#i shall eat pierogi to make up for this
jascurka · 1 year
Uh oh made q mistame
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donaidk · 3 years
Hmmm... I think I shall ask 26,16,92 And of course 54 (although in Ukraine we call them varenyky)- 🇺🇦💜
16 - Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? 
I hope I will. In a good way of course. I’m the kind of person who’s really dependant on everything around me, so I’m sure I’ll change in some ways as time goes on.
26 - Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour? 
Yes, and it has never been anything else. I wanna change it up a bit, but it’s so messed up already from my stomach issues that I think it would die if I tried colouring it. I wanted a Brunette - Lilac ombre for years now, but the courage isn’t building up 😬
54 - Ever eat a pierogi?
I had to actually google what it is. If I can believe my old friend Google, we call it derelye or barátfüle (which is friendear in a rough english translation... i love my language). It’s one of the best desserts ever 🙇‍♀️
92 - Do you want to get married? 
In general, yes. Not now or not in the close future though. I would have to get to know someone on a really deep level to even consider it. I had seen enough dysfunctional marriages in my life (although luckily not my own parents’), that I would be too scared to just marry someone because we have been together long enough. It would surprise me though if anyone wanted to marry me in the future 🤷🏻
Thank you so much! 💜
Make me admit stuff!
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Pathetic, Clinging Poetry - Chapter 13 (of 25)
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I wonder if I'm doing this right. Are my kisses too long, my words too strong, My grip on your hand too tight? I feel so silly when you're near; I laugh too hard, blush too red, And scoff at all of my fears. 
Rain pattered against the roof of the house, and a flash of lightning lit up the grey evening sky. Pearl tightened her grip on Amethyst's hand, bracing herself for the roar of thunder that would soon follow, yet she still flinched when it came. Amethyst turned her gaze up towards Pearl, looking a bit concerned. "You alright?" she asked.
"Just not a fan of thunder..." Pearl sighed, feeling somewhat silly about her irrational fear.
"Poor girlie." Amethyst said, gently rubbing Pearl's back in an attempt to comfort her. "Is this okay?"
"Mhm." Pearl slipped her arm around Amethyst's waist, adjusting her position just slightly so she could lean more comfortably against her shoulder. She turned her gaze back towards the TV, trying her best to focus more on the animal documentary they were watching and less on the storm roaring outside. "I hope Jasper's driving safely..."
"She's driven on the highway in the middle of a blizzard." Amethyst said. "She can handle a little rain, I promise."
"I suppose." Pearl twirled a strand of Amethyst's hair around her finger. It wasn't like she was late or anything, and she knew Jasper was a safe driver... But worrying was what she did best, as Peony had always told her.
'Speak of the devil.' Amethyst thought as she heard footsteps on the porch. With a groan, she sat upright and pulled her hand away from Pearl's lower back -- but not before giving her a peck on the cheek -- and leaned away from Pearl's side of the couch. Pearl tried her best to hide her disappointment, but she understood why it had to be done; not because they feared Jasper's reaction, but because the ambiguous state of their relationship wasn't a conversation they were ready to have with her just yet. Hell, they weren't even ready to have it with each other.
"Sup, butthead." Amethyst greeted as Jasper stepped into the entry room. Pearl rolled her eyes; even though Amethyst and Jasper had been talking more over the past few days, and most of those conversations had been relatively civil, the semi-affectionate, semi-rude name-calling still wasn't sitting right with her. 'At least Jasper doesn't seem too bothered by it.' Pearl remarked, noting the tired but unaffected expression on Jasper's face.
"How was work?" Pearl asked, hoping to set a positive example for Amethyst.
"Didja cut any people open?" Amethyst asked. If she was sitting any closer, Pearl would have jabbed her with her elbow. 'Her mouth really needs a filter...'
"Nah, not today. Mostly just talked with patients and shit like that." Jasper said. She dried her boots off on the doormat before unlacing them, lazily tossing them onto the shoe rack.
"Aww, lame." Amethyst teased.
Jasper shrugged, running her fingers through her hair as she made her way towards the kitchen. "That's what it's like having a job. Most of the time it's lame." she said. Pearl could tell she was biting back the urge to make a jab at Amethyst not having one.
As soon as Jasper was no longer in sight, Amethyst leaned back against Pearl's shoulder again. "Ughh, I was dying over there. Pierogi withdrawal..." Amethyst whined.
Pearl giggled and cautiously wrapped her arm around Amethyst's shoulders. "Drama queen." she teased. Feeling daring, she pressed a gentle kiss to Amethyst's forehead.
"You're the drama queen." Amethyst whispered back, pecking Pearl on the cheek.
"What's this?" Jasper called from the kitchen, and Pearl instinctively shoved Amethyst away, bonking her nose in the process.
"What's what?" Pearl called back, whispering an apology to Amethyst as she rubbed her nose.
"This paper I found on the table." Jasper said, entering the living room with the coloring page in her hand.
Pearl turned her gaze towards Jasper, her smile fading just a hint once she saw what she was holding. "Oh! That's just a coloring page I got from one of the kids at the library, heh..."
"Oh, I know that; I'm taking about what's on the back." Jasper said, turning the paper towards Pearl.
"Oh! Um..." Pearl nervously wrung her hands. "We just got invited to a little get-together with one of my friends, that's all!"
"Who's we?"
Pearl bit her tongue; even with all of the lying practice she got back when she lived with her mother, she still struggled to do it when Jasper was involved. She turned to Amethyst for support, but the latter simply shook her head. Pearl turned her gaze back to Jasper; oh boy, this probably seemed suspicious. "W-well, initially was just me -- but she said I could bring along friends if I wanted to! Friends in plural, so you could come along if you wanted to, but..." Amethyst was only shaking her head even harder, but Pearl wouldn't acknowledge it. "I'm not sure... you'd want to, is the thing."
Jasper stared blankly at her; from her standpoint, Pearl probably sounded like a crazy paranoid person. "Uh... if you don't want me to come, it's not a big deal--"
"I don't not want you to come!" Pearl interrupted. "T-trust me, I really don't want to make it seem like I'm leaving you behind or anything, just... There might be a reason why you won't want to--"
"It's Rose." Amethyst finally blurted out. "That's why Pearl's acting all weird about it." She turned her gaze towards Pearl. "There, I saved you from another twenty minutes of babbling."
"What? You're a shitty liar and listening to that felt like I was eating glass."
"But you didn't have to tell her!"
"I'll go." Jasper said.
"No no no, please don't take it that way--"
"No, I mean I'll go with you guys." Jasper clarified. "If... you want me to." she added, her expression looking somewhat uneasy.
"...Oh." That wasn't the answer she was expecting to hear from her, but she certainly wasn't complaining... "Alright! Are... are you sure?"
"Uh... not really. I mean, I might change my mind later, but I think I wanna go." Jasper said. "Like, I'm not gonna get over myself by avoiding everyone who's ever pissed me off. And you guys really don't gotta walk on eggshells around me, either. Seriously. I'm not gonna get pissed off if you say her name around me."
Feeling rather foolish, Pearl cast her gaze towards the ground. "Ah... perhaps I shouldn't have assumed you wouldn't want to go."
"It's fine." Jasper shrugged. She dropped the coloring page on the coffee table, turning and heading towards the stairs. "Anyway, I gotta shower."
Once Jasper was gone again, Amethyst let out a sigh of relief. "Well, that went better than I expected."
"Right? I was expecting a trainwreck..." Pearl sighed. "But you know what? I'm glad she's coming with us. It seems very... out of character for her, but... maybe it's a sign that she's working on herself?"
"Maybe." Amethyst shrugged. "Or maybe she wants an excuse to kick Rose's ass."
"What? That's horrible!"
"Sorry, sorry, that was a bad joke." Amethyst said.
Pearl laughed nervously. "No, no, I just thought you were being serious."
"Still, though." Amethyst reached for Pearl's hand again, a smile spreading across her face. "Apology kiss?"
