#huntokar draws
huntokar-draws · 4 months
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GUNPOWDER TIM!! I had to draw him he looked at me too prettily (ref image below cut)
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secretlyhuntokar · 5 months
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Theta and Koschei doodles :3 they're so in love
help i might change my Koschei design idk
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emptysunshine · 10 months
Huntokar. The destroyer
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rotdot-com · 8 months
I feel like everyone forgets huntokar sometimes has a swarm of roaches
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mudstoneabyss · 2 years
wake up babe new religion dropped
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coyotevallie · 10 months
This faceless deer you speak of would probably be a northern whitetail, the largest subspecies of whitetail deer:]
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OOOO GOOD TO KNOW :D!!!!! i might draw her at some point so this is useful giggles .... thank u :3
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8redphoenix8 · 1 year
im reminiscing on wtnv. thank you tumblr for reminding me.
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kahpao · 4 months
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I’ve been OBSESSED with Welcome to Night Vale lately, which ofc means I’ve been drawing a lot of WTNV fanart!
I drew my own version of Cecil Palmer, a Night Vale Erika, Huntokar, everyone’s favorite crime dog, and Khoshekh the cat!
And I have more WTNV fanart in the works 🟣🌙👁️
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fluctuating-fanby · 3 months
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So a while back, @a-slight-sweet-fiction and I came up with a Carlos-Charles roleswap AU!
In which it's Charles the Theologist, along with his infant son Donovan, who comes to Night Vale in 2012 to study Huntokar (and the angels, the Glow Cloud, etc.) and ends up falling for Her Voice, and several years later it's Carlos the Scientist who ends up in Desert Bluffs Too on his quest to study the scientifically-fascinating Other Empty Desert!
Charles and Cecil are somehow the least unhinged pairing between these four; they mellow each other out a lot, and probably have lots of deep existensial conversations about the universe while snuggling and staring at the stars (and the clouds, when those get legalized).
Inversely, Kevin and Carlos enable support each other to the most extreme degree and are probably a few sideway steps away from world domination. (I just really wanted to draw a Carlos who's a little more Mad Scientist; he wears Kevin's blood in a vial around his neck because he's a romantic like that.)
It was Alex's idea to call this the Scientifically Assured Destruction AU, partly to highlight the more harmful ways Kevin and Carlos enable each other, and partly because it abbreviates to SAD and that would piss Kevin off so much :D
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huntokar-draws · 7 months
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Theta !!! Not sure how I feel about the outfit I might change it in later drawings :3
(click for better quality)
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secretlyhuntokar · 6 months
Hello it is about time I make one of these
I am Vince and I have hired they/them and xe/xem pronouns to work for me.
I'm agender and aroace
Fandoms/interests I have right now are Community, Doctor Who, Ethics Town, The Magnus Archives, The Mechanisms, Angelology, Psychology (note the colours don't mean anything I just think they Look cool)
I mostly reblog fandom related things, stuff I plan on using as art references and things that are important for as many people as possible to see/be aware of
I occasionally post fanart (art tag #huntokar draws)
sideblog for art is @huntokar-draws
This feels so formal I'm too tired to think rigjt noe krlp me i am going to go to sleeb now its not that late but my braon is tired
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kerink · 1 year
i do want to spend a little more time with the proverb
PROVERB: Love is a many-legged thing with human skin and no eyes.
so first, the human skin and no eyes thing. while it's an easy reach to go kevin with this (and thankfully we have those posts), i'd really like to talk about the snake god
from 171 we learn that the flickering creature haunting cecil is a snake with human skin and a human face and, at the very least, talons. cecil said its face was small, small enough he thought it was far away, and that it cried like a child. its eyes are expressionless. when cecil's mother told him she was an oracle, she gave him a book written in an unknown language and told him to study it. this book features drawings of this creature.
in 214 john peters, you know the farmer, says there were a couple hundred children gathered in his corn field speaking in an unknown language who worshiped a serpent god. their eyes were entirely white (<- adding this detail for my kevin warriors out there). john was taken by this snake god up to heaven where he was given an effigy of himself.
in 213 there's a mural depicting children standing in a field of corn while a winged snake god lifts all the adults into heaven. cecil said: "This action symbolizes our city being delivered into the future by a huge snake god."
