#i love you for asking about bitw
secret-third-thing · 10 months
💋where do u draw ur fic Inspo from?
are u still going to update bitw?
Love this question!
I mostly get inspiration from other media. I find aspects I love and try to find ways to weave them into my writing. It could be theme, tone, language, etc.
Here are my Recent Sources of Inspiration
Books/Novellas/Short Stories:
The Cruel Prince - Holly Black
Bunny - Mona Awad (one of my top reads for this year!)
Going Postal - Terry Pratchett
The Empress of Salt and Fortune by  Nghi Vo (one of my fav reads of all time)
The Cask of Amontillado by Poe
Blood in the Wine by Aurora 😉 
The entire Dance Fever album by Florence and the Machine
Chronologic (Album) by Caravan Palace
Other Media:
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 (Musical)
The tale of the Erlkonig / Erlkonig's Daughter (Folk Tale)
The stories of the Catholic Saints...yes I know this is strange
Also I collect and make perfume so sometimes certain scent combinations evoke feelings/scenes that I want in my writing!!
Will I Update BITW??? YESS gosh thank you for asking about it. <3 I know the fandom has a preference for canon characters so I feel kinda insane for having that fic exist. I'm glad someone cares <3<3<3
Unfortunately, I am a perfectionist who realizes that I need to chill out, so it's been slow going. You're going to get 2-3 chapters in the next month. At least one before @erisweek2023 and another 1-2 ft Eris for Eris week.
After that's done, I'm 100% focusing on writing as much of Blood in the Wine as I can before 2024. This is partially because I want to hit the 50% mark before the third Crescent City books comes out and lives in my head rent-free.
You rock!!! Thank you for asking!!!!
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alienssstufff · 1 year
I can't help but ask what you were thinking when jrwi asked for you to draw the Galloway map! Were you interested in jrwi at some point :0
[this is gonna be really freaking long and emotional i am so sorry] Dude I was scared shitless.
Tumblr media
like back in august when Charlie (and JRWI by proxy) were looking for artists for the BITW coc campaign, I replied under his tweet with my stuff Mainly for funzies (was egged on by moots) thinking he'd never actually pick me (there were SO so many good artists under that post ain't no way...)
.... and then he DID
like I wish I could fully emphasize how much that gig means to me imagine: one of my favourite CCs ever, from one of my favourite podcasts EVER, liked MY art and talked to ME to essentially be an environmental concept artist (which is like.. my dream job btw) for HIS campaign??
my monday afternoon that day exploded
and I felt so bad for him too ttwtt - ok - to Charlie our interactions were probably just like any other time commissioning an artist but for me I was mentally in the TRENCHES (in both a good and terrifying way). For someone with really, really, really horrible social anxiety I'm eternally grateful for his patience putting up with my awkwardness - he is seriously one of the most kindest people in the world ;_;
It was so nice hearing Charlie's ideas for the campaign and letting me build on top of it - it rly shows how important that campaign in particular and dnd as a whole is to him and the rest of the council and I feel so blessed to have been a part of that process >w<
I still have small notes lyin around, I can share small behind the scenes snippets if yall want :>
ngl I was about to apply as the map artist again for the main Riptide campaign but was too busy at the time O(-(
I didn't get to talk to the rest of the boys before, if in the chance we were to cross paths again in the future ever I'd love to work for them again (if I am ever that good to) (if they'd have me)!
As for that second half of your ask anon - wwhwhw yes I am interested in JRWI. Already have been in on Riptide and did some fanart at least but I'm a few episodes behind ahfvlsdkfhvb (somewhere in the 90s also without spoiling someone PLEASE tell me if or if not the mf 7hour long ep 100 is the finale im getting scared). I've been wanting to listen to the other patreon campaigns *Im scratching clawing at the walls on PD let me INNN* real bad but idk if my neurodivergent ass could keep focus on maintaining a subscription and catch up in time,, know that i want to tho!