"Aw... of course." Pearl blushed, and Amethyst leaned up and softly kissed her on the lips. 
Rose's house was surrounded by what looked like a forest of bushes; most of them were roses (ironically), but there were moonflowers, hydrangeas, and dogwoods among them as well. The steps of the front porch had little frog statues sitting on each end, some of which were chipped and faded from the sun, and a flowery wreath with a "Welcome!" sign in the middle hung on the front door. Pearl rang the doorbell, and not a moment later the door creaked open.
"Hey there!!" Rose greeted as she rushed out onto the porch, lifting Pearl up into her arms and spinning her around. Her bright pink hair, with blonde roots beginning to peek out, was tied up into a neat bun; she wore a silver crop top that showed off her pink navel piercing, and a pair of black jeans. "I'm so glad you made it! And you even brought along some friends!" After placing Pearl back on the ground, she extended a hand to Amethyst. "You must be Amethyst! Pearl told me all about you." Rose said with a wink as Amethyst shook her hand. She turned to Jasper, and her expression turned from enthusiastic to a softer, yet still warm expression. "And... Jasper. I haven't forgotten about you, either." She kept her hand extended for a moment, unsure if Jasper would be willing to accept her gesture, but the latter reached out and gave it a firm shake before she could shy away. "Neither have I." Jasper responded with a straight face. "Nice to see you again, though."
Rose held Jasper's hand in her own for another moment before casting her gaze back towards Pearl. "Ah, let's get inside, shall we? Steven's been so eager to see you again!" She held the door open for Pearl, and Jasper and Amethyst followed.
Pearl was immediately greeted by a massive, plump orange cat rubbing his face against her leg. He wore a neon pink studded collar that read "Lion", and it wasn't heard to guess how he'd earned that name. Steven pattered into the room not a second later and latched onto Pearl's other leg. "Pearl's here!!" he giggled, gazing up at her with his dark brown eyes. "Pearl Pearl Pearl!"
"Hey there, sweetie!" Pearl cooed, giving him a gentle hair ruffle. Noticing Pearl was feeling slightly overwhelmed by all of the sudden attention, Amethyst decided to deal with half of it and scooped Lion up into her arms with a grunt. "Oof, you're a heavy boy, huh?" she remarked.
"I was just about to start setting up the games!" Rose announced. "You guys can make yourself at home in the family room!"
Pearl led the way into the living room and seated herself on the loveseat. Amethyst sat beside her, allowing Lion to get comfy as he curled up on her lap. "What a cute little guy." Pearl cooed, scratching him behind the ears. After a few moments she glanced up, noticing Jasper hadn't sat down quite yet; she was wandering around the living room, glancing over the array of family pictures and various photography hanging on the wall. Pearl felt a slight twinge of anxiety; 'I hope she's not feeling too shy...' she thought, but didn't allow her mind to dwell on it for too long.
"I wanna sit with you!" Steven exclaimed, snapping Pearl out of her worried little daydream.
"What was that magic word I taught you, honey?" Rose called from across the room, still digging through the closet for the board games.
"Oh, right." Steven folded his hands politely. "Can I sit with you, please?"
"You sure can!" Pearl said, and scooted over so Steven could sit between her and Amethyst.
"Yay!" he said, and climbed up onto the loveseat, seating himself right where the two cushions met. He reached over to pet Lion, and then looked up at Amethyst. "Why's your hair purple?" he asked.
"Because I like purple, so I colored it." Amethyst said.
"Oooh." Steven tilted his head in curiosity. "My mommy has pink hair because she's a fairy. Don't tell anyone, though, it's a secret!"
"Alright, I'll be sure not to tell any total strangers like you just did." Amethyst burst into laughter.
"You're not a stranger! You're mommy's friend." Steven said.
"Oh yeah? Then what's my name?" Amethyst smirked.
"Am... Amber?" Steven said.
"Close enough." Amethyst ruffled Steven's hair.
Soon enough, the board games were placed on the large glass coffee table in the middle of the room, and Rose's husband, Greg, brought in a huge bowl of popcorn for everyone to share. Rose and Greg sat down on the couch across from Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven.
"So, we have Operation, Jenga, and Candy Land for tonight..." Rose said."How about we let our guests decide which one to start with?"
"Ooh, Operation!" Amethyst remarked. "Jasper's a surgeon, so she'll probably kick all of our asses at that." she said. Pearl shot her a glare and gestured to the child sitting between them. "Oh, sorry; kick our butts." Amethyst corrected.
"Operation! Operation!" Steven chanted. "I won't let Jasper kick my butt!"
"What do you think, Jasper?" Pearl asked, only to realize she was nowhere to be found.
An awkward silence filled the room. "Maybe she... went to the bathroom?" Amethyst suggested.
Rose, however, looked rather concerned. "Ah... one second. Greg, you can start the game. I have to go check something really quick."
"Huh? Oh, if you're sure..." Greg said. Before anyone could say anything else, Rose vanished just as quickly as Jasper had. 
'Fuck.' Jasper splashed her face with water from the sink, taking in a deep breath. 'Why the hell did I think this was a good idea? Now I can't leave, and God knows how long Pearl will wanna stay here...'
A knock at the door made Jasper jump with surprise. "...Hello?"
"Jasper?" Rose called from the other side of the door. "Ah, may... May we talk when you're finished in there?"
Letting out another sigh, Jasper wiped her face with the hand towel and turned off the faucet. "Door's unlocked." she said.
The door creaked open, and Rose closed it behind her once she was in the room. "Are you alright?"
Jasper leaned against the sink and shrugged. "I dunno. I came here on an impulse and if I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda regretting it. Nothing personal, just... ya know. Not sure I'm ready for this kinda thing."
"Understandable..." Rose sighed, gazing down at the floor. "But... since you're here..." she stepped a bit closer to Jasper, finally meeting her eyes. "I... I don't know. I don't think either of us are going to be able to relax until we... talk about what happened."
"Pearl told me all about it. You don't have to." Jasper said.
"But -- but that doesn't count. That isn't fair to you, and... And I feel awful for making her apologize to you for me. I mean, who does that?" Rose sighed deeply. "Jasper... What I did to you was terrible. There's no words for how sorry I am..."
Jasper fought back tears, cupping a hand over her mouth and turning away. "It's fine. I'm... over it, okay?"
"You're clearly not." Rose said. "I... I did so many horrible things back in high school, Jasper, but what I did to you was probably among the worst. I abandoned you when you needed me the most, all because I felt guilty about Pearl... It was just plain cruel. I'm so, so sorry..." Rose's voice cracked, and she finally broke down.
"Ugh..." Jasper sighed, wiping a tear from her face. "Come on, you don't gotta cry..."
"I know, but..." Rose sniffled, reaching for the toilet paper and tearing off a piece to wipe her mascara stained face. "You don't have to forgive me, but... These past few years, I've been trying so hard to undo all of the hurt I've caused. Not just to you, but... to other people as well. I at least want you to know how sorry I am. Pearl told me how much this has been eating at you, and... you don't deserve to feel that way anymore. I may not have talked to you in years, but... the Jasper I remember, at least, is a wonderful person, who deserves so much better."
An uncomfortable silence filled the room as Rose sobbed, while Jasper tried (and failed) to fight back her own tears. After a few minutes passed, Jasper finally drew in a deep breath. "Rose... you want me to be honest with you right now?"
Rose turned her gaze up towards Jasper. "What...?"
"We both look like we're wearing clown makeup." Jasper said with a teary eyed grin. "I say we wash our faces, re-apply our eyeliner, and get back to out there before anyone starts speculating."
Rose let out a sigh of relief and burst into laughter. "We do, don't we? This almost reminds me of our first homecoming dance!"
"Oh, don't even bring that up."
"Aww, but it's true!" Rose teased. "You cried your little freshman heart out after some boy dumped punch on your dress, and I was crying because Pearl's mom wouldn't let her come... And we redid each others makeup as we comforted each other in the girl's bathroom."
