#i miss doing cool compositions man. i miss drawing actual poses
atissi · 1 year
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finished classes so i finally have time to draw my little mullet guys -u-
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alena-reblobs · 9 months
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol9 Part1
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1 Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1 Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1
Vol 9 recap start! It's late and I'm not having that many clever thoughts, so more just...reacting and saving cool panels :D
Chapter 1:
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Aww Nico and Miss Melanie checking to see how Livio is doing. Nico's really got the big brother vibes.
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Great catch, buddy!
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Smiling and laughing little Wolfwood! This is killing me with so much cuteness. Also, love how he got his big Wolfwood nose as a kid too (I mean, of course he does, but then you never know, an author might make all kids look kinda similiar even unintentionally by giving them big kid eyes, small noses and such stuff...it's just nice to see distinct facial features drawn in different age states)
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*** you for that evil trap, Chapel.
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Livio not saying anything to that in that one panel is telling a lot actually. Now we know in what way he himself is tied to that orphanage...does he consider it a burden too? I wonder if Chapel struck a nerve with that sentence.
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And just like that I knew I was gonna like Livio. Oooh he had it coming.
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Hmm love this page. It really feels like the start of something.
Chapter 2:
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So so proud of him...I read other bookclub posts about how Wolfwood symbolizes the humanity that CAN change and boy is that right.
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I can only imagine Nightow having SO much fun drawing this!! :DD I have no idea but if I'd have to guess I'd say he was just waiting to draw a full page cool blockbuster scene of Wolfwood riding a motorcycle with an explosion in the backgrounds. Probably been wanting to do this since some volumes. And finally got his chance!! Cause there was no need to draw this so action-movie epic-like and he still did, hehe.
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First of all, this page here looks so cool! Wolfwood is so shapey, but also the pose and composition...*mwah* Then in this fight we get to see just how good of a fighter Wolfwood actually is. Not that we didn't witness that before, but it was often together with Vash, or if alone, like with Ninelives, he was struggling quite a bit. But here to me it felt like we get this glimpse of a trained assassin he once was, fully in control of the situation, being fast and efficient (without killing).
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Such badassery!!! I'm a big fan of how Livio, despite being fully indoctrined, still kinda protects the orphanage too! Well, maybe it's also because Chapel is prob sitting there too and they still need to use the orphanage as bait but STILL! I chose to believe that at this point some point inside Livio was still acting out of attachment to his old home.
Chapter 3:
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Hey! That's not a nice thing to say boy! D: Also, she's obviously trying to reassure the kids so don't make them more scared by saying it won't do anything!
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Oh fuck. The kids are talking about Nico here but this obviously applies to Vash, as well. Wolfwood can not rely on Vash now who is not around to help.
Also, may I say, what an utterly gorgeous drawing of Wolfwood and Livio.
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HMMMM Livio the Double FANG
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And in that moment he thinks of that one moment where a person DID need him, where he saved someone :'(
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These two pages look soooo cool. I never knew how ominous laundry cool look!
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I do wonder...how did Razlo know about the Eye of Michael? Did he meet an informant some time, or overhear smth?
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You're not going to kill your brother now, are you Wolfwood! (Not really brother but brother in heart, you know.)
Chapter 4:
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Oh I misremembered, he DID mean to kill Livio? Or only momentarily put him out of order, knowing that he has SOME kind of regeneration abilities? I'm not quite sure now. What I do know is that Chapel has a creepy grin and I want that old man out of my face.
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Ah hm maybe I should read at least the next page before rambling off. He really only wanted to incapacitate him. I'm relieved!
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Rude! You didn't need to throw him through a suddenly spawned set of wood!
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At this rate, Wolfwood must be riddled with bullets. Shot from behind, from the front, lost a HUGE amount of blood from his shoulder...
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...and yet he's still going on. Oh my boy he's such an awesome character. (Also quick side note, love how Nightow draws hands)
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Saving this because awesome pages. This is only the second time we're seeing these vials being used, right? Funny how quickly they became such an important plot device. (I wonder when Nightow planned them into the story...I'm guessing kinda late? Just wondering)
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He must have really trusted on Livio blocking that thing!
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Aww :(
Making a cut here! The rest will be done in a part 2 post, I don't want to get to the image limit in the middle of a chapter.
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 years
Hey just so you know your art is really shitty. I am talking about the one you did about book hiccup.
