#i love mama xuan so much
mariauri · 4 months
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※ old art (november 2021)
some lil modern AU where shi wudu is a fish collector and he xuan is a little black koi that no one wanted to buy due to "bad luck" superstitions 💔
but they're so not true, because one day the fishie who is sooo in love with his gorgeous, kind owner, turns a pretty mermaid for him 🥹🧜‍♀️🖤
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leewonkyeom · 7 months
Thank you sm <33 i still have a lot and I'm so exhausted i just wanna get this over with :')
I heard those songs you recommended and I loved all of them but my favourite has to be best lover it's so good i love Bibi <3
I hope you like faded in my last song the vocals are so damn good especially taeil's high note fhsjs and omg love on the floor, ok! and oasis are some of my favourites from NCT too! Other favourite Neo classics are 'baby don't like it' and 'the 7th sense' i also really love 'Dream in a dream' it's kinda underrated imo.
I need Yuta to cover more vkei songs his voice is so good T^T I hope you like Buck-tick's songs tell me what you think about them if you ended up listening to them!
this is kinda strange but i really like to play songs like California dreaming by the mama's and papas, Age of Bloom (Hua Yang De Nianhua) by Zhou Xuan and any Faye Wong song and just pretend I'm in some 90s Wong kar wai movie set in Hong Kong. I do this like everyday even when I'm not studying and just simply existing (I'm just dramatic)
(Sorry this ask is so long 😭)
absolutelt!! i believe in you♡♡
aaaah!! so glad you enjoyed them!! i listened to the songs you recommended by the rose as well, and they're good, but there's just something about woosung's vocals that i can't get into😭 maybe i'll get over it sometime. like vocals can make or break a song for me, which probably explains why most of my biases are vocalists😭
yess!! faded in my last song was rly good!! and omg, after i sent the last post i immediately regretted not saying baby don't like it as well😭 def an all time fave. i need tp listen to dream in a dream asap🫡 (and work my way through ncts discography, there's just so much😭)
and i will listen to them !! probably this weekend when i'm working on something that doesn't require a lot of focus.
i love that sm omg😭😭 i also love to daydream. esp. like i'm in a movie and just stare dramatically into space so i can def relate !!
(and dw about it😭😭 i feel like that's at least partially my fault as well)
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noona96n · 3 years
What do you think We best love season 3 is going to be about?
Do you have any theories about it? I just there is no more drama, I just want to see them happy and together so that we can see their wedding lol
if u follow me, u'd know im a 'shu yi/shi de need to fckn get married' enthusiast ahahaha so my only theory for S3 is that they're gonna get married, that's it, that's the season
S3 is just of them struggling to plan their wedding... not knowing which cake to get or what napkin folding to choose or how much flower is too much flower lol and they work out all their emotional and mental blockages during the process and solving everything by the time they kowtow to their parents/saying 'i do' at the altar.
wait... maybe they'll have a japanese style wedding 🤔🤔🤔 u know what, i can't decide what kind of wedding they'll have so they'll have 3 weddings; they're rich, they can have as many weddings as they want.
also, Yu Xin & Zheng Wen return and take over the actual wedding planning. so, all Shu Yi & Shi De need to do are be loving, emotional babies who kiss and workout their shit.
Bing Wei and Zhe Yu got married off-screen during the interval between S2 & S3 and Zhe Yu, wearing the ring proudly on his ring finger, is like 'wE'rE nOt MaRrIeD' no one believes his bullshit anymore.
Shou Yi is still an a*hole who's also best man and Zhen Xuan finally comes face to face the Mama of the Mama's boy then promptly gets adopted by Shi De's Mama bcs Shi De's Mama is awesome like that.
special episode is Shu Yi/Shi De honeymooning at Green Island 🏝️ 🌝
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Meta 2 for episode 5 of WBL: Fighting Mr. 2nd
What an amazing episode of power games and softness where softness is due.
Already typed meta about Pei Shou Yi and Yu Zhen Xuan here, so I’ll start with a short nod to Zhe Yu and his sweet soft faces to Bing Wei in this ep, which happen at the sidelines and the edge of the screen, but I am loving it, softness where softness is due.
Also the smug smirk after providing Shi De with the explicit paraphrasing for the sentiment expressed, I laughed, loudly.
I love how the scene that follows shows Shi De’s deductive skills and intelligence, as I feel this episode is really out to remind us, what competent players in that game they all are, CEO Shi De, but also Shu Yi, providing the strategic asset later, when ordering to distract the other directors by causing trouble in their own firms.
They really are top players, both, in their fields, and to think of those forces combined? I am ready for them to conquer the world and face all opponents, all the while supporting each other and lifting the other up with their capabilities, when needed.
And calling each other out on their bullcrap, lol. “I’ll never say dumb things like What can’t defeat us makes us stronger.” “You just did.”
Yeah, it is done in a playful manner, but still, and I am loving it, because they can do that, and the whole office must be shipping them by now, right.
The scene goes on to show Shi De’s and Shu Yi’s capabilities in leading and motivating employees, again. We stan a power couple. Also, Shi De’s immediate jealousy when the female employees fawn over Shu Yi’s humble gesture? Yeah, gotta put that arm around him real quick to stake your claim. Nice.
(Also: WBL is master at playing with our expectations and leading our gaze, directing it to wo we might suspect with the crime, then twisting it on us, to teach a lesson. Be it with stolen projects or fathers, or misunderstandings about cheating and other stuff. Or perceived dynamics about roles in relationships. They hold all the cards telling the story, they love the subversion of expectations, and they do it masterfully, providing lessons about how everything is maybe not as it seems, and so much more layered when it comes to humans. They take us along on the ride of realizing that over and over again, along with the characters.)