Jasper snorted. "Oh man, fuck that guy. Just for reminding me of that, I'm gonna tell your man about all the times you wore cat ears to school and ran like Naruto in gym class."
Rose gasped. "You wouldn't dare!" she cackled.
"I sure would!" Jasper responded, and pulled Rose into a tight embrace. Rose immediately returned it just as tightly, sighing with content.
"Guess I deserve it, after all I put you through, huh?" Rose giggled against her shoulder.
"You bet your ass you do." Jasper sniffled, giving Rose a playful nudge once she pulled away from the hug. "Now get me something to clean off this clown makeup, bitch."
"I'm on it, hold your horses." Rose huffed with amusement, opening up the cabinet and pulling out a bottle of makeup remover and an eyeliner pencil.
As she waited, Jasper leaned against the counter and ran her fingers through her hair. "Man... In all honesty, the main reason I came here in the first place was because I knew I'd feel worse if I didn't. Pearl's really the only friend I've got lately, and you know... I'm dealing with a lot of jealousy and shit. I'd probably spend the whole night moping if I knew she was hanging out with you and I was still alone... Guess my bullshit ended up helping me in the end this time, huh?"
"I guess so." Rose said with a smile. She dumped a few drops of makeup remover on a cotton ball, wiping away the makeup stains from her pale face. "But... I'm glad you came. And not just because it gave me an opportunity to apologize to you. I've really missed you, Jasper, and... if you'd like it, perhaps we could rebuild the friendship we had back then. I know it won't be the same, but..."
"Aww..." Jasper began, dabbing her face with a little bit of makeup remover. "You absolute fucking sap. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it too, though."
Rose smirked. "At least I'm not the only one." she remarked, popping the cap off of her eyeliner. "I wonder what everyone thinks we're doing right now..."
"I guarantee you Amethyst has made at least ten jokes about us having sex or some dumb shit." Jasper snorted.
Rose giggled childishly. "Ah, she's one of those types, huh? She seems like a pretty funny gal."
Jasper smiled awkwardly, glancing to the floor as she finished up her makeup. "Yeah... I guess."
"Well, let's not keep them waiting." Rose said once she was finished as well. "Ready?"
And with that, the two made their way back to the family room. 
"There you are!" Amethyst remarked as soon as Jasper and Rose returned. "I thought you two had gone off to Narnia."
"No, we just had a little chat... We had some catching up to do is all." Rose smiled warmly. Jasper looked far more comfortable than she did before, to Pearl's relief. 'They must have talked things over...' she thought with a smile.
"Jasper, we need your doctor skills!" Steven exclaimed. "We keep trying to save this man, but it keeps going 'bzzzzzzzzt'!!"
"I forgot how bad I was at Operation." Greg said with an awkward laugh, handing the metal tweezers over to Jasper. "We've all had our turn, so you're next!"
"Alright, I'll give it my best shot." Jasper grinned, sitting down on the couch beside Greg. With a focused expression on her face, she reached in for the "funny bone", and plucked it out with ease.
"Yay!!" Steven cheered, running up to Jasper and holding his hand out for a high five. "You did it! You're the best!"
"Aw, uh, thanks kiddo." Jasper awkwardly high fived his tiny hand. "Your turn, Rose."
Rose seated herself on the other side of Jasper and reached for the tweezers. With Steven now sitting on the floor by his mom, the gap on the loveseat between Pearl and Amethyst was now empty... Pearl found herself scooting a little closer, and Amethyst did the same. The only thing stopping Pearl from reaching for her hand was the slight chance Jasper might look their way, but for the time being, Pearl was content with sitting just a little closer to her, now. 'Things are going to be alright.' 
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
Hetalia AmeLiet: A troublesome situation chapter 6
After they arrived to the park, Warsaw and Feliks rushed together to get some cotton candy for each other. "They’ll never change." said Tolys with a small giggle escaping his mouth. "Yeah" responded Alfred. A minutes later the couple came back with cotton candy in their hands. "So, now that you both have your cotton candies, where do you wanna go?" asked Tolys. Feliks and Alice looked at each other:" Do you think the same thing as i do honey?" asked Feliks. "I think i do dear" answered Alice. Then they both said in the same time:"Let’s go at the lake." America and Lithuania noded and all four went to the lake together. Feliks and Alice sat up on the grass eating their cotton candies, while Alfred and Tolys jumped to the lake in their cloths and start it splashing each other with water. "Shall we join them when we finish eating?" asked Warsaw. Poland looked at her and gave her a charming smile:" Like totally yes dear". After they finished, Feliks took Warsaw by her hand and they jumped into the lake at their turn. "So you decided to join us then. How about a friendly rivalery?" asked Alfred. "What do you have in mind bro?" asked Alice. "Well, how about we splash each other in duets? You know, me and Tolys. You and Feliks." answered the American. In return Warsaw splashed him with water:"Game on". The splashing fight start it. Warsaw and Poland went underwater to avoid the attack from Lithuania and America. Then they came out and splashed them togheter. "Honey, i have a plan. How about we split up. You take Feliks, and i take Alice." said the Lithuanian. "Good idea love" answered America and they both split it up and took their opponents by surprise. The fight end it up by America and Lithuania winning. "I admit, you got us pretty well." said Feliks. "But the next time, we’ll win." said Alice winking to them. All four got out of the water to let their cloths dry. After their cloths dried, they decided to go on a double date to a restaurant.
All of them sit up in the most fancy table and ordered their food. Feliks ordered some pierogi, while his wife ordered rosół. Alfred ordered some french fries along with a big hamburger and his lover some steak with veggies. While eating, they told each other funny jokes and even shared their own food with each other. After eating they decided to go have some fun at an amusment park. There were so many attractions out there. They went to a mirror maze in the beginning to make silly faces and to get some good laugh. After that they went on a carousel. And for the last attraction they went into the biggest and fastest rollercoaster. None of them was scared, all them basically laughed from excitement. After the adventure at the amusement park, they were going back to their homes. "We had a lot of fun today. Didn’t we guys?" asked Alice looking at Alfred and Tolys. "Yeah, I admit, I had a lot of fun." answered Tolys. After their small chat, they separated. Poland and Warsaw went back to their home and Lithuania and America back to their home. America decided to take a quick shower before going to bed. While his lover was taking a shower, Lithuania unbraided his hair and dressed up in his pijama. When Alfred got out, Tolys was already waiting for him in bed. He layed down next to his lover and looked at with a smile on his face:" You know, even though that we had a lot phisical activities, i’m still feeling not tired yet. How about you hun?" Tolys looked at his lover:"Oh, same actaully. I don’t even feel sleepy at all." "So, ummmm... is there something you would want to do with me?" asked Alfred with a gentle smile on his face.
Tolys thought a little bit and finally something came to his mind:" I think i have an idea." Suddnelty he sit up at his lover’s waist and got his shirt off. Then he took off his own shirt, revealing his breasts covered by the bra. "Tolys, hun what do you want to...?" asked Alfred blushing but he got shut it by his lover’s finger. "Shhhhhh... Don’t worry. Is gonna be alright. We’re not gonna do that. Now relax hun, and let us enjoy this moment." said the Lithuanian. He grabbed his lover’s hand and placed it on one of his breasts, which caused him to blush even harder. Then he took his other hand and placed it on his other breast:"I want the both of us to have some fun. And also I still need to try to get used to this body, since we don’t know for how long I’ll be stuck like this." America looked his lover in the eyes:"Alright, so... ummmmmm what do you want me to do?" asked Alfred while being a blushing mess. "Oh, is simple. I want you to grab me a little in here. Also I don’t mind if you grab a little harder." winked the Lithuanian. "Alright then" said America and started groping his lover’s chest gently. Small moans escaped Liet’s mouth. "Oh, i’m sorry love. Did i do something wrong?" asked Alfred and stopped immediately. Tolys giggled softly:" Oh, don’t worry dear. You didn’t do anything wrong. Please, keep going. I’m kinda enjoying this." Alfred noded and kept on going. The small moans kept on escaping Tolys mouth. The touch of his lover’s hands, it felt so warm and comfortable to him. It felt like being in heaven to him. A moment later Alfred took the bra off his lover, revealing his chest completely, causing Tolys to blush a lot. "Oh, you naughty boy." said Lithuania smiling softly. "I’m not the only naughty boy in here." said America winking at Lithuania, causing him to blush even harder. Suddenly he grope his chest again, but this time he grab it a bit harder. "Ohhhhhhh... Alfred..." moaned Liet while enjoying the feeling of his lovers hands. A moment later Alfred pulled Tolys into a romantic kiss on the lips. After having a little fun with each other, they both fell asleep hugging each other.
