#i know this is a popular concept for harrymort
cubeberries · 28 days
voldemort didn't passionately hate harry personally, he hated what harry stood for, passionately. it has nothing to do with harry himself.
harry stood for the "power he knew not," which is the concept of love, and voldemort sees his own weakness in harry, and hates that. the fact that he lost to a toddler. he hardly sees harry as his own person. harry isn't really a formidable enemy to voldemort and never will be. canonically, love is voldemort's enemy. without it, harry would be nothing.
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crowcrowcrowthing · 1 year
thanks for the tag @duplicitywrites!
post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year,
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
at first I thought five was wayy too many, but I'm realizing I wrote a lot of oneshots this year
Sunspots (241,533) | wip
All chapters posted in 2022 anyway <3 I don't know how all this plot formed around my smut explosion, but here we are.
Permanence (2,608 words) | Complete
I love the immortals in love concept beyond all reason and I want to write more of it. also! this was accidentally the 10,000th fic in the Harry Potter | Tom Riddle/Voldemort tag, which is neat
Sola Fide (7,920 words) | complete
This is pure romantic self indulgence
Inside (3,411 words) | complete
Some of my best writing ever. Getting as descriptive as possible is why I write and this served as a big reminder. Mind the tags
Venomous (3,896 words) | complete
I watched myself gain several new kinks while writing this
My to-write list is getting out of hand but I'm most excited about these
Sunspots yes I'm listing it again
It'll be finished before the end of 2023. Probably
Dementor Food
the working title for my impending Necromancer!Harry longfic
Unnamed vampire fic
I have a lot of nebulous semi-IWTV ideas, but make it harrymort
Unnamed Tomcest fic
What if Dumbledore kept sending Tom back in time, in hope of preventing Voldemort from rising? That concept, but make two Toms kiss
I've learned to relax my editing process a little. I used to spend... honestly I don't want to think about how many hours I've spent editing. It was more than a full time job. But lately I've been putting a limit on it, and I don't think the quality has dropped significantly.
I've written a lot of oneshots for friends and that has added so much to my fandom time. Circle of enablement <3
I'm giving crack a try and wow what took me so long? It's so much fun
Write more Tom-centric fics, rather than focusing on Harry (I'm already pretty good at this but Tom deserves more love)
Write ahead a lot more before posting new chapters 😌
I've been stuck on this one for too long, so here have the line that made me laugh way wayyy too hard at myself from Oh, Damn
“High Lord Hadrian James Godric, Heir of the House of Potter, Black, Peverell, Gaunt, Gryffindor, King of Azkaban, High King to the Throne of Merlin, God Emperor of the Roman Druid Society!” the shop clerk cried out. “Run!”
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emalynnstone · 6 years
Harry Potter Fic Recs
This is my very picky fic rec list that includes my all-time favorites. They’ll be separated off in these sections: Severitus/Sevitus, Drarry, Harrymort/Tomarry, Snarry, and Other Pairings. Check it out :) :D Hopefully, I might add a second part to this list later hehe XD 
Dead Man Walking is a Regulus mentors Harry fic and it’s just so good? Like? I mean. I’m sorry, I just don’t have words for the amazingness that is this work. I refuse to say this is abandoned cause it’ll break my soul so it’s a WIP. Don’t anybody tell me otherwise! 
Harry’s First Detention and Harry’s New Home are my absolute favorites in this category! I’ve reread it so many times and the utter fluff and the growth in their relationship gets me every time <3 Rec this times a million! This starts in Harry’s First Year and goes from there. Also, what Harry calls Voldemort cracks me up EVERY TIME and I devolve into tears cause the utter cuteness just gets me! Complete.
Emerald Eyes makes me wish Severus had actually responded this way in canon. He’s not perfect, but their relationship grows and develops well <3 Complete.
In Care Of is a pretty popular fic, I believe, so I guess it’s sort of moot to rec it, but here you go. Features animagus!Snape and Snape realizing he’s pretty blind to Harry, which is my favorite moment in these fics! Complete.
To Shape and Change is a Snape time travels story and he fixes things pretty logically cause, you know, it’s Snape lol. I do like how he takes care of Harry though and it’s definitely a mentorship relationship between the two. Complete.