Yeah, so our capable leaders are also on a mole hunt. While rebuilding alpha by a deadline. More demonstrations of intelligence and leadership, and capability, and Shu Yi looks at his capable boyfriend, and I was reminded of what Mama Shi De said, way back then:
To be able to look at your partner with satisfaction…
And that’s just it, right? They are both so proud to be with each other, hold the other in such high esteems again, can look at them with satisfaction for having made the decision to be with them, for being that lucky, that privileged.
Then Bing Wei arrives with food. (I see you, grumpy, soft Zhe Yu.)
That powerful metaphor of taking care. And Shu Yi offers some to Shi De. And Shi De being in self sacrificing mode again, declines, puts Shu Yi’s needs first. But Shu Yi insists, doesn’t let him get out of it. The flirting in front of the salads, Shu Yi offering to feed Shi De?
It is as much playful flirting, not caring who looks on, as it is a demonstration of their growths, Shu Yi insisting and reminding Shi De, that both their needs and well being are important, and that they need to eat together. For me, it is also a play with roles again, who is the caretaker, who the care receiver, the feeder, the one being fed, it is a playful way to show how they share that responsibility now, how they work to be equal on this, and how they can take on each role for the other when it is needed.
Watch me totally take this and take it into the bedroom for them, and how they are with each other in bed. And I don’t mean a feeding kink, I mean versatility and flexibility with needs and roles, that need to work FOR you, not limit you.
Shu Yi what’s with that smile, and the pose on that recliner, huh? After giving big boss orders to distract those scheming directors away from your case and your husband’s, so helpful, so… what’s with that head tilt? Does it mean, Husband, get rid of Bing Wei and Zhe Yu and appreciate my pose on this recliner, or is that just me projecting, lol? Didn’t know how to interpret that head tilt otherwise.
Okay, to the scene with Shu Yi coming back from the dinner. Shi De already preparing to face Dad again, with the contents of that brown envelope we will learn about. In comes a tired slouching Shu Yi with snacks, because he didn’t want to eat with his family being political tricksters and everything a game of power to them in the arena of their company. He wants to eat midnight snacks with Shi De, instead of a banquet with false friends and scheming relatives. Relatable.
Yes Shi De, he knows already, the point of a meal is not the food but the person you are eating with. He’s here, alright. Also, you can’t tell me Shi De doesn’t love the way the recliner rocks Shu Yi’s entire being, once he sits down close, lol.
And then begins the conversation between the lines:
Shu Yi is saying he will have to keep playing that two faced game for a while.
Shi De counters he will support him, from the privacy of their own dinners, taking care of him. He leans close to provide comfort, and you can tell Shu Yi is already soaking it up, but still has something on his chest.
The statement that he wants to be chairman in this scene to me implies that he is saying: Maybe we can’t be as open as we want for a while yet, because it will make things more difficult.
Shi De counters he knew, showing that he is aware and that it has influenced his past actions, too, to make things less difficult or Shu Yi, to support him the best way.
In a way he really only became Number one, to be the best support for Shu Yi, how tragic comical how it led to make things harder for Shu I anyway, but that’s the thing with Shi De’s decisions, Dad’s also, they come from the best intentions, but Shu Yi sits in their boat, being affected as well, being rocked with his entire being an the boat.
Shi De says he will be Shu Yi’s support, Shu Yi has the best support in him.
And Shu Yi says he doesn’t want Shi De to give up his own needs to put his career second to Shu Yi’s much like with the food, he doesn’t want to be first, just equal.
But Shi De reminds him it’s about choice. And that is something that Shu Yi requested from Shi De before, so of course he will accept choice.
The following is again a display on that thing they do, the flirting, the pushing and pulling, that plays with boundaries, so sweet on the surface so deep a conversation, so strong the effects they have on each other.
‘Do you have to stand so close, someone might see. - But you came close. - Oh did I? Those are some top notch players at their games. Shu Yi is a master of seduction, and no one can convince me otherwise.
And that leaning onto each other, how Shu Yi totally gives himself up in that embrace? The comfort that scene oozes, Shu Yi might just have gone to sleep right there in his arms, if that went on for a second longer, that safe is how he feels in Shi De’s arms and love. To be held like that, and to accept it the way Shu Yi accepts it. I’ma cry. This is how you do love, isn’t it? Being that for each other, when they need it. Letting the other be that for you, when you need it.
Let me just stop this meta here, because the scene with Shi De and Dad will need its own meta.
But like I concluded in my first meta about Pei Shou Yi and Yu Zhen Xuan:
I love how this episode again plays with themes of power, with roles of caretaker and caregiver, with terms of strong and weak and its subversions and the need for such subversions and flexibilities in human relationships, boundaries and transgressions and how everyone is affected, the physical and the mental/emotional needs and acts and how they blur lines, expectations and how they lead and direct our gaze, and how we will be fools for that most times, and how that’s just human. How the decision who we’d like to be with is ours, defining our identity, whether or not you get to be with that person.
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♥ “I can’t put it into words how much I love you.” - For XuanLi
It was a quiet evening in the Jin residence, with Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan sitting on the couch, watching a Disney movie with Jin Ling snuggled in between them.  As Jin Ling and Jiang Yanli watched the movie, Jin Zixuan looked over at his wife and son, a small, fond smile gracing his face.  He could not be a luckier man in the world to have the most compassionate, kind, smart, caring, and beautiful wife while having the most adorable son with said beautiful wife.  As he stared at them fondly, Jiang Yanli felt the gaze, making her look over and raise an eyebrow.
“A-Xuan?  What is it?” she asked, smiling softly.  Jin Zixuan blinked before he shook his head and smiled fondly.
“Nothing.  Just staring at my beautiful wife” he replied.  Jiang Yanli blushed and gently smacked his arm before she turned back to the movie, Jin Zixuan turning to watch as well.
“I can’t put it into words how much I love you” Jin Zixuan whispered after a moment, so soft that Jiang Yanli didn’t hear it but hear it she did because she turned and looked at him in shock.
“Zixuan” she whispered.  Jin Zixuan looked over at her and smiled apologetically.
