#jse theory
unpredictably-ghostly · 11 months
oh he’s got NERVE (video link)
“Oh my god is that Chonk Brogy? Is that Ant-t-t-t-” and then the screen glitches to:
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wishthefish916 · 2 years
Okay so uhhh
I could be wrong about this but the numbers 5914 are kinda relevant?
So,, after a lot of playing around with codes and cyphers and getting fucken nowhere I tried looking into important dates. As it so turns out, the biggest days for all the mentioned egos during mayhem 2018 fall on those days
May 5th with The Doctor Is Back (Henrik)
May 9th with Try Not To Fall Asleep (Marvin and JJ)
May 14 with Dark Silence (Chase)
Still no fucking clue how this pertains to anything, but it’s cool that’s a thing
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isa-ghost · 2 years
WTCHR Thoughts & Incentives
After watching the video 4 consecutive times in a row to REALLY take it all in, the following are my thoughts about the video and suggestions to fellow theorists who may be more skilled than myself!
Anti is probably a virus made of Antimatter, or hijacked the system because whatever he is has influence on technology.
Anti IS the WTCHR or something, or maybe powers it.
IRIS = Antimatter, which powers the WTCHR
Always There Always Watching. All his constant nods at the concept of being watched, lurking around us all the time, us “just sitting there,” in KJSE, “we just watched as [Say Goodbye] happened.” Overnight Watch. ALL OF IT. SOMETHING IS HERE AND I LACK THE DOTS TO CONNECT IT COHERENTLY.
And its worth noting that the glitches in the video footage follow the same pattern as always. Static, RGB (red, blue, green), or chromatic aberration (usually red/teal). These have been symbolic of Anti’s presence since the beginning.
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I think this “without charging or messy cables” can be connected to the way Anti seemingly doesn’t need any source of power? We previously thought it was attention or something, but what if its not? Or maybe it is since we don’t know who’s watching who. This also skirts around the whole watching theme too. Again, I SWEAR something is hidden in all of this but I’m lacking the brainpower to make sense of it all yet.
“Who watches the WTCHR?” This whole time we’ve been mostly unsure if WE’RE watching Anti or if Anti is watching us.
OR MAYBE Anti hijacked WTCHR the same way he hijacked Jack’s body during KJSE, and now he’s doing THIS as suggested by @tracobuttons​?
I may make a list of every instance of watching/attention being brought up from 2016 to present day. Screenshots, old posts, and more obscure examples sent to my ask box or DMs (obscure as in something from a 3 Scary Games video or something. I already have Say Goodbye, the KJSE monologue, Overnight Watch & Quit the Game to Win in mind).
WTCHR detects emotion, monitors health, deals in MIND DECRYPTION??
Perfect set up for coma monitoring, am I right? It can detect Jack’s fear in the coma, monitors how he’s doing health-wise, and.... Perhaps is capable of decrypting a... virus he’s infected with, maybe?
Not only that but...
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Is this how Chase communicated with Jack in Mayhem 2018? (”Jack, this is Chase, you need to wake up”). Can Henrik, or anyone else communicate with him in his coma through this?
Alternatively, if Anti is the WTCHR, this implies he’s monitoring Jack. He knows when he’s afraid, he knows how he’s doing (which might even give him a clue on when to stop hurting him to prevent it from being fatal, assuming he’s been doing anything like that all this time). Maybe that’s how he’s had control this whole time.
And something something Dark Silence, Chase’s Encounter With Anti, Chase Being Watched Recently [image below], We Think He’s Being Stalked By Anti Ever Since DS Happened *slaps theorist corkboard of red string and screenshots* UGH. THERE IS SOMETHING HERE I’M CONVINCED.
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Or is having WTCHR in your home the norm in this universe? Is WTCHR in his home so Henrik, his friend who saved his life in 2017, can monitor him? If that’s so, then maybe Henrik was told Chase encountered Anti- which Henrik is definitely aware exists after KJSE -and as a precaution and concern for his friend, he installed WTCHR in his home so he can keep an eye on him?
Its been the best security service for 5 years in a row.
Assuming the in-canon year is 2022, that’d be since 2017. Since the year of KJSE. Did Henrik maybe create WTCHR after he failed Jack so brutally in KJSE? Is this another step towards our theory that Henrik created Anti?
