#i love his fangs so much
palskippah · 1 year
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@shapeshiftinterest ’s art of kid Bowser and Luigi is the cutest thing, so I drew some of them too!
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zishuge · 6 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) | Ep. 11
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moliathh · 1 year
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—“But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most”
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elliotthedork · 5 months
His lil toof is so cute
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thebvbbletea · 7 days
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#pun & mick as a dumb & dumber babygirl duo (ft. khaofang as a stress mother of 2)
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metiredlr · 1 month
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THIS is the exact moment Endou rizzed them both up
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qpjianghu · 5 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook moments that make me insane, 2/∞ : Li Lianhua's soft, genuine smile in response to Fang Duobing's "I love you just the way you are. Now sit down, shut up, and eat this food I made you."
1/ FDB: “Do you think I’ll regret [going against Shan Gudao]? The more clearly I see it, the more I know which path to take. I’m glad that I’ve seen all the facts.”
2/ FDB: “I rarely cook. You’re lucky today. Come, sit down! Eat while it's hot. What are you waiting for? Eat before it gets cold. Come! Sit down, help yourself.”
3/ FDB: “No one is perfect. Neither was he. There are shadows wherever there is light. Yes, maybe Li Xiangyi was too proud. But he established the Sigu sect to make the martial world a better place, where the strong didn’t prey on the weak…”
LLH: “If Li Xiangyi knew that someone would understand him so well ten years later, he’d be very glad.”
4/ LLH:“It’s a pity you’re not a cook.”
FDB: “Ha! This is just one of my knacks.”
5/ FDB: “You and I have already been honest with each other. There’s no need to show every inch of ourselves to each other. That’s how people get along well.”
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rhymaes · 4 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) // Anne Carson
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lushthemagicdragon · 8 months
OK OMFD pals. I come to you now with a brief queer history lesson, that absolutely has nothing at all to do with Izzy Hands, I mean...
So in the 1960s, Susan Sontag wrote an essay on Camp as an aesthetic sensibility. Beforehand, camp had been this mode of expression that, while not purely invented by or strictly unique to queer folks, had become (much like polari) something of a secret language between queers. In many ways, camp was performed as a survival mechanism, a way of reclaiming insults and derision. If the general population was going to call gay men fairies and pouffes, then turn lemons into lemonade. Live that fabulously and make fun of the weaponizers in the process.
This is an extremely brief and oversimplified explanation of early camp, but what's important is that after Sontag, this was fashionable and exciting, and the straights all knew about it now.
As this discourse developed, in the 70s and 80s (with some bleed in either direction) we saw huge boom of masculinist queers, exemplified by the leather community. A lot of these masculinists were also, in some ways, assimilationists. A lot of these masculinists (though of course not all) started to reject camp and chafe at camp being seen as synonymous with queer expression because they were Manly Men and wanted to be taken seriously, not seen as effeminate weaklings. They felt that camp was setting them back.
Which is of course hugely ironic given that Leather Culture are EXTREMELY camp, as it is masculinity to such a performative extreme that calls into question so many normative ideas but I GUESS SURE, whatever. (Not all leather queers were anti camp to be clear but there's overlap)
So the assimilationist masculinists thought that being associated with camp hurt their cause at being taken seriously. And actively tried to make camp a thing of the past not to be taken seriously. But here's the thing about camp...Camp is all about flourishing in the margins and undercutting the overly serious. Camp takes not being taken seriously very seriously. The assimilationists would not have a platform to stand on if camp hadn't helped keep the heart beating. Camp kept us alive. Camp kept us loving ourselves when the world wanted otherwise.
Camp is funny, glamorous, overtly silly, playful, ironic with a razor sharp edge, and camp loves so deeply.
And so anyway, Izzy Hands the serious masculinist finding the open arms of camp waiting for him in his time of need?? I'll just be over here crying about how well David Jenkins knows his history.
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shijiujun · 6 months
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Dramatic! Prison Girls Make-up Artist Yu Shisan
A JOURNEY TO LOVE 一念关山 (2023) | EP 02
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kinstein-art · 10 days
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sorry i havent posted in a week ive been sick :( anyways heres my first tries at katakuri :)
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zishuge · 5 months
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Hey... what were Old Ning and Beauty talking about in the inn just now? Why did his expression change? A Journey to Love (2023) | Ep. 7
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redinthesea · 1 year
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um um um I actually really like what they did with his design in Stampede....
Here’s some speculation on his future looks, though they’ll most likely end up being completely inaccurate.
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vermiliondrug · 6 months
Playing My Time at Sandrock and meeting all the ROs: this guy Fang seems like a nice and quiet dude, maybe talking to him will get him to open up for my builder! :)
Fang's romance: Abuse from father and step-family resulted in severe PTSD and anxiety which made him have speech impairment, spent a long time homeless only eating vermins in order to survive and since then refuse to eat meat because he doesn't want to hurt living beings, became a doctor in order to help other people with their illnesses because his mother died with no medical help, refuse to let other people get close to him because he fears that they will hate him or reject him due to his past (thanks ot his father gaslighting and abusing him and calling him a liar when he called out his step-family for hurting him). When the Builder tries to get closer to him, he often panics and refuse to let them get closer, but eventually when the Builder helps him overcome his fear of speaking and improve his social skills, he later learns that it is not so bad talking with other people and that he has to get better at communicating as a doctor. Eventually when the Builder tells him that they have feelings for him, he rejects them because he fears that they will get hurt or hate him for what happened in the past, but eventually he learns that the only thing that makes him happy and feel better is the Builder and gives them a necklace with a Swan saying that Swan's mate for life, so he hopes that he and the Builder will be together forever no matter what happens.
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pockettwinzz · 4 days
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mx-myth · 5 months
It's fang xiaobao hours and just. He dedicated so many years of his life to a dead man. When he finds a dying man he dedicates his life to him. Upon finding out that - gasp! - these two are one and the same he thinks about it and then continues to dedicate himself to him. Something about loving someone on purpose. Fang Xiaobao again and again chooses Li Lianhua and even though it isn't unconditional love at all he makes it so. Where's the post about him dreaming with clarity because that's it.
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