#i love you bloodborne 2015
Okay I'm sick can't draw it but I am gonna stream of conciousness post about FNaF Bloodborne AU (by character) GO!!!
Mikey: The whole being a zombie thing makes sense with the Hunter's Dream or whatever so I can see him being connected to that. Beast's embrace people are immaciated and stuff maybe the zombification is beasthood even. I can see him being a friendly NPC or like the guy you play as (IDRK what I want this to be yet). Quality build baaaybeee. Tonitrus cus of the shocking thing maybe he gets the Beast Claws if I go with the werewolf angle.
Charlie: I can see her being the level up lady but she's still the freaky unsettling puppet- maybe in like one of those ornate victorian doll dresses. Maybe she has a Lady Maria thing going where you fight her ghost in the nightmare relm or whataver and the puppet is just a hollow representation and nothing like how she was. Ghost boss Charlie had to be freaky too- big tentacled kin monster like Nightmarrion.
Henry: Gehrman kinda. He's your mentor. He seems pretty alright. You slowly discover that he's actually not that great and you have to kill him now but it's still sad cus that's you're dad. Flamesprayer n Boomhammer cus BURRRNNN!! BUUUURRRNN!!! He totally built the uncanny Charlie doll too kinda like he does in the books. If I had to pick a faction to put him with prrobabbly the Powder Kegs.
Bill: I'm torn between him being part of the Choir (cloying facade, religious imagery) or part of Mensis (balls to the wall, no eyebrows) but they both have child death and horrid science experiments going on and they ARE in a conflict so maybe he's just two-sidesing that lmao. He pretends to be an arcane build (casts tiny tonitrus every so often) but he tends to just beat you to death with the Amygdalan Arm (baby limb ((he kills babies)). I think he gets Henry to mechanise beasthood for him and he yells about the glory of the machine till he kills you. I always forget real actual ghosts are canon to Bloodborne too maybe I could do something with that IDK.
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bornetoblood · 1 year
Oh i forgot to send you an ask I think! So what about 13 and 14 ?
ask sheet link
13. A cut content you would have wanted in the game?
If I say "Laurence and Gehrman's cut conversation" is that too predictable?
Nah but for real I would've loved the Atsral Hunter badge and more Cainhurst.
14. The most annoying enemy for you? 💀
The WORMS that come out of the Silver Beasts and are in that one bit of Cainhurst. IDK what they put in those guys that they're that hard to hit and do that much damage but I don't like it. They have funny designs tho I can't fault them there
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rainbowgaez · 2 days
what are some contenders for best video of all time in your opinion
Asking me to choose nominees for the best ever is really hard, so have a list of some of my all time favorites:
They Found Out Ed Edd n Eddy stopped playin' on the TV
BYron. Come here to memy son.
103 Fever
SJW gets fucking owned
Top 100 Bloodborne Bosses
Here Comes the Sun
Leon mentions Undertale in Resident Evil 4.
Ey. I'm the bona guy, and I love to have a boner.
Dr. Pepper... the famous 23 flavor soda... has lots of spinoff products...
D̵̻͑Ḭ̴̍D̵̘̄ ̵̠͐Y̴͙̎O̴̲͂U̵͇̅ ̸͉͌D̶̲́Ó̷̻ ̶̨͠Ṫ̷̲H̶͎̒I̵͈̚S̴͈̿
Whole time rock n roll lyrics
Adult Baby Diaper Boy Explosion And House Fire September 28 2015
what i tell u bout that campbells chunky
Larry the cable guy kills himself
Yo Mama Jokes But The Punchline is Always Xbox Live Vocoded to Sirens
check your iphone at the door
GTA Guitar Bro
My Movie
Augh... why did he eat the bee?
My Bear Video
Prove Yourself in the Big Leagues
Just to name a few.
