#i miss the towering height of my old home. and the little balcony we used to drink coffee in the morning and wine in the evening
cynopoe · 9 months
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eeveedel · 4 years
Praise the Mutilated World - Preview
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A preview of the soon-to-be-published fic I co-wrote with @2ofusmp4​
More info here
It was one of Harry’s favorite days of the year – where everyone was together and celebrating, with the energy surrounding the city so vibrant that it was almost impossible not to be happy. The speakers lining the streets that were usually used only for announcements played music, celebration songs that had been created in the years since ALL was founded, with the national anthem playing between every few songs. People were singing along to the songs as they came on, and Harry hummed along to a few of the tunes, too.
White and blue flags hung from balconies off buildings and smaller versions hung from the hands of people as they made their way down the street.
All of this had been put together to remember the twenty fifth anniversary of their system bringing back the peace that had been lost for so many years. A celebration of their safety, of the happiness and comfort that everyone could finally experience without a second thought.
“Liam!” He called when he saw his friend standing a few people in front of him, and he moved himself forward to be standing with him. He turned to face Harry as he heard him calling for him, and he gave a small smile in response. “How are you doing?”
“I’m alright, yeah, it’s a good day today right?” His voice sounded strained, and it was almost as if his attention was elsewhere. A small frown forms on Harry’s face as he looked at him for a moment, watched the way he fidgeted with his hands just a bit, pulling at a thread that had come loose on his sleeve.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Zayn is really sick, though, so I’m ready to just head home as soon as I can.” Harry’s eyebrows went up, and his frown only got deeper. He could only imagine how sick Zayn must have been for him to want to miss out on such an important day for their city.
“Oh, no. I’m sure he’ll get better soon. Considering you’re there to take care of him.” That made Liam smile, a light blush spreading over his cheeks. Harry had always loved their dynamic, the way the two of them just fit so perfectly together. It’s the kind of thing he’d always hoped for in a match – the love, the romance, the friendship. Now that he knew he was going to get matched one day, it only made the longing feel worse.
“Have you heard any news on your match just yet?”
“No, unfortunately. The doctor said it can take up to a year to find new matches,” He sighed. “I understand that waiting is important to ensure that my child is healthy, but I’m just so excited at the idea of having a family. It’s hard to think about waiting a year.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much, I’m sure it will happen sooner than later.” He smiled at the idea, and they kept talking, a few others joining them for a few moments as the time went on.  The crowd filled in quickly, and the large clock at the top of the tower above the stage said that it was just a few more minutes before the event was scheduled to begin.
There was still music playing, and as he looked around, he saw a scattering of little handheld flags being waved. At the front, a stage was set up and the same flag, solid blue on it’s background with a single white stripe in the center, along with the ALL emblem in the center was bright and beautiful with the lights shining on it.
It wasn’t long before cheers erupted around them and he could see as a few peace guards guided President Jean onto the stage. She was smiling and waving at a few people as she walked, approaching the podium and letting the cheers die down.
“Good afternoon, everyone,” A woman’s voice said through the speakers. She spoke with a high pitch, voice lilting between perfectly enunciated words.
He couldn’t see her through the clusters of people, but her image was projected in holographic projections on each side of the stage high enough off the ground that he could see it perfectly. Her hair was long and black, with bright green eyes and a slightly upturned nose. She was one of the Founder Babies – one of the first ones born after the chaos struck, and she was quickly able to gain power within the ranks of people that wanted the peace to return.
“We are here today to celebrate a very special day. Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of ALL – the system that brings hope, peace, and salvation for all of us and for all of humanity, both today and in the future.” She paused as another roar of applause spread through the audience.
This one was different, though. It’s different as the pride of what they’d all created filled the atmosphere, as the happiness of a secure future fell into everyone’s thoughts. It was the kind of feeling he knew several generations before his didn’t have the blessing of, and he took the short moment of the applause to be thankful for it. He was a gentle person – and a part of him wondered if he would have been able to make it had he not been born into peace.
“In the last twenty-five years, we’ve more than doubled the birth rate, cured diseases that used to wipe out millions, completely reversed the adverse effects of climate change from the Old World. We have secured resources for the next eight generations and created tools to renew them as we use them.
Twenty-five years ago, there were less than ten babies born in the world per year. Today, every month, there are ten more people in our beautiful city alone.”
“Today and together, we make history. Each day, we are all working together to not only keep humanity alive, but to work towards a better future for us and for our children.” Another pause. “To help celebrate this beautiful day, we have brought out the omegas and mothers of all of the children in our city. Let’s show them our love and dedication for their help in creating our future.”  
In a quick, single file line, about a dozen omegas walked out onto the stage, dressed in suits and dresses and looking as beautiful as always. Harry had always had incredible amounts of respect for the omegas that were building their country back up, and he smiled, clapping along with everyone else as they each found their way to their spot on the stage.
President Jean started making her way back to the microphone when a sudden wave of smoke filled the stage, coating everything and completely blocking out any vision. Three gunshots rang out and the entire crowd huddled down to the ground in quick succession.
Harry’s heart was pounding in his chest as he looked up, looking for Liam to make sure he was alright, and he saw him moving his way through the crowd towards the smoke.
“Liam?” Harry tried to call, “Liam!” 
The man didn’t turn, and Harry started to go towards him, but he felt someone grab his arm, and turned to see a uniformed guard turned toward him; Harry’s own reflection was looking back at him from the glossy black visor covering the guard’s entire face. 
“Please proceed to the nearest checkpoint, sir, we’re evacuating,” the guard said, his voice slightly muffled by the mask. 
“My friend -- “ Harry got out, “He, um, I saw him going towards the stage, I need to check -- “
“If he is not a government official or medical professional he will be accordingly escorted to a checkpoint along with everyone else,” the guard said, “If you do not have family or a mate with you, please only worry about yourself as you proceed to the checkpoint.”
Harry nodded weakly, and slowly backed away. The guard was already looking to the rest of the crowd, trying to grab people and point them in the right direction. THe smoke was still thick, and some people were still screaming. Harry could hear the distinct, high sound of children screaming and crying, and his heart clenched, although he knew that parents with small children would be given first priority evcacation. 
He tried to go to the nearest checkpoint, marked by a flashing red light at the doorway of a nearby bank, which was usually unlit and only turned on in emergencies, like now. He could already see a tidy line of people waiting outside as a guard checked on them, and then they calmly proceeded inside the building after a guard unlocked it for them. 
As Harry kept walking, he glanced over his shoulder in spite of himself, trying to spot Liam again. It made sense if Liam had run towards the stage -- even if he usually took care of children, he still had a medical degree, and was perfectly qualified to assist people in need during an emergency. Still, he tried to look for any sign that his friend was actually assisting people in need, and not bleeding on the ground. 
He couldn’t see him, though; he could only see guards escorting officials off the stage, alongside some of the omegas from the ceremony, who had all been given blankets and who were being taken carefully, one by one and under individual protection from the guards, down the stage and into a series of black military vans. 
He was about to turn around fully and finish his walk to the checkpoint, when a fresh surge of movement caught his eye.
At first he thought it was another burst of smoke coming in, and he lifted the edge of his jacket to cover his face, until his eyes focused better and he cautiously lowered the edge of his jacket to watch the stage. 
One of the guards was bringing an omega to the edge of the stage -- or at least, they were trying to. The omega man -- or at least, Harry assumed it was an omega, from his height and his build -- was thrashing against the guard, digging his feet into the stage and shaking his head, his mouth open. The guard tried to put a blanket over his shoulders, but the omega shoved it out of the way, and then, when the guard tried to pull on his shoulders and hold him by the back of his shirt to get him to move, but the omega kept fighting him, at one point putting his head down and trying to thrust it into the guard’s chest. 
Harry stopped walking, and he was aware there were people running around him, trying to get to their checkpoints, but he just kept looking at the omega fighting the guard. Harry wasn’t sure if he had ever seen him before at any other ceremony. He was dressed similarly to the other omegas -- in a black blouse and a nice pair of trousers and shoes. His hair was long, too, shaggy over his neck and getting into his eyes, but he was clean shaved and otherwise looked nicely groomed. But most strangely, the omega was wearing a pair of black sunglasses, something that was almost never allowed at a ceremony, where everyone’s eyes needed to be uncovered. 
Why did he look like that? Why hadn’t he on the stage during the ceremony? Was he a new rescue from one of the lower Neighborhoods?  
The omega kept fighting, and another guard had to run over and held the first one. A few other guards were looking over, trying to see what was happening. Surely the omega was having a panic attack and wasn’t thinking right, and that’s why he was fighting. Eventually, a third guard, this one with a bright blue ALL badge marking their higher rank, came over, and pulled a sleek silver pen-like device from their pen. The omega thrashed even harder, but the third guard lifted a hand, trying to hold onto the crown of the omega’s head and calm him. As he lifted his hand, the glasses were knocked off the omega’s face, and Harry caught a glance of his startled, bright blue eyes. He could see the color of them from all the way across the square. 
