#i legit cackled when he said that first thing when i opened the app
dawnbreakersgaze · 2 months
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When the very first thing he does is make fun of you 😅🥴🥲
Like damn Zayne I haven't even gotten up yet cut me some slack 😩😭
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nakoujou · 5 years
A PR Scandal (A Todomomo One-Shot)
Todoroki’s lack of media training is amusing until Yaoyorozu gets dragged into his latest scandal. Inspired by his strugglefest in Chapter 241.
Answer within five seconds. Don’t overthink your answers. Be relatable, they said. If it’s specific to the police investigation, just say it’s confidential. He must look prepared and assertive to the public.
That’s what Todoroki recalls, minutes after he single-handedly defeated two Nomus. He was ready to fall apart, covered head to toe in debris, a slash across his chest, and a broken left rib. But here he stands, in front of a heavy camera and a news reporter jabbing the mic in his face.
Despite his exhaustion, Todoroki thought he had it under control. The questions were straightforward and fulfilled his criteria for minimal thinking.
“How did you defeat the Nomus all by yourself?”
“Ice and fire.”
“You haven’t even graduated U.A. but rumor has it that you’ll qualify for the Billboard Rankings next month! How did you get so strong so fast?”
“I train every day, study hard for exams, then maintain a healthy balance of quality friendship time versus solitude.”
“How are you treating yourself after this big win?”
Easy, just as it should be. He was on auto-pilot, even as the reporter entered into her so-called rapid fire stage. Just say whatever comes to mind first and it’ll be over soon.
Until it backfires.
“Now Shoto, you have a very large female fan base crushing on you everyday. Do you have a special girl in your life?”
“‘Special girl?’” Todoroki blinks. They didn’t teach him this at the agency.
“You know, any pretty girls at school?”
“Like Yaoyorozu?”
In the common area, Class A’s mood flips from their obnoxious cackling to a deathly silence. The spark being their Vice President’s name slipping out of Todoroki’s lips. And Yaoyorozu herself? Choking on her tea, its calming effects rendered useless with the latest revelation.
“M-M-Me?” Yaoyorozu stutters, eyes wide in shock.
It was a class ritual to watch Todoroki’s interviews because he always said funny, weird shit. But today? They didn’t know if it was a reckoning or the best thing that ever happened.
“What the fuck...” Jiroh gasps.
“So the shit show begins...” Tokoyami sighs.
“It’s only downhill from here for Todoroki-chan,” Tsu comments. “He was doing so good ‘til now.”
“Ohh is this a secret crush? A girlfriend?”
“‘Girlfriend?’” Todoroki repeats, confused.
“How do I have-”
“Now, tell us all about your new girlfriend Yaoyorozu!”
On the screen, a sidekick drags Todoroki away, who is in disbelief at the turning tides. Midoriya turns the TV off, too aware of Yaoyorozu squirming next to him on the couch. He stands up, wavering his hands to the group.
“Hey guys, lets keep in mind that this is not Yaoyo-”
No one listens.
“Intraclass relationships, oh how do I manage this as your President?!”
“I’m not dating him, Iida-san!”
“Guys, it’s all over the news!” Hagakure squeals, scrolling on her phone.
Yaoyoruzu opens her phone’s News app, horrified at the flood of Todoroki’s face on her feed.
“Endeavor’s Son Reveals Secret Girlfriend!”
“Icy Hot Hero’s Steamy Love Affair!”
“Shoto Breaks Our Hearts, Announces New Girlfriend Yaoyorozu!”
“Guess I’m not the only one staring at your boobs,” Mineta jeers, drooling in Yaoyorozu’s direction.
“Todoroki-san isn’t like that!” Yaoyorozu exclaims, crossing her arm to shield her chest.
“He legit admitted he’s got the hots for you, Yaomomo,” Sero cackles.
“I bet there’s a lotta wild thoughts within that dense skull,” Denki hollers, earning a punch from Jiroh.
“Give Yaoyorozu a break. We know Todoroki,” Midoriya tries to calm the situation. “He probably just said the first girl that came to mind.”