“I don’t say it enough, I know, and I’m sorry.  I’m sure there are days you wonder if I really do love you or if this was just an arraigned marriage like our parents had planned.  Right?” he asked.  Jiang Yanli blinked before she turned away slightly.  He was right, there were some days where she wondered, but she always put those thoughts out of her head because why would Jin Zixuan look at her like that sometimes or gently kiss her forehead if he didn’t love her?  Love didn’t always have to be expressed with words, but every now and then, she would like to hear the words “I love you” come out of Jin Zixuan’s mouth.
“A-Li” Jin Zixuan murmured, drawing Jiang Yanli out of her thoughts.  She then looked over at him and blinked.
“Yes?” she replied.  Jin Zixuan smiled and reached out, taking her smaller, slender hand in his larger, warm ones.  
“I love you.  I really, truly love you” he declared.  Jiang Yanli blinked as tears slowly began to fill her eyes, making Jin Zixuan’s eyes widen as he quickly reached out and wiped away her tears.
“Don’t cry, my love, don’t cry” he soothed.  Jiang Yanli sniffled and quickly wiped her eyes, just as Jin Ling looked up at her.
“Mama?  You okay?” he asked.  Jiang Yanli looked down at him and smiled, gently petting his hair.
“I’m okay baby” she assured before she looked up at Jin Zixuan, who was smiling fondly at her.  She smiled in return before she rested her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her close.
“I can’t believe I was such an asshole to you when we were younger…I don’t know how you put up with me” Jin Zixuan murmured.  Jiang Yanli laughed softly.
“I don’t either” she agreed.  Jin Zixuan shook his head.
“You should have just dumped my ass when our parents told us that we were going to be engaged to each other…good Lord, if I was in your position, I would have dumped me” he continued.  Jiang Yanli huffed and looked up at him with fond eyes.
“Oh, stop.  You weren’t that bad.  Were your actions and words less than ideal sometimes?  Yes.  But that doesn’t mean you were ever cruel.  You were always concerned for me or even about my brothers sometimes, which is how I knew you actually cared deep down” she replied.  Jin Zixuan hummed.
“Your brothers still don’t seem to care for me, however” he mused.  Jiang Yanli rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“That’s because they believe that no one will ever be good enough for me.  They still also probably still think that your personality is that of your teenage self, which it obviously is not.  They are warming up to you though; notice how they don’t call you “Peacock” anymore?” she replied.  Jin Zixuan nodded.
“To be honest, the nickname was starting to grow on me” he admitted.  Jiang Yanli laughed before she shook her head.
“Don’t let A-Xian hear you say that or he won’t stop calling you that” she reminded.  Jin Zixuan chuckled before he let out a content sigh.
“Is it corny to admit this is probably the happiest I’ve been in a long while?” he asked.  Jiang Yanli shook her head as she leaned it back on his shoulder.
“No, I don’t think so.  This is probably the first time I’ve had someone look after me rather than me look after someone else.  Of course there’s A-Ling, but that’s different” she replied.  Jin Zixuan frowned.
“What do you mean?” he asked.  Jiang Yanli shrugged.
“Well, I’ve always looked after my brothers or others at Lotus Pier and for the first time…I can relax and know that I don’t have to bear the responsibilities of taking care of A-Ling or other parental duties all by myself” she explained.  Jin Zixuan smiled and gave her a gentle squeeze as they continued to watch the movie, Jin Ling now fast asleep between them.
“You can count on me, dear.  I won’t let you down” he assured.  Jiang Yanli smiled and nodded.
“I know.  I know” she agreed.  As they sat there, as a family, the overwhelming sense of safety and love surrounded them, making them feel at peace.  Even without words, the love Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli shared not just for each other, but for Jin Ling, could be felt by those around them and neither of them ever had to worry about whether or not the other love them because if they just looked into each other’s eyes, they would know.  They would know that they loved each other so much that they would move the heavens and the underworld if the other asked.  So sometimes, words were never needed; sometimes just a glance was enough. 
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onelastfic · 4 years
Future AU #2: Basteta x Junji
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>Nenet (16): Firstborn child. Takes after her father in human looks though she has cat ears and a tail. Titan Class. Inherited her mom’s powers. Outspoken and extroverted as hell. Loves extreme sports. Total adrenaline junkie. She does parkour, roller derby, skateboarding, etc. If she wasn’t so durable she’d probably broken pretty much every important bone in her body at least once. Is a pro at parkour and getting around the city. She’s street-smart and can fight. She and her brother are partners who work together to protect magical beings. Has her mama’s fiery temper. Wants to be a professional stunt woman when she grows up. May or may not have a crush on Lars.
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>Junji Junior (16): Everyone calls him by his nickname ‘JJ’. Looks just like his twin sister. Also Titan Class. Is talented at healing magic and inherited his dad’s dragon abilities. Very clumsy and unlucky. Still a big ball of sunshine. Gullible and usually gets taken advantage of. Not much of a fighter but great at defense. Zero sense of direction. Is close with Cindy. (Dai Tai x Olevia’s kid) Wants to be a teacher when he grows up. Doesn’t have much of a temper. Most patient of the siblings. Plus I wanted him to be kinda girly. He ends up in drag more than he likes to admit.
>Nico (14): The twins’ younger brother. Has the Te Xuan Ze and takes that responsibility very seriously. Basically a human. Very agile and acrobatic. Trained in martial arts. Most knowledgeable about magical creatures and a tech geek. Jealous of his older siblings. Always trying to prove his worth. Tries to act tough but is secretly a cinnamon bun. Wants to be more intimidating. Avid fancier of comic books and manga. All his moves are references to video games/anime/comic books. Most normal of the bunch, but stronger than he knows.
