#(lovingly ofc)
sour-snail · 13 days
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Dende, they could never make me not like you…
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vampyrsm · 10 months
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and if i say gojo satoru
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beybuniki · 1 month
kirishima wants to call bakugo a f- soo badly in This fic help
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oxygendestoroyah · 16 days
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
Can I request seperate romantic HCs for the 2012 turtles with GN!Reader S/O who loves books and likes to read their s/o stories all the time before bed or just in general as a way to spend quality time together?
I don't know if it's obvious but I absolutely have favorites........
These guys r just so so silly in my little head.. truly The Teens Ever
Warnings; Uhhhhh cursing, a very brief mention of Raph and reader getting into a past fight
( Romantic ) 2012 ! Turtles x Gender Neutral Reader
Read and Relaxation
- Leo -
He's always been a fan of reading, whether it be comic books or fiction novels.
He wouldn't be caught dead with a textbook in his hands though, he wasn't that much of a stick in the mud no matter what Raph said
So when you came around, practically a walking talking library, he was ecstatic.
Whenever the two of you got together it was more often than not like a little bookclub.
Donnie joined in occasionally, but not often, and Mikey and Raph stayed far away from your boring nerd conversations
When Leo is having a bad day, he often shows up at your apartment, gently knocking on the window if you were there and awake.
And you'd always smile and let him in, no words being exchanged as he quietly sat down on your bed and watched as you pulled a book you were reading from your bookshelf.
You'd sit down next to him and he'd scoot closer to you, pressing his shoulder to yours as he looked down at the book in your hands, waiting patiently for you to start reading
And usually, ten pages in, his head was on your shoulder and he was out like a light.
You knew how much pressure was on his shoulders, and how much he and his brothers had gone through, and you were grateful that he trusted you enough to be as vulnerable as he was around you
So you simply hugged him closer and continued reading, happy to go back and reread what he had missed when he inevitably woke up.
- Donnie -
Donatello was not very much of a reader surprisingly, he much preferred being up and doing things with his hands than sitting silently and reading
But when he met you he was so comepletely and utterly enamored by the way you spoke so lovingly of writings and stories
So much so that he even borrowed one or two books from Leo, but not without begging him not to say anything to Raph or Mikey. He'd never hear the end of it.
He never heard the end of it from Leo either, but he never spoke a word of it to the others, so he couldn't really complain.
He sat in his lab often, trying to focus on the words on the page and not his twitching muscles begging him to tinker or type or tap away at something
He couldn't get through one chapter without backtracking to reread at least 10 times.
He offhand mentioned his difficulty with reading while you were in the vicinity, and instantly you were next to him, offering a solution.
"I could read to you?" You offered, a bright grin on your face
Donnie blinked at you as a blush rose to his face. "Wh.. what?"
"I could read to you! While you work! Then you can move around and listen to the story at the same time!"
Just the thought had Donnie's head spinning.
You? Read to him? Like out loud? In private? He could've fainted.
"Or I guess you could use an audio book if you aren't comfy with me reading to you-?"
"No no! Uh, reading sounds uhm fun! Nice! Fun.."
And yknow what. It was fun.
You would sit in an extra rolling chair near the back of the lab, voice loud and clear in the echo of the room as he rolled around adding to various notes and inventions, absorbing every word that came from your mouth.
And slowly it evolved in the two of you being mutually invested in every book franchise you had brought up to him.
Every time you gasped before a line he'd instantly look to you, eyes wide in interest,
"Oh my god Donnie."
"Oh my god what?? What happened??? What is it??"
"Donnie you're not ready for this-"
"No cmon just say it!"
"Donnie.. they were roommates."
- Raph -
At first Raph thought it was dumb. He'd see you with a book in your hand and tease you about your nerd hobby almost nonstop
But after a particularly grueling argument between the two of you, he held back most of his comments.
One evening in particular really changed his perspective entirely.
You had an awful morning, coming down to the lair as soon as possible to sit with Raph and just vent.
