up which usually leads to chaos for whatever system it’s in? Jack A virus!
So what kind of virus is he? Well, in bigger videos like Say Goodbye and Kill JSE the person on the screen communicated that they felt physical effects of his presence, like nausea, aches, delirium and twitching and in some cases bleeding from the eyes. This tells me that if Anti is a virus he’s a biological one.
However I cannot ignore the biggest telltale sign of Anti showing up which is the game or webcam ((and sometimes the person)) glitching, audio disturbances, and corrupted html text((Zalgo)), which would tell me that he is a computer virus.
So lads, correct me if I’m wrong in saying that if Anti is indeed a virus, he wouldn’t be exclusively biological or the technological, but rather a biomechanical virus((I totally didn’t make up the term shush)).
Being made up of both biological and technological components mean infection could have happened just about anywhere. For the sake of clarity I’ll be breaking it up into biological and technological components as I’m fairly certain the two are symbiotically dependent on each other, considering the physical effects coincide almost completely with the technological ones.
If infection was controlled by the biological aspects, that would mean he was infected by contact with the virus. Either he touched it, breathed it in, ate or drank it, kissed it, or bled on it. For all the other egos who’ve been infected, this makes perfect sense. JJ cutting his finger right before the glitching shows up, Henrik almost never wearing his surgical mask when handling his infected patients, Chase heavily drinking in the moments leading up to Dark Silence, but Jack is a different story. The first time we saw Anti was in FNAF Sister Location, and that video had none of the above in it. That tells me he was infected well before he first showed himself, which makes sense logically. People don’t show flu symptoms as soon as they come into contact with the flu virus. It has to fester for a little bit before showing any symptoms, so why should Anti be any different?
So where did Jack get infected? If he did physically come into contact with the virus, it would have been in a live action video. From a storytelling perspective, it wouldn’t make sense to not showcase an important plot point clearly, and live action is the best medium to do such. That brought me to the 2015 pumpkin carving video, but nothing too suspicious happened. There was no bleeding, he didn’t eat anything, while he did kiss the pumpkin no bodily fluids were exchanged, and breathing it in or touching it seems implausible, because it would mean the virus already existed in his house, which means he would have been infected long before that video.
The only other live action videos he’s done, and correct me if I’m wrong, were the 700,000 subscriber ghost pepper challenge, the ALS Ice bucket challenge, and his regular vlogs. Sean is incredible at blurring the line between normal video and ego video, but these videos all had an underlying sincerity to them, where he was trying to communicate to us his appreciation or with the ALS video trying to get us to donate to charity, and I find it highly improbable for him to try and undermine the meaning behind them with an ego clue.
That leads me to believe that it were the technological aspects of the virus that infected him, and that’s where things get kinda tricky. Now, computer viruses are actually relatively easy to come into contact with, the problem definitely isn’t there. Maybe Jack was sent it in an email, maybe he went to a sketchy website, maybe he downloaded a game that had a little something extra up it’s sleeve. No biggie, it happens. The logic leap is when the computer virus starts affecting his real life person, even when he’s not using the computer, a la Say Goodbye.
I believe immersion is the answer. Immersion in game play is something a large portion of game developers strive for, making the player feel like they were actually inside their game. This is one of the hardest and most important things a story driven game developer can do, and also one of Jack’s key defining features in games he tends to really enjoy.
I think, in the story that Sean has created for us with the egos, when Jack is doing a lets play and he gets really immersed in the game, he actually does exist inside that game. That feeling of total immersion, those moments when his brain is unable to separate the game from reality, they happen because of him actually being inside the game on his computer. If Jack were to download a game that had Anti’s virus on it, and then became immersed in the game play experience long enough to come into contact with said virus, it’s entirely possible that the virus stayed with him when he left the game/no longer was immersed.
Well, if we’re going to find out how to cure the thing, we’ve first got to find the location of patient zero, i.e. the video that started it all. If we know where it came from, we’ll know how it works and that’ll make it immensely easier to stop it. Are there any games out there that Jack played that 1) truly immersed him as a player into it’s world, 2) share a strong resemblance to what we already see in Anti, and 3) was uploaded some time before the release of Sister Location. There are two bigguns that spring to mind.
Undertale is probably the most well known and well liked series on Jack’s entire channel. While he was playing he became heavily invested in each of the characters, even the baddies, and so did we. We grew to care for them all as if they were our closest friends. When they were hurt, we screamed in protest. When they were comforted, we felt all warm and fuzzy. When we reached the true ending, we all cried. I would most certainly consider that immersion, wouldn’t you?
Not only did Undertale immerse the player and viewer, it messed with your actual computer files. If you do a genocide route even once, uninstalling and reinstalling the game won’t wipe it’s memory of the route. You have to dig through your computer to find and delete the file that tells steam what route you chose if you want to play the game brand new again. Not to mention the game frequently closing itself unprompted, which has a well known history for corrupting recording footage. Potential for corruption? Check.
