#i love the pronounciation please. and i can see it being an inside joke too at this point
freetobeafcknriot · 2 years
i personally hc regulus to be the one who uses less pet names between him and james (let’s be honest, it’d be very hard to best james anyway lol). they’re reserved for specific circumstances and they are a few, literally two or three! and one of them is ‘mon coco’, which literally translates to coconut but also — in the context of terms of endearment — my darling.
reg finds the double meaning funny and always only refers to the general one saying that it’s accurate given that it’s james he’s talking about. and like, indeed it’s james ‘don’t be mean or i’ll fall in love with you’ potter, he sees through it and embraces it and lights up and melts every time because one? it’s french! and two? he is his coco and he’s proud of it thank you very much.
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Penpals / Don’t Leave Me - Part 14
Series: Fluff/minor angst  
PART 14/15
New to the series? Part 1
Missed the last chapter? Part 13
You couldn't let the opportunity pass you by. It was something you had wanted for a long time and you could only think of Jimin's reaction if he ever found out. Imagine. You didn't even think you would see him again.
"Send me the details" you smiled at Rose exiting her office and saying your goodbyes. Once you got into the back of your parent's car, they could sense something was wrong. "What is it? Is the part not right?" Your mother asked, getting into the back seat with you. You laid your head on her shoulders. "The part is perfect but do you know how I thought it was going to be based in Japan? Well I presumed I would be speaking English but..." Your Dad stopped the car. "Are they wanting you to learn Japanese?" He questioned. "No.. That's not it. The audition is in Japan but the series, well um, I think she thought I would be perfect for this role because it's actually a Korean drama" you stated, looking at your Father's and Mother's reflection in the inside mirror of the car.
"And what have you said?" Your mother asked after a brief silence. "I can't let myself down, I have to do this" you smiled back. Your father started the car and began driving the journey home, in silence. Your parents didn't want to say anything that could possibly upset you, but then you didn't want to say anything at all. You just wanted to be lost in your own thoughts.  
"You wouldn't be letting him down you know?" You heard your Father say, awakening you from your potential nap. "Huh?" You asked confused, slightly in a sleepy state. "Jimin. You wouldn't be letting him down if you didn't take this role" he stated. Your mother hit him on the arm for making the comment but you knew where he was coming from. You smiled. "I know. I'm doing this for me now."
Back home, all you wanted to do was sleep. It was an exhausting day for you. However, you knew that you would be getting an email soon so kept your eyes wide open. You went straight to your email account and the email was already there.
Hello Y/N,  
It was great speaking with you today. Please find enclosed the information we have discussed in a separate document. There is also some additional information in there for you to look over.  
Your flight and accomodation information is also in those documents so make sure to read them thoroughly. I look forward to hearing from you after the interview.
You didn't feel in the right frame of mind, from tiredness, to take in so much information but you were too giddy with excitement not to take a peak. "Wow next week? Oh that looks like a posh hotel" you heard yourself saying out loud.
As you scrolled down the page, a word stuck out on the screen as if it were taunting you. "Busan?" You questioned, hurriedly moving your eyes over to the beginning of the sentence. You mumbled out loud, "to make potential employees aware, there will be travel between Seoul and Busan for location and set shots". You exhaled loudly. "Don't worry Y/N.. You might not even get the part" you breathed out loud. But like you said, for this next week, you needed to concentrate on getting the part.
One week later you arrived at your local airport alone. Unfortunately, due to work commitments, family couldn't be with you but they sent you off with some much love and support. You couldn't help but want to share this moment with Jimin, even if he would never respond.
Y/N: I'm going for an acting job today.
You nearly didn't send it but you decided too, you felt comfortable doing that. You even told Jihyun the day previous about going for an acting role. You didn't tell him the specifics and honestly, you didn't really want to. Not yet.
Arriving in Tokyo, it was like another planet. You were thankful that you had a free day to explore Harajuku and the Tokyo Tower and took in the sights of the Japanese culture. The next day you had to prepare yourself for something that would possibly change your whole future, so got as much rest as possible.
The sound of your alarm was annoying as ever but knowing that you were waking up with new surroundings made you in love with the day already, no matter how it panned out. The whole day was a whirlwind and you found yourself outside of the agencies steps within the blink of an eye. "Hello it is Y/N from Peoples Entertainment. I have an audition today" you spoke. "An audition?" The person behind the intercom asked. "Yes.. It is with Kim Jisu" you replied. "Hold on one moment" he replied back.
Had you got the wrong day? Were you at the wrong building? You had no idea but you were slightly freaking out. "Come on in" you heard about 2 minutes later and the sound of the door buzzing. You walked in and was greeted by a beautiful Korean lady in an all white suit set. You couldn't help but be in awe with how beautiful she looked whilst you were in a white blouse and some light jeans and loafers.  
She guided you to a room after some chit chat and sat you down. "An audition hey?" She questioned. You looked at her rather confused. What else would you be here for? "Can I hear you speak Korean?" She asked. You quickly introduced yourself in Korean and spoke about how you loved the idea of the script and how you could resonate with it.  
She laughed. "You've got the part". You giggled a little thinking she was joking and when her face looked like a stone wall, you realised she was being serious. "Wait, I- I what?" You asked. "Y/N, we work in partnership with People's Entertainment. We didn't fly you out to audition, you already auditioned. I asked Rose if she had anyone on her books who she knew would fit the part of speaking Korean and English, had the right look and appeal and sent over only your audition tape. Us here knew you were the right fit but we need to hear your Korean in person, especially since hearing it over the phone can often muffle pronounciation" she explained.  