> Mei (11): The baby of the family. Natural born performer and girly girl of the family. As the youngest, she was spoiled rotten by her parents and older siblings. Has done dancing, singing, acting since she was 2. Really likes K-pop and practices cheernastics. Has no interest in being a hero or magic. Very prideful and sassy. Is not above acting cute or fake crying to get what she wants. Is a huge gossip and has dirt on everyone she knows. Can be bribed with toys, sweets, and clothes. Is super close with her Auntie Dai Tai. Has super strength, fire breathing, and minor psychic powers. Don’t try to lie/decieve her, it won’t work. Has a VERY bad temper. Can be extremely vindictive when she feels that someone has wronged her or those she cares about. Her dream is to be a famous broadway/movie star.
Lars belongs to @kururu418
Cindy & Character art by @laylaylamode
Junji belongs to @japanda-draws
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enbyleighlines · 4 years
Prompts you say? *rubs hands with glee* XuanLi and "date night" (pre or post marraige/jin ling)?
Yeeeeeeeeeee a XuanLi prompt!!! I was so psyched to receive this, anonymous! I hope you enjoy this~
It’s February 19th, a Friday, and the night before Jin Zixuan’s twenty-fourth birthday. Tomorrow, they’ll have a more formal celebration. But on that particular evening, Jin Zixuan and his wife Jiang Yanli decide to take advantage of the opportunity to have a date night.
It’s the first date night they’ve had since Jin Ling’s birth, just a little under three months ago. Jin Zixuan is just a touch nervous. Though he and Jiang Yanli have been happily married for a while now, and were dating even before that, he feels an old insecurity rising from the depths of his subconscious.
In short, Jin Zixuan wants to prove himself worthy of his amazing wife.
They drop A-Ling off at Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning’s apartment. The two men are already well accustomed to babysitting two-year-old Wen Yuan, so choosing them as A-Ling’s caretakers for the night was a no-brainer. Still, it will be A-Ling’s first night without either of his parents. Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli take turns detailing all of A-Ling’s little quirks and habits, and his schedule for feeding. Even Jiang Yanli, who Jin Zixuan relies on to be the paradigm of calm and rational thought, seems to be just barely holding herself together.
It’s clear that they’re both just procrastinating, and soon Jiang Yanli’s big-mouthed Da-Didi is trying to usher them towards the door with an on-loop feedback of, “Yes, uh-huh, I understand, yes, okay, sure...”
Just as Jin Zixuan starts explaining how to change A-Ling’s diaper, Wei Wuxian seems to lose any lingering patience.
“Yes, thank you, I know how to change a diaper,” Wei Wuxian cuts Jin Zixuan off, laughing to ease the rude interruption, “A-Yuan here is still in pull-ups. So stop worrying, and go have fun.”
The toddler in question is at Wei Wuxian’s leg, eyes fixated on the fussing baby in his arms.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Jiang Yanli says. She takes a deep breath and visibly centers herself. “I didn’t mean to patronize you, A-Xian,” she adds, cupping his cheek, “I’m just...”
“This is your first night away from him, I know,” Wei Wuxian finishes, “But I’m going to take good care of him. I promise.”
At last, Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli have no excuses left to linger. They each give their son a couple more kisses each. He’s asleep, and doesn’t even stir at the touch of lips to his forehead.
Still, Jin Zixuan hesitates at the threshold.
Wei Wuxian takes A-Ling’s chubby little fist in his hand and makes him wave. “Bye bye,” Wei Wuxian says in a ridiculously high pitched voice, “Bye Boba, bye Mama.”
Jin Zixuan tries to snort, but he ends up smiling.
Even though it’s Jin Zixuan’s birthday celebration, he insists on going to Jiang Yanli’s favorite restaurant. After all, she’s the professional chef, even if she’s currently on maternity leave.
Her favorite restaurant is named after the lake it’s located beside. The outside tables sit on a large dock, right out on the water. They serve seafood, in the traditional Sichuan cuisine style. Most of their dishes have a fiery red broth, which Jin Zixuan still thinks is an affront to nature. How can a liquid burn like fire in the mouth? But Jiang Yanli loves her spice, so he keeps mum.
Unfortunately, since it’s winter, outside seating is not yet available. Luckily, Jin Zixuan had made reservations for one of the booth tables near the window. That way, they are still able to see the lake.
As per tradition, they order the hotpot to share, and admire the calm ripples of the water as they wait.
“It’s a good thing you made a reservation,” Jiang Yanli says after a moment of comfortable silence, “This place is super busy tonight.”
She’s not exaggerating. The waitresses aren’t running around like headless chickens, but they have that frenzied look on their faces that suggests that they are just seconds away from doing so. Jin Zixuan watches as yet another couple arrives, pushing their way through the crowd of people gathering by the front door.
“So much for this place being a hidden gem,” Jin Zixuan replies.
“It’s good that they’re finally getting the recognition they deserve, though.” That’s just like Jiang Yanli, always looking for the silver lining.
Jin Zixuan finds himself smiling. “You’re right,” he says, “Good for them.”
Jiang Yanli beams in return. But there’s a slight crack in it, that Jin Zixuan only recognizes because he’s grown to know her so intimately over the years.
He reaches out to take her hands in his. “Do you miss A-Ling already?”
The smile falls, and Jiang Yanli laughs, kind of bashfully. “Ah, am I being that obvious?” She asks.
Jin Zixuan shrugs. “No. I miss him, too.”
All the tension drains from Jiang Yanli’s shoulders, and her smile returns, smaller than before, but still sincere. “It’s silly, isn’t it? It’s only been, what, twenty minutes? I’ve taken longer baths than that before.”
“I don’t think it’s silly,” Jin Zixuan argues, “Or... are you calling me silly?” He raises an eyebrow, in what Jiang Yanli affectionately calls his ‘Dreamworks face.’
As he intended, Jiang Yanli bursts into delightful giggles. She covers her mouth with her wrist as she laughs, muffling the sound with her sleeve. When her gigglefest subsides, she says, “But you ARE silly, A-Xuan. But not for missing your son. Just in general.”