The guard settled the pen-like device on the side of omega’s neck, and the omega’s eyes widened even more before his eyes fluttered and then closed, his body relaxing. A sedation, surely. Harry had seen them given all the time in doctor’s office. Once the omega was fully relaxed, one of the guards picked him up, and then tossed him over their shoulder and then jogged off the stage and into one of the vans. 
“Sir?” Harry heard, “Sir, please proceed to your checkpoint, it’s not safe.” 
Harry looked up and saw a guard next to him, slightly shorter than the first one had been. 
“Oh,” he got out, “I was just...I was checking on the omegas, that’s all.”
“That’s understandable. But they’re safe and good hands. Now please proceed to your checkpoint.”
Harry nodded, and then turned and put up the collar of his jacket. He went to the checkpoint, and presented his bracelet to the on-duty guard, who unlocked the door for him once his bracelet flashed green. 
He stepped into the doorway of the bank, and glanced over his shoulder, back to the square. The space was nearly empty, and the smoke had almost cleared out, and so had the black military vans that contained all the omegas, including the one Harry had seen. 
With nothing else to see, he swallowed, turned, and went inside. 
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boat-dock · 4 years
“Knowing You is for the Better” chapter 8
just Hope being soft for Josie the entire time
They spent the whole weekend exploring the city, Hope took them through her favorite places, restaurants, shops, and even the clock tower where her aunt Freya set up all her witch things. Hope had missed her friends exponentially, even as the weekend game to a close she wished they could stay longer. After an entire day in the bayou, on the river with Ava and Logan and a bonfire that night, the girls all piled up in Hope’s family room to stay up late watching movies. 
After gorging themselves with popcorn and candies, they finally called it a night and went slowly to their respective rooms. Hope, however, still wasn’t ready to sleep. Instead, she pulled countless books off her shelves to read a few pages then left them discarded all over her room. Slowly her attention shifted to her art, she got her sketchbook and began idly drawing, trying to calm her brain. Time crawled past until the moon was high and the city's nightlife was in full swing.
She’s snapped out of her head, by a knock on her door, after checking the clock she opens the door to see Josie on the other side.
“Hey sorry I hope I didn’t wake you,” Josie said shyly as she welcomed her into her room. Josie glanced around, taking in everything she saw. Hope’s room was a mess and her cheeks reddened slightly as she tried to tidy subtly. 
“No, not at all,” she said, “I wasn’t sleeping, were you?” she asked, taking a seat on her bed. 
“Lizzie was and I didn’t want to wake her so I figured I’d come bother you,” Josie jokes, poking Hope in the side, causing her to laugh. 
“You’re never a bother Jo, you know that,” 
Josie blushed and went back to looking around the room. Her eyes landed on Hope’s paintings all piled in the corner. There was a half-finished one on the easel that was a swirl of colors, and if Josie squinted her eyes, she could imagine they were flowers. She started sorting through the various paintings leaned against the wall. She lands on one that is a nighttime view of New Orleans, Josie sighed,” I wish I could see the world the way you do Hope,” she said absentmindedly, enthralled by the painting. 
“That’s one of my favorites,” Hope replied smiling before taking Josie’s hand and leading her away, through the door and out onto the balcony. “Come on let me show you something.” 
The city sprawled out around them, in a haze of noise and light, despite all the crazy people, Hope smiled as she watched everything. “Wow,” was all Josie could say,” It’s beautiful out here.” 
“Wait till you see this,” Hope said, bouncing and pulling her toward the corner of the balcony, where a trellis was attached to the wall. Hope started climbing without even thinking, she’d made this journey hundreds of times since she was a little girl. It took her a moment to realize that Josie wasn’t following her up, she stood back with wide eyes and an exasperated look. 
“You want me to climb up there?” she asked, eyeing the trellis and the roof that it led to,  ”No way,” 
An idea came to Hope and she acted without before she could second guess herself. Using her vampire speed she grabbed the siphoner and got them to her favorite spot on the roof in seconds. Josie yelped and grabbed onto her tightly when she saw where she was. Jose’s fear of heights was new to Hope, but she found it endearing. They sat down slowly and after a moment she calmed down, releasing Hope, but still staying close enough that if she fell Hope could catch her. 
“Does this look familiar?” Hope asked motioning toward the city beneath them. This was the scene that she painted, it had taken so many attempts to capture it the way she wanted, but she was finally happy with the way it turned out.
“It’s your painting,” Josie realized, relaxing slightly, she watched the city for a while, but Hope just watched her. She could see Josie straining to take in everything, she would smile at the shouting people below swaying to the never-ending music of the city. 
In an instant, Josie’s whole mood changed, her dark eyes turned sad and glassy, Hope felt like she could drown in them. “There’s so much out there to see,” she said quietly, almost like she was talking to herself,” I don’t want to die before I can see it,” Hope’s heart cracked and in that moment she would have given anything to erase the sadness from the younger girl's face.  
Between Malivore and the prison world and turning, Hope hadn’t focused on the merge like she should have. It was a major piece of the twins’ life, it quite literally determined which one of them would live and which one would die. The thought of losing one of them filled her with dread, she’d lost too many people already and she was not about to add the twins to that list.
“When we figure all of this out and stop the merge,” Hope started, determined to make her friend feel better,” I’ll take you anywhere in the world you want to go, you just have to give us some time,” 
Josie laughed bitterly,” my parents have had 16 years to solve this and they haven’t gotten anywhere,” 
“Well, they didn’t have me,” Hope replied. Josie was tense, Hope could tell that there was something more on her mind, that she wasn’t sharing. She just didn’t know how to get her to open up. “What’s on your mind?” maybe all she had to do was ask. 
“I’ve got an idea,” she said slowly like she wasn’t sure exactly how to say this,” my parents will hate it, so I can’t tell them, but maybe you and I can work on it together,” Hope waited patiently for her to continue and when she did it was like she moved backward 3 steps,” I learned about this women, her name is Valerie Tulle, she’s an old member of the Gemini coven and she survived when everyone else died.”
“How?” Hope asked, leaning forward slightly. 
“She’s a heretic,” she whispered and Hope realized exactly what she was alluding to, she must’ve made a distressed noise because Josie turned to her with a renewed zeal and started explaining her plan,” Look if you turn me we can stop all of this, I won’t be able to merge with Lizzie and this can finally be over,” 
Hope couldn’t shoot the idea down, because it was better than any idea that she had, which was none, but that didn’t mean that she had to agree to help her,” You’re right that’s an option,” she said, dancing lightly around her words.
Josie deflated next to her, “You won’t do it,” she said, reading Hope like a book. 
“Answer me this, do you really want to be 16 years-old forever?” she asked, nudging her shoulder. 
“Better that than being dead,” 
“How about a compromise,” Hope suggested, which was met with a confused look,” you come back to me when you’re 21 and if we don’t have this figured out by then then we’ll talk about it, deal?” she asked.
“Vampire at 21 and seeing the world at 22, what a life,” Hope took that as confirmation. They lapsed into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company. Josie shivered next to her, goosebumps forming along her arms. It was a chilly night, but Hope didn’t even notice, she never felt the cold. She moved closer to her friend silently offering up her heat, which Josie happily accepted. She leaned her head on Hope’s shoulder, finally feeling the drowsiness that should have claimed her hours ago, she started talking about whatever came to her mind,” You know when Lizzie and I first got to the city we went to this little cafe and after you sent us that note, which I still haven’t figured out how you did by the way,” she laughed,” we asked them if they knew you and where we could find you and they sent us the parade but they also said that everyone in the city knew who you were,” 
“You talked to Benny and Ms. Sheila,” Hope answered smiling,” they’re friends of mine,” she wasn’t exactly sure where the brunette was going with the conversation so she decided to just talk,” and they’re right, my family basically built this city. Once my family was treated like royalty, my dad used to tell me that that made me a princess. We’ve won wars and lost them here and more than a few of them were fought over me, so yeah for better or worse they know who I am,” she knew she was rambling, but it was nice to talk about this, so any people didn’t want to know a thing about her family, they would rather just pretend Hope was normal. 
“I think knowing you is for the better Hope Mikaelson,” Josie said softly. Hope’s entire body tensed with emotion, her throat closed and she found herself unable to speak. 
Josie always managed to surprise her, in the best ways,” you once asked me why I liked you,” she choked out, struggling to put her feelings into words. Josie sat upright, shocked by her words,” You are so kind Josie, genuinely kind, do you know how many people have been genuinely kind to me in my life. I’ll get you a hint it’s not very many, but you, you say things just like that without even think, and I shatter into a million pieces,” 
She couldn’t meet Josie’s eyes, she’s not sure what would happen if she did. Every star could simultaneously fall from the sky and she wouldn’t notice. “You’re a nice person to Hope,” Josie said, with an earth shattering smile,” you saved uncle Matt's life and you’re still friends with Roman after everything that happened,” Hope had a feeling that she would keep listing things if she didn’t cut her off.
“Being forgiving isn’t the same as being kind,” Hope pushed back. The clock chimed once in the distance, loud and clear, breaking through the drunken noises below them.”come on you should get some rest, you have a long day of travel tomorrow,” 
Josie’s face contorted at the thought of having to climb her way off the roof,” can you just vamp us down please,” Hope chuckled and grabbed Josie’s waste, the younger girl squeezed her eyes shut and when she opened them they were back on the balcony. Only slightly disoriented they went back into Hope’s room. 