Oh you sweet, sweet summer chiiiiild!!!
I was drawing “shit” like this when I was sixteen - ten years ago! Ten years ago, and I could draw like this!
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So why would I care what someone thinks of a small, five minute, no-erase doodle of mine? ^.^ 
Honestly, I’m in the middle of an artistic euphoria phase right now. Like, I’m legit having so much fun with visual arts - more than I have for years - and I’m delighted. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to talk about this latest exciting experience in my life! Maybe this’ll inspire some others as well? Art has been a highlight of the last few months, and even getting going on the topic now, chatting with you, is getting me happy and inspired and ready to tear out the next sheet of paper for a new bout of creativity. I’m trying my best not to start drawing NOW because of the topic you’ve brought up!
I’m working on proportions and muscle groups and more dynamic poses and figuring out digital art and testing new traditional art mediums and it’s just been a BLAST of creativity and exploration. I’m trying to figure out new styles for myself, branching WAY beyond my childhood focus of photorealism, into everything down to anime-style personalities. I’ve even checked out 3D modeling, dudes! I’m planning on exploring with cityscapes and character design and shape and color and... guys... guys... it’s literally such an exciting time for me right now. 
Art is AMAZING fun!!! What a blessing it is to create something wholly new, with the stamp of our personality, out of complete nothingness? I turned the nothingness of a piece of paper into my personality and a work of creativity. DUDE THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! Humans are so amazing in our ability to endlessly create. I think creating is one of the greatest powers and blessings our species has to offer.
Being a visual artist by hobby isn’t about improving. It isn’t even about being good. It’s about having fun. My wonderful dragon-loving friends, don’t for a second think that your artwork needs to be to some sort of quality, because it doesn’t. It doesn’t matter. If you want to improve, that’s awesome, and I’m rooting for you to have some exciting experiences of self-discovery and growth. That can be an exciting time, to go through growth, and it’s well-worth your commendable, diligent efforts. But it’s also 100% fair if you go into a hobby without desiring to improve. You don’t need to improve - you’re not in some competition where your rent’s pay hinges on drawing - you just need to enjoy yourself. There is nothing shameful about “shitty” art - it’s in fact one of the coolest things you can do, because it engages your mind and your creativity and your own unique stamp of human beauty that no other soul can give. And if you share it, you’re sharing a part of yourself, and we get to see the beautiful treasure you and your mind are!
Some of my favorite things I’ve ever seen are stick people. DRAW your stick people! Do it all!!!
I’m so thankful for everyone who shares their art on tumblr in the fandom community. Not just the people who do polished digital work, but everyone. People who are starting to figure out what a tablet is. People who haven’t touched a colored pencil in ten years. People who draw five minute scratches. People who spend thirty-seven hours on a painting. You contribute to the world of fandom, the beautiful world of fandom. Together we celebrate what it is we mutually love about our fandoms, and make this a community in which creativity and celebration and positivity is resplendent. It’s because of people like you - ALL of you - that you build this incredible environment.
I’m in the middle of a phase where I think I’m going to be making rapid advances in my artwork soon. Maybe if there’s something really cool I’ll share it with ya’ll! There’s a 50% chance I might be getting a new art tablet soon, which will unfetter all the struggles I’ve had with digital art preventing me from improving there. And there’s so many ideas I have! Guys, there’s so many ideas! So much art to put down and explore and hgghghghhhh! I’m excited.
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Of course this is all on top of my other hobbies. I love being a jack of all trades and master of none. Every day’s something new to explore. I’m a conlanger and I make my own languages. I’m a creative writer and I’m planning on charging deep into a single original novel that I hope I can publish. I’m a chronic worldbuilder who loves thinking about everything from the geographic history of the world to the culture’s technology to what the cities look like to the individual culture’s elements - be it gestures, taboo language, courting rituals, what have you! I’m a music composer and I even got a Bachelor’s of Music in Composition; I’ve learned how to play over a dozen instruments; I’m itching to make covers and suites of material I love. I used to make gifs and I still miss it - maybe I’ll get back into the swing of it sometime? I made one AMV and maybe I’ll make another - I’ve always loved video editing (I did Lego stop motion stuff in the junior high, after all). And of course I want to keep writing fandom meta for all the stories that have touched my heart, be it Fullmetal Alchemist or How to Train Your Dragon or Voltron: Legendary Defender or Mass Effect or anything else. I’m hoping that I’ll get some good bursts of activity on cosplay, too! I need to work on my sewing - 2019 shall be the perfect year for it, don’t you think?