Is this something Anti or maybe Henrik (to monitor Jack) or Marvin (because magic??) done?
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And what exactly IS a Control Zone? How do they work? Is this something we’ll learn or need to know for future reference?
To Do List for Fellow Theorists:
Check each frame/moment the footage glitches. Look for hidden messages and images. I went frame-by-frame at the very end and saw nothing, but I didn’t look through the ones that happen during the duration of the actual infomercial.
Go back in time (using @isas-theory-wall​, past videos, @fear-is-nameless‘s impeccable ability to find ancient JSE Fire-related posts, whatever you can think of!). Connect these things to details in the video. See if there’s pieces of the past we can fit or relate to the present.
I personally would like to know if there’s any significance to the city we see at the beginning. Is it just stock footage or is it a detail we should pay attention to? I’m assuming its simply stock, but you can never be too careful.
I want to know if this anomaly is something. We’ve had Anti’s face and such hidden in thumbnails before. Is that something or am I grasping at straws?
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lildevyl · 5 months
Did the Title Change?
Okay, I know I'm going crazy here. With the launch of the new comic and Lore of the Egos from JackSepticeye. I decided to go back and rewatch some of my favorite videos and theory videos from MatPat.
But like the title here says and I have to ask this because I know it's been over 5 years ago Mayhem (May 2018). Is it just me or did the title of the Video change?
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The First Screen Shot is from MatPat's Filme Theory Jacksepticeye Must Be Stopped (Iris Project). Now, at first, I thought MatPat just got confused with the name of the title so I went back to see for myself.
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The Second Screen Shot is literally from the capture of the actual video! My Multi-Fandom Fiends, did the title of this video change?
@isa-ghost, @lirulua, @fear-is-nameless, @tracobuttons
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chaseisglitched · 2 years
At first, I was very confused by the "How many pictures have you been shown to you so far" and the "how many sounds have been played for you so far" questions. The first time this question is asked is in the 2nd clip and Chase says he has not to both.
When this is asked again in the 4th clip when the flashing starts to happen, Chase isn't sure how many photos he had seen and says 4 and for the sounds he says 2.
This is obviously weird because from what we saw Chase was never shown a physical photo or had an audio played so I thought it was just Chase's memory being all fucked up or something.
However when playing the clip over I realized in reality he did.
The photos and sounds are in the flashes that occur in the 4th clip.
Here is an example:
Around the time of 12:49 in the ANOMALY FOUND vid, both a flash and a sound happen
The best I could get was this and the sound that plays sounds like crying to me
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another is later on (i raised the exposure of it to see it better) where if you look at the hat there is a silhouette of sorts.
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And this isn't the only time this image appears either. I believe this one actually pops up several times till the flashes finally stop
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here's an attempt to show it better (hint: it's on his face)
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Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly
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nagrom10714 · 2 years
OKAY! So at the end of Jack's newest video he showed us a trailer of the Iris Project, and oh BOY do I have some theories!
Okay, so first of all, I have a theory, that Marvin IS Alter 5914, the sign says, "Alter 5914 is a Time Thief. Don't believe Alter 5914."
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Marvin is trying to learn how to time travel in Argentum Inanis, so maybe he found the ability to time travel and somehow he was one of the prisoners or experiments in the IRIS facility. It did say Iris=Antimatter in his spellbook, so he must know something about them, maybe he was there at one point and he somehow escaped.
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Maybe he used his powers to put Chase into the future a little bit more so that he could find out more about the facility. What if after the scientists have the chat with Chase, they relate the case back to Marvin, maybe he did something similar in the past...
Second theory, when Chase is looking at the what I'm assuming are the cameras at 21:18, there is a red light...
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I think that that's going to give him flashbacks to Dark Silence, and maybe Chase is going to breakdown because of the event, because you can hear someone yell, "HAVE YOU EVER EXPERIENCED THE TERRIBLE OCCURRENCE THAT HAS IMPACTED YOU SIGNIFICANTLY?!"
Maybe he's talking to Chase about the occurrence that happened in Dark Silence, and he's accusing Chase of killing his family? And I think Chase says, "I didn't kill them." So that's going be the main plot for the video, them trying to figure out how Chase teleported, and we'll get to learn more about his past.