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
I actually have been up and moving and busy since like. 8:30 this morning. with fewer breaks than I’d take at work.
Finished my coffee, got up from the computer, and started on laundry and made a list of everything we needed to do today. Some errands-- we’re tasked with appetizers on christmas day, and so i thought a cheese plate would be the thing, with some smoked sausages-- well, there’s a shop that mostly just does meats and such, we should go there. also we needed things from the liquor store. and we needed a few groceries. and I wanted to buy some cider from the new cider place on Niagara St. also i needed to finish the fabric giftwrapping i was making, and to wrap all the gifts. 
Dude graciously volunteered to go do the shopping, but to come home so we could both go to the cider place. He was gone from about 9:30 until almost 1, though he stopped back home to drop things off several times. Listen we got the good kabanosy. Xmas is gonna be lit.
I counted up the furoshiki I’d made and came up two short, somehow, so I set about making two more, using an old twin sheet that mice had nibbled and my sister had discarded. I’ve made a number of things out of them over the years, but there was enough left for two largeish furoshiki... except that one would need to be pieced, and also had some holes gnawed in it. So I’ve pieced it, and now am doing a reverse applique, though I haven’t decided what shape to cut out where the gnaw-holes are. It could be a flower, maybe, or a unicorn, or... hm. Still deciding.
I may finally have finished the pojagi-pieced pink confection I was intending to wrap Farmkid’s gifts and also become a doll blanket for her afterward. The last border was exhaustingly fiddly because I was stingy with the fabric and then had to last-minute finagle several very tiny gap-filling pieces into it. I’ll take photos of it tomorrow in the daylight.
Dude brought home a sub from the grocery store for lunch, and we split that and then I came with him to the cider place. They didn’t have anything on tap, though-- we’d wanted to sit and do a tasting, but they’re not ready for that. So we bought some bottles, and then went to the Cider Hall, which has been open a year or two now, and we sat there and drank cider, bought a couple more bottles, and ate some pierogis-- and I sat and worked on my reverse-applique, which is what I posted on Instagram a moment ago. 
From there we went to yet another grocery store to get the last things. Local cheeses, and some more flour and granola and such, and some frozen easy meals to have in the freezer for the various arrivals-home-from-traveling we’ll be doing in the coming weeks, wherein I am sure we won’t have food in the house.
And I bought myself a cupcake, which I shall eat presently, and to which I am looking forward immensely.
Tomorrow I need to make piragi, because I want them, and that will take a few hours, and I also need to put labels on and wrap the last gifts, and put nametags onto all of them of course. But I don’t think we have to do anything else. Maybe we’ll be able to cram in a viewing of That Infernal Star War Movie so that I can properly enjoy the wanton semi-untagged spoilers that are flying about. (I gave up on not being spoiled, there’s just no way. The Internet, collectively, are animals. Also, the people writing those movies don’t actually warrant the embargo. I’m one thousand percent sure they did all kinds of plot shit just to fuck with the fans, and so I don’t care to avoid spoilers, because it’s literally not worth the fuss. But I’m not going to post about them or reblog the ones I see.)
Maybe I’ll go to the movies, maybe i won’t. We’ll see. If I don’t, I literally don’t know when I’ll get to it. We’re going to my folks on Monday evening, spending Xmas Eve and Xmas there, then driving back out Thursday morning, i’m working Friday, then we’re getting on a train to a plane to Iceland on Sunday, and we’ll be gone until Jan 6th, and then I’m working the 7th for some reason. (My supervisor was like “won’t you want to come in the 6th?” and I was like “it’s a five hour time difference, I don’t think I will” and he seemed surprised. Like. y’all pay me less than twelve bucks an hour, you think it’s worth it to me to get the hours?? I come in every day I can because I feel bad taking basically all summer off but that doesn’t mean it’s worth doing. I’m not about to suffer for it, man.)
Anyhow. I forgot I wore eye makeup today, I look cute. OK back to work on that reverse applique, you can’t finish wrapping gifts until you finish sewing...
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girlwithglasses1245 · 5 years
Um so yeah.
I got a new chromebook which is legit one of the best investments I’ve made in quite a while. One problem, I don’t remember my newer tumblr password and email I had set up for my happy new account. So I am stuck here with an older tumblr I made years upon years ago. I was browsing through some of the archive posts and ugh was I whiny little pain in the butt complaining about such stupid things. Anyways! I thought it might be kinda fun perhaps to do a survey that I did in 2013, yes 2013 oh my that seems ages ago. My plan is to have my original answer on top followed by the 2019 answer below it. Because why not? Here we go!
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? The closet must be closed! Still closed please.
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Sometimes. Not as often as I used, because I honestly don’t ever use it. lol
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out? In because that’s how Dan likes it. 
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No. Nope. 
5: Do you like to use post-it notes? Sometimes. Sure, I leave Dan random notes in the morning if I wake up first. 
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I get coupons but sometimes I don't use them. Haha my above answer tells me two things I wasn’t worried about money in 2013 and I didn’t probably understand the question. So yeah, sometimes that will happen when they expire before I get the chance to use them.
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Neither sound great so I guess a big bear sounds more interesting. I’ll agree with my 2013 answer. 
8: Do you have freckles? I have some. Last I checked I am the same girl, so I have some. 
9: Do you always smile for pictures? Usually. Sure, unless I am being told otherwise. 
10: What is your biggest pet peeve? I have two major ones, people snapping gum and not messaging someone back. Snapping gum is still up there and people slurping soup obnoxiously. 
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Not really. Um not physically, but my phone does. Thanks Google Fit!
12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Nope. Still no.
13: What about pooped in the woods? Again nope. Still no lol.
14: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Yeah. Of course!
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? Not usually, but sometimes I'll chew on a pen. Still sometimes I will chew a pen. 
16: How many people have you slept with this week? Zero. One.
17: What size is your bed? Queen. Queen, but now I share it with Dan. 
18: What is your Song of the week? Runaway- iio. Goodness I have no idea. 
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yeah.  Since when are certain colors unacceptable for certain people? I like that answer. Good job 2013 Christina. :)
20: Do you still watch cartoons? I don’t really watch a lot of TV. Nope. 
21: Whats your least favorite movie? I am not really big on the Hunger Games. Still accurate or scary movies would be an accurate answer. 
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Wait…why would I want to bury hidden treasure. Dan’s safe?
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size? 34 B 32-34 B depends on the bra. lol
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Plain or honey mustard. I like those previous answers, but I do sometimes like BBQ. 
25: What is your favorite food? Some type of chicken with a bread coating. Chicken and dumplings from Cracker Barrel with carrots and green beans! 
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Love and Other Drugs, Crazy Stupid Love, Easy A, Something Borrowed. So chick flicks I guess. Crazy Stupid Love is still in my top favorite movies ever. 
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? Jeffrey. Eww I am sorry 2013 Christina that sucks. Anyways, Dan!
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? I was girl scout back in the day. Still a true statement. 
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Eh I don't know. I am no model, so no.  30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? On paper?  A while ago. I write Dan little notes in the mornings sometimes. Does that count? 31: Can you change the oil on a car? Nope. Still nope.  32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Surprisingly no. Warning, yes. lol 33: Ever ran out of gas? Close, but no. Nope!