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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i made seb and clora in dragons dogma 2 and i need to show everyone how cute they are...seb is in his ultimate guard dog form here, i love how protective and bitchy he looks LMAOO. and when you jump off a high enough cliff your party members will catch you, so you best believe i did that just for the photo op🤪seb is cursed to constantly bridal carry clora in EVERY universe 🥰BAHAHA also speaking of making clora in video games, I FOUND MY FIRST RENDITION OF HER BACK IN 2015
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LIKE DAMN i been makin this bitch for 9 years....those bloodborne graphics were crusty af tho im sorry clora LMFAO at least you got the glowup you deserve my queen👑👑
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piisamisiiliart · 3 months
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What to say other than I was both a little terrified and excited to make this attempt at drawing Mergo's Wet Nurse from Bloodborne. Ever since I saw this boss back in 2015 (I think?) for the first time I fell in love with the design, and it's still my favourite character design to this day. Not ashamed to say I'm happy with the end result.
Progress pictures under cut.
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This is what I started out with and when I made the decision to first make it in grayscale. This part is all in one layer.
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I think you can see the parts I started defining more here.
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A little silly looking but I wanted to visualize where all the lower arm pairs were.
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A closeup of when I was done drawing the design for the blades. As you can maybe see, I did try to draw inspiration from what little I could see from concept art.
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Not really part of the process, but I did a quick drawing to demonstrate to a friend how one pair of her arms go.
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thesmumbo · 1 year
Smumbo's top 10 games he happened to play in 2022
Not necessarily games that were released in 2022, just my favorites that I played for the first time last year.
10: Night in the Woods (2017)
by Alec Holowka, Scott Benson, and Bethany Hockenberry
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Peak fall vibes game. Night in the Woods features a compelling mystery and some great spooky moments. The setting and characters really resonated with me, so I got a lot out of it.
9: The Pedestrian (2020)
by @skookumarts
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Pleasant puzzle game inspired by the signage that surrounds us in our day-to-day lives. Some of the puzzles were quite difficult, and I kind of dislike the direction the game took in its last act, but it was still a very fun and unique experience.
8: South of South Mountain (2022)
by @colorbomb
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Cute & hilarious visual novel with a fantastic art style. I could not stop laughing throughout the whole experience.
7: Portal Reloaded (2021)
From a pure gameplay standpoint, this was a very satisfying sequel to Portal 2, and it's possibly the closest we'll ever get to a Portal 3. Portal Reloaded introduces a third portal which allows you to travel to the same place at a different time, so certain things have been moved/removed. It gets really complicated, and I’m amazed this was able to be created as a free standalone mod for Portal 2.
6: Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery (2022)
by Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowker
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Approximately 3-4 hours of pure, unadulterated joy and whimsy. I can’t believe it took me this long to play Frog Detective, but I’m so glad I did. Everything about these games resonated with me strongly.
5: OneShot (2016)
by @girakacheezer, @nightmargin, and Eliza Vasquez
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A transcendent experience. Explores the unique ways in which video games can tell stories, and the nature of free will. Features some interesting meta game mechanics which require you to interact with files outside of the game. The visuals and soundtrack are spot-on as well. Weird how there’s so many great RPG Maker games which work so well in spite of the engine.
4: Scorn (2022)
by Ebb Software
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An incredible audiovisual experience. I liked the gameplay too, even though it seems like a lot of people were disappointed by it. I'm amazed that a game like this even exists. Absolutely oozing with atmosphere and symbolic meaning. The story spoke to me on an incredibly deep level despite lacking words, or even any semblance of humanity.
3: What Remains of Edith Finch (2017)
by Giant Sparrow
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One of the greatest games ever made. All of the vignettes and set-pieces throughout the game are flawlessly paced, with a wide variety of gameplay and visual styles. Packed with detail, made with love, and so emotionally resonant. I loved this game.