in 79 we get: The symbolic dead lead the procession, each of them wearing the mask of one of those who went into the distance of time and can never return. Behind them is a float depicting the enormous serpent whose mouth contains the universe. A playful reminder to us all that even the stars must someday be swallowed.
and let's not forget cecil's iconic line from e1: Along those lines, to get personal for a moment, I think the best way to die would be swallowed by a giant snake. Going feet first and whole into a slimy maw would give your life perfect symmetry.
so let's break down this snake god.
cecil's mother was an oracle and aware of the creature, which cecil can see when he looks in the mirror, which cecil's mother covers. see my last post about cecil and his mother about what i think about this dynamic cause this post is long enough.
this snake god represents death and, more specifically, the death of the universe.
i don't think it's a coincidence that this snake god has appeared in night vale right when huntokar returned and her cult its picking up speed. huntokar is the destroyer after all, she ripped a hole in reality which has caused an immense amount of pain and suffering and which she is trying desperately to fix.
i also don't think it's a coincidence that this snake god has appeared when the uowii is trying to un-weird night vale, when we know from e110 that the belief night vale is weird is part of what keeps it in-tact
between the uowii and huntokar's meddling, is night vale going to un-weird enough to fix the damage huntokar did? and the snake god has appeared because to do so would be to destroy it? we know that huntokar acts only out of love, and yet, love is, possibly, this serpent
especially because cecil alludes to being swallowed by a serpent as being an inverse of birth, which is what he'd prefer
which brings us to the love part of the proverb. i'd like to circle back around to e102:
“Love is a shambling thing. It climbs through a window into an infant’s bedroom. When one of the mothers comes in to check on her baby son, there is love too in the crib, curled up beside him. Love murmurs, and the baby spits restlessly. The baby does not burn. The baby will eventually burn, but by then he will not be a baby. The woman looks down at the ghastly form of love, curled beside her son, and she thinks ‘what have I done?’ She cries, not because she is happy or sad, but because that is what her body needs to do next. Love rises from the crib, and passes her without a glance. Love is a shambling thing. It shambles out of her home."
and here i'd really like to redirect you to my post about cecil and his mother.
love has curled around cecil, almost like the thing in the mirror curled around his shoulders and digging in to draw blood. love has followed him since birth and doomed him. love is birth and death. love of his mother and love of his god.
if the smiling god is the unraveling of all things, and huntokar is the destruction of all things, is the serpent god the repair of all things? the bringing pieces back together? the future night vale will be delivered to?
and why children? why is the creature in the mirror a child and children were in the corn field and only children survived on earth in the mural?
children saved night vale from strexcorp because children could not be financially controlled. will children save night vale because they contain whimsy, imagination and belief? will their view of reality and the world keep them immune from the uowii? will the adults fall because of their unwavering faith in science? but the children will remain because just look at the state of the Children's Fun Fact Science Corner
a child saved desert bluffs too. it was in the play and imagination of a child the town was saved from kevin's hubris. will a child be what saves night vale from carlos' inaction and cecil's loyalty to his husband? will this child be esteban?
love curls around a son, after all
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Everyone draws Huntokar as this fearsome, imposing woman juggling the different realities of Night Vale and bending them to her whims. But I see her more as a little girl playing dolls. Night Vale is her playground and Cecil is her favorite toy. Isn’t that the same feeling? Playing as a little kid is like :you have these little dolls in your hands and you can do anything with them, change their outfits, send them on adventures, make up friends for them. You can even make multiple lives for them, different versions. When Huntokar gets bored, she can toss down her toys and leave them to their own devices; or, like a mean older brother, The Distant Prince can come and change their outfits, or throw them around the room. And hasn’t every kid put themself into a story with their toys, just like Huntokar met Cecil on the 12:37 train?
Huntokar is God. And, I don’t know, there’s just something profound and beautiful to me, the idea that God is a little girl. 
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eclipse-song · 4 months
*sadly draws circles in the sand* I miss Huntokar...
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princess-schez · 11 months
Fic: Sweet Dreams, Beautiful Nightmare - Chapter 8
Warnings: Invisible hands, an edge so close.... Genre: Bill Cipher/Reader fanfic Summary: The Reader has been plagued by violent nightmares for as long as she can remember. Deciding to move to Oregon for a simpler pace of life, it is there she meets the dream demon himself and begins to unravel a mystery connecting them both. Notes: This chapter gets a 🌶🌶🌶 rating. Fic under cut below.