“Do we really have to go back home tomorrow?” Josie whined, swinging her arms. 
If it were up to Hope she would let the twins stay forever, but sadly their parents had other ideas,” I barely talked your dad into letting you stay this long,” Hope laughed,” any longer he might come down here and drag you back himself,” 
Josie stopped a ways from the door before turning back to face Hope, she was wringing her hands together like she was nervous,” do you think I could crash here tonight, I don’t want to wake Lizzie up, you know how cranky she can get.”
For the first time Hope noticed the dark circles under the younger girls eyes,” yeah of course,” Hope replied, pulling the covers back.  
As they crawled into bed Josie spoke up again,” When are you going to come back to school Hope?”
Hope had been wondering the same thing herself. As much as she loved it here with her family, she was actually hoping to graduate on time, and it was much harder to focus on schoolwork here than it was there. “Nik’s birthday is next weekend, I think i’ll come back after that,” 
Josie grinned. Hope ignored it when she heard her heartbeat speed up as they settled into bed, and when they awoke early the next morning entangled with each other, Hope ignored that too. 
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(499) dreams, 29 to 30/05/20
i jerk awake blinking white lights, bright lights, surgical lights my left arm outstretched; i am tucked away, wig cap on my head. restrained to the bed fever fever fever fever - bright lightss blue hospital gown, or rather white with blue dots my arm jerking with allergy charts spiking off my feedback pen ink - an allergy to pen ink which i swallowed blue pens white haze - my arm swelling up i live a full allergic reaction that brings me close to death ringing sounds white haze my body trembling all over heated all over and then it stops. luckily it doesn’t affect my nerves. luckily, it doesn’t burn through my nerves and leave them damaged for-ever.
my family are holding my free hands; my chosen family,
why does it always revolve around my high school, these dreams? a crowd in the front yard, and i am a year away from graduation again, junior, not senior, i tell my american brother under my breath and my sister and i - we’re committed to a grand prank and shooting a video of it; we’re both tucked away wig caps on, fully, completely, fabulous. (three things, yesterday, i think: a lady with a wig cap a girl with a very masculine jawline and a picture of a sports team photoshop!feminized) (plus I will always sell a role which is that fabulous - those are familiar movements and flounces, even in a dream)
somehow we go viral and photos become part of the every day. Yes we can slip aside in anonymity, but wear the wig and the makeup and suddenly - famous again. there is a dance performance where the women wear suits, and the four of us dance together - flouncy and flamboyant but also deep and intimate; tap dancing, between partners. We rehearsed this for weeks and weeks for about four minutes under the stage lights. the crowd comes to its feet in roaring ovation - one of many such crowds and i slip away into the backstage - we have to go soon, we have to travel under restrictive, watching conditions, to a city flooded with neon and familiar word/pictures, a city constantly in the night, lined with red lanterns and flooded by rain, black reflective against the night-drops. the only way out with everything locked down is to go through the scholarship side. luckily, i made a friend who is a scholar - well-respected, if slightly nerdy. He leads me through a virtual simulation of a set of bar graphs on multiple axeds made into hedges, and coloured; information about what sports teams did - the height of towers in the world - conservative and liberal activity on a worldwide scale on the internet; With the colors forming grandiose artifacts and towers - in the distance, I see the Golden Gate Bridge, stretching off into the misty distance. We could fly through. I know... Hedges and houses and little statues, colored cyan and red and beige and orange and gold.
we slide into the room - my friend says he could have a job here... if he didn’t want to do something else with his life instead. we slip through just-opened doors; carrying the properties of any animals - like cats. We can’t pass through closed doors, but doors that can only fit our neck? we can fit just fine...
inside, the old, white-haired professors bemoan the lockdown, but ask my friend to introduce me - i think briefly about what i look like, famous, and all of a sudden there are fans and there are autographs... i lick a blue pen and sign... and someone introduces me to another, and we organize a dance performance - yes, like the sound of music, something to distract the authorities...
and then - we are at the border, and i climb out of our car, wearing my red jacket. I toss it up, hoping to get it to the top balcony, but it’s like my arms have no strength... it always falls to a stop at the first floor no matter how much strength I use. I take my phone out of it first and it drapes over the second floor balcony. Good enough, I suppose...
past the border - past the streets drenched with rain and familiar neon word/pictures - I wind up in my childhood home with my mum and dad. The house is dark; my parents are out. I walk down the dark, quiet stairs, polished wood slippery under my socks. Outside the sunshine is always bright and blooming on the greenery. i wonder how my life is going to be. what my parents must think of a child that became famous through - well.... becoming fabulous, but only part-time.
i miss my parents. i am aware this is a dream. i wake.
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talesofzero · 7 years
Happy Birthday Gen!!
@genesisnx Here’s a drabble about Harpy Manabu and Naga Bulge for u. You’re precious and I hope you have a good birthday. 
And now I just want to write GR things. (EDIT: I accidentally hit post instead of queue so you get it early because I’m dumb!!)
Something blocked out the sun overhead. The shadow cast onto me moved like some furious swarm, warped and ever-changing. I should have hidden automatically at a sight like that, considering how close I was to bird territory, but curiosity led my gaze up just in time to see whatever it was getting closer.
Again, I should have moved, but it was still moving in a flurry, and the nearing cries of “no, no, no!” made me raise a brow as I squinted through the treetops. It hit the balcony with a crash and a cry, and by that point, I could tell it was small. It fit easily in my arms when I reached out to catch it. A hail of drifting feathers followed like an odd snowstorm.
Its own feathers were ruffled, sticking out every which-way. And its – or rather his – eyes were wide and dazed.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
“Uh,” he answered, blinking a few times. He was the oddest bird I’d ever seen. Couldn’t have been more than seven years-old and tiny as anything. His ruffled hair was the same brown as his eyes, but his wings were a shimmering green. They were also thin and sharp like blades. Around his throat was a ruff of blue feathers which looked puffy and soft.
Finally, his eyes found mine. He looked as though he’d just noticed me there. “Can you stand?” I asked.
“I think so,” he said.
I settled him down on his taloned feet, which seemed much too big for him, and he leaned his weight between them as a test. “Yeah,” he decided. “I’m okay.”
“That’s good.”
He looked back toward me, still puzzled. He was just tall enough to reach my hip, though he was quick to trail his eyes down, following my tail all the way to its tip. “Oh, you’re a snake,” he said.
“We prefer Naga.”
His eyes were wide again as they returned to mine. “Are you going to eat me?”
“Oh, okay. I’m Manabu Yuuki.” All anxieties gone, he stuck out his hand with a big grin. One of his teeth was missing, but I assumed that had happened before the fall. He must have hit his head pretty hard though.
Out of politeness, I took his small hand in mine and shook. “My name is Schwanhelt Bulge.”
A moment’s confusion crossed through his eyes as he tried to make sense of my name, but he shook it off. “Nice to meet you!”
“Yes, it’s a pleasure, but what are you doing down here? Ground-level isn’t safe for young birds. Did you fall?”
Well, clearly he’d fallen, but he was quick to shake his head. “No, I meant to come down here,” he lied, crossing his arms. They were littered with cuts from the branches overhead, like his cheeks. “Where is your shirt?” he asked to divert the conversation.
“I don’t usually wear shirts in the summer.”
“I’m cold blooded, so I’m plenty warm if the sun is out.” Plus, I couldn’t afford them.
“I bet you never wear pants.”
“That would be correct.”
He started giggling, and I couldn’t help but smile along. He seemed good-natured, even if he was likely also trouble. He was lucky I’d been the one to find him and not some of the others of my kind. The wolves and cats down here could be trouble as well.
“Where are you off to, Manabu?” I asked, hoping to speed him along.
“Oh!” His eyes darted off to their corners. It was all too obvious I’d caught him in his lie. “I was just going back home.”
“Then you should be getting back. It won’t be light out much longer, and trouble always comes out at night.”
“Right, I can fly back!”
I wasn’t so sure, but his wings shot up from his side. At least, one of them did. The other seemed to catch, bent at an odd angle. Manabu made a strangled sound, and his eyes rolled back behind fluttering lids. I had to swoop down to catch him before he could fall to his knees.
“Manabu,” I called. “Can you hear me?”
His head lolled for a moment as he struggled to pull his chin up. “M’okay, Swan,” he mumbled, near incoherence. “Hurts…”
I wasn’t sure why I always put myself in these situations, but with a sigh, I picked him back up like a fragile piece of glass. “Climb on my back,” I said, worried about putting any pressure on his wings. “And stay awake.”
Of course, as soon as he had his arms around my neck, he rested his forehead against my shoulder.
“No falling asleep,” I said. “I need you to show me where you live.”
A trembling hand reached out, pointing up above the trees toward the cliff-side that hung over the forest.  “There,” he said.
Why…why did I always put myself in these situations?
The bottom of the cliff wasn’t far off. In fact, I made my home there in a cozy alcove. I’d seen the shadows of birds flying overhead before, but I’d always imagined them living in the trees. I thought of the caves as safer, more troublesome for the birds to reach. If I survived this, I would need to look into a change in address.