New paragraph for new point because oh my god, there’s a lot. Several people have already pointed out the similarities between Flowey and Anti, but just in case you haven’t seen it yet or wanted a nice recap, here we go.The voice acting Jack chose for Flowey sounds just like a higher pitched Anti voice. This was the first time he ever layered audio files to achieve a more sinister voice effect. The thumbnails following his fight with Flowey all hold trademark characteristics of Anti video thumbnails. Our first ever interaction with him ends with him attempting to murder Jack. Their laughs are one in the same. At certain points in the game, you can find Flowey following you, keeping an eye on things, if you will. His boss fight, oh my g o d. He kills the dude in charge, everything cuts to black, and next thing we know there’s a glitchy face laughing at us through a screen, telling us about how he’s the one in charge and how this is his world and how everything he’s done was all our faults, after which his eyes turn red and green and he starts puppeteering controlling six different souls, using their different skills to his own personal advantage so he can fulfill some unspoken objective. Gee, sound familiar? 
However, despite all of this, Undertale was not patient zero. Why I still listed all the game’s similarities despite this, I promise was not to waste your time, I’m getting to that. There was a game that came just before this one, the first of it’s kind, the actual patient zero. That game, is The Visitor.
Many of you may not remember this game, but The Visitor (and The Visitor Returns) was a little flash game that was posted way back on March 1st, 2015, and you played as an alien creature that came to Earth on a meteorite who’s only objective was to kill any creature it came into contact with to gain it’s powers. It was a video that kind of took the channel by storm, landing it’s place as the fifth most watched video on Jack’s channel even though nobody really knew how. This was patient zero. 
As for the checklist? It was posted March 1st, 2015, a full year and seven months before Sister Location. Jack is certainly immersed in the gameplay, so much so he forgets about the menu screen and accidentally restarts the game in an attempt to do more stuff. Does it show a similarity to what we already see in Anti? More than you’d see at first glance. Yes, his mouse is kind of glitching through the entire video. Yes, his webcam goes dark for a single frame towards the five minute mark. Yes, there’s multiple severe neck wounds throughout the game. But that’s not what sold me on this. It’s the premise of the game itself. 
I was struggling for months trying to figure out which game was patient zero. I jumped between Undertale, Fran Bow, Vee is Calling, and even the other Five Nights At Freddy’s videos more times than I could count, because all of them seemed like plausible answers. Fran Bow was the first series ever to adopt Anti’s traditional thumbnails, with lens flares and glowing eyes and blood everywhere(seriously, I took a good ten minutes and scrolled through every single video on his channel and Fran Bow was where it all started), not to mention a dark shadow creature who feeds on suffering being the main antagonist. Vee is Calling had an actual virus as a main character who actually glitches out and actually takes control of the main character’s in game computer. One of the glitches in SIster Location #1 showed a frame from the first ever FNAF game, and many of the sounds were pulled from the series at different points. I’ve already written paragraphs about Undertale. All of these things show a direct tie to Anti. 
Then remember what The Visitor is all about. It’s an alien who kills things around him to gain it’s powers. It takes aspects from each creature it comes into contact with and uses them for his own personal gain. That seems to be exactly what Anti has done ever since we’ve known him as a physical entity on the channel rather than an idea with a name. 
I mean, look back at May 2k18. Every single skit, either ego themed or not, was pulled directly from whatever the game he played was about. Hell, just look at the egos! I’ve talked about this before, but in every single ego video, there is always a theme of character decay, where the person they were at the start of the video erodes away leaving nothing but a shell of who they were by the end, and this is especially apparent in their debut. JBM, the courageous hero giving into cowardice. Marvin the Magician, throwing away his career. Henrik the wise doctor, killing his patients and forgetting a comedic amount about human nature. Chase the bubbly dad, pulling a gun on himself. JJ the mute actor, cutting his finger and immediately getting possessed. I’d tied them back to Anti before, but I never really knew why. In hindsight, this was clearly Anti’s attempt at stealing their strengths. Each and every one of them had some advantage that Anti wanted, and their slow decay was evidence of Anti trying to take control so he could have it. That’s why each new video showed him getting stronger, going from making them kind of afraid to full on suicide and possession. He was stronger because he’d taken more attributes and was able to use them more effectively with each passing video. For each game that Sean got immersed in that fit his agenda, Anti adopted different aspects for himself. There is no one video where Anti came from because he came from every video.
Okay. Alien biomechanical virus. How do we treat it? Well, that is heavily reliant on it’s sources. Anti adopted both some benefits and some defects from every game he pulled from. He gained both strengths and weaknesses, so if you want to “beat” him, the answer would lie in those games. The Visitor had no happy ending. Fran Bow won by giving up on reality and living with tree people, a demon, and an oversized axolotl. Undertale got a good ending by befriending everyone including the bad guys and hopefully not dying too much in the process. FNAF was finished by getting fired or burning everything to the ground and praying you’re not sent to purgatory. Vee is Calling was saved by focusing on your love life more than your computer files. Maybe it’s one of those answers. Maybe it’s all of them. Maybe it’s none of them. It seems not even Sean knows the answer to that question, but now we have a great place to start looking.
I wasn’t able to attend PAX, which means I didn’t know about the Anti “hint” until just now. When I heard it I wanted to scream, I think I actually might have, because I’ve been sitting on this work for literal months and just not gotten around to posting it. “We still haven’t figured out what Anti is yet.”