2: Bloodborne (2015)
by From Software
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For years, I would try to play Bloodborne whenever I had access to a PlayStation 4, but I wasn’t able to do a full playthrough until 2022. It lived up to the hype. This is my favorite From Software game, and it’s already one of my favorite games of all time. I really hope this gets a remaster/PC port some day. It’s a masterpiece.
1: SIGNALIS (2022)
by @rose-engine
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One of the greatest horror games I’ve ever played. Amazing visuals and atmosphere, fascinating world and lore, and a captivating, mind-blowing cosmic horror sci-fi story. I especially loved the evocative UI designs throughout. Highly recommended if you like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dead Space, PS1 style games in general, or if you have even a passing interest in survival horror. This is my #1 game of 2022.
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bestgameostcrownduel · 5 months
Round 1, Side B: Bloodborne (2015) vs Doom (2016)
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Bloodborne (+) | Doom (+)
Campaigns under the cut!
Campaign for Bloodborne:
OUGH. music you feel in your veins
Campaign for Doom:
i love the aggressive heavy metal of the soundtrack go listen to rip and tear and damnation and bfg division RIGHT NOW
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silly-bean · 3 months
5 songs you're obsessed with...
(Just 5?? How the hell am I just gonna pick 5 😭)
thanks for the tag @withgreatpowercomesmyfuckingdick!
Greatest Show on Earth (Nightwish) - yes it's 21 minutes, yes they keep you engaged the entire time, and i am obsessed w/ every minute. This one is the recording from their Wembley 2015 concert which is my personal favorite version. It covers the history of life on planet earth from the beginning to now in one song and it's fucking amazing so listen to it right fucking now (especially go find the youtube version because then you can watch the band have the time of their lives on stage)
Where Butterflies Never Die (Broken Iris) - psychadelic is how I describe this song but I can't find another word I like better. I discovered this song shortly before I got super into Trigun and holy fucking shit the amount I freaked out when I made the connection about the butterfly shit. Anyways highly recommend
Can You Hear It? (Aviators) - Off the Dreams of the Deep album, it's a fantastic song that digs into that good good eldritch horror stuff similar to the stuff we get in Bloodborne (which, there is at least one bb inspired song on this album so go listen to the entire thing if that sounds cool). Alt-rock with orchestral stuff thrown in I am in love from those first instrumental bars
The Seas (Envoi) - There's something about Envoi's sound and style that is just big nostolgia for me. It's sorta pop punk/rock but not quite and i just love it so much. This one gives me major season 2 opening for an anime vibes i don't know how else to explain it 😅 I recommend all their other stuff too it's great ("Ghost" to this day gives me such Tifa vibes its incredible).
Crash Poet (Cold Kingdom) - for me this is the song for Genesis. Blatant poetry/stage performance analogies?? Begging for the chance to step up and show how much you have to offer to the world? Yeah, it's Genesis alright.
as for tagging, how about @ibyte13, @nexomify, @darktiger57, @raeofgayshine and anyone else who wants to!
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kathanglangit · 1 year
okay here's how you design a fantasy weapon pls like and subscribe follow me for more tips-
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Kidding- but this was sent to me by Dyl just a while ago and I just had to.
I do actually love seeing these wild designs, there's more imagination in them than you can beat out of a roomful of AI "artists".
Art by Peter Andrew Jones if I'm not mistaken.
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I do wish there were more of them around, just over-the-top bullshit that doesn't take itself too seriously.
This one's from The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982). It's a sword with THREE blades. Two of them shoot out of the hilt as projectiles- I love it. I would never use it.
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I set out posting my art online initially to design "practical fantasy weapons", and while I haven't abandoned the "practical" part myself, going nuts on weapon designs is still just really fun to do.
Saradomin Godsword from OldSchool Runescape and the newfangled RS3 version.
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Doesn't have to be "practical". Depending on the context, the looks can be more important than the functionality.
Sanderson depicts shardblades in The Stormlight Archive as being ultralight to justify their size. Fun middleground, but not always necessary.
Art by Alex Allen.