Perception is Everything is a different Severitus and there’s not enough where Snape realizes his mistakes and fixes it when Harry’s older, mostly cause it’s harder to deal with a hardened Harry. But this one manages it SO WELL and it’s definitely amazing! Wish there was more to this AU tbh. Complete.
Self Preservation is so adorable! Harry goes with Snape because he thinks that since Snape scares everyone, he’s safe with him! I like how their relationship grows slowly, at least on Snape’s side lol, and it’s so fluffy! Definitely another favorite! Complete. 
A New Place to Stay is my ABSOLUTE favorite in this category! I’ve reread it so many times and love it and get sucked into it just as much as the first time! I SO wish Horcruxes had been handled this way in canon and Harry grows so much with positive adult attention and it’s so beautiful, you know? I love it so much and rec it times a million! Complete and very long! 
Murtlap Thief and its sequel are also really good and occurs in Harry’s 4th year. It’s really cute how their relationship grows and natural too :) Definitely love it and features cute!Harry! Complete, as is its sequel! 
Definition of Home and its sequel are AMAZING. I mean, it’s oliver.snape, are we even surprised? But it’s soooo good! READ IT. You won’t regret it! Oh, it also has a little epilogue series here. Complete! 
Far Beyond a Promise Kept is a Harry and Snape time travel story! It’s a mentor story and it’s just so good! Once again, oliver.snape sooo... :D Complete. 
Unexpected Effects can be a Severitus or a Snarry, depending on if you read the alternative ending. Let me just say this... basilisk!Harry. I know you want to read it ;) 
A Year Like None Other: is any Severitus list complete without this? Love it, just love it. Also, the Draco/Harry friendship is my thing. Complete, but the series is a WIP! 
Don’t Fuck With Florists (They’ll Fuck You Up) is a time travel and Tomarry. I love it because Harry just fucks with Tom and Tom still falls in love <3 It cracks me up but it’s also believable :) One-shot. 
Lucifer is perhaps my most favorite Tomarry one-shot because it’s a soulmate AU and yet the way their relationship grows is very believable. I like that Harry doesn’t make Tom completely good, but he’s not as bad as he could be without Harry. One-shot. 
The Love of a Good Wizard is the VERY first Tomarry I read and it will always hold a special spot just for that <3 I also just love Pansy in here :D Really, it’s totally cute I love me some possessive!Tom XD Time Travel. Complete. 
Seventeen Years is totally weird but also my favorite because it’s so very much like Voldemort to be this way :D It’s a muggle!AU.... but Harry and Voldemort are still not normal muggles :) Sort of incest, I suppose, but not exactly. One-shot, sadly. 
As Portioned From the Whole is so very messed up and so delicious for that. It’s also so beautifully written! It’s a Voldemort raises Harry story, but a Harrymort as well. Still updating! 
A Snake Named Voldemort is so fabulous, why haven’t you read it yet?? Features: Parseltongue!! Complete. 
Harry Potter and the Shadowed Light is a WIP and a Tomarry, but it’s SO GOOD. OHMYGOODNESS. READ IT. It’s just amazing what the writer does with common tropes and makes it totally unique! I just love it and I’ve reread it and it’s just so good! READ IT. 
Avarice is just so good. Horcrux!Harry and it’s just so deliciously dark that I can’t handle it <3 It’s a WIP and I love it so much <3 Part one of a series! 
Harry Potter and the Darkness series is the ultimate Harrymort series for me. It’s just so good <3 Pretty sure it’s a classic, but I couldn’t not include this! 
Solace in Shadows is not exactly a Tomarry since I’m sure it’s Gen, but it’s a Diary!Tom kidnaps Harry story :D Poor Harry <3 Almost 200k and a WIP
Death is But the Next Great Adventure is a MoD!Harry and it’s just really adorable Harry’s relationship with Death :D A WIP and I love it! 
Your Name On My Heart is an AU and Tom and Harry are soulmates, and it’s also just so well-done :D I love it! It’s a WIP but near the end, I believe. 