So, @therealjacksepticeye, are my answers to your satisfaction? 
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glixbitch · 5 years
First Lesson - JSE fic
*Jumps into the fray 3 weeks late* This is my lil interpretation of a possible scenario surrounding Quit The Game To Win, inspired by some AMAZING art by @pumpkin-demon, which I will link to in a reblog since tumblr hates links. Hope you enjoy!
Chase started, jumping backwards in his chair, causing it to roll slightly towards the other side of the room. Grabbing the desk to avoid moving further away, he quickly looked around at his surroundings, trying to remember what he was supposed to be doing. He’d been.. recording? Hadn’t he? Glancing up towards the camera, he saw no red light, so the recording had stopped. “Fucking damn it” he groaned, pulling himself back towards the monitor and going to check the camera files. 
“How did I do that?” he wondered, trying to think back to the recording session. He’d played that post-it note game... the supermarket game, the drunk game (he remembered that one all too well) and finished with... “Quit the Game to Win’ he said aloud, as if trying to convince himself it that the session had, in fact, happened. He remembered the whole video, he realised, but not the end. His memory had blanked after finishing the last game. 
As he went to try and force the memory to the front of his mind, Chase felt an overwhelming pressure descend on his brain, like his head was full of TV static. Hot, crackling, bubbling, corrupted memories that burned new images into Chase’s brain. His eyes, screwed shut with pain, suddenly shot open, unfocused and wild. 
Panting, he clutched his chest “That ..wasn’t me..”. The cold gaze, the penetrating stare, the twitching eye... 
“Took you long enough” hissed a voice in his ear. 
An icy, leaden weight settled down on Chase’s chest, creeping down his arms and legs, fastening him in place in the chair. He felt two hands clamped down on his shoulders, squeezing in a faux friendly manner. The static energy he exuded was not as chaotic as it used to be, but Chase had a morbid feeling that was due to the demon’s control over his own powers increasing, rather than any sign of hope for him. The aura was concentrated, powerful, a defined ability that Anti wielded like an extra limb, that enveloped Chase in its presence and kept him frozen in one spot. 
He could see now, open on his second monitor, the footage from ‘his’ earlier recording session. As though extension of the glitch’s being, the video began to play on its own. It’s his face, fascinatingly familiar but completely foreign at the same time. Video-Chase lets his lips curl up into a sickly sweet smirk. 
“Still here I see? Very good”. He can barely contain his excitement, his glee. And yet projects an all-consuming calmness, a quiet menace that the real Chase could never dream of pulling off. The video stopped abruptly, cutting off Chase’s reflections. The hands, still firmly placed on his shoulders, squeeze again, simulating the actions of a friend, as their owner chuckled softly. 
“Beautiful isn’t it” whispered Anti, altogether too close to Chase’s ear. “And look”, another chuckle, “they love it already”. He accompanied these words with the swift movement of one hand up to Chase’s head to grab onto his hair. A complete juxtaposition to his fake camaraderie, which forced Chase’s head back and reminded him, painfully, who was in charge. Eyes back on the monitor, Chase registered, for the first time, that the footage wasn’t playing on his recording software. It was playing on Youtube. A live video, which had already been viewed by thousands of people. 
In a blind panic, he jumped forward, attempting to reach the computer, take the video down; only to be pulled back viciously by the entity holding him tight. 
“Don’t you get it yet?” Anti leered, yanking Chase’s head back even further. He paused, eyes flicking to the computer screen, knowing without having to check that his victim’s eyes would follow. Five thousand views, already. Five thousand people, expecting a normal 30 minutes of goofy gameplay, who were now glued to their seats, eyes wide and staring as they returned the gaze of the possessed man on their screen. There’s a faint voice in their head, begging them to turn it off, before it’s too late, but they can’t. Arms leaden and heavy, they stare at the screen with grim fascination. 
“They’ll never stop watching. And they don’t want to. You think they care about you but they don’t. They never did. You’re just a conduit, a placeholder, a vessel for m̨̯̥͔͈̭̮̝e̬̰̜͎̣. And now they’ve got me.” Chase willed his mind to shut Anti out - don’t believe his lies - but he could feel the static ensnaring his senses and crawling into his soul, entangling itself and holding on tight. 
“They won’t stop watching, Chase.” There was something almost like pity in his gaze, as he looked down on his creation. “Not even for you”, Anti finished, breathing out each individual word, well place daggers designed to rip away Chase’s last vestiges of resistance. Seeing the despair slowly drain from his eyes, the glitch released his grip on Chase’s hair, causing him to slump back against the chair. ‘Pathetic’, he spat, while stepping back to look his new toy up and down. Still, if something like this could make such a beautiful puppet, who is he to judge?
Anti circled back round to Chase, whose mouth was slightly ajar. His eyes were glassy and confused, but focused in on the one thing he could recognise, his master. Smiling softly, Anti moved to position his knife on Chase’s throat, who only blinked, focusing on the cold blade for just a moment, before returning his attention to what’s important. 
