#i love huntokar
secretlyhuntokar · 27 days
Started my wtnv re Listen about 8??? days ago. Already on episode 130
I may have a uh. Problem.
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burnpyygmalion · 11 months
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eveyones favorite destroyer
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anxiously-going · 3 months
I want a Star Trek AU in which the Enterprise becomes sentient.
It starts out almost like an egregore, the way the crew talks about the ship like she's alive, referring to her as one of them rather than just a ship. She slowly and imperceptibly gains a conscious and just quietly does things to take care of the crew.
Slowly, anomalies start being noticed. Reports are run on their own, minor repairs seem to fix themselves, Scotty isn't sure what to make of it till they're hit with some space anomaly or other and for the first time ever, she's able to speak to them.
Scotty thinks he's gone made at first, but the Enterprise has kept the data and is able to explain it to him. It's bonkers, but there's no other explanation for any of it and there is definitely something happening with the ship. Sentience may as well explain it.
Scotty heads up to the bridge and tell the good captain that he's figured out what's going on.
"Fantastic news, Scotty. What is it?"
"Well, Captain,...I think it's probably easier if I show ya." Scotty gestures to the broad widow before them. "Ready when you are, lass."
Jim frowns, "Scotty, what are-"
Then on the display stands the image of woman with shifting features in an engineering uniform. "Hello, James," she says with a voice as shifting as her beautiful features. "I am the Enterprise."
Everyone on the bridge is completely still.
"Mr. Scott, explain," Jim says flatly.
"Well, sir. Y'know those old Earth ghost stories about how...believin' in something gives it power? There seems to be some truth to those. Our belief on the ship brought her to life, Jim. The power surge we experienced gave her the energy she needed to-" he gestures at the screen "-present herself more physically to us."
Jim shakes his head. "Those were just stories."
"Captain, you met the actual Greek God Apollo just a few weeks ago," Enterprise points out with a gentle smile.
"All legend and myth must start somewhere," Spock points out. "While superstitions may muddy the original truths of such tales, that does not discount them as impossible."
Jim turns to Spock, the most scientific mind he's ever known, in shock. "So you're totally okay with this? This is completely reasonable to you?"
Spock nearly shrugs. "We did meet Apollo few weeks ago, Captain. And there has been a belief long held that such deities are sustained by belief. I don't think we can rule out the possibility the creation of a similar consciousness through the means of collective belief. Especially given the evidence presented before us." He gestures the woman on the screen.
Jim sighs and returns his gaze to the Enterprise, and has a rare moment of being at a complete loss of words.
"This is too elaborate to be a prank and you know it," she tells him, a knowing look playing on her face. "Just accept what you know to be true, Jim. I'm real."
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autisticbillpotts · 2 months
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A Story About Him / A Story About Huntokar / Who's A Good Boy? pt 1 / Bedtime Story
like helloooooo can anyone hear meeee!!!
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bulkhummus · 1 year
keris post made me think about how carlos is the thing that grounds cecil but whats the thing that grounds carlos? ive joked about carlos having an identity crisis if his status as a scientist, hero, good neighbor and husband, is being threatened but— hear me out
part of the episode with donnie kevin and charles is charles making it clear that donnie is a part of his life, and therefore he is going to influence it and kevin has to be okay with that in order for them to work…… and thats such a different dynamic to a couple who decide to have a child together after being married, but the point is that children take up space in your life, and they change who you are just be existing….. carlos is no longer just defined by being a scientist, cecil is no longer just defined by being a radio host. they’re parents, fathers. that will always be who they are because this is a choice they have made, and their child will influence their life and choices for the rest of their lives. they can’t run away. they cant move on. they cant go somewhere and decide they like it better (looks at carlos) they cant pretend that their child doesn’t exist to absolve themselves of responsibility (looks at cecils mother😒) so despite the love and care and utter adoration, a child is also a commitment that is to seriously be considered
the adults have all fucked everything up, and they cant see past the despair they’ve been so thoroughly steeped in….. but children are so new to the game, so hopeful, stronger than they realize…… insightful because they’re applying their own logic that is less influenced/curated by the world they’re navigating ( a world, canonically, that is trapped in a time loop where adults literally cant escape the hand they’re been dealt) so what is it time to do? seriously consider the children.
i hope that esteban is the thing that grounds carlos! physically in night vale, but also in who he is as a person, and what he gets up for every single day. Cecil too for that matter— if his station or voice is taken from him— Because how lovely would a story be if it were to be a fathers love of their child trumping all else, for a child’s mere existence and joy and wonder of the world to soothe away the pain of abandonment and loss of direction?
huntokars love of her town became the very thing that destroyed it, but a fathers love for their child can be the very thing to save it!