“Just in general?” Jin Zixuan snorts. “Well, that’s fine, then.”
The waitress brings their drinks. They’ve decided to share a bottle of champagne, of Jin Zixuan’s favorite’s brand. Jin Zixuan pours for both of them. He not so subtly shows off his pristine drink pouring etiquette, which his father’s rich friends once taught him.
Jiang Yanli awards him with soft applause, even though she’s seen his flaunt this skill many times before.
Jin Zixuan chuckles, kind of embarrassed but mostly flattered. It was the exact reaction he had been hoping for. “You’re adorable,” he tells her fondly.
They clink their glasses. “To turning twenty-four,” Jiang Yanli says, “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
“To returning to work,” Jin Zixuan returns.
They both take a sip. Jin Zixuan savors his with closed eyes and an after-swallow sigh. While it fizzles pleasantly down his throat, he turns his attention back to his wife. “How do you feel, going back to work on Monday?”
Jiang Yanli laughs forcibly, and turns her face. “It’ll be nice to go back,” she says vaguely.
“You can take more time off,” Jin Zixuan suggests, “if you don’t feel ready.” He pauses, and then adds, “But I think you should go back. It will take some time to adjust, but it’ll be good for you.“
Jiang Yanli watches him, looking torn.
“I’ll support you either way, obviously,” Jin Zixuan rushes to assure her, “I’ll always support whatever decision you make, A-Li. But I know how much you enjoy your work. You obviously miss it. You’ve been cooking more food than our fridge can hold.”
Jiang Yanli nods, and bites her lip. “You’re right,” she says, “But still... I’m not sure I’m ready to be away from A-Ling for a whole day.”
“I understand. That’s how I felt, too, when I had to go back to class.” Jin Zixuan leans forward and rubs his thumb over Jiang Yanli’s wrist, underneath her sleeve, right against her pulse. “I may not have looked like it, but secretly I was a mess.”
“Oh no, it wasn’t a secret,” Jiang Yanli teases, “You’re many great things, but you’re not subtle, darling.”
Jin Zixuan laughs. “Well, I tried to hide it,” he amends, “Anyway, I was a mess, but do you know what I learned? That stupid adage that mothers tell their children about ripping off bandaids is true. The quicker you pull it off, the less painful it is. And you’re strong, A-Li. I think you’ll be surprised with how quickly you adjust.”
“I don’t feel strong,” Jiang Yanli says with a sigh, “I feel fragile.” She moves her hand to curl their fingers together.
Jin Zixuan squeezes her fingers. “You’re not,” he promises, “You’re the strongest person I know. But if you think you need another week, or two, I doubt your boss will hold it against you.” That last part is a joke, since Jiang Yanli’s boss is Jiang Fengmian, her father.
Jiang Yanli giggles again. “No, I don’t think he will,” she agrees. Then her mood shifts again, and her jaw sets in steely determination. “But you’re right,” she says, “I miss work.”
Her tone implies that she’s made up her mind. Jin Zixuan encourages her by swiping his thumb across her palm.
“I’ll go back on Monday,” Jiang Yanli declares aloud.
“I’m glad to hear it,” Jin Zixuan says, and pulls her hand to his lips for a kiss. “I can’t wait to hear about all of the hot gossip you’ve missed.”
When Jiang Yanli laughs this time, it shakes her body.
Jiang Yanli works with a lot of chatty women, most of them suburban soccer moms. Along with Yu Ziyuan, they like to spend their shifts swapping updates on whatever drama is going on in their neighborhoods. Jiang Yanli has made it a habit to share the juiciest tidbits with Jin Zixuan when she gets home. Usually she does this while they share wine, as a tribute to their gossipy mothers, who used to do the same thing when they were children. It started out as a joke, after Jiang Yanli found out about Jin Zixuan’s secret love of reality TV shows, but over time, it’s evolved into activity both of them enjoy.
“True,” Jiang Yanli says once she’s gotten ahold of herself, “I’ve been dying to know if Zhang Li ever got her grandmother’s armoire back from her ex.”
“If she hasn’t, let her know I’ll go to her ex’s place to pick it up,” Jin Zixuan informs her, “It’s ridiculous, letting him keep it that long. What if he tries to sell it? From what you’ve told me, her ex sounds like the kind of shameless man who would do something like that.”
Jiang Yanli nods sagely. “I’ll let her know. She’ll probably decline, but she’ll appreciate the offer nonetheless.”
“Yeah, Zhang Li is quite proud, isn’t she?” Jin Zixuan sighs. He’s met her — and Jiang Yanli’s other co-workers — a few times through parties and work events. They’re quite a bit of fun, for suburban soccer moms.
“Almost as prideful as you,” Jiang Yanli agrees with a playful smile.
Jin Zixuan gives a fake affronted noise. “I’ve gotten better,” he protests, half joking and half sincere.
“You have,” Jiang Yanli agrees easily. She strokes his cheek, letting the tips of her fingers trace the outline of his jaw. “But you also have a lot to be proud of. So I don’t blame you for it.”
Jin Zixuan can’t help himself; he feels himself puff up like a presenting peacock. He loves the way she looks at him like that, like he’s the center of her universe.
If Jiang Cheng and/or Wei Wuxian were here, they’d surely tease him for posturing. They still like to call him “peacock”, though it’s said with far less venom in their voice than before Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli got together. But Jin Zixuan doesn’t much care. His wife is right: he DOES have a lot to be proud of.
Jin Zixuan has an amazing wife, for starters. He has a vibrant baby boy, who is already developing a strong personality. He’s at the top of all of his classes at law school, since he’s actually putting some effort into his education for once in his life. He even has a plan for after graduation. His Da-didi, A-Yao, and him are going to inherit the Jin Brothers & Associates law firm from their father and uncle. Except, instead of catering to businesses, they’ll transform it into one that helps people. They want to use their law degrees to protect women. It’ll be their way of giving back, after all the women their father has hurt over the years.