Third theory, there's something related towards monsters or otherworldly beings in this facility, or as they call them, "Alters", as we see in the signs:
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So maybe there's something dangerous in this facility that they know about but they're keeping it to experiment on it, maybe THIS could be have possessed Chase, maybe when he says, "I didn't kill them." he was refdering to the security guards, and the scientists, because we see bloody corpses on the floor and someones bloody footprints.
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In another shot we see scientists being dragged and thrown out of the door by some kind of telekinetic force, or invisible force, there is definitely something or someONE who is dangerous in this facility. Chase does say, "I'm not lying! You guys KNEW, and did NOTHING." So maybe he's talking about then keeping whatever dangerous entity in the facility that possessed him and made him kill those people, they covered up the deaths, and put him in quarantine. He didn't do it, something possessed him to it, maybe this could be Anti, because he seems to be following Chase around wherever he goes...
Ahhhh so many possibilities, so many theories!! I can't wait!! I hope that you guys liked my little theories.
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thatvixx · 2 years
my ideas on "Anomaly Found - Chase Brody" and the jse egoverse
ok so it's time for me to gather my thoughts regarding The Iris Project and everything that has just happened. unfortunately i couldn't participate in the livestream cause i was in class, but i have just watched "Anomaly Found - Chase Brody" and i feel like i have a decent idea of what has happened so far.
obviously, this contains spoilers for "Anomaly Found" as well as other videos already published by Seán!
before we start, we have to go back to two important videos: "Chase" (released october 13, 2019) and "You're Not Ready For These Scary Games" (released october 19, 2019, which i'll be reffering to as "You're Not Ready" from now on). "Chase" was so incredible when it came out, and the thumbnail for "You're Not Ready" is literally Henrik's face, so i couldn't be more hyped.
in "Chase", we begin with a note of eviction. the note states that anyone living in the house (namely, Chase) is ordered to "vacate the premises not later than September 2019". according to the notice, it's August 8, 2019. things are definitely not going ok, judging by the state of his car and the bottle of whisky inside the glove compartment. more importantly, his reaction to seeing the picture he just found shows us something terrible has happened. he drives to the woods and walks for a while (with many beautiful shots from the mountains and the forest itself). more importantly, he walks towards a very specific set of rocks, mounted on top of eachother like a memorial of some kind. he rests the photo over it and drinks from the bottle of whisky, before being abruptly teleported from the woods to what seems like a parking lot.
on the other hand, the part that makes "You're Not Ready" interesting is the ending of the video, where Seán's screen is abruptly cut by static followed by a black screen. Henrik immediately appears, worried and writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer screen. we can see he's been woking on mathematical equations, by the papers on his desk; all the ones we can see have the letter 'T' in some capacity. after many mistakes, something in the screen fires up and it glitches. Henrik seems desperate and, after typing something, is presented with a psychedelic tunnel of lights; something seems to have worked.
with this, we can analyze "Anomaly Found" with a little more info. we're told throughout the scenes that Chase's family has been murdered (both his wife and kid, according to Arin's character as well as the photo in "Chase") and he has been somehow involved. at first, he says he's killed them, but then retorts a "i didn't kill them". after the ending, it seems pretty clear that the one responsible for their death was Anti - but Chase took the blame, since no one would believe him if he told the truth. this event is obviously the catalist to all the bad things happening with him, from the eviction note to the heavy drinking.
during one of the scenes in the "Project Iris" livestream, we're presented with a poster saying that "ALTR 5914 IS A TIME THIEF!". since we're already aware that Anti's number is ALTR 114209 because that's how his name is written in numbers (A = 1, N = 14, T = 20, I = 9), 5914's translation is either EIAD or EIN. EIN as in Henrik von Schneeplestein. Henrik is a "time thief" - or, more likely, a time manipulator.
in "You're Not Ready", he seems to be working with time equations (remember the 'T'?), or something along the lines of manipulating time using both math and some weird machine. he seems to be a physicist more than a physician - and that's why i think Henrik is responsible for Chase's teleportation. meddling with time is, essencially, meddling with space, since they're both indissociable. if Henrik's machine did work at the end of "You're Not Ready", he has successfully changed time - or stolen it, in some capacity. the success of Henrik's machine is responsible for Chase's teleporting and, consequently, for his inprisonment in the IRIS facility during "Anomaly Found".
