#Galaxy Railways
kabob129 · 4 months
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@amtrak-official space trains?
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deuxlitresdeux · 6 months
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Derniers craquages en date.
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galaxyrailwaysworld · 2 months
Montigue ‘Duck’ The Great Western
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⭐️ Captain and Owner of the Great Western Railway
⭐️ American, looks around 30ish years old. He/Him (Male Loving Male)Gay (Married)
⭐️ Never seen without his red bandana, it’s a gift from his husband, despite him being bought new ones from his lover, he won’t replace his red one.
⭐️ Doesn’t own any animals, as is highly allergic to dogs and his husband to cats, he sorta just owns fish, and the one horse whose a mechanic horse 🤔
⭐️ Twins with the best mechanic on Sodor, gained his nickname Duck from this man and sorta forgets his actual name sometimes
⭐️ Best friends with BoCo, the Scottish Twins and Edward’s brother.
⭐️ Heavy ye olde western accent, heavy cowboy accent. It swoons the ladies often.
⭐️ Collector of guns from the ancient era, has them in display in the basement, except the one on his person.
⭐️ He is quite serious, but around the right people he is a little jokester, he loves joking around but you best work hard, or this loco will probably hurt you.
(Lil note from me : Sorry these are a) outta order and b) very delayed. I’m very slow with getting back into this and want to work on other things. I appreciate your patience - Milk)
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zerolockfan · 2 months
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Some old sketches of Warrius Zero and Schwanhelt Bulge having fun at the train museum and then having a drink and complaining about pirates later on
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tadashidumba · 1 month
Finally organizing the books I bought from my Japan trip, so here is a Leijiverse doujin collection update no one asked for.
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mimmixerenard · 2 months
Hello! I don’t know if you still interested in the series but do you have any more artwork/concepts/anything to share concerning the Galaxy railways?
And anything to do with Bruce and Owen?
I love your artwork!
Hey there! You have no idea how ecstatic it makes me to have someone coming up to me to talk about Galaxy Railways- especially when it comes to Bruce and Owen! This series has my heart, and these characters even more so.
That being said, it's been a little while since I last dove deep in the show, so I probably don't have anything new to share (or if I do, I don't have the files nor papers on me, unfortunately). I certainly have headcanons, but I can't seem to recall any ones I might have never mentioned before...
However, I don't want to end the reply on this note, because that would be terribly underwhelming, as well as missing out on the chance to draw two of my most beloved space guys over again!!
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Thank you so much for reaching out, and don't hesitate to DM me if you want to chat!
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inkyminx · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time I watched something and the first episode immediately made me start crying, I’d have three nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened three times.
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Poll: the Ratatosk Express from the Bifrost Incident vs Big One from the Galaxy Railways
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(image descriptions in alt text)
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aube-in-arcadia · 5 months
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Quoi de mieux que ce début d'année pour le lancement du projet ANTHOLEIJI ?
L'objectif ? Un recueil de fanfictions du Leijiverse, par différents auteurs. Le défi ? Commencer par trouver les auteurs
C'est parti pour une (longue) aventure !
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Quoi ?
un recueil de fanfictions du Leijiverse par différents auteurs
un livre pour l’horizon 2026
format papier, 200 pages min, A5 couverture souple
un exemplaire envoyé à chaque contributeur
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Conditions :
texte pouvant se lire indépendamment
accessible à un néophyte à qui l’on aurait présenté le Leijiverse comme « des pirates de l’espace et des trains qui volent »
format nouvelle (one-shot ou two-shot, jusqu’à 10k ou 15k mots). Notez que des textes très courts de type drabble conviennent aussi (mais il en faudra plus)
rating T max
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Modalités :
vous pouvez proposer un texte déjà existant
vous pouvez proposer plusieurs textes (jusqu’à 15k mots)
pas de non-fiction ou de méta
n’importe quelle série du Leijiverse est acceptée, y compris les plus obscures
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A noter :
je suis tatillonne sur la forme et la cohérence globale. Attendez-vous à des demandes d’ajustement sur vos textes (ne serait-ce que pour le côté « accessible aux néophytes »)
je me laisse le droit de refuser un texte s’il ne correspond pas à mes critères d’édition
English writers welcomed, but your text will be translated in french. Depends on the volume, the original english texts could be included at the end of the book, or presented in another book. French fanfictions will not be translated in english.
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locomotive-idiot · 7 months
Additionally, do you like it when fictional trains hover on fantasy magic? (not Maglev stuff, that's cheating )
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deuxlitresdeux · 6 months
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The Harlock drawing is a xmas gift for @aube-in-arcadia
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galaxyrailwaysworld · 16 days
Quick question: are there other Galaxy Railways? If so, how far do the workers have to travel to get their jobs done, and how long does it take to get it done?
There is only one railway that exists outside of ours, and it’s the stretch between Mars and Earth!
Here’s a map of our stations, where we are and what’s the most important, including a key for those a little confused!
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Travel wise, it’s a little confusing even for me 😖
We travel pretty quick, but unfortunately I don’t know the conversion rates sorry about that! But on earth, roughly for a worker to get from say Wellsworth to Vicarstown it would take about 2/3? Maybe hours depending on the locomotive? So convert that as you wish! Because I’m bad at it 😅
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zerolockfan · 5 months
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Another doodle for one of Deuxlitresdeux's fanfics ^^
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art-in-arcadia · 6 months
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capitanharlock78 · 8 months
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mimmixerenard · 1 year
>> Patchwork-inspired composition (Bruce and the strawberry drink can are drawn by me, of course)
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