So, yeah. Jin Zixuan IS allowed to be proud.
“You should proud, too,” Jin Zixuan tells his wife, his A-Li, “I meant it when I said you were the strongest person I know. If I have anything to be proud of, it’s because I’ve had you with me, supporting me.”
“Aww, sweetheart.” Jiang Yanli blushes deeply, and looks to her lap. She still gets timid whenever he tries to flirt with her, like she reverts back into the schoolgirl who had a mad crush on him through all of elementary, middle, and high school.
But he’s not trying to flirt with her or flatter her right now. So Jin Zixuan insists, “It’s true. I love you. I love you so much.”
That makes Jiang Yanli look back up. She’s much more familiar with this side of him, the side that speaks seriously, even when discussing mundane topics.
She melts, as if his gaze is warming her like sunshine. “I love you, too,” she says.
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weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
I’m doing a lot of writing about J.J. Abrams’ STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER (Lucasfilm/Disney) and Tom Hooper’s CATS (Universal) over at The Beat, so I don’t have too much more to add here. I have only seen the latter, and I’m under embargo, so can’t say much more about it anyway.
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I mentioned last week that Jay Roach’s BOMBSHELL (Lionsgate), starring Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie -- all SAG Award nominees!! -- was going to expand nationwide this weekend, and I’m still hoping to review it sometime this week, but haven’t had a chance to write it just yet. Sorry!
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Not a lot of limited releases this weekend, thank God, but I do want to draw attention to the Brazilian Oscar entry INVISIBLE LIFE (Amazon), which will get a limited release this weekend.  Directed by Karim Aïnouz (Madame Satã), it’s the story of two sisters from Rio who are separated in 1950 as the elder one, Guida, travels to Europe to marry a sailor and is estranged by her parents when she returns alone and pregnant. The younger sister Euridice is forced into a loveless marriage, and the two of them end up living their lives unaware that the other is still living in Rio. The movie takes a little time to get going, but once it does, it’s quite an emotional experience, especially the last act where Oscar nominee Fernanda Montenegro takes over one of the roles. Invisible Life won the Un Certain Regard at Cannes earlier this year, but sadly, it did not make the shortlist in the Oscar’s International Film category, which is a shame. It will open at the Film Forum in New York Friday, as well as the Laemmle Royal in L.A.
It’s actually the only film I’ve seen this week, although the Bollywood action-comedy Dabangg 3 (Yash Raj Films) brings Salman Khan’s badass cop Chulbul Pandy back for his third movie, which should do decently over the holidays.
Xiaogang Feng’s Chinese drama Only Cloud Knows (China Lion) will also open in select cities this Friday about a Chinese man (Xuan Huang) who returns home to New Zealand after the death of his wife and learns that she has all sorts of secrets.s
Irish filmmaker Alexandra (Lotus Eaters) McGuinness’ indie drama-thriller She’s Missing (Vertical Entertainment), starring Lucy Fry and Eiza Gonzalez, playing Heidi and Jane, best friends living in a small desert town, and what happens when one of them goes missing.
Another movie I hoped to review, and I just didn’t get a chance to is this the amazing drama THE TWO POPES, starring Jonathan Pryce and Anthony Hopkins, which will hit the streaming service this Friday. It’s a wonderful film directed by Fernarno Meirelles (City of God) about the relationship between
This Friday, Netflix will also begin streaming the fantasy series THE WITCHER, based on the popular video games and starring Henry Cavil. I really don’t know much about the series, but it looks like the kind of big-scale fantasy I love.
Although the seventh episode of Disney’s series The Mandalorian will air on Weds. this week, as to not conflict with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’s opening. Friday will see the debut of the new Disney+ movie Togo, starring Willem Dafoe and a Siberisan husky named Togo. Don’t know much about it, but Dafoe has been great in recent years, so I’m sure it’s worth watching.
You’ll notice a lot of the same movies playing in the repertory theaters in New York and L.A. this weekend, maybe because Christmas is next week?
The big retrospective in New York this week is FilmLinc’s comprehensive “Varda: A Retrospective,” which will run from Friday through through January 6, and it is indeed comprehensive, showing all of her films, including four shorts programs and some television work. It ties into the late French filmmaker’s excellent last film, Varda by Agnès, which has been playing there for the past couple weeks. (It’s an exceptional introspective film class that I highly recommend.) If you want a taste of Varda’s work but can’t figure out what to sees then maybe you can check out the free five-part mini-series Agnés Varda: Here to There, each episode screening on the afternoons starting Friday and running through December 24. (Even though it’s free, you still need to go to the FilmLinc site and register for tickets.) The series will include a wide range of films from her part in the early French New Wave to her more recent documentary work, and it’s a slew of riches for those who’ve already seen Varda by Agnès and want to see some of the films discussed.
On Thursday night, FilmLinc will have a special 20th anniversary screening of Steven Soderbergh’s The Limey with Soderbergh in attendance along with cinematographer Ed Lachman and some of his cast.
“Holidays at Metrograph” continues this week with screenings of Jacques Demy’s The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964), Mitchel Leissen’s Remember the Night  (1940), The Thin Man (1934) and of course, Todd Haynes’ 2015 film Carol, Paul Thomas Anderson’s 2017 movie Phantom Thread, and Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Metro’s holiday standbys. Welcome To Metrograph: Redux will screen Lizzie Borden’s Born in Flames  (1983) and Haile Gerima’s Bush Mama (1979) while this week’s Late Nites at Metrographis Eric Rohmer’s Claire’s Knee (1970). This weekend’s Playtime: Family Matineesis the classic It’s a Wonderful Life, in case you haven’t seen one of the 200 showings at IFC Center.