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solipseismic · 5 months
1 and 18 for the new year asks??
hello and thank u for the asks!!
end year asks (send me some)
Song of the year?
ooo one thing everyone should know about me is that i listen to music all the time (would be 24/7 but for like, occasional work constraints, concerts, and sleep timers lol) so i shan't pick just one. according to spotify my top song this year was intro (the xx) but that seems false (seriously? seriously???) and tho i love it i don't have THAT much attachment to it (there's no way) so it gets honorable mention. otherwise, in order (ish)*:
noise pollution (portugal. the man; mary elizabeth winstead; zoe manville)
shot in the back of the head (moby)
문득 친구에게 (윤상) (english translation: suddenly, to my friend)
heartbreaker, band version (autoheart) + i killed love (autoheart) (ALSO, NEW AUTOHEART EP + PUNCH RE-RELEASE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) (if they had dropped it like a month earlier i would have done IRREPARABLE and UNSPEAKABLE things to my wrapped)
boy of the yearniverse (medusa) + feel good music (medusa)
vacant lot (the growlers)
vampire money (my chemical romance)
siom (bitw)
rebirth of slick (digable planets)
this too shall pass (ok go)
*if you can believe it i really tried to restrict myself to five and then i got a little carried away
18. A memorable meal this year?
went to an all u can eat hot pot/sushi place w my family for the winter break + to celebrate seeing my older sister for the first time in a loooong while + a very early birthday celebration for me. we r all avid hot pot fiends (this one was nabe style which was fucking fantastic) and i'm still thinking abt it
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blnk338 · 1 year
Hey blnk!
I just wanted to ask how we're looking regarding the BITW chapter. Just because it's been like three weeks and I haven't seen you talking about it recently. I completely understand that it takes time for you to write up a new chapter. Please don't let yourself get stressed by me asking tho! Take your time and take care of yourself. <3
im kinda swamped with school work and also i just moved-- but BITW has about 3k words!! still working on the start of the Miguel fic and then i plan on getting back into BITW and then RWYS! i haven't lost interest!! just don't have a ton a time :)
ty for all the love <:) <33 hope everyone's having a great week :D <3
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sparatus · 2 years
4, 16, and 20 for the deep fic writer asks!
thx bb kissu
Deep Fic Writer Asks
4. what fic of your own do you read for comfort?
i mean i absolutely keep rereading the last couple arcs + conclusion of broken mirror and the post-script of bitw, honestly, they're really good and i'm proud of myself for them so it's reassuring that i CAN write real good sometimes
but otherwise!! i'm really fond of these ones:
the driver (OC-centric, Cnclr. Sparatus's driver has a bad first day)
annual tribute (Canon/OC, holiday fic, Cnclr. Sparatus and his wife go through the year's Solstice gifts from political allies and suck-ups)
three kids and a reaper war (Jai Shepard and OCs, Shepard finds 3 turian refugees and helps reunite them with their family)
the start of something new (Canon/OC, Cnclr. Sparatus anxiously awaits the birth of his first child)
especially the driver and something new tbh, man sometimes i make myself emotional over sparky bonding with his newborn son, and i really love aurigas a lot for a character who was meant to just be a one-off joke inspired by a shitty earthquake movie, i want to revisit him and the rest of the security detail sooner or later
16. Do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won’t go back to?
occasionally! as stated above lol, but past about uhhhh 2017 or so i tend to not reread much, it just hits a point where i see more flaws (and, in some cases, influences from people i no longer tolerate) than i can really ignore to just enjoy it. i've improved a lot as a writer and past 2017 i kinda just. mmmmm no i'm better than this don't look at it
20. What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
a creative outlet and a way to explore aspects of myself i otherwise never would have gotten a chance to, and more recently a way to lay out what i'm thinking and feeling and start to heal. even beyond the fanfics posted on my ao3, a lot of my original work that i started working on in high school and early college were hugely influential in helping me work out traumas and feelings i wasn't aware i had until i sat down and realized the trends in my work - especially sympathy for the devil and "maybe god wasn't so great to begin with, did you ever think of that?" while i (raised catholic) was having a major crisis of faith and grappling with what i'd been raised to believe vs my actual experiences in the church. instructions unclear, projected onto literal lucifer.
if you look carefully, and are at least a level 7 friend who has unlocked the fucked-up backstory lore, you can see where the themes and recurring character arcs in exdiff mirror some musing i've done on somebody i've cut out of my life. lol
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nineliars · 2 years
Can you refresh my memory on what happened at the end of the last book? I haven’t read it in so long.
Spoilers under the cut!
I'm not sure if this ask is referring to BitW or Hand on the Wall, but I'll briefly summarize both!
Hand on the Wall: The school closes after Ellie's death, but David convinces team Minerva to stay behind and work on a project to take down his shitty father. He doesn't let Stevie partake because sometimes, he has worms in his brain because angst. Stevie and Janelle find a secret, decades-old journal in Stevie's wall and Stevie uses it to uncover information about Francis and Edward, the kids that wrote the original Truly Devious letter.