“First lesson”, Anti spoke with calm authority, meeting the attentive gaze of the man in front of him. “They love me. They worship me. They’re my puppets. Just like that doctor. A̢̬̬n̛͖̯d̨̘̝͉̝̠ ̰͙͉͔̜͘j̻̪̟̭̰͕͎u̱̮͈̲͖͚̠s̠̬͇͕̹̹͡t̘͍̺̖͎ ̹̜͝l̴͖̦̞̬͉̦̠i͠k̢̹̪͇͍ẹ̘ ̝̫͓͓͝y͈̙͚̩̱̭o͟u̷.̨̖̭̦̯ ”
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soopticboop · 2 years
Hey boop! It's that time again of checking up on you and seeing how things are😅
I just saw your post about the HDWGH era here and it brought back so many memories.
It truly was an incredible time here and this little family that we created was a safe space for me, and interacting with you all brought me so much joy🌸
I sat in my room and waited for jacks video to be uploaded (I kept refreshing the page, lol) so that after we could all discuss and make memes about it and just have fun.
I have left the community here on tumblr a few years ago due to school and very important exams that would determine if I would get into the university of my choice (I did it, art school woo!!) so studying took up a lot of my time, and not having been active for so long made me feel kind of disconnected from everyone and I felt like I was back to zero. But I knew that all the amazing memories we all shared together would always be with me forever.
Sometimes I have the urge to log back into my old jse account and talk to everyone again, but since so much time has passed I feel like it would not be pleasant for you guys😅
I am so glad to have been there with you when you first opened up your etsy store, and I am more thrilled to have bought one of your first pieces that I see on my wall right now, the place it never left since :))
You are an incredible and special person boop, and you have no idea how much you have helped me when I needed someone to just be there. I miss you lots and know that I will always be rooting for you💛
Oh man this is the loveliest message 😭😭 I actually really needed to hear something like this today so sincerely thank you!! It means the world to me 🥰
Congrats on art school!!! That’s absolutely sensational, you should be SO proud of yourself!!
And yes omg the HDWGH era was unparalleled 🥺 I also used to sit at my computer and refresh haha, it was always just so so fun!! I still watch all of Jacks videos but I’m usually a couple of days behind because of work! But regardless, i like to think that it was one big happy family, especially back in the day! I often wonder about old tumblr friends who are no longer active and hope they’re doing well🥰
And aww man, thank you for your kind words about my Etsy shop!! I’ll never ever forget how nervous and excited I was when I opened it and I was so overwhelmed with such kind people ordering my little drawings! It’s been like what, 3 years since I opened it?? Coming up on 4?? So so wild. I love every second of my Etsy adventure 🥰
Thank you for checking in!! It’s genuinely so kind and made me smile! Have yourself a great day! 🥰✌🏻
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jse-egopocalypse · 4 years
2017 Egopocalypse Detailed Timeline
Jacksepticeye OverNightWatch All Jump Scares so a few months back, i did a 2016 Egopocalypse Detailed Timeline and im glad you guys thought that it helped you with all the ego stuff since not all of you were here when it happened.
so now, we will delve into 2017. this is shorter than 2016 but a lot of interesting things happened. (Detention to Overnight Watch)
i’m putting every video (with time stamps and links to the said video) on this post and some pictures and screenshots that are important and from varies of social media.
(video playlist for this entire timeline is at the end)
Click keep reading to view
1st video: SCARY SCHOOL | Detention 返校 - Part 1
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timestamp: 27:35
there was no glitch but he did the head anti movement and the voice is kind of staticky. 
2nd video: I'M SO SORRY | Detention 返校 - Part 2
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timestamp: 0:26
so anti first appeared in Detention Part 2 in 2017
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timestamp: 3:47
Anti said: “Forgotten or just too afraid to remember?”
and at the end of the description, there’s a zalgo text which also says the quote above.
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3rd video: BROKEN INSIDE | Detention 返校 - Part 3
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timestamp: 8:52
the face cam glitched when a sound in the game scared sean.
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timestamp: 9:04
when he was doing what the spirit was doing, the facecam glicthed intensly and said “he’s all like fucking weird and all over the place”
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and as usual, at the end of the description, there’s a zalgo text that says
“Broken spirit, let me out”
4th video: BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS | Detention 返校 - Part 4 (END)
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timestamp: 1:13
the face cam glicthed and was moved to the other side of the screen.
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timestamp: 2:05
the facecam glitched once more, disappeared for like 2 seconds, and then back to the left side. it glicthed as well before it turned back to normal.
more anti apperances timestamps: 
5:31, 5:51, 27:50
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and of course, at the end of the description,another zalgo text that says
“betrayal neglect mistake”
5th video: AntiSepticEye Takeover at PAX East 2017 Panel | JackSepticEye
and how could anyone forget this iconic moment from PAX East 2017 at Sean’s panel?
this video doesn’t connect with any of the storylines, it’s just a cool lil thing that sean and robin did.
just watch the video for yourself since it’s just a minute long.
6th video: SPREADING THE SICKNESS | Epidemic
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timestamp: 8:41
anti said: “laughter is the best medicine...for death” and then the camera glitched.