“That’s why it’s hilarious! First in mind, first in heart!”
“I thought he swung the other side,” Tokoyami shrugs, nudging at Kirishima and Bakugo.
Midoriya catches Yaoyorozu stand up abruptly from the couch, then run away from the common area. Hearing a door slam shut upstairs, he sighs.
Honestly, he would have done the same too.
He had been caught off guard.
They told him not to mention his private life for this reason. Now he was dealing with the pitfalls, his own words manipulated against him.
Todoroki doesn’t know how to escape this mess. Except, well, by actually escaping the interview and jumping back to his dorm. Nor does his father screaming through the phone make it any better.
“Who is this girl? Why haven’t I met her? What’s her class ranking? How compatible is her Quirk with yours? Who did she intern under? I need references. And how the fuck does she put up with your dumbass-”
Todoroki hangs up the phone, U.A. now in sight. He makes his final descent from his ice, then deactivates his Quirk on his dorm’s rooftop.
His classmates definitely watched that interview. The fact that he could hear yelling, alongside his own name, confirms so. Todoroki never understood why they found his interviews amusing, but today proved them right. He rather go straight to his room than deal with the mass interrogation awaiting him.
“Come on, that fool will never ask Yaomomo out! All he cares is trolling his pops!”
“Todoroki’s too dense to know what feelings are!”
He embarrassed her in front of their class and needed to apologize. It wasn’t his intentional to being her up, if she would believe it. It really was a slip.
And he’s not as dense as his Class thinks. He’s just...unsure on how to proceed. When second year started, being around Yaoyorozu made him feel a certain way that wasn’t there before. Something that he couldn’t see with Midoriya and the other guys. That she was someone to admire beyond her looks. That she was a trustworthy companion who never judged his stupid feelings. That he wanted them to be something more than a good friend who he trains and studies with. It was just an evolved form of their platonic friendship, right?
Except there had moments where Todoroki knew this was not the case. Moments that made him not in control, whether it was unintentionally activating his left side, finding his fist clenched right, or avoiding Yaoyorozu just to not deal with whatever turmoil he endured.
When their hands skimmed the other by chance and lingered for too many seconds. When they always sat next to each other during class movie nights. When he automatically checked the tea supply so Yaoyorozu never runs out. When he saw another third-year asking her out again. When he pinned her down during practice and her exhausted gaze was so inviting, he would have closed their gap if it weren’t for Aizawa-sensei declaring their match over.
This was the not an ideal time, but Todoroki wanted to get this over with. That stupid interview may have brought in unwanted variables, but his only focus was that Yaoyorozu was alright.
He called her “pretty,” Yaoyorozu muses in bed.
She knew it was an accident. Todoroki was never good at interviews, especially now that he’s one of the top young heroes alongside Bakugo and Midoriya. There is so much attention on him, he was bound to mess up like this. She just never thought it would involve her at some point.
“Why did he say my name first?” Yaoyorozu mutters into her pillow. “Could he...”
No, don’t go down that spiral. This wasn’t abnormal. He just thought she was pretty, nothing else. And based on the number of times she’s been asked of, several guys did too. Todoroki was merely catching up to a normal guy’s thought process.
You’re overreacting.
They do spend a lot of time together. And they text a lot, mainly for study and training sessions. Normal friend stuff, right? Just a boy and girl hanging out, alone with each other multiple times a week with minimal physical contact. There was nothing more, even if she wanted otherwise.
Todoroki is just getting used to having friends. It’s not a big deal that you’re the only girl he actively hangs out with. There’s no reason to think he sees you that way. Just keep your crush in check until he’s ready.
“Yaoyorozu, can we talk?”
Yaoyorozu gasps at the knocking on her window. She doesn’t dare to glance back. She knows Todoroki is right there, on the roof, knocking on her window. Like they’re in some romantic teen comedy-
Blushing harder, she rolls over, pulling the blankets over nose.
“I-I’m not feeling well.”