34: Favorite kind of sandwich? Turkey and swiss with spinach toasted.  Grilled cheese!
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? French Toast or Waffles. French Toast sounds lovely. 
36: What is your usual bedtime? Unpredictable. Still accurate, but now it depends on if Dan is around or not.  37: Are you lazy? More than some would think. I can be.  38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I don’t even know. Probably a princess.  39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? I believe I am a sheep. Correct.  40: Are you horny? No. Not really.  41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No. Yep, Cosmo. And it’s annoying they send out the following month way too early all the time.  42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? I could care less. Still true. 
43: Are you stubborn? I some ways. Kinda.  44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Letterman. Still true hence why Letterman is still on the air? 45: Ever watch soap operas? Sometimes Spanish ones with Rach and her roommates. Nope. 46: Are you afraid of heights? Not as much. What kinda of answer was that back then? lol. Anyways, no height fear really.    47: Do you sing in the car? All the time. Duh, gotta keep it fun.  48: Do you sing in the shower? Not really. I hum though. Still true.  49: Do you dance in the car? Yeah. That’s probably not safe… Hahaha still guilty of that.  50: Ever used a gun? Nope, I want to do it sometime though just to say I shot a gun. Hahaha 2013 would never have thought I’d say I am pretty fucking accurate with an AR-15.  51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Does summer count? Jen took my picture. Christmas of 2015 lol. 52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? Some can be. Usually.  53: Is Christmas stressful? Not really, but this year I’ll be working the holiday season so we shall reassess. Nope. I love Christmas.  54: Ever eat a pierogi? Had to look that up.  Yes, I have I think my friend Elly introduced me to them. Yeah, not my type of thing.  55: Favorite type of fruit pie? Cherry or Dutch Apple.  56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher. I don’t know anymore and I am 27. Oops.  57: Do you believe in ghosts? Eh debatable. Sure. 58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Many times. I had one just the other day. Yeah I had one the other day. Wait that’s funny that was my reply before.  59: Take a vitamin daily? I take multivitamins. I still do, but currently out. lol 60: Wear slippers? Nah. Barefoot is preferred.  61: Wear a bath robe? Rarely. Unless I am super cold. Nah. 62: What do you wear to bed? Yoga pants and a t-shirt. T-shirt and panties. lol 63: First concert? Paramore. Still true. 
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target, but Wal-Mart is closer. Target.  65: Nike or Adidas? I don’t care. Under Amour? 66: Cheetos Or Fritos? Eh…neither. Haha still good answer.  67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower seeds since I can’t do peanuts. Neither. 
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? No? What? 69: Ever take dance lessons? I did a few times. Did I? Hmm sure okay. I did in the past.  70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Lawyer. Business owner.
71: Can you curl your tongue? Yes. Yep! 72: Ever won a spelling bee? Never participated. Nope I am not very good at spelling complicated stuff.  73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? It has happened on occasion. Sure. 74: Own any record albums? No. Nope. 75: Own a record player? No. Nope. 76: Regularly burn incense? No. Nope. 77: Ever been in love? Yes. Yes.  78: Who would you like to see in concert? Matchbox Twenty, Google Dolls, Drake, Justin Timberlake, The Weekend, Linkin Park, The XX, and many more. I know weird mix there. Drake? 79: What was the last concert you saw? Grad night, Paramore. Same.  80: Hot tea or cold tea? I prefer cold tea. Ice tea!  81: Tea or coffee? Coffee, but I do like tea on occasion. Coffee 99% of the time.  82: Sugar or snickerdoodles? Yummy both please. Don’t make chose.  83: Can you swim well? Eh debatable. I’ve gotten better. lol 84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes. Yes.  85: Are you patient? Most of the time. 50-50 depends on what.  86: DJ or band, at a wedding? Either would be fine, but a live band would be awesome. DJ, Cheaper, duh lol. 87: Ever won a contest? A few times. Yep! 88: Ever have plastic surgery? I am 22 so no. Nah, I am good.  89: Which are better black or green olives? Eww no thanks. *pukes* No no no. 90: Can you knit or crochet? My mom tried teaching me how to crochet. Still wanting to learn one day either one.  91: Best room for a fireplace? A living room? Still going to go with living room.  92: Do you want to get married? I don’t know anymore, I hope so. I do, lol. 93: If married, how long have you been married? (Not applicable) Same lol 94: Who was your HS crush? Mark fucking Andrew. Ugh that’s still true. But here’s a plot twist though he married someone I know and I see his picture on FB all the time because she posts pictures of them. I am not phased anymore. So victory? For me at least. 95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No. But I have though before though. Haha apparently.  96: Do you have kids? No. Nope.  97: Do you want kids? I would be ok not having kids for a while. No thanks. 98: Whats your favorite color? Purple! Purple!!! 99: Do you miss anyone right now? Yeah extremely. Yes. 
100. What do you hear right now? My Drake station on Pandora playing a Lil Wayne song. No Limit- G Easy ft Cardi B and A$AP Rocky
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Ann with a foreigner s/o
Okie dokie :D I hope you enjoy this ^_^
Side note: Omg I don’t know how but this blog managed to reach 200 followers… Thank you so much for reading my content but this wouldn’t be possible without all of you guys sending me your fab ideas! 
Ann Takamaki with a foreign S/O
> The second she saw you she made it her goal to help you settle in
> She knew how hard it is to fit in, and it would’ve been extra hard for you considering you only knew the basics in regards to language
> “Hi!” She greeted happily as she gave you a wave
> “Y-You speak English?!” You asked, your eyes lighting up with excitment
> “Of course! I’m actually quarter American so- Huh?”
> She doesn’t finish as you’re now bowing your head at her
> “Please help me, people are speaking way too fast for me to understand!”
> She laughs at that as she places her hands on your shoulders and pushes you back slightly so that you can look at her
> “No need to be so formal haha, I’m Takamaki Ann, but you can just call me Ann!”
> You smile at her
> “Right, it’s lovely to meet you Ann! I’m F/n L/n… Or wait, um, L/n F/n I suppose…”
> “F/n huh? That’s such a cool name! Well, let’s get you settled in shall we?”
> You nod enthusiastically
> “Yes please!”
> “Annnnnnnnnnnnn…” You groan
> “What is it F/n?” She asks casually
> “It’s too hottttttttt…”
> The two of you are just sitting under a tree in the local park… Well, Ann is sitting, you decided to lie on the grass in hopes of cooling down
> She giggles as she pokes your cheek
> “I’m sure it’s not much different from the summer in your country.”
> “It really is, at least I can survive there… I’m going to melt here.”
> “Hm…. Want me to treat you to ice cream?”
> You instantly sit up at this
> “You’re the best.”
> “No need for flattery F/n.” She says as she gets up and offer you her hands to pull you up
> “You know, back home when I was little…” You begin your story of a typical summer in your country and tell her all about the snacks you used to eat as the two of you make your way to the closest shop
> “Huh? Wait a second, I remember you telling me about Pierogi before… Weren’t they filled with meat?”
> “Yes they were, but you can fill them with anything really! Most people eat them savoury but you can have a snack version where you put strawberries in them!”
> “Woah… You’ll have to let me try them one day.”
> “Of course I will! After all, you already showed me so many-” You pause “So much?…. Anyway point is you showed me a lot of new dishes!”
> She lets out a small laugh before kissing your cheek
> “You’re cute when you’re confused.”
> You feel your cheeks heat up at that, but you swear it’s just because of the sun
> “You’re cute full stop.”
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karlosharrison-blog · 5 years
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Over the past few decades, Poland has risen to take its rightful place as one of the premier tourist and traveler destinations in Europe. This is no mean feat considering how it was left after the Second World War, and now its vibrant cities and stunning countryside are attracting visitors from far and wide.
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Scenic Krakow city.