Wednesday’s “Afternoon Classic” is The Bishop’s Wife (1947), starring Cary Grant, while Friday’s “Freaky Friday” matinee is John Carpenter’sThe Thing  (1982). Wednesday night’s double feature of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and Scrooged is sold out (of course) but Thursday night, you can see It’s a Wonderful Life (of course) with Brad Pitt’s Meet John Doe. Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogsis the Friday midnight offering while the horror film Christmas Evil screens Saturday at midnight, while the weekend’s Kiddee Matinee is The Muppet Christmas Carol, which shows that even Tarantino can get in the Xmas spirit. Monday’s “Afternoon Classics” matinee is expecting that kiddee’s will be out of school, as it’s screening Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, while Tuesday night aka Christmas Eve is a double feature of Bing Crosby’s White Christmas (1954) and Holiday Affair (1949), starring Robert Mitchum. Also on Tuesday are two sold out screenings of the Xmas classic Die Hard (of course), the night screening a double feature with Silent Partner (1978).
The Egyptian’s “Holiday Spirit 2019” series begins with a double feature of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil and Things to Comeon Thursday, then they will screen It’s A Wonderful Lifeon Friday night. (Why not? Every other rep theater is playing it.) Saturday is Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut (ditto) and then Saturday’s “Christmas Noir” is 1950’s Backfire on 16mm! Sunday evening is a double feature of the Oscar-winning The Apartment, starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine, paired with the 2015 film Tangerine. No, I don’t get it, either.
A lot of the same movies are playing here this week including Die Hard(as part of “Greg Proops Film Clumb 2019” on Weds, a double feature of The Thin Man (1934) and Mr. Soft Touch (1949), as part of the “Christmas Noir” series. “Holiday Spirit 2019” continues on Saturday with a double feature of White Christmas and The Holly and the Ivy (1952). Saturday’s midnight movie is The Exorcist III (1990), then Sunday is a screening of Will Ferrell’s 2003 movie Elf, and then Monday might, what else? It’s a Wonderful Life.
On Friday, the Quad is beginning a new series called “A Face in the Crowd: Remembering Lee Remick” including a 40thanniversary restoration of James Ivory’s The Europeanswith Ivory appearing on Friday. The series will also include 1957’s A Face in the Crowd, 1959’s Anatomy of Murder, as well as one of my favorite movies of all time, 1976’s The Omen, and more.Wednesday night’s One-Shots offering is Jean Cocteau’s 1950 film Orpheus.
Modern Matinees: Iris Barry’s History of Film continues this week with the 1930 film All Quiet on the Western Front Wednesday, 1921’s The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse on Thursday, and the classic Battleship Potemkin (1921) on Friday. Monday is a double feature of Dream of a Rarebit Fiend from 1906 and Buster Keaton’s The Navigator  (1924). Fred Newmeyer’s The Freshman  (1925) screens on Tuesday.  The Wonders continues through the weekend with its look at the films of Italian sisters Alice and Alba Rohrwacher, including Luca Guadagigno’s I Am Love (2009) on Wednesday evening and other more recent films including Alice Rohrwacher’s 2014 eponymous film The Wonders on Monday night.
While all the other rep theaters in New York and L.A. have been jumping on the It’s a Wonderful Life bandwagon, the IFC Center has been playing it consistently for weeks with Donna Reed’s daughter Mary Owen introducing many of the screenings. That continues through Christmas Day. Next year, you’ll be able to watch all of the Studio Ghibli movies on HBO Max, but if you can’t wait that long, the IFC Center is celebrating the holidays with “The Films of Studio Ghibli” from Friday through January 16. It’s a pretty comprehensive series including many films not directed by Miyazaki, but there’s a lot of great stuff, and you can click on the link above to see when various movies are playing or check out the full calendar here. (There are a few 35mm prints in there, labelled accordingly.)
Weekend Classics: May All Your Christmases be Noir is … also Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut. Seriously, if you live in New York and still haven’t seen this movie, then I don’t know what your damage is.  Waverly Midnights: Spy Games will screen Matt Damon’s The Bourne Identity (2002) and Late Night Favorites: Autumn 2019 is Kubrick’s The Shining (1980), which you also should have seen by now.
The Film Forum will begin screening its own holiday offering, the 1962 thriller Cape Fear, starring Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck, through Christmas Eve. The weekend’s “Film Forum Jr.” is a sing-along version of 1954’s White Christmas.  Lee Grant will also be at the Film Forum Thursday night to screen her 1981 documetnary debut The Willmar 8.
The Nicholas Cage-a-thon continues Thursday with 1996’s The Rock, directed by a very young Michael Bay, as well as Leaving Las Vegas, for which Cage won an Oscar. On Saturday, you can get in the Xmas spirit with Bill Murray’s Scrooged  (1988) and Home Alone (1990).
This Friday’s midnight offering is Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice (1988).
Next week is Christmas, and there are two new movies in the animated Spies in Disguise (20thCentury Fox) and Greta Gerwig’s Little Women.