The Glass Serpent and the Dark Horse: First of all, this is an AU in that Tom Sr. rescues Tom Jr. from the orphanage. Yep. Never read a story like that, so read it, if only for that :D Tom Sr. is so lovable here <3 Definitely different from the usual bastard!Tom Sr.! Also, a Tomarry <3 WIP. 
on top of the world is me inserting my own Harrymort here amongst all the others because I’m #shameless lol. But I do enjoy writing this story and it’s a Harry joins Voldemort story and you should totally read it and warm my heart and make me smile :) :D *puppy eyes* Currently 34k but I do regularly update ;) :D <3 
Invisible is a WBWL story, but it’s handled well and angsty enough with redemption. Also, Snape’s and Harry’s relationship isn’t the focus and occurs later on in the story. It’s a friends-to-lovers sort of story, and it’s very natural the way they fall in love and beautiful for that. Not only that, I just love how this writer develops the world of potions in here! Also it features apprentice!Harry and I love it :D Complete and very long! 
6 Lessons From a Dead Man is basically pre-slash, but it’s still so good! It happens post-epilogue and features alive!Snape. Basically, Snape kidnaps Harry and his children. Not going to say anymore. One-shot. 
Courtship Rituals is a definite favorite, maybe just cause I’m a sucker for courting, but also cause it’s Meri and nearly 60k of utter well-written goodness. One-shot. 
Back in Time is so cute that I can’t help but love it. I sat down and read it all in one sitting cause it was very addicting. Actually, reccing it makes me want to reread it lolol. Time Travel. Complete. 
My Name is Cameron Sage is a Time Travel! And a friends-to-lovers and I’m a sucker for them. I truly love it <3 Oh, Harry also has red hair in here I believe? I’m pretty sure. That just sticks out to me for some reason so.... :D Complete. 
A Convenient Marriage: I gotta admit, I’m a sucker for the slow romances and I really like the forced marriage trope. It’s a very slow romance, but Harry personally grows a lot and I just love it <3 
The Slytherin Method is my FAVORITE Snarry EVER. Okay, just, Draco/Harry friendship? Harry using his Slytherin side? I mean, daaaaamn but this has so many of my favorite things <3 Even better, Harry pursues Snape ;) Complete. 
Omega!Verse is a trilogy and this a link to it, it’s still a WIP but on the 3rd book so, just read it. It features A/B/O, but it’s done differently and features politics. Also, another Harry pursues Snape, but I love how he goes about it <3 It’s also an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers story and they’re my thing. WIP. 
The Mating Rituals of a Crabby Hermit is just so cute :D I like how Snape is characterized and it features pining!Harry <3 
Thicker than Water is a chan story and features manipulative Snape, but it’s also really beautiful too. I just really do love it and Harry doesn’t remain completely oblivious to Snape’s manipulations throughout the whole story. One of my favorites, but if you’re not into it, don’t worry about it. One-shot. 
Heir is a Drarry, but unfortunately was abandoned before that truly takes off. I think it was in the beginning stages. However, for those of you who like the Horcrux influencing Harry more and a bit of Voldemort mentorship, this is so for you! It’s amazing and almost 200k, even without the Drarry! 
A Change in Perspective features deaged!Harry and him in all his cuteness! Well-written and so very fluffy, even though it has its angsty moments. Definitely rec it, if only for the pro-Slytherin-ness hehe. Complete.  
Who Shagged Harry Potter? is so very hilarious and I keep rereading it just for the laughs. Fluffy as well <3 One-shot.
The Devil’s White Knight is a time travel Drarry and features lots of family bonding and fluff before the Drarry develops, but I definitely love this one and have reread it quite a few times. Complete and sequel in the works. 
Leo Inter Serpentes is my absolute favorite rewrite of canon! It features Slytherin!Harry (which is my weakness) and a BAMF!Narcissa. Oh, and Sevitus as well :) :D Just finished Book 6 and still a WIP! 
Conception of Dreams is a creature!fic and features possessive!Draco. Really, I read it for those two things and it totally delivered <3 
Secrets is THE Drarry fic. I mean, ohmygoodness. First of all, wish canon had gone this way. Also, just really, really love this and READ IT. NOW. Complete and satisfyingly long! 