“Do you need medicine? You look really red. I can take you to Recovery Girl.”
She buries herself more, bothered by his offer. He’s escorted other girls to the nurse before.
“Or tea? I’ll make the honey ginger one.”
She drinks that a lot during study sessions, everybody knows that.
“What can I do to make you feel better?”
The last question makes her heart clench. He’s never been forward about her well-being, not sound so defeated at not having the answer. As if this was his sole responsibility instead of her own immaturity.
“I-I’m fine. Just tired from training.”
She hears a tired sigh on the other side of the window.
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you on TV. I’ll talk to everybody to stop teasing you.”
She hears Todoroki take the first step away. Her eyes widen as her body moves on its own, leaping out of bed to prop the window open. Todoroki halts at her sudden action, eyes just as wide in disbelief.
“Ano, Todoroki-san,” Yaoyorozu calls, gulping nervously. Todoroki turns around to walk back to her window. She didn’t know how to start this, her face warming up at the only thing she wanted to know.
“Do you think I’m attractive?”
“Yes.” The answer was immediate, even for Todoroki. Her blush was resuming all over again, probably crimson at this point.
“And do you find other girls...to be pretty?”
There was a longer, unsettling pause. “...Yes.”
Her chest aches. No surprise there. “O-Okay.”
“I like being around you more,” he adds quickly.
She watches him kneel down, bringing both to eye level with each other. He looked aloof as always, yet his whole body was tense. Was she making him uncomfortable?
She should have backed away to give him more space. Instead, Yaoyorozu finds herself leaning towards him over her desk. She’s rarely this close to him, where the smallest tilt would finally know how Todorok’s lips would feel against hers...
“I think about you a lot, so maybe that’s why I said your name in that interview,” Todoroki looks down, as if ashamed of revealing this information.
“And...how do you think of me then?”
She bites her lips, anxious to hear his next words. She’s still convinced that it’s nothing, but his gaze turns away from hers, only to something lower on her face.
“I don’t know the right words, but if you allow me...”
He makes the first move, pressing his forehead to hers. Yaoyorozu’s heartrate speeds out of control. His lips are just too close, just grazing her own nose. And his eyes say that he wants to do the same thing as she does.
“I’m better at showing than talking.”
“Hey Yaomomo, we wanted to come by and apolo - AHHHHHH TODOROKI IS MAKING OUT WITH HER!”
“Ah...Revelry in the dark.”
Thank you for reading through my first Todomomo one-shot! Feel free to leave any feedback or comments. Planning to do more of these before starting a legitimate multi-fic.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Shared Walls. (m)
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↳ chapter three: enji todoroki
❧ genre: pro-hero shouto, coworkers to lovers, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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You groaned and huddled more under the covers trying to escape the ear piercing sound of the alarm clock. Even after a few days the sound never got easier to wake up to, maybe a few more months and you'd get into a routine.
After two minutes of the constant sound you finally crawled out from your warm shelter and banged a fist on the electronic clock, making the noise cease to exist, at least until the next work day. Sitting up in bed, covers draped around your body like you were an Eskimo trying the escape the cold wind,  you smacked your dry lips and yawned.
"I wonder if I'll meet Mr. Enji today."
It was Friday and Endeavor still hadn't made it back in from his trip which put you at ease but also kept you on edge at the same time, anxious to meet the #1 hero any day now. But Friday also meant that at five, you were off until Monday morning. You had to admit your schedule was pretty lax, Monday through Friday, eight to five. You had weekends off but at the end of each month you were required to go in on a Saturday or Sunday to gather up all the heroes monthly reports and file them away and prepare for the new month. Not to mention you got paid extremely well with benefits, plus you got to work with genuinely friendly heroes.
Your feet finally touched the cool plush rug on the floor and you decided it was time to get ready for the day. Shower first, hair and makeup, clothes and a quick breakfast. Before leaving your apartment you did one final check to make sure you had everything you needed before heading out the door. 