Life’s so exciting and rich and beautiful. There’s so much creativity to be had. So much to do. So much to explore.
And who gives a flipping rat’s fart if I’m not The Best(TM) of the universe? XD That’s not the true reason to create ANYTHING!
I’ve got a fuckton of weaknesses in my artistic pursuits and that doesn’t make me an ounce less awesome. Having weaknesses makes my artistic life BETTER. I honestly believe it; they make me happy. I’m excited that I have weaknesses in my visual arts abilities because it means I’m going through this period of growth. Where would be my fun if I were perfect already? I’m having a blast not because my art is perfect, but because it’s IMPERFECT. I both like what I can do already and I know ALL the areas where it needs improving - allowing me new areas to dive further and reach new goals. It’s giving me life goals, trajectory, and celebrations every time I draw something new and better than what I made last month. 
A childish, petty, and honestly rather uncreative insult isn’t going to make me blink. I know how amazing I am. I’m a powerhouse, powerfully creative, Renaissance man level talented bonfire who can do everything from advanced level linguistic scientific study to composing contemporary classical art music. I know what my strengths are and what my weaknesses are. I’ve got great weaknesses, and that’s totally chill!
I’m sorry, friend, but the only thing your message does is show how much of a naive child you are. You ignorantly think that a laughably uninteresting, child-level insult is going to affect an adult who is confident and grown in themselves. You don’t know your audience. Even if you were right that my art is shit - which it’s not - it doesn’t matter to me. My identity is more than one cute doodle with Hiccup and Toothless. It’s a shame because I’m sure you have so much positive beauty you could contribute to this world. Why waste your time with this, when it literally could not be more of a waste of your time?
What positive creativity have you done?
I encourage us all to contribute to the beauty of our community. Let’s take this moment to be an inspiration point. Let’s create together. Let’s give people reasons to smile. Let’s share posts we love and talk about why we love them. Let’s draw and write and sing and dance our way through what we love. Let’s give positive feedback on the fanfiction people wrote for us for free. Let’s send compliments to one another - that’s a legitimate form of creation and it’s one of the best. Let’s let our personalities sparkle. Kindness is so awesome. You all are so awesome.
I’m so thankful to live in a community like this, where every day I’m bombarded with incredible magic - the magic you all have created.
As for my Hiccup drawing, the HTTYD book community has a cool event going on celebrating the Twelve Days of Doomsday. I encourage you all to participate and enjoy Cressida Cowell’s works with me!!!
Who knows? Maybe I’ll have time for a few more Hiccup doodles in the next dozen days!
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Who Am I? Not Finished with the Blog yet
I have been asking myself this question for as long as I can remember. When I was 6, I began drawing with pen and ink. I took photos when I was young when I was allowed to, but was never allowed a camera of my own. I was always so excited when my mom got the film developed and printed, to see which ones I had taken. When I was 11, I began writing. In my 20s I started a family to which all my time was dedicated. In my 30s, I understood something was missing in my life and I went back to college. I found photography again. When I went into the darkroom for the first time, I found peace. Real peace. The pitch dark filled with the deep red lights sparked something in me I had not felt since the first time I picked up a pen to draw with.  I started my own darkroom at home and Boudior Studio for intimate gifts for their spouses. I then bought a digital camera and taught myself how to use Photoshop. 
But there is still something . . . missing. 
Soon to come are some practice images. Those I thought would work. I love working up to a project. Taking practice shots. It helps the mind gear up. Research should always be a huge part of a project. How else will you spark the ideas? 
What is a Triptych? 
Most artists and photographers will know the answer to this, however, do they actually know the importance of a triptych? What does, using a triptych format, add to an artwork? Why would one choose to do this? Triptychs have been around since 
(Lori McNee & Fine Art Tips, 2019)
Annie Leibovitz
The first photographer I am researching is Annie Leibovitz. I have been a long time fan of Leibovitz. Her lighting styles and creative poses as well as her sets amaze me. 