7th video: DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS | Bio Inc. Redemption #2
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timestamp: 13:40
he named his patient “Chase Brody”
timestamp: 16:32
sean said: “slow and steady kills the chase”
timestamp: 16:43
he also said: “there’s only one doctor out there who can help us with this, Doctor Schneeplestein!”
8th video: TOUGHER THAN EXPECTED | The Escapists 2 #2
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it looks like a normal thumbnail right? nope, it’s not.
3-08-17 is a date. but what for? we’ll see later.
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he’s also wearing chase’s shirt in this episode. idk if it’s intentional but still suspicious.
9th video: PLANNING THE ESCAPE | The Escapists 2 #3
nothing very suspicious happened in the video but the thumbnail
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the numbers on his prison uniform is the date of Say Goodbye (31.10.16 = October 31st, 2016)
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also, the shirt made the jse community shook because he posted an instagram picture with that shirt and gauges (he wasn’t wearing them that time yet)
10th video: TRUST ME, I'M A DOCTOR | Bio Inc. Redemption #4
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ZE GOOD DOCTAH IS HERE! he tried to kill one of his patients again but this time, it’s intentional. and we all thought he’s a bad character.
11th video: KILL JA̶CKSEPTICEYE | Bio IN̵̛c Redemp T̨I̶̢on
remember the escapists 2 part 2 thumbnail with the date that i mentioned earlier? that’s when KJSE happened.
so for the first 40 seconds of the video, jack was the one in the video but he got sick and had to leave 
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timestamp: 0:47
and then schneep came and played the game instead 
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timestamp: 1:14
and called his patient “jacksepticeye”
he also considered as his good friend when his assistant, peter, died.
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timestamp: 3:04
anti appeared and schneep said “my eye is itchy” right after.
timestamp: 3:41
schneep asked: “are you feeling okay, jack?” and there was a glitch sound.
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timestamp: 4:13
when schneep said “I’m a very smart doctor” the facecam glitched and we can see that schneep has blood dripping on his eyes and nose and then anti appeared for a split second at 4:15
more anti apperances timestamp:
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timestamp: 5:11
anti was slowly taking over schneep. 
more anti apperances timestamp:
5:23, 5:25
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timestamp: 6:03
schneep has blood on his eyes and nose again.
more anti apperances timestamp:
6:31, 6:39, 6:45
timestamp: 6:47
schneep said: “i will not have you die” and anti said the word die as well.
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timestamp: 7:14
he finally showed himself.
more anti apperances timestamp:
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timestamp: 7:45
anti slowly took over schneep.
and for a few moments, the game and facecam keeps glitching and lagging. schneep was begging us to help and save jack anti.
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timestamp: 8:07
anti has now took over the operation and schneep was not giving up.
more anti apperances timestamp:
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timestamp: 8:10
anti has taken over schneep and made him strangle himself with the headphone wire unconsciously and then fought over it and asked himself: “what am i doing?”
more anti apperances timestamp:
timestamp: 8:20
“i’m trying my best” schneep AND anti said at the same time as the video was glitching.
more anti apperances timestamp:
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timestamp: 8:30
he has now fully taken over schneep, like a puppet.
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timestamp: 8:41
as jack died, anti appeared with the iconic black eyes.
at 8:46, we can hear schneep screaming and from that timestamp until the end, anti won and made sure that we know.
12th video: EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 4
- tw: suicide -
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timestamp: 5:04
when sayori hung herself, anti showed up for a few frames.
more anti apperances timestamp:
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timestamp: 1:10:41
sean anti said: “Oh well, I guess we’ll see you next̶ ͢t͞iḿe” with that suspicious looking face and when he said the phrase “next time” his voice got deeper and the facecam got a lil unsaturated.
13th video: JUST MONIKA | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 5 (END)
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timestamp: 13:03
when sean read yuri’s dialogue, he said: “like the edge of a knife, Yuri?” afterwards and when he said the word “knife” the camera glicthed (because guess who loves knives c:<)
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timestamp: 25:20
sean’s facecam glitched and did the anti head movement before yuri glitches back to normal.
timestamp: 30:53
when monika sent in-game jack a poem that just says “CAN YOU HEAR ME?” there’s a slight voice of anti in the background while sean read the said phrase.
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timestamp: 46:28
during this part, monika will restart the whole game and before that happened, the game and sean’s facecam glitched.
and the time when you’re alone with monika, sean keeps reading monika’s dialogue with anti’s voice and the iconic laugh.
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then in the description of the video, if you scroll through, there are zalgo texts that just say: “just monika”
14th video: Jacksepticeye OverNightWatch All Jump Scares
oh look what it is :) it’s overnight watch :) nostalgic, isn’t it? :)
anyway, the whole video is purely all the highlights of what happened during the whole time and the person who posted it already put timestamps on the video so HAVE FUN! :))
- E N D -
and that’s all the ego content videos from 2017 and we’re now moving onto the social medias.
so these 2 pictures are just “hm, normal” no. you’re wrong.
if you adjust the exposure the picture of sean with the green hair, there’s a faint text that either says return or reborn, hence the twitter bio.