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minalove7 · 7 years
Why I like WJSN
Seola The only member who can't do much but I still love her. Better in black hair. VOCALS #1 I'm so fine look so fine~ So true. Xuan Yi The fish and Suga mama Gets triggered when you take away her seaweed. Too cute. Seriously. Saying it right now. The unexpected flexible member. Bona The korean beauty. She's thin (no matter what Weekly idol says) Acts sexy with a smile. Eunseo cheated on her. The innocent one (probably) Exy The rapper and singer. The lazy leader. Buys a table and expects her members to build it while she goes to sleep. Queen of doing multiple talents. Those cute pre debut photos. Soobin The cute one who needs to be protected at all costs. Keep her away of doing CFs That laugh..... Remember Seola and Soobin are still together. Luda The smol bean The savage one. Don't mess with her. But no matter what still be a cinnamon roll. Cute. Dawon VOCALS #2 That hot bod. Queen of facial expressions. Good at starting English conversations. Vocals that make me cry. Eunseo The walking meme. Loves her wifey. Those legs. Seriously I love them along with her charismatic smile. Loves the cinnamon roll and the korean beauty. Cheng Xiao The Chinese beauty. Has more Korean than Xuan Yi even though Xuan Yi has been in Korea the longest. Innocent. Just tell me why she's so damn beautiful. Thanks Starship for giving her more lines. Mei qi The sexy one. Seriously doesn't act her age. Bona is at least helping saying she's underage. How is that going? Well...good. Cutie. Yeoreum Cute. Likes to impress her unnies. I love her singing. Love her hair. One of Eunseo's lover. Dayoung The meme Starts speaking English like she's the master. Then dabs. The mysterious rapper. Yep it's true. Yeonjung LOUD But I love her. VOCALS #3 Her cute smile. High notes make me pumped
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loserandnamjintrash · 7 years
10 songs + 10 mutuals
Instructions: Put your music on shuffle and lit the first 10 songs then tag 10 mutuals
tagged by @picknvixx thanks bruh!!! !  ! ! !i love tags
Infinite - Follow me (lol not my fave infinite song BUT still great)
Solange - Interlude: I got so much magic, you can have it (THIS IS GREAT)
Little Simz - Zone 3 (check her out.. .. .pls.. ...im begiing...save urself)
Tinashe - Party favors (YAS)
Tomppabeats - The girl next door (yea im into shit like this)
Crush - In the air
Gallant - Shotgun
Infinite - The eye
Winner (Mino & Taehyung) - Pricked
Dean - 21
tagging @kookinthetae @bedtimeatsix @eluqa @parkjiminer @pinkkniveskillpeople @wjsn-xuan-yi @mama-kisu @dinozizi (not sure if were mutuals but im lazy to look up, love ur blog) @valerossus and @seul-gay
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hughblacklow-blog · 6 years
Twilight's New Moon Event Items.
. Our company recently bade farewell to the wszytsko4you-cialo.info Cassini space capsule, which after 13 years from consistently orbiting Saturn and also its moons was directed to dive into the giant earth's air The cause for the huge ending" was to defend against the opportunity that Cassini could plunge in to some of Solar system's moons - specifically Enceladus. The moon dirt covering slim translucent areas was seen to be actually obtaining cleared. Your house was actually major and lovely; some abundant fan had shown this to the Sufi mystic. This means its own gravitational force field is stronger in some places and also weak in others due to the fact that the mass of the moon is actually not spread out uniformly. There are actually an assortment of wonderful Easter eggs coming from Amazon, with surprise unpleasant surprises for little ones. At any moment, the gravitational pull on the oceans is actually biggest behind the Planet that is facing the Moon. Thereby, researchers have incontestable information which show water existence on the moon. Rosalie believes implied to inform Bella why they don't hit it off and also take the cahne that she possesses: when Rosalie was actually human, she was the ost gorgeous gal in her town as well as the important things she preferred most was actually to be a mama. Around the perimeter of Sunlight Moon Lake are a lot of small townships as well as breathtaking treks flocked right into 4 zones - Shueishe (水社), Wen Wu Chao (文武朝), Itashao (伊达邵), and Xuan Guang Si (玄光寺). However Moon discovered by expertise of aiming to teach the blind that these other alphabets were actually too made complex. I am a Clairvoyant lifestyle on the Bogs of Socastee, South Carolina, merely a stone's toss off the lovely coasts from Myrtle Seaside. Beloved The lord, I can easily certainly not enjoy Thee the technique I wish to. You are the slim bow of a moon that I view and my personal is actually the planet's darkness that keeps me from observing all the moon. The magnetotail provided me with the perfect illustration; as the moon asks for up when within the tail and also comes to be so much more power and magnetic, that is actually just ordinary that this boost in energy ought to be actually experienced in the world. Possess nothing in your homes that you do unknown to become practical, or believe to become gorgeous. She said that because I find this moon is really significant (I can not bear in mind the precise terms). The handbags not simply feature excellent Twilight as well as New Moon themed decals, yet also are made from durable plastic making them a far better assets compared to getting newspaper gift bags. Last but not least, there is actually the Google Lunar X Prize - the 30-million-dollar competition for the very first privately financed group to send a robotic to the moon. In a similar way, to offer a little bit of punch to your picture you can easily stop all the way down (high f/stop number) as well as due to the fact that moon a starburst look. The Robot on the Sarang moon bottom is actually knowned as Gerty, which is actually possibly an acronym or a nickname yet is actually never detailed in the film. While most of us have so much more to think about in comparison to just how our boobs look, this greats to recognize a number of the important things we might presently perform, like hydrating on a regular basis, really create a distinction. As the moon along with the thickest setting, landings on Titan may be actually completed by utilizing atmospheric access strategies that are typically lighter in weight in comparison to a rocket with comparable functionality. Aspect of receptivity entails trust fund, an additional part from instinct that the moon stage can easily signify. Calypso, and also another moon, Telesto revolve around Solar system in the exact same track as the moon Tethys, and also are called Tethys Trojans. Yet trends will result in each subsequent moon to shift outwards to make sure that they will collide and combine along with each other in to the much larger moon that we understand today.
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loserandnamjintrash · 7 years
10 songs + 10 mutuals (oR music tag pt12)
i honestly dunno what im shud be doing here there were no instructions so imma just randomly say 10 songs i really like tagged by @parkjiminer THANK U BAE imma stick to kpop songs 
nct 127 - limitless (idk why i like this song so much but i really doo)
lovelyz - fondant (in honor of their upcoming concert, i love this song on the new album)
dean - pour up (the best on the album)
crush - fall (BOTH HIS ALBUMS THO)
mino - body (one of the most underrated songs of 2k16)
infinite - moonlight (BEST!!! ON THE ALBUM)
f(x) - papi (never getting tired of this)
park jimin - walkin (she kills)
bap - confession
tagging @bedtimeatsix @comfort-chicken @kookinthetae @mama-kisu @picknvixx @valerossus @wjsn-xuan-yi @flightlogdestination @seul-gay @lonelyand-precarious
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