I find this photo just perfect. Here we have Annie Leibovitz in casual dark grey clothing and walking boots. Everything about her screams natural, from her hair to her smile and her pose. She is comfortably resting her hands on her camera. I can only imagine it to be her favourite object. She blends with the backdrop she has chosen for this self-portrait. All the colours, save the beauty light in the background go well together. It’s an even playing field. The beauty light being backlighting her from behind and to the side causes a soft glow on Leibovitz’s hair, face and shoulder closest to it. There is enough contrast in the image to be pleasing to the eye. I do find that my eye is being constantly drawn to the light, but I still like it there. It works somehow. There is an s-curve here. I doubt Annie has much time in her day to day to take a load of self-portraits, this strikes me as a ‘I just sat down for a break and took this’ sort of image. I love the vertical lines in the wood behind her. If they were horizontal, I don't think the image would work so well for me. The light seems soft, but I am now noticing a bit more harsh light pattern on the floor but I am not convinced that is light. It looks more like a stain on the floor. This photo ‘feels’ like a working shot. It ‘feels’ like it was taken in the back of a barn studio. I love it. 
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Annie with her favourite object. (Phaidon, 2019)
This is such a calm image of Annie. This, to me, looks like a living areas perhaps in a studio? I’m not quite sure, but I don't think it matters. What matters is that this space is comfortable and Annie is at ease here. The contrast is fantastic, and the light feels harsh here. Perhaps a speed light? It is certainly not natural light. The composition seems to flow to the left, which feels strange to me. I like that Annie is not positioned in the centre. 
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Annie Leibovitz in her space. (Frank, Frank and Nicholas, 2019)
Self-Portrait . . .
Here we have Leibovitz, a fashion photographer, as herself, on a roof-top darting (almost leaping) across in front of her camera, another camera in hand (perhaps in her left hand she holds a trigger. She is dressed all in black wearing comfortable shoes. This self-portrait depicts Leibovitz how she must feel as she moves through her life: always on the move, always working. The landscape image is on a tilt and depicts the city behind her. She is frozen in mid run. Fantastic black and white image.
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(Artnet.com, 2019)
David Bailey
Another photographer I admire is David Bailey.
This self-portrait includes David Bailey and a dramatic scarf on a clean white background. The man himself looks straight into the camera. His expression is serious. There is an age of wisdom in his eyes, and a sterness perhaps. He knows what his likes and demands respect in this image.
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(Maddocks, 2019)(Dazed, 2019)
David Bailey in studio. How can this not be his favourite place?
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Richard Avedon
Richard Avedon, a fahsion photographer, in his studio . . . Richard is leaping in front of the camera. This is an excellent image. We have various studio equipment and a white backdrop. I can only imagine that his is describing what he wants his model to do. They image is stark white in areas, with almost a clean white feel in the background on the white. You can se Avedon’s shadow beneath him on the dirty floor. I love contrast, and this image is not short on that, having the blackest of blacks and several shades of ‘white’. Even the floor and white walls are delineated in the background on the left. The room feels like it is tilting slightly to the right in the direction he is leaping.
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(Joeinct.tumblr.com, 2019)
Here we Have Richard Avedon with his favourite object. The film is grainy, his glasses are pushed up onto his forehead and he’s holding his beloved Rollieflex camera. The studio light is close to his face, the light is blown out and it is bouncing on whatever is in front of him as its image is reflected in his glasses. The light here is harsh, but it works. Because the light is blown out on his nose and hand, it seems to balance the light between him and the studio lamp. Where the light is shining, the image is grainy. The image is presented in hight contrast, and is overexposed bottom and bottom left and where the light is.  
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(billdobbins, 2019)
Again, we have Richard Avedon. This is a self portrait. I adore this, not only for the Clean White look, but also for the high contrast. Avedon is treble exposed here, or so it seems. The photographer is holding up his negative image over half of his fact. Very cool. Then we have a closer 3/4 view of Avedon’s face on the left. I am not sure what the terrycloth looking object is over his forehead. I find it distracting, bit it does add texture. 
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(Flickr, 2019) I could only find this image here. Will look for it in books. 
Irving Penn
Irving Penn is a fashion photographer. The image below is a self-portrait of Penn himself. The mirror is cracked in a couple of places creating jagged horizontal spaces. The image has a dark quality to it, and I don’t just mean the dark contrast, or the slight purple tint. There is a mayhem in his gaze as he looks directly into the lens and this has a cubist style about it.
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(Irving Penn: In A Cracked Mirror (Self-Portrait) (A), 2019)
Other Photographer’s work . . .