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now these are tease pictures before KJSE that he posted on twitter and instagram
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sean has also been changing his bio on twitter almost constantly after the epidemic video and before KJSE
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and then i think this is either during or after his doki doki playthrough
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and you can see the zalgo letters in the “just monika” spells out “anti”
now, during his detention playthrough he has been reblogging stuff on tumblr and replying with zalgo texts and made 1 post with just zalgos.
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it says: “convoke Ready
(i can’t make up the next 2 words)
Ritual Nobody”
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now on this one, it says: “suppressed ignored unpredictable”
and that’s the whole egopocalypse timeline during 2017 (i think i missed something so let me know)
HERE’S THE PLAYLIST TO THIS POST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5wG46uK8MEOCZ7pON77Q18PdNO6t6gZ6
i hope this is helpful to anyone who didn’t get to experience this or just forgot about what happened during that time of year.
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Be Careful What You Wish For
Can I just… say something in regards to Septic ego lore? Because lately I've seen a lot of accusations being thrown this way and that about who's good and who's evil and who's trustworthy and who's a "puppet" and… honestly, this is frustrating me more than it probably should, but I need to let this out somewhere.
News flash: there isn't a single ego that isn't morally ambiguous.
There, I said it.
There is ZERO definitive, canon evidence that proves ANY of them to be 100% on the side of good or evil.
Jackieboy Man? He has a total of ONE (1) canon video on the channel, and it's his first. That isn't nearly enough content to be a proper judgement of his actual character, only enough for a first impression at best. Sure, he's a superhero (and probably has the most arguable case for being on the "good" side), but even superheroes kill people sometimes, even if they don't mean to. Where does that put him on the moral scale? We don't know. We don't know enough about him to know.
Marvin isn't much better. He himself has only ever been in two videos canonically (his power hour and Try To Fall Asleep). And in his Power Hour, Seán was making no attempt to make a fully-fleshed out character. Hell, he calls himself "Jack the Magnificent" in it– the name "Marvin the Magnificent" wasn't canon until the first SepticArt video, which was right after KILL JSE in 2017. Just one week shy of a full year after his first "appearance". His Power Hour remains the only video in which we can actually hear him talking, and most of what he said was joking, exactly in line with Jack's comedic style. Where does that put magical cat boy on the moral scale? We don't know. We don't know enough about him to know.
Schneeplestein? Don't even get me started. Undoubtably the ego we've seen the most of in terms of video count and length (except maybe Anti, depending on how you count it), over his now two full years of existence, he STILL hasn't proven himself one way or the other. For every evidence of goodness, there's equal evidence of the opposite, and vice versa. Seán literally shifts this character around what we think he's like at the time. (Seriously. Watch Bio Inc. #4 and KILL JSE back to back if you don't believe me.) Where the hell does the "good doctah" fit on the actual moral scale? We don't know. There's enough evidence to point him in either direction– and Seán's leaving it up to us.
How about Chase, then? Surely there's only goodness in the sunshine dad, right? Wrong. Bro Average, TIE, and Dark Silence are all we've ever physically seen of him, along with Stories Untold #3 where we definitively heard his voice. The rest? Pure guesswork. Headcanons and theories about whether it's him or Jack being thrust into nightmare after nightmare– neither idea has been ultimately confirmed or denied. And hell, when Chase did the drive by in Bro Average, there were real shooting sound effects along with it. Remember how people were theorizing him to be a mass murderer because of that? Yeah, that hasn't been canonically disproven. So where's the sad dad on the moral scale? We don't know. We haven't seen enough of him to know.
Last but not least, the silent boy, JJ. Probably one of the most debated in terms of moral alignment, along with Henrik and Marv. But, again– we've only ever seen him for, what, maybe five or six minutes, doing one very specific activity? And if you remember Silent Movie like I do, you KNOW that all of the text on the cards doesn't suggest even a single time that this character is a new or unique one– in fact, it suggests pretty strongly that the character on the screen was someone who was already existing and was just thrust backwards in time, as well as into a different outfit. Yeah, there's a reason it took Seán six whole months after that video to confirm him as canon and repeatedly denied that the character even had a name. And even though he's arguably my favorite, I'm honestly 100% willing to bet that JJ wasn't meant to become an ego at the time of his first appearance. Pile on the fact that Anti showed up and corrupted the video– leaving JJ very much alive while doing so– and where the hell does the silent boy's moral compass point? We don't know. There's literally nothing that definitively proves him to be one thing or another– he's totally ambiguous.
With that said…
All of you out there who headcanon any of them to be evil, or a "puppet", or "on Anti's side" or any of that– do me a favor, will you? Remember back to the Happy Halloween 2016 vlog that Seán posted after Say Goodbye. (If you haven't watched it, I highly suggest that you do so, because it's awesome.)
In that video, he talks about how he literally shaped Anti's appearances and behavior around what the community thought of the character. He saw all of the theories about Anti killing him eventually, all of the ideas about him having fangs or being hooded or bleeding from his eyes. He saw what the community was thinking and took it upon himself to make it canon. And he hasn't stopped doing this, either– Schneeple has shifted in character depending on how we've seen him. Anti has evolved around the games we wanted to put him into, whether or not he's actually shown his face. Why do you think Anti even showed up at all in JJ's video– it was Halloween and we were all wanting something to happen, right?