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There are weapons that will forever be iconic BECAUSE they went nuts with 'em.
Of course they also went nuts with the people using them, so there's internal consistency, but the point stands.
Guts' Dragonslayer, Berserk (1989-2021) by Kentaro Miura.
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Cloud Strife's Buster Sword, Final Fantasy 7 (1997) by Square Enix, image from the 2020 Remake
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Moonlight Greatsword, in one of its many iterations, this time as Ludwig's Holy Blade from Bloodborne (2015) in The Old Hunters DLC by From Software
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Kratos' Blades of Chaos, God of War (2005), image from their iteration in God of War (2018) by Sony's Santa Monica Studio.
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Just- don't pretend you could ever use them in the real world, yourself.
Actual martial artists can already hurt themselves using tried-and-tested weapons from history (i.e. there is someone to learn how they use them from), let alone the average untrained gamer with something out of fantasy.
Doesn't stop people from trying. Baltimore Knife and Sword are among the many blacksmiths who routinely produce real world versions of fictional weaponry (look up Man at Arms: Reforged on YouTube) and recently Digitally Twisted Outlaws (also on YouTube) started training with one such giant replica Dragonslayer, and dubbed their weapon-style the "Colossus Sword Form".
Bottom line, just have fun with it. Don't get too bogged down by what's consistent with real world usage, especially when the context is fictional.
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randomwriteronline · 4 months
hey would you like some bionicle aus haha get in
A) g3 concept
this motherfucker. is a Big One. MANY thoughts on it, still trying to iron out some of it. heavily based on g1 but with g2 elements that are nice/interesting to me specifically Such As the mask making via elements deal, ekimu, and the okoto setting. i am Cramming As Much Mostly Relevant G1 Things In This As Possible. includes all main toa teams so mata, metru and inika as well as the chronicler's company, Lhikan lesbian ver, several of the Makuta, the Barraki (who are actual animals and also a polycule because why not) and a MNOG-like Makuta who honestly loves and cares for his brother the Great Spirit and thinks putting him in a coma will help. also pewku and jaller's crab. theres even a voriki implication. i have a big post in the drafts for this and perhaps one day it will appear
2009-10 elements will not manage to be included nor will 2016-17 elements. the former because i cannot fit those lads in here tho perhaps bara magna life & survival will make it through, the latter because i havent seen journey to one and frankly i dont know if theres anything of value to take from it. please do yell at me at length in case you disagree. i am very serious abt that i want to learn more, its just that i cant be arsed to get netflix for anything
B) human g2015 au
classic modern times human au but with 2015 characterization bc i like the web episodes. the thoughts i have about this are nebulous at best but good lord if it aint good fun to think about
THE GOOD NEWS IS that while the main characters will be limited to the toa mata nuva, i can mention as many characters in this as i want. possibly all of them. they are just new zelanders now, they live there. they have jobs and stuff. im going to include the fucking moburzhak. i can even put the g1 mata in there as bizzarely omonimous different characters. i am a god
THE ALSO GOOD NEWS IS i can overthink characterizations you wouldnt even dream of so i can take these cardboard cutouts that are the toa and try to engineer something compelling out of them somehow through the power of incredible neurodivergency and this morbid interest in group dynamics i just found
the bad news is i have little to no plot yet. few story beats that i have are discovery of the powers ala superheroes, lewa getting possessed, pohatu having a panic attack, subsequent slow kohatu development from strangers to friends to lovers because im Fucking Weak For Them, onua leaving lewa underground briefly because hes fucking tired of his attitude, slow lewa/tahu/gali development from clashing to friends to what i can only describe as the human equivalent of a cat colony, stupid winter episode, and undecover mission in drag at a fancy place. most of my fully formed thoughts are for this last one but i still have no idea how this happens or why they have to do it, i just know that the boys make for a bunch of pretty ladies. i am just spitting ideas
also had more specific ideas regarding the main toa such as them being half maori and half another ethnicity (australian aboriginal/hawaiian/jewish/latin american/african just to give a few ideas), onua being aromantic and lewa being goth
C) Foster Parent au
also known as What Watching A Whole Ass Blind-Run Of Bloodborne While Having A Soft Spot For Toa-Turaga Familial Relationships Does To A Motherfucker AU, or also alternatively Superpowers? Divinity? WRONG! COSMIC HORROR AU
only features the Toa Mata, Toa Metru Hordika, Artakha, Karzhani and Velika. the Toa Mata are six parentless siblings separated at birth, bounced around the system until each ended up assigned one of the Toa Metru as their foster parent. weird elemental shit starts happening more prominently now that theyre in a safe and loving environment, and a mysterious man named Artakha who seems to have history with the Metru begins showing up insistently and intimidatingly demanding custody of the kids as their father.