“Do you know where your home is from here?” I asked once we’d reached the cliff side
He squinted at the sky with a hum. “Yeah, up there where the rocks poke out.”
It was twice as high as the treetops. I was going to die. With a deep breath, I released his legs and reached up for the towering wall. At the same time, I brought my tail up and curled it around his middle.
“Do you squeeze people to death?” he asked.
“Do you bite people to death?”
“No. I don’t kill people.”
“Oh. Daddy does.”
That made my hands freeze against the rocks. “Why’s that?”
“It’s his job. He’s uh captain.”
He must have been part of the Guard for the area. They were supposed to be neutral, only killing when necessary, so I hoped he would recognize me as harmless. Then again…
“Would your father be able to carry you back home?” I asked, though I began climbing anyway.
“Yeah, he’s real strong, but he won’t get home ‘til night. Big brother gets home late too. Mom was out getting dinner.”
“So there was no one around when you tried to fly off?”
“No,” he said, only to catch himself. “I wasn’t flyin’ off!”
Scolding him wasn’t my job, so I let it go. I had to focus on climbing anyway. Despite my upper body strength, climbing was one of those rare occasions where legs would have come in handy. My tail was too wide to rest on any small ledges, so I was left to dangle.
Not even a fourth of the way up, my arms were already burning. Letting go wasn’t an option, though. I was just going to have to suck it up.
“You’re very strong,” Manabu called.  
“I do my best,” I said.
“We’re getting up.”
“Yep.” Edges on rocks bit at my fingers, and my sweaty palms made the dirt cling. I was sure I wouldn’t be able to move for days after this. I also wasn’t too sure how I was going to get down.
“Are you afraid of heights?” Manabu asked.
“I’m not used to going much higher than the trees, so I’m not sure,” I answered through gritted teeth. “Are you?”
He laughed at that. “I like being up high. I almost never touch the ground.”
Of course, stupid question. But that didn’t explain why he trusted me so much. If I fell, he did too. He should have been more concerned about that, but at least one of us had faith in me.
As I dragged myself up one ledge, I found it wider than the rest, though not by much. Still, I let out a sigh of relief and took a moment to rest my weight on it. Though Manabu still hung over the edge in my grasp, he didn’t seem to mind. He kicked his feet as I dusted off my hands.
“How’s your wing?” I asked.
“It’s fine.” He ran his hands down my scales, refusing to look up at me. He really was a terrible liar.
“How is it really?” I pressed.
He puffed his cheeks. “It kinda hurts when you move, but it’s okay if I don’t move it. It’s fine.”
I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign. Bird anatomy wasn’t a strong suit of mine. “It sounds like it’ll heal fine,” I said anyway.
He nodded, and I returned to the wall in front of me. Manabu continued to chatter as I climbed the rest of the way. My short answers didn’t put him off in the slightest.
“Your tail’s pretty,” he said as I neared our goal. “I didn’t know there were blue snakes. Blue’s my favorite color.”
I answered with a huff as the ledge cut into my gut. Once I’d dragged my top half up, my upper body was done moving, so I lay there and curled my tail up alongside me. I was careful to set him down on his knees before unfurling my tail.
“There-there,” he said, patting my back. “You made it!”
“Mm-hm,” I returned. The air up here was nice and cool, rolling over my back. I let my eyes fall shut until I felt Manabu kiss my cheek. He didn’t seem concerned by the startled look I gave him.
“Thank you,” he said. “Do you want some water? You can come inside.”
I peered around him to see a massive, round door at the mouth of the cave. Having a door must have been nice, probably kept the drafts out.
“I think you’d have to drag me inside,” I said with a weak laugh. “I’ll just lie here a minute. I’d appreciate the water though. Be careful of your wing.”
“I got it!” He popped up and rushed into his home. Such an odd little bird. I knew they weren’t all like that. The scars across my face proved it. He must not have been a predatory bird, didn’t have the wings for it, though he did have a good set of claws on those feet. He was a bit too fluffy looking to come off as threatening.
That was not the case for the guy who slammed down next to me. I saw his feet first, bigger than my head with talons sharp enough to take out my eyes with one quick movement. Pain and fatigue vanished from my mind as I shot up to face the new bird.
He was tall, as tall as I could be when I pulled up as much as my tail would allow. With my heart hammering and my vision narrowing, I could only see his burning blue eyes. “What are you doing here?” he snarled. “How did you get up here?”
My stammering didn’t help matters. “Manabu- I had to carry-”
“Manabu!?” he screeched. “Did you touch my brother!? I’ll kill you!” His wings shot out, massive compared to Manabu’s. Those were true predator wings. He had none of the fluff Manabu did. With one strong flap of his wings, he was off the ground, his talons out in front of him.
My only thought was to get away. He was prepared to gut me. Tossing all my weight to the side, I was quick to realize my mistake when the ground dropped out from beneath me.
I heard a howl from Manabu, a loud, terrified scream of “No!” He was the last thing I saw before dropping off the edge. He stood in the doorway clutching a glass of water with his eyes wide.
I knew this was a bad idea.
There was nothing to catch my fall but the ground, so I shut my eyes and waited for it. My back did slam into something, along with the spine of my tail. It did hurt but just enough to bruise. The thundering roar of flapping wings surrounded me, and I opened my eyes into slits.
A man with calm eyes and sleek black wings held me. His hair was much like Manabu’s, the same curls of brown, but his jaw was firm, his shoulders wide. Had he not looked so relaxed, he would have been more terrifying than Manabu’s brother. His neck also had a ruffle of feathers, but they were a bloody red and smoothed down.
“Are you alright?” he asked as he settled into a landing.
“Yes?” I croaked.
“Swan!” Manabu called from up above. He sounded terrified. “Are you okay? Big brother, you almost killed him!”
The brother said something that I couldn’t hear, but it was clearly a bad call because Manabu started yelling at him.
“Boys,” the man sighed. He turned back to me with a weary smile. “My apologies. Mamoru can be testy. My name is Wataru Yuuki.”
“I-I’m Schwanhelt Bulge,” I said.
“May I ask what you were doing at my home? Actually, more importantly, how did you get up there?”
“I climbed. I had to get Manabu back up.”
“Back up?” Wataru frowned. Without asking if I was prepared or alright with it, he bent his knees and flexed his wings.
“Wait-” I began, but he shot up into the sky. He must have been as strong as he looked to be able to carry me. With the weight of my tail, I was heavier than any creature with two legs.
Still, he settled us back on the ledge as though he’d been carrying a child. The boys silenced at his arrival. “Manabu, what happened?” he asked. “Are you alright?”
Manabu must have forgiven his brother because he was quick to hide behind him. “M’okay,” he mumbled. “I just fell.”
“You fell!?” his father and brother echoed.
The brother, who must have been testy Mamoru, looked little like either of them. His wings were more like his father’s, stained dark unlike his neat blond hair. The feathers of his throat were red like Wataru’s but flat and shimmering like Manabu’s wings. Mamoru and Wataru wore the same navy uniform, with the crest of the Guard, but Mamoru must have been about my age, somewhere in his late teens.
Manabu hid farther behind him, burying his face in his brother’s slacks. It was clear from the anxious yet firm look in Wataru’s eyes that he wouldn’t allow Manabu to hide anything from him. “You’re home early,” Manabu mumbled.
“Sir, could you put me down?” I asked as he tried to bore a hole in his sons to figure out what was wrong.
“Oh, certainly. Let’s go inside for this.”
That wasn’t what I meant, but who was I to argue with the man whose feet could crush my skull with ease?
The inside of the Yuuki home must have been through some portal because it looked nothing like a cave. Everything was decorated and smooth. It was cozy. Wataru set me down to lie across their couch. I was far from fitting.
I was starting to understand where Manabu got his socializing habits from because Wataru didn’t seem too concerned about me. Though he had little explanation as to why I was there, he seemed to trust me. With his back to me, he knelt in front of his smaller son. “Alright, Manabu, I want an explanation. We should get this sorted before your mother gets home. You know she’ll be upset.”
“I tried to fly,” Manabu mumbled, still trying to hide behind his brother. “But I couldn’t.”
Wataru heaved a sigh. “So you fell?”
“Yeah. Swan caught me though.”
Wataru looked back at me with relief, but I had to speak up in case Manabu didn’t. “Check his wings,” I said. “The trees caught him first.”
Manabu shrunk back from his father’s hands, “Manabu,” Wataru warned. “Let me see your wings. Stretch them out.”
“I can’t,” Manabu whimpered. “It hurts.”
Wataru heaved a sigh. “Son, come here. Let me see.”
Manabu tiptoed over and turned so his father could prod at the thin wings. “Swan carried me back up,” Manabu said. “He’s very strong.”
“He must be,” Wataru said. “We’re very grateful to him. We weren’t expecting to come home early, so it’s good to know that he was willing to go out of his way to take care of you.”
“It was nothing,” I attempted.
Wataru threw me a smile over his shoulder. “No need to be modest. You really saved him. There’s definitely at least a fracture, so we’ll have to take him to a doctor.”