Keeping this in mind…
How badly do you really "want" some of these characters to be genuinely evil?
Because, if you want them evil, you're pointing Seán very much in the right direction right now.
He sees exactly what the majority think of these characters, in the forms of theories and comments and gifts and art.
Listen, please let me make one thing as clear as I can: I do not mean this post as an attack/bash on anyone's ego opinions/headcanons/what have you in any way, shape, or form– if my tone comes off at all as angry/hurtful towards anyone in what I say here, I sincerely apologize, because I truly don't mean it that way. Everyone's opinion is valid until definitive proof tells us otherwise.
But… if all of you out there who claim to really "want" a certain ego/egos to be evil, I'm warning you right now, this is going to be another "it's all your fault" situation coming from Anti, and he's gonna give us ALL of the sh*t for it. Because we COULD have chosen to make the egos help Jack instead of hurt him. We COULD have let the characters be good instead of conforming them into "something we wanted to see". But no. Anti puts on his puppet show to please us, and this is exactly what people are asking him for. At that point, heck, we'll probably deserve the sh*t he'll be giving us.
That's why I'm so damn adamant about believing that the egos are innocent until definitively proven otherwise. Because if everyone gets ahead of themselves and start throwing accusations around/condemning egos to puppethood, guess what? All of that now becomes fair game to be canon, and it's exactly what Anti's going to abuse to his advantage when he comes back in order to make us second-guess ourselves when the danger is in plain sight.
So friends, please,
be careful what you wish for.
(Holy heck, this post is long. Sorry for the read, I just… I've been keeping this in my system for too long and it needed to come out one way or another. And again, I don't mean this at all in a ragey/hurtful way towards anyone, I just feel like a lot of people are getting a bit ahead of themselves, and I actually kind of understand now why Anti's mad at being stuck in the same old monotony. Because it's that predictable.)
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captainschmoe · 4 years
Hey there. It’s late now and I’m not sure if anything’s changed, but I hope you’re doing okay. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time. As far as “corruption” goes . . . Idk, I think it just depends on the person. I still love Jack’s content and nothing’s bothered me, it’s the same for a lot of my friends. But that’s only my experience, your feelings are valid. As for the tea blogs . . . Personally, I’ve been on Tumblr for years. I’ve seen blogs just like them in other fandoms. [1/2]
And they’re always hateful and it’s always stressful, no matter the community. The thing about them is, they thrive on attention. Initially, it was just one JSE tea blog. Just one. But as word about it blew up and people got more upset, more started appearing. I firmly believe that they’re just a few people who decided to band together to spread negativity and get attention because they saw how it was stressing people. They’re just bullies. Anyway I hope you’re all right. Love you, Schmoe. [2/2]
Yeah, while watching his videos in the last couple months (esp. after he recorded with The Boys again), it’s felt fine and any drama seemingly melts away.
That’s a fair thought process, too, that maybe the tea blogs are forming a sort of echo chamber around themselves and that’s why there’s more of them. I’ve heard of other fandoms having those kinds of blogs, but I’m not in any other fandoms so I haven’t directly observed them lol.
I feel a little better now that I’m playing my brand-new Pokemon Shield (it is a delight so far). Thanks for all the loving anons, everyone who sent one. <3
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blue-shaded · 5 years
I left the community last year when Jack was in LA and the whole community split in half, when people were screaming PMA for this and that. At that time, I smelled like something was going wrong. Something was going down. I tried to talk about it (to know if it was just me) but my posts got ignored, drowned in the tag filled with empty pma posts. I concluded that I was just imagining things and it was better for me to leave. {1}
I slowly got uninterested by Jack's content. It felt clickbaity, effortless and easy money making. I don't even jump on his videos like I used to do for the past three years. And now, now that I see blogs like yours and @jse-communi-tea one, that let fans speak their mind makes me happy that finally, someone stepped forward and said "We need to be heard.". It also relieved me because that means I wasn't just crazy. Something was really turned wrong. I'm glad I left. {2}             Even if people hate hearing this sentence, I really feel this. Jack changed, I preferred when he was having fun. Btw, I laughed last time cuz I was listening to one of his Slime Rancher episodes and he was saying something like "You know guys that I don't do thing to trick you or for money. That I'm not a douchy saying things just to follow the trends." Well... Jack... How can we tell you... I'm done, thanks for listening and sorry if I bothered you with those asks. Have a nice day :3! {3}             blue:I first off felt like PMA was a pretty great movement but it started to go down when the community started to treat it like a cult chant and interpret it the wrong way. I agree though, that first off at that time people weren’t sure how to think about it but at this point, it’s such bullshit to let your posts get drowned in the “omg positivity happiness pma” preaching posts. I haven’t left the community really but just passively watched as things unfolded into a spiraling cycle of increased negativity and bad omens.Ofcourse he changed, he says it himself. And change isn’t a bad thing necessarily. First I could see he was genuinely happier but as time went on, I started to realize it might all be faked and he can’t keep wearing that mask any longer.I’m so happy to hear from community members who haven’t joined the cult and those who are still sane to realize what’s really happening. Stannies who baby their idol and coddle them to the point they believe nothing ever can be done wrong really disgust me. Especially when people disagree or want blogs like me or jse-communi-tea gone, I’m only more motivated to keep going, talk about the things going wrong, and giving other people a voice when they’ve been to afraid to speak up themselves.Sean has turned into a hypocrite and most of his old quotes are filled with irony these days. He did his own stuff before, and now nothing else matters to him and he’s only following trends with minecraft videos, clickbaity titles, storytime videos and other stereotypical overdone things.You didn’t bother me ^^ In fact your asks made me really happy!Nice day to you too :D
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ashphoenix06 · 5 years
Countdown Part 3 (JSE Ego Universe)
*warning: this story is a four part piece on the fight between Anti and Jack before he went in a coma. In this universe, this happens before the events of “Say Goodbye.” This story DOES show our favorite Irish boy going through some awful things before the video. Reader description it HIGHLY advised!*
Today.... fuck.... he couldn’t explain what had happened today! All of the events that happened were like gaps in his mind. The only few things he remember was getting out of bed... recording some.... his eyes bleeding?....... and then laying back down in bed... what’s happening?!? Jack shook... he felt like he was slipping....