In the quiet hall of the building you looked at the apartment door next to yours while locking the door. It was almost two – maybe three weeks now since you've moved in and still you had yet to meet your neighbor. Whoever it was you figured they just must be extremely busy. Shrugging your shoulders you danced down the stairs and towards the station. Soon you were sitting comfortably on the train, scrolling through different app and quirked a brow when a text message popped up. 
It was from cute little Haru, working with him the majority of your week at the agency had you quickly becaming friends and you found out that the guy was extremely gay when he commented on how "fucking delicious" one of the heroes looked one day.
➥ Haru-Boo: Hey, I won't be coming into work today, I've got major food poisoning. So if you need anything, please feel free to call or text! Have a good day, Miss Todoroki! (;
You cackled and rolled your eyes at the text and went back to scrolling. 
The black haired male had this ongoing joke about you and Shouto being star crossed lovers destined for each other. It was a dumb thing really, just because he would notice certain looks the two of you exchanged and how you seemed to be the only person who could legit make the half and half hero crack a smile or laugh. You'd be lying if you said you weren't crushing on Shouto but you didn't worry about it, you were a go with the flow type of girl now, whatever happens, happens. Plus you weren't sure if you were even the mans type, you were quirkless and plain, he was powerful and breathtaking, his father owned one of the most successful hero agencies in Tokyo, whoever Endeavors son brought home probably would have to be a real catch!
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Shouto sighed as he poured himself a cup of tea and walked about the agency, waving and greeting all the heroes who were arriving for their jobs one at a time. It was almost eight, meaning that one certain set of (h/c) locks should be bouncing through the main offices doors any second now. 
Over the past week Todoroki had grown rather fond of you, he looked forward to seeing your bright and smiling face in the office before he had to go out on patrol. When he'd come in for a break or lunch he'd find you either in the lounge or break-room, eating or running around the office doing things for the other heroes. Sometimes he'd even walk into his fathers office to find you sitting in front of the large window you seemed to adore so much. He found it cute actually, always asking what you'd do once his father got back and took his office back as well. "I'll just butter him up and get on his good side, then maybe he'll let me sit in here whenever I want to,"  you told him.
Todoroki liked your determination to win his father over, despite how you seemed to tremble in your skin at the sound of his name, he figured it was just you wanting so desperately to be accepted by him. Shouto knew his father wasn't really a big softy, sure he's made improvements personality wise since getting and holding his #1 hero ranking, he's become more social and like-able towards the public, so maybe if anyone could 'butter him up', it would be you. Either way he was excited to see where your journey at his agency would take you.
The heroes thoughts were interrupted when the phone in his pocket started to go off, he took it out and answered. 
"Good morning father, everything okay?"
"Shouto, I'm just calling to let you know that I'll finally be back in the office today. How are things there?" Endeavors deep voice spoke on the other end, genuinely curious as to how his agency was running.
"Everything here is running smoothly, we even hired that extra help for the office, she's adapting very well to her tasks, she's definitely what the agency needed," Shouto answered with a sort of ring to his voice once he talked about you.
He swore he could hear a hum on the other end and a possible smirk from his old man.
"She huh? Hmm, so are you going to tell me more about this young lady that seems to have caught your eye?"
"Good morning Shouto,"  you called out walking into the locker room of the agency to put your bag and items into your assigned locker.
The hero jumped in place as he turned around to look at you, he faced the other way again, mumbling a few words before hanging up his phone and turning back around.
A chuckle left your lips and you opened the locker, "Sorry to scare you, I didn't mean to interrupt your call."
Shouto shook his head and placed his phone back into his pocket. He was already dressed in his hero getup, making you blush at the sight of him. You had to admit, you loved seeing him in his suit, it was simple but so good looking on him. Your favorite part was the clasp that connected the ends of his collar, looking like he wore a choker.
"I wasn't scared, just startled," the hero replied as he walked over to you and leaned against the lockers and sipped his tea.
"Is there a difference," you asked while closing the door to the locker and looking up at the tall man, squinting an eye and half smiling.
Shouto smirked and crossed his arms, "Slightly, scared is to be fearful or frightened. Startled is to be shocked or alarmed."