“Can Swan come?” Manabu asked.
“Swan has his own things to get back to,” Wataru said.
He seemed to want me to back him up on that, but I had nothing for him. “I, uh, I do need to find some food.”
Wataru blinked. “You don’t have a job?”
Scavengers like myself were a rare breed now. Most had converted to the human system with jobs and stores. “Few are willing to hire Naga, sir,” I said.
“Well, you’ve got the formalities down, so you can join my platoon if you’d like.”
“What?” Mamoru squawked. “Dad, he can’t possibly-”
“He save Manabu’s life. We owe him. Besides, he’s shown himself to be selfless. He would make a fantastic addition to the platoon once we train him. Of course, it’s up to you, Bulge.”
I didn’t feel like I had a choice. Saying no to him seemed impossible, not that I ever would have. The Guard was the elite, the most loved group in the forest. I sealed my fate with a nod.
Mamoru was trouble, but he grew on me. I wasn’t sure if I ever grew on him. Manabu was bigger trouble, always trouble. He only got worse as he grew, but it was impossible not to adore him. He always demanded attention with the brightest smile. Like his father, it was impossible to say no to him.
I wasn’t sure why I tried.
When Wataru slammed down outside my cave and said I was coming to Manabu’s 18th birthday, I should have known better than to suggest I needed to get ready first. Wataru scooped me up in his arms against my protests and shot back up toward their ledge. My stomach found my throat.
“Please stop doing that so fast, Captain,” I wheezed as he set me back down. “One of these days, I’m going to puke.”
“Don’t get sick. There’s cake.” He was kind enough to straighten my uniform. I hadn’t gotten the chance to change since getting home, but it was one of the only shirts to fit me well. The rest were hand-me-downs from him.
“Isn’t there always cake?” I asked. “This is Manabu we’re talking about.”
Wataru cracked one of his rare grins. “I hope you’ve gotten to like sugar water.”
“Then I really will puke.”
Inside was filled with the warm, sweet smell of baked goods. Manabu’s hummingbird mother greeted me with her wings buzzing. “Bulge!” she cooed. “So glad you could make it.”
“Swan is here?” Manabu called from the hallway. I heard the click of his talons and the buzz of his wings before he crashed into the doorframe, his eyes bright as usual. “Swan!”
He’d never grown out of the nickname. In fact, he may have thought it was my actual name. “Evening, Manabu,” I greeted. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you!” He didn’t appear to need more sugar, hovering in place thanks to his rapid wings, but he took the water his mother gave him, no doubt laced with sugar. I’d always wondered if the glass he’d fetched me when we first met was sugary as well.
“Calm down,” his mother said. “You’ll knock something over.”
Dropping to the floor, he blew bubbles in his water, his cheeks shaded pink.
Luckily for me, Wataru and Mamoru also ate meat, so there was something edible for me. Kanna actually had the skill to cook just about anything, even if she didn’t eat it. Manabu’s entire dinner was cake, his talons kicking under the table. I couldn’t quite sit like them, so I did without a chair, curling my tail up under me.
It was far from the first time they’d had me over for dinner. In fact, they tended to pull me up at least once a week. I’d never understood why they’d always been so kind to me. I owed them far more than they’d ever imagined they owed me.
It wasn’t until Mamoru pulled a gift wrapped in pretty blue paper from the coat closet that I recalled the small one back at my home. “Ahh, I left mine,” I hissed.
“We can go get it later,” Wataru said with a soft laugh. “That was my fault.”
Manabu seemed to vibrate as he opened the gift, his smile getting wider and wider. His wings started to flick. He was awfully cute.
When the paper fell away, it was the same navy coat that I wore. Wataru had talked over adding him to the platoon for the past few years. The captain always looked anxious at the idea, but it looked as though Manabu’s pleading had finally won out. My gift wouldn’t look like much in comparison. I’d never seen Manabu quite so happy.
“You’ll still have to complete training,” Wataru tried to say over all Manabu’s eager thank you’s. Manabu managed to quiet him by tackling him with a hug. Despite Wataru’s best attempts to look stern, he broke with a smile as he hugged his son in return.
“I helped talk him into it,” Mamoru said just to ensure Manabu would turn and hug him as well. “It’ll be good to have you on the team, little brother,” Mamoru hummed. He was such a softie when it came to his brother.
“Bulge did aid in your argument as well,” the captain said.
That was true, but… “Captain, you don’t need to-“
“Really!?” Manabu turned on me as though he saw stars. He started hovering again, and shot over to me.
I wasn’t sure what I expected, but it wasn’t a kiss. His lips met mine, sweet as all that sugar thrived on. I wasn’t usually one for sweets, but it was nice when it was him.
At least, it would have been nice had it not been in front of his whole family. Manabu broke away red-faced. He looked as startled as I did, his eyes wide. “Whoops,” he said airily.
“I’ll kill him,” Mamoru said.
“Mamoru, no,” Kanna scolded as she stepped forward the shield me. She was tiny standing in front of her son, but her presence was enough to wear him down.
Wataru was the one I really feared, but he blinked, looking as calm as ever. “Looks like you won’t need to go fetch that gift then,” he said. “Manabu already stole his present from you.”
Manabu’s face turned red as blood. “Dad, hush.”
“I believe I raised you to be polite and ask permission before invading someone’s personal space.”
Manabu buried his face in his hands. “Dad, no.”
I still felt like I’d taken a blow to the head. “Um…welcome to the platoon,” I offered. “It’ll be nice to have you with us.”
Manabu nodded. “Sorry about that.”
“Uh, it’s alright. I didn’t mind.” Wait, no, that wasn’t what I’d meant. Well, I did mean it, but…
I was sweating as all eyes turned on me. Manabu peered between his fingers curiously, Wataru looked like he was trying not to laugh, Kanna grinned, and Mamoru looked ready to tear my throat out.
Why did I always put myself in these situations?
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suzie81blog · 4 years
In an effort to inject some positivity into my daily mindset and the online world I have created a Daily Gratitude Challenge and I am inviting everyone to participate. If you have missed my introductory post that explains the challenge and maps out the daily post schedule, visit here.
Day 7 is all about the travel experiences you are grateful for. Travel wasn’t really something that was particularly important to me until my late 20’s – I had been on some package holidays to a few places abroad but never really took the time to explore anything while I was there, preferring to focus on sunbathing during the day and partying at night. However, a trip to America on a school trip that I was supervising introduced me to all of the incredible things to see and do while visiting a new city, even more so when a natural disaster left us stranded for a while (and gained us an invitation to the White House). Since then, travel has become high in my priorities and I am incredibly grateful to have seen and experienced some amazing things.
Travel Experiences I Am Grateful For
Looking out over the terracotta roofs of Old Town as we walked the Walls of Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Sitting on the banks of the Seine in Paris with The Bloke at sunset, watching the Eiffel Tower light up.
London. Everything about London. The Bloke and I try and go to London a few times a year and each time we visit we try and explore a different area. From the major tourist attractions and incredible historical sites like the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey, museums and art galleries, outdoor and indoor markets to the incredible street art, hidden gems and cafes, there is always something new and exciting to see. We’ve seen the sunset over the Houses of Parliament from the London Eye, ate breakfast at the Cereal Killer Cafe, been yelled at by an angry vendor at Portobello Road Market who mistakenly thought we were taking pictures of her stall, The Bloke has opened the doors to the Great Hall at the Harry Potter Studios Tour, visited the Tutankhamun exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery and the David Bowie exhibition at the V&A, seen some incredible shows on the West End and spent entire weekends simply wandering around. Best place ever.
The week we spent in New York. We went to New York on our honeymoon, but in 2018 we returned for a week long trip to try and take in everything that we had missed the first time.
Watching dolphins swimming around off the coast of Malaga during a boat trip. I was incredibly nauseated for most of it, but this was amazing.
Exploring the UK. The Bloke and I have annual English Heritage passes and we like to visit stately homes and castles, including Blenheim Palace, Witley Court,and Chatsworth House and Kenilworth Castle in recent years.
Blenheim Palace The Great Court
Running up the Rocky Steps in Philadelphia.
Sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Swimming in an open air pool in Le Mans, France.
Inside La Sagrada Familia
Washington Square, New York
The view from Dunnottar Castle
All-you-can-eat chocolate at Choccywoccydoodah in Brighton during a friend’s hen party.
Wandering around Crystal Palace Park while visiting my blogging friend Donna in East Croyden.
Exploring Pompeii and then eating crepes while overlooking the Bay of Naples, Italy.
Lying on a balcony and sunbathing while overlooking Malia, Crete.
Walking into La Sagrada Familia for the first time in Barcelona. Absolutely stunning place – I was actually a little overwhelmed.
Visiting the Anne Frank annex in Amsterdam – a very humbling experience.
Weeks spent in Scotland, including standing on the clifftop overlooking Dunnottar Castle, walking round Loch Lee, watching the seals bask on the beach at Newhaven, photographing the puffins at the wildlife sanctuary near Stonehaven.