While the triptych below is not exactly “Who Am I”, it is close to it. In trying to analyse this image, I wondered what it was actually about. 
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Monica BiancardiIl Palazzo di Atlante (triptych), 2019 Shazar Gallery. (Artsy.net, 2019) “According to the Neapolitan artist, Punti di Vista is a project on light, natural or created by art, which reflects on perspectives that are always different”.
Who Am I?
Well, I’m a tree hugger, I can tell you that. I love walking in the woods and soaking up all the ‘zen’. I can be heard or even seen talking to a tree. I get this feeling off of them and I feel like this one is a male, this one a female. Strange I know. But hey, that’s who I am. I have toyed with 3 different ‘Who’ projects. I am torn actually. There is a place I love to go in Port Glasgow called Finlaystone Country Estate - A large country estate in Renfrewshire near Glasgow, seat of the current Chief of the Clan MacMillan. I always take my camera there. I shy away from too much noise. For me, it’s sensory overload, so I stay away from the more populated areas. For my first ‘Who’ Project, I am thinking of me, in the woods, talking to my favourite tree. Yes, he has a name. I am masculine by nature, even though I realise I come off all ‘woman’ I have always felt masculine. I don’t know why. I digress, there is a place there in the woods, that makes me happy. It’s an old shack full of wonderful old things. I could sit there and look at the window for hours. and for my favourite object, well, the tree of course, but, I’m not sure? Is that tree overload? I will have to toy with perspective. Also, I have a branch that sits in my studio I could use for my favourite objects. Images taken 14th September. 
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The 2nd ‘Who’ that I am would be showing my other artistic endeavours. I began drawing with a pen when I was 6. My darkroom doubles for my art studio. When I am really struggling, I always return to the roots of my creativity. I feel almost childlike as I sit and draw with nothing but a pencil and pen. Below is me drawing my next masterpiece, (insert laughing emoji here). So this would be my self portrait, my hut, or the woods, as these are linked would be my favourite place, and for my favourite object, in this case, would be my quill and pens and a bottle of ink. 
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The 3rd ‘Who’ that I am is a photographer. This is my heaven. I haven’t been able to get it entirely up and running yet. I still need the blackout cloth recommended to me. I have ordered chemicals. Waiting is the hard part. I am impatient, although, you would never know it if you saw me drawing above. So, my favourite place in this 3rd ‘Who’ would of course be my darkroom. My favourite object, my Olympus film camera, and my self portrait, perhaps me, being that only camera. I have also considered a self portrait of myself laying in my ‘rinsing tray’.
Below are my initial contact sheets
I took way more images than I am showing here. Some would call me an over-achiever. I call myself thorough; I leave nothing to chance. I would rather have more images than I need, than not enough. NOT ENOUGH=DO IT AGAIN. While I don’t mind, once the briefs begin shooting at us in rapid fire succession, “do it again” is time I might not have. My black and white film professor in America told me that it takes a 100+ photos (this was with actual film!) to get 1 good image. I live by that! The images below were taken 1st September at 8pm-ish.
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In the image below, I only have a few items in Actual focus. My thought process is this - that in our lives, there are really important things, primary things, and then there are things of secondary importance, and further still, a tertiary importance. This image says loads about me. First, it is in my private place. No one but me enters here. on the back wall, there is an old calendar of Johnny Depp images, that is because I love Johnny Depp movies. He is of tertiary meaning in my life, so, he is only half there, and in the blurred portion of the image. So, if you put a level of importance on the varying degrees of focus, you, as the viewer begin to realise what is truly important to me on a creative level. I am a lover of high contrast and gloom, even in my images. Thus one would say this image is underexposed. I like extreme contrast in an image. The blacker the better. I would say I don’t know why, but I actually do. I’m just wired that way, and I take after my father. My mother is ‘of the light’, and he is ‘of the dark’. 
The image of my two very good friends in the camera frame sitting behind my rinsing tray is actually of more importance than I have portrayed it. When I retake the image, I will move it possibly onto the platform of the enlarger. The troll dolls also. They are of importance to me because of my mom. So they too need to be a bit more forward. 
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I have many objects in my life that are important to me. I cling to the inanimate. I don’t know why. There is cold comfort perhaps. They never let me down.