You couldn't believe you had the part. Your whole body was shaking and you felt physically sick. Once again, everything was a whirlwind and the general chit chat was above you.  "Is there anything else I need to know?" You questioned before signing your name on the dotted line. "Well there is something.." She responded. You looked up at her nervously. "Two things really.." You stated again. "Go on.." You slowly drew out. "We said that the start date would be in 4 weeks time due to looking for our male lead but we think we found him yesterday. You have definitely got the part but we just want to make sure he is the right fit, so we were hoping that, in order to do chemistry tests between the two of you, you would be able to start next week?" "Next week?" You spluttered out. "I go to University.. I don't think I could just drop out like that" thoughts rushing around your head.
"Don't worry. We have looked into everything for you. You can transfer to Cyber University here or you can do a distance course. We want you that badly Y/N.". Before you made a decision, you wanted to know what her other 'something' was. "We would also like you to go by a Korean name. It doesn't have to necessarily be Korean but something that Korean's can understand". That was fine with you, but you didn't know whether the university thing was. Then you heard Jimin's voice in your head 'pursue your dreams'. "Why do you need to talk at a time like this?" You muttered to yourself, causing the agent to stare at you as if you were insane.  
You signed on the dotted line. You were doing this. You were going to do this. After the 'audition' you rushed outside to speak to your parents. They were overjoyed and thrilled and couldn't believe you were doing what you always wanted to do. You explained the University situation with them and you all decided that distance learning with your university would be best and to also take 1 year out whilst you found your feet.  
"We'll send your stuff over" your Father spoke when you told them about needing to start in a week. "Do you want me gone that badly?" You laughed. "Y/N, you're in Japan! Why fly home to pack a suitcase and then fly back to Korea? Enjoy your time! We can Skype, facetime.. You are scheduled to be home in 6 weeks. You've done that before when you went on a retreat with school when you were 15.. Please take this opportunity darling. Do it for you." He explained. You couldn't help but feel a smile radiate across your face. Yes, this wasn't what you were expecting. You weren't expecting your 4 day seperation from your parents to turn into 6 weeks but you needed to do it.
"Dad?" You quieried. "Y/N, I'll send his letters too. Don't worry" he replied. He knew you so well. Just like Jimin did.
You arranged with the agency to fly from Tokyo to Korea instead which they were more than happy to do. They even found you additional accomodation for the nights you would be staying there and bought you clothes and make up. The chemistry tests went well and you were already good friends with your work colleagues, even making a group SMS. Unfortunately, you had to get used to a Korean keypad on your phone. It was like learning the language all over again.  
When the time came to fly to Korea, you felt hopeless. You knew the language inside and out but you felt completely afraid and alone. You kept staring at your phone before boarding to be able to say "surprise Jimin, I'll see you soon" but you knew that wasn't possible. Especially when you clocked your eyes on BTS album on the shelves of one of the stores inside of the airport. "You pursued your dreams without the help of me, but I think I need help from you to pursue mine" you thought to yourself whilst staring at the album, passangers staring at you.  
What made matters worse was how there was WIFI on the flight. Normally, you would be over the moon but the fact that every advert was playing BTS made you want to cry when you saw his face. "Handsome" you smiled, catching yourself off guard when you saw Jimin's face in the I Need U video. "I know, he's my favourite" the young girl sat next to you smiled back at you. "Me too" you smiled back. "They've really made it haven't they?" You asked, noticing their phenomenon in Asia. "Are you an ARMY?" She asked back. "Yes, well, something like that" you responded, your eyes gazing back to the music video.  
"Jihyun?" You asked, using the wifi to contact him over Skype. "Will you be home in 2 hours?" You questioned, not really understanding what he replied back to you due to the muffled connection. You took the voice call off and decided to message him instead.
Y/N: I asked if you would be home in 2 hours
Jihyun: Yes, why?
Y/N: I need to talk to you.
Landing at Gimhae Airport, you felt a thickening air hitting your face. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. You struggled to breathe slightly walking to collect your baggage. It was strange, you always thought the first time you would be here, you would be seeing Jimin at the other side but instead, it was a chafeur.  
You were shell shocked when you noticed your Korean name on a sign being held by a female chaufer. "Hi I'm K/N" you said in Korean, bowing. After brief introductions, she led you to the car and asked where you would be going. "I will be going to the Hyatt Hotel in Busan please but could we make a stop somewhere first? There's somewhere I need to be" you asked.  
Complying, she took you to a large apartment complex and you immediately started shuddering with nerves. You looked down on the piece of paper in front of you and couldn't help but squeeze it a little tighter at the thought of Jimin. Walking up the stairs, your legs were trembling. You were thankful you only had to go to the 3rd floor or you may not have been able to make it.  
Pressing the buzzer, your stomach was in knots. You knew exactly where you were at, but somehow you didn't. It didn't feel right. The door opened and your head shot up. In that moment, tears filled your eyes and your legs buckled more than they did before. You gasped realising how much they looked alike, even if you hadn’t seen them in person. The tall figure infront of you couldn't help but put his arms out to you to stop you from falling over. You needed comfort at a time like this and ended up falling into his arms. "How can I miss someone I have never met? How did I fall in love with my penpal? He told me he wouldn’t leave me. I miss him. Why did I fall in love with him,  Jihyun?"  
Part 15 - FINALE
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