Later, Stevie and David reconcile and learn that a codicil is included in Albert Ellingham's will, stating that anyone who discovers Alice Ellingham's location or earthly remains before her ninetieth birthday in 2026 will receive the entirety of her fortune. If no information is verified, the money will be returned to the school. Stevie uses this information to connect Charles Scott, the head of the school, to the deaths of Hayes, Ellie, and Dr. Irene Fenton. She also reveals that Charles has had Alice's remains in his office for the entire school year. However, because Alice Ellingham is not biologically related to either Iris or Albert Ellingham, the case officially remains unsolved, although Stevie shares the truth with her friends: Alice was Flora Robinson's daughter, adopted by the Ellingham's shortly after her birth.
In Box In The Woods, Stevie finds the diary of Sabrina Abbot, one of the murder victims. The diary reveals that Sabrina had discovered that Patty Horne's father was a member of the Nazi party who'd assumed the identity of an American war hero and returned to America to live a quiet life. Patty and her father orchestrate the murders of Sabrina, Todd, Diane, Eric, and Patty's douchey boyfriend whose name I cannot remember. John or something. Anyway, I guess Patty goes to jail. Nate makes genuine progress on his book, David tells Stevie he loves her and then he goes to England to become Edward Snowden
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There are *so many* scenes that jump into my head and clamour for attention whenever I think about your writing!
The beginning of both HoT and BitW are up there - I love the weird sense of hilarity and shock in HoT, the creeping sense of 'Oh no, Cor misstepped somehow, but how?!' coupled with the sense you get from Nyx and the crowd that if this wasn't happening right now in front of them it'd be so damn funny!
And "Something wasn't right." as an opening sentence?! Dang, I don't think I've ever been pulled into a piece of fiction faster! Nor have I found or written anything (and I'm not just talking about fanfic here) that even seems to be on par with the "grippingness" of those three words.
I don't know if they're intentional style choices you make as you write or if they just happen, but it really is fantastic.
Another thing that pops up - the flash of *something* that Cor sees/feels in the ocean as he is trying to save Noctis in Where the Sea Kisses the Earth.
The scene with The Ulric amd Adrastea in Salt Line still gets me like 💔💔💔 every time I read it.
But so far, for me, nothing has surpassed the moment that the Lady appears in Little Galahd. That moment, both in the end of ch. 19 and the beginning of ch. 20, just felt so powerful. I was awed, I was swept along with the crowd, staring at my phone screen as if it had just conjured a coeurl in real life!
I can't even explain what it is, specifically, about your writing, but it just grabs me like nothing else and it all lives in my head rent-free.
Even to the extent that I keep accidentally going to use your lore the same way I use canon information in my own writing
Thank you ever so much for everything you write and share with us all. We are blessed to have you in this fandom.
You just made me sound like a squeeky toy. I'm red, blushing seoidfhosajc
Okay, but still. Wow. For some reason I always underestimate how much people actually like the stuff I write. Like, go low self-esteem, go!
Writing the appearance of the Lady kinda came out of left field as I was writing the chapters in question (she really wanted to make an appearance), but it was amazing to write. Even though I was kinda feeling around in the dark with that one. But what's writing without a bit of adventure and daring, right? I'm so glad it paid off.
That "Something wasn't right." sentence was very much a stylistic choice. One of the few conscious ones I made in the process of writing fic. Words just arrange themselves sometimes?
(That sounds weird and decidedly unhelpful, I know, but I have no clue how else to explain it.)
But I love to imply that what the POV character is experiencing is not all that is going on. That there are other people with other motivations and sometimes the POV character just sees a small sliver of the whole picture. Playing with perspectives and interpretations like that is great fun. :D
Also, just saying: People can use my worldbuilding, I have no problem with that. The only thing I ask is that they tell people where they got it from. (And maybe send me a link or something so that I can read it.)
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cryptozoologymp3 · 5 years
hey it’s fuck anon, tell me 10 things you like about Kyle
ooooooookay i got maybe a bit out of hand here but in my defense its 430am and im Soft and Gay!!