i DO want to talk about it but also i do NOT want to talk about it but also i will never write it so PLEASE ask me about it i am Begging You
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perilegs · 4 months
You strike me as a blogger who was really into micolash host of the nightmare from bloodborne (2015) on the PS4, idk you seem to like you'd be into weird little freak men
i feel like you hit the nail on the head but the nail didn't budge. i love little freak men so much. but micolash? you have to chase him while he runs around all sluttily and blasts tentacles and moans and wears a cool cage, which, would be right up my alley if it was any other guy. to me, micolash is like if the joker was an academic. i don't even want to put him in a jar and shake it.
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fantomette22 · 9 months
Can you pick one of your blorbos to finish this?
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Ok I choose 2 blorbos!!! Gehrman and Maria!!! (original I know) I am really normal about them no
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Like you can see yeah perfectly normal about this 2 characters I love very much from Bloodborne (2015) by fromsoftware.
it's so funny the drama & trauma is so entertaining I love creating things on that but at the same time I want them to be happy a little...
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undefeatablesin · 11 months
born too late to explore the world, born too soon to explore the space... born just in time to read the gay bloodborne fic from that one lady who does amazing art on tumblr
And here I am, somehow born at just the right time to make the acquaintance of such lovely and likeminded people, who all enjoy gay content of the beloved modern classic that is Bloodborne (2015) for the PS4 💖
But omg thank you so much for this lil message though 🥺 it really does make me so happy to see people enjoy what I make here. I say it all the time I know but its TRUE and I am GRATEFUL!!! I feel very lucky to have all of you here with me on my gay adventures lmao so I hope you enjoy that fic just as much when it arrives soon! Bless you... ✨️
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bornetoblood · 1 year
What are ur fav bloodborne headcanons?(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
oooh I have lots and lots so I'm just gonna list the ones that come to mind!
They are all gay and transgender.
vERY much into butch presenting Maria I think that's very cool and sexy of her.
Speaking of I think Yharnam as a whole is a lot more okay with gender nonconformity. For me as a treat.
I like the idea that the scholars were all in their early 20s when the Fishing Hamlet happened and were in their late 60s/early 70s when they all die and the plot of the game starts. I just think it's really funny, like speedrunning the apocalypse.
I like the idea that there's really not that much distinction between Yharnamites and people from Cainhurst. Like they can all do the blood magic it's just a cultural thing in the vampire castle.
Going on from that I'm really into the bloodletter original being Laurence's weapon. Tiny, sweet old man with a horrific blood hammer.
I think Ebriatas is Oedon's kid specifically, hence the "inadvertent worshipers" thing.
Byrgenwerth being a not very respected institution my beloved. Like before the Church showed up and it was mythicised they were all seen as hacks.
Going on from that I like the idea that it is pretty tiny. There are hardly any scholars cus they all fucking died in the Chalice Dungeons.
Flora picks up Gehrman and moves him around like a mii in mii plaza.
The League all live together. It's like one of those influencer houses but with more centipede squishing.
Laurence is scared of bugs.