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huntokar-draws · 5 months
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Doctor Who OC — Arcadia!!!!1 :3 He is very very silly meow meow meow
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lazy-toad · 2 years
Deer God
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can wtnv be more about goddess huntokar and what cecil is to her and what's happening to the world which is my favorite plot and the most important one and why did his mom treat him like that and does it have any connection to huntokar. instead of whatever the hell is happening now. or are they going to stretch this story for another 5 decades...
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mugchild · 1 year
am on a nightvale binge but like.
huntokars biggest mistake was love????? you're telling me it was love???? LOVE DESTROYED NIGHTVALE???? LOVE DESTROYED A GOD???? WHAT THE FCK
I dont know how this is going to end but will keep u guys posted
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fox-guardian · 1 year
finished night vale year five and I am. Full of feelings.
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We need to start editing Cecil Palmer like a danganronpa character. I want videos of him spinning in circles and sliced together effects over the most painful bass boosted audio you’ve ever heard in your life; I want cat ears and heart emojis and like fucking 100 gecs songs interspersed with voiceover clips from the show. 
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capribornio · 1 year
My desire to listen to the eps I missed so I'm caught up vs my desire to just relisten to A Story About Huntokar again FIGHT
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Night Vale Bracket — Round Ε
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Cecil Gershwin Palmer:
Purple eye man <3
Hes like, THE eye narrator guy for podcasts imo.
THE tumblr sexyman
Not too short or tall, not fat or too thin. With hair, a nose and eyes.
Look, hes hot and sexy because he's an ambiguous gendered male pronoun character who's openly gay imminently. His hotness comes from his lack of description and his silly, whimsical nature. As a "The idea of having sex with my physical body is kinda yuck" ace, I would have sex with him irl if given the chance. He is the ONLY exception for my own minds rule. While that might not be real propaganda or whatever it should have weigh of how hot he is.
Dr. Carlos "the Scientist" Dave Robles
I would have said Cecil Palmer but I love Cecil Palmer too much to submit anyone other than his husband, who he loved from the moment he saw him
"That new scientist, we now know he’s named Carlos, called a town meeting. He has a square jaw, and teeth like a military cemetery. His hair is perfect, and we all hate and despair and love that perfect hair in equal measure. Old Woman Josie brought corn muffins, which were decent but lacked salt. She said the angels had taken her salt for a Godly Mission and she hadn’t yet gotten around to buying more. Carlos told us that we are, by far, the most scientifically interesting community in the US, and he had come to study just what is going on around here. He grinned, and everything about him was perfect, and I fell in love instantly."
huntokar never stood a chance
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annabelle--cane · 4 months
the universe (multiverse?) needs to stop xeroxing cecil lookalikes. there's cecil. there's kevin. there's tiny cecil. there's the infinite supply of other cecils that keep being deployed everytime a cecil dies. there's other kevin. at least other kevin wants to kill kevin prime, that would at least deal with one branch of this problem. huntokar I'm looking at you, I know you love your blorbo but you're abusing your powers. I like him, sure, but I think we have enough of this guy. at least give us another tamika or silas or something before you ctrl + c another goddamn cecil palmer.
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tefmiles · 6 months
so do you think like how cecil was always fated to be the radiohost of night vale carlos was fated to arrive in night vale. do you think because of their specific aspirations and pasts the forces of that town itself made them who they are and clicked them in place. do you think about how perhaps they feel in love because they were supposed to but there’s pasts where cecil dies alone and carlos never sought out the supernatural. do you ever think about huntokar choosing cecil and night vale choosing carlos. because I DO
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
One of the reasons I love Welcome to Nightvale is how it uses the concept of an unrealiable narrator. We know from the start that Cecil is an unrealiable narrator. In the first episode he is already talking about the dangers of knowing certain things in Nightvale and how is best to forget. He constantly brushes off important events to talk about his personal life - a little less now that he and Carlos are married and stable. This is even show by the fact a lot of people on the early fandom days used to think Steve Carlsberg was an absolute monster before he appeared because of Cecil's petty hate (and because we didn't, couldn't have know it was petty). And we could make a whole list about moments were Cecil was undoubtly either propositaly or not an unreliable narrator.
But the thing is that even though Cecil is almost the sole narrator and it's almost our only view of Nightvale as the narrative keeps going we start to have this tidibits, this moments of the old dead radio show presenting Nightvale and Kevin episodes, speechs that got into the transmition (like Huntokars) and all the things that Cecil forgot (for a number of reasons from trauma to this reality just doesn't exist anymore) and suddently there is still things Cecil knows that we don't know but now it goes both ways and we live in the mist of questioning what it is that Cecil isn't telling us and being unable to tell him the things we known and he doesn't. Cecil is an unrealiable narrator but we are his unrealiable audience.
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