There is 4th “Who” that I am. In America, when I was very dark in my thoughts, I would take my camera to a special place that was behind another of my favourite places. The Urbana cemetery. It was a beautiful cemetery with mature trees and ancient stones. I loved walking through an reading names and it gave me a boost because those people’s journeys were over, but mine was still ongoing. I used to say to myself, this too shall pass. Then I would go into the woods and take images of my tree friends. During an art exhibition, I won best of show and at a personal show, a Professor of the University of Illinois purchased my fav image from that time. My show was called, “The Coincidence of Light and Design”. 
Below are only some of the images from my personal show. 
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Below is the image purchased by the University professor. I had printed it on rag paper large banners size. The frame was raw wood in keeping with the theme.
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So, in line with these images, I went to the cemetery in Port Glasgow high up on a hill, close to wear my mother-in-law resides, and I took images there. Here are the contact sheets. 
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For my Who triptych, I’ve decided on a portrait format. It seems somehow right to have them side by side. I’ve never really enjoyed the horizontal/landscape. Even in my pen and ink drawings, the paper is always in portrait.
Below are the images I am thinking, out of all the hundreds I took, that I think would work best.
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Now I only need to decide, and put together my triptych. Below I am showing showing my process of choosing images. I open photoshop, create a storyboard of sorts and then start inserting images I am choosing from.
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After careful consideration, and after choosing images based on how they flow together, and what each image means to me, I have chosen the 3 below to be in my triptych. I wanted them to have a dreaminess about them, because when I am where I need to be to heal, it indeed feels like a dream.
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Lori McNee & Fine Art Tips. (2019). 3 Reasons Why Triptych Art Is Successful. [online] Available at: https://www.finearttips.com/2014/01/3-reasons-why-triptych-art-is-successful/ [Accessed 11 Sep. 2019].
Frank, N., Frank, N. and Nicholas, M. (2019). Photographer Annie Leibovitz: Capturing Both Family and the Famous. [online] Rivard Report. Available at: https://therivardreport.com/photographer-annie-leibovitz-capturing-both-family-and-the-famous/ [Accessed 8 Sep. 2019].
Dazed. (2019). David Bailey on how the internet made everything mediocre. [online] Available at: https://www.dazeddigital.com/photography/article/34108/1/catching-up-with-the-ultimate-enfant-terrible-david-bailey [Accessed 20 Sep. 2019].
Phaidon. (2019). Annie Leibovitz on Hockney, Lennon and Instagram  | Photography | Agenda | Phaidon. [online] Available at: https://uk.phaidon.com/agenda/photography/articles/2018/december/13/annie-leibovitz-on-hockney-lennon-and-instagram/ [Accessed 8 Sep. 2019].
Maddocks, F. (2019). David Bailey: Reg Kray said: ‘Ere, Da’. I wish I could have done it legit like you’. [online] the Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/jul/05/david-bailey-stardust-exhibition-edinburgh-photographer-interview [Accessed 8 Sep. 2019].
FANTASTIC MAN. (2019). Men: David Bailey. [online] Available at: https://www.fantasticman.com/men/david-bailey [Accessed 8 Sep. 2019].
WOLFGANG WEBSTER GALLERY. (2019). David Bailey 365 — WOLFGANG WEBSTER GALLERY. [online] Available at: https://www.wolfgangwebstergallery.com/david-bailey-365/ [Accessed 8 Sep. 2019].
Joeinct.tumblr.com. (2019). Tumblr. [online] Available at: https://joeinct.tumblr.com/post/179417865777/richard-avedon-in-the-studio-new-york-photo-by [Accessed 9 Sep. 2019].
billdobbins, V. (2019). RICHARD AVEDON: Picturing Models In Motion. [online] Bill Dobbins On Photography. Available at: https://onphotography.me/2017/02/01/samys-camera-looks-at-richard-avedon/ [Accessed 9 Sep. 2019].
Flickr. (2019). Avedon, Richard - self portrait. [online] Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/32357038@N08/3206593346 [Accessed 9 Sep. 2019].
Artnet.com. (2019). Self-portrait by AnnieLeibovitz. [online] Available at: http://www.artnet.com/artists/annie-leibovitz/self-portrait-KUndaue0FLDJgWIWr-r1Hw2 [Accessed 9 Sep. 2019].
Artsy.net. (2019). Punti di Vista - Monica Biancardi | Shazar Gallery | Artsy. [online] Available at: https://www.artsy.net/show/shazar-gallery-punti-di-vista-monica-biancardi [Accessed 11 Sep. 2019].
0 notes