now, on to the best part of this whole ordeal: my baby Anti. he looks great, he looks terrifying, but more importantly: he looks exactly like Chase. if anyone saw him commiting any crime, they would obviously blame it on Chase, since it's "impossible" for such a creature to exist. Anti seems to be making a hell out of Chase's life long before the murder of his wife and kid - "showing him awful things", making him hear strange voices and whatnot. we were already aware of Anti's interest in Chase - my question is: why? why Chase? why is Chase so important to Anti?
i am also very intrigued in the whole "i feel like i've been here before" bit, as well as "i have been in this exact place before, we need to leave". this implies some sort of time cognizance from Chase's part, almost as if he's able to glimpse into the future. that could be either the reason for Anti's interest in him or an effect of his influence. either way, Chase has something special to him - and we don't know what yet.
finally, i wanna take this last paragraph to say how incredibly proud i am of seán for making this. the "Project Iris" livestream as a whole was incredible, an amazing feat that definitely will change the way we think youtube content and viewer interactions for the next years. the cinematography of "Anomaly Found" is also phenomenal, and don't even get me started on that ending scene - I NEED MORE ANTI, SEÁN!!!! WE NEED MORE ANTI CONTENT!!!!!
if anyone has anything to add, feel free to comment/rb with it. let's go JSE stans, we're finally being fed!!!!
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So I have been pretty out of the loop when it comes to the Ego comings and goings. Last thing I saw was the Chase Video (and I swear it was not three years ago. It literally can’t be).
Point is, I just watched Anomaly Found…
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hawkeye221b · 2 years
Did Chase know?
I have a thought about IRIS and this entire situation, going back to “Sotries Untold.
1- We get the video about the WTCHR; a system that is always watching, monitoring and active.
2- IRIS created the WTCHR program
3- Chase is a victim of this program.
4- Chase warned us ages ago:
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5- How do i know this was from Chase? Because in the next video, we HEAR him trying to reach Jack, telling him he needs to wake up, with a title like this:
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So with begs my question: did Chase know about IRIS? Was he warned by someone, or even by Anti? He was trying to get Jack to wake up- maybe to protect him from IRIS?
Just a thought.
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cheyj05 · 2 years
Marvin is *not* a member of IRIS
 There’s very few solid conclusions you can come to from the new video only guesswork but here’s one that I’m pretty sure of.  “But Chey!” you may ask “how can you be so sure? We didn’t even see Marvin in the newest video!”. That is a good question and one I will answer here today!
   First of all let’s establish one thing very quickly, WTCHR is most likely before all of the other videos chronologically, this is not a sure fact, but it would make sense if it were, so we’re going to be acting like it is a sure fact in this theory.
  That would mean WTCHR is before Argentum Inanis. In WTCHR it is said that IRIS has an Antimatter generator. In Argentum Inanis, the book says IRIS = ANTMATTER. This is where my theory comes in. 
 You see, in the book there seems to be two different writings.
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 One written carefully and neatly and another in big dark strokes oftentimes scribbled in the corner and sometimes seemly having blacked out some words of the original text. They are visibly different handwriting so they’re not by the same person. The neat writing is probably the author of the book, that would only make sense considering it’s the majority of the text. The dark writing is probably Marvin’s notes. Scribbling things he knows but the book doesn’t say into the corners and crossing out stuff that isn’t true/irrelevant. He even underlined Argentum Inanis! That meaning that Marvin was the person who wrote IRIS = ANTIMATTER.
 But see, that begs the question; if Marvin were a member of IRIS, why would he write that? As a member of IRIS he would know all about the Antimatter generator, wouldn’t he? So why would he need to note down that IRIS = ANTIMATTER? Also the note feels a bit...impersonal. Like he doesn’t IRIS personally. That’s not really founded on anything, it’s just a vibe.
  Besides Marvin comes across as someone searching for information but getting way more than he bargained for in Argentum Inanis. If Anti was really created by IRIS as we’ve theorized, wouldn’t he know? Honestly it seems like: IRIS made an Antimatter generator, something went wrong and Anti happened, Marvin caught wind of some shit going on so decided to investigate, and Marvin gets in over his head and gets possessed. 