“Let me in, Jack.... everything would be much easier if you just let me in.... all this fear... anguish... misery... all of it will be gone..... if you just.... Let. Me. IN!......... that’s it, Jack.... be a good puppet....”
Jack got a call from Henrick today. The doctor was talking all sorts of nonsense, about him coming to him and being scared.... Jack had to assure the poor man that he was okay, that there was nothing bad going on. When Henrick finally hung up, Jack tosses his phone on the bed and grinned... he had to get things ready... for his very special Halloween video...
Robin had sounded confused when Jack told him about his idea. A pumpkin carving video? Was he sure? After everything that had happened on his uploaded videos? Yes, he was sure. This would be a simple video... he would talk to the viewers as he make a jack’o’lantern... what could go wrong?
Jack had accidentally cut his hand while examining the knives he was going to use for the video. He found himself transfixed on the wound, the red liquid oozing out. He.... he wanted to.... suddenly, he was pressing a finger hard into the cut... he cried out but couldn’t stop... the fuck? His kept pressing harder, the pain shooting up his arm to his brain. FUCK! What the shit? ......... wait..... he looked at his hand again... there was no wound... but wasn’t there? .... nah.... must be the excitement for his video coming up... shaking his head, he picks the knife up that he was just examining... this one will do nicely.....
He went over to the ego’s house today. Apparently, Henrick had voiced his concerns about Jack to the others.... he really shouldn’t have. All the ego’s were excited to see him, Chase especially. He hung out for a couple of hours and was about to leave when Marvin’s stare caught him. He slowly turned his head to the magician, who was staring at him from the couch with a foreboding look. He had just started wearing his glass eye that Jackie had given him and it gave him a sort of... menacing ‘James Bond’ type of look... when Jack asked him what was up, Marvin responded with a suspicious nothing.... well then... time to avoid the egos for a while... can’t have them ruining the fun....
Jack had to reassure Robin one more time that he wanted to do this pumpkin carving video. It would be awesome, he insisted. He was going to pick a pumpkin out real soon. Jack had also started setting up his room for the video, eagerness and excitement fueling his body. He had another ‘flash’ of himself inflicting pain to his wrist, but he just shrugged it off. They’re happening because of Halloween coming up... nothing more....
He had his first nightmare in days. Jack woke up, crying out. It had felt so real... the knife slicing across his neck, the blood pouring out... but he hadn’t died... instead, he had held the knife tightly in his hand and cackled out loud. That was... fucked up, he thought to himself... why would I slice my own throat?
That presence was back... looming over him, watching him prepare for the Halloween video. Jack tried not to let that and the ‘flash’ of him slicing his throat in the bathroom get in the way of finishing this video... he had to do this... he HAD to...
He found the perfect pumpkin... finally! Now everything was ready for tomorrow. All he had to do now was wait... but the waiting ate at him. He couldn’t stay still, either pacing around the room or bouncing his leg. His phone kept going off but he ignored it, the anticipation overtaking his senses... there were a few knocks at his door but he left them unanswered... finally... tomorrow, he was going to make his video... he was going to get his message out. He grinned as he thought about all those viewers who were going to be watching... his community... oh, he couldn’t wait to show them what he had planned....
To enjoy the show............
This is part three of four for this prompt requested by @glitchbicth. This is the last part to be written in this style, so I wanted to say thank you to all of you for bearing with me as I tried something knew... much love! 💜💜💜
@glitchbicth @honestlyitsjustkenna @nekob00 @the-rampaige @acuaticamber06 @greenglitchbitch @goldenoceanaart @mysepticheartfan1 @just-your-average-glitch @lyra-mithril-aryl--op20 @jackandmarksavedme88 @thelunarmasquerade @normallyemma @samariah-keeper @septicuniverse @weirdmixofweirdness @luverofsupernatural @bitchschnitzel
@egopocalypse @septic-dr-schneep
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