Poland’s landscape draws many outdoor enthusiasts, while places like Krakow, Gdansk, Wroclaw, and Warsaw are cultural and culinary hubs with a buzzing nightlife scene. The fact that it’s considerably cheaper than its western counterparts only adds to the charm. 
And yet there are so many more destinations to explore here that perhaps don’t get the same attention as those aforementioned cities. One such place is my hometown of Zagan in the southwest of the country – where I was born and raised. It might not be on everyone’s bucket list, but it is most certainly worth a look – not least for its Polish culinary excellence and history, and great Polish Christmas traditions. Read on to discover what you can see, do and – of course –  eat in the region.
Where is Zagan?
My hometown is located in the southwest of Poland on the Bóbr river, some 60 kilometers from the German border and 160 kilometers from Wroclaw. It has a small population of just over 26,000 inhabitants and is the capital of the Zagan administrative district in the historic region of Silesia. Interestingly, it is thought that the name of the town means “place of the burnt forest,” referring to the removal of woodland by the early settlers here.
The town was first mentioned in records dating back to 1202, while the whole Silesia region has seen its fair share of ups and downs through the years, a culturally rich part of the world with corners in the Czech Republic and Germany. With its position on the Bóbr, Zagan was an important trade route, and the area is blessed with many natural resources. But it is perhaps most famous for being the location of Stalag Luft III – the German prisoner of war camp that housed allied airmen during the Second World War.
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Colourful townhouses in Zagan
We shall return to this fascinating story momentarily. 
How to Get to Zagan
The nearest major airport to Zagan is located in Wroclaw, but you might also consider flying into Dresden in Germany – which isn’t that much further away at 169 kilometers. Flights depart regularly from most international airports. At the time of writing, trains from Wroclaw run four times a day and it will take you anywhere between two to three hours to arrive. Check the schedules before departing. Buses are possible but they don’t stop in the town center and can be irregular.
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I and Cez visiting Zagan by car. We went to explore my neighbourhood together.
The best way to get to Zagan is by car, as having your own mode of transport will afford you the ability to explore the surrounding area and visit the sights with ease. Failing that, don’t forget that Poland is a very hitchhiking friendly country and ridesharing is also extremely popular. Points of interest in the region are often a distance apart, so having your own wheels is highly recommended.
Getting Around
Even if you do have your own vehicle, I would most definitely suggest exploring the town by bicycle. Zagan is a very bike-friendly town given its relatively small layout, and you can rent one from the tourist information office right next door to the Ducal Palace. 
What to See in Zagan
While having its own particular charm, the town itself doesn’t have many sights to speak of – certainly not when compared to Wroclaw or Dresden for that matter. But what it lacks in physical attractions, it more than makes up for in history, food and hospitality. That and its number one tourist draw – Stalag Luft III POW camp and museum.
Stalag Luft III Prisoner Camp Museum
The regions undeniable highlight is, quite rightly, extremely popular. So much so that people flock to the town from all corners of the globe just to see the former POW camp, with many visitors being inspired to come because they had family members or friends imprisoned here. It was constructed in March 1942, and it became an infamous detention center for captured airmen. But it was the daring escape attempt by 200 men in 1944 that really captured the world’s attention, and most notably Hollywood’s, when they released the 1963 film The Great Escape.
Although the Steve McQueen flick is a stone-cold classic, it’s quite different from how events actually unfolded here. The camp today is a faithful reconstruction of what it would have been like for those who were “guests” during the war. 76 airmen managed to break out through the famous “Harry” tunnel – a mock-up of which you can visit. Of those, only three actually made it back behind friendly lines. The rest were either recaptured or executed on Hitler’s orders. The camp is a sombre but fascinating memorial to those brave men and should not be missed during a visit to Zagan.
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When in Zagan, you can’t skip visiting Stalag Luft III Prisoner Camp Museum.
The Ducal Palace and Park
Located in the center of the town is the beautiful baroque Ducal Palace, built on the site of Piast Castle in the 15th Century. The palace has an eclectic history, changing hands several times during its existence and at one time being one of the most famous palaces in Europe being visited by a great number of dignitaries. Designed by Italian architect Vincenzo Boccacci, it has been adapted and improved down the years and has a year-round program of events and exhibitions on site.
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The pride of Zagan – the Ducal Palace and Park.
It’s set close to the leafy, serene and relaxing Prince’s Park – which is where you’ll find many a local hanging out when the weather is good. Tickets for entry to the palace need to be bought in advance at the tourist information office at the entrance.
The Abbey of St Augustine
With roots back in the 13th Century, this monastery complex is an especially sacred site in Poland and is named as an official national historic monument. It has remained almost intact since it was built, making it a very interesting and noteworthy attraction in our little town. It has this really cool feature called the whispered vault, where the acoustics are just so that even if you speak a whisper, someone will still hear you across space.
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When in Zagan, go for a stroll across the city centre. It’s so much to see and do there.
The church itself is very beautiful and the library and museum are well worth a visit. Be advised though – you need to book a sightseeing tour a day in advance if you want to see it, but that means its real advantage is that it’s never overrun with tourists.
11th Armoured Cavalry Division Exhibition
If you haven’t already guessed, Zagan has a long-standing military history, and today it is home to the 11th Armoured Cavalry Division – which traces its roots back to operations in 1945. There is a small museum at the barracks, including a display of tanks and armoured vehicles, uniforms and documents and other interesting exhibits. American tank divisions are also stationed here and are on constant rotation through the town. Located a short drive out of the center, the exhibition is a must for anyone interested in the subject.
What to Eat in Zagan
Ahhhh, now we come to a topic that is very dear to my heart. Polish food! As far and wide as I’ve traveled, I always love to return home for some traditional, hearty and comforting cuisine – usually cooked by my mom! Zagan has some wonderful places to sample Polish delicacies, but we’ll get to that in a moment. First, let’s take a look at just a taste of what you should be ordering here.
A delicious yet simple chicken soup that’s famous in these parts, we would usually have it as part of our Sunday dinner. It’s perfect for colder weather or any time you’re not feeling well.
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What’s for Sunday dinner in Zagan? Rosol!
Polish chicken soup is simply the best in the world – but I might be a little bit biased.
This is a mouthwatering dish made from shredded sauerkraut and cabbage, mixed with mushrooms and diced sausage. It’s the kind of meal where the only downside is that it will have to end at some point.
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A plate of delicious bigos is waiting for you!
If this is on the menu (and it will be) you need to give it a try – it is our national dish after all.
Perhaps one of Poland’s most famous dishes internationally, pierogi are thick dumplings that come with a variety of fillings.
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A plate of Pierogi (Polish dumplings).
You can take your pick from beef, sauerkraut and mushrooms, cottage cheese and boiled potatoes, or even seasonal fruits, such as strawberries and blueberries. They’re often imitated around the world, but there really is no taste like home.
Another hearty and filling dish (most Polish food is), this is made from homemade pasta, fried cabbage, shredded carrots and onions, and well-done diced pork.
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Yummy lazanki – you must try them in Zagan!
Sour cream is often served as an accompaniment and it’s also a popular dish in Belarus and Lithuania.
Polish Croissant Cookies
For those with a sweet tooth and something for dessert, try these puff-pastry cookies. They’re usually filled with jam and they’re really easy to make. Perfect as an after dinner treat – or a treat anytime!
Where to Eat in Zagan
My hometown is teeming with awesome restaurants for you to try all the culinary delights that this region offers. International cuisine is also available if you would prefer, but you really must try the local dishes to get the full experience here.
Domowe Obiady 
This is a great place for cheap eats as it’s more of a takeaway vendor. Still, the food is delicious and very traditional. All the usual dishes are on offer, and you can even buy produce to cook for yourselves at home. The name of the establishment literally translates as “home cooked lunches”. I want to order myself some pierogi right now!