  The dark notes *could* be written by someone other than Marvin. Maybe by Marvin’s teacher or predecessor who got murked so Mavin decided to take up the mantle. We have no proof this person exists so let’s just assume the notes are Marvin’s.
   In conclusion, Marvin is not a member of IRIS, he’s just someone who got more than he bargained for.
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unpredictably-ghostly · 11 months
help he keeps mentioning project iris in his new video??? it feels SO bizarre hearing him casually throw around the name chase brody like- KJSHDFG. GLITCHY TRANSITION THERE. OKAY.
“is this where chase brody lived for a little bit of his life?”
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tristarlolly · 1 year
I'm not usually one for posting my speculations but regarding "Echo":
There's a possibility this is an entirely new character we haven't seen yet and whatever bs I'm about to say will be proven irrelevant in the coming months,
There's a good chance it's JJ, not just in reference to an altr bring a "time thief" but because we know at the base of everything, time is broken.
Whether it was broken by Anti, Schneep, JJ, or IRIS (or hell, someone else entirely), we don't know; regardless, Jameson is caught in the middle of it.
We know both "Echo" and JJ have had contact with Anti.
JJ might be Echo and he's potentially being used by IRIS and/or Anti. There's a good chance he's been going in circles and never fully able to escape whoever's been in control. There's a chance he isn't fully himself and just a shadow, a memory, or an ECHO of who he once was.
If time is broken, maybe he's in a strange state of limbo where he's only partially present in the current time. We know he had a voice in the past but perhaps now with Anti in his head and him being split across time with a power he can't properly control, that's been taken from him too.
Perhaps Chase is the ONLY person he's managed to communicate with in a very long time and yet he can't maintain that communication line for long through their mutual connection to Anti, or he's just so downtrodden that escape seems to be an impossible endeavor which is why their interaction was so brief.
I don't know if I'm explaining myself very clearly and don't have particular moments to point to like many theorists are able to cobble together but I thought it might be interesting food for thought.
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swluminekin · 1 year
Minor theory: Henrik, Marvin (and maybe Jackie) are known by I.R.I.S. in some way
Okay, it’s late and I want to get this down. Maybe I’ll try to build on in later, but here me out. And there’s a reason why I say “maybe” on Jackie.
Back when, after CHASE had been released, not long after we got something at the end of a video. It was a snippet of Henrik in front of computer screens. He was writing down/creating/solving various problems. Problems that involved division by infinity. Now, back then, we had just gotten movies involved with travel by quantum - specifically time travel. And from what it was known at the time, quantum time travel involves division by infinity. Back then, we were figuring that maybe he was trying to go back in time to fix something - perhaps trying to save c!Jack?
However, with recent events we are informed of a “time thief” - ALTR 5914. If we go like it has been for Anti (ALTR 114209), the numbers represent letters. And someone actually translated it out. ALTR 5-9-14 ALTR E-I-N For anyone who knows German, Ein is “one.” But why would they use German? Perhaps someone German was involved in finding this ALTR? Or, maybe, the ALTR themselves are German.
Only time (pardon the pun) will tell.
That said, this leads to Marvin’s involvement or acknowledgement.
From what we know, something happened with Marvin and his group in which something was released. Something not good (perhaps Anti?). If we were to go based off of a little bit of Turquoise’s lore, (which some of Marvin seems to be based from especially via the Argentum video) Marvin was promptly either removed from his place of power or completely removed from the group. That said, it wasn’t without waves having been made already.
But why would I mention this?
During the stream where we were solving puzzles, we had to try and solve a few passcodes to get into the next video. One of the passcodes we gave was a very familiar reference.
If we are to remember correctly, Magic Circle is the name of the group that Marvin at least was a part of - not quite sure if he still is or not. Perhaps we’ll see. But that said we now know that I.R.I.S. does know of the Magic Circle, and potentially of Marvin.
And once again, going back to the name of the time thief, someone brought up that potentially this was a case where they went backwards with the alphabet? ALTR 5-9-14 ALTR V-R-M
MRV or Marv backwards? Who knows. A stretch, potentially, but not entirely out of the thought process. That said, we also saw Marvin’s mask in the break room at one point so... That’s something?
As far as Jackie... We haven’t heard or seen much from him in a long while - but we still know that Jack absolutely loves the hero. He wants to make sure that everything with him is perfect before putting a new video out there for him. That’s completely understandable.