Malfoy Flavor is a Severitus as well and while it’s slightly ooc at times, it’s still really good. Complete, with one-shot sequel. 
A Brother to Basilisks is so good! It’s nearly 500k, y’all. I mean, ohmygoodness. Also, parseltongue! AND A BASILISK. YES. JUST READ IT. WIP! 
Malfoy Child features deaged!Draco and Harry is so sweet. I mean, are we surprised? Complete. 
Azoth is my favorite Drarry fic for sure. It’s an EWE fic and an 8th year as well, and Harry ends up apprenticing under Snape for potions and it’s so good? Like? Can I even explain it? Just read it. Complete. 
I Choose Him is a fourth year AU and so beautiful. I mean, I just love the canon divergence and the way things fall. It’s very fluffy and definitely something you’d read to pick up your mood, at least from what I’m remembering! Complete. 
Simple Acts is such a good series. Just, read it. It’s so beautiful. This writer’s Drarry fics are an utter work of art, no joke. WIP series. 
The I Do Series is over 800k for the series alone. I’m just saying that’s amazing and SUCH an amazing way post-canon is done. Also, this story is my definition for Drarry <3 WIP series. 
The War Mages Trilogy is so good. It’s a time travel and Draco’s and Harry’s relationship are utter goals, also the way they completely ruin everyone’s plans? Yes. Just, yes. The first story is complete! 
Bound Prince series is a 7 book series and complete! Harry’s and Draco’s relationship is definitely interesting in here and I do really like it :) Features lots of smut lol but it has a plot-necessary reason. Complete. 
just a bit of magic: lol here’s me being #shameless again. This is a two-shot I am writing (first part posted and is 11k) where Harry is a Muggleborn and Lily is alive. It’s utter fluff. Seriously. I gave myself cavities writing it. Just read it if you want some Drarry fluff :) <3 WIP and I plan on making the AU a series. 
Other Pairings 
Every Flavor Beans was my first fic of this pairing and my favorite for that reason, but it’s also just so manipulative that I love it for that? :D Initially Drarry, but.... :3  Harry/Lucius. 40k One-shot. 
A Malfoy’s Ways features dark!Harry and I just really love this one-shot! Harry/Lucius.
Influence of Souls features a dark!Harry who doesn’t give an eff about anyone who isn’t Sirius. Oh, this is a Harry/Sirius btw, and sooo good :D Complete.
face death in the hope is a Regulus/Harry Time Travel and is a WIP, but so well-written :D READ IT. I mean, there’s Regulus in it. Need I say more?  
The Beguile and Devotion of a Black Heir is my ALL-TIME FAVORITE HP fic, hands down. It’s over 300k and a WIP and it’s just so good? I mean??? So well-written and has so many of my favorite tropes and it’s just SO GOOD. This writer is after my heart <3 
Taking Chances is a forced bonding fic and a Percy/Harry. I just really like it for the rare pairing and the way their relationship grows <3 One-shot.
Sleep tight, love is sooooo adorable! It’s a Harry/Charlie story and I just really love it :D Harry ends up working in the reserve and it’s just so great! Complete. 
But, Harry, It’s George is just the cutest and just read it. It’s Harry/George, if that wasn’t obvious lol. One-shot. 
The Tribulation of the Blue Moon is an amazing AU, if only because the whole story takes place outside of the Wizarding World and features werewolf!Harry. It’s a Harry/Fenrir and I love it <3 Complete. Sequel in the works. 
Wizards and Werewolves Don’t Mix is a cute story and full of fluff. I just love how the relationship grows <3 Harry/Fenrir. Of course, towards the end had a part that I was very much against and almost made me drop the story, but I pushed through and the ending made it worth it. If you want to know what that one part is, feel free to message me! Complete. 
Silver Arrow is an AU and it’s so well-written :D I love it! Harry/Fenrir. Complete. 
Now, I have way more favorites and a lot more good fics to rec, however there’s a lot. So, here’s a link to my ao3 bookmarks. The fics I mentioned above are my absolute favorites, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have way more lol. 
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