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Chapter 8.
The atmosphere at Greasy’s Diner was quaint and a little kitschy, but it perfectly embodied the whole small-town feel you felt. You sat in a booth, with Dipper and Mabel beside you and Stan and Ford on the other. It was a little tight but not uncomfortable, except for the awkward silence that passed over your table.
While you were waiting for your order to be delivered, Mabel brought up the subject of you staying with them a little longer. “We gotta solve this mystery,” she explained to her grunkles.
Dipper nodded and added, "Huntokar is somehow tied to this. Not to mention she’s been having weird dreams that are somehow connected to the monster.”
“It’s—it’s true,” you replied. “But it’s not just Huntokar either. Even before moving here, I had these weird, bizarre dreams. They were so surreal I can’t even begin to explain them properly.”
Ford was about to speak up when the food was brought to the table, interrupting them. After a moment of everyone hungrily diving into their food, Ford finally got to ask his question.
“What are your dreams about? I’m curious to see how they connect to everything.”
You took a deep breath, unsure where to begin. Then, after a moment, you decided to dive right in, trying to explain your dreams as best as possible when they didn’t entirely make sense. “Ever since I can remember, I’ve dreamt of this... place. I’ve never seen it before, but everything around me is in chaos, like complete world-ending chaos. And in them, I feel like I’m dying, you know. But recently, I saw this Huntokar creature in it, and she killed me.” You lowered your voice a little, not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself. “That was the first time I ever saw her or who it was that had killed me in these dreams.”
Ford and Stan exchanged worried glances at one another. You noticed this, and a rise of panic made your stomach hurt. “What does it mean?” you asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.
“Not sure,” Ford replied, “but we need to figure this out. If you’re dreaming of the creature, then it’s definitely connected to you somehow. And until we do, it is probably best you stay here for now.”
“You should tell them about the dream you had of Bill,” Mabel half-whispered, nudging you.
An embarrassing warmth began to rush to your face as you remembered the rather erotic dream with the handsy demon. Your body involuntarily tingled with sensations shooting down through to your nether regions, and you rubbed your thighs together to try to quell the need for friction there. You cleared your throat, quickly trying to shut it down before anyone could tell.
“Uh, yeah, then I had one of the floating Dorito, too... He wanted me to remember something, but I don’t know what. And then before I woke up, he said those weren’t just nightmares I was having and—”
You stopped as your eyes met those of Stan’s and Ford’s, and if you thought they looked worried before, it was nothing compared to now. The fear was clearly present on both their faces. “W-what?” you asked, now obviously very concerned.
“With Bill being back and already invading your mind, it would appear that he’s made you his next target,” Ford replied, his mouth dry. “Whatever you do, don’t let him into your mind.”
You looked down at your plate, every urge wanting to ask more. The only thing you mustered was a weak “Okay.” However, every question imaginable was floating around in your head. Like why you? What would happen if you let Bill into your head? Nothing about this made sense, but the only thing that did was to excuse yourself from the table and hurry to the restroom. You quickly splashed cold water on your face, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“What is my life anymore?” you asked yourself, as a moment passed over you.
Finding out that you were Bill’s next target and that whole thing with Huntokar, your mind didn’t know how to process any new information. Two otherworldly beings had their eyes—or eye, in the case of Bill—on you. You were just a simple human. What could you have done to deserve this? Maybe... maybe you didn’t want to know the truth. Perhaps it would be better to continue your journey and forget this place... Forget this ever happened…
But something continued to nag at you, something about Bill just... well, it didn’t quite make sense to you. You felt more afraid of Huntokar than Bill, despite knowing only slightly more about the evil triangle than the deer-headed woman.
You sighed, lifting your head off the mirror and noticing a large smudge on the glass left behind. Grabbing a wad of paper towels to wipe it off, something behind you in the mirror caught your attention. Something dark and shadowy... almost pointy, poking out from around an open stall... Your head whipped around, fully expecting something or someone to be there... But your eyes only met the empty bathroom. You blinked a few times, unsure if your eyes were playing tricks on you, as a chill surged through your body, goosebumps rising and prickling on your skin. Dashing to the door, you nearly gave yourself another start when you saw Mabel standing in front of you, arms raised as though ready to knock on the door.