That said, we weren’t without little easter egg sort of treats in the puzzle areas. In another version of the break room beside Marvin’s Mask, Jackie’s mask was seen. (At least it was believed to be his mask - the crunchiness of the video quality made it hard to tell if it was a mask or a bowtie.) In another room - the monitor room - there was a JBM comic. Perhaps this is a case of fiction mimicking reality and Jackie is a real person in the world of I.R.I.S. With JBM, we don’t know.
Then there was what among some was called the “tesseract room” - or for those who don’t get it, think the room where Steve became Captain America. Why would something like that be there? What would they have to gain from having a room like that other than to create something? Perhaps a hero? We don’t know. (I remember us also being shocked/surprised/confused at during the defunct time when there was a person on the catwalk above the area.) There’s also some thoughts on “Echo” here, but as I said, it’s late and I just wanted to make sure I at least got these theory thoughts out there as far as potential connections to I.R.I.S. Also, we need to remember that Anomaly Found was more of Chase’s story after CHASE so we need to remember a big light is still on our trick shooter and there needs to be more focus on him right now.
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bluerasbunny · 2 years
Just a thought;
Have we considered WHERE in the story this IRIS situation is occuring? For all we know, the events could be out of order- similarly to the Markiegos lore being placed out of order of events (eg. ISWM was a prequel to AHWM, proven by Dark picking up the warp crystal at the end- of course this won’t be exactly like the Markiegos story, i’m just using it as a parallel!).
So who’s to say this isn’t out of order too?
An older theory I had was that everything has been out of order since the beginning- maybe Say Goodbye is the ending and we have to find the beginning and piece it all together? Of course, i’ve been out of the loop on ego things for a while so i’m generally not sure- but it could be a possibility!
It might be a good idea to try to figure out where this current plot beat is placed- because some things certainly aren’t lining up right in terms of ‘watching the watcher’ (assuming the watcher is Anti- why do we need to watch him when he’s already escaped and presumably gone rogue?) and a few other details, even from before IRIS, aren’t really making much sense if we’re seeing the story as concise and in order instead of scrambled.
Additionally, the mentions of multiversal theory and time being broken lead me to believe that this surely HAS to be out of order for it to all finally line up together- of course, we can’t really figure out much with what we have now, we don’t really have a good guidance on where things might be, but my idea of it is;
The IRIS situation could be how this all began. Creating a creature of nightmareish proportion for the 100th anniversary, trying to watch him and keep him reigned in to no avail as he gets out anyway and goes forwards with whatever plans he had.
I’m not sure where other things are placed- but i’ve got a pretty good feeling that Say Goodbye is the ending. Especially with the implications we now have of Anti saying; “You could have stopped me- but you just watched.”
Watching the watcher. We could have stopped him. This COULD be what Anti meant when he told us that we could have stopped him instead of just sitting there and watching the watcher.
TLDR; I think the piece we’re missing is that the story is out of order thanks to multiverses or time being broken, and the IRIS situation could possibly be a prequel to the story itself as we know it! The ‘out of order’ theory, if you will!
I might be wrong, i’m not that aware of any possible new plot beats after Argentum Inanis- so if there has been any that contradict, please tell me! I’d love to hear more that could debunk or solidify this theory!
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lildevyl · 2 years
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this like Overnight Watch?
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bidiza55555 · 2 years
I have a theoryyyyy
Hear me out
What if Anti was born out of Chase’s emotions? Like Anti is a WTCHR unite, but it kind of... mutated? and then latched onto Chase
Why did he kill Jack?
Well, let’s say that Chae kept rambling about how his friend is so much more successful in making a living on the interwebs than him (on his bad days, he probably wouldn’t say it if his mindset wasn’t terrible). And being based on only emotions, and teh ramblings, Anti saw that as the motive of “get rid of Jack, that solves the problem), And since Chase, Schneep and Jack are good friends, Anti would have easy access to Jack. 
And let’s say Schneep was the one who brought Jack to a hospital. Anti could latch onto Schneep, and then later back onto Chase, since Chase would most likely go and visit his friend.
So basically, Anti doesn’t know what’s “wrong” and wanted to help Chase, which only made shit worse.
If that makes sense
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