Going on from that, I like the idea that Rom's ascension was (mostly) involuntary on her part and very very horrific.
The Great Ones who ascended all hang out in the void and chat sometimes.
Gehrman would rather be doing literally anything else than hunting but this is the hand he was drawn so he sticks with it.
Yharnam is a coastal town and the centre of some sort of trade network. They export cloth and sculptures and candlewax.
The Forbidden Woods snakes have always been really big and aggressive the Blood just made that worse and also parasitic.
THANK YOU! i love bloodborne 2015
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bitevibe · 9 months
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Hii i'm Layla. I'm 23 years old and i like vampires, creepy things and women. Not a goth, despite what it may look like, but we share some beliefs. I ❤️‍🔥 mosh pits.
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I speak PT/ENG/ES.
Any pronouns are ok! They/she/he/it i really don't mind. I consider myself sapphic, by the way.
Political opinions include i love piracy and i don't like cops.
This is a personal blog and my interests may vary.
Me and Eileen the Crow from Bloodborne (2015) will have a spring wedding under the pouring rain.
Check out my #music tag for which songs i'm fixating on right now! 🎶🔻
🔺Blog may contain untagged violent, gorey imagery and sensitive content! Proceed with caution!🔺
If you want to add me on PTN, my America server nickname is Merricat and my Asia-Pacific nick is spiderlilybloom.
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This pinned is a WIP! More to come... In the future!
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mintgalaxia · 2 years
Blog Introduction
Mint/Solivagant | 26 | ♀ | Scorpio | Mixed Hispanic | BA: English & Literature/Greek & Roman Mythology
Ares, Prometheus & Oedipus Protection Squad | Male Beauty Connoisseur | Conspiracy Theorist | Professional Crier | Dog Enthusiast | Keeper of Many Sideblogs
Languages: English, Spanish and Dutch.
(Currently getting my ass handed by university.)
I've been here since 2015 (lurking since 2012) so I've seen shit.
My art blog is @solivagant-muse if you want to see my art. I have many sideblogs because I like to believe that my life is organized even though it isn't. I can lie to myself though.
I made a dumb "tag yourself" about Greek Myth so please give me social media approval by tagging yourself and reblogging it.
My fictional husbands are Klaus von Reinherz, Gabriel van Helsing, Vincent Sinclair, Worick Arcangelo and Gabriel May.
Also the God of war Ares and all the Vlad Dracula interpretations in media I am so sorry.
And my mutuals beautiful OCs~
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Books to Know Me Better:
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, my all-time favorite book ever, I adore it and re-read it pretty often.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, my boy (creature) was done so dirty in movies. The only good Frankenstein's monster is that of "Van Helsing" (2004)
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, everyone loves a good corruption arc. Dorian, my beloathed.
The Illiad/The Odysey/Medea/Oedipus Rex. What can I say, love me some classics.
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Greek mythology, primarily Ares, my beloved, and the chthonic Gods. Oedipus also did nothing wrong ever. I know, he told me himself. (Talk to me about it and I'll never shut up please)
Classical art & novels (Mmhh, art with religious imagery and deep symbolism mixed with romantized beauty and the macabre)
Astrology, Tarot and Occult Themes (I'm the person people think I am a witch lmao, maybe I am, maybe not 👀)
Horror (Love reading horror, horrible watching horror)
Slashers (Sinclair twins and Gabriel May brain rot)
My OCs (available in my artblog)
RPG horror games
SCP Foundation
Arthurian Myth
Urban Legends
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The Robert Langdon Trilogy
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
The Cabin in the Woods
House of Wax (2005)
My Dress Up Darling
Black Rock Shooter
Van Helsing (2004)
Kekkai Sensen
The Heathers
The Craft
Kill la Kill
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Doki Doki Literature Club
Lobotomy Corporation
The Witch's House
Fate Grand Order
Cookie Run
Sally Face
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Favorite Flowers
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