For the Daily Gratitude Challenge Day 1: It’s the Little Things task, visit here. For the Daily Gratitude Challenge Day 2: It’s All About You task, visit here. For the Daily Gratitude Challenge Day 3: Moments and Memories, visit here. For the Daily Gratitude Challenge Day 4: The Greatest Advice I’ve Ever Received, visit here. For the Daily Gratitude Challenge Day 5: Who Are You Most Grateful For, visit here. For the Daily Gratitude Challenge Day 6: Challenges You Have Overcome, visit here.
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Daily Gratitude Challenge Day 7: Travel Experiences In an effort to inject some positivity into my daily mindset and the online world I have created a Daily Gratitude Challenge and I am inviting everyone to participate.
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locomote04 · 7 years
A Little Crush….Tbilisi
Well, I really didn't know what to think about going to Georgia in the beginning but honestly this country absolutely blew my mind. It was literally something that I was waiting to discover.
Being a traveller you can understand my next line that you have this dream about going somewhere and you just think "Yes that's the perfect place to be".
“What’s so Magical about it “, probably you want to ask me right now.
Well, my answer will be “this country has everything” From kind hearted people to stunning countryside, Tbilisi’s night life, the world’s best wine and what not!! This is quite difficult to describe how this place is the mix of everything.
Technically it's the balcony of Europe, as Georgia is located in Eurasia. This is a gem between Europe and Asia and a place you will not regret visiting ever.
This country taught me how to appreciate nature and showed me how people can influence your soul, so deep down.
So friends let’s just come along for this incredible journey. I have spent 3 nights and 4 days here. And I was surprised everyday with the beauty and kindness of this city Tbilisi.
Day 1 Morning/Afternoon/night
Flight was set at 6 AM, from Sharjah International Airport. Arrival at 10 AM in Tbilisi.
I woke up by this view from my window seat on board Air Arabia. Attaching a video as well for the absolutely stunning welcome from Georgia:
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Airport and immigration proceedings of departures and arrival went smooth , I collected my baggage from the belt and exchanged the US dollars in Georgian Lari.  Took a local number from airport itself, for better connectivity in this new place.
I have already pre booked my entire trip. So as soon as I was out from airport , my trip guide Mr. Ivan Markozashvili  which was quite a long name so he just told me I can call him Vano , so Vano have met me and discussed the all 4 day plan.
The trimming of arrival called for a late breakfast as my flight was early and I was empty stomach from last night, it was the first priority to look for the local breakfast.
So Vano explored one good restaurant and I just jumped into the table and order with help of him.
As I have ordered the food, and wait suddenly I noticed taxidermy interior of that unique restaurant with clay pots. It was superb!!  Take a look:
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And I did not miss the chance to pose:
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After a 20 Minutes of this photo shoot , finally my ordered food arrived , I have ordered the local Georgian Kachapuri and Vegetable dumplings (Momos) and those were absolutely delicious with a glass of red dry wine- a complete happiness. Here are the pictures from my plate:
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After finishing the delicious meal, we have continued to our first day city tour. And our first destination was Tsminda Sameba Cathedral.
Tsminda Sameba Cathedral.:
It is the biggest symbol of the Georgian Orthodox church. It is unmissable by night and day, was consecrated in 2004 after a decade of building. A massive and lavish expression of traditional Georgian architectural forms in concrete, brick, granite and marble, it rises 84m to the top of the gold-covered cross above its gold-covered central dome. It's often very busy but retains a quiet, pious atmosphere, with many individuals praying, and candles burning before its numerous richly decorated icons.
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 And I thought this was incomplete without me in the frame:
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   The huge dome of this church creates a larger, much brighter central space than you’ll find in most Georgian churches.
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   Well, this is a beautiful place to be in, you can see through the below frames:
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  So after finishing the entire area and the church inside we headed out way for the next destination which was The great Mother Mary statue by crossing the Bridge of peace. The Bridge of peace is a bow-shaped pedestrian bridge, a steel and glass construction illuminated with numerous LEDs, over the Kura River in downtown Tbilisi. The bridge which stretches 150 meters which creates a contemporary design feature connecting Old Tbilisi with the new district.
So we stroll our way upon this Bridge of peace and clicked some photographs:
The Bridge of peace:
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  The Kura River:
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 By crossing this beautiful bridge we headed towards the Statue of Mother Mary, this place is very well known as Kartlis Deda.
The statue was erected on the top of Sololaki hill in 1958, the year Tbilisi celebrated its 1500th anniversary. She symbolizes the Georgian national character: in her left hand she holds a bowl of wine to greet those who come as friends and in her right hand is a sword for those who come as enemies.
We have to take Aerial tramway to visit the giant Mother Mary statue.
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The statue is a short walk from the end of the tramway, there is a small observation platform at the statue's feet offering great views of the city.
And I clicked so many of the beautiful capture to keep with me forever.
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 So after roaming for 2- 3 hours on the streets of Tbilisi, I have decided to finally go to the hotel and have some rest and get myself prepared for the next day’s fun.
My hotel was in the middle of the City, and it was in a busy area. Luckily I got my balcony room which was one of the most beautiful balconies of my entire travel life. I can see a fantastic city view from the balcony and as it was getting darker the beauty of the city is just emphasized by thousands of lights, see here:
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So I grabbed my basket of the fresh fruits of Georgia with a bottle of extremely good red wine and my laptop and I spent almost 4 hours in my balcony to write this experience for all my friends.
That’s how I ended my first day in Tbilisi, and slept with a big to do list for tomorrow.
Day 2 Morning/Afternoon/Night
It was cold there in the morning. So I was sipping my cup of coffee in my balcony and noticed neighborhood there are fruit trees in their homes. O my request one staff from housekeeping brought those delicious pears; I have never tasted anything fresh. One Moment it was on the tree and the very next moment it was in my mouth.
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My next day schedule was a round trip to Kazbegi (Stepantsminda) by visiting Ananuri Fortress . Sharp 9 o’clock Vano was there and we have headed our way to  Kazbegi and our first stop was Ananuri fortress.
The way was extremely beautiful. Aragvi River rave joined us for the journey.
The Beautiful valley of Aragvi River:
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I never miss a chance to pose for the camera:
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And one with my ride:
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After a 2 hours of continuous drive, we arrived at the Ananuri Monastery Complex  - a combined castle and fortress that sits along Georgian Military Highway on the Aragvi River in Georgia.
Vano said that the castle was set on fire during the early days by forces from a rival duchy and is now included in the UNESCO Tentative List of Heritage Sites. It is considered one of the most beautiful churches in the whole of Georgia.
It was set on fire that is why most of the part is destructed but still have his unique beauty.  Within the complex, amongst two buildings, are two churches as well. This is a very nice place to explore . I had all the time I wanted and collected below memories.
A few things that you will see inside the complex are high crenellated curtain walls that join the towers together, Church of The Assumption, and a view of the Aragvi River at the back. Outside the complex is a small cafe where you can buy authentic Georgian bread and Turkish coffee and a souvenir shop where I got my head cover.
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  I dedicated almost three hours to this beautiful castle but still I was not over it.
And time was stretching so I decided to move ahead. On my way I stopped a couple of time to collect the pictures of this amazing nature and country.
One thing I noticed that Georgia have many sources of  naturally sparkling water (Naturally carbonated water) So I did not miss the chance and had a sip of this fresh water from these sources and tasted a candy which was quite delicious Though it was looking very different but healthy in every sense as it was made of pure honey and Hazelnuts.
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  So like this we headed our way to the highest point from today’s journey. The way and the weather were extremely beautiful. You can have a bit of sense by following video & pictures:
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We have reached to on a point , it was slightly crowded , Novo told me about this most picturesque viewpoint of all, was the Soviet-Georgian Friendship Memorial, built in the 80s, with colorful murals depicting Georgian tradition. The construction itself was very unusual, but best of all was the views over the valleys and snowcapped mountains. See here:
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The view was stunning at this point; it was very fantastic dream scene for me that I just stood stiff looking this beauty. I just can't explain how amazed I am with earth.
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  As we approached Kazbegi- our final destination, the views became more and more stunning, proving we were definitely in the mighty Caucasus.
The road was really bumpy on those heights which actually made us more adventurous about Kazbegi .
 We have reached to the GERGETI TRINITY CHURCH also known as Tsminda Sameba in the green and white Caucasus Mountain, below the summit of Mt Kazbegi that makes Gergeti Trinity Church quite so magnificent. This church was also like other churches of Georgia- A beautiful castle far away on the peak of hill. The church sits in a definitively epic location, overlooking the towns of Kazbegi and Gergeti, with Mount Kazbek, one of the tallest mountains in Georgia, as a backdrop.
And now let these pictures speak about this place, as I was breathless at some time to see this beyond beauty. It was Epic views no matter which way you looked
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Most day time travellers on this route will skip the town of Kazbegi, and go straight uphill to visit beautiful Gergeti Trinity Church. 
This is the climax of the trip. From here I have to return to my hotel in Tbilisi with an outstanding view on my eyesight forever.
My Georgia posts doesn't end here, I still have some more beautiful towns and streets of Georgia with a bunch of photos , while walking around the streets of Tbilisi and other monuments.
And oh, food! 
So please be patient while I sort all of it and hopefully summaries the solo trip and give you guys a round-up of the short vacay I had as a solo traveller.