Raph nodded along slowly, getting a little pissed on your behalf, but you shut him down (gently) pretty quick.
You expressed that you were just tired, emotionally and physically, and that's when he noticed your book in the bag you had brought with you.
He hesitated before speaking softly, offering to read your book to you in the privacy of his room.
You looked at him, surprised, before smiling and nodding, standing up and grabbing your bag before rushing to Raph's room.
You got comfy on his bed, watching as he sat next to you, skimming through the book slowly.
"Listen, babe.. I'm not a great reader so don't like.. expect perfection, okay?"
"I know big guy, I don't mind. Cmon I wanna listen."
And so Raph sighed and started from the beginning.
You had of course heard all of this before, but watching and listening to him read was enough to get an even better experience than the first time
And Raph, though he'd never admit it, was absolutely enamored by the story, almost forgetting that he was reading to someone
You noticed of course, but said nothing, too touched by the sight to disturb it even a bit
- Mikey -
Mikey was not a reader. But he was willing to try anything once.
So you tried your hardest to get him interested in your stories, audiobooks, reading to him, him reading out loud, no dice.
So you gave in, realizing your defeat you left the issue be. He just wasn't one for words without pictures, and that was fine. A little disappointing, but fine.
He was still your Mikey, and you'd love him even if you didn't share that particular hobby.
And yet, even still, every time you slept over he'd put his head in your lap, and look up at you with those blue eyes of his, and he'd beg you to read to him.
It confused you to no end. If he didn't like the story why did he want you to read?
What you didn't see, as you focused on the words in front of you each night, was the adoring look in his eyes as he watched and listened to you.
The words blurred together in his ears, almost as if his brain didn't want to process the boring speech, but your voice persisted
Your voice was so nice to listen to, soothing and smooth as you spoke so fluidly, doing funny voices for certain characters he didn't know. You almost looked like you were being transported to another world, like he did when he read his comics.
It was a trait you both shared, the ability to retreat into your minds eye at a moments notice. His brothers disliked when he did it, especially on missions, and while they could certainly be nicer about their approach, he truly did understand where they were coming from.
He just couldn't help it sometimes.
But, as he laid here slowly falling asleep to the lilt of your tone as you spoke words he couldn't comprehend, he thought that maybe if he looked half as content as you did in this moment, it wasn't so bad after all.
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cloudcountry · 2 months
THANK SU HSDHGGJHSDGJS UR LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED which i guess is fitting sicne this is your fault. points at u.
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i-see-me-in-food · 4 months
Henry was never hit as a child and it shows
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stinkyme · 7 months
I want to suck on Fedya's nipples until he cries (and cums, hehe). Sorry, @/creantzy's new art did things to me...
I JUST CHECKED IT OUT OH MY GOOOOOD, OH MY GOD. everything is forgiven, everything 🙏🏻
but he would have such sensitive nipples i caaaaaaaaaaan't, he would probably cum just from you touching them and slightly teasing them between your fingers, once you start sucking he is g o n e, I need fyodor w nipple piercings, I need nipple play and slight nipple torture w Fyodor or I will actually eat my house 🙏🏻🙏🏻 one chance is all i need
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haysgrove · 1 year
thinking abt my stupid college au
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andreagreyshaw · 1 year
I looooveeee bullying David Shaw and Darlin'.
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thehistoriangirl · 6 months
-- the precious bean
Of course
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Thawnk you 🥺🥺🥺
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unimpressedoflife · 10 months
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in conclusion
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oh-im-dying · 2 months
haha get booped IDIOT
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stayinsidemymind · 10 months
i got that jonathan toews mindset (delulu)
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popodoki · 1 year
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The utter glee I had on Saturday scuttling up to other ofmd cosplayers and handing them my Nigel sticker and Baby Bonnet badges dressed as Nigel Badminton. The energy was PEAKED
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firefl1ezz · 7 months
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my 4 and 8 ocs.... im going to stab them
and yes im an agent 32 believer :3
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