1. the way his Intentionally Obnoxious laugh gets a little "Nyeh Heh Heh" at the end, but his Genuine laugh goes a bit wheezy
2. Loves His Friends, Says It Out Loud And Through Tactile Behavior
3. ive been talking to beau a lot abt it recently bc im watching some pre redragon roh eps but,,,,,, hes Deceptively smart. he has davey wrapped around his fckn finger for the better part of a year, seamlessly maintaining the rift between the wolves that he himself was the root cause of AND the facade of loyalty to davey. hes a Master manipulator, manages to convince anyone he wants of Whatever he wants (hes So Blatantly heelish thru the team ambition arc, but it takes the COMBINATION of his bitw match w adam, destroying his face and slapping him afterwards AND his "i didnt come out here to stab you in the back, i came out here to stab you in the fucking eye" speech before daveys title match against steen later that night for the audience to really Catch On fully)
4. his selling. Incredible. superb balance between cartoonish exaggeration & Serious Emotional And Physical Display Designed To Get Your Heart Leaping In Your Chest
5. natural comedy!!!!! "crackin walnuts left and right between my thighs" "ive been kicking oak trees with my shins since i was three years old, got no nerve endings left" i LOVE you
6. the little. Lilt i guess is the only word i can think of rn. in his voice when hes Mocking. especially in combination with the facial expressions and posture that goes with it. even in still photos, if hes got That Look on his face and has shoulders slumped sideways and slouched forward a bit. you can just Hear the mocking tone
7. his whole moveset is so fckn Solid and Good but jesus his GUILLOTINE gets my Heart Eyes goin every single time
8. this is already kinda rambly so im gonna try to Not repeat my answer to that one ask from a while ago abt my favourite feature of his face but like. his eyes r beautiful. his whole face is legitimately the perfect shape to be held. worlds cutest smirk/smile/grin. the Pure and Genuine emotion in every expression!
9. the way he physically Slouches and makes himself smaller to give & receive affection. like hes going to Die if he cant rest his forehead in the crook of someones neck or on their shoulder when hugging.
10. this is like. a Common Thread in a lot of my faves i guess but. the Restless energy. he Rarely stands still, has to bounce and wiggle. the ONLY times i can think of offhand rn where he Does stand totally still are like. Kill Mode or when something is Wrong and he cant do anything to stop or fix it
11. bonus bc idk if this really,,,,,, Counts (bc its a Reaction not a Thing About Him)?? or how to phrase it without just being. soft gay mess on main. but. every time i see him i can Feel my entire face soften & reflexively go to smiling regardless of how the rest of the day has been or if theres anything Coming Up that ive been worrying about. i just see him and i Have To 🥰🥰
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mitchsmarners · 6 years
This is probably annoying but can you ad dme to blood in th water tag list? I love it so much!
I can totally add you! It’s not annoying at all, I live for getting asks about BitW
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madridses · 7 years
Rule: Tag 9 followers that you’d like to know better.
I was tagged by @lunaticrollins! Thanks again, xo!
Name: For my virtual friends is just Mar (it’s my nickname), ‘cause no one calls me that irl, so it’s kinda special, at least for me, because I can be who I want here with you guys
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Average hours of sleep: 6-10, but like, it depends a lot on the day
Lucky Number: 7, I think...
Last Thing I googled For real, I can’t remember... BUT I just searched on youtube “WWE”, so I can watch what I’ve missed while at class
Favorite fictional character: I can’t decide, I realy tried to, but I can’t... so basically, my faves are Batman (because YES), sirius black from hp, and wolfgang/nomi/sun from sense8 (cause I can relate A LOT with those 3, and sense8 kinda have a big impact on myself)... I’M SORRY, I KNOW THAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ONE
What are you wearing right now?: PAJAMAS!! .
When did you start this blog?: Man, I think that about 3 years...? But it wasn’t about wwe first
Do I run any more blogs?: nope
Do I get a lot of asks: nope, but I’d like to
Why did I choose this url: Because I love Dean Ambrose, but I love even more Jon Moxley, he was more hardcore. And the KO, well, kevin owens, kenny omega, kazuchika okada...
I tag these 9 gorgeous mutuals:
@foot-chan @the-geekgoddes @mimikyuutie-bitw @shieldlovereve @geek-fangirl @hardcorewwetrash @lclb13 @womderland-fandom @wrestlingenthusiast
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secret-third-thing · 9 months
14 & 16 for the ask thingy?☺️
Hello! <3 Thank you for asking!!!!
I wrote you an essay!!!
For those following along or want to reblog/play here's the ask game.
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
Emotional scenes can be very hard for me. I am a deeply emotional person, but I've spent a lot of time and personal growth in tempering the intensity. I have to spend some time pulling from that well to get myself feeling what the character feels. Sometimes I'll journal or listen to music. Or if I'm lucky I can track down entries in previous diaries (I've kept them for many many years) to see how I was feeling at the moment. But when I feel what I'm trying to feel, I think? it translates very well, especially in angsty romance scenes.