“Are you okay?” she asked, looking slightly worried.
“No, not really,” you replied truthfully, your heart beating quickly, still thinking about that weird incident in the bathroom. Who would have been in your situation? Were you going crazy?
“I know everything seems to be coming at you all at once. But my brother and grunkles and I won’t let anything bad happen. We’ve dealt with bad things like Bill before.”
“I—I appreciate that,” you replied, though you wondered how four humans could take on two otherworldly beings. The odds were definitely not in anyone’s favor. 
But as if on cue, Mable added, “We haven’t fully told you about Weirdmageddon yet, have we?”
After you left the diner a while later, loaded with more knowledge of Weirdmageddon than you had anticipated, you decided to have them drop you off back at the Shack while the Pines family headed to the park for a family outing. You grabbed a few things from your Uhaul to accommodate your longer stay.
And as you watched them drive off, you turned to see your Uhaul still sitting there, and looking at it made you sigh deeply. Things had, well... certainly gone in an unexpected direction for sure. Nevertheless, you tried to make the best of a weird situation.
Climbing into the back of your moving truck, you shuffled stuff around until you found what you were looking for.
“There you are,” you whispered, reaching around some furniture to grab the box marked as ‘clothes.’ It was a tight squeeze, having to bend and twist to reach it, but your hands were able to grab it as you bent over a small nightstand. What you weren’t expecting was the weight of something on your back, the steady, almost even pressure like something—or someone—was invading your personal space by pressing themselves against you in an intimate manner. You closed your eyes as your body exploded with sensations, nerves tingling with delight. Familiarity washed over you, the kind you had when Bill was kissing you, and a calm feeling settled over you at that moment. You lost yourself in a haze of emotions that made absolutely no sense.
A faint tingle traveled down your back like a finger was trailing down your back, down the curve of your spine to the top of your pants, continuing downward to between your legs. A warm feeling grew, and you rubbed your legs together for only the second time that day, almost begging for something to help with this needy feeling. A soft moan escaped your mouth, echoing slightly in the moving van as the feeling of invisible hands rubbed at your clothed mound. Those skillful fingers deftly rubbed, adding just the right amount of pressure that you almost toppled over that edge into euphoric bliss.
You wanted—no, needed—something desperately inside you that very moment. Something pounding you into the floor of this van, something to fill your deepest, darkest desires...
The edge was so close now... Any moment, you were going to orgasm, and it would be the most wonderful feeling in the world, that free fall into the void. But the edge never came. Yanked back cruelly as fast as it started, you shot up and looked around frantically, panting from the build-up but finding nothing. Not even a box could have landed on you to give you that feeling of something pressing against you. You rubbed the back of your neck, goosebumps traveling up and down your arm. An icy chill ran through you as you realized immediately that your pants and undies were soaked from the experience. ______ Chapter 7 / Chapter 9 AO3 / Wattpad
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enjoy-purple-skies · 8 months
Wtnv 210 - ten years later
I am crying. So so much. I wish i can write coherent thoughts in this website but my Emotions are everywhereeee i can’t even think properly
I started listening in 2015-6 (can’t actually remember) and quickly got so obsessed with this strange town at the other side of the world but because i had no one to share night vale with the same level of fixation, i soon moved on with other media to consume
But wtnv is such an integral part of me. It’s a cornerstone of my personality. You cannot take cecil palmer and carlos and the vague yet menacing govt agency and helicopters and the dog park and khoshekh and dana cardinal and station management and the sheriffs secret police and the lights above the arby’s and huntokar and pamela winchell and tamika flynn and michelle nguyen and the angels all named erika and john peters (ykno, the farmer?) and kevin and desert bluffs and maureen and the man in the tan jacket away from me without destroying me. I love eye imagery. I draw an eye on almost every artwork i do as my signature. And to me, it will always be a real place. it’s my precious haven where i dont need to be serious or taken seriously because that’s just how it works. where every mystery is not always solved and i can learn to make peace with it because time is weird and logic is not logic and that’s all right.
Anyway, brb gonna have an hour-long crying session
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