If you’re looking for sit-down eats but still want to sample traditional Polish cuisine, head to Kepler – which is actually the number one rated restaurant in the town. Conveniently located in the heart of Zagan, this place serves a full menu of Polish classics, as well as delicious apple pie and ice cream (jabłecznik z lodami) which – although available the world over – is also a Polish speciality. The waiting staff speak very good English here, too.
Antonio Pizza
If you’re going to eat Italian while you’re here, you might as well head to Antonio’s Pizza.
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Pizza time!
There are a lot of pizzerias in Zagan – Polish people love making and eating the Italian dish just as well, but they can often be hit and miss. This one is probably the best in the town.
Bar U-Waga Smak
Don’t be confused with the exterior of this place – it’s not actually a “bar” as you might know it. U-Waga Smak is one of the famous Polish “milk bars,” where many Poles will go to dine on hearty, traditional food that doesn’t cost the earth. Set in a cafeteria style, you’ll be rubbing shoulders with the locals – which can be an entertainment in itself. A milk bar is a must visit when you’re exploring Poland – it’s an institution.
Take Me Home Country Roads!  
My old stomping ground of Zagan is a very special place for me as it holds a lot of cherished memories. I always love returning to visit after great lengths of time trotting the globe. There is nothing quite like visiting mom for some home cooked Polish treats, and although the town doesn’t have the tourist draw of other cities in the country, it has a certain charm that I would still recommend experiencing. There is, after all, no place like home.
Would you pay Zagan a short or a long visit? And what would be your favorite thing to do there?
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The post Things to do in Zagan, Poland appeared first on Etramping Travel Blog.
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weirdpaul · 7 years
Every Band I’ve Ever Seen Live!
Abdominal Snowmen
Action Camp
The Afghan Whigs
Alabaster Box
Alan Astor
Algebra Suicide
Align Alike
Allegheny Rhythm Rangers
Alpha Control Group
Alzo Boszormenyi
America Hearts
Amoeba Knievel
Anita Fix
Annie and the Bombers
An Offhand Way
The Anti-Psychotics
The Antiques
The Antiquities
The Aquabats
Assassinate Caesar!
Atom and His Package
Atomic Mosquitos
Auk Theater
Automatic Matty P
Baby Bird
Baby Shakes
Bad Fathers
Bang Bang Lulu
Bald Mountain Band
The Bassturd
Bastard Bearded Irishmen
The Bastards of Fate
Bat Zuppel
The Beagle Brothers
Beard Science
Beat Happening
The Bedspins
Ben Blanchard
The Benquick
Big Mouth Strikes Again Billy Castle
Billy Catfish
The Billy Nayer Show
Birthday Suits
The Blandinas
Blast Off 3.0
The Bloated Sluts
Bloodless Cooties
Bloody Incisors
The Bloody Seamen
Blue Chair
Blue Oyster Cult
Blue Skies Collapse
Bob Log III
Bobby Conn
James Bogacz
Bomb Banks
Boom River
Bootsy Collins
Bottomless Pit
Bradford Reed and the Amazing Pencilina
Brain Handle
Brass Chariot
Brass Panda
Braz Cubas
Brewer's Row
Broke Boland & the Dirty Pickles
Brown Angel
Buddy Nutt
The Bumps
The Burndowns
Burning Cacti
Burnout War Cry
Butter Kings
Butthole Lipstick
The Buzzcocks
C-Money and Karl Kash
Cactus Wheelhouse
Camp PP
Candy Machine Guns
Canned Hamm
Captain Catfeesh
Casino Bulldogs
Casy Stelitano
Catnip Coma
The Causey Way
Caustic Christ
The Ceiling Stares
Centipede E'est
Channel Scorpion News
Charlie Anteater
Charlie Slick
The Cheats
Chestnut Station
Chet Vincent
Child Bite
Children of October
Choke City
Chris Leo
Chrome Moses
Chux Beta
City Dwelling Nature Seekers
The City Steps
The Claymores
The Clearing
Clownvis Presley
Cobalt Black
The Cocktails
The Code
Colin and the Shots
Colombian Express
Combustible Three
Concrete Elite
CooCoo Rockin' Time
The Copyrights
Corpus Christi
Crank Radio
Creta Bourzia
Crisis in America
The Crow Flies
Crucial Unit
Crunk Witch
Cryptorchid Chipmunk
Curses and Kisses
Daily Grind
Daniel Johnston
Dark Lingo
Darren Keen
Dave Bernabo
David Liebe Hart
Dead City Dealers
Dean Cercone
Death of Samantha
Decaffeinated Grapefruit
Decision Way All-Stars
The Degenerettes
Deral Fenderson
Derek Deprator Band
The Devil Dogs
The Devil is Electric
The Devil's Jukebox
Devin Russian
Die Kruezen
Dirtbag Diary
The Dirty Charms
Dirty Fences
Dirty Sunshine
Dirty Weekend
Divine Seven
Do Crimes
Don Caballero
Don Capicola
Dollar Shots
Dookie Houser Emcee
The Douglass Brothers
Down By Law
The Dozal Brothers
Drink Tax
The Dripp Brothers
Drug Dealer
Duke of Uke
The Dumplings
Dwarf Fortress
Ear to Ear
Earls of Industry
Edie Sedgewick
Ed's Redeeming Qualities
8 Cylinder
Eighty Eight Magnum
'85 Flood
El Boxeo
El Grosso
Electric Grandmother
The Elemental
Elephant Bones
Elf Power
Eli “Paperboy” Reed
Elliott Sussman
Ember Schrag
The Emergency
Emerson Jay
Emily Jo Fabiszewski
Endless Mike and the Beagle Club
Eoley Mullulay
Erectus Monotone
Eric and the Electric MP3 Player
Erika Carey & the Calamities
The Eruptions
Eskimo '88
Eugene Chadbourne/Jimmy Carl Black
Euphonic Brew
Everyone Everywhere
Evolution Control Committee
Ezra Lbs
Face Down in Shit
Fangs of the Panda Fat White Family
Fate of Icarus
Jerry Fels and the Jerry Fels
The Fife and Forth
The Fingers
Fire & Sex
The Fireworks
First Into Space
First Jason
First Person Singular
The Fizzies
Flaming Lips
The Fletch-heads
Flotation Device
Flotilla Way
Folk Implosion
The Forbidden Five
Forgotten Nobody
Four Dead Flowers
The Four Roses
Four Seasons Boys
Frank Barone
French Toast
Fry Jones
The Garden
The Garment District
Gary Musisko
Gary Twoman
Gentleman Auction House
George Willard
German Shepherd Ghost Road
Gil Mantera's Party Dream
Girl Talk
Girl Trouble
Glad Girls
Go Pills
Go Pillx
The Goblins
The Goonies
The Goops
The Gothees
Grand Buffet
Grand Piano
Granola Explosion
Grant Valdes
The Graveyard Rockers
Great Ants
Greg Cislon
Groundwater Mafia
The Grow Ops
Guided By Voices
Guru Guru
Half Japanese
Happy Flowers
Har Mar Superstar
Hard Money
Harry and the Potters
Heaven & Hell
Heavy Cream
The Hecklers
The Heiz
Hell Yeah the Hellcats
The Helper T-Cells
The Heretics
The Hidden Twin
The Hi-Frequencies
The Hillbilly Varmints
The Hips
The Hodag
The Homostupids
The Hope Harveys
Hot Dog Forest
Hot Mess
Houdini's Psychic Theater
House of Assassins
Household Stories
Howard Jones
The Human Brains
Hungry Bill
Hurra Torpedo
I am the Lost Sea
I Speak Tree
Ian Semasko
Ice Capades
Icon Gallery
In the Wake of Giants The Independents
Instead of Sleeping
International Espionage
The Invisible Nothings
Irene Moon
J. Marinelli
Jack in Irons
Jack Medicine
Jack Sabbith
Jad Fair
Jake and the Jakeman
Jam Messengers
Jana Bates
Jane's Addiction
The Jasons
The Jealous Zealots
Jefferson Golfcart
Jericho Theory
The Jim Dandies
Jody Perigo & Laura Totten
Joe Jack Talcum
Joe Landes
Joey Molinaro
Johnny and the Razorblades
Johnny Locomotive & the Engineers
The Johnsons
Jonathan Hape
Jonathan Richman
Jonny Cohen
JPS Brown
Judas Priest
The Juicy Girls
Juno Vega
Jupiter's Girlfriend
Kafka Romance Dissolver
Karl Hendricks
Kevin Finn
Kick Old Man
Kick the Can
Kill Or Be Killed
Kind of Like Spitting
King Karcass
King Kong
King Missile
kingdom Of Not
Kitty Pryde and the Shadowcats
Kracfive AllStars
The Kyle Sowashes
The Lady and the Monsters
Landing Strip
Laura Kahl
Le Cachot
The Left Turns
Leonard Cohen Ensemble One
Leo's Operation
Les Georges Leningrad
The Lesser Apes
Let Them Eat Cake
Libre Duo
Life in Bed
The Limbs
Living Praise Choir
Liz and the Bandits
The Lobster Quadrille
Loose Interpretation
The Lopez
Lord Grunge
Lorenzo's Oil
Los Swamp Monsters
Lost Weekend
Lou Barlow
The Love Drunks
Lover 29
Lung Mountain
Lydia Lunch
Mac Sabbath
Magic Wolf
Magnolia Electric Co.