If you ever see me write any unrequited or complicated/missed opportunity romance, you can 100% bet I am drawing from personal experience.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Too many, and several of them are very niche! Oops! By niche, I mean 90% of what I want to write is very self-indulgent and generally not popular with the fandom (that I see). I could be wrong. Only time will tell! <3
A couple of ideas that I have in my head:
A direct sequel to a story I'm already writing (BITW). It's a spinoff about some of the side characters we have yet to meet. More importantly, it is a commentary on the aftermath of war from the perspectives of the characters adjacent to, but not friends with, the MCs of Acotar. This is very Terry Pratchett in tone, and I'm worried I don't have the skills to pull this off. (I've already written three chapters though, haha.)
A spooky Elucien story for Lucien Week. I'm going to keep this one a surprise though, since we're getting closer to the event.
Time travel. Body Swap. Magical Mystery stuff. This is one that I think will absolutely not be popular, but the 5 people who read it are going to LOVE IT. It's going to be goofy and lighthearted compared to everything else on this list.
Extended Vanserra family causing problems for other courts. Unfortunately, another OC story lol
Clare Beddor's Story and short pieces about other side characters that get very little love in this fandom or from Maas herself.
AND THEN ONE DAY I WILL TRY CHARACTER X READER. For some reason, these scare me and I admire everyone who pulls them off.
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mhalachai · 7 years
Just read shysweetthing's amazing financial savvy victor post and immediately thought of blood in water victor with that savviness....
ooh i had to go look that up and I love it. YOI fandom, go check it out if you haven’t already at @shysweetthing‘s blog here.
some of the things* that I think work with this meta and Viktor in the Blood in the Water stories is that detachment from any support system besides Yakov, and even that is a quasi client-coach relationship. It’s starkly noticeable compared against every other main skater in the show - where we see/hear about (if even only in passing) their family/loved ones - Phichit mentions his mother, Yuri has  his grandfather, Otabek his sister(s?), and then there’s JJ’s parents/coaches and fiancée being at his side at the GPF.  Even Chris’s mystery dude, who may be lover or friend... but he’s that connection.
And Viktor has no one.
(And I should clarify the rest of this is specifically related to Blood in the Water) 
Without that support, the only thing he’d ever been able to count on, was himself and what he can do with skating - his father left him as a child, his grandmother tried very hard to murder him, his mother is completely unavailable to him in any useful way... so Viktor has to make his own way, from the ground up. At 12, all he had was skating, so he worked really hard to make skating his thing. I think for a person like Viktor in BitW, who spent his childhood living in pretty poor circumstances, there would be that desire to never be dependant on anyone else for anything.
The problem with that, when you’re trying to protect yourself from emotional hurt by building financial security, is that it’s really lonely, and it can be very hard to pull yourself out of that pattern.
One of the nice things about the financial meta (going back to your ask, anon) is that it highlights Viktor’s practicality and also his humanity and his true interest in people, and in the art and sport of skating. He’s able to do what he loves**, what he is good at, and to help others with what he does, and I think that’s the best thing for him.
And even if he’s been alone for a long time, now he has Yuuri and all those new connections... but he’s still Viktor.
(* sorry this whole thing got away from me and makes little sense, but here you go)
(** yes I know, the disconnectedness he had in the beginning of the series has been viewed as depression or burn out and I agree with that interpretation, but he wet back to skating when he found a new approach, that of coaching, which let him experience this thing that he loved, in a new way)
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geniuslab · 7 years
confess something to me on anon/ask me for advice: I sometimes feel shamed to bias someone from maknae line. I do love every member wholeheartedly but sometimes I just got a equivalent of a sidelook when I tell my bias. how should I react or feel about that?
nknfkfdhd im really sorrymy respondse wont be that great i am so fucked righ ton now
ok but like as a hyung line stan im. listen i dthink it’s FINE. tyour’e allowed to love who you love. i also bias jimin ut i dont’ mention it nmuch ebecause i feel like people will judhe me
tbh as long as you stan and sipport aLL of them then your bias shouldn’t matter!!!!! htje only time it’s an issue is when maknae line stans act liek hyung line doesn’t exist....like ok you ove guk but like....lets talk about how jin gets fucked with line distrubtion?? you kniw??