You rolled your eyes and placed a hand on his cheek giving him a look that displayed you weren't really buying the bullshit.
"You're really reaching with that one Shouto, but I'll let it slide!"
A puff of steam escaped from the males mouth as he exhaled a chuckle, you laughed at his quirk acting up like it always does when you touched him and pinched his cute little chubby cheek making him blush.
"Hey can I ask you something?"
Shouto hummed and quirked his white brow at you.
"What are these," you asked and reached for the little objects that hung from his belt and tugged on it, pulling his hips forward.
The male seemed taken back at your complete lack of personal space with your hand being so close to his crotch. A light blush crossed his cheeks and he struggled for a bit to find his words as you didn't let go and inspected the object, leaning down to get a closer look.
"Uh – they're just random containers that hold vials of water, painkillers, disinfectants or other medicines that I have on hand. You know for rescue situations."
You let the container fall from your grasp and stood straight up again with a smile, this guy really was thoughtful and sort of 'mom like', it was really cute.
"That's really cool of you to have Shouto, its very admirable how seriously you take your job and are always thinking ahead."
The half and half man nodded with a smile at your compliment. "You know, one time I had a kid call me 'Five Pee-Pee Man', he said these looked like ... well you know."
You bit down hard on your lip and crossed your arms, one hand covering your mouth as you tried your hardest not to die laughing. Todoroki could see the struggle you were going through and let you know it was okay to laugh, so you did. It was a hearty laugh making the corners of your cheeks rise high and crinkle the corners of your eyes. Shouto hadn't seen you laugh like this before but he enjoyed it, and wouldn't mind making you laugh like this often.
He chuckled in response and looked at his watch to see the time, internally he groaned knowing he really needed to head out but not wanting to leave the sight before him.
You noticed him looking at the device and wiped the tears from your eyes, "I'm sorry I'm keeping you from work Shouto, I really should get going myself, I'm alone today so I have double the work."
Todoroki nodded and uncrossed his arms and walked out of the locker room with you until you both came to the end of the hall that split, one way going back towards the main lobby and the other going towards where the heroes would exit from. You faced each other and smiled, looking at his face you noticed an eyelash about to fall into his vision.
"Hey Shouto, lean down for me, you have an eyelash about to impale your eyeball."
He did as instructed, one hand cupped his cheek and the other brushed his hair out of his face, your fingers threading through his soft and fluffy bangs making you giggle and making him look at you with question.
"Sorry, I've just always wanted to touch your hair, don't mind me. I'm gonna lightly hold open your eyelids, can you look up for me please?"
Your fingertips held apart his top and bottom lids as he looked up and you very lightly blew air into his eye, causing the lash to move out of his vision and under his eyeball. You removed the rouge lash from its place then released him, he blinked rapidly and looked at you, both hands cupped his face now and your thumbs brushed his soft and pale cheeks as you looked back into the beautiful light grey and ocean blue eyes.
Your breathing hitched as he stayed there, staring back at you and letting you touch him so intimately. You were able to take in the sight of his burned flesh that you honestly never even noticed. Your fingers brushed above his red brow and felt the scare tissue left behind, a puff of cold air came out from Todoroki's lips and made you realize what you were doing.
"Oh, Shouto I'm - I'm sorry, I shouldn't,"  you went to retract your hands but his own grabbed your wrists and held them in place.
"Please, it's okay, this is actually rather ... comforting."
You were shocked but didn't complain, your heart was beating so fast and you could hear it in your ears. You honestly wanted to stay this way forever, looking into those gorgeous hues and running your fingers through his soft locks, until you realized the two of you really needed to get back to work. Smiling, you started raising his head in your hands to make him stand straight again, both of your hands sliding from his face and to his chest, his own hands never leaving your wrists. Todoroki's thumbs brushed your soft and delicate skin in his grasp as he looked down and searched your eyes before looking down at your plump and soft lips that you seemed to lick before giving him a soft smile.