The Main Events
The Make-up
Mama Spell
Man Found Dead
Margo Van Hoy
Mark Mallman
Marshmallow Pop Orchestra
Marvin Dioxide
Master Mechanic
Maurice Rickard
McCarthy Commission
MC Cliff B
MC Habitat
Mecca Normal
Medium Ugly
Meeting of Important People
The Melvins
Bill Merante
The Meridians
Middle Children
Midge Cricket
Midnight Creeps
Midnite Snake
Mike Dillon Band
Mike Maimone
Mike Tamburo
Mikey C
The Minders
Mindless Chaos
Miniature Giant
Miniature Table Concerts
Miss Massive Snowflake
Missile Toe
Missing Pilots
Modern Life
Modern Vending
Modey Lemon
Moldies and Monsters
The Molecules
Molesuit Choir
A Moment of Clarity
Mommy's Little Monster
Moonlight Motel
Moons of Saturn
The Motorpsychos
Mr. Funky
Mr. T Experience
The Muckrakers
Mud City Manglers
Murder of Bridges
Murphy's Law
Mustache Required
Mutant Mountain Boys
My Boyfriend the Pilot
My Captain, My Sea
My Dad is Dead
My Niece Denise
My Prodi
My Sexiest Mistake
My Superhero
The Name of This Band is Not Talking Heads
Byron Nash and Plan B
Nathaniel Seer
The National Rifle
Nautical Almanac
The Need
Negative Reaction
Neil Hamburger
The New Alcindors
Nicholas Megalis
Night and the City
Night Shall Eat These Boys and Girls
Night Terror
The Noble Brats
Northern Bushmen
The Northern Spy
Nox Boys
O Lendario Chucrobillyman
O.C. Feef
Oakley Hall
Octopus, Inc.
Odin Heed and the Headwinch
The Ohsees
On Vinyl
Only Flesh
Orvill Rex
Owl Style
The Pacifist Femmes
Pam Hanlin
Pancreatic Aardvarks
Parvulus Infectus
Patrick Elkins
Paul Green Rock Academy
Paul Kotheimer
Paul Labrise and the Trees
Paul Lynde 451
Paul Tabachnek
Pete Bush and the Hoi Polloi
Pete Donnelly
The Phantom Maggots
Phat Free
Phat Man Dee
The Phone Calls
Phred Rainey
Picasso Trigger
Pierogi Pizza
Pig Iron
Pinche Gringo
Pitchin' Woo
The Pleasureheads
The Polyatomic
Poopy Necroponde's Burgee Boys
The Pork Torta
Porno Tongue
Presque Vu
Pretty Girls Make Graves
Professor Purple
Puma Barrier
R. Stevie Moore
The Radio Beats
Radio 4
Rainy Day Regatta
The Ramones
Ray Zen
Reason and Eos
Red Vs. Black
The Red Western
Refried Boogie
Reo Speedwagon
The Residents
The Resistables
Rex Morgan M.D. Trio
The Rhodora
Rick Bach
River Is To Train
RJ Myato
Xylen Roberts
Robin Vote
Rocket From the Tombs
The Roger 6
The Rogers Sisters
Rollins Band
Rot Shit
Roulette Waves
Round Black Ghosts
Royal City
The Ruins
The Sablowskis
Sad Tropics
Salt Chuck Mary
Sam Goodwill
Samuel Locke Ward & The Boo Hoos
Santa Inferno
Satanic Bat
Savage Lines
Says She
The SB
Science is Dead
Scott Demian
Scott Fry
The Scratch n Sniffs
Seas We Fear To Sail
Season Finale
Secret Paper Moon
The Seeing Eyeballs
The Semi-Supervillains
Senator Flux
The Sewing Machine War
Sheer Mag
Shitappa Oyabun
Shonen Knife
The Show is the Rainbow
Sick Ridiculous and the Sick Ridiculous
Silbia Han
The Silver Eagle Band
Sissy Baby Boys
The Skirt Tasters
Slant 6
Slate Dump
Sleeping in Class
The Slow Reel
Smokey Bellows
The Smugglers
Sneaky Mike
Soft Sickle
Son of Bitch
Song of Zarathustra
Songs About Robots Sorry I'm Dead
Soul Excursion
Sounding Rockets
South Ken
South Sea Sneak
Sovron Court
Special Ed
The Speeds
Sports Metaphors
Spynda, Pace and Kress
Star fk Radium
The Stars
Stars of the Dogon
Steady Matt
Stephen Foster and the Awesomes
Steve Boyle
Steve Malkmus
Steve Whitten
Sticky Pink Chew
Stone Temple Pilots
Jim Storch
Stuck in Standby
Styles For Modern Living
Sugar Daddy
The Suicide Dolls
Summer Erickson
Summer Lungs
Super Fun Time Awesome Party Band
The Surface Dwellers
Sweet Icing
Sweet Nothing
Take No Damage
Tecumseh EQs
Ted Leo + Pharmacists
The Telethons
Terror, Inc.
The Test Patterns
Thee 50's High Teens
Thee Speaking Canaries
They Might Be Jerks
Thin Sketch
Things That Aren't There Anymore
Third Class
.38 Special
This Present Expression
Three Day Stubble
The Thunder Chickens
Thee Starry Eyes
Tianna and the Cliffhangers
The Tinklers
Tonks and the Aurors
Treeline Freeline
The Tree Three
Tron Ate My Baby
True Love Always
Tub Ring
TV John
Uke and Tuba
Ukulady Liz
Ultimate VAG
Uni Sami
Universal Congress Of
Unlikely Japan
The Upholsterers
Vale and Year
Vampire Nation
Vampire Weekend at Bernies
Vehicle Flips
The Velcats
Velvet Monkeys
Viewers Like You
Village of Dead Roads
The Viragos
The Visitations
The Vivians
Von Ludendork
Vox Robotica
Wallace's Fallen Obelisk Kidz
The Wasps Nest and Valerie Kuehne
The Waxwings
WE are the Asteroid
We are the Dead
We Came From Space
The Weasels
Weird Al Yankovic
Wesley Willis
Western Pennsylvania
The Whipped Cream Explosion
The White Stripes
Will Simmons & Turdburglar
William Wesley and the Tiny Sockets
Wimp Factor 14
The Winterbrief
The Wire Riots
The Working Poor
Wyld Stalyns
The Wynkataug Monks
The X Brothers
Asher Yatzar
The Youngstown Tramps
Your Favorite Assassin
Yung Ka
Za Dharsh
The Zambonis
The Zou
Zubat and the Bees' Knees
The Zvills
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