so as long as you’re aware of how often hyung line gets fucekd *ESECPIALLY JIN ANF HOBI AND NAMOJONN then you’re a good fan!!! and you sai you love them all so :) 
if anyone sideeyes you for biasing someone from maknae line (Who?? bitw i’m nost lmao) even when you love and support all of them then forget them lmao idk why people get so fucking touchy like bias whoever the fuck you want omg
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blnk338 · 1 year
wait okay i thought i was being kinda annoying theorizing about the lore 💔💔😔 i’m okay !!! just been soups busy with work :)
okay in ch 1 when laswell said, “If I did, I think they’d take me with you.” I THOUGHT it was because she’d be harboring the mermaids and then reaper on top of that but IS SHE A SHIFTER TOOOOO ?
do all the mermaids have a human form and if they do, does reaper ??? i mean she didn’t recognize bbygirl simon so 🤨 if she doesn’t but is SUPPOSED TO does it relate back to shepard in anyway 🤨🤨
does this make any sense or am i literally just saying words, idk bro i closed last night and opened this morning so i am ready to slumber
blnk i would kiss ur brain if i could for giving us such excellent works of art
im not gonna say nothing!!!!!!!! but i want you to know that i fucking adore these kinds of asks-- i love love love it when u guys share theories and headcanons and stuff its so sweet
and i will go into anatomy and transformation and stuff in BITW!! i really really love getting technical with fantasy stuff (which pays off immensely because I'm a dm, though it also could be the Matthew mercer effect, but who knows)!!
it makes total sense dw!!
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sparatus · 2 years
Fanfic asks: 1 because you want it so bad, 5 & 19 cuz you’re right these are really good lmao
yaaaaay :blushy:
Fanfic Asks
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
ahahahaha so there's uh
In the Land of Giants (Exponential Differentiation or ExDiff, major arc 2, massive no-Reapers AU, currently writing)
Cry Havoc (batarian resistance founding/intro fic, currently writing)
The Winter of Our Discontent (early years Sparatus/OC fic, currently planning)
as-yet unnamed Rise & Reign rewrite with @lightspeedpowerpunk (yes we're going to give the fics different names, we want to leave the originals up for posterity and all that) (OC-centric fic series, currently planning)
The Fear That Burdens You (post-BitW one-shot, Tarvok returns to Omega and Morvarn comforts him while ruminating on their relationship, currently writing)
unnamed Sparatus family one-shot feat. going to visit the eldest son and help him and his wife after the birth of their second child
unnamed one-shot about Areus Sparatus after his father is named the new councilor
unnamed Desabrudas one-shot regarding trauma nightmares and hurt/comfort
Hounds Bay (original work, urban fantasy with other fantasy elements because i wanted some fucking dragons in there, necromancer is accused of necromancy he actually didn't do and has to find the real culprit, currently outlining)
as-yet unnamed LATIverse (original universe) x Supernatural crossover don't look at me
plus other stuff i'm probably forgetting those are just the ones i'm definitely working on
5. What’s a crackship you love?
kolyat/oriana is still considered a crackship isn't it. ngl i originally ranged from meh to "why" about it but autodisco's love and passion for the ship won me over i love these two dorks
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
i've had a lot of them that i've put in fics and then gone "can't believe nobody commented on this one smh" but i can't remember most of them. definitely one of them is sparky listening to heavy metal tho. apparently sharks enjoy heavy metal cause it reminds them of their prey thrashing around in the water so heavy metal would be popular among turians i think
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kagapop · 7 years
1, 5, and 11 for the bitw for the fic writer asks!
Blood in the Water
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
listen. my friend. i honestly have no clue. there was like 0 planning on the actual delivery of this story. if there was, maybe i wouldn’t cringe as much when i look back on the first chapter. i knew kenma was gonna be in a barrel. i knew who was on the corvus and that akaashi would be a merman and somehow involved. that was it. i don’t even know what inspired THOSE ideas. other than that i just opened a doc and said “fuck it” and things just happened.
5: What part was hardest to write?
Either the Calamity + serpent scene, or the recent Black Swan fights. Most fight scenes in general are a pain to write, but they’re like… 10x harder when the fight is happening across 2 big ol’ boats. And, yet, I continue to make people fight across big ol’ boats.
Also most scenes from Akaashi’s perspective, which is a problem very specific to this fic for me.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
As far as the fic itself? I like………. that siren Oikawa is a thing i did. I like this thing. I like writing and drawing this thing very much.
As far as results of the fic? The fact that people keep tagging me in and messaging me with ocean fantasy-related things because it makes them think of me now. Pls don’t stop doing this. I love it.
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