"Be careful out there okay! I'll see you at lunch," you asked somewhat sure and somewhat unsure.
Shouto smirked and brushed your cheek, "I'll see you at lunch!"
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➥ You: OH MY GOD! I just like held RokiRoki's face in my hands!!! 0_0
➥ Haru-Boo: *gasps* Was it a magical moment? :0
➥ You: It was something, I'll call you when I get home, we may need to get drinks!
It was now around ten in the afternoon, the agency was quiet and pretty much dead. Heroes on break or on lunch flooded in and out. All your major tasks were done for the moment so you went to the break-room to get coffee. It was pouring outside and chilly in the building, so a cup a two seemed fitting. You placed a cup in front of the air pot and went to press the pump down, groaning when nothing came out. You grabbed the pot and walked to the kitchen to make another fresh batch. While waiting for it to brew, you went and got a box of chocolate Pocky from your bag, walking around while snacking on it and checking the place out for any messes or things that needed to be tended to. After about five minutes the coffee should've been done so you walked back to the kitchen, as you got closer you could hear something that sounded like water running.
"That's weird I didn't – oh my god, holy shit!" 
You screamed upon walking in and seeing the coffee pot overflowing as more just kept pouring out from the spout of the machine.
Freaking out you didn't know what to do, dropping the box of Pocky in your hand and scrambling for paper towels and dish towels to cover the soaked floor. Next you tried to locate where the problem was coming from and just completely unplugged the machine in order to turn off the water source, making you get on your hands and knees and reach underneath the table it was on in order to do so. Growls and profanities dripped from your mouth as you cleaned up the floor with the now dark brown towels.
"What on earth is going on here?"
Your body stiffened under the table at a loud and booming voice, craning your neck to turn and see who it was. All you could see was dark dress shoes and khaki pants, so you crawled backwards out from under the table and went to sit up, bumping your head in the process and crying out.
"Oh sh - here, let me help you that sounded like it hurt!"
Massive hands picked you up effortlessly by the waist and placed you on your feet.
You rubbed the back of your head wincing with eyes screwed shut, "Oh man, yeah I'm gonna be feeling that for a good bit, thank you tho – ngh!"
You stood in shock as your eyes opened and laid upon the one and only Enji Todoroki. Swallowing harshly you looked up, he towered over you like the very building you were standing in. The man was built like the damn Hulk.
His fierce ocean blue eyes looked down at you with curiosity as he raised a brow. His quirk was deactivated, making him look a tad bit less intimidating but he was still a big and scary dude, but he was also very handsome which made you notice you were staring for far too long at the hero.
Quickly your frame backed up and bowed before him, "Endeavor! Uh – I'm sorry, Mr. Todoroki!" you sputtered and looked around at the mess in the kitchen, hoping the floor would open up and swallow you whole. "I'm so sorry you had to return to this mess, I honestly don't know why this is happening!"
Enji seemed to look around himself and groaned. 
"I told them to order a new coffee maker weeks ago and I see it hasn't been done, it does this sometimes. Don't blame yourself, it's just a simple malfunctioning machine."
Your body immediately went back to cleaning up the mess as you became a mess yourself. "Mr. Todoroki, I'm so sorry! If you want I can order a new one immediately once I get this cleaned up."
Enji smirked and grabbed a mop from the corner of the kitchen and handed it to you, "Here, I'll lift this table and you should be able to clean the floor easier."
Shocked by his urge to help, you nodded and did as instructed when he lifted the heavy table with ease.
"Teamwork makes the dream work sir," you blurted out before being able to stop it, wanting to die of embarrassment from your word vomit.
You were surprised though to hear a hearty chuckle escape from the scary hero though.
"You're funny, who are you by the way, you know me but I haven't seen you around here."
You finished mopping and moved out of the way so the man could sit the table back down. "I'm sorry Mr. Todoroki, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I just started working here Monday."
A light-bulb went off in Enji's head and his mouth parted into a silent "oh".
"So you're the one my Shouto hired! Well it's nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you! Please you can drop the honorifics and just call me Enji."
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