If you have any queries make sure to connect with me by either commenting/email or any of my social media’s.
Awaiting your stories
Richa Gujaria
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fallenmoonspov · 7 years
Rose Vines
                                                                        ~The 7th of S. Earth in Alhena~
“Mother, I’ve already made my choice and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m leaving and that’s that.” Huffing in annoyance I watched as the servant gently slid the black lace gloves on my hand. “Aurel-“ “No mother, I’m not changing my mind! Uncle Cronos has graciously invited me to stay at the Dimeria Estate and I’ve accepted. I’ve been enrolled in the Trinity Institute of Witchcraft and Sorcery which is a prestigious school of magic as you are most aware given the fact you attended there as a student yourself. Frankly mother it’s about time I integrate with other people of my kind, of our kind! After all, you are being a hypocrite. You did the same thing at my age when you decided to run off with daddy and leave your family, your home and the castor society you were born and raised in. It’s now my time to make my own destiny or at the very least try and find it.” Fixing my red cloche hat, I checked my reflection one last time in the ornate mirror. “Aurelia, my leaving wasn’t one that was a simple matter. The circumstances wasn’t, well to say the least… foreseen. There is many things you do not know and I haven’t told you because you are a baby! You have lived a sheltered life with your father and I and you are not ready to be on your own darling.” My mother was hugely against me leaving but my stubbornness I most definitely inherited from her. “I don’t know what you’re babbling about mother but I’m not a baby, I’m 16! I’m practically an adult in castor society. I have all I need and besides you make it sound like I’m going to the unknown. I’m going to be with Uncle Cronos, granmama, granaunty Esme, and the rest of the family.  Nothing you say will make me change my mind. You did live there from birth till you were my age, its not like anything bad will happen to me.” I grabbed my black purse and turned around to look at my mother. Her dark red eyes riddled with hopelessness and slight twinge of pain. Even though I had been quite angry with my mother these past few days seeing her like this overwhelmed me with guilt. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her tall and slender form. “Mama it’s not the end of the world, nothing bad will happen.” Kissing her ivory skin, I brushed a lock of her dark auburn hair behind her ear. She gave me a small nod of acceptance even though she was not pleased with my decision at all. “I love you, Aurelia” She whispered as she caressed my cheek. “I love you too mama.” I turned around and headed to the front doors, the carriage awaiting me at the bottom of the stairs. “I won’t be gone forever okay? I will return to you, I promise.” I swore to her my last goodbye before I entered the carriage. Her silhouette fading in the distance as the carriage took flight and left the only place I’ve called and where I’ve lived all my life.                                             ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jolting awake from the sleep I was in, I looked around thinking we had arrived to the Dimeria’s estate but the carriage was still moving except this time it wasn’t in the air flying but on the ground. “Emily, why are we on the ground?” I asked my maid sitting across from me. “The magical barricades around the town won’t allow carriages to fly in they must ride into the town.” She answered distracted by whatever was outside the window.   “Hmm, how strange…”I mumbled to myself as I too decided to peer out the window. We had just come to a small waterfall that dropped into the forest ground creating a river below that made a path that went farther down into the forest below dividing the rocky mountains into two. A long warned out looking bridge that seemed too have been there forever was the only thing connecting the two hills together. The way the sun danced with the trees, it illuminated the shadows casted by the light of the sun as day slowly faded into night. The trees seemed to awaken with a certain magic that rustled in whisper as the slight wind passed along the secrets of the forest in an ancient dance. Moving through the woods was the announcement that I had arrived to the awaiting town of Rosewood.   “Past that bridge is where Rosewood lies, Miss.” the distant voice of Emily, reaffirmed what I concluded on my own as the magic in my veins tasted the buzz of magical energy that came from this town. What made Rosewood a very peculiar town was that it was it was a hidden magical city from the humans, or referred to as Moriens by castors. Moriens lived amongst the town but only the members of the original families that helped the founding castors families establish Rosewood as a town were told of the secret that castors lived amongst them.  Though the morien folk know us not by castors but refer to our kind as witches. My mother had told me that there were several other magical cities unknown to the morien race and each magical city was settled and established around lay lines, large sources of magical currents under the earth’s surface that feeds castors mana. Rosewood was founded many centuries ago and has the strongest lay line in Northern America. It also was the place my mother called home for 18 years before completely running off with my father and never looking back.                                            ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ An Iron gate black as onyx with an emblem of a letter D molded in all golden carats imprinted on the front stood in front of me with railings that intertwined like veins going up a tree.   We had finally arrived at the Dimeria Estate. The gates slowly opened up letting us pass on to a long winding path with large willow trees lining up both sides of the aisle. A gush of the heavy aroma of ancient magic hit me like a weight of a ton of bricks. The magic of this place was so thick like a dense layer of fog, you could slice it with a knife. Blanketing everything it touched, every inhale of air I breathed in, I could smell the scent of magic that oozed out from every pore of this ancient place. The buzz of magic in my blood increased immensely as it merged in harmony with the magic of the place like a dance of reunited lovers.   The grounds were massive and seemingly endless. Driving past the dark forest greens surrounding us, an orange glow of the setting sun illuminated the trees giving the place a very ominous look. The willows swayed softly with the evening breeze as the carriage sped down the gravel road and just up ahead was a glimpse of the Dimeria Mansion that started to peek out. We came to the circular driveway with a large fountain of gold crusted sirens circling the vase the queen siren perched on top holding a shell bowl that water came out of it. Black roses growing around the base and up along the vase of the fountain cascaded down the sirens. Taking Emily’s hand, I slowly stepped out of the carriage my eyes were in awe of how beautiful the siren perched at the top was, I was a little startled when it had turned her head at me with quick swiftness I wasn’t prepared for. A small smile creeping on the siren’s marble face told me every ounce of this place was lathered in magic, my drake senses tingling to turn and explore it. At the sound of my name being called I turned to see our driver, Felix with my bags chatting with my head maid Andria, who was sitting with him on our flight, on the other side of the carriage. I look back at the fountain to see the two sirens around the vase now had changed position and were staring at me as well but the queen siren had returned to her original pose only this time the smile hadn’t left. Finding the peculiar siren fountain simply curious, I turn to Emily and ask her to pass me my purse as I grab my golden red phoenix from the carriage. Walking over to the house with Anastasia cooing in my arms and Emily behind me, I look up to see the towering mansion for the first time.   The height of the mansion was beyond grand to say the least. The gothic Victorian architecture and intense energy of magic was captivating and flooded me with excitement. It was a blend of grand European cathedrals and old world castles all decked in black. Multiple high towers, large glass windows, the guardians of the mansion, gargoyles and statues, were standing high in the air. With red rose veins climbing up the walls and nestling along the windows and balconies it looked like a beautiful nightmare, one that I would be now calling my home. How my mother could leave this place was utterly baffling to me. “In the name of Hectta! This looks like it’s out of a dream.” Emily whispered, utterly enchanted by the grandness of the estate and also terrified of the dark magic that pulsated through the entire property. It was true, the estate was something like no other and we haven’t even stepped inside. Walking towards the grand double engraved oak doors, I was just about to knock on one of the large lion shaped knockers but the massive ornate doors creaked open.  The doors opened up to a large open space that echoed every movement you made. It was mostly dark just the orange flickers of fire coming from the fireplaces on both sides of the wall that faced each other and the light from the outside behind us illuminating our shadow. “Why is it so dark?” Emily whispered very on edge by the mysteries of the place. Just as I was about to switch my eyes into my drake form to see in the dark, the light from the ceiling appeared seemingly at our wish. Chandlers hanging in midair that popped into existence one after another in a row blazed the room in light and the darkness started fading away. Taking a step forward I was in awe of the magnificent grandeur of the room that was now that revealed by the light. The room if by any scale was not a foyer but a ballroom; the very canvas of Michelangelo’s imagination was brushed onto the solid walls of the room. Murals of the divine heavens was painted on the high ceiling resembling that of the Sistine Chapel. Laced with some sort of magic, the painting itself moved like dancers entranced by the rhythm of their partner. At the very end of the large foyer was a Y shaped grand staircase that split into two directions and was entirely made of gold. The space where the two dividing staircases met had a floor to ceiling silver crested mirror hanging on the wall. Where the fireplace stood on the wall, an antique mirror was placed on top of the fireplace reaching the very ceiling. Three plush French sofa’s surrounded the fire giving an inviting welcome. Just across from it the exact replica was mirrored by the other fireplace lounge. The floor beneath our feet was the darkest shade of black I’ve ever seen. Gazing at the black floor too long made you feel as if it was going to drag you into to its ocean of darkness. My head tilted back all the way and my mouth slighting ajar as my eyes tried to take in the bold beauty of the room and my magic tingled in a loud buzzing to the pulsating aura of the house. Glancing about the room, my focus stopped at the center table only a few feet away from the entrance door where we were standing. A large antique golden vase sat on top of a smooth wooden round table holding about two dozen roses that were red as blood. The rose petals though would darken and fall onto the table before cascading down to the floor like a waterfall creating a pile of rose petals everywhere. But after a few moments they petals on the floor would fade into the blackness of the floor. “Lady Aurelia Dimeria?” A man standing on the left side of the room just about appeared out of nowhere, started to walk towards us. The man about a head taller than me, old with age, hair greyed with time, wearing a sharp tailored black Victorian suit stood in front of us. The elderly man bowing down to me and tipping his black top hat in respects as he introduced himself. “My lady it is an honor to be meeting you. I am Xander Le Maric head caretaker of the Dimeria family. It is my pleasure to welcome you home. If ever you may need anything please feel free to come to me.” He paused and looked at me with an odd expression on his face as if his mind was seeing something of the past.   “My it’s like a vision of the past. You look just like your mother, my dear, even more beautiful than she was and she surely was quite the beauty in her youth, if I may say so myself.” A small grandfatherly smile appeared on his face that brought a smile upon mine. I recognized his name from the stories my mother told me about him. “Thank you, Mr. Le Maric, that’s quite kind of you. My mother has told me stories of her childhood here and she only ever had fond memories of you. She asked me to send her love as she couldn’t come with me to Rosewood.” His eyes instantly lit up in happiness.   “Lady Ravenna was my favorite and will always have a special piece of my heart. It was an honor to see her grow up into the beautiful sorceress she has become now and it’s my very own privilege to receive her only daughter and welcome her home.” He grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss. “Aurelia! Oh my darling” My head turned to see who called me and the moment I registered the person I nearly leaped into their arms. I quickly handed over sleeping Anastasia for Emily to hold before rushing over to the beloved woman that had just come down from the golden staircase.   “Esme!” I shouted out in absolute delight. Her long frilly emerald night robe was swooshing around her feet as she came towards me and engulfed me in a tight embrace. She was my mother’s aunt my great aunt and I absolutely adored her. It had been several months since I had last seen her and it felt incredible to be with her again. “It’s been to long my darling but I’m so thankful to finally have you here. Oh what fun we’ll have” She released me from her embrace to cup my face in her hands and plant a motherly kiss on my forehead. Her golden emerald eyes was filled with love and warmth that instantly put me in complete ease. Though she was much older in years she looked nearly ageless and her youthful cheer was infectious. Her beauty came through the warmth of her eyes and her bubbly aura was just radiating throughout the room wrapping me in a cocoon of love and happiness. She was unlike other castors and possessed a special ability of being an empath. She feels the emotions of others and can manipulate their emotions to feel whatever she wants. “It’s about time! Merlin’s I was just about to bubble your mother and ask why you haven’t arrived yet. It’s completely inappropriate for a young lady such as yourself to be travelling at night and to arrive at such a late hour is absolutely absurd. Clearly that driver of yours cannot do the simple task of delivering my granddaughter in an efficient and timely manner.” The angry red headed woman now stomping down the golden stairs was my sweet grandmother. “Granmama I’ve missed you!” Smiling at her annoyance I headed towards her and wrapped her in a hug. “You must forgive Felix it wasn’t entirely his fault. Mother tried and failed a last minute attempt in trying to persuade me to stay and forgo my plans to come here. It obviously didn’t work but it did delay our departure.” Placing a kiss on her check I nearly forgot how irritated and angry my dearest grandmother would become when things didn’t go as according to plan, specifically her plans. A trait my mother inherited from her and I from my mother. “Meme please it’s too late to start a fuss now. Aurelia has finally arrived and that’s what we should be happy about. Everyone must be tried from their travel and it’s quite rude of you to start some drama now.” Esme exasperated at her older sister’s inextinguishable habit of always being able to find fault in others and consistently complain about it.  An older woman with greyed hair and brown eyes wearing a black dress that buttoned up to her neck and covered her arms and legs headed towards us. “Lady Esme, shall we bring in some tea and refreshments?” The grey haired woman with brown eyes stood next to Esme. “Ah yes that would be lovely, thank you Imelda. Would you also please send a maid to make sure a guest bedroom is ready for the gentleman standing there and two rooms are ready in the maid’s hall for the ladies?” The woman by the name of Imelda I presume nodded in response to Esme before swiftly leaving.   “Essie don’t start, all I’m saying is that she should’ve been here several moons ago and it is very disrespectful to keep others waiting. I raised all my children to be proper, respectable, and dignified sorcerers and sorceresses of Dimeria blood and name but I truly do not know where I went wrong with Ravenna. For her to attempt to keep my granddaughter away from me her own mother! It breaks my heart.” My red haired grandmother pressed her hand to her heart, sadness glazing over her face, her long blue robe swayed in motion as she slowly walked over to the loveseat by the fireplace and slumped into the chair. “May the heavens bestow me with patience! Will you stop being so dramatic Andromeda. Come now child, ignore the ramblings of your old grandmother.” Esme grabbed my arm and led me over to the loveseat opposite of my grandmother’s and sat me down. She tucked a loose strand that fell from her blonde hair that she had tied in a braided bun before looking at where my driver Felix, my maids Andria and Emily were standing with Mr. Le Maric. “Xander bring forth our newly arrived guests.” Esme waved them over before smoothing out her robe and sitting beside me. As Mr. Le Maric and the crew came over the woman Imelda also arrived with two maids in tow and a silver tray of tea and delicious platter a variety of foods. The maids dressed in jade uniforms with black aprons arranged the food and tea on the coffee table before bowing their heads and returning to stand by Imelda. “Excellent timing Imelda. I was just about to do introductions.” Esme smiled while pouring tea into all three of our china cups and adding two spoons of sugar for herself. I helped myself and started to place different fruits, sandwiches, and pastries on my plate dig in happily as Esme greeted my maids Andria and Emily. “Andria, Emily please follow Charlotte she will lead you to your rooms in the maid’s hall and don’t worry about your bags they have already been sent to your chambers. Imelda will come talk with you in the morning tomorrow but for now have a goodnights rest. Felix please follow Suzanna she will direct you to your room. ” Emily walked over to me and handed me back Anastasia before leaving with Andria and the maid Charlotte. Felix also shortly left following the other maid Suzanna.   “Aurelia I would like to introduce you to our beloved head caretakers. Mr. Xander Le Maric is our wonderful ever loyal and irreplaceable upstanding head and elder of our caregivers for our family. We have been blessed to have had him in our family for generations. He is the personal caregiver of our beloved head of the Dimeria family, Cronos, which you shall be seeing tomorrow, he had been called for business early this morning otherwise he would have been here to welcome you with us.” Esme addressed, warmly glancing towards Mr. Le Maric. “Xander is the head master to all duties of maintaining our household, a feat of great difficulty in this household but does with absolute dedication.” Andromeda pipped in before sipping her tea. “Thank you for your warm words of introduction Lady Esme, Lady Andromeda, though Lady Aurelia and I have already been acquainted. Nothing is more worthwhile and truly an honor to be serving the great name and family of Dimeria. My work is maintaining the order of the Dimeria businesses and grounds of the estate, my wife, on the other hand has the most responsibilities of maintaining the caregivers and servants and making sure all daily functions are going smoothly.” Mr. Le Maric bowed his head to the ladies in gratitude before looking at his wife dotingly and placing a soft kiss on her cheek. The woman beside Xander, poked his side playfully, before turning to look at me. “It’s a great pleasure to meet you child, I am Mrs. Imelda Le Marvic and as my husband stated I am in charge of the entire running of the house. If ever you may need my assistance please don’t hesitate to ask. I am here to be of service.” She curtly bowed her head to me, her light brown eyes twinkling in friendly welcoming. I smiled in her return before taking a sip of my steaming tea and taking a few bites of my food. “Thank you very much, we wouldn’t want to keep you from resting, you may take your leave. Goodnight.” Esme waved them goodbye. “I think it’s time to get down to business.” Granmama puts her cup of tea down on the table and turns her attention on me. “Andromeda, we can tell her the events of tomorrow tomorrow, there is no need to overwhelm her. It’s late and the poor child is tired. We can do this tomorrow. Matter of fact Cronos said he would speak with her.” Esme sighed. “There is no time to wait Esme. This is very crucial and she needs to know what’s happening. There is no time to wait. We’ve already wasted time she would’ve already been up to speed if she had arrived earlier.” Andromeda snapped back, glaring at her younger sister. “Wait whats going on?” I asked inquisitively. “Aurelia tomorrow is a very important day and we apologize if everything seems to overwhelming but Cronos had no choice but to rush it.” Confused on what exactly my grandmother was talking about but before my grandmother could continue a small owl popped out of the grand witch’s moon clock that stood above the fireplace mantle and started flapping its wings and hoots a chant.                                  I the night owl have come to thee                                  To signal the end of the suns play                                    But the start of the moon’s hunt.                            The twining light fades upon all castors                               I chant thee now to fall into slumber                               The ending moon has now arrived                                     Heed the night owls signal                                          The late night is gone                                           Into the 30th moon                                       Time now to fall into slumber “Aurelia darling don’t you fret, it’s quite late now tomorrow is another day and all will be announced in its time till then its best to heed the night owls signal and get some rest. Come hither I shall show you your room.” Esme quickly grabbed my hand and ushered me up the golden staircase and led me to my chambers for the night.
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